Vermont Catch-up (Ketchup)

180: Productive on the Toilet, Bird Hierarchy and Books Are Overrated

Vermont Catch-up

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On this week’s show:

  • Happy National Everything you think is wrong Day
  • Bernie wants us to work 32 hours a week
  • VTrans begins preliminary consideration for Amtrak expansion
  • New bike safety laws
  • Woman who died at Mount Washington’s Tuckerman Ravine was 
  • Labor shortages in Green Mountain State leave bus drivers, passengers in a lurch
  • Crash that left Vt. trooper critically injured still under investigation
  • Glo's got events - Preservation Burlington 
  • Vermont’s Medicaid billing system remains down more than 2 weeks
  • Seniors get maple
  • Burlington City Council advances plans for redevelopment of South End and M
  • Speed enforcement cameras are coming

 (56:19) Break music: Elephants of Scotland - “How to Do Nothing 

  • Outdoor gear for the plus-sized
  • Shorter winters mean earlier bears
  • Barre clarifies street name
  • Peregrine falcon nesting closes some Vermont cliff areas 
  • Secret to long life - reading?
  • Milton has an extreme cheer team
  • Vt. students testify in support of state mushroom 
  • High school female engineers win bridge building competition
  • Does St J deserve a co-op?

(1:45:56)  Break music: Michael Gormly - “Safe

  • Scumbag Map
  • Mysterious death in Somerset
  • High risk sex offender released
  • Vt. doctor accused of lewd and lascivious conduct with child 
  • Woman sentenced for pandemic insurance fraud 
  • Former child care provider gets 3-10 years in prison for fatally medicating infant  
  • Gas station fracas in Barton
  • Milton armed robbery
  • St J man admits to stealing catalytic converters from buses
  • Walmart bomb threats
  • VT trooper accused of stealing from storage
  • Burlington man with history of fraud gets 3 years in prison for forgery 
  • Slow down for amphibians
  • A turkey caused a car crash

Thanks for listening!

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Outro Music by B-Complex

What's up Vermont? This week we talk about Bernie idea for 32 hour workweek, Diana Nyad and her strokes Bird hierarchy How books are overrated the scumbag map and so much more I forgot to say that todays theme song is in the style of gospel Completely done by AI All right onto the show No one will get brought up On the mic it's glow, matt and Adam Pretty much anything can happen Every single town in the Green Mountain State Is covered and smothered like a Waffle House plate Kick back relax and put us in your ears like VPR Every single town In the green mountain state Is covered and smothered Like a Waffle House plate Kick back with accent Put us in your ear Like VPR With couple of beers Welcome to Vermont Ketchup with Matt. I'm Matt, Glow? We are a weekly rundown of everything happening in the Green Mountain State Happy National Everything You Think Is Wrong Day These dates are usually positive So everything you think is wrong This made me think of the George Costanza. Every decision I've ever made has been wrong, so actually do the opposite of my instincts right? So instead like what was it coffee and what's his order?. Yeah yeah Like coffee in a club sandwich you got like tea and tuna Yeah Yea i don't know that is weird It also likes The Ides Of March Oh that right Caesar What does that mean? The middle of March 15th. I know that but what does Caesar have to do with it Oh he got killed on March15 Beware the Ids Of march And id means fifteen in Latin Or half Middle Yeah that makes sense That's just a guess Beware The IDS OF MARCH So if you know someone named Brutus Watch out. Alright, getting into some stuff... Bernie wants us to work 32 hours a week What's there to argue about? Nothing! He announced the plan for shorter work week for Americans The thirty-two hour woke act Who is against this Republicans People that can't find workers now His point is that like we're so much more productive now than we ever have been. Really? 400% more productive than the 1940s When, when say productive what are... Everything's producing Producing Okay Producing what Everything it automated now everything it done by machines Yeah everythin comes from China So wha do you produce Well were produce um You know Some cars Chips Yeah, we're the leader in chips. We were producing services That's the worst I'more of a goods person But like everything is definitely more productive Think about how you can send an email versus back in the day You had to go drive across town and have meeting with someone Or do it over Zoom or something You could do it walking your dog now. Or to even send somebody, you had to put in the mail and it was three or four days before he got there Now its like instant... Yeah you could like the entire work day of someone from 1940s while taking a dump That's true But It is also not such great thing No Because that means now have absolutely moment for yourself Not even bathroom True You need bathroom time, without the phone. I think most people can go take a dump at work and not be bothered But i think most people do take it down with their phone Or newspaper No one does that They did in the library What are you Dick Van Dyck? Oh! In the library with long stick Huh!? Yeah We stopped doing sticks though Why Because the people that get them in the bathroom. I thought the long stick was specifically for The bathroom What was a long stick for? They don't use it anymore It's another archaec piece of equipment That we decided, long ago That it is too much work Like if there were like A bathroom key attached to Hubcap or something Where you can not really walk away with No. I mean, you could have used the pages to wipe your rear end if you want nobody would know Did anyone do that? If it was the Burlington Free Press nobody would know Wow take that Burlington Free Press It's down on paywall This is also a Seinfeld episode George would go into book store and bring his book into bathroom Oh gosh In bookstore store. No, but this one teacher I could time him he was so accurate i knew exactly what he was going to do is gonna walk in a certain time grab the newspaper and go downstairs that's regular fella yeah let me stay down there sometimes for awhile what while you know did get busy once I just need to keep track of this man's bowel movements. You're not clocking him? Clock in the crap! Now, the newspapers aren't long enough to spend a lot time anymore you know They are pretty thin these days Oh i know Except for Times And no one is taking newspaper into bathroom They just take their phone Yeah But hate reading on my phone Well listen up podcast Listen music There are other things that we can do I do none of those. An X-rated video, have you considered that? No You have options Bernie So yeah 400% more productive than were in the 40s But the saddest thing about this story is if i had a 32 hour work week would get second job You would Yeah to make extra money Like part time job Yeah, yeah. You're busting tables at the spot? No I would do something probably that i work from home and like productive in a way that GLOW doesn't respect That's alot of things But yeah be curious to see how this goes obviously people hate it because its Bernie idea so which was anyone else but him promoting this So are those people going to get paid for the same amount of the 40 hours? Yes, yes. No loss in pay But if you think about it The way you explained it Everybody now has their phone You could be doing business They whole time you're doing something else Doing my business What I'm doing is this Right so more than likely a person working forty hours really Is working more than forty hours these days because that there's no breaks There used to Yeah, I was working a lot more hours than 40 because that was on call all the time. The French have made laws where you cannot email someone in off work hours Wow! It's not going to work for me but yeah Well you're small business owner You're little bit different But also you could do whatever Ignore it Its not easy fo rme I understand, but this is more about people who don't work for themselves. They work for the man and Bernie's trying to reign the man in because the Man has gotten out of control It is He Is They are She IS Let us be inclusive That was a right pronoun All right moving on V-Trans maybe expanding some Amtrak stops And thi swas Manchester and Bennington Which raises the question, why? Who wants to go to Bennington. Let's have you in Bendington Maybe people want get out of Bendington Train outta Bendingdon Gotta take the train I don't know This whole thing with Amtrak Lately kinda making a comeback It is popular right People like it Yeah Its too bad It's too much to say. They changed all those train stations to something else now, in Waterbury or Northfield Any of those But they don't need them all You know it used be that people Yeah you had buy at the station usually a ticket That is right I forgot we have phones No no but i'm not saying this because Because this was small town America And you know, you weren't going to drive from Northfield To Waterbury Take a train You wanted it grab the train in Northfield If you live there Right? That was year I'm talking about years ago Yeah. Years Ago people Not everybody Used have cars Especially Especially in rural Towns Or Rural States My mother never drove Car But they have all those stops What the trains take for They're terrible Yeah They would yeah Okay Okay, so I have not taken a train since i can even remember in America. So what's like? So from Burlington and we're going south What is the next stop Do you all even know Used to be Montpelier It would been Montpelier Probably still it Yeah they got rid of the water barrier Burlington-Essex Montpelier Maybe You don't even take The train out Of Burlington You take that out Essex Right That'a different terrain Ok That one just goes down Middlebury or something No It's more like a tourist train where you get dinner and all that stuff. Okay, so here is my question I'm on the train we're pulling into Montpelier We've been on the train for what? 25 minutes now at Montpelier Yeah How long am i stopped in Montpelier 10 minutes Oh it was terrible Not even probably more like yeah Less than tha Less then ten minutes Like five minute Just getting to trains Hurry up I remember the stop that took the longest. Was it Hartford? Not sure what station it was whenever we used to take the train because they were switching trains and tracks... White River Junction, probably Yeah We heard tha one night from our hotel them switching trains in middle of nigh So but you see l took a trai from New York Cityo Essex It was an overnight one lt's just brutal Very long stops Slow We have very slow trains here. You weren't sleeping? Yeah, trying to but you know... I didn' think the seats were that comfortable Our tracks are just as bad as our roads It is You know yo hit Vermont Your trying read a book and the whole time your like vibrating Is there like vibrant bus system Can i take bus from Rutland if wanted Hey whatever happened those dollar buses Remember What happened I've seen two of them. The one that used to show up over here at the stop? Yeah, Megabus or something like that Yeah! What happened to them?! They're still around Are you kidding me!? There isn't a Vibrant from here To Brutland Why?? It's because People are spoiled There used be bus from her From Middlebury Okay And then You were on your own No Because it got Too Brutla Got too middleberry Like 20 minutes After the bus ミドルベリーからロットランドに 行くのは本当のことだった みんな誰かを呼んでた? このような質問が多かったよ あいつらは毎回時間帯変更してる バーレントンまでロットランドへ それだけでなくミディールベアとバスタジオ until the next day, you know? It was just ridiculous. Were they like purposely trying to encourage people staying the night in Middlebury come and enjoy the Middlebury... I don't know what it was Just stupidity That's crazy But anyway we're getting some new stops probably in Bennington and Manchester Yes that is fine We would like take a bus To Rutland one day And just kind of hang out You can drink Don' have worry about driving Yeah I think that would be great. If it was stuff like that, can you drink on a train? Like could bring about bourbon on the train or what have to be kind of sneaky about i You probably would have t ee sneaky because if its The Train Of Our Days It woul d hav A Meal Car And That's where y c buy alcohol and food which is crappy Right But like I'm guessing the price gouging you there, right? Like what's a man who can cost in the meal car six bucks. Yeah it is best to bring little miniatures or something It is not like... You know what that haven't been on train for 30 years so don' really know No me neither And wonder if they still have conductor with love of hat used to wear and that little coin machine remember and then little puncher and how they knew who was stopping where, and how they remembered that. And especially New York City... I mean there's like a stop every five miles It is the same people everyday commuters We took that train from Connecticut into NeWYorkCity That right we did So were on the train But it is not atrain you would have drinks or food No That just commuters Yeah I love trains. Like trains too, like only really done trains in Asia and Europe So you've been on good train? But usually be trained from Seoul to Busan it's like three hours That sounds a movie No zombies in this one No zombies You get couple of tall boys with your friend Your chatting up Yeah By the time you have couple beers Your there On your way Yeah I did a sleeper train in Portugal. Yeah, from where to where? Obviously from the south to north because it would take Couldn't go east and west Also i said wheretowhere you gave me directions like looking for cities You're like well from here there Lisbon To Porto Okay Something Like that Cool And you know what You could do that in three hours in a car. Pretty much, not that big of country Yeah you think the trains to Vermont are slow You should try Portugal I like how they were anyway My worst training experience was In Thailand we got on this train They're like oh it's gonna be Like 12 hour train ride We go for about 10 minutes Stop and then backwards For about 20 minutes And they're lik It is going To 16 hours Train broke It's like, okay look here we are. So are they fixing the train while you're sitting on it? Really Yeah Can you hear them knocking around and I tried not to focus on the sounds because i'm like That'd be On this train for another You know whatever 16 hours Good Pretend Safe Yeah You hope They'r Not rushing Yea They were Not Rushing Hey Without Rushing A lot of Rushing In that country Um All right See Kevin on the transportation beat. Vermont is trying to make it safer for cyclists and pedestrians 73 car crashes involving bicycles last year in the state yeah how many fatalities didn't say because remember we just lost a bird man oh yeah and you know what his carts full of all his junk collectible stuff he just picks around as like kind supermarket carts. Guess where they're all from? You always can't wait to degenerate somebody you always besmirch him They're stolen, right Come on come on the man's a thief He is lifelong thief Anyway there was about six of them piled up over ther by Archibald Street They had thing for me the other day ov erthere Memorial So did everybody take home cart You know, the people walking in show up and go finally. We can get rid of this shit Get our 90's model back Yeah I don't know But yeah that gave them a little send off So really no kidding Vermont You now Vermont really is behind the times And i cant believe we are talking about this Sometimes you like us to behind times and sometimes you don't like to behind the times. What are your times? Well, okay... Bicycles 30 years ago time But yeah I do like to hear right So here's the issue And i'm unclear on this so a need ruling On driving there is cyclist To my right Is that right They have to drive with the traffic. I think i'm doing this wrong Um,I am driving and turning left And a cyclist is in the other If they are turning left In other lane coming towards me Yeah But sometimes cyclist don't act like cars Sometimes they act like people My head's all mixed up now Well when you know stop at stop signs Yeah, but like when they go through a stop sign on like A crosswalk and they're like I'm person now. And then they'r off the cross look back to be in the car It's just doesn't make sense To me Well i see them going down Like Maple Street They don''t stop half of time They might pump their brakes Like you do Just kind roll through You talking about cars or bicycles? Talking about cars Okay, so this bill would designate people in manual wheelchairs as pedestrians. I think it's fair Yeah they should be anyway People in electric wheelchairs How fast can these go? They cant even go 25 miles an hour They cant even walk Or you walk That is right The way you walk Im not waiting for no versus someone in an electric wheelchair. I can't wait till i'm a wheelchair, gotta keep up with her You got to get electric you gotta take the governor on So it also decriminalized pedestrians walking or rolling In the streets Okay And would require cars to keep A four foot distance from bikers Four foot distance? The bike lanes are not wide enough To then allow also you know, that much space between the car and the bicycle. So if I want to go around them i gotta wait until the other lane is clear because im basically going into another lane Oh well ,I see what your saying for passing Okay Don't like that Get out of my way And this assumes everyone knows what 4 feet Is Yeah Like You know What mean Know Wha Four Feet Geez Yeah But Your not Everyone Especially when your driving In a Car Well You Know Like It's Hard To Yea That True Especially How are they going to enforce that? You know, it's like all of this shit. It is... Unforceable It is right! I mean we've been walking South Willard Now ,I know the speed limit Is not 50 or 60 miles per hour on that street People go fifty on South Willard Going down that hill Even going up a hill Doesn't matter They're going so fast you can believe how fast They're gonna Don'' think its fifty But Its Pretty fas 40 There was one woman That I saw the other day, she...I know she was going pretty darn fast. If you're on like a 25 mile an hour street and you're going 35 it feels aggressive Well these cars i mean Don't see any signs as to what t he speed limit is but It's probably twenty five Because at this point even though its route seven And two Which makes no sense To me Right So Its considered A highway But but I think it should be only 25. And these people's homes, their lawns were cut off to make that extra lane in order to make it a little wider and some homes like the one tha just sold you walk out your door and your right In the traffic lane pretty much because jusr widened roads To maket more convenient for cars It is car world So this would also change the rules to prioritize bikes and intersections. Like, yeah I know i've seen people was on Dorset you know how you get To where Williston Road is a bicyclist took the left lane because The bicyclist was making A left hand turn right? There's woman behind him just blowing on horn leaning On it And guess what her license plate said Oh wait Wait, wait. Namaste Close! We're in the same ballpark Co-exist Yoga And it was a name of the shop The studio that used to be in that blue mall Yoga something So let's not get too specific Anyway It has been out of business for awhile Didn't last Angry yoga I said, eff it! Downward dog. The guy was in the right He wasn't doing anything wrong And that has happened to me In Vermont That's why my bicycle no longer exists Also what is this guy supposed to do if there is traffic coming? Where did she go when that so important Yoga But now she goes away from yoga at that point Did he give her how you're doing He just kept bicycling and just hoping this woman didn't run him over. I bet cyclists deal with that stuff every day So what was it earlier like if i'm driving on the right lane There's a there is cyclist on the sidewalk And,I am turning right into business And there are green light with no walk sign for them They have to stop Right? They can not blow through Even though sign says don´T walk Rigth If they ar ebicyclist even in sidewalk Yeah On sidewalk Yeah, nobody'supposed to be going there bicycle or pedestrian. Let us get this message out Okay don't walk means don' t walk Don''t bicycle either across the way it means don´T go All right moving on Matt put all of bummer stories out This woman died Yeah she was a UVM student And she died up at Mount Washington What would you doing skiing? Yes She fell 600 feet Another person that was with her also fell, but is in critical condition. She must have rolled down a hill You imagine being that person and then you live? You know you have to hike up that whole thing Yeah she was an ROTC student at the University of Vermont Wow what shame Landscape Design major in College Of Agriculture So is this like, so you have to hike up. Is this not like the regular? Nope This it's just a I don't even know if it' s like National Park or whatever It but people there nothing plowed You have to hike the whole way with your skis on your back And then after you get at top It probably will take it quite a while to get back down, you know because it'steep snow and So people do this for like the challenge. This is like fine here Well I mean yeah It' s not like this nothing bunny hill This isn't extreme these are extreme people about Washington as the tallest mountain in New England In North East 2 000 feet taller than Snow That's like, yeah. I wonder if you die somewhere on your way down like just from a heart attack or something? Yeah because you probably pretty quickly know that you're going to die and then You'r just lik well Except the other guy didn't The one she was with so Yeah i don t know what They really say what happened They just say tha Tha person Now see it is man woman There person fell And he in critical condition It doesn't say like how far. I don' see the attraction whatsoever No, i mean dont either but it's like big wave surfing or hang gliding just saw the movie NIAD would recommend NIAD? that is about a big wave surfing in Portugal nope thats about Nazare thats Nazare woman who swam Yeah, her fifth try she would not give up. She finally made it from Cuba to Florida swimming the whole time Have Cubans done that? He's the first American to do it and The 8000th person isn't see wasn' there something like complicated about Her like he was always a saint or some issues with their personality Something no oh She was abrasive Yeah, I mean that's the way they portrayed her Annette Brent. What was her name? Annette Benning So when you watched it You're like relatable No actually i wish It was more like Her Don't wish Yeah Not ever been That bad What Was She just wanted to do For the challenge Yes Other reasons Shes a world champ she had been in The Olympics And Think Did some other Incredible Swims I don't know the whole story, but... So one through four. Like she just—I mean are people like watching her do it? Like is there like some safety thing involved or...? Oh yeah! Yeah she's got to have a crew They're in boat and i think her third of fourth time She got stung by box jellyfish oh my god And t he other guy who went into save However, he got stung so bad that he was actually... He's the one who was getting CPR and she is over there ready to just jump back in again. But it isn't like that but actually no shes never go out of that water That right! She would not get out from water She suffering a whole time So they tie rope her and drag back shore? No I mean shes kept swimming after After she got stung for a while longer, and then something happened to her that she just couldn't do it. That third or fourth... I don' know how many times But it's pretty- Oh! By the way She was also 63 years old when she did t he fifth time Sh e started in like S h wanted start doing when turned 60 And jus had half of right conditions In first four times obviously sh didn There is not like big boat It''small boat I guess they have navigation systems, but how do you stay straight? Well what the captain did he decided to give her a glow in the dark so for night time when she'swimming it kind of like... It is out there in the water So that shes could use this as guide And they have equipment on their boat So they know where they're going. But just to help her, just to stay on track... And the other thing they had figure out was shark attacks! They came up with some sound and it was amazing that They showed if there's a shark coming straight at you like You know like really fast and then turn this down on and the shark does a complete 90-degree turn, just boink! Boing!, and back. Is it is it sound that humans can also hear? Yeah I was gonna say we jus get this sound everywhere like we don't need shark attacks Uh...I was going to say That would be so creepy To me in the water at night Oh yeah It's creepy enough being underwater Like Florida Straits Channel there during day But At night Ugh How long did How many hours did it take her? Or days, how do they measure it. I can't remember how long... We're talking like 48 so that's two days of constant non-stop stroking The only time they'd give her this Oh to be a teenage boy again Where is Matt This Benjamin Gaines stroking more than Diana Nyad It's non-stop over here, I've got to get a shark to interrupt him. 53 hours Wow! Is that the fifth one? The one she finally made it ? Yeah she was 64 at that time They wouldn't be like...53 hours and you didn´t make i She did in 2013 No he didn' Isn''it cool that somebody would even want to do that, but this story about Mount Washington. I understand it because...but i wouldn't ever wanna do It's not me Someone like that they know there is a risk But you probably never really think No maybe you will Do u think those people walk up there and are like''I could die right now'' You thinks goes through their mind? I don't know, not my cup of tea either. You know the things that i have done which are nothing compared to this you know...I wasn´thinking about death or drowning so be honest no! when your doing stuff like thats because if you did probably wouldn' t do it maybe its like an extreme other way where im going die anyway You know, I need to like do this because if i don'then what else am going to? This is the thing that makes me feel alive. Next story Have a transition Green Mountain Transit has A driver shortage So Guess we're not gonna get Bus route from From Burlington or Rutland anytime soon Yeah, 36 available workers for every 100 jobs they have. Wow! And what do they pay? I don't know What's the cost like the buses were free for a while there The pandemic yeah and now i think they're starting to charge again It is just $1 or something Well it goes from Burlington To Montpelier Vice versa You would think to pay the $30 an hour. Hey, that's nothing you could take the short bus I rode that shit i'm no gonna drive it okay so they're paying for commercial drivers license courses So you have get like yeah You have a license and then okay Green Mountain Transit They are just driving around Burlington Those guys? No, no. These are the Washington County I think Well i think it's all of them 30 bucks an hour Are you considering? Oh! I'm a terrible driver You're driving that big bus Not competent in that That is pretty good That'a career If you are for young person$30 per hour right off the bat if your 20 years old and your like I don't want to do long haul trucking, because i have a family here or whatever. 30 bucks an hour is pretty good It probably comes with benefits too There's nothing in here about needing like college degree Just have to pass the test That aint nothing At least they're smart enough say we'r gonna pay more I don't know if they have any kind of programs where, like if it's going from Burlington to Montpelier Like to attract riders. Employers should get a discount for paying for their employees Something like that Maybe they're already doing those things More downer news Matt Well, this Vermont State trooper is responding to a crash and he ends up crashing into A fire truck that was parked for the crash. He ran right into the back of it And He's got brain damage I guess Do they think maybe like also had some kind medical event? Like if you run right into him do you have like seizure or something I guess the fire truck was parked a little bit before the crash, kind of getting people to slow down. And obviously maybe he was changing lanes and didn't see it? It's happening at 740 on Friday morning so definitely not dark Right not quite light yet but yeah Maybe too much sun That could be in his eyes Certain times of the year, it's hard to see around here. Oh yeah! There are certain times like if you're driving east on Main Street You're just like I hope that i don't hit anything because Because can actually see And this is with sunglasses on Right right Man that a bummer Yeah there ar too many sad stories this week Can we find Matt put them all Actually have some events Okay here go Okay, close event corner. Okay Wow I got to look it up It has to do with preservation Burlington We're sponsored by them unofficially What? i feel like we're always talking about preservation burlington Well Yeah That's the only thing pay attention To for the most part when comes events okay from homebrew to the House of Fermentology. For those who can't see, Lou just pointed at me and gave me a little like this is for you Adam Monday April 29th Dateline Montpelier Oh no No This is the best part It's going it as The Champlain Club at 20 Crowley Street in the New North End. That's a place we've talked about, it used to be an old German club Oh! The little dance hall Yes The dance hall was upstairs on this second floor Downstairs is like really small bar and you know whatever pool tables And then right? So what is Evangelo Okay Shhh Oh, so it's going to be how Bill Mayer started making his own beer 45 years ago when home brewing was illegal and there were no microbreweries in America. So anyway he will offer a short history of beer itself and discuss the American Beer Revolution I got Wikipedia Bill Sorry go ahead Vermont small but significant contribution and it's co-ownership of a brewery. So everything you wanted to know about beer, I'm sure Okay so it is Monday April 29th Wow that really far in advance You were like really ahead of me Well normally we talk about stuff thats happened like couple weeks ago Shhh! We got an event here It happened two weeks ag And its 630am till 8pm That would be kind fun Assuming beers gonna served Am getting the beer too there? about that. Want me to write to him and say, can I come on the show? Okay is there more There's more but it even further ahead so maybe we'll have To repeat this remind us i think that fermentology Is oh and also don't forget the house The walking tours of homes Tours That was gonna be This Where weirdos let people into their rich old homes Uh, they're not quite weirdos. They're just very devoted people to preserving the history of Burlington and keeping this place from looking more like a shithole And they take good care and they revive these homes after sometimes slumlords have destroyed them So there They do A lot Good I would like To see their record I'd like to see if they're... Here it is, here it. Okay mark on your calendar The Holmes Tour's gonna be Saturday It always Saturday June 8th Oh my God So we'really far in advance Jun-8? You know what That bet that Green Up No can't be Green up would have been the first Would have been the first this year Because its always a firs Saturday of June Or am wrong Not sure That another one I hope they also bringing that up. What's going on in September this year? All right, Matt Vermont Medicaid billing system remains down more than two weeks after the cyber attack and it still down i believe How people so is It just like one of those things was like well if you can't bill me guess Its free Yeah didn we get something In the mail about medicare The other day or vermont I'm sorry, they couldn't do something. It's not a bill but it could be... Something to do with their computer system 200 thousand Vermonters get health insurance through Medicaid That seems high That is 1 third of the state Yeah that is way too much But they did Seems like alot Wow. I want to correct myself, okay? It's not clean up day it is green up Green Up Vermont You said green-Up Yes May 4th Still have some bags from last year So That seems like a lot of people Doesn't it What percentage are the state kids Like we got like 25,000 kids? Kids under 12. Is it more than that or less than that That's where is I bet old people and kids which is Kid get Medicaid Oh they can yeah Through the entitlement kind of thing To Vermont health care So also some like dinosaur program Something They've changed that Yeah Dinosaur program That what they call I don't know, but it was kids. It was insurance for kids You know people couldn' t afford it Yeah That's crazy that just is you another example of our computer system here in Vermont than Antiquated and doesn'' have seem does not seem to have a lot protections One guy knows what going on All right speaking the olds Peter Welch He is? Him and Bernie are trying to... He's a senator now, you know that. he is real senator It'a real senator How many times in his day does Peter Watts go No no I'm the Senator Im the senator You will respect me imma sender They're trying too pass A law That would make it easier for senior citizens To get maple syrup And maple products Who can argue with that I know. And also gives low-income seniors access to locally grown fruits, vegetables honey and herbs at farmers markets roadside stands and community supported agricultural programs like are they giving them a discount? Is that what is implied here because real syrup's kind of expensive for old people so was locally grown fruits vegetables honey herbs an whatever else me on the roadside stands well it Senator Welch and Senator Collins from Maine, who are behind this. Oh great! If you know Bernie gets his name in there Well he's probably like oh that is a good idea So Peter Welch says for Vermonters Maple syrup runs thicker than blood Does it even mean? It doesn't Well you know what it means Its part of Vermont culture Its fabric But what if means than You love syrup more than your family. I do, you know i love syrup All right well here we go Family not so much And now you know the real stuff too The stuff they served us in Florida That was not the real stuff Well when it comes out of a bottle shaped like an old woman No Alright let'see what happens there Good for seniors Good to see Peter Welch's name in the paper. Peter Welch has some signature legislation, The Maple Act This again? What is the plan now for the Memorial Auditorium Matt Well it depends on... It is Eric Farrell and Joe Larkin who are doing this These are slumlords They're Eric Farrell he just a guy who builds and builds They both are. Joe Larkin owns a bunch of motels and stuff, they're the ones that are buying The Holiday Inn over there It's looking pretty good though The new Holiday Inn Where is it? Right across the...right by they interstate What at end Dorsey Street where you then turn to get on 289 That why they had change their lane thing Yeah But anyways they're talking for the memorial block, it would create a mixed-use area that would include 200 housing units and 100 hotel rooms. Two hundred housing units? Are we talking about including the parking lot with your motel... They are including park lot with hotel The old parking lots Hotel is no longer there They have an auditorium They haven't decided whether there gonna tear in all down yet There are some, but that's on the block. The only things that aren't changing are the church and the library What about old house? It used to be like a beauty salon They're gonna tear it down Whoa man this is uh... I mean look at something different They'r saying 1100 housing That in South Okay Where homeless camp was Sears Lane Sears Lane. They're going to build 100 housing units there 20% of which would be affordable Let me air quote that Wait a minute I don'trust these guys Of course not Oh my gosh I guess the Barge Canal people have given up, or it would have been worse. Because remember that's what... The Pine Street Barge Canal and all those emails? Yeah i don't know if that has anything to do with there at all but yeah But isn' that part of track is not where they're going That Sears Lane Think so How are you gonna put many houses in ther You go tall Oh yes Yeah, the agreement on the memorial block. This is there are two separate things here The memorial block They agree stipulates that the block should include a central public assembly and activity space to replace them in Memorial Auditorium Whatever that means Boxing ring? Skating rink I don't know If they keep it looking good Yeah Nice Yeah, they're going to tear down a fire station. They are? Yeah they'r going relocate it We have too many fire stations anyway Everyone says that It says redevelopment of the block would also require the relocation I think they already have place Where ar eygoing Uh...I think i read another story Far far away from downtown Well, you know they just give these developers all sorts of stuff and it's the same. Well it is so out of hand like developers create this problem with the housing market then only solution for them to build more housing which drives Of course they are going fill at incredible prices So he jus win-win I remember when we built that place right on And right next to the hotel, what hotel was that? The Radisson or whatever it is now. They built this building and some of it was... Battery Street It was a certain percentage Of units in tha place That were supposed be affordable housing They figured they just builded An sold all the unit and they were fined. They made more money by selling units than the fine There's no consequences Exactly First of all, you can only put affordable housing right there pretty much on the lake I mean they did it one time because there is that really weird building way back in front That is affordable housing It was crazy They're even closer to the lake, they even have better views. A better view? Yeah we should make the nicest view like the affordable housing Oh yeah okay then I'm gonna go pro just so i could have a nice view of The lake Well it's lik you know if your living in an affordable housing You probably struggling at least you get Nice video Ya know what im mean That not gonna make ya happier If anything Your probably hangin sheet over your window So that's never going to move or open. Why? Because I don't want the view No, because OK and never mind You ever go around the old north end Obviously not Dont'go around anywhere People have sheets in their windows Yeah And it is all like closed in and nobody opens our windows When they open the window They see affordable housing But if they see like A beautiful sunset over you know thaterondax No, they don't want to see those things. Poor people don´t appreciate the sun Well... We'll move on Alright last story Vermont is looking into speed enforcement cameras Specifically around construction zones Are you excited They'll never get her. Unless it's for being too slow, driving too slow through a construction site Well it is funny I mentioned this earlier about South Willard and how fast people are going down there I keep thinking they should have one of those, you know blinking. You're going beyond the speed limit thing And it would be not such a bad idea to have Patrol car there You know even if it's just parked there how do you really want the nanny state don't shoot? The Nanny stage was that date Nanny State Yeah We'r e like...the government jus tells us what we need and watches our every move I don't have a problem with it. You would? Yeah! You'd be arrested for stealing land Stealing land?! The backyard has been, you're colonizing our neighborhood over there What do you think about this Matt I think it's a good idea, especially around construction sites because in the past few years people have been hit. These people who are directing traffic and stuff And i was driving by one couple days ago They have us so close to what is going on with these guys It was on the interstate It was on the interstate, and they were cleaning up something that somebody went through a guardrail or something. So they'replacing it And so they have that laying close but its still really close You know somebody could just make mistake and walk around with truck Just get hammered I don't... Like aren' these things like notoriously inaccurate? That's problem Can you challenge them easily I think a lot of states have found out they don't really work all that well, you know. Really? Well i don' t know l've always tested mine to see whenever these streets have it even though they keep moving them around To see if my car is saying 25 and the thing'saying twenty five Maybe now might be like conflating two things but im thinking more about red light cameras Why would you have problem with red light cameras Well, I think it's hard to tell where you are in relation to the actual red light. And sometimes it is actually safer To go through a red light right? Like if its slick roads and someone was righ on my butt Yeah You know ,I gotta keep going Im not gonna hit brakes because now they're gonna hi me Right Or If your New Jersey Yeah It always good with the Red Light Yea You better got through A RED LIGHT Righ that thing There like cultural norms We got almost killed by a tractor-trailer, like an 18 wheeler. No kidding! Because I stopped He stopped at the yellow light and this truck was just... fortunately there was turn lane And he went right past us Was he yelling? Yeah You were petrified It's like seeing his thing coming up behind you Damn. All right, y'all ready for a break? The band is A Little Bit of Rock and Roll It's the Elephants of Scotland and the song is How to Do Nothing I'm not sure if it's a good idea or bad idea, but let me know in the comments. Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to my channel and follow me on Twitter See you next time I'm going to make a hole in the bottom of the box. There is no problem if you put it on like this, but... It's not easy because there are many holes in the box! So let me show you how hard and difficult this process can be done with just one piece Shagra can crystal and speak Shiva Gonna have an if at first view Cheap Ocean sounds like a screaming rat But it should be all that I need To get my mind on the moment i'm in See another second begin Can't make one minute more Should I be keeping score? What time should i aim for The wave machine,I bought so now own Close my eyes and now Can not be shown A wave machine that whispers what thought We'll never learn, we'l never learn how to do nothing And...we're back So Glow there's a new hiking company coming out of Vermont It is called Thicket Adventures Emphasis on thick It is hiking gear for plus size people Plus size people are going be hiking? That's the question. I guess yes is the answer? Imagine some already do Uh, i see them being hunters sitting there waiting for deer to come by maybe that a good use for it So they got on Kickstarter and they were trying raise 30 thousand dollars To get started and they raised in 4 days Really? Yeah. Kickstarter is still around yeah that was like the original one right I don't know and i know there's been more GoFundMe as the popular one but kickstarter was the original no good for them sure there so that they're a market got to be see we have over 40 fit testers it took us almost four years finish design I mean, what are they wearing that'so special they can't buy it in any other store? Well i think its like plus size stuff but fits well. It is designed for people who have thick larger pieces Larger parts you know Like a woman with big old thick thighs or something right You gotta get certain kind of pan Can just be Not sure if your short but got thick thighs Do you gotta do that? My laptop is totally frozen. I mean,I have trouble buying clothes because i'm short You know And l have trouble buying clothes because they're always too big The small or extra-small section Is only about four inches usually In the whole store sometimes And the rest of it's extra large or large. So yeah, when are they going to start making clothes for me? So you read this feel good story about this couple starting this new clothing line and you thought what about ME! You just need put on a few pounds honey A lot But anyway let'see how it goes maybe there is market for it right I think by Just the response of the Kickstarter thing, people think there is a market for that. Some big people are active and some are just big right? We played bocce with some pretty big players and they seemed like fairly mobile They're good at bocci I can't see anything else The rest is totally frozen So next story Never feed bears. The bears are coming out of hibernation a little early this year, so it's time to get your bird feeders and stuff inside because I think they're coming out at least two weeks before they usually do Because of the warm weather right? They're hungry right Oh yeah, they get the stomach growling when they get up. They haven't eaten for months They're just living off their blubber So yes there'some steps you should take Take down your bird feeders between mid-March and December Store garbage in bear resistant containers Bears can pretty much eat anything They're pretty strong I think it's more like, maybe the odor doesn't get on there. Oh okay Follow the steps on a web page for composting in bear country use electric fences to keep chickens and honeybees safe Bears will eat honey bees? Yes Winnie the Pooh Okay He wasn' eating bees Yeah Well they're gonna trashed bees home Damn Yeah that is true Never thought about that Winnie The Pooh has totally messed us up Just thinking, oh it'so cute. He is just being an asshole! Yeah right? Like he has got that tub of honey and it was like where did you get tha Winnie Where are my bees how many queen bees died for you to have a tub Honey Yeah Criminal It was jerk Request the bear resistant dumpster from your waste hauler Feed your pets indoors Or feed your pet bears Never feed Bears That' s the whole thing The only reason that bears come around people is because people feed bears. Like, bears just learn and people are just like us They're like oh it's Winnie the Pooh! Here have some apples Just lik any other animal You start feeding they'r gonna come Cause they know where they get their food If a bear walks up Ok let imagine if there was someone in your house Person isn't out so It'll be safe situation But fridge fully stocked What does this man want? Whatever he has What's in the fridge? What is the bear looking for Let us say it is supermarket sweep rules. The bear only has a few minutes at home There are deli trays, pizza there are shepherd pies ice cream Mexican food nice Asian soup Chicken wings Bear burgers Can you imagine Like a bear opening the refrigerator and just kind of looking? Scratches his butt, he's like what do I want They are omnivores now Yeah So they eat both Well... Okay so yeah Mostly fish is their If they're eating rodents Or cats I don'think they eat cats. Not these black bears, but grizzlies... You can trust a grizzly bear? So anyways they're coming out of their hibernation early and that's probably just gonna change every year Yes it is Someday they'll be waking up in February Right It was getting to the point where they were going nod off And then wake right back 12 years, 12 months for bears. Oh yeah well if they never sleep they'll just be crazy like insomniac bears Zombies! They'lbe cranky So when they break in their house Their not looking for coffee I just need something to pick me up Do you have any 5 hour energy? Alright i got all this working now Matt Okay So moving on, Berry Town is trying to rename a road to avoid confusion with Berry City. I have no place To start you change the name of your town Anyway they have so local officials Have changed East Street Extension's name Algin Acres Drive because residents reported mail and other deliveries regularly ended up at East Street in Barry City How far apart are these places? Barrytown and Barry City. Specifically, E Street in Barrytown versus East Street in BarryCity I didn't know there was a difference No That's the confusion Not even the post office knows Let go back to zip codes When you're... when Im'inBarry...I have no idea where am Am'ma imBarriTowwn Am I in Berlin, am in Montbellier? Am In Barrie. It all just seems to run together When we visited a friend from North Carolina with his grandpa and were driving he gives us these directions He's like alright you're gonna take the left on Foley You're gonna go for couple of miles Take right onto Foley Avenue Then when you get into the four lane take left onto Foley We werre like what?! That doesn't make sense They should all be different, or just numbers or something. Oh gosh not like Florida What's wrong with Florida streets? It is all numbers And then you think All that efficiency That is called proper city planning Okay Except they will have a southwest 169th street Or they will have south west 169 Terrace Terrace, where they'll have a one. Okay you couldn't come up with another number at this point We only go so high in Florida You're stretching out our memories pretty bad Can you use A B C something to When we drove out east 64th Florida I started seeing numbers like East 480 Street I'm thinking, oh my god. Where is this? It's pretty much a straight road from Bradenton to whatever that dinky little town is Zolfo Springs And it just never imagined they would have streets in the 400 and 500 That was crazy I just, we're just gonna keep going until you hit the next town. Well that's one thing i did like about living in Gainesville Glo is tha it wasn't like a huge city but we did have there was University Avenue and Main Street an then you knew every street from there was 1 2 3 4 going all those different directions so You kinda always knew where were Ya know? I mean, that's like New York City. For my advantage to know where i am and it to memorize stuff But...I don't know You Know? That is the only It has got 10 lane streets with red lights So..To me I don't know what this has got to do with numbers, but it's just out of hand. It is like you are on a highway that is as wide as the New Jersey Turnpike but you're stopping every five miles for the red light Every five miles or every block And then wait ten minutes for tha red light change Well they have not had thi problem in Barrytown Not yet Maybe someday. If it keeps warming up, yeah everybody from Florida now is going to want to move Up here What? Okay Nice little story but how long has this been going on That they've just had a mix-up Yeah That suddenly they're not getting their mail You know maybe the class of mail carrier has declined It could be Got couple Of dumdums You don't have the regular ones like you used to, I mean we still have Grumpy but the guy before him... The world's unfriendliest mailman. Totally! Seriously i feel like he is serving out a prison sentence and they're like okay instead of going into jail yet be mailman for 10 years He said all right but and I'm not fucking smiling. And, if you're talking to nobody... Am not saying hello am not going put myself out for anything Yeah So is this true? Chloe might know Actually we both might know this If im the first person To build a house on the street Is that true Or just something That made up my crazy mind Well it does seem It seems happen in Vermont Because of street Im lived on was called Macy Road In those people had only been there in like 20 years, why would they have their name? Are they with the Macy's. Yeah at one time They even have a couple of tombstones near there shot up RV or that was A cabin that is right I was going to say if i had an rv can't name the road We got some limits here You can just park Matt Rearrange these stories Little bit so flow So Peregrine falcon nesting closes some Vermont cliff areas. I think you put this on there? Well, it's interesting that i didn't even know there was Peregrine Falcons around here Wow! It wasn' t on the endangered species list until about 20 years ago And now to see the picture of them Yeah they're around There are lot more around here They hang out with wires and hunt for mice In the bird world, top dog is eagle? Or is it falcon or buzzard. Falcons are smarter Eagles are dumb That's why we have them as our emblem for the United States Big dumb bird Owls aren't very bright either That's another myth. They're not full of wisdom Have you ever seen an owl? Like, kind of like its limbs or whatever You know what I mean under its feathers Yeah What is under there Lice They are bald It hard to explain They look weird I've never seen an owl fly, so... Wait! No. The smaller ones We see them sometimes They look like regular wings to me Oh no we don't What am i talking about? Im thinking about some other bird Yeah we dont see owls Like you can this little owl legs Its hard too se but like They just got a little skinny Bird legs for lack of better term They looked like chicken leg Yeah, I don't know what i was expecting they look like some old man down at the shore Big skinny Feel like im at the Y in The Sauna Because they're so poofy you think that when you touch them it's almost going to feel like a persian cat but no They'r- Ugh. They are gross Falcons ar ethe top? Is that what were thinking What about Ravens Oh, Ravens are the smartest crows. Crow's minor birds are smart water minor bird minors Minor Miner And it is that am I and a h i believe Mina birds The other one was at talk You can train them to talk you can train them To talk Gloria gonna look up My number It spelled M y n o Y You're forgiven, Matt. Yeah I'm just going to put my birds in your mind Yeah and they're black Oh they got really cool coloring They are black most of the body But then they have like an orange behind their ears And there beaks ar a different color So Starling is minor bird? Is it The same family i guess Minas our group Of birds In this starlings family so all minors Are starlings but not all starlings are minas. It sucks Can minor birds learn to talk? Minor birds are best known for their ability to talk and mimic sounds They're lively social birds and have wonderful outgoing personalities If you'r having a party You better get couple of minors over there because they'll really liven it up I want them come back as the miner bird Yeah, i'm thinking what we say Falcons What was the other one Raven Ravens are pretty smart. I always respected vultures They're like the warning class Yeah, they are Buzzards Isn'that the same thing? You say it like it's a pejorative Just by largeness and power The eagle is probably the top Now, when it comes to who is advising the eagle? It's the raven. The bird behind the bird And falcons are all little minions around Oh now they're minions?! No not minions but soldiers They're like middle management I mean that what i think They ar hunters right Falcons will pick up a cat A big falcon Hawks? Oh, I forgot about the hawk. But i think falcons are higher than the hawkes Falcons would carry messages No that's homing pigeon No...I thin they did it too Back in medieval days right Wasn't he a falconer Like if was like Falcon-ER That guy with weird arm piece There still are falconers Yeah but they're all just like cobblers They kind of exist Anyways, the Department of Fish and Wildlife are going to check cliffs for falcons and they will be closed until August or until the department determines there's no risk for nesting peregrines. Well I hope people respect that So if cliff areas are closed who cares? Rock climbers People who like red rocks There have been times when people love jump off those rocks I think they're nuts, but they do. And hasn'there been people who've been killed? But anyway... Yeah somebody has There has also being corded off certain trails that they were nesting birds and they were trying to keep people from jumping Well remember at one point They closed some cliffs up near Milton in that area because it's like the one place in this state that the only poisonous snake in Vermont is called the timber rattler, they're small and that's where they nested. I mean they are very rare They are smaller than a normal rattler Are there as fatal? Not sure We don't know everything, Glow. Alright so this man might know everything East Bernard Man reached 104 years old That's cool His secret to a long life I never heard this one No Reading Hasn't bode well for Glow No it doesn''it You can even get me read these stories Who once said Books are overrated Books are overrated. I didn't quite say it that way, but yeah Yeah you did Oh you know people who love to read books i wish had that But don' Um...I used too Yeah me too Honestly its uh It's just so sedentary Well for myself I spend all day looking at the computer screen When come home and like read a book Ugh..i want do anything else You might wanna save those books Those paper books? I don't have paper books anymore, too. Oh so you'reading it on a tablet what are you doing No He's not even reading no if i do read You know like illegally download books to my old school Kindle and then read them there but now that moved around some much and like It feels ridiculous is bringing A bunch of books that already Read To another place Put them on the shelf Not gonna Read Again So give Them away Or sell They Are Just Whatever That true I had about 10 books that were like my... A lifetime of collecting That's quite the shelf And you say Eight of them are self-help Eckhart Tolle Wow Oh, My God Never been in the presence Of a ten book Even got rid of those I know what you mean yeah it was pretty heavy the glowed memorial He shares his home with his wife, Marjorie. I don'think it mentions how long they've been married Which i thought would be interesting Would have been great if was like six months Oh man he's a World War II veteran Everyone in 104 is World War 2 veteran But how many of them are left? Not many Wow That incredible That's incredible. He has got a little dog too, he is so cute This is his quote I never played the hand of cards What? In your entire life Even in the military Ever Get into corner somewhere and read it Kept him out trouble Yes Just like mother Look up how to spell words If I wanted to write a letter, i didn't want it to look like that was the complete damn fool. His favorite book is something that never even heard of A 1941 novel Matchlock Gun by Walter D Edmonds Maybe you should look at up see if you like It Oh sure Won Yeah Novel from 1941 Yeah Okay They also claim his long he alsoclaims as longevity Is too being active His working life began at 15, when he broke in a team of horses and started logging. He helped build the Vermont interstates He was the fire warden for Barnard for over 30 years And maintained maple farm and sawmill Maybe it's all about activity I think it is more about activity Not books Well his sons are still running this saw mill How old hell are they? Yeah! Your dad's 104. Back then you had kids when you were 24, so these guys are in their... 80s? He was actually only 26 because he wa s born on the 29th of February Oh okay That' cool His sons Grayling and Clay That is a good Vermont name Grayling?! They run the sawmill which produces building materials Good for him He'still talking, he looks like a Vermonter doesn't he? Oh my gosh yeah Yeah I mean this is crazy thing to say but But it doesn' look 104 years old No Like it doens not looks much older than 85 Got flannel Of course plaid It all that reading Good for him Yeah we wish him the best 104 Can you imagine living tha long And looks liket has his teeth You think those are real teeth His real teeth? No, his teeth don't last that long. Don' teeth have an expiration date Not if you take good care of them Right from the beginning I thought teeths are like prostates Like they're going to go Prostate Doesn''t everyone get prostate cancer eventually i think so not me but Yeah it doesn mean everyone All right moving on I think we're down to some kids stories. We're all about the kids, right? Right So Milton their extreme cheer team Supernova is going to compete in national championships They are that good huh Yeah now i need like do some investigation for how many teams ar competing Is it 50 or 1000 These little girls Yeah, 11-year old Veda Scott is excited to go to Nationals. They have six teams all together... Supernova has six teams altogether ranging from 3–18 girls Interesting I think cheerleading is one of those things where like It's a lot harder than you'd think Nowadays especially Back in the day it was just like Did the poms pretty much That' s all there way Nothing else. It's these bimbos with their bombs, but now they're like flying through the air and flipping around like a Luchador Yeah they're gymnastics I mean they are gymnasts Yeah Yes you go to nationals Unclear how many nationals there ar How grand this is But oh they going Florida in April for national And i just saw Jennifer Aniston She was cheerleader Is that in the story, or are you just looking something else up? No I keep scrolling down. Of course they're trying to get me to click on it and i won't but its got her picture Well this is the thing about this honey What It says stars who were cheerleaders A lot of times a picture has nothing do with story Yeah like third lead from Growing Pains That could have been an early film Or something TV show I mean, it could be. She was a cheerleader and she acts like one but... What exactly does that mean? So this team has 11-year olds 13 year olds and 16 year olds You can really throw around 11 years old through the air Yeah when i wasn't eleven weight about 60 pounds People generally did All right, cool. So good for them others ago fund me I just Google supernova Milton you'll find it Vermont students are testifying in support of a state mushroom This story has been like happening for weeks which is haven'talked about it Yeah Matt Oh give you the floor school how much this thought was funny No Why do we need to stay mushroom and then? It's the wrong mushroom what should be peyote ears Mexico Get your states. They're learning about edible fungi and the democratic process, helping together a bill that would designate the bear's head tooth mushroom Is it good? Now we walk in the woods alot Especially in East Woods There is lot of different It has whole variety mushrooms I've never seen this one there Ok so this what students say The bear's head tooth mushroom should be the state mushroom because it can be used for medicine. It is found locally and its in the mushroom family Hericium Americanum which means Hedgehog of Americas How about that last point? That first few points are sound Mushrooms can cultivate or forged into woods And said to have certain medicinal qualities Yeah, alright That a good feel-good story Let me do a little bit more investigation because WCAX is dropping the ball. Yeah, I've never seen this mushroom i've done A lot of walking in the woods around here In Vermont Yeah Although Now let me argue against what I may have and just don't remember it yeah this looks, i think you would remember this one. This is a really odd looking mushroom What's good for? Don' t worry about Moving on Glow this for you Got couple of young engineers lady engineers in Morristown. These girls, high schoolers went up to Montreal engaged in a bridge building competition the Troitsky Bridge Building Competition A little bit nervous about that name To be quite honest An annual event at Concordia University where students design and build model bridge out of popsicle sticks toothpicks white glue and dental floss These girls are from the People's Academy in Morristown, competed with university students and they won. They were the only high school in the competition all against university students Wow! That is impressive Yeah I would say so Where Concordia University? It was Montreal So everybody else wa college student And they were only high school Correct Wow. Correct That's great What is Troitsky? It makes you think of like Trotsky Yeah Like this is like a communist thing Build the bridge Let see Are we on to our next story They don't even have the winners on their website Interesting Yeah, the winning bridge ended up supporting 5999 pounds Say it again? It says in the story, The winning bridge ended up supporting 5.099 pounds In addition to accolades for structural efficiency Bridge strength and team presentation Once we got there and looked at all the other teams We were like we might actually have a chance Because everybody else sucked Five thousand pounds?! That's what I don't know. That is the story Well, is that on the popsicle sticks? They use toothpicks Popsicle sticks white glue and dental floss Dental floss that pretty funny That whats hanging Thats whats holding up those things over there Nevermind As she points Okay this how they were rated Aesthetics and originality They got 8th place in that category, but that was just less than 2 points behind the winners. That was a very tight category adherence to required dimensions They go 6 places with one penalty point So maybe they were little bit too big long tall team spirit Eighth place focused There's bunch of dudes like come on girls smile Why aren't you smiling? Yeah eighth place That not good Predicted load carrying capacity predicted. 6th place, team presentation 3rd place strongest bridge 2nd place seems like that would be the only category yeah most important one is your bridge actually the strongest? and then overall event placement was 1st even with a poor team spirit how many teams were in it Seems like 8. So they came in eight a couple times and still won the competition? Well, hold on... 38 Oh wow that makes more sense That math ain't math Alright moving on Going over to St J The question is does StJ deserve co-op Glow is the Co Op expert here Yeah, what exactly is a co-op? Can we start there you own part of the store me Yes as A member. I'm America City market Yes It's like a very tiny part. I guess, yeah They later have that little tiny tile on the wall That is my tile it has got my name on it Yeah Forget how much paid into 250 and every co-op has different rules like the one in New Jersey where first started at My early 20 George Street Co op tha eventually go moved from George Street but still retained the name George Street. Their main rule was up yours, Up yours? Hey! Up yours What are the rules UP YOURS Oh that was much more stringent and tiny tiny But You know we made it work but um It Was all volunteer None of us got paid except maybe The top manager Bu We All chipped in And were all like Paid That Wa s part Of T e membership And those rules, if anybody who is not a member or you were not up on your hours of work You would get charged 25% more on your purchase 25 percent? Yeah. It was beefy Actually it wasn't beefy its vegetarian co-op I remember when first got here like When went to the city market and they're like yeah you can work What's the savings like there is no savings it's part of knowing that you're putting enough of your okay Matt, I mean know they care about what food they carry they put more input. It''' s not all about money like the most supermarkets or Why isn'tha most expensive? Because in order to pay their workers a better salary than the rest of the old chain markets? I'm not sure they're doing that these days. What, paying them better Yeah That'd me curious Well actually at City Market here it's union That right And forgot there were unions i think They gotta pay for the parking security guards than they hired Right No thats right The other one downtown So anyway, St. J is a Caledonian food co-op been years in the making They have raised $350k for down payment on the space In the heart of SaintJ And their goal is to create 40 or 60 new jobs and provide access for better food as Glo said and create revenue from local farms The town has decided kickin 150 grand into this project Good! Good for them. They got 500Gs, they gotta secure the space by the first There used to be a food co-op in St J'so I don't understand what happened So it must have gone under and now we're talking as if it has never been there before but actually there were several There was actually two One was the way our Our co-op started, which was all the way by North Winooski at the very top of North Winoosi. Yeah were...Fohong Old dilapidated house like most That was small They were tiny and then they got the anyway it's a long story but I don't know I just think being in a food co-op, there's... like coops. They're—I don't know—...liked it that they were local so...but yeah ,..i just wish they'do better jobs Well we still eat at their hot bar kind of salad bar and its sucks now Really? The food looks unappetizing It has gone downhill It's really... that doesn't look good, it' s You think they'ready for some competition? A new co-op moving into town. Glow ideas thoughts No Maybe a glow op Co glow Nah we did that back in Montpelier We started our own little co up Apart from The hunger mountain Hunger mountain coop What'd you call yours Tree of Life, Co-op. That's good too! A little culty? I looked into getting... It does sound a little culty Yeah yeah But we just split it up in people homes People would volunteer their space Like you know You could buy huge bag of beans And then split it among people and pay that is how did That what want to do with celery Don't need much celeries Ok then give us some We make soup I just walked into that, didn't i? We make an incredible celery soup. Alright Me too You know by the stock of celery Im like im gonna use three of these for tuna salad or something And then where does the rest go Just give it to us Alright we do a good job Hey did you start co-op Yeah he did We did, yeah. You know how you can perk it back up? I think he goes back to the strokes The diadstrokes Put it in a glass of water And the fridge That's what my mother used to have She used keep celery It was this kind base looking thing with water Yeah Keeps longer Goes good with peanut butter too Most things do. What doesn't? Alright, y'all ready for a break The music is as always by Vermont Artist This is Michael Gormley and the song's called Safe You're safe Safe in the quiet and cold Safe Safe, safe in the quiet and cold Safe Everything's under control You're saf Safe and secure in my soul You're safe in the place where you are Wait! Don't you go running somewhere With her safes Safe and secure in my heart It's time to let you have your last dance And if it turns out that you're okay Well, I don't know what the world will say Sleep with no comfort Don'cha forget about me That is what you must say Safe now at all What she said We are back. That was a fast one All right, so it's time for the part of the show where America is favorite segment. We run down the worst people in Vermont for The Week Thee low lights The vermin near dwells Matt No wait a minute I had another one So and sows someone no that wasn't it It was from crossword No, no goodnicks. Oh the go-goodniks! Matt? The scumbag Matt Alright it's a big one this week It is long one I think we'll go through these quickly Some of these stories are about 8 words long There was mysterious death in Somerset You know what i'm looking that up Where the heck at Somerse... That wasn't my question Sounds like beautiful place Yeah, if you're into woods and lakes and mountains. Which you are? Yeah So this seemed like a suicide or something Do you think so There's very little information in the story They found unresponsive woman in the car Authorities did from my state police And they arrived at scene They found this woman dead In her car from Connecticut I get a strong chemical odor coming from the car. Prompted response from Vermont Hazmat and they... That's it? What is the odor, like give me something! Don't give me this little morsel of information because that is most interesting thing in thi story The smell Alcohol Is alcohol turpentine Old fart The chemical Old Fart. That's my fragrance, Old Fart by Calvin Klein So where is Somerset? It is down around Bennington In the Northeast Kingdom And Dumberston Oh so you can take a train there soon No There probably won't be any trains coming through here It's by Shaftesbury, but going further into the Green Mountains. Going east So Matt your theory of the case is this woman drove up from Connecticut and wanted to kill herself in Somerset Vermont? A beautiful place to die Did she run out gas And then what just gave it all She had gas Stop talking about it This woman passed away I know that its strange but not knowing what... It's just not enough information. None of these stories have enough! CAX is notorious for having as little information as they can I know, bu also like them because they're jus like here are six words Here are three sentences You figure the rest out They'r elike watch this video Speaking about which So this guy He i a Kerry Shunk he s repeated sex offender He's going to be released from Vermont State Prison, which is fine. You do your crime and you do the time But police are like he is going this again We're just warning the community that thing guy will go through it again This guys should never have been out of jail in first place He was convicted in 2019 of aggravated sexual assault on an 18 year old woman. That happened after he was released from jail on a previous sexist assault conviction when as an eighteen-year old, had sexual relationship with 12 year olds Okay now we're getting Yeah Eighteen to twelve is not appropriate No I don'think so Um Yeah Officials say Oh great He's going to be living at a South Burlington motel. Yes, they say if he does reoffend his victim would likely be an adult woman that ladies you're on notice like if you know this dude the police are actively telling You? YoU ArE LiKeLy To Be AsSaulTeD But they're like good luck public will catch him when Does it again That'S It Well man scumbags all around in this story Staying on Now you put this on here, I just saw this guy's picture for the first time. Have we talked about this guy before? This guys looks like a pedophile He is doctor up at UVM Engaged in lewd and lascivious acts with young girl whom he knows Was she patient It doesn't say Again Channel 3 Very little information But someone like this It's always a neighbor, or like family friend or the relative. That creepy dad who gives spiked smoothies to the girls on sleepovers? What is that?! That was last week! Or two weeks ago this guy did this And it wasn't even my first time I read about it In Vermont?? Yeah we had one in Vermont and Williston The spike smoothie??? Yeah he gave his daughter wasn having sleepover with couple of other girls He gave them all spiked smoothies and started molesting one of the girls. I gotta pay attention to this show when it's less than two weeks It would happen again somewhere else in the country My god Okay, so well have lots of thoughts here So yeah First off like this is probably someone that guy knows right? Like we have just like weird societal fear Of some pedophile just appearing and molesting your kid Its' like no Look at your brother its probably gonna do its you're a kind You know what im mean I mean, that's way more likely than like a stranger. Her uncle... Yeah You know someone you know essentially And i had an uncle who was that way Did you? Oh yeah Have met the uncle oh yeah Well OK Okay If ya'll want to tell story but ready for it He is just very flirtatious No no But he Was accused Yeah, molesting his daughters and his granddaughters. Oh my grandson Well so well every word you said made that story worse I could tell you something that would just can'tell ya i'll tell y'all don'' even know if want to know yeah but he was by the way it's not a blood relative He married His mother sister Okay Just make It You Know It doesn't run in my family. Should you be ashamed if someone in your family is a pedophile? Yeah, I would because shame has been big deal to keep people under control Growing up not only Portuguese but also very Catholic Shame was powerful And shame on families was very powerful Yes. Like I couldn't get pregnant without being married, you know what mean? Otherwise i would disgrace the family We're not as bad as people out in Middle East who'll just kill the daughter for that reason but...I wont say who It's more than But it was bad enough where where I obviously had much stricter rules than my brother. And that's why couldn't go to college, or couldn' t go away at college and do anything but i did anyway because it was like you know come on this is now the 20th century You're GLOW Your GLOW Yeah You are not going be bound by some traditions But what im saying if God! We don''t really have tha much family anyway But like, if I found out that my uncle'son... My cousin. Like my cousin was a pedophile i'd be like That has nothing to do with me Like you know what mean? You don't even feel connection To that person Because your American You've lost that connection Yeah No Don' think Thats necessarily true For lot of people Its just the personal thing It is So like, that guy's not me. I hardly know him he is my cousin that it Yeah also maybe be different if we grew up together or lived in the same community And if you were good friends You know and you didn't Know this guy was doing that Oh does shame come from Like should have known? No nobody Should ever have known Because they are very But what your talking about Is an old European Or even worse Middle Eastern, Asian culture that the woman brings this upon themselves or whatever. It's always... because men control things so much Right And it is the women fault in the first place Right You know I actually worked with people when i was working as an engineering technician at Singer Sewing Machine Company that told me they believed that raping a woman that's like really beautiful and flaunting her assets, she is asking to be raped. Well that guy is running for governor of North Carolina I'm sure he dead by now No it was preacher Oh Is It? Who says the same thing That women should not... Oh. Yeah, women that wear provocative clothing get what they deserve kind of thing This is in the early 1980s and I'm talking about No Matt's talking about last week He isn't real right you know he yeah but that where the Republican Party It isn' t even like Republican there was just I mean, yes it is but there's also this weird incel culture where these dudes are totally online and they now believe like they deserve sex. They're so angry at women who have rejected them for... Not taking a bath once in awhile? Well it isn't just that It may be my marriages But its also like well your personality loathsome Like, what do you actually think? Learn how to make a stranger smile. It's pretty good skill Develop personality You'll find partner You'l find somebody Yeah You find someone Anyway So hopefully this guy brings us help Hopefully this guy is Christopher Manfred And he was Vermont doctor He wa sdoctor at UVM Don't say what he was a doctor of. No, we want to guess I know you know What's the childrens doctor? Pediatrics Yeah i think he wasn Anesthesiologist Why because they're out now They'll no They wont remember anything Still on tthe website Really What is his job anesthesiologist Is it yeah Matt Ah, too bad there wasn't a prize. And assistant professor Oh gosh I'll have to ask somebody about that So how... it says the child Of course it won' tell you the age We know anesthesiologist Yeah Maybe he doesn'' work here They talk all about him Sure they're all like He looks like pedophile You should be arrested just for looking Is there picture of him? Yeah That guy Yeah, there should be like a what is it like? There's racial profiling. There should be pedophile profiling Like yeah come over here You've got uh you have very large forehead All right moving on Vermont woman sentenced for pandemic insurance fraud Hallelujah Right Finally I this should we shouldn't Be hearing these stories every week Yeah, because we give away $3 trillion in three months and you're just like well... We're just on our system. Five months! Five months You know how about we put her to some good use Like cleaning all the trash that's up and down the roads now Because five month is here Yes she will serve For pandemic fraud thats all shes gonna get Well three years supervised release I know its nothing I mean, come on. Put these people to some use... But she was on probation when she did this Really? So she should be in jail longer than five months Oh my god! That's what i was saying In addition do something other that just give her free room and board You want her clean the gum off tha sidewalk That would a great idea Where they can start parking garage downtown Yeah you were talking about that last week It is disgusting Disgusting Yeah, we need a couple of pressure washers. Yeah! I think even having some volunteer groups... Convicts? Yeah You know the ones that never did good thing in their lives No They make them feel good about themselves So this woman she was sentenced to making false statements To credit union on an application for PPP loan How much does she ask for So she received $86,000 total and then was given loan forgiveness because they were just giving that away at that time. Holy shit! And several of them are Republicans in Congress who got all this money and we're forgiven like when Are you kidding? When this wasn't going down I did have the thought Well this podcast we could register on LLC We could call it a business We could do a bunch of stuff. I didn't because, you know... You have more roles Real people probably need it but like if i know and It was all just like fraud Like You would've done Yeah Don' think that we would have done What? They mean the 86-000 5G is just get started A little bit Yeah Better equipment Buy some better equipment And not our dining room How can change tha That's gonna be your dining room Sorry. It's a nice space It is Nice long table We can see each other from either end I hope we hear stories about this every week like you said, Matt You know it was happening But this wasn't just bank fraud Not even fraud through the government She got the loans Yeah, she got the loans. I can't believe that! It's like going back again to... When was it? The last crisis we had so many of them 2006 Yeah Oh good timing Perfect timing They sat on her for a year Yeah, and I came along and really got the price down. In addition 2009 was when President Obama was giving $8000 to anybody buying a condo for the first time or had sold home over three years ago Guess what? 8 thousand bucks back on my tax Boom! Thanks Obama You didn't even vote for him Well, I don't vote period. Not anymore You know It's not the same thing No! For some reason No no That that That THAT'S IT They can still get you even though you don' t vot They use driver's license, supposedly. You have one right? Huh you have a drivers license Yeah Okay I'm just going to assume that was accurate because she said it in way like No of course not The picture on her drivers license has her giving somebody the finger In case you see this person So when the cop pulls over it will be actually accurate It is like what your doing at tha moment Alright moving on Yeah, you should vote but no it actually doesn't matter. Matt I don' want to talk about this story Okay A turkey caused... No no that's way down We're gonna go with the fracas Or fracas What is a fracas? It think its francis Took me lot of tries To spell tha word by the way How do you spell The word spelled there Sorry Been on stories Its FR Let see How would... F R A C a S. Yeah, it wasn't my first guess Oh that's but how I would have said it That is adamant Take your word for Sure thats what you would have said Same way Barton man set to appear in court friday after hit and run incident at north east kingdom gas station So this was went down Tuesday night at the Circle K, not a place you want to be probably. Kevin Cruteau was fighting with multiple people at the fuel pumps You just go in and buy gas And Kevin decides To fight everybody Who's buying gas Or wasn't he defending himself? Maybe kevin is getting jumped Three people saying We don´t know what happened Kevin just lost his mind. So they say that he then intentionally drove his truck into another truck, pinning a 34-year old Jamie Cassidy of Glover... I bet it's Jamey You think it is? It looks like an old Jamaican band Bad spelling...Jamie Oh! They got Jameman Of Glover between the truck She was feeling like Jamie, I'm sure it's Jamie. Well it could be Jammie Yeah could another type like the last one We don't want to name this kid Ah! Jammie Jaime with two Ms Fled the scene and was arrested later on Thursday after being spotted in another vehicle This sounds like a domestic thing Almost Clearly these people knew each other They didn' just start beefing at gas station Right? Like, what are you looking at me for verification. Oh okay I'm just thinking about the pumps at Costco Think i could see mayhem breaking out someday people get angry At the Costco pumps yeah why because he always had a idiot who doesn't seem to know how okay You're behind this guy that given you all whole lane there's two pump your done. Okay, you have two pumps? The first guy is still pumping the second one done pumping instead of then moving into the lane that they've given us to move out and then go on your merry way no they sit there They don't know how To move around a car Oh because They don''t want Get up and like pull A pump all all the way around the car to... No, no. She's already done this one done first of all she takes her god damn time I think you're talking about a specific person Just the last time were there right? Weren't really like what fuck anyway Yeah And i'm saying that person in front should could either back up just few inches if was that unwilling go around car which she had plenty of room, but she could have gone around this guy and then we could have pulled up to pump number two and started pumping. But no! We waited there until the guy in number one just had two pump completely And then finally this woman drove off after The truck got filled An dwe're sitting There going What's Going on? Why can't you just go around You're done And you could not go around, you couldn't jump in line? It wasn' t possible to do that I don''t know Yeah yeah no Because i never used Could have pinned her That would have been good Give it the old jammy Yeah You give me an old jammy Really jammer up Alright well we'll see what happens with uh That dude Moving on Milton Milton police say they respond To a fray family deli Man if your going nuts at A deli Ya got problems Armed robbery 39 year-old white guy Showed gun Demand of money Then took off With undisclosed amount I think it's pronounced Frye fry yeah all right i think on friday local and federal agencies Oh conducted a search warrant one deer run drive in here one drive not driving your one drive In Milton and arrested this guy Why are the feds involved? Well, he don't know. It started bank It's a deli? Maybe this guy is pretty special. Nathan White Where did he go wrong Does not look like criminal mastermind in this photo Looks like just regular dude actually Little scruffy but you know, he has been on the run St J StJ man admits to stealing catalytic converters from Green Mountain Transit buses in 2022 Thanks, man. You're the reason why we can't have nice things Or bus drivers They're broken down most of the time because of these people Green Mountain Transit didn''t realize that converters had been stolen until after they started noticing tha buses sounded different when running How could it even start? I don't know much about catalytic converters. It sounds like the catalytic converter is missing Oh, you're trying to say it the way they would say That's just how we would say Could you even star a car without catalyic converter First of all, I don't know what it does. Me neither It converts the catalytic obviously but what does that mean? You have no idea Me neither Uh...I have not idea Yeah this is Cars has changed quite a bit Since spark plugs So surveillance footage showed A vehicle driving on to GMT property The night prior and then leaving Little over 20 minutes later And reports that 13 buses Had their converters cut off and stolen This dude did 13 buses in 20 minutes. Pretty good, he knows what he's doing He must have been a pit crew I think this guy has got some skills Actually you can learn how to do it pretty quickly Oh yes It is probably for your YouTube Is there TikTok video for that? Well this guy it going into drug treatment court Yeah You don't sell these if you're not feeding A habit Who are gonna feed them too No no No, no. I'm going to say you're feeding a habit Who are they gonna sell these to? It's copper Copper Somebody is buying this stuff Which means That who they should go after Exactly There is something going on Thanks You're all finishing my sentences for me All right Moving on Rutland has had spate of Walmart bomb threats That was not good I don't care. It's Walmart Bomb the family, i dont care Not a big fan They got stores mixed up Is it either Wal-Mart or Wallgreens? I wasn't sure who am i pissed off at? Both of those are the Walton family, right. Both not Walgreens The walgreens has nothing to do with Walmart Don´think so What Maybe you're right l've never thought about that There's 8 million of them in Florida So Well They're no connected ever And maybe your righ They have their own prescription place They own pharmacies don ´they That is Right walmart does Yeah Okay googling is Walgreens same as well. Walgreens it's a separate company yeah the only way they're Why the hell is it called Walgreen? What does that even mean?! I think they came before Walmart. Okay, i don't know Holy crap Like...I am being schooled live on the air No idea Okay well this person just opened up the old yellow page It was like Walls Wrong one So yeah some bomb threats going on at The Walmart GLOW doesn´t care Um Rutland Department lacks bomb sniffing dogs Probably should put tha in a paper and detecting bombs are separate training, so if there was a bomb they couldn't find it. It'd just blow up until it blew up Damn that's alot of wrangler genes we lost Alright Vermont Trooper accused from stealing police storage Again? We've talked about this guy before Is this the guy who stole some ring or what wa sit He stole a Rolex watch, Apple Airpods cell phones and prescription drugs But now they think he stole more than they originally thought They noticed that gold and diamond necklace was missing from the secure storage That's where items taken from people who are arrested or held It was valued at $375 How do they know that? He's got a price tag. Over at the Vermont State Police Storage Locker So, investigators say they Oh they found it? They sold it Yeah he sold for $297 what deal Police say that person who bought the necklace was unaware It was stolen oh brother And has not been recovered No but they know this person is unaware Did you talk to thi person that they got stolen property? Yeah, are they gonna give them the money back. I don't know it doesn' look like it Heh Hehehe...I donno Ebay is a wild west right you can just kind of Yeah...i dont go on ebay at all anymore im afraid to idk why..just feel like its definitely has changed since days when used sell one eBay once in awhile Afraid Ebay It's all bots Its All AI Alright Couple more stories Last scumbag one and products a man with history of fraud gets three years in prison forgery. He gets out of prison, gets another job that has to do with money Good Al People don't like look into things You know Google someone you're gonna hire So he was previously charged previously charged 2011 in fraud indictment that accused him Of committing A variety of frauds against individuals and businesses. He later pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money laundering, and in 2015 was sent prison." So it took him four years send his guy the prison in order pay a restitution multiple victims amount$550 thousand dollars so then he gets out the prisons any does consulting another work for business that operated two restaurants South Hero So, who's that? There is only two restaurants in Sao Paolo. Not a lot of places there I think it was that one place McKees The Keys from like Oh the Paddle Bistro Blue paddle Oh blue paddle I bet you its blue paddles Because they know they are having problems And so he charged with embezzling tens Of thousands dollars by forging checks From the business So what's his job interview like? Are you good with money some would sound very good. In fact the DEA, I'm so good it was almost a crime It is amazing these people can get these jobs that is what...I mean maybe there are not enough people applying in the first place Well they're not bus drivers We need more bust drivers and fewer accountants Embezzling is the... It's a number one crime in Vermont. I think it is, yeah such boring crime though Right? Wait you want pedophile No! Okay okay But then if you worked at place and somebody was head embezled You look an go Wait man Yeah remember that nice car they drove Oh vacation they took There wa s kid working for Jacksonville Jaguars football team Glow, he embezzled 22 million dollars and he was not being cool about it. He's like showing up to work with a brand new Porsche inviting people into his yacht like you were in the mail room even though it wasn't no but nobody says anything they go hmm what going on? All right couple more glow Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife is asking drivers To slow down And watch for frogs and salamanders when traveling at night. Please don't ask Lowe to slow down... I'm already slow! You could walk faster, though But yet when i walk Im fast but yet you have different sets of rules When you drive and then when you walk because your not like people being on your ass Nope when you're driving, but you run right up to people's asses on the sidewalk Around them Whatever it takes I just get around i'm sick of people walking slow yeah other way You know moved hit him right. Yeah do something And now just don't getting my way Do you drive? A car yet when your own side walk you don't follow the same rules like if you're slow, stay to the right. That's right! It is not a big deal Escalators same thing Oh move over And people mover is not ride Right Walk on it Yeah exactly Righ? Matt weren' we really huffing I mean We were like and was passing people and You can see they were turning their heads Like Got some family that walks up They go They just stand there you're like, well okay if you can stand get one side because I can't get around your whole giant family. Like move out of my effing way i'm in a hurry clearly this is meant to make people move faster it's not break we're always In A Hurry aren´T We? Well Yeah yeah WE ARE You Have To Be Airport Go ahead go ahead were talking too much no interupt let me back amphibians You know there was one crossing Williston Road many years ago, it's a great big turtle right there by the poor house. Okay it is about 12 inches around diameter I mean like you know lengthwise Do you think that what diameter means? Well... It looks like high school geometry But its amazing both me and an oncoming car stopped at And he kind of, so were blocking traffic getting this turtle across. Did you both get out? Yeah! Were the cars being cool because that's not a cool stretch of road No and there weren't actually at that time There weren´' t many cars Because if it is Sunday At 10am People are trying to gets into port house I know watch out right It is going be no only Turtle it's gonna be me. Well, I'm big splat! But back then there wasn't as much traffic and that has really increased as you've noticed It was like six months ago Yeah People generally... You know Okay that is cool Animal something getting No no today We were walking And a person they saw the squirrel well maybe they didn' and almost killed the squirrel I'm not talking about squirrels. We can do a lot of little laughs A turtle, one thing Squirrel? What's the squirrel gestation period It is measured in hours There i always have new squirrel They are all over the place But still I mean, come on. Respect the squirrel! No... Oh i'm not going to run over a squirrel And im not going swerve into it When Im driving down the road and see dead Squirrel If feel one way Driving down and seeing dead turtle Really different way Only because there are so many Squirrels right? So now we can apply that humans There'some many humans right They're like squirrels. Why don't we just get rid of a couple? Is what you're saying, dont be as careful! Look if you want to murder some people Just do it I'm pretty sure that's on your list And im not near the top Yeah there are other neighbors Right Im no even number one in this building Anyway The reason they say slow down is because these turtles and salamanders and frogs or whatever, not turtles. Salamanders and frogs are walking across roads as you mentioned Glow to get to the other side Now why do they want Why did the salamander cross a road? To get on another side I think it has something with mating Or migrating It's because of weather changing And they're just migrating Again earlier than usual probably You built the roads and the salamanders migration path. You being society, all right is this even Vermont? Yeah Bakersfield The most Vermont story of a week A turkey caused car crash in Bakersfield this past Friday Because crossing person was so nice they stopped for that turkey Nope And there No no It's little more violent than that Turkey flew into the windshield. Are you familiar with the term kamikaze? So this was a Kamikaze turkey, so what happened he had the window down and his turkey flew into it went through its windshield well that was my second thing I said yeah So he went through the windshield? This turkey just- He hit the windshield and struck him. Yeah, struck The driver Poor turkey I mean okay It was a real turkey i would say that Turkey is not A victim here No We've screwed up so much Leonard Hemingway Was driving west on State Route 36 Near Bakersfield Tree Farm When Turkey flew Through his SUV's windshield And struck him He rolled down the embankment. First responders from Enosburg Rescue were able to remove him from the wreck, he was flown to UVM Medical Center for injuries sustained in a crash So I assume that Turkey's dead? Uh... Yeah Don'think you'd live much longer after that Probably somebody dinner Which i'm all for You know if it is dead eat Could do this thing with squirrel Yeah A turtle Granny would have made squirrel pie or something. I worked with a co-worker back again in Singer Soul Machine Company who ate roadkill What were they paying y'all at Singer? They still have his screwdriver Huh, what were they paying you all at Singer Not enough to eat Make my rent and car payment Food Pfff...I'm uh I'm a roadkill guy. i do have his screwdriver, he gave it to me It's got his name on... He etched Is covered with armadillo blood? You don't want him say his name right Its really cool name Im sure hes well dead by now Well dead Say whatever you want Like this person used eat Roadkill No We are defaming thiis person No, although this was in New Jersey. You wouldn'think that still was the case back then but no you'd be amazed Was thi person from another culture? No Okay Nope nope he's totally American Wayne Sockwell Good thing we didn'y identify him I knew she couldnt contain it As soon as she said i don'' t want to say my name Oh those stupid things I remember Wayne Sockwell. Yeah, why'd you say that was a cool name? What do you like the way part as well sock well sock Well your socked that you're wearing your foot Well i think it's like bam Like A punch Sock Wel Okay wel That could be too Or We'll Could Be Li The Hole In The Backyard These got To Well Full Of Socks Put down On Bucket Come back Up With Some socks Gee I thought you said Stockwell, which is a very cool name. Dean Stockwell! Well Dean Stockwell's cool name but... If his name was Alan Stockholm it would be less of an issue Wanna see my screwdriver? Are you gonna get it quickly Right here Alright here we go This where were winding down the show The music will probably start playing pretty soon And well uh Be getting cut off her in couple seconds You can hear the noise This is given to you by a man who is big proponent of eating roadkill. I did not expect his name to be written in cursive That's the giant-ass screwdriver,by the way It seems bigger Not just length but head No we're talking about screwdriver That has big head That's a big tip, isn't it? Yeah I know. No i don' t want to see that Oh but here is this Here Wayne Softball See And then put GDS Because at that point Finally changed my name To Sousa So you carved yours on there Even though he had his name Well he gave me No one can hear what you're saying, by the way because you're not on a mic. But basically... I still have momentum from here It's time we get out of here A momento Peace! See ya later The end. All life on earth as we know it will be told itself This butt is the most dangerous button in the world You mean this button?[created using whisperjav 0.7]