Vermont Catch-up (Ketchup)

165: The Reservoir Dogs Theory of Safety, Decline of Airline Napkins and the 2nd St Albans Raid

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  • Birthday Girl!
  • Happy Men Make Dinner / International Stout Day
  • It's Murder Month in Vermont - Bodies piling up in VT this month
  • Rutland alarmed at repeat offenders
  • Vermont court system is backed up with 13,000 cases
  • Top health care contractor at Springfield prison has long history of diverting opioids
  • A ghost at Umall?
  • Vermont delegation denounces JetBlue for cutting BTV route to NY
  • Beta delivers first electric plane to customer (
  • Citizen Cider hires CSC Investigations amid boycott
  • VT offers free child-resistant cannabis bags
  • Burlington acquires donated land from Elks Lodge

(1:08:50) Break music: Django Soulo - “The Way the World Is 

  • Burlington has a ton of vacant buildings
  • Brandon refuses to help neighbor, Goshen
  • Whatchu know ‘bout Goshen, VT?
  • A powerlifting gym in….Brattleboro?
  • Montpelier homeless encampment taken down after gunshot hits school bus
  • Whetstone Brewery for sale
  • Vermont’s oldest store gets a makeover
  • 100-year-old shares life wisdom
  • Peecycling - exactly what you think it is

(2:02:16) Break music:  Brand New Luddites - “Yet Still We Dream 

  • Scumbag Map
  • A lying NARC and the 2nd St Albans Raid 50 years later
  • Police arrest 14-year-old on murder charge in fatal shooting of another 14-year-old
  • Londonderry woman charged with assault
  • Burlington man charged with weekend stabbing
  • Police arrest two men in shooting death of Barre man 
  • Northfield woman breaking into homes
  • Dog costume contest

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Outro Music by B-Complex

What's up, Vermont on this show we talk about the reservoir dog theory of safety how airline napkins have sent us all in a downward spiral What you need to do in White River Junction P cycling and the st. The second st. Albans raid Nailed it Welcome to Vermont catch up with Matt. I'm Matt glow. I'm glow and I'm Adam. We're weekly run out of everything happening in Vermont Happy birthday glow Thank you Are you the kind of person who likes their birthday to be like celebrated and blown out or do you want people to just kind Of forget about it like where do you fall on that spectrum? I'm blowing out. Well, all right, let's blow it out Except I never have anybody to blow it out with What invited the bums off the street, I mean they would come That was kind of okay My 60th birthday remember down at Matt paid in that Mexican restaurant the other end of Church Street. The Gato right? El Gato. Yeah I remember a couple of those people. I had only met them once and it wasn't on the street okay but it was in a funeral home or a respite home. There were a couple of sketchy characters in that. There's a bit of a motley crew for sure. It was like Is it that bad fit? Not only did Matt have to go out? It's a fine people to come to my birthday party and offer to pay their food Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have come as well as our next-door neighbor. You're paying for people's food Yeah Thank you Was your wife there? I don't remember. I don't think she was here then. Probably, uh... Six years ago? Uh, six years ago she was. Yeah, yeah. Because your your birthday when I first got here, we didn't know each other very well. Mmm. I don't know what year that was. 2015. That was eight years ago. Eight years? What, how old does that make me? Sixty-six. Fifty-eight. Fifty-eight. Yeah, because you have known me already I knew but I know you very well So I probably didn't Matt probably like Matt and I first became like close when I had the door open and was watching the Gators Game and he walked in he's like, oh, it's like it's like a last-minute field goal. We're like jumping up That was like our I was like, okay, we're friends now So yeah, I didn't know you guys that well, you know, we may we chat like because Mike and stuff But but anyway, you were there that I know. Yeah, I think my wife was there. I think we went there together there Steve was there I just quiet and not his wife oh yeah it's so you know still hurts a little there oh oh I was thinking something else I thought maybe like he was with someone else I thought they weren't married yet is what I know they've been oh but they've been married a long time I don't know I don't I mean but anyway yeah I don't want to repeat let's blow it out let's blow it out next Let's blow it out. Where do you want to go? Name the city, name the country. Where are we at? What are we doing? Let's blow it out. I just don't have, I mean I have a few good friends. You, maybe Liz this time. She was in Maine. She couldn't attend. No, last night. Oh, yeah, but not six years, not six years ago. Well, let's forget about it. Let's let six years ago be six years ago. But like you don't need that many people to blow it out. You need a couple of core people. You know what? We blew it out last night. The three of us. We had a great time. This was like one of my best birthday gatherings ever. I mean, okay, it was my birthday birthday, but hey, it was a lot of fun. We had a great dinner. We laughed, we were just, you know, it was great. Steve was laughing like crazy. He said, as a matter of fact, he kept saying, let's get together, okay? Let's do this again. And we'll have Liz drive, and I'll eat some brownie. We said, no, we can't do that to Liz. Hey, I don't know. Maybe if she showed up, she had a vote, but she didn't have a vote, right? That's right. Well, this time she was in Maine. Last night she was in Maine. Anyways, it was fun. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Would y'all eat at Santiago's? I had some pork, some like, almost like pulled pork, and it comes with white rice and like beans, and you get your choice of this other thing, it's like plantains or, I had something, it was kind of like a potato, but it was really good. I really, really liked it. Glow had a kale salad. I had a salad, but it wasn't, it wasn't that good. No, it was, unfortunately, it was fuegos, sien fuegos salad, don't, it was 17 bucks too. It was mostly a mountain of itchy, green, sketchy, edgy. Oh yeah, sketchy. Sketchy, not edgy. These are edgy greens. These greens are smoking. With some other things around it. This is my hot take, like I mean, Cuban food? I don't know. Yeah, they're packed. It's not my thing at all. I don't think it's worth the money to be honest. It is, it's expensive. San Diego's not a sponsor. But they do such a great job. That service is really, really good. It's got a vibe to it. It's on the lake. And then there's also outside seating, of course, because when it's warmer, because yesterday it snowed. And therefore, people are saying, oh, are you gonna eat outside? And I'm like, dumb asses asking that question. Yeah, right on the lake. As soon as we got down Battery Street, We went, whoa! It was so cold. We were talking about it earlier. It's shocking. It was like razor cuts going across your face. I'm not ready yet, I'm not ready. Me neither. You know, I think the thing about San Diego is I think it is pricey, but it's got a really good vibe to it, and it's like a once in a year thing, or once, you know, an anniversary or birthday thing. It's always booked up. Everything in Burlington is pricey. Like, a $17 salad doesn't even make me flinch anymore. I'm like, okay, that's true. Yeah, but for what I got for dinner time, okay How about was a margarita? It's good. I was good. It was good drinks were good. Yeah, and last time we were there we had What's that other drink mojito mojito? Yeah, that was good Mm-hmm, so and we didn't we had to try it another drink and there wasn't so I can't remember what that one was But you almost got a pina colada Yeah, you know just like the old days of the 70s. Yeah, just sashaying in your pencil skirt or whatever the hell y'all were wearing back in the Bell Bottoms. I have no idea. No, Bell Bottoms were out by the early 70s. They were out by the early 70s? I think so. Even late 60s. That's true. Yeah, even late 60s I think. Yeah, I think around 70, 71 They were kind of yeah, well, you weren't in the 70s. What was your leisure suit? What were you wearing Matt? We've never had a leisure suit. No, well, but you are I was wearing You're a man of leisure. I know but that's why I was wearing Hawaiian shirts That kind of leisure. That's pretty much what I own. What are you rocking in the 70s? What was I wearing? Yeah. Oh God, oh, I do remember the roller skates halter top I don't know. In my neighborhood, in my neighborhood. I don't know. A little side boob? With my parents. Well, you know, you do the old thing where you bring your clothes in the backpack, you go to school, you change and. No, no, I couldn't even wear platform shoes. And man, they were in. My mother, I spent It's all like about three weeks of salary and I bought these really cool platform shoes, but I knew I had to hide it from her. You're like, finally, I'm tall. Well, she went and just cut them to pieces and they cost me, like I said, three weeks of work. What's wrong with platform shoes? Because the nicer Portuguesa girls weren't wearing them. That made me a slut. You could never be. If the shoe fits. I mean, I do associate it with a certain kind of lady. Yeah, but then back then, everybody was wearing them. And they were all a certain kind of lady. That's right before disco, right? Yeah, well no, no, disco was a little later. But they were wearing them in the discos. Okay, yeah. I was associated with Superfly. Yeah. So. Who was a pimp. Yeah, to be honest, I can't remember much of what I was allowed to wear to school Because maybe I blocked it out of my conscious Yeah, moving on happy International nope, sorry national definitely won't be international. Happy national men make dinner day slash international stealth day Everybody that I know that are men are men like to cook you like to cook you like to cook my father likes to cook yeah because I like to eat what I want Oh, okay. I never thought of it that way. Okay, never mind. You ain't eating no kale. Well, it's like, you know, there's a controlling factor. It's not all altruistic, you know what I mean? There's like a, yeah, I'm going to do the grocery shopping and I'm going to make the food. You know why? Because there's some stuff that I don't want to eat. We rarely have dinner anymore. We don't? I don't eat dinner. I don't like to eat dinner. Men make snack day. I'll make your your cereal. My cereal? I haven't even been having that. Or have I? I don't know. I think I had some last night. And International Stout Day. I know y'all are not stout fans, but... I don't mind one once in a while, but one's enough I think. Back in a day before all the breweries, the microbrews and all that stuff, stout was really about, you know, your only choice was a good stout. Off the off the reservation of beers was buying in a stout. Yeah I went to City Market yesterday because it was a snowing I was like, I'm gonna get a stout see what they have Boom, they had the best stout in Vermont or at least my opinion the frost beer works heavy. Oh Really? I love it Good. It's a 90% stout Probably one and a half is all you need. Yeah, but There's your wife's drink stuff Sometimes. She'll drink the half. Yeah, right, she'll drink the half. She'll drink the half and she'll fall asleep halfway through a movie. I wouldn't mind trying it. You know, at one time I liked stout, again, because it was the only choice. It's very thick. That's what I like. But you're right, at one time that was the outer limits of beer. Alright, well it's International Stout Day in the world, but in Vermont, it's Murder Month. What's that mean, just because it's Halloween? No, there's just been a fuck ton of murders in Vermont. They're finding dead bodies all over the place. I've been telling you about that. All over the place. That's right. Wow, how many now? What's the count? Seven this month. This story is from October 28th and it's seven. There's been several since then. I think so. It's probably closer to ten. And so this story's about, it's like, we don't know what happened. We know who died. We just don't know how or who. A suspicious death. Yeah, yeah. They're all suspicious, obviously. There's none that have been, I haven't read anywhere that cops said, well, no, this is not suspicious. They've all had something suspicious about them. In fact, the one guy they found in Barrie, It was a bear or Plainfield. Yeah, they found out they arrested two people. Oh, it's Barry Yeah, the one they said, yeah Yeah, crazy, yeah Well, anyways, they tried to burn his body Yeah, so anyway, they caught these people. Yeah, they got those two They got one guy for the murder, one guy for abetting, you know. And these people lived in Barrie? They're going to feature prominently in our scumbag map. Right. In about an hour and a half. Yeah, so we'll talk about that. But yeah, the Barrie, it's all drug deal. Okay. That was a drug deal. They tried to rob a drug dealer, right? They tried to rob a drug dealer. They ended up shooting him, but they don't know the woman at Castleton State. They have no idea. The woman who was just hiking on a trail and some drifter just killed her? Right. Oh, okay. They don't know that one But a couple serial killers we're talking about, huh, I mean it's like no I think it's I think it's all most of it's just these Drug related but the woman in castles in state was like I don't even think he that guy robbed her No, he didn't do anything. He just killed her. He just killed her. So it's either personal or just random. Oh You know you think it's like Oh, so you think it's like someone she knows, like knew her hiking habits? Could be. I don't know. Date line. I don't know. You don't know? But anyway, go on with the rest of these. You were going on and on. Sorry I cut you off. I just don't, I don't even remember where they are now. I mean, there's a woman they found in Barrie. Again, drug related? They think. Yeah. Didn't one- reporting her missing from Pittsburgh, Massachusetts, on the same day her body was discovered. Police said the cause and manner of death was pending, but it was labeled suspicious. So she's from Massachusetts. I mean, that's what I was wondering. Because you've told me they were all drug, not all, but some seem drug-related. Definitely drug-related. They're coming from, good old. Springfield, Massachusetts There was two men that were reporting missing in the in the Northeast Kingdom and a few days later up in Eden They found their bodies and they're both shot in the head Ever from Massachusetts. Yeah, that's suspicious. Yes Hate the lab They're probably bad people Well, yeah, you know what, in some ways, and I'm not gonna say it. I'm sure any, you're already thinking what I'm thinking. Everyone listening, just finish closed sentence. In some ways, dot, dot, dot. Well, there was one guy, Gunner Watson, 27-year-old, was killed in his home, at his home. Suspicious. Suspicious death. Watson was a member of the Vermont National Guard since 2020. So what's this, so is that drug-related? We don't know that that's one where the National Guard's like not they're keeping it pretty. Yeah, there's nothing. There's no information about that Then a 27 year old man was shot and killed in Newport town guy from Connecticut Wilmer Rodriguez Letting a guess what that meant and the woman honor a fleming a highly regarded well when rodriguez died from multiple gunshot wounds yeah it was ruled a homicide great great police work there newport town let me see here what do you think it was heart attack? I think he drowned and then honor a fleming a highly regarded retired college dean was shot to death while walking on a rail trail near or home just a short distance from the Vermont State campus. Oh, that one is not drug related. No. Oh, who knows? OK. OK, could be. They've released a sketch of a person of interest. But it almost sounds like a drifter or something. If her name was Honoré Rodríguez, you might have a different assumption, huh? I wasn't even paying attention to the name. Not really. Honoré Fleming. Honoré Fleming. What's her name? Honoré? Honoré. H-O-N-O-R-E-E. Yeah, it's an unusual name, but yeah, that's a first name. Yes That's okay Yeah, but it's crazy that all these emerging happening like Vermont is not Mayberry, it's no it's getting worse. It's getting And so all this drug stuff it seems like for the most part and I don't I just don't get that What don't you get? Why people want to do drugs, why people want to sell drugs, why people want to kill each other over drugs, like what part is the? Well, okay, you got to remember now, I don't know why people would ever want to risk taking drugs because until recently, until marijuana became legal and now I use it, that, yeah, I just always stayed away from people who did drugs because... But you know, marijuana and fentanyl are two very different animals, right? Well, but usually sometimes those mix with others, you know what I mean? So anyway, but I just don't understand why people risk that first time, you know? I mean, I just don't know. I would be worried that I'd become addicted to it. That would be one. And two, that it's unhealthy and I was already sort of at health, not at that point. But I think psychologically you like are like, they had this like, you know, five point personality test, right? Like the big five or like the ocean or whatever. And I think you are just psychologically predisposed to be risk averse. Whereas some people are predisposed to be risk, what's the opposite of averse? Open to risk. I guess that's what you'd say. Well, I think what a lot of this is to fentanyl. Yeah. It's amped up everything so much. So, speaking of crime, down there in Rutland, they're surprised that there's so much crime. Have they been listening to the show? Everybody in the state knows that Rutland has a lot of crime, everybody. Like there's this whole thing where you can Google like Florida man and then like your birth date to see what pops up. I'm gonna do that for you right now Glo. Rutland man denies works just as well. Type Rutland man denies and you're gonna get a ton of stories. It's one of those places that people go oh god Rutland you know people who live here. Yeah remember that day you said you were gonna go to Rutland and we're like I don't think you want to do that and you went anyway. Remember? We warned you. Alright here we go Glo, these are two of the top three hits for November 2nd, Florida Man. Florida Man cited for booty patrol truck's resemblance to a Border Patrol vehicle. With a booby truck? Booty. So this dude took a Border Patrol logo and he changed it so it says, Booty Patrol. And he's driving around Florida as an officer in the Booty Patrol. So obviously, did he steal the truck first? No, no, no. He took the design, like the logo. So he screws around as the Booty Patrol. Can't do that. Here's another one Florida man tried to circumcise two-year-old's cousin while babysitting That's someone very invested in the circumcision process And glow those are both from today like use their headlines. Usually this game you go like historic like 2012 this happen. No, these are both like one from three hours ago ones from five hours ago So Rutland, ain't got nothing, but yes. Come on, one more. Um, I'm trying to find a good one. This one's like fraud. That's, okay, let's go back then. Florida man in tutu breaks into farmer's market to consume fruits and soda. There you go. That's from 2016, November 2nd. There you go. What a headline Back to Rutland so the problem is they got all these repeat defenders and so the story starts with this with the tale of Do they give this woman's name? I don't think they did what? So this is what this woman does. She breaks and she walks into a store takes a jacket towels backpacks and a tote bag Walks out goes back to the same place two days later left with more merchandise ice. She tried to take $357 worth of dishwashing detergent pods from a price chopper. That's all of them, right? Yeah. Is there another contest going on on TikTok? Five days later, she went back to the same TJ Maxx and took a pair of sneakers. So apparently the TJ Maxx workers are just She's like, take what you want. Then finally, she faced charges when police found her sleeping in an ice box outside of a store. How small is she? How big is the box? She's the tiniest woman in the world. It's probably one of those ice big machines you open up the doors and there's the bags of ice in it. Yeah, what did she do, pull out all the ice? Well, I think it was not working. It was March, so probably she wasn't sleeping on ice. She's probably trying to get away from the cold. So she like opened this door, was able to be opened? The criminals have their ways. Okay. I mean, anybody can... It's like sleeping in a refrigerator, isn't it? No, I think that's dangerous. Oh, you're talking about the horizontal ones? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the, you know, like, I never understood this, how like the ice selling system is like just honor system. It's like, I'm gonna get a bag of ice. You're like, okay. Exactly, and then you just, anybody could just walk by to take a bag and take off. Yeah, it must be very cheap. Not very expensive to make. They sell two bags, they're like, we covered. So there was no bags of ice during March? You know, I'm not, also like, it's not like the whole point. Welcome to my world. There's not like a link that takes you to a story That's like a narrative of like her climbing into the ice box. I don't know it's three words These are great questions You remind me like I'll be watching the movie with my wife if something happens. She's like who's he why'd he do that? What's going on? I don't It does, it's like, okay, stop it. I was watching in a movie theater, of Traitors of the, or Raiders of the Ark or something. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Okay. Traitors of the Ark. I was watching it with someone and they put their hand right into the guy's chest. That's Temple of Doom. Okay, whatever. Okay, and he pulls out the heart. Yeah It gets in her head you can see it it's like Wait a minute, that's not, it can't happen that way. This world is not physiologically accurate. I can't buy it. That's Gloria. So this woman has dozens of charges against her and they just get in and they have to release her out on the street because. Because they don't have any room. There's no, like the laws are so lax. Like what if we had like a place where we could put these people that had like walls, bars, and people watching them. I mean, I don't know, I'm just spitballing here, but wouldn't that be a cool idea? Well, and when we see the next story, we know why they can't do that. There's a part of it. Yeah, you can just get right to it. We can mix these. Vermont court system is backed up with 13,000 cases. Over how long a year period? It started in COVID where they couldn't have trials and now it's just backed up for two and a half years. 13,000 cases in this state, just little. So are these people in jail while waiting for that trial? No, or most of them. That's a problem. Well, yeah. They're not. Because they know that by the time their number is up they could have already whoo three years worth of you know muggings. If this store is an indication it's like 1,000 people accounting for these 13,000 cases. Right yeah multiple cases against people and it's like the same in Rutland is what's going on you got to steal one store another store another store. There's one county in that other store where this guy, Bram Kranichfeld, he was like, yeah, we got over 2,000 cases waiting for us. It's like, you ever have an inbox that gets out of control and you're like, fuck, I have like 72 emails? I'm just like, I'm never gonna get to that. Imagine having like 2,000 emails, and you're just like, fuck, it's. Overwhelming. Yeah, it's so overwhelming, you're like, can we just start over? I wonder if this is just. They're all free. I wonder if this is just a Vermont thing or if it's all over the country? I don't know. I mean, I mean, Sarah George doesn't help. Sarah George is awful. Yeah. She needs to be replaced. Yep. I mean, I'm not for like, I mean, I understand like everyone gets like due process, but if you have like five outstanding charges, like maybe put this person somewhere. You know what I mean? Like it's clearly they have a problem. They go back, you let them go, they go back to doing what they were doing the same day. We had that guy downtown who used to just like beat people up and the police would be like, oh, here's Eric. Just beating people up again. They were like scared to take him down. Down here? Yeah, I don't know about this. This guy's just like, he had all these cases against him. He would just beat people up while he was walking down the street. Are you serious? Yeah, the police knew who he was, and they were just like, well, what are you gonna do? And they don't even try breaking up the fight? Well, they weren't there when it happened. I mean, I'm sure that they knew. They know it. Yeah. Wow, here's some stats. So look at these charts, like Rutland crime, like property crime. I don't know what was going on in 2012, but it was super high in 2012. Like what the hell was happening in 2012 in Rutland? I don't know. Obama got reelected and people went nuts. I don't know. Oh, is that what, yeah, is that what happened? No. I don't know, I was not in the country in 2012. And then, obviously the lowest, then it just drops in 2016. And then like the lowest is obviously COVID and then it's way spiked up. It's crazy how much it's like just shot up in like the last year and the same is true for violent crimes down Cove it obviously and they just jump him back up. Is it like pent up criminal activity like Steal yeah or assault somebody or something. Yeah a lot of that Wow They don't have a lot of homicides in Rutland though, do they? I don't know. I mean this the end of these graphs represent that. Yeah, less than 10. Anyways, that's the state we live in now. It's a wild, wild west, man. And I still talk to people when they talk about how like how safe it is. I'm like, I don't, I don't think it is. Like, really? Well, I mean, we walked downtown. It was safe because we're walking so fast nobody would be able to catch us. But yeah, it's just, it's crazy. I mean, we were talking about it the other day. I mean, with that shooter in Maine, you're just out for, you know, at the bowling alley. And all of a sudden somebody comes in and starts shooting up the place. It can happen anywhere. Yeah, can you imagine, like, I've heard people say, well, have you ever had a gun, you ever had a gun, it'd be different. A large bunker, in theory. Can you imagine, like, you're walking up to bowl, you throw your ball, you hear a shot, you turn around, you hear more shots, and now your entire family's dead. You know what I mean? It's not like you have time to like run to grab your gun, it's like, you're not sitting there with your gun waiting for it. It's like. Unless everybody has one just sticking out of their belt. Yeah. Yeah, we don't want that either. I don't know, I'm kind of converting to the side of like, everyone should always have a loaded gun pointed at each other. Like, let's just walk around with guns pointed at each other. We'd all be a lot nicer. The Reservoir Dogs theory. Yeah, the Reservoir Dogs theory of kindness. Like, everybody just walk around, guns out. You walk in the grocery store. You're pointed dead at the cashier your gun your cashier's pointed right at you And you just there's ringing up your items Just don't just fucking do it like everyone fully loaded gun pointed each other safety off all times It's like the wild wild West. Yeah, it's wilder. It's the wilder West Yeah, it's too bad. I mean, it's too bad for the state in any other places dealing with this It's just it's just really It's getting worse and worse Yeah, yeah, I mean this I mean it makes sense while Mero's stepping down right like it's like he's like well my work is done right yeah we fucked this city yeah I'm gonna try to go fuck this thing he's running for governor oh my gosh with record. Chloe doesn't listen to the show. We talked about it last week. It's okay. Look, I fully understand. Sometimes when Matt and I are talking, if you don't listen, I get it. It's boring. Yeah. I don't like politics. I don't know who you're talking about most of the time. But yeah, he's talking about running for governor. Unbelievable. And Scott is the most popular governor in the nation, I think. I think I read that the other day, as far as polls. Makes sense. I don't vote. Maybe it was the public. I might vote that time. Yeah, if he makes it that far. He's going to. He's got money behind him. He's got all the developers behind him. They're like, yeah, let's get him in there. So we can like, can we just pave? We just want to pave the Green Mountains. No, uh-uh. Not the time I've been living here. I've seen this city just go down. You know, when Burlington progressives or Democrats or whatever try to go statewide, it generally doesn't work. You know, like Peter Clavell, who was the mayor here in Burlington. Love Peter, he's a really nice guy. He was terrible as a running for governor. He was just really bad. Then you got the other guy, the old long-haired farmer. Yeah. Oh, yeah, what's his name? He's the... He's lieutenant governor. He's lieutenant governor. He keeps going back. He ran for governor. It was terrible. Of course, he ran against the wrong person. Well, I mean... He seems like a fine person. Yeah, he's nice. I can't remember his name. Until Matt said that, I was like, oh yeah. Then I knew his name, then he said it, I was like, oh God. Who did he replace? I don't even know. Remember that woman that we didn't like? Molly Gray? Yeah, Molly Gray. I kind of feel bad about like my eight-month campaign against Mollie Gray, like, I'm sure she's fine. I just, something about her, she seems so robotic. Yeah. And then she ran for governor, didn't she? Yeah. Yeah, and then lost. I think she ran for, I don't know, she ran for much of stuff. Something. Oh no, she ran for the House. House. I mean, she's probably living in another state, running for something else right now. Probably. Like, she's not... She's a craven. Anyway, I'll stop there. She's a lovely person, I'm sure. Lovely person. Do we care about these school stories? No. Moving on. Let me make sure I delete those. I'm at the top health care contractor. You threw this on kind of last minute. Actually, no. It's been on there for a while. But I noticed this last minute. Did I skip something? Nope. Well, the prison, it's Springfield Prison, not the one in Massachusetts, I don't know if they have one, they should, but you know, this has a lot, more people die in Springfield Prison than any other prison in Vermont because that's where they send the old people and the infirmed and stuff like that. But the prison's new health services administrator has had his nursing license suspended or revoked in three different states, and he gets hired. But we looked for opioids. Like diverting opioids. What does that even mean? Diverting? It's like signing somebody else's name and then taking them for yourself. Why are they called diverting? Why are they called stealing? That's what it really is. It's like, are you robbing this bank? No, I'm simply diverting funding. The money. I'm gonna divert it from you to me. Right, right. It's more of a detour. Sounds much more civilized. Okay. It's more of a diversion. Yeah. I mean, he's had a... North Carolina, New Mexico, and North Dakota for diverting or wasting opioids. I don't know how he did that. Public record show, and then he gets suspended. So, he's done this in each place he's worked. And he got found out by a nurse who got hired there because her friend died there. And then she saw a posting there at the job. She's like, let me go work there and see what's going on because it seems suspicious. She met this guy and she's like, this guy is dodgy. And then she looked at him and she's like, his license has been revoked. So why do we hire this guy? Because we're morons. Maybe because he was the only applicant? I was thinking about that. I think I'm gonna start applying for these high up bureaucratic jobs just because I could be charming in an interview for 45 minutes. Yeah. Make some bullshitters. And you probably won't be near the actual prisoners. You're gonna be up in some lofty office Gilded office just looking down with a cocktail Yeah, and this job a supervisory and administrative position that's not even required nursing license She doesn't even have one But let's think about so, okay. So he first got his license revoked in North Carolina All right for doing this dodgy shit then where does it go New Mexico? That's a red flag, right? That's a man trying to disappear. You know, I mean like that's a long way to go and then, North Dakota And now this dude knows what he's doing He's going to these rural places where there's not much oversight and he figures like you know what? Yep They won't check up on me and obviously they didn't He made the gamble they don't have the Internet in Vermont and they don't apparently So wait a minute we hired him not knowing this I mean look you go work at UPS you got to pass a background check yeah I would think somebody would look into this person for I I think I saw an update on the store I think he got fired already first day yeah well he'd been there what's the severance package I'm I'm just saying that's how this shit works, right? Yeah, because because they probably can't fire him legally without paying him a certain amount of money It's probably this contract or anything sued or getting sued so they just and then going back to these stories We did not read like huh? Why don't we have any money for schools? So could you keep doing dumb shit like this? Like you keep hiring these buffoons getting embarrassed and now and now who's gonna take it over who the fuck knows? And then this guy claims when digger called him for an interview He said, his disciplinary history was irrevelant to his current position. He's like, yeah, I stole drugs from three different jobs. What does that have to do with my job now? Overseeing a medical facility. He's like, what the fuck? I don't know, everything? It's so stupid. It's like. He's like the three stooges. But you're right, Glo. Like, Digger needs to talk to the person that hired him. Yeah. Put a microphone in front of that motherfucker's face. Like, hey, so, any red flags in the hiring process? Like, anything come up in the background check? Did you do a background check? Well, he works for WellPath, so I don't think he even works for the state. He works for this company called WellPath. I know, yeah, but there should be oversight. There's a process of it's like the facility has to okay this person. Right. I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe they just place them wherever they want. I mean, imagine a drug dealer getting that job, selling drugs to all the, you know, no background check. Why not? Well, I think this person was taking them. Yeah. Well, I know that. But drug dealers are probably better. I'm just saying you could hire anybody. A drug dealer is organized. You don't know who they are. Yeah. Drug dealers understand systems. This guy is doped up out of his mind. I mean, prisoners seem to get drugs somehow, right? Prisoners? Oh, yeah. There's always ways. I know. Well, yeah. Mostly up the butt. They understand commerce. Yeah. Drug dealers. All right, let's move on before we start overly celebrating drug dealers. All right, we are going to, oh, treading on y'all's old territory. Is there a ghost at U-Mall? Maybe we should go for a walk in the mall. Yeah, we were talking about going for a walk. Well, there's always the mall. It was snowing yesterday, and I really wanted to go for a walk. So I said, how about the mall? Nope, nope, nope. I will not allow this. Y'all cannot start becoming mall walkers. No, no. I did get that picture in my head. I know, he's right. I would feel so. I'm gonna get you all some white New Balances, some white Windbreakers, a couple of visors, and some sunglasses, and y'all can just speed walk the mall. No thanks. So yeah, so they think it's in 802 Antiques, but did like a little girl kill herself there? Like what? Maybe it was a mall walker who fell dead at a heart attack. So, okay. Y'all are the experts? Let me know about how I understand ghost energy. Like, 802 Antiques, it's an antique store. It doesn't mean it's an old store. It's not an old store. But do objects have the energy? Yeah, sometimes ghosts attach themselves. They travel with the objects. So that's the theory, probably. Yeah, I would think so. Yeah, we've heard it a lot. Mm-hmm. Does the energy leave when it enters a fucking mall? I'm not going in there. How come it doesn't set off the alarm? So paranormal investigators of New England or pine or pie dash any P I any P. Yeah Yeah, they think, the store manager thinks it has high energy and unique spirits. They think they found, what is it, an old woman in there, an old man or something? Harold. Has a dark and witty sense of humor. Yeah. But what is it about, is there an object that they're putting this on? Do they not wanna say? They should say, people don't wanna buy it, right? I think it's just in the store itself now. It's just hanging out. It's just hanging out. It came in with an antique or something. Maybe now Harold's like I like it here Why not? Being a ghost like that Like wouldn't that be cool? You know, you just But like do I exist in many dimensions? So I just only exist in this dimension like what am I like in reality? Like am I traveling between times do I exist everywhere at all times at once? What I have no idea I mean I have a theory just about energy sometimes but you know and there are places that many deaths occur that are seem to be very very haunted you know particularly all hospitals and things like that but we've had our own experiences I you know somehow I'm still sometimes not a believer but then when I think of a few of our, you know, back in time in St. Albans. I mean, that was really, that was it. I got scared because I knew there was somebody at the door. Right, and we knew, we didn't know for sure, but when we saw on the video the next day, there was nobody there, but we heard it. Oh yeah. As a matter of fact, I Whispered to Matt and I said Well, I was laying there because at first I heard like the curtains moving I just walked around the place was 430 in the morning I was laying there by myself. She was laying in the bedroom. Okay, so he thought I was asleep Okay, I thought she was asleep. Okay, I get in bed. I don't I up until then nothing really bothered me or worried me. Yeah This is a classic horror movie set up by the way, that's like let's split up And it's very creepy walking around. And I'm all by myself. See, I would have had a hard time going to bed by myself, even though I'm the ghost hunter. They still make me a little nervous. But you're not a hunter. You're out there killing. You're a ghost searcher. No, no, no. I'm a searcher. But being that at the time didn't really bother me, so why not? Besides, I was tired. Oh, yeah. As a matter of fact, that's when I used to get my best sleep. She used to sleep really well. Fall asleep during ghost hunts like on a die. Maybe that's the how the ghosts Did a little ghost magic on you put you to sleep so they could terrorize Matt Well, they terrorize his bowl that night I got in bed and I wasn't there very long and I started hearing the curtains moving Because this room what we're in is It's had a lot of activity. Yeah, and then Started hearing the heavy bootsteps going back and forth outside our door And that's when Gloria leaned over, did you hear that? I went, see? She's scared. Of course I hear it. And she goes, should we open the door? I go, no. I said, open the door. We were both kind of frozen. We were, that was scary. Yeah, we didn't know what to do. We were waiting, because we were kind of staring at the door, remember? We were like waiting for it to fly open, which would have been terrorizing. But when we got up the next day... Did you fall asleep? Yeah, we finally went to bed. And this lasted a while. It was one of those things where you hear these bootsteps for a while. We're listening and waiting for the door. So finally they stopped. The bootsteps stopped and you both were like, that was weird. Well, he's got some shut-eye. Pretty much. What the fuck? I would have been... I think I might have looked out to see what was going on. I don't know. But we did. We went to sleep for like three hours. I get up, we get up. I open our door and the guy that used to investigate with us, he's across the hall with his neck throat First thing he says to me he says tell me you heard those bootsteps at 430 this morning. I said, yep You think he was fucking with you? We had the cameras I had a camera right there at a nighttime vision camera There was nothing there. But that hallway always had a lot. We were sitting there one time. There was a couple steps in the middle of the hallway that would eventually lead to the stairs and stuff. But we're sitting on these steps. Gloria's, she's bundled up, because it's freezing. She's bundled up because it's July. It's July. And she's got headphones listening to something from earlier. Right, and we're just sitting there on the steps. And I'm just sitting there and all sudden there's a great video. There's a camera behind us There's a great shot of Gloria and I at the same time turning around Because it sounds like somebody's walking up behind us. Yeah, and we're both of it. She's got the headphones on it I mean and hoods and hats and layers Sam person we found a couple places were really haunted. I think that was the most It was creepy, it had everything going for it. Maybe you should check out Yumo. Maybe we should. Maybe wander into the antique Phaedo 2. Let's go look into the antique store, Matt. Well, I mean, that's probably going to happen with a lot of people. Oh, yeah. There's a lot of people walking around with equipment now, and they're kind of like, what do I do? Why did I answer that call from whatever it was, Valley News? Yeah, let's wait till next week. These people aren't buying anything. All right, let's move on. Got some aviation news. We are Vermont's number one aviation podcast. So the Vermont delegation, the rep and the two senators are all huffy about JetBlue leaving. Yeah, like he said, you know, Bernie says, you know, we bailed them out pretty much during COVID, the taxpayers. Yeah, we just gave you billions of dollars and now you're leaving the people. Yeah, and simultaneously saying we're cutting this because of we don't have enough money yet. You're opening other routes. So it's like it's all It's like yeah, they purport to be that's the tricky thing right like the eight like Airlines, they purport to be a service right, but they're actually a business right? So and they're not a very good business And after this, oh, I won't Fly them. Well one thing I won't have a choice but if there's ever a chance it kind of sucks because like I always like I hate airlines but like I'm like oh but I like JetBlue exactly but not anymore and I'm like fuck you JetBlue yeah not after that yeah we always had good experiences with JetBlue yeah it was the other ones that made us crazy but so far lately we've done okay I mean with American the last time and Delta a couple times before that. No complaints. No complaint. That's good. No complaints. That's a good thing. But also you're getting beaten down until like if you went from 20 years ago and then took a flight from your last flight, you'd be like, what the hell? Oh yeah. Yeah. It all started with the napkins. Let's hear the napkin theory of the airline. I think that was the name of a book. Yeah. I'll start with the napkins. Well, lay it out. Make the case. Well, it used to be classy. You actually had a menu, you actually, you know, all this. And it was real China and real tableware with a cloth napkin. Yeah, I think that was before my time. I remember getting the, like, TV dinner-looking things. No, I remember it was, like, pretty classy. But at least it was a meal. Yeah. What did we get last time? pretzels on one flight and some awful ginger cookies. So imagine, I think it's because eventually, eh, cloth napkins, now let's make it paper napkins. Next thing, let's make the table wear plastic. You know, everything throw out. Oh, plates, what are you crazy? No, plastic. You know, it's so I just kept going and going. I don't know what it actually started with, but yeah, deteriorated very quickly. Thankfully, they no longer have real utensils. Oh, you mean murder. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Murder. I mean, murder. I know. Again, the reservoir dog theory of safety. Everybody have a knife. Oh my gosh, how uncivilized we've become. First, the abortion thing. And now, the- We're gonna roll right over that. She's on a roll, yeah, of course the abortion thing and The the level of of Crud that we've accepted as being normal I mean appliances major appliances lasting no longer than eight years and people are thrilled by that. By design. Yeah, it makes me sick. Well, you come from a background of, not necessarily appliances, but of engineering and design, where you appreciate something that can last a long time. Of course I do. And fixing things and keeping them. Yeah. That's Gloria's MO. That's me, I'm sorry. I mean. Don't apologize for that. There's lots of things you should apologize for, but not that. I know, I know. but people don't always like me for that. Yeah, I was thrilled to get a bag of pretzels on my last flight instead of the cookies that I'd had gotten every other time. It left a bad taste in my mouth. They were terrible. I always imagine the flight attendants as they're passing those out, they're like, give me your pretzels, you fucking animals. That's what I imagine they're thinking. They must hate people. Flight attendants must hate people more than, Like, it's probably flight attendants at the top, prison guards, teachers, and then I'm not sure, those are the top three professions that probably hate people the most. I would say with cause. Anybody in retail. Oh, retail, retail, retail. Oh, yeah. All right, moving on. More aviation news. Beta has delivered its first electric plane to a customer. Glow, you don't know who this is yet. When I first read this I was hoping it was gonna be some billionaire oil tycoon who's gonna like fly it for something fun who do you think the customer is some nonprofit for kids Make a wish is really doing well It is a non-profit essentially, yeah Air Force Air Force? The fucking military. The military. Of course. What a bummer. Why would they do that? I mean, it's just not fun. It's not a fun story. They should have sold it to somebody, yeah, some weirdo. Does Matthew McConaughey know how to fly? Give him a fucking plane, you know? Just give it to him. Make it fun. Just give it to him. William Shatner? I know he's old, but I don't know. Fly a plane, William Shatner. I think he may be too heavy these days. William Shatner? I think so. Do we have you for flight? How old, how old do you think he is? Have you seen these people on flights? Well, but those have wings, or wait, not wings anymore. Engines? Engines. This is kind of unrelated, but I've heard that airlines are actually making more money now because so many Americans are on like, are you familiar with the Wagovi and Ozempic? like these like drugs that like reduce cravings in your brain. They're like diabetes drugs, but they're also like now people use them for like weight loss. And people are losing so much weight that actually airlines are using less fuel. Oh my gosh. Because their average payload is lighter than it was like a year ago. Is this legal drug? Yeah, yeah, you can get it prescribed. I mean it's not cheap. I mean if you don't have insurance you're probably fucked, but yeah, you can get it prescribed. Have you thought about it? Um, I've thought about it, but like, it's pretty new, so, and they don't know how it works. They just know that it works. Huh, it's funny we're talking about this, because I get these emails from this supplement company, and berberine, B-E-R-B-E-R-I-N-E, it's I think a type of berry or something, But anyway, this email was all about how you what happens is some people have slow metabolisms And others do not and this berry or whatever this barber or whatever thing is helps Speed up your metabolism. It's not just like meth No, I mean, I don't know So if you're interested I'll forward it to you but I doubt you, I didn't do it because I figured you're not interested. See, I know you well. I'm fine, I think I'm fine. So, crews flew the aircraft 1,500 miles from Vermont, down from Vermont, to stop, but they had to recharge it on the way. How many times, did it say? It said the longest segment, no it didn't say, the longest segment was 386 miles. Why don't they just put solar panels on it? Might reduce the flight, I don't know. Or make the actual shell photo, not photogenic, photo, whatever. Maybe they can't get enough power to actually fly. I don't know. None of us are experts in jet propulsion. I mean, and then have a battery. So you could even then, hey, you could fly at night for a while. But anyway, no, I'm just wondering, why not that yet? I'm sure it's coming. I'm sure I'm sure the stuff that like they're flying is I'm sure there's there's other stuff That's like in the work. Yeah, that's like way maybe they are flying It's just not that far cuz they're like we don't want to die It'll be bad for business Just takes one death one crash one crash Oh, you know the other day we were like going on about how like how it's amazing that like pilots are doing so well Yeah, did you see this crazy guy like, you know, what was it, New York or now it was out west somewhere I think I can't write. I thought it was like in New England. Yeah, he had a freak-out glow Ran into the cockpit tried to like crash the plane The pilots fought him off got him out of the cockpit locked the door because I think they let him in cuz he's a pilot He's a pilot. So I think pilots are like bros with pipe with pilots, you know Oh, they let him in he tried to crash the plane he'd been on mushrooms and up for like 72 hours or something, ran out of the plane, told one of the flight attendants, you have to handcuff me or it's gonna get bad. And so they're like, what? And so he started trying to open emergency doors and so they finally restrained him. But like, yeah, imagine that dude's flying. Yeah, I guess he'd been depressed and somebody told him to take mushrooms or something. And then get on a plane. Yeah, it don't work for everyone. It's micro dosing. Start small, work your way up. So who was able to tackle him? I don't remember the whole story, but I think he was eventually restrained. I'm sure flight attendants, I don't know if the flight attendants were male or female, I don't know if some of the passengers helped or whatever, but they eventually subdued him and they landed and he was arrested. I wonder if they still have marshals on the planes, remember? But they used to say, oh, every plane has a marshal. There's not that many marshals. There's thousands of marshals just hanging out. They're not giving up their seats. Flying around. You ever look around and think, you a marshal? I don't even think about it anymore. It just doesn't occur to me that they're still even doing it. I wonder. I was looking at the emergency road. I'm like, really, y'all? I don't know. I don't have my faith in y'all. Y'all switch seats? I was going to say, y'all with your shoes off, you're going to jump to our seat? All right, moving on. That was that. Okay, a couple quick ones here. Citizen Sider has hired an investigator to investigate themselves. See how that goes. This is the never-ending Citizen Sider story. It's crazy. It kind of blows my mind how they're still like, actually, we did nothing wrong, right? I'm still like cold like sticking to it. I Want this is like the um, I mean, I hate to bring up Trump, but it's kind of like the Trump playbook, right? Like never apologize never admit any fault and just wait for the next shitty thing to happen and people forget about you. Mm-hmm Yeah, it'll work But they're not forgetting about this. They seem very deaf. Yes to what's going on You know, this is like the anti-bud light thing like people hate Citizen Sider as much as like rednecks hate bud light, right? Yeah, we just talked about this last night We still would see. Yeah. Yeah, he was how you brought it up the bud light thing. Yeah, I didn't know about it I never heard of the bud light thing. Oh, really? What would you think about it when you heard about it? makes sense What does that? Having that person who was a transsexual Transgender, whatever, one of those people that those people don't like and now you're gonna have that person represent my beer, the one and only one that I've ever drunk and I'm still fat. This light thing ain't doing a lot for me. Just think if I drank regular beer. I don't think Bud Light works if you have 12 of them. That's pretty much what we see, the old 12 pack going out. Because you have to. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. After the fifth one, you're like, I'm kind of feeling it. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it does make sense that it would anger that group. They were hoping, I think, that it would, that people who were a fan of this influencer would be like, you know what, I should give Bud Light a try. And maybe they did, but it's a bad product. You know? It's terrible. And those people probably have better taste. Right, like no one tries Bud Light and goes, mm. Yummy. It's always like, where's this been my whole life? It's always like, how much money do I have? That's the decision. All right, so yeah, the Heilenbach, which I guess is the owner, the manager, what is this person's role? President Justin Heilenbach. He said that they hired a company to investigate the employees. He refused to comment if the investigators were going to interview all the employees who walked out. So it's like, you can talk to the people who are still here. They're fine. But this is so stupid. They should be talking to the people who are running the fucking company. Well, they are, but I'm sure they're like, you know, the company hired them. were they gonna say? It's such a dumb thing. Yeah. Anyway, we'll see what happens next. I'm guessing it's not much of anything. And if you have weed in Vermont and you have kids, they are giving away child-resistant cannabis bags. Good idea. Put your cannabis in a bag. I don't know what makes it child-resistant. Like a tricky zipper. Like I have no idea what this is. I'll just do a Ziploc for me, that makes it, you know, I can't get in those things. Yeah, it doesn't really say like what makes it childproof, but I mean it's like there's like pill bottle, oh here we go, no, that would say, but they're concerned because some weed products like gummies, kids might want them. Of course they would. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, there was a story, I remember there was a couple maids down at the Shelburne Inn who found a couple cookies left When they were cleaning the room and they ate them Really yeah, well, you know not expecting it. You don't know what's going on. Yeah, that's true. Those cookies can fuck with you. Yeah As you know my one weed cookie experience. I thought I was having a heart attack And our friend was absolutely no help. Or maybe he was the best help because he was so calm. He was like, you're fine, have a seat. Like, he wouldn't even look up from his magazine. I'm like, he's reading his magazine. All right, Matt, this last one, I did not have a chance to look at. Well, I put this on for Glow. A new land acquisition will expand a park in Burlington's North End. The 11 acres of land was donated by the Elks Lodge. and is connected to the Arms Forest and includes woodland trails and a meadow. It's the woods behind the Elks Lodge. We've walked there. We've walked, yeah. It's pretty cool. And it's beautiful. Oh, we should go to lunch again there. Before they close. The Elks Lodge? Yeah, we used to go to the Elks Lodge. Can you go if you're not a member? Yes. Yes. For lunch? Do you have to, is it military? We have this conversation once every six months, I always forget the Elks. This has nothing to do with military. No. Really? Yeah. It's just another organized alcoholism. Cheap drinks. Cheap drinks. I think cheaper drinks. I think it was only on Friday. Friday so you can go to lunch. The afternoon is lunch time. That's the only day they had that. And boy, it did fill up, didn't it, Matt? A lot of food. A lot of food. Well, a lot of food, but also an amazing amount of people. A lot of people. Big portions, big people? Big people big portion. Yeah, big fun, but it was alright And it had cloth napkins a tablecloth Much classier than an airline Campfires classier than airline. Well, I'm just happy they kept that piece of land without developing it Yeah, because it's a really nice piece of land. Because it's their property. I never knew that. I mean, how many times have we walked back there? I don't want to be a bummer, but they donated it to the city. I mean, it hasn't been developed yet. Yes. Yeah. Oh, no. Wait. No, we're making it a part of the park. Oh, but we can't trust a city. We can't if Karen Paul gets elected. Yeah. I agree. She's got my vote so far. All right, y'all ready for a break? Yep. I always think we're going to go short. We always go long. The music is from, I don't know if I'm going to say this right, Django Solo. And the song is The Way The World Is. A young woman, nicely dressed, touched and groped without consent, a black man killed in the street at the hand of the police. Is this the way the world is? Is this the way the world is? Is this the way the world is? Is this the way the world is? I'm powerless, intimidation A piece of meat, objectification I'm all alone, isolation I can't breathe, suffocation Is this the way the world is? Is this the way the world is? Is this the way the world is? Is this the way the world is? What's the hesitation? We need an explanation All the accusations All the allegations All the violations We need investigations These abominations Are obligations Am I screaming into the wind? Sometimes it feels like I'm screaming into the wind Powerful determination I'm not alone, realization I can breathe rejuvenation You'll get yours, retaliation This is the final straw But if you continue this harassment Well, whoop your ass, man. Hear my voice, it's not just me. Here we stand, solidarity. Knock them down, set us free. Build a safe community. Hear my voice, and it's not just me. Here we stand, solidarity. Knock them down, set us free. All right, so this is the story in seven days, which is just like Burlington looks like shit, right? It's like some, several reporters were just like, you know what, it kind of looks like shit, and let's just write that. They're focusing on like all the abandoned buildings and how they're just like covered in graffiti and all this crap that's like unfinished and unused just sitting there. Because the owners can't tear them down without a plan of what to do with it because they're historical buildings like the YMCA. Boves. Oh yeah, Boves. I thought the YMCA was bought up by some boutique. That thing is just, it's in legalese hell right now because of the rules that the city of Burlington has. I think it's just too expensive to do it. Another one is that church. Oh no, St. Anthony's on the corner of Flynn and Pine. You know, they've been biting at the rain, chewing on the rains or whatever it's, I don't know. Chewing on the bit. Chewing on a bit. No, it's not that one. It's not that one. No, this is the one downtown Oh Cathedral Cathedral It's not the one that's like aculate conception. Is that the Church of Church Street when you look down Church Street? No, no, that's it. That's a universal. That's the oh my gosh that that's preserved forever They're packed every day So that's the Unitarians No, this is the one that was sold Okay, it's on Cherry Street, the new bus station, that's open area where it has all those trees planted but in the middle it has very modern, no windows, looking kind of dreary place. That's that church. It used to be a huge cathedral on that big lot at one time and it burned down very suspiciously. I was about to say a racist term. Yeah, I know. I got one of those, too. So, anyway, that's it. Do you know where it is, yeah? Um, no. I haven't been on Cherry Street in probably five years. You know what? I don't ever go down there. I was in shock today. I went to Kohl's and I'm coming to the light and behind Healthy Living It's a whole big apartment building. It's a whole new world. When was the last time I was there? Probably a couple of years ago. They go up fast. No. They go up fast. It was at least August, if not even later. No, it's not that fast. Yes, yeah. I didn't even notice it. This is America. We don't build that fast. These things are, I think they just come in, you know, they're pre-fabricated, so they just come in pieces and they kind of slap them together. What do you think each unit costs? Probably smaller than these that we're in right now. Probably cost, what, $2,500 to rent, something like that? Probably. That's insane, man.$3,000. I heard it through the grapevine. Actually, through our neighbor. If you want, I'll send you the link. My god. And there's a little bit of a problem, but we'll talk about it later. Is this an off-mic situation? Well... Yeah, let's talk about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like we're getting close to committing to a crime, which we don't want to do. We don't want to get crime involved. And now they're worried because the 55,000 square foot state office building is going to empty out. and the Walgreens pharmacy on Cherry Street. So they're gonna have two new buildings that are gonna be sitting there. Isn't it sick that we have all these empty buildings and all these homeless people, and we're like, huh, what can we do with these problems? No one's ever like, I don't know, maybe let the homeless people live there. I always thought the mall, that would have been all the stores, if they want to be no longer a mall, why not just turn the whole building, you already have all the little cutouts for apartments, right? And you have an inside place for children to play. Of course, who's gonna maintain all this? But you know what I mean? That, there was apartments right there they could have had, of course, you know, no windows, but. I mean, it doesn't sound that crazy. Like, it's like, where do you live? Oh, Foot Locker. You know, like it used to be Foot Locker. Oh yeah, I know where that is. It sounds crazy, but like, where do you go to school? Macy's. Like, that's really happening. Right, right. So it's not that nutty. But no, I think some places are doing that, because exactly what you said, like, taking these malls, which are... Why are we building malls? You know what I mean? It makes no sense. And then, like you said, you have all this inside space. It's all tiled now, but it could be green space. I mean, there could be playgrounds and stuff. And keep some of that stuff. Maybe keep like, the bookstore could be a library. There could be stuff that is easy to switch over. Have an indoor dog park. Somebody better be around, though, to clean it. But anyway. I mean, someone cleans them all. You got people. I thought of this. As a matter of fact, I think I even went to a senior center all the way up there on North Winooski by the Salvation Army. me. I actually went to a meeting explaining what they were going to do, which of course was a big lie as we know now. And I actually did. I asked a question. I mean, why can't we just reuse it and use it as a place for people to have an apartment? Why did we have to... It never got answered. No. They're like, boo, that doesn't bring in revenue. Who gets rich off that? Well, part of that, the one thing, the regulation of historic buildings and you have to have a redevelopment plan before you wreck your building. It's also because of the reasons are redevelopment takes time, motivation and money. Right now, building is expensive, interest rates are high, construction crews are hard to come by and material costs have risen dramatically. So nobody wants to build. Exactly. But we see building all around us. Yeah. Right? Yeah. It's making no sense. It ain't making sense. It's making no sense. It doesn't make, you know, I mean how rich is the Ireland company getting all the construction they do? You mean the Vermont mafia? Yeah. I'd say they're pretty rich. I'll cut that. Oh, but you don't cut when I want to cut. I'm not going to cut what I just said either. I have to go back and find it. I mean, they're building anyways. Maybe not downtown. The pit is being built, but all these other places. It all just sounds like old-fashioned thinking. Like there's no vision. You know what I mean? Like why is like we should be thinking like modern and green and walkable and I think it's that's what they're like purporting to do but whatever also means like Affordable like people need to be able to live there and like you mean like I don't think it's like coming from Europe You come here. It's like oh Totally wrong like Like we have a model not to just the other side of the ocean like they're doing it and doing it Well, we are not the smartest civilization in the world We're getting dumber. I think we think we're the smartest and the best and the we don't do anything. We're God's favorite We don't do anything. Well look at transportation Napkins on Amtrak trains. Yeah, you know used to have napkins on air Amtrak Our system of trains our airplanes our airlines, it's just you know cars our cars suck you know everything sucks we don't do anything well when it comes to transportation except these little electric airplanes and the blue bikes the blue bikes are everywhere and now they're getting tagged yeah yeah people are graffiti yeah well all right moving on like animals in the wild I hope they just disappeared I'm wondering what I did think of that we saw a couple on our and what happens in the winter? They're just gonna leave them there with like piles of snow and... Well we know there's the bird team that comes and scoops them up so they'll probably just take them to a warehouse somewhere. I would think so. They can't bring them, let them out there in the winter. Because otherwise they're liable because don't they need to then replace the tires with snow tires on the bicycles? I bet you know what I mean. I bet they're gonna be gone pretty quickly. Yeah that's what I figured. I mean I bet you the battery doesn't you know in cold weather. That's right. Anyways, moving on, going down to Brandon. So Brandon, we like Brandon. I love Brandon. You know who doesn't love Brandon? Goshen. Goshen. Who's Goshen? What is Goshen? Where is Goshen? Wait, that's a town. Okay. So Brandon has voted to not extend their police force to Goshen. The police chief of Brandon said, hey, yo, police service is expensive, you know? Maybe you need to kick down a few. Right, we need more money. What's in it for us? You scratch our back, we scratch yours. And Goshen's like, we don't have money. We have seven houses. Could you please just save us? We don't even have a dollar general. Gautien says, we had 12 police calls last year. We're not breaking the bank over here. That is ridiculous. This year they've had 25. Uh oh. Oh no. Spillover from Rutland. Gautien's going to hell. Even in Gautien. Even Gautien? Oh gosh. This is heartbreaking. It is. What did you say? Nevermind. but it is funny that like Brandon's like uh-uh nope sorry we're all booked up over here we're not taking care of your crime wave I protect and serve the people on this side of the street I don't protect and serve people on that side of the street yeah they voted for it and it passed so sorry Goshen okay Okay, what do you know about Goshen, honey? Ah, I see, that's the next one. Don't open it, don't open it. Don't open it. I did see like a mausoleum, so. It's okay, we'll start there. So, the Goshen town photo is like, I don't even know, it looks like a windmill with no blades. Like a tiny golf course windmill with no blades. No, it's a monument. Of what? It's it's got Goshen 1901 and it's got some weaponry from the you know 19th century okay you know cross with a I don't know it looks like a curtain you know I don't know but it's just weird the Goshen war memorial yeah from the Great Goshen War? Oh, that was tough. What happened in 1901 in Goshen? Did they take over Brandon for a short stint? Well, you know, when you said there was like 25 calls last year, and I look at the population, it's a crime wave. Glo, what do you think the population of Goshen? how about 125? You're not far off, 172. Not bad, not bad. And they had 25 coupons. That's a lot. Okay, was it domestic violence? Was it drug related? Hold on, I gotta do a little bit of math here. Yeah, I don't know. Do you think it was... Like, how many people... Yeah, there's like 14% of the... When your police calls are 14% of the population. So what's the population of Burlington, like 45,000? About 40. 40? I think even more. 42 maybe. Let's say 42. Let's split the difference. They don't have a lot going for them. Even their notable people list is pretty small. So that would be like if Burlington had almost 6,000 police calls. Just to put that in perspective. That's good. I'm glad you did that. Probably have. I'm not sure. You know? That's not that far off. Actually, that's only 16 calls a day. We probably get that. Probably easily. So maybe it's not that bad. It just seems high. And I think in Goshen, I think the crime wave is probably a handful. It's probably like oh, it's Little Stevie and Ray Ray and you know like and like, oh, fucking Tina, she's a whore, you know? It's probably like these three or four people that they all know. Platform shoes. With their platform shoes and their makeup. Halter tops. You know, like, you know, dressed in like a 1970s hooah. In 1840, 621 people lived there, that's the max population. Damn, what a drop off from Goshen, right? What was happening? It must have been half the town. It got down to 76 in 1960. 76? That's barely a town. That's like four families. They're just like, we're holding on. And then it almost doubled in 1970 to 120. So, steadily. So now it's dropping off again. The 2000 was the highest in the near, in the future, you know, around 2000 was 227. Now it's dropped up to 172. Okay, so from 1970 to 1980, it almost doubled. That is like the great hippie banging period of Goshen. That's like free love Goshen over there. Which we'll talk about later in another story. Yeah, there's a hippie story coming up. Great story. It's the story of the week, I think. Yeah, we don't lead with that. Besides the Elf Club. We bury that at the end, like hour two of the podcast. You gotta wait, it's like third from last. If we were smart, we'd start with that. We're like, no, no, put it where we put it. We don't give a fuck. We do it our way, a bad way. So I bet real estate is pretty good down there. Goshen? Yeah, because now, if all these homes have been abandoned and there's less people, maybe, you know, you can buy cheap. Well, what kind of shape are these homes? Well, that's a good question. I don't think they're great homes to begin with. All right, Glow, I'm gonna try to put you in a three bed, two bath in Goshen, Vermont, 1,850 square feet, sitting on a 20 acre lot. Okay, in today's prices? Today's prices. In American dollars? Uh, around 400,000. 225. We're packing up. Yeah, we'll do great in Goshen. Let me look at the inside photos. Yeah, 20 acres, but you wanna build about 19 acres from your house, because the house is probably crap. It does look like an old barn. It does have a... Oh, I love old, well, I mean, I love to restore old barns, but they cost. It's a red flag that I've gone through 10 photos and none of them are inside, okay. There may have been a murder in this home. They have these weird doors that go into the wall that are about three feet high. So maybe there's another person that lives here. A what? Nothing. That's called learning. Yeah, this needs some work. but um you know take 20 acres little elbow grease it's got a nice fireplace that needs some work as a kitchen need some work it's a galley kitchen hey that doesn't sound so bad you live in Goshen he's got these weird doors though I think there is enough I think there's some visitors that is another story to this house it's like yeah just deal with the one how often is turned over think Think of all the ghosts we can find here. Oh yeah, there's some shooting down in this house. That's 100%. All right, moving on. So we have this eternal question. What is the most liberal city in Vermont? Is it Brattleboro? Is it Montpelier? Well, we just got a little bit more on the Montpelier side because they're opening a strongman powerlifting gym in Brattleboro. What's that mean, strongman powerlifting? So what why is that now not making them liberal? Well, you know, I'm gonna use some stereotypes here But I'm guessing most power lifter strong men are not lot days sipping avocado toast chewing weed smoking liberals Just a guess But if you look in this photo, there's a dude lifting up a boulder. So oh, yeah, it's that kind of Use them. Yeah, right. I got a couple of boulders. Use them in the garden. I got a couple of rocks back here. A reminder for everyone to mute their devices. I did. Oh, thank you very much. But this is the Pale Horse Barbell. So, yeah, it's opened by a four-year Marine veteran. Yeah, he's got an American flag there. You know what that means. This is not liberal. I hate that the American flag now does it to me. Now when I look at it, I'm like, oh, I know what that means. But you know. It is unfortunate. It is unfortunate. But you know, he's opening in Brattleboro. So, who knows, maybe he's on the right side of things. I don't know. Only charging 35 bucks a month. Pretty reasonable for a gym nowadays. The gym will hold a friendly grip-focused axle bar deadlift competition on November 4th. So Matt, are you busy that day or are you? I've done too many of those. That's like, I'm kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I can't even. Yeah, I don't know. I just thought that was interesting. Like, it seems like. That's not, you'd think I would be in Bennington. Some Ben. Which is much more right wing in Bennington than there is Brattleboro. And maybe this isn't right wing. Maybe this guy's goal is to toughen up the. Wimps. Yes, or the left, yeah. Yeah, toughen up the left, you know? Toughen up the left? Yeah, right. That could be the motto. Toughen up the left. You're going to hear your wimps. Anyway, that's interesting. And now we move to Montpelier, where maybe they're also not so liberal. The hobos? The Montbevole. So... The hobos. I don't know if we can say that word anymore. Okay, well, I don't know. What? What's so bad about it? Hobo? Yeah. I don't know. Homeless. Now we have to say unhoused. No. Are you serious? Well, that's what people say. You can say whatever you want. Oh, my gosh. I'm not saying it. I'm not saying unhoused. All right, so Montpelier authorities say a homeless encampment has been relocated. You know what that means? That means they walked in there, grabbed all their shit and threw it down the road and burned it down, right? That's how you relook at a homeless encampment. You don't just politely pick everything up and move it. Well they raided it, yeah. Oh, it's disgusting a lot of these homeless camps. Yeah, right, right, right. I've been through them. Not as a resident. In platform shoes. Selling my wares. I hope you washed them. Yes. Just letting that sink in for everyone. So this happened Thursday afternoon, a railroad crossing, a bus stopped, and the driver's side windshield was shot out. Oh my god, what is going on? This is insane So the authorities have now confirmed the shot came from a nearby homeless encampment where police later seized eight guns. I Think they're on to something The homeless are It's just like it's like it's an I guess it kind of makes sense like if you're homeless you probably want to have a gun Right. Yeah, you may not have money for food, but you may have money for a gun. Well, you probably stole it I mean, oh People selling these were off the street for nothing. So they detained three people Officials say they have no reason to believe the bus was intentionally targeted So isn't that worse if they're just like the homeless out there just willingly shooting their guns off You know target practice I was just like, oh, they're just Yosemite salmon it But there was a thing camping at the former what food works at Sea River Center and property has been moved To another separate location. The city is called the jail yeah, so Yeah, not such a kind of admire mob Hillary for not being so like well, we don't know Who knows what happened? They swim there Kick the door down we're taking your guns door door. Yeah I mean, you know. Metaphorically. I mean like. I mean like. I mean, let's see. I realize you don't have a hole, but I'm kicking your door down. If you had a door, it'd be kicked. I guess you don't need a warrant if there's no door. All right, moving on, back to Montpelier. Valborough. Thank you, Matt. The Whetstone Brewery's up for sale. We, you know, you told me that, didn't you, Matt? Oh, that's so sad, but you know, the whole thing with the, They're gonna build a new bridge there. Yeah, so of course he's gonna lose his business because the bridge now is gonna screw everything up, correct? That's probably the theory. So he's trying to sell, but is that the reason he's selling, is because of the bridge? He probably wouldn't say that if that was the case. Yeah, I know. He probably wouldn't say, oh, it's gonna be really tough here for a while, so there's that. What would you think that brewery is worth, Gloria, in today's dollars? As opposed to 1840 1950s British pounds$485,000 Way too low. Oh 960 Number ends in million. Oh Are they out of their minds knowing the history or not? the future is going to have a impact on anything down there well it's a modern high-tech brewery with an expanding well-known brand with unlimited potential well you know some sucker from out of state sees this online that is exactly what they count on you nailed it some dude and some some some tech bro in Massachusetts or even like somewhere far away like in like, you know, Austin or something's like I'm sick of living here. I want to go somewhere like nice I can just kind of get away and like I always didn't want to have my own brewery and they see the picture Of the bridge Beautiful it is Kind of a cool name It kind of means a lot of things like it, you know, it's like the whetstone also It's like wet and you know, it's just yeah, it's like it's one of our favorite breweries Yeah, we enjoyed being I know not for you. I guess we enjoyed it. It's fine It was fine. Like yeah, you know just what's it got everything the the view been there a while Being outside without being outside because it's all porch kind of yeah, and the price is So you were talking millions, okay 5.6. All right I mean way great. All right 1.6. Okay. Clearly you've never bought a brewery 2 2.5 2.5. Yeah Well, wish him luck yeah Okay, so let's play a little game here, the hypothetical. This brewery, let's say it sells for 2.5. What do you think Fiddlehead is worth? I mean, I don't have the answer, Glow, so we're all just kinda guessing. I would say four. I would think so, too. I would say at least four. I'd say probably closer to five. It's close enough to the village. Of course, not walking. I mean, property, brand, distribution. Yeah, they have a really good distribution. Yeah, because I think we even had that choice somewhere on our travels. Yeah, there was Fiddlehead, one of the places we were. And we were like, no, that's not it. We've done that. Look, bring us booze! Fiddlehead is a great entry level Vermont IPA. If you're new to the area, and you're like, I don't know about these IPAs, get a Fiddlehead. We went to River Roost. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, how was that? It was great! It was like IPA crazy, right? IBA credit, both of them are really good. The only problem is they close at six o'clock. What? Can you imagine? What is White River Junction, like a Blue Laws or something? What is that? But you have to explain, it's only, again, a little nook. You walk in, you order your beer, you walk out, because there's nowhere to go. Maybe two seats or something, I don't know. Maybe two seats, and then you walk out the door, And hopefully it's a nice night for you to sit outside on the picnic table. It's not a winter brewery. They close at 6. They close at 6. Do they have a werewolf or vampire problem in that town? I don't know. It was ridiculous because we got there at like 5. Right at 5. We just checked in. Well, we've been there. We got there, but yeah. The Coolidge Hotel. I'd like to stay here at the Coolidge Hotel. It was very interesting. Interesting like bad art and bad art interesting. I we enjoyed it. I enjoyed it more than you I think But it was very clean. I would recommend it on that But if you're expecting like, you know the Hilton It's an old Sure, like you look outside you like this ain't the Hilton, right? Yeah I mean, it's got the old, you know the pipes, you know the whole but it's right across the street from the train station So at midnight, this train comes roaring through there. We get woken up, we're going, oh my God. But then at four o'clock in the morning, another train shows up and stops, and they start working on things. They start banging things. They start doing this for at least half an hour. Hey, let's park the train here. No one's here. It's the coolest hotel. I mean, I liked it. I love those old places. We sat and had a beer down in the lobby that night by the fire. That's right. You know, it's just this great. One of my favorite places in the world are old hotels, lobbies. I think they're just very comfortable. I would recommend that. Does it have a bar? No. No. You know what's so sad about it is it does have a beautiful dining room that obviously has probably not been used in a very long time. It still has a beautiful haunted dining room and that's the sad part about this because You know, there's just not enough people who are going to stay there. Sure But yeah, we liked it And then we found out we went to this restaurant we walk in and Do you have a reservation? Are you kidding me? We're a white white river junction Sir, we have a coat for you to wear, we obviously don't have one. And a very nice host that said, well, let's see what we can do. And she comes back, there's two people at the bar that will be leaving soon. We'll let you sit there. Was the place packed? Yes. Not yet. Everything was reserved. It was a Turkish restaurant, I think. It's that corner, and it is very, okay, go ahead. But no it was it was a Turkish restaurant. We've never been there. So, you know I wanted to try it out, but we wait so we said we'll wait so we hung out and the most preppiest people came And we're like, oh my god, we don't belong here, you know, I started looking at like The food coming out. It's all like these big salads that probably like $25 or something So finally I said the glass let's get out of here. I don't I didn't feel comfortable there. I didn't want to sit at the bar We love sitting at bars, you know, having something to eat, something to drink, but. And he still gave her a $5 bill. I gave her a $5 bill. Is this guy, you know, I mean. That's a man who's worked in the service industry. I mean, I've worked in the service industry. That's a man. You're not gonna get me to talk. Who's worked in the service industry. Okay. You're not a man, honey. I forgot. But anyways, so we, yeah. I love casual misogyny. But then we walked in and I said, let's go to this tapas taco place that we'd walked by. Yeah. And we did, and we walked in and they were busy. And that again, do you have a reservation? Do you have a reservation? What the fuck? White River Junction. Do I look like a man that would make a reservation? This is Thursday night. I love this. But they said, well, I said, we'll see what we can do. at the bar and there was two people who just walked out and the hostess looked around and said, oh okay, we'll sit you there. We had a wonderful meal, the food was great, we had tacos and drinks and we had fun, but we didn't have a reservation. The only other place, The place that I guess the people who live near there, Big Fatty's is there. Remember Big Fatty's up here on Main Street? They used to be there, right across the street from where I work. And you know, the thing about barbecue... Is Vermont good? You can get good barbecue in Vermont, you can't get great barbecue in Vermont. You know, I had great barbecue in Florida, you know the right in Bradenton For lunch, remember that guy was cooking the ribs was it called like the farmers market farmers market called like something like fatties or two fatties or It was a your porky even had his like huge black Grill, you know, I'm not real Thing was like about five feet long Yeah, I think I'll get one for the backyard. Right in another window. The vegans. I smell your weed, you smell my smoke. We like their weed, it smells better than mildew or mold or whatever. I'd have that any day. It's not my favorite smell to walk into in the building. But anyways, we had a nice time. But really, what's up with White River Junction and the reservation? If you're going to White River Junction, make some reservations. And Thursday. I mean, we're not talking Friday. Oh, it wasn't Friday. Yeah, we were like stunned. We need a reservation? Are you kidding me? We had such a sort of uppity Burlington attitude. So, yeah. Shots fired at Burlington. So, my wife and I went to the Black Pack Pub in Waterbury last weekend. Uh-huh. While you were gone. They just sold, didn't they? I don't, I mean, they didn't tell us. So we walked in and the menu rotates. And last time I went there, I guess it was colder, because we got this great soup. But they were like, oh, the menu kind of looks shitty. So I was like, I'm going to get some beers. And I had a Hill Farmstead honey-based beer. I was just trying it, and I was like, ugh. Then I had one of their stouts. I was like, oh, this is great. But I looked at the menu, and I saw River Roost. And there was like five IPAs. I was like, oh, Mangalore having a good time. Y'all were having a good time. We both had a very nice IPA. And that's really what they have. But I don't know how they're going to... I mean, I know they have like a... It looked like a garage type. You know how all these places look kind of... They have a section they're building. They better build it pretty quickly because... They close at 6? Yeah. Are they like, go home to your wife, go home to your wife and kids? Like, what are they doing at 6? I don't know. I don't know, but it was perfect. We got to sit outside and enjoy our beer and we could just walk back again to the hotel. Just make sure you make reservations. You want to knock out some of these, Matt? Yeah. I did not read this one. I don't care about this. Moving on. That's quick. I love that we knock these out. Globe, Vermont's oldest store. OK, what town do you think it's in? It's not Goshen. No, it's where we've gone and he told us it's the longest lasting family run grocery. But it's not the oldest store. Oh, the oldest store, darn. Well, we've never been there. You've probably been there, but I've never been there. I love a question like this because this is the kind of trivia that Glo really wants to know. Right. Yeah. And it's like killing her that she doesn't know it. Like, I love this. Like, other stuff, she's like, I don't give a fuck who the president is. But like, the oldest store in Vermont, like, that's what I wanna know. That's it. So this is the oldest grocery store? General store. General store. They sell generals. It's not adamant. No. Not that far away, though. I've never been to this town, and I'm not sure. Callus? Yeah. Oh, East Calais, East Calais, East Calais, Calais, Calais. We don't know how to pronounce it. Yeah, I say Charlotte is Charlotte. You know, we were in Charlotte and I had so hard a time not to say Charlotte. We were at the airport. We've been so brainwashed into pronouncing it incorrectly. Berlin tone. All right. So, yeah, East Calais, Vermont's oldest continuously the operate store is getting a new life. Senator Peter Welch and Phil Scott cut the ribbon on the new improved General Store. Oh, let's go. I would love to see it. Well, when we'll go there, get some lunch, and then head to the art place. The art place. Art place in Milton? Are they close to each other? No. No. Oh. Complete opposites. I know. Oh. I was wondering what you were talking about. I was like, one here and all the way over there. Let's split it up. So this plan was expected to cost three to $400,000. The eventual price tag was $2.8 million. Of course. Of course. You know what happens. What the hell? Oh, you know, everything because of COVID, now you can't get parts or everything costs a lot more. Welch's office secured a few thousand dollars for the project. What's a few? Right and the state money was also used for the renovations. That's okay. This is nuts 2.8 million What did you do with that? What does this place look like now? Well, hey, you can house people. Yeah You can house people you could open businesses that would like give people work and maybe actually Have you been at East Callis 8 million? I'm sure you probably No, that actually was Jeffersonville the best of doers in Jeffersonville. I forgot that You think this store sells like like they all have like hot prepared food, right that's what they generally do Yeah, we think they got the only got pizzas sandwiches Maybe a you know stew or something Soup But they have like a little pharmacy section of band-aids and stuff like that at the last minute type. I mean usually they diverse so they have right I mean it's not just I got it I got some information for you okay if you're going to the East Calais Calais East Calais store tonight and this is Thursday so no one's gonna hear this on Thursday just give you a taste of what they have coconut chicken curry simmered in a complex broth with cilantro, lime, tomatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower, and sweet red peppers. The dish is very mild, served over rice, $14.99. So- Wow, I'll go. You'll go? Yeah, that sounds good, doesn't it? No, that's cauliflower, I wouldn't eat it. Sean pulls from the ones. October 26th, classic cottage pie. Local ground beef blended with a sweet pork sausage, onions, garlic, local carrots, and topped with a creamy mashed potatoes. Gluten-free, contains dairy. Oh, that sounds good. Oh, man. We like this store. Yeah, make sure we... Too far to drive....remember this. Well, you know... For lunch. Yeah. I'd love to go out there again. I used to love those roads. I used to just get lost back there and just enjoy it so much. Oh, Matt, you'll like this. Two weeks ago, or maybe just over a week ago, sandwich of the day. Roast beef, horseradish, cheddar, tomato on focaccia. I'm not a big focaccia fan, but I like the roast beef and the horseradish. Can we get back to the news? Oh, sorry. I'm hungry. All right. Want some nuts? Maybe. So Brattleboro, a 100-year-old centenarian shares wisdom about longevity and aging gracefully. 100-year-old. What do you think his big advice was? Let things go. Take care of your health. Thanks, doctor. I was hoping the story was gonna have like, and actually he eats one egg a day, one shot of Jack Daniels, and two Camel Lights. You know, like, but it's, no, it's just like. That's too general. That's too general? Yeah, I wanna know what does he mean by take care of your health? Yeah, like, what does he suggest? He believes everyone in the U.S. should have to serve their country in some capacity? Yes! I've always, yes! Just like what Israel has, yes. I believe that is definitely. Israel needs them. Israel needs them. Let's not get into that. No. But yeah, he served in World War II. Yeah, how many Nazis do you think this guy, how many Nazi scalps do you think he's got on him? What? What are you talking about? How many Nazis do you think he killed? He didn't. It doesn't say? Most of these guys don't like talking about it. It doesn't even say he, He even because a lot of people like my uncle I had an uncle Sam who never saw any action He's just out of New Jersey. It's him. He says this in the infantry. No one was in front of you except the Germans That sounds to me like a man who's shot a couple Germans. Yeah He said I wouldn't want to do it again Hmm. Yeah, that's been horrible. But but the kids today should have to do it. You know, it's like I hate this He's an old man suffered. Exactly. It's almost like why are we passing down the poison? Nothing really interesting. Is he like the oldest man in Vermont? I don't understand why this guy is getting a new story. I don't think he is. Oh, that's some old timer somewhere. Been around a lot longer. Not a lot longer, but longer than that probably. Some old timer in East Randolph. Northeast kingdom. Has a shot a day and a couple of camel lights All right, and the Valley reporter is Reporting that human urine is shown to be a valuable resource a valuable Valuable I've said that before too. I know you're always saying it Beat us over the head with stop texting No more photos. I just peed I can't believe I'm wasting That's why I pee out in a garden. I figured it's good for me. It's good for the garden. It's good for everyone It's good for Matt. He's like The Brattleboro based rich earth Institute operates the first and largest community scale urine recycling program Okay, now they're going too far collecting 12,000 gallons of urine annually well It doesn't go bad quickly. What do you mean bad? I mean, it goes bad. How bad can it get? How do you know? You smell it. This piss smells like piss. Wait a week from now. Like if you get up in a night, you don't want to flush next morning. Oh, never flush. You don't want to wake up the other person. Of course. And I get up three or four times a day, a night. I mean, I may once, but that's it. Anyway, so, yeah. If it's brown flush it down. If it's yellow, let it mellow. Exactly. That's our motto Okay, never mind I'll look it up say it again though if it's brown flush it down if it's yellow let it mellow Okay, I think I'll see if I can try to remember that Luckily, it's recorded So you can come back. The Institute's employees collect urine from a center where community members can drop it off or directly from people's homes using trucks to siphon it from tanks that people typically store in their basements. So I can't go to the center and just directly donate. No, you're more like, open the tank. Oh man, I needed that. The Institute has partnered with nine farms in Brattleboro and surrounding areas who used the urine as fertilizer. Ta-da! I knew it all along. What else would it be used for? Cocktail mix? No. Well, maybe there's some... Whoa. Gandhi? Used to drink his own urine. Why? He believed that it's kind of, um... It tells, when you re-ingest it, It tells the body what it's lacking and all this other stuff. So it's like reap It's telling the body what it needs There's like a little report come out of your butt Like, how do you know, like, how do you know? Diddy, diddy, diddy, diddy, diddy, diddy, diddy, diddy. Oh man, it's like, it's like, potassium. Like, I mean, like, how do you know, like, what? I don't know. Yeah, Gandhi. I don't know. He learned that. When I was growing up, I had a friend who would tell me, he's like, you can drink someone else's urine, but you can't drink your own. Oh, that's bullshit. Because your own has already been, like, filtered through you, so it's all the bad stuff from you, so you shouldn't drink that, but other people's bodies filter it differently. Like we were 14, I don't know, maybe he's just trying to get me to drink it again. He's gonna filter it again, I think so. I don't know, it went in bad, came out bad, and that guy was 55 years old, no I'm just kidding. If I remember from a doc, huh, what? Nothing, nothing, nothing. Nothing, oh come on. Anyway, but there was this documentary that in warfare, where when there's open wounds, peeing on them is actually sterilizing because when it comes right out of you, it's sterile. That's like jellyfish. They say if you get stung by a jellyfish, we're Portuguese Man of War. Yeah, and I've been stung by one. It's supposed to be peed on. Can I pee on myself? There's a whole Friends episode about that. Can I pee on myself? I mean, right now? Yeah, but you'd be screaming, you're running in circles. I mean, you're not gonna think about peeing on yourself. What? I don't know. Like, I don't know. If you've ever been stung by any of these things. I have, actually. Okay. As a kid. Oh, in Florida. But no one peed on me. Nobody peed on me. Not even that 55-year-old man who was there. Yeah. You can tell my parents didn't really care about me because not one of them peed on me. They just let me suffer. Sorry, kid. Tough enough. I'm going to have to do this as Bud Light. I knew he had to. I knew he had to. I knew he had it in him. Alright, let's take a break. Y'all ready? Alright, the music is from, oh, this is a punk rock band that I like. I forget where they're from. Maybe Clover. Maybe not. This is the brand new Luddites, and the song is Yet Still We Dream. You know what a Luddite is? Oh, did I say it wrong? Luddite? Yeah. I thought it was Luddite. I kind of felt, maybe. It is Luddite. Luddite. Luddite, yeah. I... You are a bit of one. Yep. I can see myself, I could be a Luddite. I'll see you in due time. I'll see you in due time. I'll see you in due time. I'll see you in due time. I'll see you in due time. All right, let's get the show on the road. All right, we're back Matt has commanded it. So like any good podcast we bury our story two hours into the show Our best story two hours on this show. This is the second Street st. Albans rate Have anyone heard about this before? I've never heard of it. Second Street. St. St. I'm sorry. Second St. Albans raid. Wait, I know the first one. That was during a revolutionary war. Okay. No, no. Or was that the Civil War? Civil War was a bank robbery. It's the same. By some Confederates. Yeah. Yeah, this is the second. Sorry, it's not Second Street. It's Second St. Albans raid. This was perpetrated by a mother-effing narc. This happened 50 years ago, in St. Albans. This is the hippie story we were talking about. This narc they hired for a lot of money back then, I think. They never recovered the buy money that they gave them. Plus, who knows what this guy is doing with the drugs he's using. Yeah, a bunch of people went to jail 27 and they're all innocent How long were they in jail some of them for a while and two of them killed themselves another one Turned to life of drinking because he was ostracized from society And it turns out this narc lied about everybody If you had long hair and you were a guy Okay. It seems that's who he went for. And this is how, so the writer of the story provides context, which I'm kind of curious about like this person's perspective. This is how they describe the context of the era. Richard Nixon was facing allegations of abusing his office for personal gain. An entire generation had grown disillusioned with public life after watching the government fight the Vietnam War. Rock music, much of it aligned with a drug-soaked hippie counterculture, gained in popularity, and a new brand of movies wrestling with darker themes popped up in the day's movie theaters. We call that good cinema. Right, it's 70s is the best decade by far. Meanwhile in Vermont, long-haired hippies from out of state began appearing in the rural hills, organizing communes and challenging social norms around gender, family, and socialism. Crime was also on the upswing as Vermont's population expanded at its fastest ever. So people in Vermont were not keen on hippies, not keen on change, and yeah this narc lied about it, but the community was on board. They wanted to believe the lie so they let it happen. It was still jury trials back then, right? Well, several of them were jury retrial. Yeah. No, that's been, you know, at Vermont at that time, I remember coming up here, I think I was 18 or, you know, 16 or whatever, coming up to Vermont, I had long hair and it was still pretty weird. You know, it was still very, very conservative. Well, none of them had seen a man with hair that white, eyes that blue. Right. Yeah. I looked They were like, we're a weirdo. They were like, wearing overalls. You're like, is that the ghost of Paul Newman? What's going on? You're wearing overalls? Yeah. I didn't know you were rocking those. I actually bought them in Vermont. Of course, I don't think in 1970, whatever, 71, you could buy overalls in Florida. I think it was against the law. Unless you had a farm, a pig farm or something. You had to get them from Georgia like fireworks. All right. No, I found him in a local store in st. Johnsbury, Vermont. I was My brother and I were helping my uncle. Hey Wait, wait, wait. Your uncle's name was hey, no. No. Well, no, you're right. I should have used My uncle to do his haying. Yeah, that's not my uncle. Hey, no, I didn't have a hey I had uncle Lee. Hey Talking to me. No, not you uncle. No No, so my brother and he gave us, you know, pretty good chunk of money that you know, and I bought Pair of overalls because I liked him, you know, I was I probably weighed about 80 pounds. I Liked I was 16. I like the image of a teenage Matt man about town getting the first good paycheck. What's he do? Buys a pair of overalls and he's like that's right ladies. That's right I'm sure were but anyways they seem to arrest every long-haired person in the town right that's what it seemed like 27 of them I mean how many people were in st. Albans at that time and ran and actually more and actually the the town went along with it and then other police started going wait what yeah but but the other police were like they knew something was up but like this guy was like on a roll yeah so bother me he's on a roll they're like I'm not gonna question it because then that makes me look like you know whatever like I'm like I'm not down with the badge you know I mean like that's we have this today right like yeah cops don't want to step out of line because they don't look like they're not down with other cops but eventually the cops sent a fake narc or fake drug dealer in by the name of oh i missed it the rabbi the rabbi i love that i mean who are you gonna buy drugs from today the rabbi goes by the rabbi he's coming in from uh tel aviv yeah so they sent this don't talk too close she's in the kitchen she's getting cake yeah and they sent this fake you know drug dealer in and you know the guy said oh come on Guy so so phony. I mean the the dark. Yeah, so they actually they did like a reverse sting. Yeah And finally busted the dark. He spent some time in prison, too. Not enough Okay, I mean how many lives did he ruined right? I mean he and all for what? For marijuana mostly probably but but they wouldn't even I mean, maybe they were doing it but like they were all innocent, right? I mean, maybe they may be on the side, but like they had he didn't have the goods on them No, but they still got busted. Yeah, it's a bunch of horseshit and like we I'm sorry I don't know. I just gotta say he belongs on our scumbag. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, this is not for the 27 hippies Who were arrested this is for the narc right? The narc is a scumbag. He's King scumbag of this week, right? Well, maybe not. It's a tough week. There's lots of bags this week, but um God damn, that's my train of thought but But this is the kind of shit that we look back on history, we're like, oh my God, I can't believe that happened. But we always forget it's actually happening now. It's happening, yeah. But we don't have the hindsight. Like, 10 years from now, we'll be like, oh, can you believe what was happening 10 years ago? Because we're in it, we can't see it. Very few people can see the future, you know? I mean, reality. Feature in what it used to be, Matt. And then a week from now, Glow is going to be like, we're going to reference this. She's gonna be like, oh, really? Like, what are you talking about? This guy says. This story, the next story, I wasn't sure to put it on the scumbag map. It's just, I don't know, a 14-year-old boy shoots another 14-year-old boy. He might be accidental. Yeah, this is a tough one because, first of all, the philosophical question, can a 14-year-old be a scumbag? Yeah. Answered and the second one is uh, he says I didn't mean to but Yeah, I don't know. Is that what a scumbag would say? Like I don't know. I don't know the situation. It's unclear Like what were these kids relationship? You know, I mean You know one was from Bristol, right? Yep, and the other was from Burlington. So How do they get together? How do they have guns? Well the guy in the backseat had a bat, the guy from Bristol, oh from Burlington, had a gun. He's sitting in the backseat and he shoots the kid in the front seat. And then he says, I didn't mean to shoot you. What? He was waving it around, like, you know, as you do. Yeah, right. As a 14 year old. It is, I'm kind of going more towards, I am kind of going more towards like. You're really getting to be a Republican. Well, I'm just saying this, like, if this kid was raised in a house that had firearms and proper safety and all that shit, like, I grew up in a house with guns, and I, like, my dad, all his faults, was very gun safe. Like, if it unloaded, like, if someone grabbed a weapon that was unloaded, that he just unloaded in front of us all, and pointed it at anyone, he would smack you in the fucking face. He's good. Never point a gun at anyone unless you tend to kill that person. Okay, that was the rule But that's not gonna happen in this kids. No 14 year old kid What's he? Why did you have a gun? That's a good question Trying to look cool. I guess I don't know where he got it who you know, I think we'll find out more about this But yeah, possibly I mean you're your father was is is an outlier in that kind of, you know. Maybe nowadays. Nowadays. I think back then he was probably part of the norm. Probably back then he was, but now it's like, you know, how many kids are dying because they find a gun somewhere and they kill, you know, their brother or something? Yeah, I'm trying to think, if I was 14, how quickly could I get a gun? I could probably get a gun pretty quickly. Now, maybe not 14, but 16. You could probably buy them legally in Florida. Flea market. Flea market. I remember I took my wife to the flea market for the first time, like our local flea market. She's from South Korea, anyone new listener. And we like walked down this like, there's just like eight picnic tables full of guns. And she's like, what is this? I'm like, you can just buy one if you want one. It's Florida, honey. She's like, I can just buy one? I was like, well, maybe not you, but I could. It's Florida, honey, don't try to understand. But. It's a sad story all the way around. And controversially, they let him go. Yeah, they let him go. House arrests, but but he's been charged as an adult. Yeah Which is unusual. So I bet you that gets dropped back. So I think so, too I think I think if it does come out that it was an accident, it'll get kind of walked back But I mean goddamn man Accident. I mean I also feel bad for the kid that shot if it was an accident I feel bad for the kid that shot because for the rest of his life He's like I killed this kid and maybe he knew him maybe didn't but either way You're just like, oh kill anybody at 14. Yeah, most 14 year olds would feel bad about that You would hope yeah Moving on to someone who probably does not feel bad about it London Dairywoman charged with aggravated assault Okay, I'm not want to talk about looks cuz I'm no beauty queen Like I mean you ever see a fish kill itself in the fish tank This is the end, baby. This is the end. Your little tetralife is... So she faces charges after police say she threatened to kill someone with a rifle. That's an odd choice of weapon. Yeah, you can't conceal it very well. Well, I don't think her intention was to conceal it. Her intention was to kill, threaten. Wow. Happened Sunday night. Vermont police say troopers respond to a home off Route 1-800 in Londonderry and arrested Ivory King. Can we just appreciate that name, Ivory King. That's a cool name. Yeah, it is. She could have gone far. Or he. Or she. I think it's a he. Oh, I'm sorry. Ivory? That's a woman, it's a woman. Is it? Yeah. Kinda looks like a woman. Yeah. Oh, I know, the woman who was charged. But they don't show Ivory King do they? No, that's her. They arrested Ivory King after she shot a rifle outside of home. Okay. Her name is Ivory? Wow. I kind of like that name. Ivory? Why not? I mean, are you cutting my hair or are you dancing on a pole? What are you doing Ivory? Whatever it is, you're wearing really high shoes. Platforms. Ivory's got platforms. But it could also be like royalty, right? Like back in the day, like, you know, Pope Ivory II. It fits. No, no, that doesn't go. Well Pope Ivory. I don't know you say you liked it. I'm on your side right now It's a cool name, I mean people now are naming their kids willow pasture pastor Pasture pasture The cows yet Louie pasture I'm sure I screwed that up. I like willow as a name Well, it's all right, you know somebody what name will I mention I like the classics What's the classics the ones in the Bible the American ones? Please What like Rachel Rachel's, okay Anyway, it's all about like everyone has their own Whenever you hear name, you immediately go to a person, you know with that name, right? And then you give a thumbs up thumbs down. That's how it all works, right? Like, if you're like, oh, I hate the name so-and-so, it's like, oh, because you know, it's like, oh, I hate Ashley. It's like, because you know a bunch of shitty Ashleys. You know? I'm always seeing them on the news. Crystal. Crystal. Tiffany. Tiffany. Or let's go male. Rusty. Rusty? Dustin. Dustin's a good one, yeah. He's a tough name. So Ivory, yeah, he had a pretty good name, but Doug. Doug. Doug? Do you know any Dougs? Whenever I hear Doug, I always say it real slow in my head, like Doug. Because that's how all the Dougs I know are. Like, there's no, like, accountant to Doug. No. Doug is laid-back. Name that wife on purpose. Yeah, it's a nominal determinism. Moving on. Burlington. Man charged in a weekend stabbing. Somebody punched this guy. Yeah. And that's probably why he stabbed him around 2 a.m. Saturday morning on Riverside Avenue. Oh, what are you doing at 2 a.m. on Riverside Avenue? Not much. I mean, other than that. I mean, you're buying drugs, you're getting stabbed or both. Police say they responded to a fight where someone was stabbed in the chest with a knife. That's a direct hit. That is. Except you got to get past the sternum. It's the old temple of doom. We all know. I guess, yeah. Okay, Gloria, if I'm coming at you with a knife and I'm trying to stab you in the chest, I bet you could do a lot of things to make that not happen. Like, you can block your chest. I mean, maybe I get you in the gut, maybe I get you in the side, but like right in your chest, that's like. That's like open arms. It's like you're not even trying. Come and get me. Yeah, yeah, what are you doing? Yeah, I'm now the victim. Yeah, you know Tai Chi is like you just turn away from it Yeah, just like that, you know, just as easy as pie. Yeah, well Tai Chi goes a long way. Yeah, that's how we say I've always said it Yeah, so the victim was actually later hospitalized please located and arrested Nastin, I'm Nathan Olster of Milton or in Milton. Why is somebody from Milton? and there. On Riverside Avenue? Look, you're buying drugs, or you ever hear the thing, Matt, like, I'm sure, Glo, you probably haven't done this, but back when you were a kid, you ever schedule a fight? Not you, but like people scheduled a fight, like, meet me at so-and-so, time's a little off. Yeah, meet me at the bike shed. Yeah, the bike shed, bike shed after school. No. We had that. Well, I knew people that did. Yeah, but. My school did. My high school did. It was ridiculous, but yeah, they did It's always a dumb move to schedule a fight. It's so stupid And then I was huge audience and they're all liking you on they all want blood Your school I was like Vampires I I Had one fight in my life Scheduled fight. I met him at Anna Maria school. His name was I'm not gonna say his name Dirk Turner Yeah, no, it's a lot worse than that. Okay Rusty and it was stupid. It was just some stupid. He egged me on I said no, I don't I don't fight I'm not a fighter my brother. Look at these blue. My brother Pete was with me and It was just a stupid little fight and it was like neither one of us won It was just ridiculous. Were you both on the ground or what happened? I think my brother broke it up because he says, you guys aren't doing anything. That's enough. No one's going to knock each other out. Nobody's doing it. Did you get an audience? No, it was just the three of us. No, we actually were we went to I think we were we actually were going to I thought it was in junior high school but we met at Anna Maria Elementary after Class It's like between our houses or something, you know Stupid Later on I'm Bartending at this place and he this guy walks in you'd say round two motherfucker. Yeah He said yeah, I kicked your ass He used to sit on sandwiches you know, in the lunchroom, so. Fuck you. He's like, I kicked your ass back 12 years ago. He used to make fun of this guy, because he used to sit on, you know, he would. He would sit on a sandwich? What do you mean sit on a sandwich? He was a very weird guy. He liked to press him. He just wanted to make people feel really weird, so he, nobody wanted this certain kind of sandwich they made at lunch, so he grabbed them all and he was sitting on them, I don't know what. Humor was different back then. Yeah, it wasn't very funny. Did he eat them? No, he just sat on him. No, but I mean, after sitting on him, now he's warmed him up. Nobody ate them. What did you do to get this fella's ire? Like, how'd you get his crosshairs? I don't even know, because I'm not that type of person. I don't even know how we ended up where we were. And I don't know my little brother was with me, and why the three of us were... It was just stupid. It was just... I hate fighting. Was your little brother like the ref? Was he like, all right, gentlemen? Yeah, he jumped in. He says, you know, after a while, he says, you know, you guys, nah, nothing's going on. Let's just stop this. So we did. But, uh. Was it your sandwich he was sitting on? No. Matt's like, that's my Reuben. Now, we used to go to the same church, too. And later on. Layers. Later on, I used to work at the church after school, like painting and stuff. Painting. And this kid's father was a big drunk. No, but he was big in the church, but he was a fucking asshole and nobody liked him. An asshole in the church? The Catholic church? What? I know, it's hard to believe. Any church. Yeah, you know, the guy used to show up and was yelling at the priests and stuff. Yelling at the priests? Yeah, he's like, well, you know. You're doing the God thing wrong. And he's just, you know, an asshole. But I don't know, That's the only fight I've ever had in my life. And it was just, I don't even know what it was about. And I'm like, I weigh like 60 pounds, whatever. But the reason I mention that is the scheduling of fight. Like I don't think I remember like, this is probably like five or six years ago at like the Winooski Bridge. Like these two guys met to fight and one guy died. Really? Because one guy threw the other guy into the water. They're fighting over a girl. And that was like a scheduled fight. That was a scheduled fight. So I wonder if this was a scheduled fight. Like, meet me at the Riverside, you know, it sounds like a 1950s thing, meet me at Riverside Avenue. It sounds to me like, okay, Riverside, you've got apartments around there, so it just sounds like maybe two guys fighting over the same chick in the apartment. Yeah, it's drugs, chicks, money, or... that's it really. What else is there? Reputation? That doesn't exist. I mean I want to duel you because you ruined my you soiled my reputation My name is no good in this town. Thanks to you good, sir But yeah me but that that's I feel like that's how young dudes get their rap drugs chicks. Yeah money, right That's it like sounds like a song Listening drugs chickens money sounds like war and zine bond song I don't know. Lawyers. He says send lawyers, drugs, and money. Lawyer, whatever. Not drugs. Yeah, drugs. Lawyers, drugs, and money. If I had a bingo card of all the things I expected to bring up on this podcast, Warren Zvon. Not on that card. I'm a huge Warren Zvon. Are you? Yes. Man, I don't, I think he, I, I think the greatest rock lyric ever written was, I saw the Wolfman sitting at the bar sipping a pina colada at Trader Vic's. His hair was perfect. If you ever watch Wolfman movies, his hair was always perfect. It's always slick, yeah. Anyways, we gotta move on. This is like the longest show of all time. All right. Moving up to Barry, we mentioned this at the top of the show. These are the two characters who, a robbery gone wrong, and they're trying to rob a drug dealer, and ended up killing him. And then he tried to burn him. Oh, it's those two. Yeah, look at these fellas. Guy looks like a... Benicio del Toro look alike. I love these guys. They have such great faces. I love the guy that still has his glasses hooked to his shirt. Yeah, yeah. He's like, these are my readers. I need them. The guy on the left looks like he's trying to intimidate the person taking his mugshot, which is always a very, very, oh, it's like, ooh, you got me, bro. So scary and the guy on the right is like what the fuck am I even doing here? He's stoned He was the one that would kill the guy. Yeah The other guy just abetted the gave him Lighter fluid or something. I don't know what he was trying to do Yeah, the couple idiots the body was found partially burned and police said the shooting arose from a dispute involving drugs What a nice way to say that. So what happened? Well. A dispute arose. Arose? It's like, oh, did a dispute arise? Did it arise? It was just, you know, an argument. Just a little bit of a brouhaha between gentlemen. In a business transaction. And one man was burned alive. So yeah, that happened. He was burned alive? No, he wasn't. I mispronounced. Oh, okay, okay, good. Well, we kind of get a little fast and loose with the facts here. I like you keeping me in check. It's what I'm here for. Not on the show, but in life. That's true. This is another good story. All right, moving on. Are we going to Northfield? Yep. Take it away, Matt. A Northfield woman is accused of forcing her way into two apartments while intoxicated. Now was she just confused she might have been but Her first name is crystal No, it's spelled K R I S T a L and then Lin with one and the lid with one end she's Woman is bound to be in the big house. I feel like her her parents had just a few letters and they did the best they could I don't know what it is, you know, yeah Kind of feel sorry for these people have you ever walked into the wrong apartment? No, I had a friend of mine who did That my friend Barry that's not hard to believe he lived he walked in the wrong. I was drunk walked in the wrong house Ended up fall asleep on the couch They found him in the morning And he was just the next-door neighbor, you know, it's like wrong house wrong house Yeah, oh, that's like when I was living on Foster Street with my old roommates I wake up one morning and there's a stranger on this on the couch I mean, I don't know who this came from but another time I couldn't get into the bathroom found my room And we don't want that. Dang it! All right, we'll go start the story. She's like, actually, that leads to something dark and bad, so let's just cut it. Oh, let's cut it. Let's cut it off. I love how you just jump off the story, but anyway, next. I walked into the wrong place one time. Well, not into. I was living in Seoul, and I was in this massive apartment complex. All the buildings look exactly the same. And I'm just like, And I just, it was new. So normally they have like a door in the front. So you have to like swipe your card to even get in the front door. But it was so new, all the doors were just open. Like it was that new. Like they were still building them. Not every apartment was filled. I lived in like building A. Well, that night, I thought I lived in building B. And let's say your boy had a couple of sojus. And so I walk in and I'm like going up the elevator to like 1206 where I live. and I'm like, I'm inside my car, 12 of six isn't working, I try my key, it's not working. So I hit the button to like call in. I hear this man's voice, I'm like, huh, no man lives here. I live with two sisters. And he's like, oh, what are you, he's speaking Korean. So he's like, I'll just translate. But he's like, who's this? And I'm like, uh, it's Adam. He's like, what are you here, what's going on? And then suddenly there's a lot of Korean coming on that I don't understand. I'm like, let me in, like let me in. And he's like yelling at me and suddenly he's like cursing at me. And I'm like, huh. He keeps cursing, a lot of cursing. And I'm like, hmm. I looked around, I'm like, oh yeah, I'm in the wrong building. Good thing you realized that. Yeah, and I'm like, oh man, I feel bad for ruining that guy's night. Because it wasn't like 9 PM. It was like 3 AM. Oopsie. Oh, pretty, pretty crystal in though. Yeah, so what did Crystal do? Let's get back to her. She pleaded to two felony counts of unlawful trespass and occupied residence, two misdemeanor counts of simple assault. Simple assault can be anything. Yeah, what is that? Like you push someone? You know, probably just yell at someone nowadays, I don't know. So simple. And a misdemeanor count, misdemeanor count of resisting arrest. Either you're resisting or you're not. Right, it's like please don't do this. Oh, okay. Now you're making me feel bad about arresting you if convicted Rogers could face a maximum sentence of nine years in prison She was released on her own conditioners Conditions including not to buy or have to drink any alcohol Yeah, yeah Just so stupid Are we alerting every clerk and if you could be store that sells alcohol like don't sell to crystal this this woman is It's never gonna serve nine years in prison. I wish it was a picture, I wish it was a picture. Yeah, crystals are usually crystals. Crystals are crystals. All right, Glow, we're wrapping up with this. The dog costume contest return to Church Street. Oh, I missed it. Was it yesterday? Or the other day, I mean, was it? Well, this is on October 28th, so. Yeah, this is old news. We specialize in things that telling our audience about things that they can't go to because they've already happened She's in charge of the events. Oh, we were still waiting on your events section Still waiting we only get the events afterwards Let's see the second year it's been back Um, dogs got to walk a red carpet in their Halloween costume. Uh, what is the winning costume? Doesn't say, no, it doesn't say it's very limited information here. 20 dogs signed up in four different categories. That doesn't sound like a lot of dogs. 20 dogs. It's a pretty good, pretty good odds for, for four different categories. The categories being best overall, best pup and owner. most original and silliness. Silliest. I can't see any photos, Sal. Play the video, you'll probably see something. All right. You're muted, right? I am muted. All right. They have a commercial in there somewhere. These MFers never tire of getting their ads off. So, I always forget, like, are y'all cool or not cool with dogs? Oh, man! And you'll never let that one down. Uh-huh, isn't that a little bit of the old hypocrisy in action, huh? You got me, you got me. Anyway. Are y'all in favor or not in favor of dogs in clothing? I don't care either way. They don't seem to mind it that much. You know, Olive in her little Lady Gaga coat. Yeah, yeah, she's so cute in that. What's her name, the little, real tiny one? Oh, Thea. Yeah, yeah, she had her little coat. Yeah, she always had like, these little outfits. It's always small dogs. I mean, you'd never catch Abby wearing a coat, did you? No. No, are you kidding? Or a Lady Gaga coat. No, Abby loved a coat. She had that great coat. Yeah, she had her own coat. It's beautiful, thick, non-smelly. Sorry, these costumes are all terrible. Yeah, I don't like them. They're all store-bought crap. There's nothing original. There's no one who put any thought into it. They're just like, oh, I paid 50 bucks on Amazon and my dog looks like a hot dog now. It's stupid. Yeah. I mean, maybe this guy's just like ketchup and his dog's a hot dog. Maybe that makes sense. That's kind of funny, I guess. No, no, no. Wait a minute. Who the fuck puts ketchup on a hot dog? Whoa, I would say most mustard. No, I mean look No, what are you talking about? That's one of the most famous dirty Harry scenes When they when they're you know after they see this Murdered bodies talking to his partner the guy's eating a hot dog with ketchup on and the guys talking about, you know This is terrible, you know looking at this things, you know, it's really terrible. So I mean fucking ketchup on a hot dog Is that like the worst thing that could happen dirty Harry it is I mean sometimes I mean I prefer mustard But I like both I like the interplay of the flavors I go naked Captain kale Actually eating a hot dog we all win because that means you're participating We'll go with that That's crazy man, okay, well, I mean a different discussion for a different day Yeah, I mean, I guess. We're going to have the showdown. Yeah, I mean. The greatest hot dog ever. What's the greatest hot dog you've ever had in your life? The greatest hot dog I've ever had in my life. So there used to be a place in Miracle City Mall in Tidesville, Florida called Dave's Orange Julius, and they also sold hot dogs. And you could get them in several different ways. I like the classic, but I also like the pizza dog, which was mostly pepperoni and cheese on a hot dog. Not complicated, but they're both great and like it's great because the hot dog texture was great and the bun was slightly steamed or toasted. I don't know what it was, but it all worked. How about you? Dick's Doghouse, Bradenton, Florida. Okay, is that a hot dog place or a strip bar? It was a Chicago-style hot dog that was, I mean they had many different kinds, but Chicago-style. It's got the tomatoes, the green relish, some pepperoncinis on top, and just a really nice fluffy bun. It was fabulous. Matt loves fluffy buns. It was fabulous. Chicago-style hot dogs are my favorite. And it was a Vienna sausage, Vienna hot dog, which comes out of Chicago. What year was this? 80s. Mine was like 96. Glow, you're a vegan dog. Not vegan, no. Ralph's Hot Dogs in Newark. All right. And the first time when he started, he was on the corner of Elm and Jefferson Street. And he just had this little tiny cart and an umbrella, 26 cents for the best hot dogs ever. It was great. So that was most of the time. That's right. That's great. That sounds wonderful. I love cart. Yeah, and then he got a van instead of just this little Dinky car. God damn it Ralph's gone corporate And then he used to park right there At the entrance of Independence Park, which was across from the high school and he'd have like this row of kids Getting his hot dogs Ralph's a little she Ralph loved giving kids his wiener No, that's my kind of hot dog, I mean, you know, nothing like the Chicago dog that I have. It's nothing fancy. It's just perfect. Yeah, I want zero overhead. Yeah, like I don't want like servers. I don't want lights. No, I don't want I don't want like the, you know, fuck the health department, just whatever. It's got to be a health. It's got to be a hot dog place. Yeah, it's got to be a hot dog destination. A hot dog joint. Right. Exactly. A hot dog joint. And I like when you tell a story that you always like, I think your brain works in a way that like you locate it. Like you're like, it was here and here, and like you're visualizing like, where things were happening. Whereas I'm like, Dave's. When I used to go to, when I used to go into, cause I used to go with my friends Spanky and Barb. Okay. Spanky. Spanky. Matt. He's a bartender. Great bartender. Matt used to be part of the Get Along Gang. Spanky. Spanky was the guy that I worked for. I also worked with him as a bartender. He was a great guy. And his wife, Barb, I used to work with her in another place. So we used to go, you know, once in a while to Dick's doghouse. And then sometimes, because the woman, it was the same woman, always behind the counter and she she was great at what she did because Spanky and I walk up and she'd say what's the name I say Barb because Barb wasn't with us yeah she okay Barb as you'd be called a Barb Barb and then you know Spanky and I get our hot dogs she was great I didn't get that whole thing I think because she's calling a lady's name yeah so from from now on from then on if even Even if I didn't go with them, oh, hi Barb, how are you doing? Maybe if you thought we'd show up for a Barbarino. Yeah, Barbarino. But yeah, it was a fabulous place. That's a thing that's lost, right? There's no, like, the kids today are not like, they're not craving a hot dog. Like, no one's like, hey, where's the hot dog shop? It doesn't exist. Maybe taco places take it over, I'm not sure. But, you know, it's a lost art, the hot dog. The good hot dog. And bakeries, too. I See these all connected Anyways All right, peace Only the president will have the access to this button. This button is the most dangerous button in the world. You mean this button? What have you done? Oh, I'm sorry.