Vermont Catch-up (Ketchup)

164: The Cost of Cutting Down One Tree, a Pownal Witch and Glo-gasms

Vermont Catch-up

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On this week’s show:

  • Happy National Greasy Foods Day 
  • VTIFF returns
  • Jet blue leaving BTV
  • Karen Paul running for mayor  Running for Mayor
  • Chittenden falls short on housing goals
  • UVM cancels event with Palestinian writer
  • Vermont sues Facebook (Meta)
  • Burlington City Council approves Vermont Air National Guard lease
  • Burlington High School Principal goes on paid leave
  • What’s the punishment for cutting down hundreds of trees?
  • State will buy out owners of some flooded parcels
  • New apartments, hotel planned for South Burlington
  • Pronoun dispute at Burlington NPA meeting

(1:17:27) Break music: Another Sexless Weekend - “Beautiful Strange” 

(1:53:57) Break music:  Lavendux - “Enjoy Your Dream

  • Scumbag Map
  • Swanton man attempts to lure kids
  • A light sentence in Barre for improper sexual conduct
  • Nutjob gets sentenced
  • Newport car stabbing
  • Jury convicts man of double murder 
  • Orleans County man sentenced to 10 years for child porn
  • Mother and son charged in alleged assault 
  • Phony paper passing at the Dollar General
  • How to safely remove bats from your home this winter

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Outro Music by B-Complex

What's up, Vermont on this episode we run down some greasy foods with commentary from Captain Kale the cost of cutting down a tree a Pono, which glow horse chasms and so much more Welcome to Vermont ketchup with Matt. I'm Matt glow I'm glow and I'm Adam a weekly rundown of everything going down in the Green Mountain State. We were just here on Sunday. We're back Yep, last that's what happened. And also we're not doing a show on Friday. So yeah, here we are I think people are happy that we're back. Yes. Clamoring. There's a clamor. The clamor has been untenable. They want us to be on every day. I woke up this morning, I was like, what's that sound? It was the clamor. The clamor. Glove, you felt the clamor? No. I haven't felt the clamor since 2000. Anyway, happy National Greasy Food Day. That's a day I can get behind. I know. I know we're on board here. Captain Salad over there, Captain Kale over there. We're going to call her Captain Kale from now on. So Captain Kale, what is a greasy food that you would accept? The french fries that he always orders instead of other side dishes that I would prefer. Oh, she's like, do you want fresh rice? No, I'll just have some of yours. Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick. And then she goes, when did she get the, what was that the other day? We had all these choices and he chose, because my dish was just salad. Strawberry salad. Strawberry salad. Go ahead, sorry. It was good, it was good. It was coleslaw with apples. It was apple slaw. And that was one of the choices. So what does he choose? French fries. French fries. But then when she made a little noise, I said, okay, I'll get that. I'm like, you can get French fries anywhere, but here is something that's different, that's fresh, that's good for you, but no, we're gonna choose that greasy shit. And you know what? Everybody else did the same thing. I kind of I'm kind of on glow side of this one because it's something different Yeah, it was like and it was good too. Yeah, it was it was like like glad I got assorted veggies versus french fries It's like yeah, whatever I got it. So next time Yes Yeah, I eat way too much fried food in Florida No, I don't know. It's all fried. It's just it's just looks so good and it's not It gets to a point like I was the same way in Spain like everything's this food in Spain is good It's all fucking fried. It's all tapas and fried. Then we get one. You're like, I just need a vegetable Can I get a strawberry salad You got a kale the other day that wasn't that good. Oh we decided to go we walked downtown to get his down here yeah downtown here noonish around 1130 okay any gunfire no no not at the time um and the the computer place repair shop was closed on Mondays so we're like well now let a schedule? So we decided to eat and we ate at the Italian restaurant that moved it was on one place on Church Street and then I moved to where Sweetwaters was. That's always a good sign when restaurants change locations. It's a much better location. Oh no the location itself you know see do you remember Sweetwaters? I don't have any recollection of downtown after 2018. College Street. No it ain't. Nope. Oh, they may just tell us what it is. This is the quiz again. Some chastising us for not knowing the answer. Wait a minute. It is college. I want what I know downtown. All right. College and church. Right on the corner. Yeah, yeah. It's a great location. And it's not a very good restaurant. Yeah. Sweetwater's with the Italian place. No, no, the Italian place that moved from the other spot moved to this one. I can't even remember its name. Trattoria? Oh, no, no. Pasquale or Pasquale. No. Anyway, it was terrible. Okay. I was going to say, it's probably better we don't say the name because of what you're about to say. Yeah, I know. I know. Exactly. I was thinking that's probably a good thing that I can't remember, but I ordered a kale salad and they used the kale lucinata, something like that which is very very dark and it's even tougher than the other kale and it was supposed to be marinated well it's like they just plucked it fresh off the plant and threw it in with just a little bit of cell it was like eating grass right Matt and so and then there was this mysterious white thing that neither one of us could figure out what exactly it was like Maybe we should get the menu. Was it like a jelly? No, it was more like a foma. Oh, Puccachelli? No, was it like a jelly? It's like a foma? No, no, no. I thought it was, I actually thought it was like cheese. Oh, but a really soft, extremely soft cheese. And tasteless. Tasteless. And then, the only reason why I even got this was because there was a special grain. Basically, it was, it was a- She does the air quotes when she says grain. I feel you get it for an audio only format. Yeah, gosh, I can't remember the name of that grain, but it wasn't anything special. It just, the name, I can't remember what they called it. Folo or, I said it, I went in and out. Yeah, or Forno or something. Did it sound Italian? Italian? It did. I don't know. But anyway. It wasn't very good. Okay, we've talked too much about kale on Greasy Food Day. Yeah. So I wanna give a little bit of shine to our greasy foods. What's your go-to greasy? Um, go-to? There's so many. Yeah, there are. I mean, probably for me, like, if I lived alone, I could do whatever I want at any time. Right. You know, if I was an adult human. Once a month, I would probably go to a Chinese buffet. No kidding. Really? Even the ones around here? Yeah. I mean, they're all bad, but they're all good. Know where's a really good one? Okay. Up in Montreal and Chinatown How much is it it was I remember it being very cheap and it's got massive amounts of food I told a friend about it and that's all he ever talks about Really Chinese buffet I mean, I can't eat enough to go to a buffet. I can't make it work. Stuff your pockets? Is that what you're gonna say? My friend Dick used to send me stuffed shrimp or something. He used to pocket the shrimp. Oh my God. What a thing to pocket. I used to roll with a crew that would steal chicken from the KFC buffet. Wow. I remember one time I was the one driving and I was sitting there and the kid runs up and he's like, you know, I'm 16, they're 15. We gotta get out of here. My pockets are burning. He's got like pockets full of hot thighs. I'm just like, all right, let's go. All right. All right. I'm like, holy dude, like, the buffet is $4.99. Like, come on. Yeah, I don't know. I like so many of them. Yeah. You know, I mean, it's just. You stopped at my choice, now you have no choice. No, I, yeah, I, uh. Please go ahead. Down in Florida, you know, fried shrimp. Okay. Fried shrimps good. Yeah, that was good. We had a crab roll. Was that fried or was that sauteed? I'm not sure. I don't know, but for once I liked it. The one you liked. Tomato, tomato, right? Yeah, the one you liked. Yeah, it's the only one I've ever liked. Yeah, it was good. I've tried crab cakes many times and these were definitely better than I've ever had. You know, I like it also, but they don't like me here. There was onion rings. Onion rings, I feel like, it's one of those things you feel like, how can you mess up onion rings? You can. You can mess up onion rings. It's like an art to it. My favorite fried food might be whole belly clams. Well, la-dee-da, King Louie. Oh my God, what was that? You can get them in Maine. All right, cool. I have a history of fried food. The first fried food, Glasgow fried chicken. Polish chicken? No, Glasgow, Scottish. Oh, sorry. You're thinking of, what are you thinking of? Warsaw. Okay. Warsaw fried chicken might be a human hand. So yeah, Glasgow fried chicken from the Middle Ages. Fast forward to 1948, McDonald's. 1958, Pizza Hut, the first pizza chain. Mm-hmm and then on this list 2010 deep fried soda Well, how do you know they can fry anything? Yeah deep fried. Dr. Pepper Well, I don't even know what I don't even know what it would look like. I try it though Hmm, so you cook it down. I'm thinking until it becomes like a sludge Like, you know, it comes like this boils off all the effervescent stuff or whatever. That's cool that makes it bubbly. It's probably something you can get at the Wisconsin State Fair. You might not believe this, Glo, but does not have a lot of detail on how to prepare that food. All right, moving on. Oh, one more thing. This topic is turning on. Tempura is a fried food, right? Yeah. You know who invented tempura? Is it Charles Tempura? Yeah. What? The Portuguese. What? Whoa! That's from Anthony Bourdain. Did you just out Portuguese glow? But I heard that the other day. Anthony Bourdain was talking about it. Really? Yeah. Yeah, he was talking about how the Portuguese invented the... And they don't... But the Japanese get all the credit? Of course. Portuguese don't get any credit. Damn! Everything we do, we don't get any credit for. Except you were the world's greatest navigators. Well, that. And that little stinking country took over a lot of the world. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We got around. You did. Yeah. Still around. Like, Japanese say thank you the way the Portuguese do it, because why? The Portuguese lived there for so long. I like that you say, lived there, as if it was just like some mutual roommate situation, But the Japanese are like, hey, the Portuguese are here. Come on in. They won't rape our women or colonize us or anything like that. We're all friends, right? We're not gonna steal our treasure or burn our temples. That's it. We just live there. Oh my God. Yeah, just, you know. We did a stint in Japan. It was cool. We summered. Well, he was in an island in Mozambique. Island? There's an island off of Mozambique. Oh, there's an island off of Mozambique. Yeah, he was on an island. Mozambique was a Portuguese colony at one time. Where is it in Africa? I have no idea. Me neither. I know it's not in the center. I Never knew yeah, I mean if you think about they got around I think a lot I think I mean they literally got around Yeah, I think it's the no one gets around like Magellan oh Which drives me crazy, because now I never understood... Magellan? That's not Portuguese. We call him Mehele. Mehele. I wish I could say it. Wait a minute. Maybe I can... I think it's something like... Okay, here it goes. Magalhães? Yeah. Good luck with that. Everybody would know who that was. Even if you put a big bowl of fried Magalhães in front of me, I'm still not gonna eat it. That sounds gross. Yeah, they were smart to brand it Magellan. Everyone in the world knows Magellan, except Portugal. They're like, who's that? We're the only ones. Well, Portuguese Explorer. What? Can't be. Not with that name. Who's that? Yeah, it's so fucked up how he gets all, he, like, it was like Columbus, but it's like, no, actually, this other dude did, like, this way cooler thing, like, not that much later, right? It was like 40 years later or something. We're on the world. Yeah, and I don't get seasick. Because you got that Portuguese DNA? The only thing that I can think of, yeah. I mean, I shouldn't be saying that, I should be knocking on wood, whatever that, because maybe the next time I'm gonna be on a boat. No, you think that's how it works? I thought it was like, either you get it or you don't. Oh, really? I don't, I think so. I didn't know that. I think so. Oh, no kidding. I don't think it's conditional. Oh, I thought, okay. So I'm lucky. I mean. I could be on a boat. I'm definitely talking directly out of my butthole right now. I have no idea what I'm saying, but. All right, let's move on. So Vermont stuff. The Vermont International Film Festival is coming up. It's back. Yep. It's happening. We're in the middle of it. What festival? Vermont International Film Festival. VTIFF, is that what people call it? I don't know. Is it gonna be down at the Savoy and Montpelier? They do show a lot of them down there. Yeah, they do. I hope not, because I'm going to a movie tomorrow. I thought it was here. It looks like it's at the landing down here. Oh, right. I love that place. What is that? Because I'm going tomorrow and I have no idea where it is. It's got the flying gorillas on the roof. It's right at the end of Main Street, by the water. It's a brand new building, but beautifully done. and it's got gardens, it's got a path, and it's also where, oh, what's that restaurant? Something, Flat Pancakes, what's that called? Skinny Pancakes? Skinny Pancakes. Flat Pancakes. Flat Pancakes. Flat Pancakes. Flat Pancakes. Flat Pancakes is a rap song, like, I love my girls with the flat pancakes. Anyway, it's in that building. But that building goes, it also has seventh generation. It has a couple of theaters. We've gone there for quite a few things, actually. And I'd love to go. Except we're not going to be here this weekend. Is it only when I... Well, you don't want to go see some obscure documentary. You want to go watch some, like, Korean horror flick? Probably not. That's what's playing. Is it really? Oh, okay. Because there's a lot of choices at the Savoy when I used to go. and it was some really, really great movies. You know, foreign movies with all the subtypes. Pretty good movies. I mean, I remember one. A lot of obscure stuff, like I said. Yeah, yeah. One was from China, I remember, and I can't, you know, always remember. Another one was from, I think, Iran. The boy was blind or something. Anyway, yeah. So it's pretty cool. I didn't know it was downtown. Because they did show so many movies down there in Montpelier and different places around here, I think. It's a big, big thing here, I think. Well, just look at Choo Choo. You love movies. Look at what? Look at YouTube. Oh, I thought you said YouTube. I thought you said, look at Choo Choo. And I was like, what is Choo Choo? Is that like some video platform I've never heard of? I think I still had some beer in my mouth. I think a little of New Jersey came out too. Look at Choo Choo. Yeah, maybe I will be able to talk about what I watch at Vermont Film Festival on Shoot for the Road, movies with Matt and Adam. All right, moving on. Matt, your girl. Oh no, JetBlue. Oh, is that right? Nope, you're right. Matt, JetBlue just saw this as we were coming on the air. JetBlue is leaving Burlington as of January 4th. That's soon. Yeah, as I know by my calculation. That's probably got a lot of people. I'm sure a lot of people have already made the reservations. Oh, how does that work? I don't know. This is big. Hey guys, I just have to see how this Magellan is pronounced. Would you mind? Are you gonna play something for us? Yeah. Let's do it so you're not distracted the rest of the show. Oh, go ahead. That's even worse than what I said. One more time with marbles in your mouth. This is the Brazilian dialect. Magalhães. Magalhães. There. Magalhães. There's definitely zero way. Zero percent of American school children if you say that, like who am I talking about? There's no way they're going to say, oh, Magellan. and not one kid in America would know that. One more time? One more time? No. You're not gonna play it anymore? Can you play it one more time? Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, wait, wait, wait, let me even turn it this way. Yeah. That's even better, okay, and let me then increase, is it all the way up? Yep, okay, one more time. My good news. I'm sorry, I feel like, I feel like it's, first of all, it sounds like nothing, And it sounds like a drunk person telling me nothing I think I've heard people order that at the bar My god back to JetBlue Who are still traveling around the world Yeah, so they're cutting it off just this as part of an agreement with other airlines to reduce flights to New York in Light of ongoing air traffic control labor shortages That's crazy. So it has nothing to do with economics Since they all had to cut back. Well, I mean, this is probably their least one. They're lesser profitable, right? It's I mean how many times you got the flight is not full. We haven't flown jet blue in years because they messed up the times because we're flying to Tampa and we used to be able to fly to JFK at 6 o'clock in the morning grab a flight out at 8 and down to Tampa we were in Tampa before noon yeah but they screwed it up now you can't make the yeah it's for me it's hard to get to Orlando before one like you know I'm leaving before 6 it's just there's which again it makes no sense There's no direct flight to Florida from Vermont? Well, there has been in the past, but yeah, I wonder, God, I hope they don't fill it with like Spirit Airlines. I guess they stopped the other day. We were watching the news. They're just like, we're done. They're tapping out. They just couldn't make the Spirit. Was that also at the Burlington airport? No, no. I said maybe they'll fill it. Maybe they were there at one time. They've had a couple of Allegiant. Allegiant is the one I flew out of there. Never again. Never again. Oh, he's terrible. Well, it's like how many hours of your life are worth a little bit of discount ticket? I mean, eight hours delay one way, six hours the other way. It's like, okay, that's 14 hours of my life. Yeah. Is that worth 150 bucks? Probably not. If you were there, this is at Burlington Airport. If you came in like 40 minutes before your flight to the ticket counter, there was nobody there. Yeah. A long line. A long line. A frantic person shows up. Yeah. Then they're at the gate apologizing. Right. That was terrible. But yeah, I'd be interested to see what they do, because it's a big bummer. That's a lot of numbers. So now we got Delta, United, and an American. Maybe Southwest, because they're in Manchester. The other thing we noticed is when we were flying out to Tampa the other day, weeks ago, there was all that room. Do you remember? We were walking. It was vast. empty space at the Burlington Airport. You know they built this big extension and now it's empty. Well they haven't finished it yet. We were there but they got all of America flights, American flights that early were jammed in this hallway. Yeah. There's no place, it's not really a place people are supposed to be sitting. Yeah. I mean because if you notice of the benches, they were all like, yeah, everybody's sitting sideways, practically. I mean, it's a hallway that goes up and down, you know, I've been there many times. Yeah. And it's like, this is, if this, you've got a brand new place here and you're putting us here. Yeah. Well, when I said empty, I'm not talking about people. I'm talking about space. Yeah. No chairs, no counters, no anything. And we're walking fast. It's like, oh my gosh. I didn't even notice if if there was a restaurant. Oh, there was that. Yeah, there was Yeah, that's right. They were still there fly pancake How long ago was that What was that something I don't know maybe Dave doesn't like us laughing Oops, I wasn't supposed to say that. OK, he's fine. He's not paying attention. They don't even hear. OK, guess it's someone else thumping. This is the bumper moving on. Matt, your girl, Karen Paul, may all of us close girl to be all. She is. I've already been to her home. Karen Paul. Yeah, I've done. Oh, is he deciding to hang a picture now? Yeah, well, it's better than three in the morning. Maybe he's upset about the noise. I don't think so. Is that three knocks? Knock three times. Knock three times. On the ceiling if you want me. Twice on the pipe. Oh, twice on the pipe. If you ain't gonna show. Boy, you're good. Big Tony Orlando fan. How could you not be? I mean, those pipes. I'm also, let's not diminish Dawn. Mm-hmm. Yes. Oh, no, don't want to do that. I used to think Don was one person It's three was a group. Oh, it was well look I just reason I mean when I say I used to do something I mean like Two months ago. I thought this is like but I think Tony Olena and Don Don is like a group of female singers They're like three singers. Yeah His backup. I thought Don was like Cher. Yeah Like a one-name diva. That's what I thought. Yeah, not that I really thought much about it In my research Yeah, so So who did a member of dawn emerge as like a superstar? No, I that it was weird didn't you like in the Supremes Diana Ross came out and who's the Diana Ross of dawn? I don't know. Who knows? I don't really know that. I'm not a big Don fan. Me either. I don't know. Actually, Dionne Warwick. I don't know. I have no idea. Anyway, Karen Paul. Definitely, decidedly not a member of Don. She's running and as of right now, she got my vote. She's great. Yeah. I mean, she is the one person who will listen to you? Yes, I've been to her home. I delivered not a Christmas card because she's Jewish a But I was careful about that because I do you know that you're like here here's a happy holidays card for you and your people Your tribe had a bunch of dogs on Celebrating any holiday you don't know if these dogs celebrate Christ our Savior We don't know look at the dogs. I think I think you're gonna see the list of candidates shrink What she jumped in you think so? Well, I saw someone pop up is like Someone I never heard of and I'm like, I read the news pretty a lot, you know, like it's been our counselor Forever. Yeah, well Aaron Aaron and norm Oh, okay. Norm only lasted one year. Yeah, well, smart. Yeah, he got the hell out of there. And anybody who could last as long as she has and still remain positive. That wasn't Norm's fault. No. Because they reduced the number from two to one in the district. But he was thrilled about that. He was. He loved it. He was like, I get to quit without quitting? It's like when your friends cancel a play and you're like, yes! He's got the he's got the utmost respect for Karen Paul, too. Oh, yeah Yeah, I mean no one has great taste of people not towns in Vermont He does Good. Yeah, so I mean, I don't know much about her but like, you know, I get her from porch for messages or whatever I'm like, okay seems a Democrat. I didn't a real one yeah, I never get the sense that she's going to build high-rises and you know, be held captive to like corrupt landlords. Hopefully she does not prove me wrong. So I guess, yeah, there's a progressive and Joan Shannon and Karen Paul and I guess a few others. What about Madison? I haven't seen if she's officially running yet. These are people who are officially running. I see her as also being a good, tough candidate. I think she's an outsider. Oh, absolutely. She should maybe work. By the way, I think I know who that person is. I think I met her at Hula during an event. Hula? What's Hula? Like Hula Hoop? Everybody's got hoops? No, Hula is a kind of event space, kind of on your way to St. John's Club on the right. Oh, that thing again. Yeah. I know. It's called Hula? Yeah, why not? Okay. It's a whole beach atmosphere down there. Oh, I know. They've done a great job. What the heck. I still miss that. We no longer have a pizza oven being made here. Blodgett ovens, they were around forever. They're the ones that you always see like in pizza places and stuff because they're so sturdy. Did they totally close down or they just move? They just totally closed down. Oh, Blodgett. Yeah, and then the space became empty and this is what happened, hula. Yeah. So you think you met her there? Well, okay, a couple of shows ago, which is probably more like a month and a half ago, because of the time in between, y'all was like, oh, that's our friend, she was in the paper. And I was like, I looked at her picture and I'm like, I'm pretty sure I met that lady. And I chatted with her and I was like, so what are you doing here? And she was like, I don't know, I'm kind of in between jobs, I'm kind of figuring it out. and she was very friendly, and I said something about, somehow the villages came up in our conversation, like the whole table, and I said something like, I forget what I said, and then she whispered to me, she's like, you answered that very artfully. Because I didn't know who I was talking to, you know, I don't know who's Trumpers or village livers are at the table, so I was like, I tried to answer it kind of like neutrally. So yeah, we started chatting after that. No, I think she would be a great mayor, but she should work downtown somewhere. She's got a good mind on her. Oh, yeah. Yeah, she could probably. I don't know. I like someone like Karen Paul who's coming in, like, kind of like knowing the system a little bit, you know, like, I don't like outsiders sound good. Then you're like, uh, they generally don't work. Like if you were running an airline, would you hire someone coming from like Walmart? You know what I mean? Like, that's an outsider. It's like, it doesn't always make sense. I know what you mean, yes. But yeah, I want somebody who's been down there. I like them inside but not too inside. If that was a pitch, what would that be, Matt? Would that be like a breaking ball? What do I want? I don't want it too inside, but I don't want it too outside. You want it right down the middle. Okay, I want it right down the middle. Fastball. That's how I like my politicians. Fastball. Karen Paul, the fastball of Vermont. At least we've got good people running this time. Yeah, I think we got a I think it's already a better class of Candidates. Yeah, this is a better than Moreau right row in 18 progressive I like some of them to death Moving on Chittenden County falls short of target to build more housing No shit. Yeah, you want to just finish end it that way. Yeah Okay, moving on. This next one, I'm curious, Glow, what you know about this story. So University of Vermont has canceled an event with a Palestinian writer slash poet. Glow, are you familiar with what's happening in Israel? From everybody telling me and a few glimpses from the TV. Ooh, don't watch the glimpses. No, no, no, well, that's, you know, everyone has a TV on, you know, where we were in Florida. Oh, it's unbelievable. It is very unavoidable. And you can't, I mean, no matter who it is, right, Matt? None of it was Fox. Like the other people. There always has to be a TV. So I know that once again, I mean, it's looking very bleak. Another World War now three. It would be the third. I don't know. I don't think it'll escalate that big. Let's hope. Let's hope that business interests supersede. But yeah, it's fucked. When people ask me about it, I'm like, I don't know. Maybe I just don't have to have an opinion about this. I've kept my opinion to myself. Why do I need to comment on this? I don't have any knowledge of it. I'm not an expert. I don't fucking know it sucks. That's me. Yeah, that's why I know to keep my mouth shut or try to It's like I Would never be able to wrap my head around this story. Well, it's too much. It's too much information You know, it's just like I don't know what to think. I don't I know what to think I don't know. I know what not to say. Well, the answer is like the answer is like complicated, right? It's very complicated. Are you in this team or that team? It's like, I don't know. Like, I don't want any innocent people to get killed. Well, that doesn't work because they're going to get killed. Who do you want to kill them? You know, pick your pick your killers. Yeah. It's like, I don't like that. But yeah, anyway, University of Vermont has canceled this event with the Palestinian writer over concerns of safety, which is incredibly unfortunate that that's the case. Unfortunately, yeah. because not that they don't want him, they don't, they fear what could happen as a result of him being here. That's how I take it. Yeah, yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right. Yeah. It's not like they're not saying we don't want you to come and saying like, well, this is probably not the best time. Yeah, because you want to protect us. And they're trying to reschedule it. Yeah. Yeah. So he just, this is not the best time for safety. Yeah, not only for everybody here at UVM, but also coming on a plane, everything, you know what I mean? Some crazy hijacker decides, okay, he's on board, so are we. And I mean, let's be honest, how powerful are this person's poems that they need to be read in person? That like, it necessitates possibly endangering anyone. It's like, you know, it's online, I can check it out. You probably have books. We can check them out. Yeah. Yeah. Come back another time. Yeah. Like, yeah, this is not like see you never. This is see you later. Right. And I think it's fine. Like, I think some people would look at this and say, like, UVM is like being cowardly or like being weak about it. But I feel like cost benefit analysis. I mean, you got to look at it realistically and say, you know, we don't want anything happening. So, not that important. Especially when you just reminded me that he's a poet. For some reason I thought he was. I thought he was important. You thought he was some rabble rouser? I thought he was a person who had something to say. It was just some yahoo stringing words together and calling them verse. I did think about, well, what I said about being on an airline. Who would know? Who care? Well, sometimes you know when you see a poet, you're like, huh, that's a poet. Yeah, that's a yeah, and he happens to be from Palestine Yeah, and probably the poems are they're probably not uplifting. I'm guessing you know if you're writing about what you're seeing right so Yeah But you know it's a bummer Moving on Vermont is suing Facebook with what 12 other 33 states 33 states For what Oh Over harm to teen mental health team. Are they still on Facebook? No, it's Oh, I didn't know that what happened here. Oh, it was when we were trying to get You're right, you're right you did mute it then we came back with the Bah-hah. Yeah, they own Instagram. I did not know that. Pretty soon, there's only going to be one. There's going to be one. Amazon's going to eat up somebody else, a bunch of others, or it's going to be somebody like Amazon. You know what I mean? We are going to come down to one. So that's like Elon Musk is hoping for one, or at least like one like super app. China has a super app where your social media is the same thing you use to book flights, to call taxis, to chat with your friends, to pay for your meals. It's all one. Are you serious? Yeah. Why would anybody want that kind of information all together for anybody to be able to somehow get into? Well, I think if you're in China, and you're like, they have it anyway. That's true. You're kind of like, they're watching me anyway, so I might as well be easy. But yeah, in China's Wok, people just like, when they come, they're like, oh, here's your bill, they would just turn their phone over, person with the server would scan it and walk away. And I'm like, all right, then I'm in the taxi with the same person, and they're on their phone, they're like, all right, I've booked your flight, da da da da, and then your hotel for the next, when you arrive, when you, when you, when you arrive, I was on business, you're gonna take this flight, when you arrive, a taxi driver's gonna pick you up and they're gonna take you to the hotel, you're gonna check in, and these dumpster cars, like, cool. So, was everything on time, just like they said? I mean, it sounds very robotic. Everything was absolutely on time. Why can't we do that here? Because we have freedom, Glo! Freedom to fuck up and just be assholes, like, right? Okay, I walked in to rent a car today, I walked in and sorry about that, you had to wait a little longer. There's just a handwritten sign taped to the desk that said, in the wash bay, with an arrow pointed to the door next to me. And I'm like, alright, what's the wash bay? So it's the same guy who not only cleans the car, but is also giving you the car. Oh my god. And so this guy walked in, and my appointment was one, so he walked in on time. Like he was there actually five minutes early But like it was just one dude running the show and just like that handwritten note, man. It happened in China You know note persons there you're not taking minutes off I don't know. I don't think I could live there. No You certainly could not neither. Can I none of us good? Nobody that's why they're moving here Whoa. I knew you were going to say that. But actually, in Portugal, there was, when I was watching TV, the news with my cousin years ago, and there was a huge influx of Chinese immigrants to Portugal. You were like, let's get these Chinos out of here. You're right. I mean, because the cultures don't jive. One is patriarchal. The other one is sort of matriarchal. Which ones? Portuguese matriarchal? Yeah. Yeah. China's pretty patriarchal. Yeah. So for, you know, that for me wouldn't mix. When we were in Spain, there was a lot of graffiti that was like, fuck you Chinos. And in Spain, they used Chino as like a catch-all for Asian. Oh, I got it. Yeah. I mean, I didn't see any of that, of course. Not in the little sleepy hamlet where my parents came from. Wow, that is that tells yeah, because you know, sorry our cultures do not go together Okay All over the world the Portuguese Japan and started cavorting I don't know. I Just see it as it is what it is You know, if they come, they come. I mean, I like seeing minorities in our town, in our city, that you, when I first moved here 30 years, 30-something years ago, you didn't see. I think the problem is when it's one major culture and then one big group comes in, I think it was like a lot of little groups coming in. It's like, ah, we can't control them. They're all doing something different. It's like, oh, actually, they're doing this, they're doing that. We all kind of like these little things that pop up And it all kind of adds to it, but I think it was one coming. It's it's more threatening. Yeah, maybe like psychologically I don't know But like yeah, what was the big first one like in America the Irish? Was that the first one that came in we're Americans like whoa? We said bring it bring us The English were here first right well, I mean No, no, but they they're enemies of the Irish One thing yeah, they don't like each other We're all cool. Can't you just like let bygones be bygones? Chill out. Yeah, like, yeah, we were fighting in Ireland, but Massachusetts, we're fine. Yeah, I mean, well, each wave of somebody. Oh, the Germans! Yeah, the Germans. You know? They went Midwest a lot of them. Yeah, because they're like, I'm getting out of here because y'all suck. The Swedes in the north, they went Midwest. And that's where the nicest people are. They are. And they went to like Wisconsin, right? Minneapolis, don't you know? Don't you know? Don't you know? Is that how they say it? Don't you know? So it's been whatever. I just see it as another change. I mean in Florida we had the Cubans who changed everything. Yeah. I mean they were there but then they came, you know, a lot which was fine. Yeah there's more Puerto Ricans living in mainland America than Puerto Rico? Right. Well it would be hard to stuff them all into that tiny island. Might have something to do with jobs. I mean yeah, they are of this country, so they can move around. They are citizens. Yeah, people don't think that. All right, let's move on. Burlington City Council approves Vermont National Guard's 25-year airport lease extension. Follow up from last week. Yeah, business always wins. Yeah, they voted. Show me any time that a business has lost a dispute in Vermont in the last 15 years, undefeated. Sorry, Matt. And it's the complete opposite of the way people see Vermont. It's like this mirror. People don't see it. It's a super green, liberal mecca. It's like oh you mean the mayor who's been just putting up high-rises and just like supporting landlords rights and Like the cost of living here is more than like Brooklyn It's insane, yeah They'll always win well, I mean hey Karen Paul This was an interesting story it is so the Burlington High School principal has been put on paid leave So, a little bit of history. This was a woman who has only been in the job for a few months. I believe this is her first semester. And she was hired from somewhere in New Hampshire, I believe. And she came on as kind of a controversial figure. figure because she had this incident back in her own homeschool where she saw a bus, she was driving like behind the school bus like on her way to work and the kids on the bus were just out of control like you know you see a bus you're like like there's a lot of movement in the aisles you know and so she like I guess when the bus stopped she pulled up and like jumped on the bus and she kind of told the kids about their ass and yelled at them and a lot of parents didn't like that. Which is the opposite of how I would react. If I was a parent I'm like yeah do that more. I was like can I sign a waiver where you can like I don't you to hit my kid but like you can scare the shit out of them. Get in their face or something. So they knew all that when she was coming in right so they're like okay we like this woman kind of like her her style. And so So, the details are unclear, but there was a fight at Burlington High School, and I don't know if fight means one on one, or if it's a melee, is it a fracas? Is it a brouhaha? Is it a riot? Right, like, what level are we at, right? So to end it, she pulled the fire alarm, and everyone left. First of all, how serious was the fight? Yeah, right? I mean if it was a real fight man, they'd be like just going at it till the end. Yeah, like nobody's running out. Right. I'm like I'm leaving when I smell smoke, right? So she did that and now she's on administrative paid leave because she, I think it was a felony or misdemeanor to pull a fire alarm? Really? Yeah. Are you kidding me? It worked. Yeah. It worked. People might not like her style. She should get a ribbon. What would you call a ribbon? A ribbon. Like, best use of crime and prevention of furtherance of crime. But like, you know, the fire department had to come out. So it's like a waste of resources and all this stuff. But I mean, also like, when they say like, oh, it costs this money for the fire department to come out, I'm like, well, they're just lifting weights and pulling pranks on each other in the firehouse. Like, I know firefighters, I know what they do. They work out and they do a lot of gross pranks on each other. I'll just put it that way. Hmm, I'm interested. Well, like, me, me, me, like some of that. Jerking off into their locker? Stuff like that. Look, those are your words, not mine. Like, those are your words. Hey. So, I don't know, like... Yeah, you like, I like her chutzpah. Yeah. You know, her to jump on that bus like that. That would be me. That's old school. Yeah. Wouldn't it be better if she had a taser? Right. She'd tase one of these kids. I mean, tase both to be even. She got their attention. Yeah. You know, and obviously, I don't know. But where's the, don't these high schools have cops stationed there now? I mean... Don't they? I don't know what they do in Vermont. I think we learned from Parkland and Valdi that like they're not necessarily interested in confrontation Would you well, I mean, yeah look if I'm like if I'm the cop if I'm the school cop You know, maybe that means I'm not the top cop I don't know. I don't know how that works the system, but maybe just means like I put over here it looks good a uniform and yeah the school cop would be somebody who couldn't even hack it at the at the airport yes I don't know maybe I mean maybe the school cop was I mean I think it's happened during lunch so maybe it's going down fire alarm so this is still at Macy's, right? Is it? Oh, you're right. Oh, I was gonna join her, wait a minute, they're not even in their new building. No. This is downtown. So they all walk to the escalator and zzzzzz. And you hope that person at the front of you isn't going to just stand there. Well, you know, it's a hazard if you run down the escalator. All right, let's move on. I did not understand the story I did not read the whole thing, but Apparently someone tried to cut down a bunch of trees in his backyard. Not tried to he did it wasn't his trees This is on a bigger scale This guy has a chainsaw. Yeah. Yeah, he cut down 839 trees in the state park what? Just trying to create some backcountry ski glades. He's just trying to make a path for him to ski down. Yeah, yeah. So he's just like, I'll just cut these down. No one's going to notice. Like, at what number was he on the radar? Like, was it like, all right, did he cut down 300? And he's like, you know what? No one said anything. I can stop now. I'm going to keep going. Yeah, and he's a New Hampshire resident, but he owns this property over there. Is he connecting the states? I don't know what he's doing. Via ski trail? But he got, uh, his insurance company has to pay $75,000 to the state. That's too cheap. That is too cheap. That is very cheap. That is bullshit. What is the cost per tree?$75,000. That's, yeah, that's light. Because trees are not important. He said he may have cut too far. Yeah, 800 trees. How can I forget this fucking mess up? I'm sorry. I'm trying to do the math here. I hate to find out what type of trees or how big these trees. Well, some of them, yeah, pretty small. So that is less than $90 per tree. You know, some people would jump at that. If you told some Vermont developers, listen, $90 per tree, they'd be like, okay, here we go. I won't stop until you tell me. Well, what happened, a forester for the Department of Forests in Parks and Rec received a report of a chainsaw of chainsaw noises in the park. So the Forester passed the message. Are some young teens on a sex romp getting hacked up or is there a wild developer out there? That's one of those teenage movies. And the Forester passed the message to To a game warden who visited Tremont at his Westfield. Wait, his name is Tremont. Yeah That's or Tremonti is a tree Monty. Is it he at the end? Okay But it is close Fake story Drew I told the warden that he may have cut too far Oh by accident. Oh, yeah, I think I went 739 too far in that direction Wow, $90 a tree amazing. Mm-hmm. Well, he got what he wanted So is it now just gonna be like that? Like are they gonna replant him? Like he can't win, right? We can't let this guy win. I would definitely go out there replant him That's you. I mean I was in charge I'm not gonna do anything. I'm not gonna do anything. Like another person. Have another person do it. When I say I would, I meant someone else. Hey, go out there and plant some trees. We need jobs. Yeah, it's pretty light on the fine there. It's super light. Yep. Again, because people don't consider trees is being valuable. Which is so like even now, even now, even now, because I feel like my generation values trees more than your generation. I don't think so. Really? I'm pretty sure my generation did not levy this fine. Well, then how come they're not pitching a tent up in some tree to protect the you know, the trees from being cut down like that woman did in Washington? Oh, this is gonna be this one woman in Washington. Well, I mean, yeah, they were cutting down these beautiful redwoods because of the high demand in Asian countries for this stuff, and they were just going, you know, crazy, and she decided she was gonna save the forest, and she sat in this tree house that she made for herself. How did it work out? How did it work out? I have no idea. I'm guessing nothing happened, so, like, I'm not saying that my generation is not jaded. Actually, I won't even say my generation. I say the generation younger than me is what I would say. I think that people younger than, when I talk to people in their 20s, they are pretty freaked out about climate change and all that stuff. Oh, okay. Yeah, I didn't mean me. Because it really affects them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because they're like, we don't have any power yet. And like, because they're like, yeah, we don't have any power and also, We have no prospects to ever buy a house, and the planet is on fire, and you know, it's like, just like, ugh. It's not even so great. So really, they're aware of this? They're talking about it? Well, that's good, because I was, somebody's gonna have to turn this around. That's why they'll never vote for Republicans. Well, there's always hate. Hate overcomes a lot. Yeah, yeah. There's always a reason to hate someone else, and that's, but. That's true. Yeah, but yeah, they they are it's a big deal to them. It's not to us. We don't know Well, you know, but also you're like, you know, yeah, you'll be fine it's like the extension of the f-35s, it's like 2073 I mean unless something crazy happens. Y'all ain't gonna be around. I won't be around. I hope not No, no, I don't care about him I care I could possibly be around, but let's be honest, probably not. How old will you be in 93? No, in 2073, I will be 93. Oh, in 2073, you'll be 93. Yeah, so I could be around, but like, you know, in what capacity? Yeah, especially if you like fried foods. All those Chinese buffets that I'm not eating. French fries, though. That was your thing! No that's his thing. She eats half of it. Pull the tape, pull the tape. Alright let's move on. The state's gonna buy out owners of some flooded parcels. That's good, right? Right. You buy some land and sell it to the state for twice as much. Yeah I hear cha-ching, cha-ching and not exactly in my pocket. What is the praise now? Being flood damaged property and we'll flip it and yeah yeah this is damage from Harford 2011 Irene this is Irene destroyed two homes at the site and they were never rebuilt oh Irene yeah wow we're going back. Come on. Yeah, so there's that. Yeah, they just abandoned the house. They walked, the people who lived there, they walked into the town hall and left their key. No kidding. Not gonna rebuild. Put the check in the mail. Give that to me. So in other words, we no longer own it and we're not gonna pay taxes. So this is it. You own it now, right? Here's my key, it's yours. Hopefully it's more complicated than that, but hopefully the people who are giving up their property have some sort of protection, but I'm guessing the state's like, we'll take care of it, which is a little troubling. Yeah. I mean, it's nice, but yeah, it's also, I mean, anyway. I wonder if these people all got together and had like a lawyer, or would they have more bargaining power, you know, just like? Probably, I would think, yeah. I don't know. Yeah, I didn't go into law for a good reason. Right, also I realize we're putting money into lawyers' pockets, which is like, is that where the money should go to? I don't know, like how it should transfer, but. Yeah, because they always end up with way too much. Because I'm guessing no one in this flooded area is a lawyer. Yeah, you're right. So, that's fucked. Moving on, global hate this, new apartments planned for South Burlington, 83 units. Can we also say no kidding and just go on? No, no, this has got an important part of the story. Matt's got a point. This is where the old Holiday Inn was, right on Williston Road and the exit or the entrance. Oh, oh, the one, I've said so many, oh, Dorset Street. Yeah, when Dorset comes into the T of Williston Road, that across. That's the Holiday Inn. Got it, yes, that's the one that was being refurbished. No, but they were refurbishing it, and then they realized that doing that was way too expensive, so they just knocked it down, and now they're building a smaller hotel but with an apartment building or two. Apartment building? So you're gonna rent a room in a place that also has people living there 24-7 all the time? Yeah. It's gonna be Hampton Inn with 100 hotel units and another building with 50 units and I guess another building with 83 units. So, wow. So what happened? They spent all that money then they decided to tear this thing down? Halfway, I mean more than, I mean we've been watching it little by little as it continues. It's a $25 million project. And now they're gonna just blow it all to pieces after they just spent all that money doing it. Unless you know how much money they know they're gonna make. If they can just like wipe away 25 mil, I'm like, you know, we're fine. We'll recoup that in a couple years. Okay, one of the reasons I put this story on is because they're talking about changing that lane, that weird lane change. The famous lane that we've talked about. At Williston Road, right before, yeah, the shift. Where it shifts to the right, just like that. You always have to look at the guy next to you. I don't know if y'all are like me, but I'm rolling up on there, and I'm like looking at the license plates of the people around me. I'm like, oh fuck, Connecticut, I better fucking slow down, because that's a wild card. If I see Vermont, I'm like, I could probably just shift over but I'm still watching because you never know. Yeah, but it's it most insane intersection So no, oh, that's great news. Okay. See there's a silver lining to everything Yeah, but I don't know has anyone ever been injured and I never see any accidents in that shit either That's a miracle. I'm sure they happen all the time, but we just don't see you I think it's 50% of us that saving 50% of us. I think so I think that's what's happening I think we're all guardian angels of these morons who don't realize what's happening. Especially when it snows and you can't see the lines. Right. And now all of a sudden, everybody's jogging to the right and you're wondering why. You're right. Sometimes if it's dark, snowy, rainy, there's no lines, they don't paint them every season. Which is like, that should be a priority. Paint that line. You expect everybody now to know, okay, here you go, you go right and then you go. Yeah, but how many new Vermonters did we have in Burlington last year? Thousand? It's got to be like two out-of-staters just banging, you know, boom, you know, yeah, it's such a weird, but they're going to shift the entrance to the hotel like 35 feet east. Good. That cuts it bigger. Okay. Another swath of land that's going to be asphalt over. Yep. Yep. Got it. Who needs grass? Grass is overrated. Last story before the break. There was a dispute in a Burlington neighborhood planning assembly meeting over pronoun usage. No kidding. Are we going to go into this it and they and I and them and all this stuff? Is that what this is? Yeah. It is that. So one person uses the pronouns they and them and they resigned saying they had the, it's not their first conflict, they had with a member who refused to use the pronouns plus other stuff. Maybe you can say something that you want to say. No, that's what I was gonna say. Yeah, I'm kind of in two minds of this. One, initially I'm like, okay, if someone says, like, call me they or them, just fucking call them that. It's like, if their name is Richard, call them Ricky if they want that. Like, who gives a fuck? Exactly. Like, actually, who cares? Then another part of me is like, this person resigned, I'm like, maybe you're the kind of person we need on this committee. Like, how much did women suffer to get the right to vote? Or how much did civil rights people suffer? You know, just kind of suffer a little bit. Like, don't quit, you know? Am I being too dickish to say something like that? No, no. But it reminds me of the baseball player, Jackie Robinson. Yeah. Yeah. If he had to be the right person to do what he did, to be able to break that color barrier. Yeah, because he had restraint, and he just kept going. Right, and you can't quit. You can't. He did it with honor, and he never let it get to him. You're right. Which is admittedly asking a lot of somebody who didn't sign up for that shit, you know what I mean? Right. It's also like, if you're the kind of person who wants to be on this board and do good things, and I don't know. We would hope you would stay. Yeah, like, you know. I would hope that this person could find someone to help them get through it, whether it's a mentor, community, whatever, to be resilient and just like, obviously easy for me to say, white straight male, had it pretty easy. I know. Never really felt oppression, never really think about it because I don't have to. No crime ever happened until now. You know what I mean? Yes, totally. I mean you were the best person to actually have this happen to Yeah, right. I mean it. Okay. Now we're a little closer right in terms of Not, you know not being polar opposites, but being actually whoo. Okay, I get it now. Yeah, I get it. I get it Yeah, there's a little bit of Republican adamant here. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's out every now and then Oh, me too. Yeah, yeah, I kind of oozes out. Yeah, well, you've seen my Republican Matt Every now we all have that. Well, of course we do. We're not blind We're not like we're not like just mindfully following one thing or the other, you know And we're not like, you know the movies you ever notice one personality. That's all they have They don't ever fear from that. It's got to be always this nobody has multiple different personalities like we all do. You notice that in movies? I do. And we're not talking today's Republicans. That's right. Yeah, which is way out of, yeah. I still believe in democracy. I'm not like going crazy. But yeah, unfortunately this happened, but yeah, I would encourage this person who was slighted to pull back big picture. What are the actual goals? and, I don't know, again, easy for me to say. So, I don't know if I can, take it what it is. You wouldn't resign for something like that, would you? Well, considering what I've been through as a woman working in a man's field, such as repairing appliances, yeah, no, I wouldn't. I mean. Yeah, is that what you would have done? Of course I would, I hated it. I mean, I absolutely hated what I had to go through. I mean, and, but. Well, your your bosses had porno parties and they're like, hey, look at this one. Hey, look at this one. You're like, oh, whatever Right and then the next job he took me to a strip club, you know, so Yeah, I I was around men who had absolutely no respect for women but I Blended in I had you know, I did my I did not take it. I laughed. I had just a good time with them. Yeah. And I think that this person would probably say, like, well, I shouldn't have to laugh. I should not have to, like, take it. You know, I shouldn't have to, like, grin and bear it. Which, you know, I don't know. I think, like, the times we live in, people have that mindset. Like, why are we just like letting these things slide? Fucking push back, you know? But yeah, like Citizen Sider, that's gone like wacko. That is unbelievable what's happened. Such a strange story. Holy shit, I like it, but also I kind of like the cider So I'm just like I'm like, I don't like the company like the cider. Is that like it's like me I don't support Hamas, but I support the Palestinians We just need back our sense of humor I mean it's gotten to a point where we say that I mean I mean like I had to have a sense of humor to do what I did. Yeah, so So, you kind of have to do that in order to... I think that like, I'm worried that like sense of humor also means like... Acquiescence? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, this was like, you know, just me having a good time. But like, sense of humor would mean that in your situation, and I don't know if you were there or I wasn't, like, were you able to like give back as good as you got? You know what I mean? Like, if your boss is making you watch some porn, You'd be like, I bet his is way bigger than anyone's in this room. You know, because you say stuff like that, you know what I mean? Like, I mean, stuff like that, where like they're making you uncomfortable. Now I'm making y'all uncomfortable because. Yeah, yeah, I did that one time. Yeah, you got fired. No, but you know what you just did remind me of? And that is I lasted four years at Sears and Roebuck repairing appliances. I was threatened with rape. I was a co-worker and everyone knew this guy was just freaking insane. He was a 50-year-old virgin who still talked about his mother and he lived in a trailer in southern, you know, near the shore. And he'd drive to work starting at four, so he'd beat the traffic, the shore traffic coming up. and he'd get into the parking lot and then go steal at the store. I don't know how he got in, he did. But anyway, back to the. The 50 year old virgin. The 50 year old virgin. And he had the worst breath in the whole frickin' world. No one listening was like, I bet that 50 year old virgin smelled great. No one was thinking that. No, no, no, no. So I lasted four years because I wanted to make sure that I wasn't looked at upon my next job as being someone who quits easily so you know I put it put up with it. Shit where was I going with this? So the 50-year-old virgin like I would say that he was probably like a one percenter or less than 1% back in your day that's probably like a 10% or now of just like dudes in the world. Yeah. Yes, I don't know exactly what I was getting at, but I think it's basically I put up with a lot of shit. Oh, but here's the best. Here's the best. When I gave in, when I resigned, all these big muckety mucks over in New Jersey had me come, all men. And they all seated, and they were all around me, and they wanted to know exactly what did this person do. They knew, they knew. But as in 1979, there was no fucking way I was gonna say, well, if you really wanna know, you know what I mean? It's like you knew and you did nothing, you bastards. It's like they knew that this person should not be around women. You know? Okay, so we kind of like yada yada'd. You saying like he threatened you with rape? So like, was that like a credible threat? Was that like a sliding threat? Like what was that? I mean, if you don't want to tell, just be like, yeah, pass, we'll move on. Like, it's fine, like I just. He kept, after like three years, oh, you don't really want to be my friend. You don't want, so I agreed to go fishing with him on his boat one day. I wasn't gonna fish. Yeah, that's when he threatened to rape me and I had one foot over. Yes on a small boat I had one leg over. I was ready to drown. I'd rather drown than have this Yuck person touch me and then when he realized I was really gonna do it He grabbed me and held me like as if that was gonna make me feel better and then tell me oh No, I wasn't gonna rape you. I just wanted to see what you would do I mean, what are you? So this is a shit that I endured as a woman in a man's field, starting out because in the 70s, we were still like Rosie the Riveter or Winnie the Welder at that time. And we've gone back in time because I'm sure there's no women anymore working like I did in a man's job like I had. Well, I don't know. Well, first of all, there's no appliance repair anymore. Well, there's that. Everybody just replaces it after eight years and they think that's a great deal and I look at it like Holy shit eight years and you're happy that it lasted that long now we're gonna do like Yeah, I know. All right off the track. Let's say like, um, that's that's awful that he said that That's insane that you also had to go back to work with that person and that your boss is just new about in turn a blind but I was also going to say that boat rape is a high degree of difficulty and I don't think you can get a boat off. You're probably right and I wasn't going to risk it. I was not going to find out. I'm not a good swimmer either. How far were you out? Was it just in a little bay or something? Could you stay in the water? Oh no, no, no. I'd have to swim. Wow, that's scary. Yeah, cuz you live down the shore this Jersey Shore. So I had this little dinky boat No, anyways, that's terrible it was I mean, yeah and these guys then Oh, and there are two suits and ties and all this shit and asking wanting me to go and spill the details They're like taking your like legal statement Like they want to make sure that you're not gonna come back and sue them essentially, right? That could be I have no I'm sue nobody sued for that shit back then Maybe someone was and you didn't know about that a similar run-in that usually they were trying to like cover their ass. I don't know Yeah But anyway, I learned how to use tools. I even knew the names now of what they were called, you know Well now if I try that you'd fucking stem it Use your cook and just cut it like I can't imagine that dude getting far at all this time No, not, yeah, I think this time I'd feel a little bit more empowered. Maybe not. Not if my parents were the same. That would not work because I did not feel empowered coming from them. You know? You work your ass off, you don't complain, you take all the shit that you can, not that you can, just take all the, you know what I mean? It was that mentality. And last as long as you can because it shows on your record as being someone who just, you know, flips jobs and you're not, and I never called in sick for fricking fucking years. Yeah, I've, I was listening to something earlier today and there, like, something stuck with me which I guess it seems obvious, but it's like you never can understand what it feels like to be victim until you are a victim. I can never understand what that would feel like. So I think Matt and I are a little bit like dumbstruck for things to say. Wow, well thank you. Our musical artists... There's no good segway so I'm just going to do it. So we're going to take a break. As always we use music only from Vermont. The artist is Ice Cream Window... Oh no, I think I have this backwards. Shit. The artist is not appropriate right now, but the artist is Another Sexless Weekend, and the song is Beautiful Strange. Some get lazy, most go hazy, some call right on cue. And some will sympathize with you, just when you don't want them to. Some just want to be paid, others steal a share, some only eat organic food. Some will meet your eyes, depending on the fruit that you chew. But baby, you're all right. Everything that you do is out of sight. You keep the darkness bright. Things can be bad. The beautifuls are turks, some will put you in a sniffle And some will even shave it every day, you just have to ask them to Some are country born and raised, others won't let you speak in a phrase Some will stick to you like glue There are those who yearn just to make a mess out of you But baby, you're alright Everything that you do is out of sight You can make the darkness bright Baby, don't you dare change We're back. And our first story takes us to Johnson for something mysteriously called the Sunflower Incident. You know with they're still making flannel shirts and all that right. there in Johnson. It's called the woolen mills. What do you mean they're still making? There's still clothes being made here in Vermont and they've been there forever in Johnson. Isn't there a flannel company? Isn't there like a Vermont flannel company? Yep, there's also them too but they don't get their flannel from the United States, that's for sure. Whoa, got a flannel war. So this Johnson place is American flannel made in America? That, I doubt. So why did you throw shade on that other company? Because, no, I'm not, but I wanted to know and she didn't know. We went to one of those shows like at the fair or something like that and I asked her, so where do you actually get your flannel fabric from? Do you make it here yourself? Oh no, and she's like, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. It's Bangladesh. And you know where it probably does come from? Bangladesh. Portugal. I even had flannel sheets that were made in Portugal. Marron was famous for his flannel. But back to Johnson, Rollins, Mills. Back to you, Matt. No, they planted some, the Johnson Beautification Committee We planted some sunflowers. Motherfuckers. And somebody mowed some of them down. Oh, that's it? No. But I thought they popped up unexpectedly later. No, I must not read the full story. Matt got to paragraph three. So yeah, the mowing, the sunflowers grew through August, undisturbed until one day early September. News found that a wide swath of flowers had been mowed down. There's some outrage. They feared vandalism. Who did? The cops. Oh, who did this? Or no, the people who planted them. So they contacted the cops. It's probably somebody from the town, you know. Gotta be a redneck if you're gonna cut down sunflowers. Really what have you got against them? So only rednecks are against sunflowers Quite a leap Yeah, what is that? Women love sunflowers. I feel like that's their favorite kind of dress at least. Yeah, wait a minute. I have a sunflower dress Oh, you call me a redneck. I mean look if the dress fits Consider it So why is this political that's the best thing I'm trying to figure out like What about this has become an incident? Is it like did these sunflowers like with a I plan these for Joe Biden? What no because the the people the the caretakers of the flowers? claim that this guy on the road crew approved the cutting and he's claiming he didn't or something. Okay. I don't know. They'd be removed before the first snowfall. They got removed very early. I mean, technically, it is before the first snowfall, right? This guy's like, you know what? Never wrong, only early. They had some snow up on Mansfield the other day. I saw that. Remember my mammoth? Sunflowers, I do I think it's scary. I remember like I won't come here one day I walked in the backyard you like I think about some flowers like we talking about They showed me the front door I'm like, oh that eight foot tall Sun that I clearly walked under Yes, you do I can I have almost Almost probably like three 180 55 degree Usually it's very important usually it's something you did Yeah, yeah, so it's got political yeah Johnson, yeah small town That's where I ended up having lunch that time, though, I mean, just a few weeks ago. Johnson? Yeah. Were you like, where the fuck are the sunflowers? They should be here. Moving on. Oh, let's get spooky. Ooh. Matt and I did not plan that. All right. So Ferrisburg, Glo, do you know about the Rokeby Museum? Of course I do. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. we've been there. Yes we have because there was some pie thing. Yeah we went to the pie thing. Everybody made a homemade pie, these women, and they were all fabulous and you got to choose at least one or two, I'm not sure, I can't remember, one piece of pie. Yeah. And but they were like homemade, there were all these special recipes and it was, but when I was there years ago, there were, the door was closed But the museum was in the actual home of the Rokeby family. But I didn't get in because it was closed because it was in tour season, I guess. So now though. We went through the museum. Well, only because of that pie thing, we went to now the new museum, which is nothing but a boring old, boring building, with just a couple of things that were okay, you know, interesting. but the house has now been closed off as a museum. So that's what I know about the Rokeby. I don't know if they're doing this in the house or the museum. So apparently the Robinsons who lived in the house, Roland and Anne Stevens Robinson. 209 year old house. This is the 1840s, 1850s they lived there and they were a little bit into the macabre. Ooh, Ouija board. The undead. Yeah, Ouija boards. Ouija boards weren't around yet. Oh, OK. OK. OK. It was impenetrable. Parker, Parker. Parker Brothers. Like, they're doing something, and it just, like, all of a sudden, became, ooh. No, they were doing old school. They were doing seances. Whoa. And so apparently, they documented it. They held a bunch. They regularly held them. And so the museum is going to reenact them with some actors. So they're yeah, they're reenacting them so you can go there and be part of it. I think Sansa's are that's Like if I'm at a haunted house a maniac with a chainsaw, that's one level. Yeah seance is another level That's way creepier to me. Really? Yeah, because like I don't know What did he do talk to? Yes, you haven't been to Lily Dale Have you been to Lily Dale? You just you just accused me of not being there I've not been to Lillydale, whatever that is. It's south of Buffalo, New York, and it's a spiritualist camp, and it's the town that talks to the dead. Every home. Oh, it's like Casadega in Florida. Exactly, it's a sister. I went to Casadega. Okay. Wasn't anything as well as the other one up north because the one down south was starting to look a little ratty. Well, I mean, I'd argue that the people in Florida are closer to the dead than anywhere else in the country. I get it. So how's Lilydale? Give me your review. Give me your Yelp review of Lilydale. Okay, well Lilydale, you have to go through a gate in order to get in. It's actually all kind of gated and it's a spiritualist camp. I went first on my own. and the one year before and then Matt and I decided to go together and then also go visit his great cousins over there on that side of the world. Ten hour drive. But anyway, Lilydale is a place where people come and they have either seances, which we didn't go to, but they have free readings Readings, where everybody sits like on these, out in the middle of the woods. They let houses grow into their old buildings because they don't own their home. I mean, they own their home, but not on the land that the house is on. And these old trees have been growing into these houses. They're so cool. But there was, right after I was there in 2005, a hurricane came by and just knocked down these really gorgeous old old trees. So anyway yeah I was actually interested in moving there because all you had to say at the time, but they've now enforced a little bit better. You have a test. All you had to say was I believe in the afterlife and that's it. You had entry into buying a house. What? Yeah. Hold up your hands? It was pretty much... Isn't that every Christian? That's most religions, right? Well, yeah, but they actually believed they could talk to your afterlife, you know what I mean? Now we're getting specific, now we're getting like clauses in that statement. They used to, they have like open-air auditoriums, like the old-fashioned ones over there. Anyway, but it was very churchy to me. I would sit there and they like their own special Bible and I'm like nope this isn't gonna work for me. Yeah I didn't like that either. No. When we went. That whole when they're walking around the crowd I'm thinking of somebody you know. Like the great was Johnny Carson. Yeah. But you know they're just walking through the you know they did pick somebody out it's just it all seems so and then we talked to did we talked to any one-on-one? Did we do any one-on-one with people? I don't think so. No. I've been to Casadega. I've done one-on-one with people there. I've been there too and I've also gone to their church down there too. More air quotes. Air quote alert. I'm like, you know, sitting whatever their service is called and I'm And like, oh, and you know, you could pretty much do whatever you want. Okay, great. So I'm meditating. Next thing you know, somebody's nudging me. Next person's nudging me. It's like, I'm either supposed to pass down. No, it can't be. That's a Catholic church, you pass down the plate. That there was like. It may have been an offering plate. Yeah. I was like, you just told me I could like, you know, now I have to like jive with you. I mean look these people are carnies our work carnies Carney whether it's Lily Dale or Casadeiga their carnies their carnies. They're not real They're like a certain flavor of carny, but like people who are into the undead and worship, and they don't advertise Those are just cults well Yeah, you're right But for some reason well, that's what brought me down to Brazil the undead Well, no, João de Verges, John of God. Is that related to McColl? Yes, actually. Brazil was, he, this person called John of God, otherwise known, if you spell, if you say it correctly, João de Verges. Yeah, he was one of those healers where he would like just stick his hand right through your ribcage and all that other stuff. Carney. I had to see it. It was a big. Did you see it? Yeah, I did. Carney. He stuck his hand through someone's ribcage? No, I am almost passed out. Just the thought of him doing that was enough for me to, I couldn't watch it. Carney. So I did, I could feel like I was about to throw up. And just when I came starting to feel like I could come to, everybody was gone. the janitor comes by with the bloody mop all across me, and I was like, holy shit, it really happened. But I couldn't, I couldn't, I just couldn't, I thought I was just gonna throw up at the thought. Because I was actually one of the contestants, maybe, if you wanna call it that? I was like, no thank you, no thank you. You can pick this guy, you know? And that person, you know, that person really wanted some serious healing to the point where I, you know, he just, you're just standing there and this person who wants to be healed and he just, but I don't know, I find that fascinating. Sorry, I mean, that's my, I love to travel to places like this. Far and wide, apparently. Yeah. Have you ever thought about going to Pownall? Where? Pownall. Pownall? They are a memora... What's Pownall? Pownall? Vermont? Pownall? Oh, P-O-W-N-E-L. I have no idea. Pownall. Pownall? Am I saying it wrong? Pownall. Pownall. All right. Let's just say it's Pownall. This is the most interesting story of the week. Okay. Take it away, Matt. You weren't ready for that. Did you realize we had one witch trial in Vermont? And it was in Pownall. Is this the same time as the Salem? It was in the 17, 17-something range. 1760, I think. Anyways, the town decided this widow, the widow Krieger, was a witch. Are you serious? Yes. After her husband died. Yeah. Some people think it was a ruse to get her property, because she had a bunch of property. She had three sons, you know, that would get the property if she died, but, you know, stuff like that. But the townspeople decided she was a witch. And a lot of people believe, or more people believe, that it's because she was an extraordinary woman. That she wouldn't take shit from men. You know, she had this property that she was just this person that was probably, you know, so dynamic and all that stuff. And threatening. Yeah, threatening to men, of course. She's probably a broad that spoke her mind. That didn't play in 18th century. Yeah, except unfortunately, it's this era we're in. Anyway, go ahead. It's a nude. It plays on this podcast. What? I said it plays on this podcast. It plays? We let broads speak their mind on this podcast. Yeah, you're a broad. Oh yeah, you're right. I am a broad. I like it. You're a body broad. I'm a body broad? Body! Oh, I like that even more. I like being a body broad. That's what we love about you. Gloria the body broad. Anyway, back to the witch. So they decided there's two tests for witches. One is... This doesn't end well for witches. This is interesting. One is they make the witch, the suspected witch, climb a tree, and they cut down the tree, and if she lives... She's a witch. She's a witch. So there is no way to win! Oh, if she dies, oh, so sorry. Dang it, she wasn't a witch. Get the hell out of here. Are you talking about, I, so they wanna kill a tree in addition to everything else. That's the worst part for Gloria. It is. They killed a fucking tree. How dare you? I mean, come on. Trees are valuable. I love them. Sorry. I'm one of those tree-hugging flatlanders. Body broads. Yeah, I love that. I'm a tree-hugging body broad. That'd be a great T-shirt. You need the boobs, though. You know, you need the boobs. No, no, no. In my experience, the bodier the broad, the... body broad. A busty broad is usually a different kind of person. Body. I like body. I'm going to have to look that one up. Sorry, go ahead, Matt. Anyways, the second test is if they throw her in water. I knew it. I knew that was going to come up. If she's a witch, she'll float. Isn't this a Monty Python skit? It is. It really is. How do you know she's a witch? She turned me into a new Well, you've gotten better Anyways, okay, they chip out a hole in the ice Throw her in In the eye as she drops like You know it lead like a witch she drops like a witch. I guess they had her tied to something. No Because she she sunk so that proved that she wasn't a witch So they pulled her out and she lived five more years. Oh Works it works the test works Shit, I'd hate to go through that one. I mean come on people believe First of all, we're not moving there. How fucking dumb. Okay, how dumb are we now? This is like a hundred and fifty years ago Like how smart are we gonna be a hundred years from now? Like we look back, we're like, y'all use fucking laptops? Wi-Fi? You thought Wi-Fi was real? Like I always wonder, like what's the dumbest thing that I believe now that is gonna be completely blown out of the water even 30 years from now? Oh, I mean it's like having an eight-track tape. You know what I mean? That's like technology, but like this was a belief. A belief. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like what are the things that I believe true like molecules that's dumb it's all waves you know like I don't know like what's gonna be but it's just something's gonna come along oh yeah in the next hundred fifty years or the next 30 years it's amazing Matt I I'm glad I did not read this you got to recount this for us great story yeah it's amazing yeah yeah and she lived happily ever after well for five years I said 150 years, it's actually more like 240 years. And the people who did the research on her are Joyce Held and her husband, Ken. They did all the research on her, so good for them. It's very interesting. And we salute you. For some reason, for a while I kept thinking, oh, this was today's news. Yeah, we're not moving there. Yeah, I was wondering about the little tin, New Hampshire. They're burning witches What this is happening with all these other What do they call the not called witches wicked Wiccans Wiccans. Yes. Yeah Speaking of witches taking nursing jobs Bad segue. So, there's a shortage of nurses, and I guess they're not trying to hire traveling nurses like they used to, which is probably a positive thing, but they're training other staff to do nursing things. Without going through nursing school. Which, if I was a nurse, I'd be like, fuck you. Right, you know what I mean? You put me through all this. And you feel like you can train them in like two days to do what I learned, you know, like it just seems like. It's just another way to screw the nurses big slap in the face, you know of the nurses But there's not enough of them, but it's also What our education has become I mean pretty soon we're going to need a bachelor's degree to pick up garbage Right Well, this is what they pay This is the you already here So you actually don't need to agree to do the thing that we're paying other people to do But are they paying these people more is the question, you know, like oh Gosh, that would be they can't be paying them as much as the nurses. Of course not. No point. Yeah Hmm. I don't see anything about pay And this is up at st. Albans at the Northwestern Medical Center Well, who knows what the hell they're doing up there. Actually, they're supposedly a good hospital. Um... Things have changed? Well... What's happened? Matt has something to say. I had a couple of employees who had dealings with that hospital, and neither one of them had nice things to say. And that's all I'm going to say. Because it could be a lot of different weird things. But yeah, they weren't very enamored with that hospital But you know, hey Find the same people were saying the same thing about UVM as I say, no one likes their hospital. That's the American way I love my hospital in Boston Alright, let's move on a Wolcott fifth grader brings a horse to school for show-and-tell cool. I I love that. They encouraged it. They did? Yeah, because she's an award winner or something. She's won a lot of ribbons. I mean, every other kid is just like, I guess my dumb rock. It's just like, kind of like doo-doo now, so all right, I guess, what are you even doing? Yeah, they said, here's a kid who's won a hundred, has won hundreds of ribbons in horse competitions, and humbly doesn't say a word about it unless you ask her. Okay, that's too many, by the way. That's what? Hundreds of ribbons? That's a lot of horse shows. She could have started young. Well, obviously. Okay, she's fifth grader. So what's the youngest you can ride a horse? Third grade? Is there a law? I don't know. That's a great question. All right. How old are you, kid? Get off that horse. Show me your identification. Okay, well, let's let's talk it through a three-year-old cannot ride a horse Very small horse Y'all famously don't know about kids. Y'all don't have you don't know the three-year-old is even and I don't know anything about horses Other than they can kick you So can a five-year-old ride a horse I would think a five-year-old could yeah A five year old can ride a horse? And they're actually not, they're actually very good therapy for mentally challenged children. So what do we say about this girl? So, all right, so let's say five, which I don't believe, but we'll go with it. So now she's fifth grader, that's probably 11. She's been showing for seven years. Okay, six. Maybe since she was four. Maybe she's 12 years old in fifth grade. Maybe she's kind of on that older cycle. Some people are, right? So maybe let's say, okay, so seven years, a hundred medals. That's, what is that? 14 medals a year? 14 ribbons a year? That's a lot. Yeah. That's a lot of like, like even if you win every horse show you go to, I guess you can medal more than once in a horse show, right? I'm guessing they have different categories. That's a lot. Depends on her age. Yeah, but you know, nowadays we give middles for everything. Think about a high school athlete, a football player. Well, he's got to play 14, you know, if it goes to the playoffs. You know, they're going to play 12 games, too. That's not a six year old. Yeah, that's true. Anyway, pretty young. I'm not trying to somehow I suddenly got this like soapbox or I'm like disparaging this person's parents. I don't mean to do that. I think it's fine. It's just it's a lot. And I don't know. I don't know, I kind of like it. If this kid loves doing it. That's true. They found their true love, you know, something to do with horses and it may lead to other things, but you know, what the hell? I mean, when I was that age, you know. It wasn't horses. It wasn't horses. I also feel like every girl I knew grew up who was like really into horses was also like. Well. I don't know, just. What's with this wavy hand? Maybe they weren't like the most adept at socializing. Because they got their orgasms off a horse. Oh my God, Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's it. That is not anything that I was thinking. Exactly what you were thinking, right? Okay. What I was thinking was like homeschool, horse, aficionado, they're like a couple clicks away. They're pretty, they're pretty close is what I was thinking. You were thinking something sexual, which is not what I was thinking. And that's because that's her own experience with horses, right? Me? Yeah. Yeah, I do like riding horses. Except that once I get a little faster, no way. I'm not gonna hang on to that thing anymore. I'm not gonna get on it either in order to find out. Our friend is a big horse person. Yes. I would have loved to know how to really ride horses. That's always been like this fantasy, but it was just not in my stars, you know? I mean, I just couldn't, I never got to it. Yeah, she, I think it meant a lot to her when she was, I mean, she's still in the horse business of sorts. Yeah, I if I grew up there was a horse in our neighborhood, but You're in Newark, New Jersey, yes, yes, but by where the rendering plant was or is Jesus Christ, dude, it sounds like a fucking wasteland. Look, by the way. I'm just rendering. The stable by the rendering plant across the street from the woman who cut off the heads of chickens for me to take home to my parents. I'm just like, she grew up in like a war zone. He got it. That image does come across pretty well in Newark. I have discovered that riding on a horse at a certain cancer gives me multiple orgasms, okay? This is actually documented on this show and I Sometimes I forget this facts in our daily conversations, but now I'm reminded And being multiple yes means it was at least one more right So Have you been back have I been back to this horse no certain horse it was certain I was in Mexico or So maybe it's only Mexican horses, maybe they do a little Merengue Maybe the trot yeah I think an American one would do Okay Well, I'm going to skip this next story just take a break Matt you have anything to say I have nothing to say All right. So the music is from Lavin ducks and the song is enjoy your dream I'm stripes in the tall grass I'm losing my cool I'm sharpening my blades But nobody's free Granny said I go I think fast, I move slow I'm caught in a cycle Let's turn me to limestone I'm sleeping on my drawer But you give me a sense that I'm ready So I go, I think fast and move slow I'm caught in a cycle It's turning to limestone I'm sleeping on my own Do you say wake up on your own? Dream Things smell like a beacon No story, no pace The scenes of conveyor A nondescript face Your word is a street lamp Lighting the way When you see me flicker Is when I will say Ready, set, I go I think, dance, then move slow I'm caught in a cycle Let's turn me to limestone I'm sleeping on my throne I need you A sense that I'm ready So I go, I think fast and move slow I'm caught in a cycle Let's turn me to limestone I'm sleeping on my throne Hear you say Wake up or join our dream We're back, I guess. And it's time for America's Favorite segment, where we run down the worst people in Vermont, the scallywags, the near-to-wells. Were you on a horse just now? Matt, it's time for the scumbag map. One, two, three, pick a buddy. All right, so our skill bag Mac takes us to swine Swanton. It's been a while. I feel like we've probably missed a lot that's happened. Well, you ever read this, you know, the newspaper up there. There's sports scores. That's it. I will say before getting the story. The St. Albans messenger does have the police blotter. Well, that's funny. It's like it's like it's like it's like it's like a three-word description of whatever happened. It's like dog found. Man shot. It's like, oh, yeah, this is like a couple found having sex in park. Both both men told to leave or something, you know. Yeah, it's funny. That's all I have. Hmm. So anyways, this couple kids, 12, 8, 11 and 13 walking on Hog Island Road around 1 p.m. Sunday when a man with white hair. Wait a minute, Matt. Yeah. Where were you? No. 1 p.m. on Sunday. I don't have a beat-up tan-colored sedan. He doesn't even have a sedan. I know. Look, I'm investigating all leads. I'm not gonna offer kids candy. Yeah, I wonder what the candy was. That was an old thing for small children. Yeah, small children. You know, lure them with candy or whatever. But a 13-year-old's gonna go, what? Yeah, now it's gonna be drugs. Yeah, give me a blood rugs. Give me a cigarette cigarette. Give me a joint But anyways, I you know, I When I read it, I hope this story is true. Well, I kind of do but when I read these stories, I think Did they make this up? It does sound like something that they were told was gonna happen Right like in there like elementary school days like a stranger will offer you can I? I wonder like what candy he offered is my question like right. What do you think a pedophile thinks is most? tantalizing to an 11 year old Mary Jane's Grossest you would be a terrible pedophile Hey What even flavors Mary Jane Is it licorice? Red licorice? No, no. It's kind of almost caramelly. Maybe caramel. No. I can't tell you. Oh, a little peanut maybe. Cumin? Is it cumin? What? It's cumin. It's got a peanut taste. It has a little bit of a peanut. Hey kids, you want a sticky, gooey, I guess it's a peanutty flavor candy? They're already past you, Hanley. They're already past. Matt, what would you offer as a pedophile? Excuse me. I don't know. What do you think a pedophile would offer? Milk duds. Milk duds. Milk duds. They wouldn't even know what the hell that is. I don't see it. We were in Florida with all those checkout counters and all they had was these magazines. Very specific magazines. Like you can get horror magazines. Magazines, yeah, yeah, you can always get that's not new glow. Oh, sorry National Geographic magazines But there was no longer any of those candies Remember they used to lure sugar on you. I mean they were like Candy still exists. What are you talking today? I guess I was too interested in Walk around the right aisle like boom. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, they have all the lifesavers and things that people might want to grab Well, they used to I don't know what they used to Lifesavers like a Charles you buy life saver, huh? We want like a Charleston shoe I can't even remember what that is like a niggity long candy bar covered in chocolate Kill your teeth. That's chewy? Yeah. Kill your teeth. It will. Just like a lot of the other stuff. Like nuggets. Nuggets. Chicken nuggets. No, no, no. Not those. Anyways, I'm sorry if I disparage these two young women. These two people. But, you know, I just, I don't know. Who knows? There's creeps. There are creeps everywhere. There's creeps everywhere. As you learned from Glo's last story, They they don't go away when you get older They get creepier Moving on Our next scumbag story takes us to oh, this is a horrible story Brat. Oh, bro a Vernon man So he had this five-day stand-up with the police and he just he's just looney tunes You missed the story You're probably right a light sentence in Barry In Barrie? Is there a prison in Barrie? What are you talking about? Let me rewind. Sorry. Rochester, man. Sentenced to three months for sexual contact with a teen. Three months? Three months. That's all? That's all you get? That's the equivalent of like adult time out. Kenneth Blackwell is his name. But what the judge said was more that he was sort of in love with you or had this weird, you know, fantasy about you. So he gave him three months. It's just, you know, this guy's grooming this teenager, giving her pot. Lewd and lascivious conduct and the misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Sorry, we are not editing the show now despite the music just playing. So yeah, this dude's grooming a teen and the judge is like, I think he's sweet on you. Yeah. He's got good intentions. He's got a sort of weird love for you or something. So how old is he and how old is she? He's 50 and she's 17 now. Didn't the Beatles used to write songs about 17 year olds? So maybe the judge is like back in that old time where it's like, ah, 17, it's the new 18, it's fine. But it all happened before this. She's now come forward as a 17 year old. Oh, she was 12. Yeah. She walks into her room and had a conversation with her when she was wearing only underwear. He hugged her and she could feel his genitals pressing against her. This guy's a scumbag. Sounds a lot like those pulp books. But the judge only gave him three months. That is insane. It is. It's Vermont though, you know? We've gone too far. We've gone too far. We have gone too far in Vermont. Yeah. You know? Someone smoking a joint is not the same as someone grooming a teen. Completely different. We've gone too far in this state. I mean, I'm going to get my Republican mat go. Get it out. Crank it up. But no, it's it's terrible. The sentence is and I don't know why is we don't have the prisons I know we're sending them down to Mississippi, right? Missouri Mississippi one of those places some shit hole. I don't want to live in who's in who's in jail That's what I want to know minority who is being yeah Who is who else is being held in jail poor people? Yep poor people, you know in a prison How many, how many, how many prisoners can we take in this state? I mean, state, you know. This guy don't fit the bill apparently. No. All three months, he's out. He's out. He's a perv. Yeah. He was told very strongly, don't do it again. Oh, that's gonna work. Every time you tell a perv, don't do it again, what happens? They won't do it again. They won't do it again. That's the perv in him. This guy's a scumbag. All right, Matt, as I was saying, Brattleboro, Vernon Man. This is a nut job. Five days staying up with the police. He believes he's, he doesn't believe he's the messiah, but he's here on the behalf of the messiah. I can't get in, I gotta, oh. Gotta empty your cookies, incognito tab. Yeah, so this is our own little David Koresh over here in Brattleboro. I have the same blockage. I could go incognito, but eh, it's not worth it. So what's his story? So what's his story? There was a five day standoff and now he's in jail. Now he's being tried and now he's actually talking. And he's saying things like, a war was not anything that I was looking for, but what I did, I did it from the heart. Standing up for my children. I believe in God, I believe in truth, I believe in justice and fraud and deception is a violation. I feel that what this society revolves around, There's a lot of mind control going on. There's fraud there. There's deception everywhere. I am the word made flesh. I am your enemy. It says so in the Bible. And I'm a believer. So, hand me down your sentence as a political prisoner. I open doors for old ladies. I give homeless people money. That's who I am. I am what? I open doors for old ladies. I give homeless people money. This is who I am. So, he's all over the place. Clearly, he's the victim. Yeah. When the cops come and you do a five, was it like a, was it a five day standoff? Yeah. Like, okay. Clearly you're the victim. I don't know, maybe day two, come out here and be like, you know what? I'm the word made flesh. Let's talk about it. But no, this guy is obviously a nut job and I would just go out on a limb to say that he's been radicalized by right wing media. Sounds like it and Yeah, he's probably better off in jail we're better off that he's in jail that's where we want him to be yeah We wish you had a pedophile roommate Company, but he's not gonna make it this time around Alright, we're moving on a Newport Newport man is charged in car stabbing. You mean he went through the metal or plastic. What do you mean car stems? He stabbed the car? He didn't stab the car, honey. No, did he? He did! See? Oh, I'm sorry. I apologize. Even a blind squirrel. Yeah, so, yes, these are all great questions, Glo. Newport. A man who police say pursued a car driven by a young man and stabbed it when he caught up to it and pled innocent to a felony charge of unlawful misconduct as well as order this contact by fighting this, whatever. This is not a sentence. A man stabbed a car is what I'm trying to get at. Yeah, so this dude ran up to a car. Some other guy was driving it with a lady in it. Starts stabbing the car. Sure wouldn't work in a 1980 model or 70. You can't stab a car. How would you stab? What do you mean, stab a car? Do you actually go right through all the crappy metal that we have now as a car kind of shit? Or what? How do you stab a car? I don't know that, we don't have a lot of information here. I don't know that. This is a terrible story. And I don't know that he even got through the door. I think this is just a man at his wits end, and he had a knife, and he was like, You know what? Gotta do something. Can't carve a roast. What are you here to carve a roast? I'm out here with a knife. There's no roast. So I might as well stab a car. Right? That's clearly a logical leap that we could all make. So this was a dispatcher got a call on August 24. I'm totally trying to make sense of that sentence. From a woman who said, Mr. Barkham, who's our perpetrator, or perp, was driving under the influence, throwing beer cans in her driveway, and had started running down Bluff Road. Tell you, he's clearly nuts. Why, because he tossed beer cans in her driveway? Well, if you're drunk and running, you're crazy. Unless you're running for the police. But, now this guy just sounds like a nut job. How many beer cans? He would like save him up or something and then he just waited until she he got passed by her driveway and then he Asked he's got a question. He's like, well, I guess I just dumped this well back out here. Boom. How many beer again? It was plural right I mean that tells me there's at least two at least two All right, we're moving on so this next one is jury convicts may have double murder in fatal shootings of a Vermont couple in New Hampshire yeah this is a update from a story we had a few months ago Matt is the um budsman of the show yeah like as soon as the show's over and I'd post it I'm like I don't remember anything we talked about Matt is like keep that's the record I just remember his picture he's a historian of the show and he was camping. He does look like he's holding in a turd. Right. He's got a lot of something going on there. He was living in a campsite in the area of Patchen Road, which is the woods. Yeah, where there used to be a dog park. Yeah, yeah, right near there. Of course, it's no longer woods because it's all these high-rise apartment buildings. But he was convicted of killing a couple of, a couple who who worked in Vermont, but lives in New Hampshire, for no reason, except he was camping near their home, and they were on their way home from a, they were doing a hike or walk or something. And he just shot him. And he felt threatened or something? Like, who are these people, even though he's the one intruding? Yeah, that's terrible. Yeah, that sucks. That's the stories that really terrify people, It's like there's no reason to have it. No, just this guy just random. Yeah, it's weird. Some weird guy You could be doing all the right things. It doesn't matter Let's go something a little more jovial like Orleans man County man sent us to ten years for child porn Same thing that's gonna be jolly fuck Daniel Wow blow plow Measures name is blow What do you got in high school? Yeah, he got busted by his IP address material on his cell phone and desktop computer and found a video recorded by him that he used hidden cameras to record a child changing clothes. And he had a previous conviction in New York. Agents also seized multiple rifles and shotguns. So, hey gun advocates, does Does this guy deserve to be a gun owner still? Yay. Moving on. Mother and son charged in alleged assaults. Yeah, this is kind of funny, actually. I don't know. Guy was assaulting this woman, and then he left and brought his mother back. And she assaulted the woman. He's like, you know what? I'm tired of hitting you. I'm hitting my mother. She's got a good right hook. Oh, my gosh. That's crazy. It's a crazy story. Alright, yeah, so let's... The woman told police that she and Getz, this guy, what's his name? Getz. Scott Getz. Scott Getz. Scott Getz. And they were having an argument over hunting tags. I don't know what that means. What does that even mean? Like when you... What does that mean? What's a hunting tag? I think it's when you kill something. Like a deer? And then you put a tag on it? Or you have so many, if you get a license, you have so many tags that are legal. What's a tag? Kills? Yeah, because you're only allowed to kill, you know, so many, like one deer or whatever it is. So is one of them saying like, no, don't put that on mine because I still want to hunt? I have no idea what that means. I don't have any idea what that means. I'm just trying to put my mind into the mind of a criminal. I'm trying to understand like what are they arguing over but that's not the weirdest part of this story fair enough They have an argument over hunting tags when she tripped and fell on a piece of firewood You should probably store that properly in a secure location The woman told police she believed gets had purposely placed the firewood there to trip her Oh, we got a wily coyote Yeah And that when she fell gets jumped on her and began choking her She said this went on for about a minute before she freed herself by kicking gets in the groin Okay, the woman said gets left returned with his mother Wait, hold on, real quick. One groin kick and this dude's out the door? Well, he went to get the power. The heavy hitter? The heavy hitter. Which is identified as Mary Lou Trombley. Okay. Which sounds like a heavy hitter. It sounds like a woman you don't want to fuck with. But I was just saying, that's a great... Okay, first of all, to this woman, great groin kick. It made him get off of you, which is the goal. That's the goal. One kick. Yeah, so I just want to celebrate that deer hunting. You only get one shot, one kick. Anyways, the woman said gets left and returned with Marianne Trombley, his mother, and she went out to confront Trombley on the porch. When she did so, Getz grabbed her by the hair from behind and Trombley punched in the face. The woman said the two fled when they realized she had called the police. So this is a family that sets traps. He's got the firewood trap and he's got the, hey mom, you come out here, I'm gonna sit behind the door, you walk down the confrontation line, I'm gonna grab her trap. This is a sneaky family. This is the Wiley Coyote. This is the Wiley Coyote of a family. Of whatever whole town this is. Vernon. The Wiley Coyote of Vernon. Yeah, probably, yeah. This is not good. I just think it's funny when you get your mother involved in your crimes. Obviously it's terrible, that is when we got hit, we hate this, but like, you know, we have to make light of it because this shit happens all the time. She had actually hit him in the head with a piece of firewood because he would not give her money. That's what he claims. Is that the same firewood she tripped over? Yes. I would think. Yeah. Well, and the mom is she she can't see a piece of firewood in front of her and the mom denies participating in any violence of course I Knew nothing. I do nothing crazy mama Wow What a bitch to call your mom you're a piece of shit Cold Chester police continue investigation after counterfeit bills used in business areas So they're passing some phony papers over there the dollar general in a cold Chester And Walgreens, yeah. They're used on October 19th to purchase gift cards. That's a scam, because you can't really follow gift cards, right? So yeah, so if you're in that area, just be aware. There are some people passing some phony cash. If you have a marker pen, use that marker pen, because that will help you identify what is counterfeit. I don't get it. How does that work, that marker pen? So yeah, so it's like, if you're a cashier, and you write, if you swipe on the marker pen, I can't remember, I'm gonna tell you information that is literally 25 years old. So I can't remember, but I think if you write on it, it doesn't write, I think. I think it was the case. So there's been at least, I had one incident I remember, and I say remember, air quotes glow, where it happened and I had to get my manager, because the customer doesn't know what it's supposed to do, right? At least at that time they didn't. So it's like, it's not writing. I'm like, Oh, they have a manager. It's money's too high. I'm going to cash. They come over and they're like, Oh, like I don't even know what happened, but like nothing. Like we got ran out. Um, but it is like always uncomfortable to like, hello customer. Let me get my pen out to verify that what you're giving me is real. So we had to do them with all of them, which I don't think they do nowadays. The other place I know that still does it is the drugstore Kinney's oh really if you give him a 20 they get that thing out It's scumbag magnet Kenny drugs Yeah Yeah, like the worst you are in society Like the worst place you can do your shopping is like 7-eleven Right, right. The second worst place is Kinney or whatever. Yeah, we don't have 7-Elevens here. Well, whatever, like convenience stores. Yeah, yeah. And then best place is like the supermarket. So it's like, where are you doing your shopping? If you're shopping at 7-Eleven, you're scumbag. Kinney, you're on the mend. Or on the downfall. Or in the neighborhood. It's tough, but yeah, counterfeit bills. And just apropos of nothing, I put this story on of like how you can safely remove bats from your home ahead of winter, just in case anyone listening. Has a bat? Or in the room was curious about like how they could do that. We don't have bats, do we? I don't know. I don't think so. I've been trying to attract them and I haven't been successful. Got a home for them. I'm just trying to remain ignorant about your bat situation so I can like, you know, plead not guilty or whatever when my wife yells at me because there's bats swooping around or whatever. Bats are good. They eat mosquitoes. Yes, they do. That's a big perk. You know what? Frogs do, too. Oh, okay, well, my little pond back here, I bet I could attract some frogs. Who is making the mosquitoes? Yes. The little pond. The mosquito, your little pond Is the mosquito playboy grotto and they're going there and they're just going bang. They're like super mosquito. Yeah, it's like 1970s Pre-aids, they're just going nuts. They're like Richard Gere all over What? all over someone all over everyone I had I Actually had a crush on him Richard Gere. Yes Well, he's a very handsome man. Well, soon after, I mean, Gigolo came out. American Gigolo. Okay. Unless you watch something else. Well. I should watch Gigolo. It's uncut. I've never seen that. Okay, Central's something there in Manhattan. You could, around the theater district, you could wait in line on a Wednesday afternoon. And for everyone listening, she means in line, not on the internet. She's standing in line, swearing at the people in front of her. He's on his own leverage gear, which is my leverage gear. Anyway, when I got my chance to get up to the booth, the only thing left was bent. And that was Richard Gere. And he was... I was sitting only feet away from him in his play and watched him. He was like a Holocaust something or other in one of those cabins or things they used to have him sleep in. They were not cabins. They were not cabins. Holocaust, it's like a six-way cabin. No toasty fire. Best looking Holocaust victim ever. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So anyway, but yeah, I got to, and I was with him. Did you like it? I think so. I think it was more like, Oh my gosh, I'm so sad he's so close to Richard Gere. Yeah, he's like riding a horse. Anyways, Richard Gere did a remake of Breathless in 1983. It's not rated well on IMDb, is it good Matt? Nope. All right. Fair enough. I would not watch it. What about the play Bent? I think it was Bent. Maybe I'm wrong. The internet movie database does not have plays. But I did check though. What year was it? Okay, let me see Early 80s, maybe in a like 1981 So we got American Gigolo 80 officer and gentlemen breath What about they're gonna find bent It's not showing up Bent play here we go bent 1979 revolves around the persecution of the gays of Nazi Germany takes place during the during and after the night of the long knives Is Richard Gere gay? I don't think so. I don't know not that I wanted to I don't either. I don't know cuz like cuz he was in The band plays on yeah No, no, I think it's just you know, he's willing to go What is a big he's an ally he's a friend of the Dalai Lama. Oh, he is. Yeah. He's willing to do, you know, characters who you would not expect him to do. I like this fellow, huh? I used to Richard Gere or Paul Newman. Or the horse horse. I'll take the horse button in the verb. You mean this button?