Vermont Catch-up (Ketchup)

179: Fifty Years to Live, Spider Friends, and Good Old Fashioned Police Work

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On this week’s show:

  • Happy National Cereal Day
  • Nikki Haley wins Vermont
  • New lady mayor - Emma Mulvaney-Stanak
  • Winooski votes to approve its share of bridge
  • Voters reject some school budgets
  • New bill to ban guns at polls
  • Warmest winter on record
  • Biden approves flood recovery
  • Golfing weather
  • Can UVM grad students afford housing?
  •  State of towns allowing weed sales

 (50:56) Break music: Shore Rites - "And Over. "

  •  VT is getting old
  • Berlin wants its own zip code
  • Rutland Town considering panhandling signs
  • Looks like a job for Detective Bookman
  • Meet the Morristown dog catcher
  • Cat and dog sales banned at pet stores
  •  Drone flyers can’t perv out anymore

(1:29:18) Break music: Amelia Wilcox - “Try Me 

  • Scumbag Map
  • Woman arrested for threatening middle school staff
  • Rutland hit and run
  • Retail theft crackdown
  • High speed chase in Brandon
  • Embezzlement from a Rutland Subaru dealership
  • Danby attempted shooting
  • Teen shot in Enosburgh
  • The opposite of a drive by

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Outro Music by B-Complex

What's up Vermont on this week'show we do a quick election recap talk about our own death panel ideas What the heck is up with zip codes anyway? Some thoughts on panhandling the Morrisville dog catcher the scumbag map and so much more Our AI generated theme song is white boy reggae Bird man might not approve on to the show It's GLOW, I'm Matt and Adam. Pretty much anything can happen. Every single town in the Green Mountain State is covered and smothered like a waffle. I've played kick back, relax, and put a senior ears like EPR with a couple of beers. Welcome to Vermont Ketchup with Matt. I'm Matt. GLOW. I'm GLOW. And I'm Adam. We are a weekly rundown of everything happening in the green mountain state. Happy National Cereal Day Nothing no great cereal every day That's my dinner most of the time right you a Cheerios girl. No granola. Oh Mix in a little Captain Crunch with it. Yeah, you'll never go sugary cereal No. You never walk in the wild side? Never. Count Chocula? No. Not even as a kid. Well, you probably weren't allowed. I'm guessing your parents weren't like, here's the one time that we're going to be liberal and fun. Lucky charms, you know? I did the shopping, so I'm the one who would be. You sneak it in your? No, no. As a kid, I had to walk sometimes several trips. But I was the one who walked to the supermarket getting got groceries. Are you a cereal guy? I used to be when I was a kid. But then once you get old enough to be like, I don't know, once you get old enough to make your own eggs, there's no looking back. Or even toast, you know? Or you're not like Seinfeld and have it for dinner. I don't even really like milk that much anymore. It's like too milky. Cereal, I don't know. I never. I rarely eat it. I used to like it soggy, though. Eww. Soggy Frosted Flakes was like my favorite thing. Eww. I know. Not proud of it, but... That's the way it was. So this is a confusing sentence. Ferdinand Schumacher, a German immigrant, began the cereal revolution in 1854. So does that mean cereal existed before that, and this man revolutionized it? I don't quite understand, like, what... Like how old is cereal? I have no idea. Did the Chinese invent it? They invented everything. Or the Egyptians? Usually one of the two. I think he just made it a business, or Kellogg did. The first cold breakfast cereal from 1863. What was it called? Granula. It was a German immigrant. Didn't know what he was doing. And then later, the first person to actually sell it was a fella named Dr. John Harvey, no that's not right, Caleb Jackson. And then Kellogg, obviously he had his masturbation thing. Yeah, he got big. Yeah, I heard about that. Heard about Kellogg. Alright, moving on. Oh Matt, you didn't say your favorite cereal. Let's guess. You mentioned Captain Crunch, that's probably not it. I'm guessing Matt is a, God, is he a shredded wheat guy? He's making a face. No, I like shredded wheat. Shredded wheat? Yeah. A little bit of sugar, a little bit of, or even maple syrup. A little better. It's not your go-to if you had to. That's what my grandfather used to eat every morning. Have you all walked down the cereal aisle recently? It's a whole aisle. It's incredible. And the amount of junk and what you pay for it. You know, the box probably cost them more than what's in the box. That's probably accurate. The boxes used to be fascinating. The back of a cereal box, that had to entertain a kid. I used to get baseball cards off the back. Yeah. The post baseball cards in the early 60s. Oh, couldn't wait. Couldn't wait to go to the store and I'd be looking on the back, see who was, you know. Now if you had them all, millionaire. Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of boring now. Yeah. You know, we pet sit for a lot of people and people have cereal in their pantries, but there's always like, and half an inch left. Come on, just finish the cereal. Right. They don't finish anything. Ice cream? Half an inch. Finish it! Don'tempt me! I used to live with a girl and that's what she did with shampoo and body wash and everything. I'm like, come on, you bought a new bottle, finish this old one. I don't know, it's insane. I think that would be my favorite part of pet sitting, what y'all do, is like, just... What's in other people's kitchens? Like, what are they eating? Because maybe you get a new idea, like, oh! Oh, I get that all the time! Yeah? Yeah! And I've even taken some photos because... Shhhh! No, because my friend in New Jersey, you know, is also, she's learning to become a cabinet maker. So... How old is she? She just turned 70. I respect that. And so, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, so she redid her kitchen. She'still making the cabinet. She's waiting for the right floor to come in and all that, but You know, I gave her some ideas just from a few places that I love and I thought she would too, but Unfortunately, her kitchen was is way too small for the ideas You're like, you need a grand island in here. I was talking about food. Yes, I was going to say that. Well, some people tell us, eat whatever you want. Some people don't. If they don'tell you, how do you take that? Like, if they say, if they don't say anything, and you're there for a week, you see milk in there, it's going bad in three days, fair game, right? Yeah. That, I think, we may use. We look for spoilers coming, future spoilers. You're checking everything? How long is this meat good for? Well, we did that the last time. She added some chicken and noodles and mushrooms or something. We ended up eating the mushrooms and the noodles and the sauce, but threw the chicken out because it was post-dated. That's fair. Yeah, but some people are really, yeah, take it whatever you want. I don't care. Yeah, I mean, especially if it's an unexpected trip and the fridge is full, It's like jackpot, right? That's like the best situation. Cool. All right, moving on. Some Vermont stuff. I put this on when it seemed like a story. Now it seems like nothing. Nikki Haley won Vermont. Due to independents and Democrats crossing the aisle, voting for her. Is that totally... Are we sure about that? Or is that what we think? Digger had an article today about it, I think. Oh, they did, like, a polling or something? They did, you know, a lot of Democrats and independents, especially independents, who don't want Donald Trump to win. So it would have been nice to keep Haley on the stump for a while longer. Yeah. Because she's doing some damage to his numbers. There's a lot of people voting for her that won't vote for him. It's a bummer that, sorry, we're going to bore you for just a couple of minutes. Hey, I'm fine. Yeah, I don't know, maybe you got some day trading to do? It's a bummer that the Republican states are winner take all. So they don't like, if she was getting 40% of the delegates, obviously she should stick around. She should have been getting some delegates, yeah. But it's a bummer that half the country loves Donald Trump, I guess. Yeah, I mean, if you look at the total votes, there might have been more, or right about the amount of people who voted Democrat in the presidential primary as Republicans, it was pretty much the same. and you're talking about a heavily Democratic state. Of course, there was no... Wait, say it again, I didn't catch what you said. The amount of people who voted for the Republican, for Haley and Trump and whoever the other idiots were, and the amount of people who voted for the Democrats, Joe Biden and Marianne Williams and stuff, the number is about the same. Oh, okay, so obviously... So a lot of people crossed over. Yeah, or maybe people came out for Haley, who knows? I mean, that'd be odd. Not very, like, electrifying, you know? She's not very likable either. She's not. If only we had Christie still in it. Well, good for you, Vermont, for not going to Donald Trump. I assume you voted. Yes. I assume Glo did it. I did think about grabbing that Republican ballot. I almost did, too. I couldn't bring myself to do it. All right, and that brings us to our next story. So Burlington has their first lady mayor. So first of all, that's a shock. That is the first one. First one? Yeah. How old is Burlington? How far back does it go? So that, how many years has it been? Early 1800s? What you know about Burlington, Vermont? Let me look it up real quick. How old is Burlington? So. Wait a minute. Rutgers, oops, not Rutgers, UVM, was incorporated 1789, I think. 1791. Oh okay, I was close. Yeah, you were. Burlington was incorporated, okay, they organized 1785. I'm not quite sure what that means, like you, we're all Burlington. But then they incorporated 80 years later. I don't get the difference. What's that mean again? It sounds like that's when they started government. Okay. You know, like a mayor. Maybe that's what it means. Yeah. I don't know, like, doesn't seem right though. That's that's during the Civil War right around that time. Yeah. So you think they would have been had their shit together before that? Yeah, I mean, it was a poor entry. Yeah, it seems like they would. I didn't know Canada attacked Burlington in 1813. Oh, British forces from Canada, okay, that makes sense. That checks out. Sometimes it helps to read the entire thing. What, are you gonna get your revenge? Not when I know that, I'm gonna go attack Canada. Like, if you found out, like, suddenly, like, wait a minute. Like, if you realize that, like, Portugal attacked Burlington, would that affect your view of Burlington? You'd be like, what did they do wrong? Yeah, or Portugal, for that matter. Like, what would they be doing here? That's a good question. Yeah, I don't know. This doesn't really give you a lot of information. So anyway, in that long history... First woman. First gay candidate to openly gay. Oh, really? I like that they're like, you know what? Twofer. Yeah. Let's get it over with. Yeah, right. Okay, I gotta see this picture. I hope there is one. Of what? Oh, right there on the front. Of what she looks like. Why? Because. Oh, you know this broad? I don't. She thought she did. So yeah, I thought it was anyway, the story is too long. I thought it was our neighbor back here. Oh, I don'think so. I ended up voting for her at the last minute. I saw a video that kind of compared them. I was like, I kind of feel more Emma. I was fine with either one. To be honest, and as you go, Joan. Yeah. How close was it? It wasn't close. It was 40, 51 to 46%, I think, something like that. It was not as close as expected, except that during about a week before the election, I found out that Emma was way ahead in raising money. That kind of told you something. It's a little bit less than a thousand votes between them, which is, wow, the turnout is so low. Yeah. Wow. Is it less than, what, 15,000 people voted? Yeah. Wow. About a third of the people. Well, we're seeing everyone's voting age, but yeah, that's pretty low. Well, I don't know, man. For me, it was more like, I don't know, the kind of last minute, I was like, Joe just kind of feels a little bit too much like Moreau and he's terrible. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I just hope the progressives don't do what they did when they were in the mayor's office before. Well, look at what Moreau did. I know. I don't know, like it's- We haven't had a good mayor since Bernie. Really? Bernie was a great mayor, though. He got a lot done. Yeah, were downtown the other day, and we parked in a parking garage, and went to use the stairs, and there was two junkies passed out in the stairwell. Did you take the elevator or just step over them? No, were going down, and they were in this next level. Oh, so you just donned your cap? Good day, junkie. A little while later, we saw security people checking in there. It's just so sad to me. It didn't make me mad or anything, it just made me sad that this is going on now. And I can't blame it all on Moreau, but the city is not healthy right now. And that garage has not been cleaned in a very long time, which already kind of makes the feel of this is going downhill kind of feel. It is kind of scummy that if you're coming from out of town, Kind of your first impression is that garage, right? You get out and you're like, oh. Let's get back in. Almost. It seemed like everybody in the stores, because went to several stores, everybody on the street were Canadian or from somewhere else. Yeah, we heard French. There weren't many locals. How could you tell? French speakers. That's what it seemed like. We'll see, but they still have the council. The Democrats have an edge on the council. But what's anybody going to do? Let's hope they can figure it out. I think it would be great if we somehow got volunteers to clean the parking garage. Start with that. When you say clean, you mean like a pressure washer? Oh yeah, this place is definitely going to need that. Am I scrubbing the walls? What are we doing? Well, the pressure washer could do that, too, and the floor, except I'd be afraid all the pieces of concrete will start coming apart, because that's the other thing. It hasn't been maintained. It hasn't been kept up. Can we pay the junkies to do it? I don'think that would be a great idea. Not a great workforce. Well, I mean, not after, but before. They're motivated, you know? I don't know. I don't know what they're going to do. Like you say, and all the graffiti around, you know, in that big hole, until that gets done, which is years away. Yeah. You know? The auditorium is just all tagged. Even when they have stuff down on the waterfront in the summer, it didn't seem like it was, you know, years ago. big events, you know. I hope Emma makes a decision about that building, the auditorium, and decide, do something with it, you know. Don't just, are we going to knock it down? Are we going to also take down the old YMCA? Because they are eyesores. Y is actually, I think people are starting to work on that. There's a new hotel, I think. Are they really? I think so. But the auditorium, why? Why keep it? I don't know. Nostalgia? People who've lived here a long time go, Oh, I can't get rid of the auditorium. I used to go to concerts there. That's why it's on to the giant. Yeah. I don't know. I was hoping when you were talking, I hope she'd make a decision. You could just stop there. I just hope she makes a decision. Period. Do something. Like, even if I don't agree with it, at least we're moving in a direction and we can find out, oh, that doesn't work. You know what I mean? Like, do something. Someone do something. Like, nothing's, as far as I can tell, zero is being done. Right. I mean, maybe it's gonna, I know it's gonna cost a bazillion dollars in order to really fix it up and all that. At least that's what we've heard. I don't know. To fix up what, the auditorium? Yeah. I mean, to fix up anything, but like, put a 5% tax on Airbnbs, boom. I mean, there's a ton of money coming in. It's not, these aren't like outlandish ideas, right? Other countries do it, like, just look at other cities, like, cheat off their test. What are y'all doing over there? Like, can we do that? That's what I wonder, if they actually do that, if they actually look at other cities and say, oh, or like Sweden or someplace like that, you know, oh, that might work. They should be. Yeah. I mean, that should be a huge part of the job would be like benchmarking, like, 何してるの?電話をかけて、ポートスミッドのメイヤーに電話をかけて 何してるの? メイヤーのパーティーはないの? 共にイデアを共有しているの? いいかもね。 誰かが何かをやることを願っているかもね。 そうだね。 エモー1のことは嬉しいよ。 シティー・ホールのマインセットが違うからね。 You know, I just hope they do something. Great. What was her platform? Did she say how she was going to do any of this improvement? So one reason that I did vote for her is that her and Joan were not wildly different in their approaches. Emma just seemed like one click to the left. So Joan was like, you know, let's add more funding to the police, let's keep it as it is. And Joe and I were like, let's make the police force consist of these four other positions. That are public health, people who would go out into the field, people who have mental health training, that kind of stuff. So it's not like, let's get rid of the cops. It's like, let's add to the force these other kind of skills, stuff like that. I don't know, just these little things, little differences. I couldn't even list them off to you, because I'm very uninformed. Like I said, I made my decision the day before. Like, so I was like, uh, I wasn't really informed, I just voted Democrat. But I'm fine, I don'think she's Bob Kiss, who is terrible. And I don'think she's Moreau, who is equally as terrible. I haven't heard anything about Moreau running for governor lately, so maybe that's... A relief? Oh, he'd lose. Oh, I know. He would lose badly. I would vote against him. I'd vote for Phil Scott. since I've lived here. Bill Scott won every Vermont town last election. Wow. Even Burlington. And if Moreau ran, it would be a lot worse. Yeah. Yes. I mean, I would say Moreau is hated, but I'm sure in his circles, people are kissing his ass and shaking his hand telling him how great he is every day. Because he's making them money. All right, a couple of other things that were voted on. Winooski voters approve a 4.6 million bond. I think quite good for its share of the Burlington Winooski Bridge. They share the cost of the bridge. Oh, okay. Well, you can't do it. Half of a bridge just ends. It's like, get on board Burlington. Yeah, where are they going to come up with this? It's going to cost 75 million or something. So Winooski is only on the hook for 4.6? Well, a lot of it's coming from federal money. It's estimated cost between 60 and 80 million. 24.8 million grant from state and other money come federal money so it's 90 something years old isn't it? The bridge that was built in 1928. Amber alert. That's my phone. All of our phones. Oh it is? Avoid route 3 between Consumer Square and Hammond Lane due to power outage heavy congestion. It's not in Vermont. I don't know what that is. Where is it again? I have already removed the notification. I've recorded it for posterity. So this is the Colchester Avenue bridge. What if we just didn't have it? What if were just like, you know what, you want to get to Winooski? Go around. Go to the interstate. Life goes on, right? We don't need it. Who's not much of a hurry to get to Winooski? Or maybe people get out of Winooski. It's a pretty busy bridge. I know. It's like the busiest stretch of road or whatever. It won by a lot. Over a thousand votes to 253 votes. 2,500 vehicles and 30 cyclists and pedestrians per day. Sometimes those numbers don't mean anything because they have no way to compare it to. 300 cyclists and pedestrians a day? Huh. I wonder if they were broken down. Is it more pedestrians or cyclists? I've never seen a cyclist on that bridge. No, I haven't either. One cyclist, 299 pedestrians. And this time of year, it's cold as shit walking across that thing. That's true. I don't know. Well, get on, Iwanuski. You held up your end of the bargain. We'll see if Burlington follows suit. Another big issue was all these tax raises for school funding. And I think it was kind of surprising how many school districts were like, uh-uh. Or how many voters in school districts were like, no, you're not raising taxes. Enough. Yeah, right. We keep giving you money every election cycle. And all you do is complain you don't have enough money and you ask for more. Where the F is the money going? It's because, you're right, we talked about this last week. I think the spending in schools is out of control. There's just too many administrators. There's too much, a bunch of stuff that realistically needs to be trimmed back. Yeah, when you have a classroom and there's like, you have the teacher, you have the para-educator, you have the student teacher. It's like, we need three people running a group of like 30 students, like- My teachers never did. No. We never even had assistant, nothing. You had one teacher. You know, your teachers had an iron fist. That's right. You're going to the principal's office. And that was back when the principal was scary. Yeah. Now, the kids can get the principal fired. Our parents can get the principal fired. Yeah, so let'see, who voted against it? Burlington voted for it. I was against. I voted against it. Well, they won pretty overwhelmingly. Let'see. South Burlington, Milton, and Rutland all knocked down the school budgets. So did Montpelier. Which is? Rocks. So did Roxbury, I guess. Wow. Yeah, Burlington went through with 71% of the vote. That's crazy. Too many progressives. I think it's too many people with money. Just going, oh, it's fine. Like, school budget, that's good. I like that. School's good. It's like, no, eventually we need to wean it back and let them figure out a solution. You can't just keep giving them money. Eventually, you have to be like, you know what? Let's just pause for a few years, y'all figure it out, and then we'll go back to business as usual. That's out of control, man. I really... And I'm so pro... They lost me? You know what I mean? Being an educator? Plus, I'm left as hell, you know what I mean? But I'm just like... Ever since my car was stolen, I've been... Becoming bitter. I've been wanting to watch these Civil War documentaries and go fire my guns and... Speaking of which. Oh, yeah, speaking of guns. New bill would make it illegal for Vermonters to bring guns to the polls. Are you kidding me? Oh, my God. Is this like a law that nobody even thought existed and they found it or something? Because it sounds so outdated. Well, this is one of those things, like, every now and then, we'll have a story, and you're like, there's not already a law about that? I think this falls in that category. Yeah, exactly. And it's a misdemeanor. Wow. I think a lot of people are surprised to find out that Vermont is open carry. You can walk down Church Street with a shotgun. Even Bernie has never got into the gun thing. He knows in this state, it's a gun state. You just keep your mouth shut. Do you think Bernie's ever fired a gun? No. He's a Jew from Brooklyn. I don't know. I think maybe on the campaign trailer or something he's out visiting someone out in St. J and they're like, Bernie, come over here. You got some cans set up over there. Take a crack at it. Maybe not now, but he's been a politician his entire life, essentially, right? Right. Oh, yeah. He used to live in Middlesex. We had the New Jersey bill, now we need the Middlesex bill. Did you know him in Middlesex? Were you there? Was he all across paths? No, he wasn't living there at the time, but he used to come many times, often, to Romney'school just to talk. And there'd be people that were all against abortion and all that. That's when he was in the house. Yeah, it was a very small turnout most of the time. Or the free spaghetti dinner downtown in the auditorium of the high school. These are separate events. We're not talking about abortion while eating spaghetti dinners, right? No. Okay. Just making sure. That'd be a poor menu choice. But he had to deal with this. There were these pro-whatever people, gun people versus not. And he did pretty well. I don't know how he never got attacked. Like physically attacked? Yeah. Well, I mean, we have our civility, right? If nothing else, we can disagree. Well, you're right. Yeah, I think plus he's He never votes. I mean, he's pro-gun essentially Bernie, I would say. Yeah, probably what saved his life We lost many politicians No, Vermont politicians statewide will do that go after guns. You'll even think like Becca might Becca might. What about Peter Welch? 誰? そうだね バーニーの隣にいる男の人の写真を見た ピーターウェルチについて考えたんだ ピーターウェルチについて何を考えているのか聞いたことがある ベッカー・ヴァレントのツイートやフェイスブックのことをたくさん聞く 彼女はMSNBCにたくさん出ている そうだね ピーターウェルチは一度も彼を見たことがない まあそうだね 彼は忙しいかも 彼は忙しいと思わないけど I also think that she's more like an attractive TV style person, right? It's like, here's Peter Welch, an old white guy who really hasn't done anything. Right. He just has existed long enough in Vermont that people go, oh, I know who that is. I guess he gave a speech on the floor the other day about having a ceasefire. Yeah. In the Gaza. I'm sure Netanyahu is like, what? I lost wealth? I got to rethink my stance. I hope he doesn't come after me. What the hell are we talking about? Oh yeah, so you can't bring a gun to the pole. Okay, let's make a quick list of places you should not bring a gun. Bar, hospital, high school, divorce court generally, high school game, any kind of, you know, football game, baseball game. We'll just say school. School. Yeah, school, period. Church. Yeah. Well, hesitated. Depends. What denomination? The problem is many people have brought guns to churches in the last few years and shot them up. Supermarket? Is that OK? Is it OK to ban a gun in a supermarket? No. OK? I should bring a gun to a supermarket? No, you shouldn't. I shouldn't, okay. I'm fine with those. Malls? Yeah, malls are big. They're hard to manage. Restaurants? Yeah. But what if I'm stopping by the... what's that place called in Williston? The poorhouse. I've been hunting all morning, fishing all morning. I stop in the port house, I forget I got my pistol on me. They're gonna let me in, right? Actually, yeah, that would be the right location to bring a gun. Yeah, I don't know. I often wonder how many people are carrying guns. When you're sitting in a restaurant or a store or something. Who knows? I worry about traffic. Oh, yeah, road rage? Yeah, because I worry about glow. That's why I don't own a gun. Well, you might think about it. Just to return fire. I'm worried about you, Glo. You know, your middle finger might get blown off one of these days. Especially because you keep it up for miles. There's plenty of pickup trucks behind me, too. I'm sure they loved it. I mean, I don't know, those guys might have respected it, like, deep down, they're like, she'still going. She hasn't pulled over, she won't let it around. It goes from anger to, like, curiosity to, like, now they're telling the story the next night to their boys, like, how's behind this crazy woman? She's got her finger out of the window the whole time. Driving a Prius. Driving a Prius 30 miles an hour. I think when they told that story, they knew you were driving a Prius. Wait a minute, Prius or Subaru? Okay, Prius, got it. All right, moving on. Well, it's the warmest winter ever in Vermont. Until next year. Yeah. It has been. I mean, were gone for almost a month, but... Yeah, we go away for the one month of my dream that I've been talking about forever, and it happens to be the warmest year, period, all year round, everywhere. not just Burlington, I'm sure plenty of places all around Vermont and New Hampshire. I would say globally it is warming. Yeah, yeah. So that sucks. I don't know how that's going to affect everything moving forward, right? Like, I mean, you guys are rethinking skiing, right? That's not so profitable anymore unless you're making your own snow. And you know another one that's really sad? Red maple has to have cold winters, otherwise they die off. So we won't have any more maple syrup. I was just going to get to that. Like sugaring season, right? That totally changes things. Yeah, I'm sure it screws things up. They've been doing it in February now. So, there's different kinds of maple syrup, right? But it's all from the same, yeah, different grades, but all from the same sugar maple tree. The source is the same, but the way it's cooked or whatever is different? The quality is different coming out of different trees, right? I don't know. I don't know about that. No, the grades, I think, have to do with the first skim or something like that. We've done it. We should know. You've done it once. You're maple geniuses now, right? Yeah, because when I first learned that the bananas we eat are like the worst versions of bananas that ever existed because humans consumed, over-consumed the good bananas. You know what I mean? Like now we're getting garbage bananas. Or the same thing is going to happen to maple syrup. Like I'm going to be telling my kids, ah, you don't even know. The syrup you're getting is garbage. I used to have Primo syrup. I worry about that. Maybe we should go buy every gallon available right now. Oh, a sugar stockpile? Yeah, I love sugar. I mean, I love maple syrup. It'll be interesting to see what kind of year they have this year. Because I know they've already had a couple of runs. Really? Yeah. It's a couple of days and all of a sudden, it warms up for a couple of days and all of a sudden, this app starts running. But it has to be long-term. The run has to last a few weeks for it to be profitable, I would think. So, do they normally have one long run and now they're making many short runs? It used to be, you know, but... and it used to be in April, I think. You're probably right. Now, they've already had some. I mean, it's probably the end of March. I mean, look at the... the golf course is opening. We can't walk dogs there anymore. Right. Until next winter. And that has never, ever happened this early. But they don't have any snow. We might get some snow on Sunday and Monday, but nothing to keep the place closed. You know, they might be open by April. This is going to turn into Florida. Well, it'll probably be long enough that you won't have to deal with it. Well, yeah, weather-wise, for sure. You won't have 190 degree temperatures for 6 months and 90% humidity. And so many people moved to Florida. Moved to Florida? Yeah. Air conditioning, that's what killed it. Right? Because that's finally, you could live there during the summer because now you have air conditioning. Yeah, but it'so hot. I mean, people who move there, people who are moving there now, from northern places like New England, for example. If they moved in November, they ain't ready for what's coming. Yeah, there's air conditioning, but you still gotta check the mail. I mean, you sweat so much checking the mail, you gotta change your drawers. I mean, it's miserable. How many feet before you pass out with heat exhaustion? Well, I mean, a Floridian, I mean, you're good. I mean, it depends on, like, are you on concrete? Like, do you have water? Have you been hydrated? But, like, even when I was living up here for so long, I went down there in December, and the heat was so strong, and the humid'so intense. Like, I was driving around in an air-conditioned car. I had to pull over and get water, because I was, like, struggling with the, uh, just, yeah, just with the, it's just so muggy, though. Oh, and those developments, all these people, What are they expecting when it comes down to it? Maybe, uh, I don't know. Maybe they've been sold a bill of goods. So Matt mentioned the golf courses, and that was one thing were going to talk about, like, they are, uh, they're getting packed. The story is all about ice fishing, which there's been very little of. Yeah. I'm sorry, I don't even have my microphone. That's all right. Had to close the blinds. Yeah, you talking about ice fishing? I hate the sun. It keeps blinding me. Yeah, it's ice fishing. And so, didn't a couple people die the other day in some ice somewhere? In a truck. They did, yeah. Yeah, we talked about it. Oh, did we? Yeah. I think we did. A little, a- There's a family went in. Yeah, yes. Right. I remember there was children. So, yeah, skip ahead to this golfing story. Like, it'so funny, like, we live across the street from a golf course, essentially. But like, I never equate Vermont with golf. Is it like a big golf state? Not really, because of the limited amount of summer time that you could play golf. So maybe it's going to change and we're going to get more golfers. Maybe. I think that's actually part of it. Years ago, it was Vermont winters that the tourists used to come for the skiing. But we didn't have that many summer visitors, you know, to go to places like, you know, Killington or those. But now they have these events, they have things to do. And golf has become, and I don'think it's as big as it was, but it was 15 years ago, it was pretty big in this state. And with the warmer weather and opening up, it becomes more profitable. I guess so. It'such a dying sport, literally, because most golfers are older people. How many young people want to do a whole 18 holes? They can't spend three and a half hours doing anything. You're one of them. What's that? Never mind. Yeah, golf is losing popularity. But, I don't know. I mean, with the Saudis getting involved, maybe that's going to bump it up a little. I mean, they have golf courses in Saudi Arabia. You think it's hot playing in Florida. Yeah, but they're probably all like, they got a dome, they got air conditioning. I don't know, I guess when I think of golf, I think of like a bunch of dudes, like golfing is like, you don't even care about golfing. The time away is the point, right? But- An excuse to be away from the wife. Yeah, or the kids, or both. Yeah. Or just be with your friends. Yeah. Weekend or something. Or maybe you live alone, you just want to get out of your house. I mean, there's that too. Or you just love golf. I guess. Oh, there's plenty of those. I know. Yeah, are you kidding? Like I said, they're of older age for the most part, right? Yeah, I would assume so. I mean, it's got to be replaced by, have you seen these big golf complexes where it's like a driving range, essentially, or video golf? And it's like a big party versus actually going out on the court. You don't have to walk around or drive around. I think those courses have been replaced with pickleball. All right, moving on. Joe Biden has approved disaster a declaration for Vermont's December flooding. Oh the summer flooding I thought this was the summer flooding gotta read the whole sentence glow. Oh, by the way, I just came back from Barry Oh, yeah, new ski River is over its banks. Oh from the rain yesterday great and the melting snow great Oh, wow. Yeah, so luckily there's no rain of the next couple of days. Oh It's gonna rain and then snow and the snow has got to be melting right up in the mountain. So you're saying, what's your prediction, Matt, if you're putting your meteorologist hat? Well, I guess it depends on how big this storm is coming up over the weekend. You know, they'll have a day to go down tomorrow and then Sunday it'll start again. Who knows? Spoken like a true weatherman. Yeah. Well, I can be wrong 60% of the time. All right, so Joe Biden declared a disaster, so they get some funding. Good on them. Matt predicts that Barry is gonna be underwater the next couple of days. Yep. UVM put up a bunch of housing for grad students. They're building housing. The problem is grad students can't afford it. You predicted this. Well, I predicted this because I talked to a grad student. The grad student told me, yeah, so for the apartments cost $1,800. Guess how much grad students make for a month of work at UVM?$1,800. Wow. What's that called again? Indentured servitude? Yeah. It's funny because in his article, it doesn't seem like UVM cares. Well. Yeah, it's like, oh well, we'll find other solutions. I mean, I think that a lot of the people who are going to university are coming from families that can afford to pay this. I think that's what they're figuring. Yeah, they're like, well, their parents are going to pay it. Their parents have money. Look at the stock market. They're fine. Why don'they pay him $3,000 a month? I don't know. You know, why don'they just pay him more money? Right. Why don'they give them free housing and also pay them? Right. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, there'so many things they could do, right? They could support these students through their education with some kind of deal, like when you graduate, you're going to be working here, doing research here for a couple of years. I guess that is more like contentious servitude, but it's mutually beneficial, right? Students get free education or cheap education, housing, and they get a guaranteed gig when they graduate. UVM benefits from their talent, and then they can make a decision if they want to stay. If UVM treats them right, they'll want to stay. If not, they'll go on somewhere else. That's a great idea. I mean, the amount of money that UVM probably spends trying to hire people, they're wasting so much money. Like, just if you have a guaranteed influx of students coming in who know the system, know the faculty they're working with, I mean, I don't know. I told you I used to have that argument with restaurant owners. Let me pay a dishwasher, who is good, more money. then I don't have to put an ad in the paper every other week, because they're going to leave. You know, it costs you more money to put that ad in the paper than it would have cost a month of, you know, a dollar an hour more, two dollars an hour more. Right. You got to hire someone, train them, you know, then you got to, then they leave. And then I end up washing dishes, you know, because I'm the boss. You're putting stress on the rest of the staff, and maybe some of them realize, maybe I'm going to leave now because I'm getting, now I got to do someone else's job. He said, oh, we can't do that. We go, why? We just can't. Because they're worried, once they do it, people will realize, oh, you could have always done this. You know what I mean? It's the opposite of what we're dealing with in food. Or the cooks would go, oh, you're paying them more money? Why are you not paying us more money? And they're all right. Exactly. Yeah, if you're operating a business on razor thin margins, you can't. That's a bad business, right? Right. Especially if you're like, you know, driving a Mercedes or something. Yep. Moving on! Alright, so we will end with the state of weed in Vermont. So some Election Day results. Killington voters say yes to weed. That makes sense. But it was close. 265 to 244. Wow. That's a pretty narrow margin. Cavendish voters also said yes. even narrower margin 182 to 168 Highgate the high gate the gates and right gate the gates voted no the hell's right gate that's over by miles neck of the woods it's right south of East Barnet what's the vibe in right gate pretty conservative that's where my uncle he was their representative that's interesting that uh yeah so that was the current ones and then we have information on all of the towns in Vermont that allow weed. 75 of them. Yeah. Out of how many? What's that club? 251. The 251. 251? That's how many clowns there are in Vermont. So 75 out of 251, do the math. Let's face it, some of the towns have like six people in them. That's true. Yeah, it'd be interesting to see what percentage of citizens are able to purchase weed in their hometown. So we're just under 30% of towns. Yeah. That's a good start. Yeah, I gotta drive to Brattleboro today and get some weed, because me, I ain't got no one here. Yeah, a lot of these are towns that are right next to a town that obviously sells, right? When I'm in Colorado Springs doesn't sell weed, but like, every single other town in Colorado does. They're just stubborn. That's where the Air Force Academy is. Maybe that's part of it. Yeah, it's more conservative than the rest of the state. I guess. Wasn'the vibe I got, but I was only there for two days. Yeah, I wonder how the market is doing. Colorado? No, here. I mean, they say they're doing well, but are they all doing well, I'm kind of expected to see more cannabis stores. I guess I just don't notice them. I noticed the one in Burlington, on College Street. I know there's more down there, but I haven't seen them. We didn't walk by any yesterday. In Northampton, where we go, there'several. Five. Within just a block or two. Are they like noticeably different? If you're like, oh, I like this one because I like their gummies. I like that other one because they have good baked goods. We've only been in one. That one right there. Glow's Morning shirt, that one? Oh, there it is. What is that? Cannabis Culture. It's a very rasta shirt you got on. We liked the owner, or the guy who was behind the counter. He was nice. He was fun. I haven't even been in any of the weed stores here. Like I said, I couldn't even point them out. I get a much better deal where I go. Your dealer. Yeah, I go to my dealer. Alright, are you ready for a break? Yep. Alright, the music is from Short Rites, the song is And Over. Hey, we're back! I like that you're trying different characters every time. I don't know who that was. I was like obnoxious radio DJ from the 90s. All right, so Newsflash, Vermont is getting old. In terms of people's age or? No, I mean like I'm getting bored with Vermont, like it's getting old, no, hey. Hey, hey. So the Vermont median age has jumped from 37 to 43 in two decades. That's a lot. That is a lot. I know it is, yeah. Yeah. Man. Yeah, so the average is 43. I don't know how many kids there are around here. There's that many. Hey, maybe our education tax will go down. Uh, no. Why would it? Because there's, oh, because it's getting so old? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's no longer. It's going to be, again, like Florida, where it's mostly old people, and there's not a need for schools. There's a zillion kids in Florida, though. I know. So I guess the question is like, are people living too long? Yes! What should it be? Gloria thinks it should be cut off around 50. Yeah! Like the old days. Well, I mean, look, if you started life and you knew 50 was it, no matter what you do, a drone will find you and like you're dead at 50. Or we put something in you, that's maybe easier. and just like, boom, you're dead at 50, you're probably gonna live like a more fulfilled life, right? Probably. Live every day like you're dying kind of thing. Yeah, exactly. I think that's a great idea. It was your idea. Oh, no, but it's. You want 50 as the cap. No, but what you said. Oh, like actually enforce it? Something gets injected in us as soon as we're born or something like that, or whatever other idea you came up with, because I think that's a great idea. Like if I had like if I could look at my watch, it's like you have 13 years left I probably would watch less Netflix, you know I'd probably be like, I don't know what I'd be doing. Yeah You know what? This sounds like a great movie idea. Oh, I'm sure it's been done. Oh too bad. Yeah, there's a movie where You could buy time Like more like time with your life. Hmm. The time was like the commodity Hmm, you know what I think our commodity is going to be someday? Well, wait, let's guess, Matt, do you already know this answer? What's important to GLOW? Guys, is something food-related? In some way. No, there we go, like compost? No. Do you have a guess, Matt? I don't have any clue. Water. They definitely made that movie. Water World. Oh, shit. Biggest bomb in Kevin Costner's history. I think, like, Glow has movie ideas of things that, like, definitely happened to him. That was in the 80s, honey. You know what I think is going to happen? AI is going to take over, and robots are going to take over. Maybe something called Skynet. And we need someone from the future who's going to come back and try this. Anyway, okay, so GLOW is on board with people being capped at 50. Matt, what age do you think is reasonable to, if you're gonna like, at this age- If you're gonna put an age? Yeah, put a number on it. 80? I was gonna go 85. Maybe 85. I don't know. Not that I don't wanna see this happening, of course, but yeah. But I mean, it's- I have cousins in 90s, in their 90s, so... Do you wish that they were dead? No. Do you wish they died 40 years ago? No. None of them. I mean, I like them all. Yeah? Yeah. So, yeah, I wouldn't like that, if that was to happen. You say that, but like... Oh, I know, a living wake. Wouldn'that be fun? And everybody gets to talk about you while you're alive, when it matters. When do you want that? Oh, I'd say, hmm, maybe a couple of weeks before you hit the death switch. This is in the scenario when we know we're going to die? Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, living weeks are fun. I used to say I wanted a crowded funeral, but then I talked to someone who dealt with death a lot, and they were like, you have a crowded funeral, that means you died really young. Yeah, that's true. Exactly. Or suicide. Yeah, well, that was an option. Right. Like the person who used to own Horn of the Moon Restaurant. Horn? Horn of the Moon. That's actually an area, I think, in Calais? I'm not sure. Anyway, it was a vegetarian restaurant. You just spoke a different language to me. It was totally, you know, just oval, lacto-vegetarian. And he was loved by the community. And he was going through a tough divorce. He came from court, I think the last, you know, whatever. And he killed himself. But here's the thing. Only a week or two before that, there was also a person. Or wait a minute, or was it a week or two after? But anyway, there was another suicide, very close together, of another person who was well known by the community. And nobody kind of, you know, did the same sort of thing. So what you're saying is nobody's lived longer. What? The nobody's. Well, I think, you know, I think people only have so much appetite for a funeral. You know, it's like, oh, another one? I just did that. I think it was before. And it was sad, you know. No, it wasn't like this big thing in the community and all that. And he owned the coffee shop. Not for very long. It was like a couple of years. On account of the suicide. No, his reason was even sadder. Well, kind of the same thing. He wasn't good at dating. And one more woman turned him down, and he killed himself. Oh my god. Yeah, so it's... well... That'sad. That's a sad story. He shot himself. That one. The other one. You wanna know? Yeah, of course. A plastic bag over his head and suffocated himself. Oh my god. Isn'that gotta be like the worst, if you think about it? A gun, boom. As long as you don't miss. Well, the gun is like... Sloppy. Yes. I would not like that. But like, there's no, there's no, like, when you make the decision, there's no like, wait a minute, you know what I mean? It's like jumping off a building. Right. In the bag, you can always go like, pop a hole in it and just be like, okay, that was scarier than I thought. Maybe I do wanna live. Right. Which is what I mean, yeah. You really have to mean it. It's gonna have to go all the way, while you're suffering. It's like drowning yourself or something. It's like, it's hard to do, I imagine. Unless you can't swim. Pockets full of rocks. That's right. Okay. So, getting old. I think getting old sucks. You want to feel young? Go into any Florida restaurant at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. And everybody in there is 80 years old. Yeah, that's a way to do it. Yeah. I always feel like suicide should be like the most freeing thought you could ever have. Like, if you get the point where you're like, I guess I'm gonna kill myself. To me, that's when you're like, you've realized like nothing I do matters. Which means you can do anything. Like, it's like a new lease on life. Like, go punch your boss. You have an old man neighbor that annoys you, go kick him over, you know? Like, go wherever you want. And then go kill yourself. Then kill yourself. Like, do everything you want to do. And then if you still want to kill yourself, do it, but at least live life. I think suicide is freeing, but most people don't see it that way because they're horribly depressed and probably a chemical imbalance and a lot of stuff is genetic. A million factors. Right, sure. Could be. Right, understood. I'm trying to make light of it. Moving on, speaking of places you might want to kill yourself, Berlin, Vermont. No, just kidding. We love you, Berlin. They want to get their own zip code. Has there been that many people moving in? Well, I don'that's my question. It's because of the Montpelier fiasco. That was a great ska band, the Montpelier fiasco. That's right. They haven't opened it yet. They have to go to Barry to get their mail. Oh, wow. What was your zip code in Middlesex? Do you remember? It was a Worcester zip code because Middlesex, back in a flood of 19-something or other, November 3rd, it was such a terrible flood, it just wiped out the whole town. They never rebuilt it. All those years I lived in Middlesex, it still looked like... There was still a house that stood, you could see right through it. It was like everything kind of like just got sucked out and they lost their post office and never again was there a post office. in Middlesex. But you said it was a Worcester zip code, but zip codes aren't like by city, they're by area, right? No, they're by town. So in other words, I still lived in Middlesex, but I was right on the cusp there, so I had a Worcester zip code. Why? Again, because Middlesex doesn't have one, but Montpelier does. So up Up until that line, it was where Romney'school is, that was Montpelier Post Office. And from that point on until the Worcester line was Worcester. Well, hold on a second. Go ahead. I'm just impressed that you mentioned that school twice in one episode. I've never heard of it before. Really? Good on you, Matt. But I was going to say, these small post offices, is they serve, they can serve two or three towns. So there's not a post office in every town, is there? No, we just talked about it. Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. The post office in Worcester would serve Middlesex, maybe it's part of Berlin. It could be. What's that black fly place where they have the black fly festival? Oh, Adamant. Adamant? Nope, that would not. They don't have a post office there, do they? Or is it in the store? Yes, they do, it's in the store. Same thing with the Worcester one. It's like this little tiny room, but it's got all the brass, you know, and we talked about this That's right. They still even had the old-fashioned weights I'm sure the name now have gotten electricity and I've been able to plug it in and my aunt used to be the postmistress of Pesumcic the post mistress. I guess that's what they call Post master. No, it would be Yeah, that's what I heard. Yeah, what... Okay, so, how many zip codes do you think exist in America? Let'see, 50 states. 50 times. That'd be 6 million? You're very high. Oh, really? Well, 6 million. Yeah, that's a lot. If there's 50 states, that means there would be like what, like 120,000 every state? Yeah, that's true. That'd be high. So, 2 million. You're still high. Really? Okay, hold on. Gloria's a better guesser than I am. Hold on, hold on. Now that she has clues. 970,000. 41,680. Ah, shit. I missed that one. That's... That's all? You know why? Because we stopped at, you know, the Midwest. You can drive for hours. How many do you think are in Vermont? 41,000 in the country. And how many in Vermont? 17. 200. 17. Was that funny? Funny. 17. There's 17 in Chittenden County. You're the closest. Wow. I have a good guess. 258. Now I have a little piece of trivia for you. The lowest and the highest zip codes are both in Alaska. 0001 is in the North Dillingham area and 99950 is in Ketchikan. How does that happen? Yeah. I don't know how they... That's why I'm confused about this Berlin story. I didn't know that says, because they just say, give us a zip code. Yeah. Because obviously they're not sequential, right? Like, do you pick a zip code? Do you look at all the- I think states have, this is what I couldn't understand about what you just said. I think all the zip codes in Vermont start with zero. Really? I believe so. Florida was three. Is that true? Mine was three. Yeah. I think it's three. Interesting. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong, but- Why would it be three, though? Like that kind of bothers me. Can two cities share a zip code? Yeah. Yep. Oh, wait a minute. No, I don'think so. Doesn't make sense. Two different cities share the same zip code? I don'think so. OK. No, they can, right? No. No, because I- OK, I have an example for you. OK. 94608 in California is used for both Emeryville and parts of Oakland. Well, it's kind of like what I had, where I lived in Middlesex, but I had to go to Worcester. Oh, okay. I got you now. So what's the South Burlington zip code? 0-5-something. All right, this is riveting podcasting right now, but I'm just very curious. We're rocking. And then I'm going to ask you a trivia. Okay, South Burlington, 0-5-4-0-1. among others but that's one of them. Really? So it's getting a mail from... Okay. So do we think Berlin deserves its own zip code? Why not? Yeah, why not? What else is there? What else is there to give them? Alright, moving on to Rutland Town, which probably shares a zip code with Rutland. Right, right. I don'think it has its own. Alright, so police, not police, the town is considering signs to address panhandling. because a couple of panhandlers got into a fracas in a parking lot. Over the signs? I don't know, I can't read the story. No, I think it's just like, hey, you can't panhandle in my panhandling area. What are you, the king of panhandling? Then they fight. I think they do have their own areas. Panhandlers? You think it's like there's a council that agrees upon like... I don't know, I see the same people a lot in the same places. Well, they probably established dominance and you know, it's like it's like squatters rights. You're there first kind of thing. Yeah Have you seen the signs? over there by a price chopper or market 32 Oh the ones who as you're going out about not giving the panhandlers and they're there anyways Exactly. So again, what's the point of the sign? Well, that was my question. Do you think the signs are effective? That's what they're considering in Rutland town If it's not enforced, then no, it's not effective. Who's going to enforce it? Well, no, so the sign doesn't just say no panhandling. The sign says, don't give to panhandlers. Actually help solve the problem. Donate to this charity or whatever. Oh, okay. I haven't seen those. Me neither. Are you sure? Market 32? And it's got all that information? It is as long as red light. Because morons don't know how to make a left. You are correct. I've sworn many times in that line. No, I don't know if it says, I don'think it says a specific charity, but I think it says consider giving to local charities or something like that. So they're trying to figure out how they want to phrase their sign to make people stop giving to the panhandlers, because let's be honest, They're only there because people donate to them. If they got zero money for several weeks, they would move on to somewhere else. It's like people feeding bears or feeding ducks or whatever. Good analogy. It's like people feeding birds at the beach. It's like, well, now we're all going to get shit on. Thank you. Yeah, I know. That's it. That's essentially it. Yeah, so how would you phrase the sign beyond? I mean, that makes sense to me, just donate to a local charity instead. Yeah. It kind of gives a person an out, because, you know, they might feel guilty because, you know, they think they should give this person something, and they go, I should give somebody something, but not this person, you know. Just hope it doesn't get tagged, right? Yeah, so this Select Board, Mary Ashcroft, she said, the signs won'tell anyone they can't ask for money, Nor will they tell people they can't give money. It's like, okay. What then what? Okay. They'll provide information people can use to donate to a local charitable organization. But they haven't determined which organization or where the money will go. So yeah, I mean, it's an issue everywhere. I feel like I now can deal with panhandlers the way I deal with like, pop up ads on the internet, just totally ignore them, you know? Just like, I don't even see it. Or like billboards, you know? It's like, yep, I know what you mean. Yeah, I don't give it to him anymore. I used to. Yeah, I remember many times. But I don't do it anymore. I just, there's a family that does it around here. I've seen them several times. How many people in that family? They just spread out. Well, it's a mother and two kids and a husband. I have very mixed feelings about it. Yeah, well, that's it. Hi Matt, we got a case for Detective Bookman. I love Bookman. You and your good time buddies. Joy boys. So a Vermont man set a library book he found that's more than 60 years overdue can't be returned because the college which it belongs is about to close. Oh, what college is that? College of St. Rose Library, College of St. Rose in Albany, but he found the book in Vermont. Yeah, he's a broad man. He's going through his stuff and he found a poetry book, Love Songs by Sarah Teasdale. Must have been some book. Yeah, took her a long time to read it. Yeah, so let'see, his great aunt Madeleine had it at the former family home in Lake George. So, let'see, in 1962, he said he does not know how his great aunt came to possess the book as she had attended the school in the 1920s. And the card in the book bore the name of another borrower. Do they even do that anymore? Like the actual card? No. You don'talk about that. Yeah, yeah. You sign your name or something? Yeah, they'd, yep. That was like the stupidest thing. I know. Talk about lack of privacy. Oh, I wouldn't even think about that. I was thinking like, what are you going to track me down? Like, I can write anything here, you know, like they don't... Yeah, I don't remember, yeah. It's been a long time since I've been to a library. Yeah, lack of privacy. Like, they don't need to know what I'm reading, do they? Government. But back then, I guess we didn't worry about it. Now you're on a card, and they own everything. Yeah. I meanwhile, people are swiping their credit cards to buy books, so like, whatever. It's all tracked. So yeah, I can't consider the, uh, can't... Another book of poetry, um, I love this title. Heartthrobs, the old scrapbook. Was recently returned to the Licking County Library in Newark, Ohio. Ohio after being due back 93 years earlier. 93? Yeah. We think the fine is on that. I'm sure it's gone up. Imagine some guys walking in there like, is Heartthrobs back yet? No, it's not back in yet. Dang, I'll be back next week. All right, moving on. Glo, we've got some animal stories for you. Meet the Morristown dog catcher. He's a retired stow cop. Hmm. I can't believe a town the size of Morristown would have a dog catcher. Maybe they're just like, maybe they're just like packs of wild dogs roaming the streets of Morristown. Well, there is some stories about this one particular dog who's always on the loose. Oh, they got like a return repeat offender? Oh yeah, they handed out a lot of tickets, but this one... One particular pooch, a big white dog that lives on the north end of town and roams free around Route 15, Center Road, and Munson Avenue. What's the dog's name? Let'see. Well, they caught him snacking on a dead deer. Running free in the price chopper. Okay, that's the problem. Snacking on a dead deer, that's just nature, right? そうだね でも負けないはずだよ オーナーに伝えてくれ 俺の好きなことは エムリシンが踏み上げる前の1月14日 警察官は 無理やり犬を狙っていなかった 犬って? 犬だよ 犬を狙って オーナーに警告して 犬を犯罪状態にさせる 先週同じ犬が earned its owner tickets on three separate occasions. Which they obviously don't pay or care, right? They're not going to pay tickets. Hey, at least that dog's not tied to a tree in the front yard all day. Yeah, that's true. Hey, shout out to the writer of this article for using cur. I think we've all just gained one point in our crossword puzzle prowess. Exactly. That's where I know it from. Emerson says he has had plenty of experiences with dogs and can't recall being badly bitten in all that time. However, he almost had his arm shredded to pieces dealing with a cat in stow. I could see that. Oh yeah, public enemy number one. Oh, when they grab you and there's just no way you can get away without serious damage. You have to like practically go limp and just, you know... Hope to get bored? Yeah, exactly. That's exactly what happens. Yeah, you just try to stay as still as possible. Yeah, I took care of one of those the last couple weeks ago. So if you go from a Stowe police officer to a Morristownerville... Morristown. Morristown dog catcher, you really ain't never worked a day in your life, right? You're just like, I mean, just like, you're just kind of chilling. You're just kind of cruising. You're like, Oh, I'm a dog catcher. You'll get some dogs. I mean, even like being a cop in Stowe, I'm guessing there's not much going on, right? It's kind of chilling. We don't ever have any stories. We don't have, we'd never have stories from Stowe. Either they squash it. Or this, or no, if it's, we'd had stories about the Stowe cops. But no, the people who live there, nothing goes on. There's no crime in Stowe. No. Are there trailer parks in Stowe? Probably not in Stowe, maybe like right outside. Because I have someone working in a restaurant. Yeah, there's probably more in Stowe. I think this dog lives in one. All right, moving on. Glo, I'm not sure how you feel about this. You might like it. Vermont lawmakers are working on a bill to prohibit pet stores and puppy mills from selling certain animals in Vermont. Only certain animals? I don't get that. Dogs, cats, and wolf hybrids. Ooh, they added the wolf hybrid in there. How many wolf hybrids are going to the store? Oh, a wolf hybrid. My neighbor in Middlesex had a wolf hybrid. It tore the scalp off the neighbor's dog. I mean, it was pretty bad. That sentence got better as you said it. Like, my neighbor's wolf hybrid tore the scalp off my neighbor's dogs. Like, it's like, okay. So what do you think, Glo? Yeah, so were you able to sell cats and dogs at a pet store? No. Nope. I mean, it's, I thought were over that. Remember in the malls when I first opened? They always had a pet store and you'd always, and those dogs, they didn't, you know. It was so sad. I may only want to keep... It was horrible. Sitting in a crate with its paws being cut up by the crate itself. It was just terrible. So I thought they were gone. We were in a pet store down in Florida a couple times. And they had no dogs or cats, but they had lizards, snakes, fish. Uh, guinea pigs, birds. No. Didn't see any birds. There are still some of those, though, on the island. The one that has them out rolled outside every day, and they're outside. Well, they're not selling them, but they're just, they're kind of mascots of the store. So us as humans are willing to anthropomorphize some animals. That's right. I had to take a breath before I said that one. Let me dumb it down for the audience. We're willing to project personalities onto some animals, but not others, right? And I'm not talking about you, Glow, because you think bugs in your sink have inner lies. She's apologizing to them, you know, when she's cleaning the windows. She apologizes to bugs. But people see a cat and they're like, oh, cute cat, oh, what's it thinking? People see a lizard, they're like... Yeah. That's exactly how I thought it was. Oh, me too. Why would anybody have one of these? That's what I kept thinking. Why would anybody have a snake? Or a spider? They're not snuggly. Oh man, if you have a pet spider, that'some creep value there. You're probably like, you're on a waiting list for a human skull. You are a creepo. I had a pet spider. Case closed. I read the case, your honor. Need we say more? Was it in a cage, or was it just a spider that lived in your house? It lived in my house. It used to come up, you know, and I would always say, hello and all, and I never heard it. And my mom came to stay with me a couple days, and she says to me, oh, look what I killed. Oh, your pet spider. That was really, it was. It was a wolf spider, too. It was pretty big. Look, I grew up in Florida, we had spiders in our house all the time, and my parents were very anti-killing spiders. We were a very pro-spider household, so I was too, like I still am. So, but I don'they're not my pets, they're like my tenants, you know? Or they're my hitmen, because they kill a lot of bugs. Right, right. When I see a spider web, I'm like, mosquito trap. Exactly. Yeah. But there's, the problem with Florida spiders, there'some nasty ones. Well, some will kill you, but most of them won't. Yeah, most of them won't. Most of them won't. How many are there? I can imagine a variety. The worst to me were the banana spiders. They were harmless, but they just look so gross. They're long, and they're everywhere, like webs everywhere. Glo, you don't know what it's like living in Florida. Some days, you're like, all right, get ready. I'm all dressed. I'm looking fresh. going to school. As soon as you walk in your door, you walk through a banana spider web. Like, how the hell did you make this giant web overnight? Now you got a web all over you and you're worried that there's a spider somewhere. Aren't you? So like, freaking out. Definitely creepy. Walking into a spider web. It sucked. I can imagine. It's like walking. Yes, it is. It's like walking through the woods. How many times have I walked into a spider web? And it's like, oh, yuck. But you walk, you're in the woods. You're like, you're kind of alert, right? Oh, that's true. Not really. I'm all like, I'm, I just had my cereal. I'm off to go to school. I'm like. You should look first. Sometimes you can't look enough. Well, it's dark outside. You know, walking, I'm walking from a lit house into the darkness. I see. It's hard to like, adjust your eyes that way. And it wasn'there when you went through there eight hours ago. And now there it is. I know. I'm like, who is this hardworking spider? And why here, spider? We have all these other places, like, I don't know. I wish I could talk to the spiders and just like, let's make some deals. Like Glow used to. Yeah. Glow used to talk to the spiders. Hello. If we could reach an accord with the spiders. I still do. I know, but like, let us know when they're talking back. Yeah. Okay. All right, speaking of creepy things, one last bill is under consideration. Vermont lawmakers are thinking about putting limits on it where people can fly their drones. Oh, come on. Who's going to enforce this? Well, if there was a drone hovering out here in your window, you'd probably want to tell someone, right? You're right. OK. That's what it is. So this whole thing started. It was somebody's kid was sunbathing in the backyard, and there's a drone. Because these drones have cameras, Glo. That's the whole thing. Oh, and then they put it online. and they, oh no, I get it, I get it. Yeah, like if you were, your bathroom doesn't have a window, mine doesn't either, but if you were like walking around here in your buff and a little drone flew up, you'd probably blame this dude, right? Exactly, yeah. Downstairs guy. But who's flying, I, what? Right, that's, yeah, that's what you think. Yeah, again, who's going to enforce this? I'd love to know. Well, I mean, I think it's- Another drone? Yeah, right. The officer drone, yeah. Takes a drone to catch a drone. Yeah, maybe that's what we need to do. But yeah, they're just trying to make it clear that you cannot do that. Also, it's like, this is one of those things where like, this law didn't already exist? Like, when you first heard of drones, you didn't make this law real quick? Yeah, because they consider it stalking, which is a crime. Yeah. What's that other law we just talked about? Like about, well, six or seven? Bringing a gun to a pole. Yeah. Again. Right. This isn't a law, right? Right. All right. Well, hopefully this passes. I can't imagine someone dying on the hill of, actually, I should be able to fly my drone. Well, they've got to get a committee together first. Let's really think about this before we make a decision. Let's not do anything rash. All right. Y'all ready for another break? Yep. Yes. The singer is Amelia Wilcox. The song is Try Me. I'm going to make a simple and easy-to-make cake. I'm going to make a cake with the remaining cream. Trying me, I don't have any thoughts I'm supposed to be outside of my city My throat and I can't Who's that supposed to be? I don't know Matt, can Don Cornelius bring us back? Oh yeah And you are And your name is And you are And your name is And we're back The best part though of this is when he used to get a frying pan and used it as his microphone when our friend and neighbor Jim was still alive and we laughed and just laughed, we couldn't stop. It was so funny. Well, it's a perfect impression because it just makes you, like, anyone who knows who Don Cornelius is, you're like, wow, he really did only say that. Yeah, and you are, and your name is. Oh, what's the show? Soul Train. For anybody who's interested. Better than American Bandstand. I will... You're gonna start a civil war with this. That's cause of Don Cornelius. What's his name? Uh... Wasn't Casey Kasem? Oh! Dick... Clark. Don Cornelius, Dick Clark. I like Dick Clark, but Don Cornelius. With the fro? And Dick Clark with the greasy pull-back hair, he used Braille cream that day, I'm sure. That day, the little devil do you. Alright, it's time for America's favorite segment where we run down the worst people in Vermont. The scallywags. The dirtbags. Oh, come on. I can'think of one. The shitholes. There you go. Matt, it's time for... I like that new name, the shithole. The scumbag Matt. Alright, so our first scumbag takes us down to Brattleboro. Where a 56-year-old woman is charged after she threatened a school principal. And a staff. And staff. With what? I mean, what was she threatening him? What? Words. Like what? That doesn't go into it. Probably. We don't know. OK, so that was my question. What do you have to say to a principal to get the police to charge you? I'm going to kill you? You think that's it? Maybe a little more. I think she was probably really off kilter and just wouldn't stop and kept rampaging. Yeah, I mean, that sounds more like it'somebody just going crazy in the office and they can't get, you know, they just call the cops. You're going to have to arrest me before I leave. I will fucking get you. Exactly. All right, Patricia, we will oblige you. Patricia Cohn. I really wish I knew what was even happening. Like, what, like, Patricia, why are you so mad? Like, what set you off? Right. Another question I have. What are the odds that Patricia was sober during this altercation? Ah, let'see. Somewhere in the 12%? Because, I mean, if you're going to lose your mind, this is probably in the morning, right? At a school. Like, I can understand being angry, but like, you're so angry they call the police. Right. Also, maybe this is not your first encounter. Maybe, like, oh, God, Patrice is here. Okay, everyone, dial 9-1. Like, then we see he goes crazy, hit that last 1. Yeah, I mean, what relationship does she have to the school? Does she have... She's 56, so she probably doesn't have... I don't know, does... Oh, middle school. Well, she could have a kid there, but probably not. More like a... Maybe she worked there? I don't know. Oh, I do have what she was threatening with. Sorry. I was thinking of a different story. So she made statements to staff about the school being shot up, and the principal being shot in the face after resigning from the job. So there's that. So there was something. There was something. Yeah, and so she just walked out after saying this and that's the reason why they caught I mean it Or was she still in the school? How do you think she walked out? Did she kind of sashayed? Yes, I don't know I know the so they Yeah, I think the police came and got her. I don'think we got her from there So they came and got her and took her to Grace Cottage Hospital for an evaluation. What does that sound like? Grace Cottage? Sounds like a really nice place. That's probably not really nice. Yeah. Sounds so nice. Oh, Grace Cottage. Grace is good. Cottage, that sounds quaint. Hospital? Not so much. It's a nightmare. Oh, well, maybe she's just had a breakdown. You know, we all lose it every now and then, right? Yeah, that's for sure. I do well aware All right, this next one is just I mean it's a scumbag, but it's also an example of good old-fashioned police work, right Gum shoes pounding the pavement Checking the cameras getting the facts doing it, right? Rather woman's charged with hit-and-run crash that put a local man in a coma What? Wilbert Dudley of Rutland suffered a severe head injury. Wilbert Dudley, what do you think he plays in a country band? Do you think he's a banjo guy? He's the bass player. So she hit this guy, sped off. It was around 8.20pm. Police started doing a little old-fashioned police work. So first they found what appeared to be a piece of the front grill of a Chevrolet at the scene and that of a gray silver SUV type vehicle. A number on the piece allowed them to trace it back to Brown's Auto Salvage and then to Wayne's Body Shop, so they're getting closer, where they reported installing the part on Doherty's 2008 Chevrolet Equinox. I think we lost Glo. Glo's over here writing a note. Is Globe gonna rob us? But this was good police work. Yeah. And this is Rutland. I'm having a little change. We like the mayor. Police are doing good. Maybe Rutland's on the rise, Burlington's on the decline. Could be. So they went and talked to this woman. She said the vehicle was hers. Then she said it was stolen. She said at the time of the incident, she had loaned it to her friend. And I'm guessing she said it like this. my friend named Wendy Sander. What's that, so? Which is obviously a made up name. She's making a name up. Oh, oh, whose last name is Sander? Sander, not Sanders, not Sanderson, like just Sander? Like, you know. I imagine she's looking around, there's a Sander on the shelf, she's like, Wendy Sander, Melt Sander. So she denied having been at the scene, but police showed then she said oh the vehicle damaged I got hit at a parking lot never fought a report police said security footage found of that parking lot yep there was no crash she claimed she made a stop at Dollar General around the time of the hit-and-run but cannot be seen on their security footage so they got this woman and then she claims she had a trash can got scared up and driven off. Changing her story? She changed her story like six times. And finally, she called him. And said she called the lead investigator crying, said she did not realize she hit a person. Another lie. Well, what did she think she drove over? A moose? Trash can. Oh, a trash can, right. You wouldn't hear that at all. And it wouldn'tear the hell out of your car. Especially when you're hitting the guy, he's like, Oh, this is good old flat foot work from the Rutland police. Get on ya. You know? Love to see it. We love to see it. Oh, what distracted me is this reminds me of the story of Birdman. Oh yeah, yes. Birdman. Oh, and I can't believe it's not on our thing. I forgot to put it on. Birdman. He got... go ahead. Yeah, he... No, go ahead. I'm sorry. No, no, you go ahead. This is a very polite exchange y'all have. Okay, he got hit on his bike on Shelburne Road the other night and he was a very popular guy, one of the characters of Burlington By a drunk driver He got killed by a drunk driver He was bicycling in the bicycle lane He was in the bicycle lane on Shelburne Road at 11 something last Saturday night and the guy that ran over him, they found him in one of the local hotels but his car was all smashed up, but yeah, he was the guy that used to ride around with a shopping cart, all loaded with, yep, that's right, and loaded with crap. And people always wanted to get their pictures, wanted to do selfies with him, and he'd charge him five bucks. Okay, that's a good business. Great business. But he was very well known. Oh yeah, he stood out, I mean, come on, he's as dark as ever. He was into reggae. Those are two very different descriptions. He was black and he was dark. But no, he was really into reggae. And I didn't know that until he died. But his daughter issued a statement about it. You know, that he just was into reggae. Yeah, more power to him. I guess getting stoned and riding on a bike and doing art is a good way to live. What happened to the drunk driver? I do see the story, but sometimes you're just like, eh. They arrested him. He's in jail. He's a lifelong offender, kind of piece of shit, living in a hotel. So hopefully they'll keep him in there. In the hotel? In the jail. Oh, oh, jail. He's in jail now. I'm sure Sarah, where you see that, Matt, Sarah George sees a redemption story. That's true. Was she up for a re-election? I was surprised she was not in the ballot. I was like, damn it, I cannot vote against Sarah George. Okay, so we are moving on to, again, Berlin. Lawmakers down there are thinking about making the penalty for retail theft a little bit stiffer. Let'see what Sarah George thinks about that. So as of right now, if you steal merchandise less than $900, you'll be charged with a misdemeanor. 900? That's a lot, TJ Maxx. That's a lot of dollar general. Belts and shoes, I can get a TJ Maxx, fragrances? No, but think about this, that is a $800 TV from Best Buy. Yeah, so it could just be one time and that's it? No. If there are multiple cases, the new measure would add up the amounts a person allegedly stole so they could be charged with a felony. The bill also allows for the creation of a new work crew program. Lawmakers say the crew will help to address a backlog in cases, keeping offenders out of jail. And this is my question, because most of the people doing this are drug offenders or whatever. When do we start having laws about who's buying all this stuff? When are the cops going to investigate who's buying all this stuff? Oh, right. They're stealing. Yeah, a junkie's not putting an $800 TV up in their house. No, no. They get it and they sell it. Who's buying it? I mean, my guess, you know, because I'm thinking, you know, like people who steal cars, sometimes they find out that there's these chops and stuff, and they do that. But we don't have any pawn shops. I mean, Facebook Marketplace. Yeah, I guess so. I mean, if you're on Facebook Marketplace and you see a TV for, it should be $800. Someone's letting it go for $250, it's in the box. You're not going, I mean, you should be doing that. You're probably like, that's a deal, I deserve it. Anytime it's in the box- I work hard. You should suspect that it'stolen. Yeah. Well, because when I was looking at the tents, because I'm looking to sell my grow tent. Yeah. But I saw some eBay things, you know, in the box, same brand as mine, only six left. What does that tell you? Somebody'stolen a bunch of tents. And the tape's never been broken. It's totally in the box. Yeah, so, I mean, 900 bucks is a lot, and even if you add it up, if it'successive, like, well, you stole 400 bucks here, 800 bucks there, boom, that's now a felony, I don't know, it should be like a couple hundred bucks. A couple hundred bucks. Not even, I feel like it should be less. Like what's your number? 75. 75 bucks? It's a felony? Oh, OK. You're right. After $75? I don't know what the number should be. Do they add up with each and every time you get caught? That's the new law. It wasn't like that before. You could go $800, $800, $800, $800, and it's like, oh, look at all these misdemeanors you have. Got it. This is a great law. Okay, I agree. It should be stiffer. It should be lower. You know, if several, say, 500. What? Okay, 500. Is that enough? It should be less. It should be 200. It should be lower. Like, if you're stealing 500 bucks worth of stuff, like, I mean, what the hell? I mean, you're not a hungry dude that needs bread, right? You're not feeding your kids. You're not, also you're not a kid who shoplifted for a thrill. Like you're clearly, like you have a system. You're part of a system. And that's the problem with today is that you have these little gangs that go around and they come into your store and just take everything and walk out and nobody does anything. I was at Home Depot the other day, and I'm pretty sure this is what happened. I just saw the tail end of it. We were going to cross the crosswalk, and this car was flying out of the parking lot. But, I mean, it's hard to know how fast a car is going when you're in a parking lot and you have no sense of it. It's probably going 40 miles an hour out of this parking lot. It was flying and just blew through the crosswalk and just took off. I was like, yeah, they probably walked out of there with a couple of drills or whatever, you know? And they're going to go sell them. Yeah. They're probably not going to go build a shed. They can't wait to build that shed. We got the plans for the treehouse. It's going to be great. Yeah, this is a good law. So hopefully this, I mean, this at least should pass. This is Berlin. It's, I mean, you know, should be a model for everyone with the Sarah George has just nothing. Yeah, Sarah George's model is if you steal eight TVs, you can just walk out with a ninth one, you get a punch card. So it's gangs man like so this is a story about a high-speed chase and Brandon but to me there's like a counter like this is counterfeiting wasn't this why that young girl was killed in that let's just like over in st. Johnsbury Oh by the Somali kid this is a crime that I never knew actually existed I thought this happened in like action movies so you didn'think counterfeiting I mean I knew it happened but like I don't know like I guess you don't see it right like right yeah well why do you think every time you go to a Kenny drugs and give him a $20 bill they scan it I'm cashless bro oh yeah that's true yeah I used to scan hundreds yeah they'd have this little pencil thing they do. Even at 20 they do it? 20. Damn. 20. We used to do hundreds. Yeah. Yeah, I remember hundreds. We were never called hundreds. Back in the day. But this is great. It's because it's in Brandon. And it's more than one person. So what happened? So this person was driving recklessly, eluding police, trying to find the actual incidents. Oh, I think I was most impressed by the speed this guy drove 110 miles an hour on Route 7. I'm sure he didn't stop for light. I mean, I'm usually upset when people do the opposite. Like, it's always that one guy going 35 on Route 7. You're like, come on, man. Hey, that's me. Speed limit's 50, not 35. At least, I don'think on Route 7 you put your finger out the window, though. On Route 7? Yeah. Especially south of this county. Yeah. I would not do that, no. No. So he did reach speeds of 120, almost caused several crashes. Wow. Got away. Police say it was a passenger in a truck that police pulled over Friday. So they got him again. And he admitted to being involved in multiple ongoing crimes, including knowingly using counterfeit money at several locations. So they got him, and he just started singing. This guy's not much of a criminal, is he? No, no. He's a good driver. If you can drive 120 miles an hour on Route 7 and not get killed or killed anybody, that's pretty good. That's pretty good. Yeah, I agree. So if you're in a criminal enterprise and you need a wheel man, this fella's name is... No, the problem is he'll tell on everything else that you've done. Yeah, yeah. He's a rat. Yeah, cut his tongue out, kidnap his family, and maybe he'll be a good wheel man for you. Moving on, got a woman charged with $120,000 of embezzlement from a Subaru dealership. I have to open this in a new window. It seems the Rutland Herald is cracking down. Yeah, I can't open it. So a New York woman is charged with embezzling 120 G's from a local car dealership. Madison Kerrig has been cited for 18 charges of embezzlement, as well as a charge of credit card fraud. She admitted taking cash from a dealership. She committed 17 separate acts of embezzlement and one credit card fraud. Well, how did she do it? Did she work there? Police said they discovered one more act of embezzlement at her previous job, when she had made off with more than $10,000 from Lundgren Audi, VW Dodge Ram, also of Rutland Town, so she's just working at these dealerships and just skimming money off the top. But we don't know how she's doing it, what her job was. She must have been in the bookkeeping department. I mean, clearly she figured out the system. Like, you have this much knowledge and you're just... Well, clearly she didn't figure out the system, she got caught. Well, she did until she didn't, you know? I mean if she just stopped it at some point, but they can't do that Yeah greedy She agreed Moving on a dandy man's arrested for a gunfire. It's incidents He pled. I'm sorry. He allegedly firing a black powder revolver at a family What is that? Which is was he Alexander Hamilton? What is a black powder revolver, Ed? What the hell? I don't know what that is. So this happened at his... Let'see. He was reported to be armed with what was initially described as a muzzleloader and having a mental health crisis. There's two things you don't want. If you are having a mental health crisis, no muzzleloader. Or you can have a muzzleloader and just be having a great day. Those are your two options. We're just told police, they believe that people, this person believed people were following and stalking him outside the house and that he fired the gun six times across the front yard and back yard. As well as once inside the residence for good measure. He told police that he was being followed and harassed by patrons of a bar he visited about two years ago. You're not that important. Okay, so he's having a mental health crisis. Yeah, yeah. We shouldn't be talking about him. I think he's, although the black powder thing was kind of interesting. Yeah. I wonder what that looks like. I do too. I mean, is it like you got to like pack your own bullets or something or how does that shoot out? Yeah, like what's the accuracy of a black powder revolver? It does sound like the 1800s. Yeah, like, sounds like Wild West type stuff. Like, it does look Wild West if you Google black powder revolver. Wow. It doesn't it? With the wooden handle and the whole west feel to it. That long barrel. It's a long barrel. Alright, we've got some more shooting incidents. Police are investigating a shooting in Enosburg Tuesday that left an 8-year-old Massachusetts man injured. Is he from Springfield? No, Fall River. Oh, that's too bad. My old stomping grounds. Close is too bad. We almost got one of theirs. Came up here, we almost got them. Your old stomping grounds, Fall River? That's my grandfather. That's where Lizzie Borton was from. And my grandfather and her were distant cousins. So that's where my grandfather was born, Fall River. And maybe that explains why you're like this little itty bitty bit Portuguese. Yeah, my DNA. This is an add up. Vermont police say they got a call at 854. Troopers arrived at a home off Samsonville Road and found this teen had suffered a gunshot wound to his lower body. The victim, who's not being identified, told police he was shot by an unknown assailant who fled on foot. Someone just walked up to you, shot you in the stomach, and just ran away? Something you've never seen before? I mean, maybe it's a hit, but... Oh, this guy's not gonna tell the cops anything. He knows exactly who did this, right? I mean, there's no way... Did this guy fled on foot up in Enosburg? That's a long distance dream. He's one of these trek runners. Right. Trail runners. No. This guy's just not... He's not fessing up. He's not telling the truth. It'll all be taken, you know, within the corporation. It'll be taken care of. Somebody will die. I was thinking he would have been hit by a car before he even got... Right. You know, I mean, poor old Birdman did, so... That one really hit your heart, huh, Lou, Birdman? Yeah, I liked the guy. He was funny. And then he'd leave his cart, his shopping cart that he stole, obviously, loaded with all this crap. Let me besmirch him while I can. Oh, it says Price Chopper on it. But he'd leave it parked. I mean, he'd just like, he'd be walking around town and he'd find this cart full of crap and you know it's his. I mean, once in a while, oh, one time he was actually pulling two carts. Whoa. Yeah, he was going maybe just a little too overboard there. Yeah, every now and then you realize, I got too much stuff. I need to size, I need a little spring cleaning. Yeah, a little downsizing, yeah. What was his real name? Birdman? I don't know. Elliot. I don't know. Oh, I thought you were going to tell us. Joseph Byrd, B-Y-R-D was his middle name, Allen. Allen? Joseph Byrd, Allen. Yeah. Was he related to the Allen brothers? Who? Probably. Probably there were some brothers named Allen in his family. What do you think? A couple of cousins. Someone's do-wop group? Who were the Allen brothers? Oh, Nathan Allen. Who? Ethan Allen? Oh, Ethan! I'm kidding! Ira and... A little while ago she was telling us he was as black as dark I think as dark as could be And now she's wondering Nathan and what was his brother's name? You mean Ethan and Ira? Okay So we're gonna say probably not but you never know Hey, unless he's on the show, finding your roots, we'll never know. We got one final story. We had like the opposite of a drive-by happen. Police say two Vermont men face charges of aggravated assault and reckless endangerment, which seems light, after shooting at a passing vehicle. So they're like, we're going to stand here, and when this vehicle drives past, we're going to shoot at it, versus us, in the car, driving past and shooting at that person. OK, the big question is, did these two guys know the people driving by? They had to have, right? Yes. I mean, they can'they're not just firing into a vehicle. This is not a single incident. This is something that's going on, I think. The two men inside the car were not injured. Got a couple of bad shots. I gotta say, yeah. You gotta lead the vehicle. It's hard to hit. You gotta lead it. Guns, especially revolvers or pistols, they're hard to aim at or hit something. You know this whole thing with the Westerns, where people draw their guns? They probably had to shoot four or five times before they hit anything. So this car drove by their... wait, see. They fired multiple shots at a car as it drove by their homes. So, are these guys in separate locations doing this? Sounds like they're next to each other. That's what I thought. Please say... Or cross the street from each other or something. Please search the homes of Anderson and Raymond to collect evidence in the shooting. Both men were taken into custody. Held on 10 grand bail. Raymond $7,500. 10 grand for Raymond, $7,500 for Anderson. Why is it different? Please say the investigation of the shooting is underway along with a possible additional incident of harassment back in February. Yeah, this obviously comes from something. This is a beef. Yeah, is it... It's drugs, money, or a girl, right? You got it. That's all there is. Or is it all three? That too. These guys aren't just pissed off because someone beat him and mad at him, right? I love this one guy's t-shirt. It says, Preachin'. Yeah. And he's got some nun who looks demonic or something with some sort of AK-47 or something. I don't know what their guns are. He looks like he's like F you coppers. The guy on the right is like, I'm sorry. I wish I had a gun. I should follow this guy, but I do. I don't know why I do. Yeah, you can see like the power relationship in this photo very clearly. So maybe the guy on the right is the one who got the lesser bail. They're like, yeah, this guy's kind of remorseful. The guy on the left, uh-uh. He's like, you know what I'mad about? I'mad I missed. That's it? So maybe it's the guy on the left, so the girl got somehow involved. Alright, are y'all ready to get out of here? I think so. Alright, peace! Bye bye. All life on earth as we know it will be totally destroyed and the earth itself will be blown out of its orbit. This, of course, is a situation we hope will never come to pass. If this successfully becomes a reality, however, only the President will have the access to this button. This button is the most dangerous button in the world. You mean this button? What have you done? Oh, I'm sorry.[created using whisperjav 0.7]