Vermont Catch-up (Ketchup)

186: Boy Scout Burlesque, Norwich Scandal, and Street Sweeping Is a Hoax

Vermont Catch-up

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On this week’s show:

  • Happy National take your pick day
  • Burlesque day
  • Hug an Australian day
  • Your first kiss day
  • Birdhouse vandal
  • State Sen Bobby Starr retires
  • Ex-Norwich University president sued over inappropriate behavior
  • The future of downtown Brattleboro uncertain
  • Barre to Sell Two Parking Lots for $1 to Housing Developer 
  • Barn preservation grants
  • Airport taxi rate 
  • Vermont confirms first measles case since 2018 
  • Impacts of Vermont’s single-use plastic ban, 4 years later 
  •  Best beard in VT
  • Bruins fan goes viral w/ maple syrup sign

(53:22) Break music: The Champlain Shoregasm - “As the World Comes Apart 

  •  Tree planting beef in Charlotte
  •  Timbersports coming to Maplefest
  •  Street sweeping season in Burlington
  • Norwich Olympic rower
  • Marshfield couple spreads sunflower seeds for Ukraine
  •  Bradford  restaurant fined
  • Tanya Sousa debuts new children’s book ‘Rescued’ at Newport, Lyndon libraries 
  • Morrisville needs a bridge troll
  • VTrans to install obstacles to prevent stuck trucks on Notch Road 
  •  Animal communicator
  • Vt. sheriff’s deputy who caused mistrial loses job 

(1:33:05)  Break music: Yann Falquet - “Du long de la mer joile” (Along the pretty sea) 

  • Scumbag Map
  •  Drugs and guns in Barre
  • Cops arrest man accused of choking, knife threat
  •  Rutland man charged with taking photos of girl
  • Rutland stabbing
  • Burlington machete attack
  • Two arrested after defecating in victim’s car during Barton-Lowell crime spree - Newport Dispatch
  • Shots fired in Jay
  • Saint J BB gun bandit
  •  Montpelier police log
  • Newport man faces federal gun charges 
  •  Would be ATM heist in East Wallingford, VT
  •  Bald eagles vs blue herons
  •  Winners of pet photo contest

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Outro Music by B-Complex

What's up, Vermont? On this week'show we hear about Matt's Boy Scout burlesque show, Glow laments for a time when kids were adults, the Norwich scandal, how street sweeping is a hoax, a very stabby, knifey scumbag map, bird bullies, and so much more. Kick back, relax, and put us in your ears Like VPR with a couple of beers Get caught up, get caught up, get caught up Welcome to Vermont Ketchup with Matt I'm Matt Hello I'm Glo And I'm Adam We are a weekly rundown of everything happening in the Green Mountain State A lot of national days, take your pick Do we like burlesque, hugging Australian, or your first kiss? Does anyone kiss an Australian? I don't know any Australians They're too energetic That's my take on Australia, they're just wired differently. I can't remember my first kiss either really I Don'think so What do you remember like what? like Age I mean like It was Hector Count right behind the Catholic Sure. Can I just kiss? It doesn't count, right? We need a little bit of eroticism, right? It's not just, can't just be curious. It's just like 12 year olds making out or something. Yeah. What was your first kiss, Matt? Do you remember? I don't. Oh, actually. I would not use that one. Happy burlesque day? Do we like burlesque as an art form? Not really. No? Sure. I don't. I've only been to one burlesque show. That was at the Florida State Fair. When I was in the Boy Scouts. What? The Boy Scouts? Yeah, it was our day trip for the Boy Scouts. We're wearing uniforms. So we go. I mean, the guy, the barkers out there, come on guys, come on in. We're going, okay. What are we going to men today? What are we going to men scouts today? So were you old enough to? I was 14 maybe. Oh, definitely. The bunch of erections and that's true. 14 and me and some other boys went in and we're sitting there. And also we see two scout masters come in and sit down in front of us. They didn't know you were there? No. Oh, man. It was cool. But it was terrible. It wasn't it'sex. It was like, imagine what Florida State Fair, 60s burlesque. Were they heavy? They were a little chunky, a little been around the block a couple times. I hate to say that but yeah they weren't it wasn't a turn-on. It was more funny. We were laughing. Well I guess burlesque has humor. Yeah yeah. You know there's a lot of comedians who started, old comedians who started in burlesque. I feel like if you like burlesque you also like rockabilly music and yeah you have like pointy glasses and dumb hair where do they even have it anymore oh I know they do have it yeah it'so popular so I mean I don't know if popular is not the right word but it still exists for sure yeah oh well what was the other one Oh hug an Australian don't know any there Their restaurant sucks. Outback. Outback is a mediocre... is Australian for mediocre, I think. Foster's. It's Australian for beer. Alright, Glo, we're burying the headline here. We got a birdhouse vandal. Yeah. About seven years ago, I put a... Okay. It goes back a ways, but... Okay, so I'll try to get to the point. No, no, that'seven years ago. Okay, no, I put a birdhouse in the little bit of trees back here. And before you know it, there's been one bird for years, ever since, called the junco, I think. We're not sure, because I sent the picture around. But anyway, so everything was fine. But last summer, I was working out there, and I kept hearing like some, like a woodpecker kind of sound, like pecking away. So I looked in it was a chickadee, which is also another small bird. So I didn'think what, you know, how come a chickadee, you know, anyway, I thought a chickadee was a sexy lady in the 60s. 30s. Really? That's what WC Fields used to say, something about chickadees. Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah They were taking turns, I was paying attention. Taking turns doing what? Just banging their head to try, because they were trying to make the small hole bigger. So, because for some reason, they looked to be the same size, but I guess they weren't. They were a little, just tiny bit larger. Anyway, so they flew and that, then the other guys moved into their home and all that stuff, and I just saw a chickadee going, into the house and working from the inside out. And he's also picking up all my moss that I put a lot of time into putting, but it's like so much fun watching his bird. So the chickadee tried to make the hole bigger, failed, gave up, a new bird moved in. No, no, the same bird that's been coming, but for some reason, I guess they're late comers. But then the same bird's there, that your regular tenant is there, But then the chickadee came in while that bird was gone and started renovating? Yeah. That's fucked up. Well, you know, the chickadee stays here all winter long, and the other bird doesn't. The other bird is migratory, so. Anyway, so my thesis, I mean my theory, is that they wisened up from last year and got one of the guys to get really skinny so that he can now go in and be the chickity who's like trying to blast the hole bigger from the other side and it's working because this guy's going in and out now and he's just probably making it bigger for the family to move in but that is amazing though don't you think every construction crew has a super skinny guy, and they are super naturally strong. We all know. Yep. Oh, yeah, I used to know a lot of them. Now, are you sure it's the same bird? Because how long do these birds live? Do they live seven years? No, I mean, they're hatched because I used to listen to their babies. Oh, I mean, so the babies come back. The babies come back. That's where they were born. So they were they're gonna have chickadees or whatever, not chickadees or whatever the other Is a chickadee only a baby bird or is the what do you call a baby chickadee a chickadee? No, but a chickadee is its name not when it's a baby that's a silly name I Know but because you know why the chickadee has a certain sound and it kind of sounds like that You'd have to look it up I can't do it. Hey you changed my mind Great name. I like things that are named the way they sound. Yeah, makes it easier to remember. Yeah, it's too hard to remember all these words. Too many words. Like a morning dove. They sound like they're crying. Yeah, that's why they're called the Morning M-O-U-R-N-I. I thought you were starting to sing a Stevie Nicks song. No. In the wide window, sing a song, sound like you're singing it. You don't want me singing. I do want you singing. No. All right, new goal, get Matt to sing on the pod. We start playing a Beatles track with no vocals. All right, so Vermont stuff. Matt, state Senator Bobby Starr retires, to which I say, who is Bobby Starr? I never heard of him. All right. But he's been there 46 years. I know who Bobby Star is. It sounds like a porn star, by the way. Doesn't it? Sounds like burlesque. I'm pretty sure if I Google Bobby Star, I'm going to get some Nazi for work content. Anyway, I'm not free to say. It would be... Never mind me. What do you mean? No one's listening. There's no microphone in front of your face. Well, talk around it. I have a friend. and whom you met. Okay, that narrows it down significantly. That was what? That narrows it down significantly. Who was in a relationship with Bobby Starr? Yes. A non-consensual relationship with Bobby Starr? Oh, oh, definitely consensual, but, but he was married. So. Okay, well, it's good that nobody listens to this show. Nobody might feel you, anyway. State Senator steps out with his wife, allegedly. This is a while ago, right? Oh, yeah. Well, he's like 81. Yeah, he's 80. Is this photo in the story, do you think that's recent? Because he looks really great for 81. He looks pretty good for 81. I mean, damn. He's thin. 46 years. Yeah. Big agricultural guy. His signature legislation is, he did something for milk. I'm gonna pull it up real quick. He did the Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact, which of course we can all recite from memory. He said that was like set bulk milk prices for New England dairy farmers. Established the Vermont's Working Lands Enterprise Initiative, state program which supports agriculture and forestry industries okay did like a scholarship program for Vermont Tech College and what I think is most important helped set up the state's funding of universal school meals for K through 12 students using local farm. Nice. You did a lot. Yeah. I mean not like Peter Welch. But like, who was the guy that just retired a week or two ago? Sears, Dick Sears and Mazza. Like, it's like Kobe Bryant retires. And like a week later, Elton Brand retires. Like, well, who cares? Like, but that's I mean, that's three heavyweights that have retired at least, you know. What does it take to Okay, two questions. Maybe only one. What do these guys get paid? What does a state senator get paid? What do we think? I don't know. Not that much. It's not a full-time job. I'd say about maybe 70,000 maybe, but they also come with a room and board thing where they can stay a month earlier. That's usually included. And that's where you meet your mistress, probably. They get $733 per week. Oh, that's what I used to make as a middle school teacher. I think there was an article a couple of weeks ago that people were saying, we can't afford to be in Montpelier anymore at that kind of rate.$733 a week. Oh my god. And it's not all a year, right? No, it's per diem per session. So, I mean, they're only there six months. Does this state have no money? Like I don't understand why, there's money here, right? Like what are we doing? We're, that's, it's insane. 7.33 a week. State representative. And four cents, so. Yeah. Wow. All right, well. The house gets the same, I believe. That, that cancels my next question. Yeah. Yeah, I guess they both get eight, 8, now it's $811. That's what I, another, who knows what it is, but it's not that much. Yeah, every week, every two weeks? Per week. Per week, okay. During the session, per DM, plus per DM, which is what you were talking about. They get free boom and boards. What if I make a little Caesars? I'making 20 bucks an hour. I'making roughly this much. 800 a week. No, but. A lot less stress. Yeah. Which one? You asked a good question. Which one can I be stoned at? I don't know. Yeah, I mean, my uncle, when he was in the state house, he worked a job six months out of the year and then went down, went over to Montpelier. I mean, I feel like you're dumb if you're not corrupt. If you're making that much money, you gotta be on the take somehow, right? I mean, what could they be on the take for? Well, I'm sure you'd be like, well, this legislation would be on the take, but maybe like, we're about to like really fund solar, I should probably invest in solar and stuff like that. I don't know. I think it's more the Vermont way. What's the Vermont way? Educate me. Well, they were mostly farmers at one time. and therefore they had the six months in the wintertime that they couldn't do as much. So, that was kind of like, I wouldn't say their vacation, but... Might as well write some laws. Yeah. They still had to milk the cows. Well, that's true. Yeah. That doesn't stop. That's where the weight comes in. Yeah, that's true. The kids. The kids. That's right. That's when kids were adults. See my five year old, he's an adult. I miss the days when kids were adults. See that eight year old, smoking a pack a day? That's a tough adult. All right, so the next story, did you see this, Matt? About the former Norwich president has been sued by for his sexual harassment sex-based discrimination you read this in creating no okay I meant to read it okay look don'tell me you're you were gonna get me a gift okay just you know just don't do it's fine no this guy his name is let me just put it first allegedly mm-hmm his name is his name Arn and our rumo mark its colonel mark and a room in a room on a room Oh glow this dude a former Norwich president he so he like mysteriously like resigned a couple months ago now he's in Louisiana mm-hmm like he just resigned like he like resigned the state he fled he fled he's in Louisiana and apparently well This is what he says digger called him. I was like, what do you think about the lawsuit? He's like what lawsuit? So either he's totally checked out or he's just bullshit, right? this dude is like going to fundraising parties and Telling stories about having sex with students This guy's doing keg stands at fundraising party It's not like it's out in the open. This dude is doing this stuff Like, I don't understand, I don't know the context, but it sounds like he's like on the mic. And he's like, let me tell you about some of these alums. Oh my God. And he'still got money from these people? Oh, I'm sure they had to pay him for him to leave. No, I mean like, him up there, and these are supposed to be donors? I mean, you know, anyway, go ahead with your question, Matt. No, I was just gonna read the former president routinely made sexualized comments and engaged inappropriate sexual behavior and innuendo in front of students, alumni, teachers, Ms. Kennedy, who was suing him, and other employees. That was his former vice president. Right. And he would recount sexual exploits at fundraising events. During a trip to Georgia, Ms. Kennedy was present and witnessed him telling two young alumni that he once had sex with an international celebrity, a claim that Kennedy said he repeated to various audiences in various work settings. Hey, so how you doing kids? One time I banged big Bjork. You're like, what the hell is this dude doing? I know, he's trying to get students to sign up. Because what better way than having such a cool president telling you how he whacks off. No, he doesn't whack off. He has sex. Well, okay. Anyone can whack off. Oh, well, that's true. That's not a good... I mean, in ways that maybe he shouldn't be whacking off. What do you think whacking off means? Just jerking off. Yeah, but like he's not jerking off, he's with... he's talking about being with people. I know. He also got drunk at work events and fundraisers and allowed his underage son to drink at functions. Once Kennedy alleges she heard from staff members who observed President Arumo hold a female undergraduate leg up at a Norwich fundraising event so she could perform a keg stand. Will, you know what a keg stand is? No, what's that? Okay, so I'll just give this example from this story. So the president takes a female undergraduate student. So, you know, she's between 17 and 21. He turns her upside down, okay? That's where we are. With a dress on? Well, we don't know. We don't know. Holds her up. She's gonna grab the top of a keg, and probably someone else is gonna put the keg spigot in her mouth. And she's going to drink beer while, I assume, they're chanting something. Geez. That's the president. It's the president of the university. It's not like this was animal house teacher. We'd all be shocked. This is the president of the university. But what shocks me even more is that he said a fundraiser. Who are the people who are giving them this money then? You know what I mean? This is how he's getting people to sign up. Oh, let me show you how I could really, you know, shock everybody. Can you imagine his PowerPoint presentation? He's like, all right, so this is our enrollment. This is our research goals. This is what we're doing in academics. And now it's my bang stories. This is the famous celebrity that I bang. That could be anybody. Have you heard of, I was going to say Anna Kornkova, but I guess she's international, right? So being that this is Norwich, does that mean a lot of who he was having sex were of the same sex? I don't know. There's a lot of females at Norwich, honey. I am. So your allegation is that Norwich is a notoriously gay university? No, but... I didn't know that. Hence the old expression, gayer than Norwich. I mean, you know, he didn't have as many to choose from if he was only just, you know, heterosexual. I bet Norwich has more female students than male. At this point, but how long ago has he been doing this? So in other words, maybe when it was still mostly male? Who knows? By all accounts, this dude is not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Right. I don'think there's anything wrong with it. How a man lives his lifestyle is totally fine. I know, I thought I asked a question though. I like your probing questions. The woman who'suing him started working there in 2011 and repeatedly reported his behavior to her supervisor and to members of the board of trustees but board members did not act until she told him in late 23 that the president was allegedly misusing funds So sex is fine, he'stealing out of them Yeah, or the third thing like he would just take all these crazy trips and just like on the on the you know He's time Can you imagine like this woman walking into her supervisor's office and telling them as soon as she leaves? I'm sure it's like I roll Well We'll see how this lawsuit goes. We'll follow it because this guy should this guy should be in the scumbag map It's just funny that like either. He's completely unaware or he's just a massive liar, but what lawsuit? You find out you're being sued from the newspaper? You don't get a phone call about that from someone else? Your lawyer didn'tell you? When you left suddenly in disgrace, you weren't... Anyway, moving on, Brattleboro is... The downtown of Brattleboro is kind of in question. Question to what? Is it going to exist anymore? Oh, no, because of all the empty storefronts? No, don't do that. So five years ago, they got a 30 million arts and apartment block or money for arts and apartment block downtown. But it's not like, not really working. It's not taken. Yeah. Well, Sam's Outfitters, 92 year old store, Sam's Outdoor Outfitters shut its operation after. Three generations. Oh my god. That's a good run Right 92 years. Yeah Well, especially these days sure Yeah, right Nothing these days nothing lasts more than six months. It seems like but people are buying The buildings what they're using them for but I mean, you know, there is a train that goes through there Hmm, you know, right, Matt? Train tracks, am I wrong? Yeah, I think you're thinking of someplace else. I don't remember train tracks. In Brattleboro? Yeah, I guess they were. Wait, I can'take a train from Burlington to Brattleboro? I thought I could, no? Hmm, don't know. I really don't know. It's right there by Whetstone, or what used to be Whetstone. It's kind of like across the street from it. Or, no? Well, never mind. Burlington to Brattleboro train. Four hours. No kidding. Four hours. Four hours? Well, I mean, that's the fast one. I got a, I can kind of put you on a five and a half hour train. From 2.48am to 8.27am. That's, um, our train system is just shameful. Was it a two and a half hour drive? Yeah. The oldest, a non-profit now owns and operates Main Street's oldest surviving business, the Latchkiss Theater. Yes, that we've mentioned many times. Can't wait to hear more about it. Features a hotel pub. I don't remember a pub. No, there wasn't even anybody at the desk until after three. Yeah, that's true. Anyways, we like that place. They weren't having movies playing though, that would have been cool if they did. What would you propose to save downtown Brattleboro? Like what do they need? Burlesque. I don'think Burlesque can save it. I don't know, I think it's just going through what every other downtown in this country is going through at some point, you know. I mean Burlington did it 50 years ago, they were a mess downtown. 今はどうだろう? 今は20年以上前よりは 良くないと思うが… でも今は変わってきたし… 今は変わらないといけない 変化があっても 今までのチュートリアルは 変わらないといけない ベリーやブリストルなど ダウンタウンに行ったことがある ベリーに行ったのは 昨週の週末だった そうだった? Yeah, went to a ramen restaurant, Seiyaku Ramen. I don't know if you all have been there. Opens at 1, get there at 102, sign on the door. Due to staffing shortages, we're closed until 3. So did you go shopping in downtown Barrie? No, were starving. So we're like, let's look online and see the place that has the best rating that we haven't been to. So went to the Cornerstone Pub. We had burgers, they were fine. It was fine. They weren't noodles. But I'm like, why did I drive an hour for a mediocre burger? Right. Yeah. I mean, that's the way every downtown. I mean, look at St. Johnsbury. They've got a beautiful downtown, but it's pretty much closed up. Nobody wants to walk anymore. I think we need younger workers. Yeah. How many 11-year-olds can serve me a burger, right? I think the Republicans have already passed that in Florida. Have they? I think. They've got all sorts of laws in different states so kids can work in poultry places and shit like that. Like they shouldn't have to work there, but they should have the choice. I mean, 11 year olds, what is a 11 year old doing? Yeah, like what? Playing video games. Yeah, what are you playing video games and coloring? Like, get over here and earn some coin. Right. Give to the family. Work at the liquor store. You gotta step up, be the man of the family. All right, so good luck Brattleboro. Looks like they're building a bunch of apartment complexes and stuff, like residential stuff, hoping that people are there, so they'll walk around. And then, da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Same old story. I feel like no one on any of these select boards or city councils has ever heard of Amazon. Right. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Everybody orders online. Yeah, well, why wouldn't you? Like the stores are just like showrooms. It's like, yeah, I'll go there and try my shoes on, but I'm going to buy it online because it's cheaper. I know, you told us that. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, don'tell us again. Sorry, I'd hate to repeat myself. All right, speaking of Barry, Matt, you put this on here. Yeah, I thought it was pretty unusual there. Barrie City Councilors are expected on Tuesday to approve plans for selling two small parking lots for a dollar. Each or total? Didn't say. To a developer who wants to build as many as 40 apartments there. Wow. Who gets this sweetheart deal? I'm guessing, let'see, is it a name that we know? Downstreet Housing and Community Development. An agency that uses low-income housing tax credits and other programs to build affordable housing in central Vermont. Well, if they'really going to build affordable housing, then that makes it a little better. I wonder the price of these affordable housing units. 360,000 like the one over there? Yeah, like what's the rent? Oh, it's $1,600 a month. That's affordable, right? To some, like that one developer said. To some people, it's affordable. But that's a... I mean, he's got a lot of stuff to get past. Yeah, but if we know anything about Vermont, it's like you say, yeah, I'll do that, I'll do that, I'll do that. And then later, once you've dug the pit and started construction, and you're like, actually, I'm not going to do it. And they go, well, you've already started, so just continue. You're fine. Yeah, the flood in July destroyed an estimated 363 structures containing 517 housing, units of housing, most of them in Barrie's lower income north end. And you realize that many pit bases got destroyed. Barrie's a weird city. It is a weird city. It kind of spreads. Like a fungus. Like an infection. Look at this dude, bro, city manager. Not that I trust him. He's way too young to... These three properties don't have an asking price, but anticipates that we'll all go for under appraised value. Wabi Park has a play structure, swings and picnic shelter. I don't know. Under appraised value doesn't mean anything to me. Like one dollar under? Much under? Yeah, man... Well, when the city publicized the dollar parking lots, the city sought an applicant that would propose a multi-use design with mixed housing, some market rate, some affordable, and some people exist... and some for people exiting homelessness. I like that phrase, exiting homelessness. Yeah, okay. That's a good phrase. Yeah. I feel like that's, like, party worthy. Hey, you're having a party this weekend. John is exiting homelessness. Sounds nice, doesn't it? Right. Sounds glamorous. Yeah. How do you know when they're not going to become homeless again? Well, we don't say that at the party. Well, I know, but that's why you can't say exiting homelessness, because they may be right back to it again in no time, because some of them choose to be that way. Well, some of them, but not John. So how many chances do they get? What if they end up being homeless again? Well, if it's the third time you've exited homelessness, I'm probably not coming to your party. I'm glad I didn't make it to the second. Yeah, I'm like, all right, John, it's okay. Let's just try to stick with it this time. Well, they're selling the Wabi Park because it just keeps getting flooded, I guess. Wabi? Wabi, it's named after the Wabi jeweler family. Very. Wabi? Wobby. W-O-B-B-Y. And the family supports the plan because they're moving it to someplace else, higher up, that doesn't get flooded. So they're going to sell it to somebody who's going to build on it, and it'll get flooded. Yep. Cool. Well, I just thought it was unusual how these cities come up with ideas to get building, you know, selling something for a dollar. That's pretty crazy. That's like, I mean, that's like what you ever see like these like old Italian cities, like you can buy an Italian city for a dollar or a home and it's this Italian city for a dollar, but it's like totally busted and broken down. Yeah. Or like Love Canal, there's toxic waste under it all because of who, and yeah, they sold it to the city for a dollar. so the city puts a school on top of the dump. You know, sometimes it's like, look, a gift horse in a mouth kind of thing. That dollar, it wasn't going to bring them, you know, like the whole downtown. I thought we're not supposed to look at gift horse in the mouth. Oh, you should. Yeah, I think you should. Oh, I don'think so. No, I don't know. Conventional wisdom is something I'm not supposed to. Oh, that's right. Because if I look in the gift horse's mouth, wait, no, you're right. If I look in the gift horse's mouth, I can see the problems. But the saying is don't look at gift horse in the mouth because you shut up and take what you're getting for free. Exactly, exactly, see? That's a terrible saying. Isn't it? I almost never use it. When was the last time? I can't remember. Moving on, Glow, you like this. Barns are getting restored. Oh, I love this. I thought of this kind of stuff, and I'm so glad that somebody just, you know. So what you're saying is this was your idea? She was the first to think of it. Oh, come on, Matt. You know I have talked about. Oh, yeah. If I had a lot of money, I would build or have a school that teaches kids how to become carpenters or whatever. What would you call it? I don't know. I want to say yes tomorrow, but that's been taken. So, but it's a great name. But anyway, yeah, and then teach them how to raise, you know, how to restore a barn as part of their training. So these awardees are getting, so there's going to be 1 million total in restoration efforts. 350,000 to 20 projects across the state. I wonder what the application process is. To send a photo, I'd be like, look at this piece of shit. Imagine how great it could be. I'm just looking at the cost of this. 350,000 for 20 projects. That's a little over $17,000. That doesn't sound like much at all. Nothing at all. What are they going to do? Just make sure it doesn't fall over completely? Or wouldn't it be great if they put a roof over a lot of these? I guess it's mostly to help people to do it on their own, but give them a little cash on the side. You know, because it's going to cost them more than $17,000. I mean, we see some of these barns falling down all over the state. Well, maybe those are not qualified because they're too bad, right? Oh, that would cost a million dollars. Look at this million dollar barn. But don't you want a barn to be kind of broken down a little bit? Like, you don't want a barn that's like shining in the sunlight. You want a barn to look kind of barny. Yeah. Used. Like an old burlesque dancer. At the Florida State Fair, the Dallas Dazzler. Is that the name? Did they have cowboy boots on? Yeah, the little pasty twirl. Pasties with tassels? Oh, come on, Matt. See, now no wonder you weren't supposed to be there. God, Matt's like, suddenly these photographic memories are coming back. We weren't supposed to be there. I bet the scoutmasters, I wonder... Oh, they turned around finally and saw us. We all went... It's like seeing your pastor in the adult section of the video rental place, you're like, I won'tell if you won't. Unless you get the gay thing. That I'm telling everybody. Well, maybe we did have that in Titusville. Probably, right? Yeah, so we'll see how this goes with the barn preservation. Well, we love barns. We're very pro-barn on this show. too shiny. A little broken down is okay. All right, Matt, the airport taxi rate is being standardized. I didn't realize this was like a third world country where like you walk out of the, first of all, who's getting taxis? But like when you walk out to get a taxi, you have to like negotiate with the person and then the person behind you, if you say, yeah, the story is like, okay, take me downtown, 30 bucks. First time he goes, I'll pay you 40. I'll get it right now. You're like well the hell like that's how it used to be Really like very recently. I've never had that experience there We because we've used it a couple times where we come in late at night. Yeah, I'll grab it Right there was a taxi cost you from there to here$18 now or something I don't care these guys sit out there for a long time, and they have no fuck the overs I always get some crazy person I was an asylum for some reason I like the taxis because I know a lot of them from just working at the airport for 15 years They have a tough job They sit out there and they sit out there It doesn't matter what kind of weather They're still sitting out there Finally they get a fare and they say, well, take me to some hotel that's a quarter mile away And they lose their spot on the line And they lose their spot and have to get back They can refuse, right? Maybe not, I don't know, but I saw the, now they have, you have to pay at least something automatically, I can't remember, 10 bucks or something. A flat fee, yeah. Yeah, so. Well, that's how, I mean, isn'that how mostly it is in most places? I think so. Like you jump in a taxi, it's like you're paying this much, even if you go two feet, you're paying this much. Right, I would think so. Definitely New York. Yeah, Seoul, Tokyo, yeah. Well, good for them. I mean, they get a tough job. Most of them are immigrants, you know, and they've always been very pleasant. Yeah? I think I burned my bridge with one of the local taxi companies, because I called them to arrange a taxi at like 3.30 in the morning, because I was catching a flight. Yeah, so... And the guy was like, yeah. And I was like, I don't know that you are actually listening to what I'm saying. Right. And he's like, yeah, we'll be there. I'm like, okay, but like, it was very dismissive, you know, like, I was like, are you really gonna be here? I don't really believe you. There's no like, confirmation email or anything. So I was like, okay, gotta be like, 340. I was like, let's just call an Uber. So we did. And then I was getting all these text messages from the taxi driver. Where are you? Where are you? I'm like, sorry, man. Like, you were late. You're late. And also like, it's a situation where like, you can't be late. You don't like the airport. Yeah. Like, the plane's not waiting for me. But I think I'm probably on a blacklist now. Oh, it's that guy. Yeah. Oh, that guy. I have to move and change my name. All right, Matt. We got measles in Vermont again. Thank you anti-vaxxers. Fucking anti-vaxxers. I thought that was stamped out by now. It was. Because everybody was getting immunized. But now there's a bunch of people who decide no, we don't want to do that. And I think it's, don'they make the kids when they go to school? I bet parents can opt out now. People get so freaked out about vaccines. They think that's like making kids autistic or whatever the hell else. Yeah, that's been around for years, that rumor. No proof. Most drugs, like, I don't know, maybe it is. I know a couple people in middle sex who thought that their kids, whatever problem, was due to being forced to be vaccinated. But it leaves them with any cause of the problem. Yeah, it's good to have a scapegoat, right? Not me, it's the vaccine. Maybe it was Santa Claus, maybe it's the drinking water, maybe it's this. It's always everything except me. Third case of measles in the Georgia Health Department, in an unvaccinated individual traveling with an international group of students. So these came from... while you're traveling with students and you don't even have to get vaccinated. That's crazy. Yeah. You mean coming into this country, you don't need, yeah, that's right. Nobody checks for that stuff anymore. You book a flight. They don't want to see if you've been vaccinated. I think we just used to assume you did. You were right. Like it was used to be like a. I think you had to actually have proof for some things. To go to college and you show it. Yeah. international person so I didn't know what measles was because it sounds kind of fun mm-hmm like measles oh what's that mean like some blue spots it's a contagious respiratory virus that can cause fever rash and severe illness that doesn't sound like fun I know but measles sounds fun but when I hear like diarrhea that sounds bad but measles like Oh measles like who's coming to your party measles I was that like a new clown or something like it doesn't sound Terrible measles of the clown. He's a clown Unless it's German measles. What's that? That's another measles German measles like regular measles, but like just a stranger. Yeah They want to take over the world Yeah, it's I Had it when I was a little kid, so I don't remember I think I don't you know, most people have it when they're four Thank you anti-vaxxers. We salute you. Go fuck off. This next story, the impact of Vermont's plastic ban four years later, except they neglect to explain the impact. You know I read this story, I went, wait a minute. The headline doesn't really tell this, the story is not, you know, whatever, they don't really tell what the impact is. The story's about people going, eh, it's not that bad. I just bring my own bag. That's the whole story. Here's the, I have a hot take. I miss plastic shopping bags. Yeah, we used it for our garbage liner. Yeah, everything. And you know what? It was so multi-purpose. Whenever we come back from Florida, we take all of his brothers and they come. Well, we go to the public, so, you know, every other day, and then we just put stuff in there, and then we just have this big bag of plastic bags that we bring home. It's amazing. They go, they're like happy bag. I mean, bag happy. I know. I try to stop them. I've tried. I mean, I'm not kidding. Shhh! Like, slow-mo, Glo's diving in front of the bagger. No! And then we even brought our own bag, and she didn't get the point. So she only put one in there, and then she brought and put one in the plastic bag. What are you doing? You know what it is? They are used to old people, so they think we're too weak to carry more than one little thing in each bag. I think it's just like, maybe they're instructed to do that because when I was at Publix, or maybe I look old, they would give like two or three things per bag, and I'm like, uh, I've got six things. You can put them all in one. I'm walking with three bags, and I'm like, what is going on? So there's a happy middle ground here. And those little plastic bags are a lot stronger than those fucking paper bags they give you now. That now that now that you know they used to give you free ones and they were good bags now they charge it for them and they're shitty They don't last at all and they're much shorter right there almost like a lunch bag We did come across one place that was still giving them out. It was that Asian place on North Street Oh, they never follow, but they close They close one of them Didn't you go try to go there and it was? It doesn't matter. If you're... Anyways, one of them. There's two of them right across the street from each other. Yeah. I love the Asian words like whatever. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, when the whole thing started with the bags, they were still handing them out. The plastic ones, that is. Yeah, so this story has no mention about the impact. It's just the impact on people'shopping habits and whatever. All right, we have a new best beard in Vermont. We talked about the beardies a couple of weeks ago. Brad Bouquet of Heinsberg has the best beard in Vermont. Typical of WCX, we have a photo of several men. Don't know who Brad is. Which one is Brad? We don't know. It'd be great. You figure the best beard in Vermont. What's your cover photo? Probably a photo of that beard. WCX says, no, sir. We're going to have many people. Actually, we have them dressed all alike. You find Brad. Everybody put their plaid shirt on, because this is Vermont. And there's a guy in the corner. Maybe that's Brad. We don't know. No clue. Who's Brad? Find Brad. I don't know. Looks like he's answering his text at the wrong time. That is Brad. But this is for Make-A-Wish Foundation. Unclear, let'see. The fun competition for best beard in Vermont helped raise over $80,000 for Make-A-Wish Foundation. Good! Make-A-Wish Vermont, yeah. Yeah! Now we just get a picture of the winner? Show me the beard! I just want to know who won. I'm not really all impressed with these guys. I'm not either. Especially the guys in the middle have a bunch of junk in their beards. That's too much. Where's the other guy that were talking about? The one that... didn't we have a podcast some time ago with the really long beard? Maybe he didn't make the final cut. Maybe he had food in it and they said no. It's disgusting. They do have a backwoods, they have best groomed and they also have backwoods, which I'm guessing are opposite. I wonder which one of these guys, it looks like they all have something, they all want something. I don't understand why is there a pom hanging out of one guy's face, like his mouth. I think it's like maybe most spirited. I don't know. There's categories? Yeah, there's backwood, best groomed, there's other stuff. I mean, it looks like there's four people that got something. I was trying to read the plaques, but I can't. WCAX will never give you that satisfaction. The guy with the silver beard is best groomed. That's the guy on the far right? Yeah. No hair up top, so he's got a lot of time for the beard. Backwoods is the other guy on the other end, and this guy, Best, I don't know, Best Show Off, I don't know what this is. These two guys in the middle can't be Brad. I'd be really disappointed if Brad has to bet against them. I don't even think Brad's in the picture. I don'think so either. I think it's the guy walking off. The answer is no. Brad's the other plaid. Yeah, Brad's like, you gotta pay for this photo. This beard makes money. All right, moving on. We got a sports, a rare sports story. Wow. On the show, a Moortown man. This is where I have to stop and say Moortown is in Vermont, correct? Right. Where's Moortown? It's between Waits Field and Middlesex. All right. Or, yeah, around there. Right. Yeah. Oh, no, definitely around there. It is. It does have like a little tiny downtown, but believe me, you're not going to want to drive all the way out there for that. I don't want to check out downtown Moortown? No, there's really nothing. I'll be like, there should probably be more town. I love that Glo is just like giggling and everything. Like, there's no crickets when Glo's hanging out. So yeah, a Moortown man had a sign at a Bruins game went viral. So Glo, he's holding a sign. They're playing the Toronto Maple Leafs, and his sign said, Hey, Toronto, our maple is better. Vermont. Oh, really? Objectively not true, right? Isn't Canada the best maple syrup? Am I... I don't know. Not really, but... I think Vermont's most known for it, more than Canada. More than Canada? In this country. Who says I want some Canadian maple syrup? Everybody says I'll have the Vermont maple syrup. Okay, maybe I've been just mainlining this Canadian propaganda. I thought they were like... Oh, they make more of it, that's for sure. I thought it was like how people say like, oh, Ski the East. It's like, well, you know, it's trying to pump yourself up for second place. I thought that's kind of what were doing in Vermont with Maple Syrup. Maybe I'm wrong. Send hate mail to me, because maybe I'm all fucked up. We'll have to do some research on that at some point. But that's a good question. I mean, I think Vermont's most famous for it, but Canadian, I don't know if it's better, but now that global warming is fucking everything up. For a lot of people, not for everybody, but yeah. But they don't know, and it's earlier, it's like a month earlier now than it was 20 years ago. It was a good season this year. I don't even guess I'm served before Christmas eventually. All right, y'all ready for a break? Yep. Alright, this is one of the most funnest bands in Burlington. This is the Champlain Shorgasm. The song is All the World Comes Apart. As the world comes apart. While sitting on a park bench watching kids and dogs walk by I just can't help but feel so lucky for the joy I found Grateful for your hand and as we play our final chords I think I finally understand It's not how long that my life will be that makes it small or grand It's how I live that life and love the world that makes it worth a damn So as the world comes apart I hope you'll join me in a song Cause the time we have is so short And before you know too long Then our world will come apart And all our dreams and clever plans Be as worthless as a castle built upon the shifting sand we have is so short and before you know it too long that our world will come apart and it's worth the sad to cast so build upon the shifting sense take a breath now so i turned to you and said this looks like just the perfect place to contemplate the end and watch the world burn so we polished up the brass and we picked up our guitars With a smile and a shrug, we headed back into the bar. Oh yes we did, because... If the whole thing should go down today, we've got one final chance To play the exit music for the film and make the boardwalk dance. So as the world comes apart, we hope you'll join us in a song Cause the time we have is so short, and before you know, too long And our world will come apart, and all our dreams in clever plans He has worthless eyes to cast, so built upon the shifting sands Take a breath now We're back You're gonna have to figure something else out I don't do it very well He likes pizzazz You wanna try it again? We're back Nevermind Hey, we're back I'm keeping all this. All right, so it is, okay, so we're in Charlotte. There's a very confusing story about some beef over planting trees. Okay. So all of the, who are these people? The people who resigned, they're, okay, so. They're on the select board. Yeah, a tree warden and two deputy tree wardens. First of all, that's a lot of tree wardens for Charlotte. How many does Burlington have? Charlotte's got three, we must have like 20. We have one, don't we? We do? For that contest. They show up at that contest that we've been to. The tree contest. Oh, but that's just a volunteer group, though. No, I think there'somebody that actually is a tree warden here in Burlington. They get paid by the city. So a big to-do, so the tree wardens got approved to plant 50 trees, I'm getting this right, along like some roads. State Park Road. State Park Road, yeah, 50 trees, and they were allocated $32,000. Voters approved it. Just at the eve of them doing it, the select board's like, actually, you can't do that. Because they're worried that the trees are gonna grow too much and block views? Somebody complained. Somebody with a lot of money. Man, we run into this time and time again. Like, if I'm gonna bet, the people on this select board have not lived in Charlotte very long. I'm guessing Charlotte just kind of got a little lackadaisical, let some out-of-towners come in, take over their board, and start doing things that are not the Charlotte way. Happens in every town in America. It does. Yeah, when I used to live in Michigan, we used to do it this way. Yeah. Well, these people are like, when I lived in Jersey... Right. Hey. I didn't move to Charlotte and buy a million dollar house to have someone plant trees and block my view. I think these wardens are volunteers, though. Because he says, the one guy who volunteered, who resigned, Dylan Beck. I'm resigning because work with the current select board has become arduous and unproductive. The select board seems to be more interested in creating barriers than in facilitating our volunteer work. Communication has been poor, important tree warden related items appear on the select board meeting agenda and I have not been informed. This was, he felt disrespected. The basic problem is that anyone who wants to be on a select board should not be on a select board. Right. It's like the guy who's really eager to be a Boy Scout troop leader. It's like, ah, maybe you're not the one. We don't want you. What's wrong with planting trees? It's like a positive thing, right? Plus, here's a question.$32,000 to plant 50 trees? How much is a fucking tree? How big are they? I don't know. It matters. I think we've done this before. I think we talked about this last week. How much is a tree? And it's volunteer to plant them? You gotta be kidding. So it's mostly a tree cost. Yeah. How much is a tree? It's a complicated question, apparently. It depends on what tree it is, probably. I feel like we're doing this exact same conversation. How much is a maple? Again? Five gallon bucket? Is it cut? I mean, is it only like a few sprigs? I get a Japanese maple for $49.97. How small? It's probably just a few inches. That's all you need. We're planting them. We're not planting full-grown trees, are we? No, no. These are going to grow. But it'll be years before they get too tall. By that time, we're all dead. Yeah. Everybody on the select board is dead. So their workaround was they planted them at like the town garage. First of all, what the hell is that even, what is that? What's the town garage? I fix cop cars or whatever. Got a bunch of nudie bags in there. I don't know. A couple of six packs in the fridge. Yeah, exactly to people who want trees. So they planted them anyway, and then maybe they're gonna plant them by the wildlife refuge. And the former tree people were like, that's probably illegal Because the voters did not approve that. Yeah, the voters approved one thing, and then the select board decides it's not... Oh, we can't do that anyways. Alright, so we go from planting trees to cutting trees. Maple Fest up there in St. Albans. They got timber sports. Timber sports. You mean like people actually cutting trees down for a sport? No, they're not cutting them down. I think the trees are already cut. They're doing axe and saw work on logs. And to designs. I don'think they're doing designs. I think it's more like for speed and technique. So like if you've ever been day drinking in a bar during like the off season, you've probably seen timber sports. Yeah, axe throwing, which is big in bars now. It is. Timed chopping. We're not talking carrots. Right. And cross-cut events, as well as plenty of loud chainsaws. And it's both men and women. I think if the three of us, one of the three of us was going to enter into timber sports. Not me. It would definitely be you. Oh, well, yeah. You were timber sporting the other day. Yeah, were you working on a chainsaw the other day? It's a sawzall. Allegedly? What's the difference? Pretty much it's the same when it comes to cutting trees. What is a sawzall? I don't even know what that is. It just reciprocates. It goes back and forth. A chainsaw just takes? Yeah. It is a good question. I was thinking that myself. I'm able to cut down this tree. Really, it's a hardwood. Allegedly. Oh, I'm sorry. It's a hard one. A person is able to cut. Let's phrase it that way. Anyway. A plant needed some sun. So I decided... The best way for a plant to get sun is to cut down a tree. It's true. I can move the plant, but where? There's trees everywhere. No, no. It's like all these trees. Yeah, well, you should join the Timber Sports. And I guess UVM has a team, which is interesting. So yeah, if you're at Maple Fest this weekend, swing by. If you hear chainsaws, don't be alarmed. Swing by and check out the Timber Sports. Moving on. Burlington Annual Sweet. No. Try it again. Burlington Annual Street Sweeping. begins. It'such bullshit. Go on. You ever see what one of them, what it does, all it does is mulch whatever leaves are in the gutter. It doesn't suck it up, it doesn't leave a clean, it just pulverizes it. So what you would want to be street sucking, not street sweeping? Well, they're not sweeping. That's it. That's not, all they're doing is just it kind of stays there. They're just moving it around and smashing it. That's all they're doing. Really? My first question was like, what the hell is this and why do we do it? It's a waste. Believe me. And my car got towed for that. Oh, here we go. Someone's got an agenda. Gloria's agenda. How many years ago did your car get towed? 10. OK, let it go. But I've never actually seen what they do as far as street sweeping, is it like... Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and they're very slow, and they... You hate these things. Oh yeah, they're slower on the street than Gloria. Gloria gets behind him, she gets pissed off. That's how we all feel. The way you feel about street sweepers is how we all feel. So what's the solution? Well, they used to have, not maybe here, but other places I've been, they had big vacuum... Yes. That would go along the curve. Suck it up. Yes. And what are they sucking up? Like, I don't know. It's just all the leaves and whatever is, you know, trash, you know, mud, maybe, I don't know. Trees, maybe. OK. Parts of trees. And they do the entire city? Or just the thorough way, like the main roads? They do the whole city. Like, they'll do like Summit Street? Of course. That's where my car got towed. Are you kidding? You think they'd only do it? You would think that they'd only do the streets that have curbs, you know. That makes sense. That's right. Yeah, I don'think they do. Yeah, how could you do it? You'd be tearing up the lawn, first of all. Right, right, you'd be tearing people's lawns up. You're right, so there has to be a curb. All right, well, be warned, downtown garages are free during this week'sweeping close, so you had an option. That was pretty far. Yeah. Moving on, we have a Olympic rower in Norwich. Back to Norwich again, huh? This guy's probably not a perv. I don't know, look at this photo. So, this guy, the story's full of great names. This is like a great example of nominal determinism. Like your name predicts your future. Billy Bender, that guy was destined for something. Drunk. Yeah. Or maybe he's very bendy. Yeah, maybe he'still very elastic. Very flexible. Yeah, very flexible. So Billy Bender, he's a Norwich rower. He's going to, he qualified for the Summer Olympics. We'll be cheering for you, Billy. And he had quite the tail. So, started rowing in high school. Wasn't quite good enough to get into Dartmouth. Went overseas to England, where apparently that's a big rowing scene. Didn't know that. He could only shave off about six seconds off his time. Needs to shave off ten. COVID happens, comes back, Dartmouth decides to take him, even though he's a little slow. Starts competing. Best rower on the team. The underdog. Yeah. Good for him. This guy rows in the morning on a boat, and then in the afternoon, rows on a machine inside. That's a lot of rowing. You gotta do that if you're gonna be in the Olympics. I guess, but like... You better like it, too. You better like it! So, how long do you think it takes this guy to row 2,000 meters? This is an impossible question, I realized as I just asked it, because how do you even know what that means? Yeah, especially when it's metric. Okay, six minutes. 6 minutes and 30 seconds? That was his slow time. Now he's down to like 6.20. Probably less than that. And he's got a new partner. In a pair boat. Yeah, Oliver Bubb. That's another great name. Hey Bubb. Yeah. All right Bubb. So what does he say? He's like, it's the ultimate team sport. It's not possible to be successful by yourself you'll never know the intimacy that I know with Oliver Bob in the pair each rower holds only one or on the boat bender Rose port while Bob Rose starboard the event demands a minutely coordinated precision from placing the same amount of force in the stroke to extracting the blade simultaneously sound like you're reading porn. It's a level of trust of intimacy even that you don't get in any other sport. So yeah we'll be cheering for Billy Bender. Bobby Bender? Billy Bender and Oliver Bub. Oliver Bub? Bub? That's not a name. Alright, moving on, Glow You'll Like This, a Marshall couple spreading sunflower seeds all over Vermont for Ukraine. How's that gonna help them? It's not. That $67 billion we just sent them, that's gonna help. They need bombs and drones that can drop bombs. They don't need this couple spreading sunflowers, but you know. It's a nice gesture. Yeah, it is. I get the feeling this couple is going to do it anyway. They're like, uh, it's for Ukraine. They have multi-colored sunflowers? I didn't know that. I don't like that. Like, my sunflower is one color. Yellow. Multi-colored sunflower? Yeah, so what other colors are there? I don't know. but it says, come our message of multi-colored sunflowers splashed against our blue Vermont sky will give us hope and inspiration for positive action. I mean, I guess they're yellow, brown, and green. But blue? No, blue sky. Oh, so they're using the sky. Because I was thinking, I've never seen a blue sunflower. Who the hell would use the sky? Use the sky. So they spread a lot, right? It's like in the distributed more than 1 million seeds. Wow. Vermont libraries. Hmm. Let the kids grow. Hmm. Child labor. Yeah. We're pro child labor here. Voluntary. Voluntary. That's cool. Maybe I'll go get a packet. Remember, I used to grow the sunflowers out here. I do you want to just throw some like, can I just do these wherever I want? And then now You got some sunflowers in your lawn. Some people might not like it, but yeah. Are sunflowers pretty sturdy growers? Like, are they hard? No, not, I mean, yeah. Are they hard to kill? Are they hard to kill, like Steven Seagal? Depends on the size. Remember my mammoth? Yeah. They were hard to pull out. It was like a tree. It had taken root, like you wouldn't believe. Sawzall. Yeah, got it. Yeah, back in the day, I'd be using a little hand thing. Yeah, they're pretty tough. Yeah, those are. I don't know any other sunflower. I've only grown mammoth. Were there a bunch of varieties of sunflowers? Oh yeah, there's like little ones, medium-sized, taller. Yeah, I just didn't know they came in different colors. Do they? Do we even know? I've never seen anything besides the yellow, brown, and green. Brown? Well, the middle of it. Oh, oh, that, yeah. There's no brown? Oh, no, there are multicolored sunflowers, apparently. Any blue ones? Um, no, I see purple, I see red, I see... That's pretty much it. Maybe I'm not looking at the right thing. Oh, yeah. Oh, I see a blue one. I see blue. Yeah. No, they have the colors of the flag. Is that what they were trying to do? I don't know, I think they were just trying to... Rolling sunflowers. Everyone does something different. They don't know what they're doing. All right, moving on. Bradford Man is in some hot water. I'm sorry, Bradford Restaurant is in some hot water because they were forcing their servers to tip out. The managers. What's that mean, tip out? So if I get like, tip sharing. Yeah, you're a restaurateur. Yeah, I mean, you give so much to the bartender or whatever, busboy, you tip a little bit, whatever, they've helped you and stuff like that. But never the manager, never the manager. They make a salary. Right, they're salaried employees. Then they failed to pay time and a half for overtime, and they're claiming that the state told them the wrong thing or something, you know. And this is, oh, we forgot to say, this is Colatina Exit in Bradford. Don't have any clue what this restaurant's all about. Sounds Mexican? I don't know what Colatina means, but I should look that up. Colatina. Sounds like little cola? So one server was fired after refusing to share tips with the management. That person will receive $50,000 in punitive damages and $829 in back pay. This restaurant's out of business. There's no way they can afford to pay that. Colatina is the second largest city in the north of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Oh, really? So, was it Brazilian cuisine? That means a lot of meat. Maybe. A lot of carved meat. They also found that the restaurant employed two 17-year-olds, delivery drivers, to make time-sensitive deliveries, a violation of federal child labor regulations. Wait, wait. 17-year-olds can't make time-sensitive deliveries? First of all, what the hell is a time-sensitive delivery? Like, get this meat to the Pope! What the hell does that mean? Better get it there in five minutes. Maybe. Right? Sounds like delivering pizzas or something. We can'trust 17 year olds to... Where were they going to speed and die? Hire 11 year olds to do it. They can do it. No one's more focused than an 11 year old. Yeah, this... So this person probably lost a few bucks. I guess 829 bucks on like tipping out. And then walked away with 50 grand. great day for them and then the other employees they paid $119,000 to 43 employees do the math real quick Matt play my math music 2700 per employee, that's good, they're never going to get it, you don'think so? I don't know if this place is even still open, they'll claim bankruptcy Cola Tina. It's open. It closes at nine. Okay, according to Google. Any stars? Any reviews? 4.5 stars. Over 600 Google reviews. That's pretty good. Oh, it's an Italian place. Oh, that's what I was picturing. It was Italy, not Brazil. I love their maple butter that comes with the bread. Always good food, consistent, local ingredients, Great service, great beer selection, pizza is good. Excellent service in a comfortable atmosphere. Wanna go to it? Excellent gluten free pizza. You trying to support these lowlifes? Next time we go to that farm store over there, we'll go there for lunch or something. Yeah, these are all really positive reviews. Delicious, well crafted. Trying to find a one. Can't find a one. Here we go, two stars. Our server was nice, but my wife and daughter got food poisoned. And they gave us two stars? Mine was really good, but theirs was bad, so average, we called it a two. Wow, that's pretty good. Alright, moving on. Oh, Matt, Lizzie put this on here. Yeah, this is for Glow. Tanya Sousa debuts new children's book, Rescued, at Newport and Linden Libraries. Oh, wow. Yeah, this is the dogs about their story about getting rescued from the dogs perspective, right yeah, so it's a rescued narrates the touching tale of Simba a Shelter dog who becomes a hero to her adopted family during the events Sousa and Blanco She's the one who does the illustration will conduct readings handle book sales and signings And she spells it with an s Yeah, two S's. Sousa. Right. Is it John? Philip Sousa. Sousa. I haven't said that in a long time. I dropped it when I'd always get this blank look on somebody's face. I said, you know, like John Philip Sousa and they'd be, who? What? That's not an American. I know nobody seems to realize 4th of July. That's all you hear is John Philip Sousa. Yeah That's Barney Miller I really don't know. Did you hear Sousa? I don't know the Sousa. You don't know the Sousa? No, I don't know. You know, there's a Sousa phone. I know. It's a... Enormous. Right. It's like, it's like a... A tuba painted in white. Yes. That's it. I love that Sousa's like, yeah, but what if it was heavier and whiter? Thank you, Sousa. You and your stupid tubas. Because the tuba is like, you kind of carry it like a... It's around you. But the sousaphone, like... It's like a snake, right? Yeah, but like an umbrella, is what you're describing it. Do people even use sousaphones anymore? Right now, in America, is there the best sousaphonist? Is there someone known as the king or queen of the sousaphone? No. There can't be, right? I don'think so. Matt's looking it up. I'm looking it up. What's the difference between a sousaphone and a tuba? It's white. The differing shape of the bells, I guess that's the big part, also see concert tuba and sousaphone have slightly different sound qualities. The concert tuba typically described as having a sound that is more focused and melodic than that of the sousaphone. Which is then what? Unfocused and non-melodic. So it's non-melodic. Sounds like me, like I'm unfocused and non-melodic. That's not a very good compliment for the sousaphone. I don'think it's meant to be. It's meant to be accurate. It was created in 1893 by J.W. Pepper. Wait, whoa. At the direction of, what was that guy's name? Come on. Yeah. So, okay, I think you're about to tell me that someone else made it. And he was like, yeah, I like that. It's white. I'll call it the sousaphone. J.P. Seuss. J.C. Seuss. Entrepreneur, maybe. Yeah. A different sound, just a tiny difference, just to have your name on it. I feel like, you know, there's like the penny farthings, the bicycles with the giant front wheel and the tiny back wheel or maybe have a back. I don't know. That's right. Yeah. Like, it's like that. It's like, okay, you took a bicycle and you kind of fucked it up. and no one's going to use that. Right. That's kind of what it is. Mm hmm. I don't know. I'marching band had one our high school. Of course, who played it? Who played it? What was her name? I don't know. Moving on, Morristown Covered Bridge again needs a troll. Oh, another box truck hit it. No, we got to get more trolls. Are you kidding me? You're so stupid. people are you know I can't get over that it's they got a picture of it good at least that's lousy picture this is the uh the essential story from wcx they say the bridge sustained damage no shit yeah this is friday on coal hill road are they gonna try to track this down and have them pay well hit the bridge and kept driving oh a little bit of a scofflaw so he really must have damaged this bridge? What, did he take the whole top off? Doesn't say, it just says sustained... this is Channel 3 story, honey. Sustained damage. It could mean anything. All right, moving on. Speaking of bridges and trucks and stuff, V-Trans is installing, um, chicanes? I don't know what a chicane is. I don't either. Chickadees? some chickadees. So actually, I do know what it is. It'something to simulate these tight curves, like it's just some sort of structures, so that when trucks roll up to this notch, they will have to do these tight turns earlier than they really have to. Oh, yeah. Hopefully that will force them to be like, oh, I can't do this and turn around. They're gonna plow through. Right. I wonder if any of them make it through. Oh, like the best truck driver in the world to drag out this? Maybe? I don't know how that could happen. It'such a switch back on that mountain. And those boulders that are just hanging out right there. You gotta be a hell of a driver to do it, I think. Yep. I wonder if it's even, like I said, I wonder if it's possible. And again, it's just like these people that hit the bridges. These people are so stupid. Yep. There's a million signs now, you know. Yeah, but the street signs are like pop-up ads. You just ignore them. Especially when Google's telling you to go somewhere. Right. Now that's Google's fault. They should be warning people. You leave Google out of this. I mean, they're all, you know, everybody uses GPS. It should definitely be responsible for saying, that, you know, I really mean it. Don't go any further. I think last year we had a story that said that that the state was going to sue Google. Oh, yeah, whatever happened with that. Oh, that's right. Yeah, I think so. I'm ahead of the curve again, except I'm one year back. Oh, OK. Trying to figure out where that places you in the timeline. All right, so that's happening. Hopefully that saves the notch. Next story. I don't know why they do these stories. Seven Days is this feature on a crazy person who thinks that she can talk to animals. I don't know. What'so crazy about it? I mean, I can talk to them. It doesn't mean they're going to listen to what I say or even understand. I mean, I get blank looks from dogs all the time, cats especially. They don't want to hear anything you have to say. Okay, so this person says that the animals talk back. Sometimes they speak in actual sentences. Or usually I get images, shared emotion, that sort of thing. So I mean, I can look at a cat and get an emotion, but the emotion is piss off. But this woman is saying that she's actually communicating. She has a business called Spectral Communications. She offers services to people who wish to convene with their pets, whether on this plane or across the Rainbow Bridge. and she, just $99, she will telepathically connect with your animal companion to provide insight, information, and advice. How long does that give you, 99? Is it an hour? Probably. 99, I like that, you know? Why not make it 100? Well, 99, it sounds like a deal. Yeah. I like that, it's a perfect business because there's no, she can say anything, right? Yeah, there's no regulation for it. No regulation. Oh, she became certified in February. By whom? The University of Vermont. No! Now as a companion animal end-of-life doula. Are you kidding? Yeah, but they don'teach you that you can talk to dogs. Right. But it'still amazing that UVM is starting to sound like Goddard. I guess they're filling the niche. You gotta pick up those Goddard people. She says, even by Vermont, even the story goes, even by Vermont woo-woo standards, I love this, the notion of animal medium seems out there, but Wilde, who has been hired by clients around the world, isn't an outlier. That's psychics all over the place. I mean, it's the perfect con because it's like people really want to believe it and there ain't no, you can'tell me that dog didn'tell me that. Right, so here we go. There's no proof. There's no woof. There's no proof. Yeah, this is a little nutty. Why is there this giant story on it? I don't understand what. This goes on forever. It's an essay. But it's not written in the way of, can you believe this nut job or this con person? It's like, oh, this is what she believes. This is her truth. They were just giving the facts. That's all. Just the facts. Right? I guess. Isn'that what journalism is supposed to be? Supposed to be. Supposed to be. I would love to talk to somebody who has hired her. Yeah. Oh, I bet she gets rave reviews. Probably. And her last name is Wilde. Yeah. How convenient. I wonder if it's her real name. Amy Wilde. I want to get Amy Wilde reviews. Probably going to pull up some adult star. That's a good name for an adult star. So does she do this over the phone kind of thing? She can. So you don't have to actually go to her? Right. Maybe Skype or one of those. Skype? Google meetings or whatever. Is Skype still around? I don't know. Skype? Yeah. Yeah, it'still around. There'so many others now. Well, FaceTime, that's about as far as I can go. Zoom teams, yeah. All right, that one, yeah. All right, last story before the break. A little bit of housekeeping here, just cleaning up, just tying up the loose ends here, Matt, I guess. Our deputy, who we talked about in March, who made a trial go, a mistrial, because of something he said to a juror. It's been fired. That's good for once. We didn'think you could get fired from a job in Vermont, but I guess you can. And it was a sex assault case. Yes. So that person was just walking around free because this deputy couldn't keep his f***ing mouth shut. Right. And the sheriff of Windsor County, Ryan Palmer. I sound like a sheriff. Buford P. Pusser or something, you know. I just want to emphasize how important this agency views the sanctity of jury deliberations and certainly as an organization. We failed in that scenario and we're doing our best to mitigate that in the future and take some corrective actions. And the state's attorney says they plan to pursue charges against Casey Giorgio again. Good. He should have lost his job. Well, it's like, just don't do that. Yeah, right. Anyway, all right, another break. We've got a French folk artist, I would say. I'm going to butcher this. This is Yann Falquet. The song is Du long de la mer jolie, which means along the pretty sea. Thank you very much. I'm going to write a letter to my mother. I'm going to make a small hole in the bottom of the pot. And the beautiful ship of the sea The beautiful sea of the sea Beautiful She was disembarked She said to herself with a laugh But what charming beauty you have What you have with a laugh Of the sea And we're back. So it's time for America's favorite segment where we run down the worst people in Vermont, the ne'er-do-wells. The scallywags. The tear-aways. What? Explain yourself. What do you call them? It's actually tear, like the way you tear paper, away, and it's one word, tear away. The tearaways. Yep. All right, we'll go with that. Matt? The scumbag map. Three, four. Very stabby and shooty in the scumbag map this week. Yeah, what's going on with all the stabbings? I don't know. I saw, I wish I, in the St. John's Bury paper a couple weeks ago, So, they had a headline, Local Stabber. Like, that's his job. Arrested. I think it was a New Hampshire story, but I didn't put it up. But it said, Local Stabber. What does he do? He's a stabber. He's local. Every town's got one. That's like the Wild West, with the gunfighter. You know, it's like, this guy's a stabber. So, we start in Barrie, as we often do. Four people from out of state, including people from... Springfield! Massachusetts. Oh, yo, gotta add that. So... Bunch of drugs and guns in this house, police get wind of it, they run up. These dudes hold themselves up, the cops don't know where they are. They gotta shut down the schools, like, don't let people out because... We think these people have a bunch of guns and... There might be a gunfight here on the streets of Barrie, and cops roll in, seems like everything's okay, and they seize, I think, a very precise amount of drugs. 87.16 grams of cocaine. I like when my police officers go to the second decibel. They have to have it right. You could have said 87, and we all would have been fine, but 87.16 and 22.25 grams of fentanyl. A handgun and a rifle and a bunch of money. And a 15-year-old boy from Springfield. Yeah, but, like, was he, like, part of the crew? Yeah, I guess he was. He was released. He was arrested and released to his parents. They made me do it! They made me do it! But it's unclear what charges he was facing, what the outcome of this hearing was, because his matter is being handled confidentially in family court. Yeah. Yeah. And didn'they charge a 15-year-old with murder? Last week? They didn't do that. Yeah, I guess so. I guess this 15 year old didn't murder people. So, Osu, how did this go down? Two males were reported fighting Friday afternoon at the apartment. A cop showed up and a woman answered the door, mouthing and whispering something to the effect of people there had a gun. So she answers the door, she's like, Oh, hi, no, we're fine. Help me, help me, help me. Good on her, you know, that's brave to do that. because you don't know like what that situation is like this could get out of hand right quickly yeah so props to her all right moving on um now we're getting a little knifey um south broilingston knife assault you want to crack this name matt do you want me to do it uh let me take a crack at it you know how i'm good at pronouncing names You said that before you saw it. Yeah, yeah. Mabior Jacques. I think, hey, that's as good as I was going to do. It's M-A-B-I-O-R and last name J-O-K. We had a lot of great names on this show today. A lot of great names. So this dude got into a scuffle at the travel lodge on Shelburne Road. He reportedly got into a dispute with somebody, he stole something from them, they went back to like re-steal it or take it back. Nothing pisses off a thief more than stealing the stuff they already stole. So, a little choking, a little knife. This is at the Travel Lodge. Yeah, is that the new... That's the new... What was it, like Kinta Inn? What was it in... It wasn'the Kinta Inn, it was the... What was that? It was a days in, I think. Was it days in? But this travel lodge has become the hot spot lately, I think, isn't it? Is that the one that's painted like that pumpkin brown? Pumpkin? Yes. OK. I think so. Where's that? Next to the bank. It's on the left. If you're heading south, it's on the left-hand side. And that bank that they redid? Am I past Goodwill yet? It's before Goodwill. Yeah. It is. My past. It's right. It's not too far past 189. Oh, OK. It's that first hotel or motel, whatever it is, on the left-hand side. It's across from the bagel shop. I mean, not right across, but you know what I mean? It's that same corner. Yep, yep. I know exactly where it is. Yeah. All right. That place is always like the little. Scuzzy. Yeah. A bunch of tearaways in there, I bet. It's not a tearaway. Oh, yes, it is. That's what you said five minutes ago. I was thinking you made up a second ago. All right, where are we going? We're going to Rutland. A man charged with taking lewd photos of a 13-year-old girl, which is whatever. The shocking thing of this story is this man won a contest with his photos. Wow. So he posted these photos online, I guess like pervert forums, and he won. He's an award-winning pervert. Yeah, so I don't know if this is like... The girl won third place. Her picture. So she was obviously into it? No, no, I don't... I mean, so it says that he forced her to do it. So, let'see, he made her pose naked for photographs he took with his phone, touching her inappropriately in the process. Oh my gosh. And he submitted it to a contest. Unbelievable, we now have contests for this stuff. That's what struck me out, like, what the hell, like. We've really degraded. Right, so now there's enough perverts online who are like, not that one, Not that one. Oh, that's a third place picture there. And does the girl feel bad? She's like, only third place. I don't know. Moving on. Don't like to give the pervs a lot of air time. Some more stabbing. Rutland man jailed after a stabbing. So this is a curious story. So this guy was at a bar. He got over served and then he got pissed off he couldn't get any more. It was last call. So he left. He returned a few minutes later, shirtless and bleeding. The bartender told police looked outside. He saw the assailant who told him that he was sorry, and that what had happened was not his fault. And so the victim said that it was a confrontation, because confrontation and and he was not aware he'd been stabbed. This was all because one guy was accused of being a member of the Bloods. We have Bloods in Vermont and Rutland? Crips and Bloods in Vermont? Like, that's way too far. It's too cold for the Bloods. Go home! Yeah, how are they gonna show off their tattoos if they're dressed in parkas? Well, it's gonna be a red parka if you're a Blood. Bloods cannot wear blue and crips cannot wear red. No kidding. Yeah. Even if you look better in blue. Yeah. Fashion is very important to these gang members. Are you serious? So you'll get killed for wearing the wrong color? I don't know if you'll get killed, but you'll get probably jumped. Slapped around. I mean, you wouldn't even do it. Yeah, yeah. It'so like a thing, you wouldn't even do it. That limits what you can wear. It can't even have one little bit of the other color? Like a Hawaiian shirt? Bloods and Crips don't wear Hawaiian shirts. Yeah, that's the Luau gang. They're out of Hawaii and they're very tough. Who gets accused of being the Bloods? Moving on. Oh, we already did this machete one. That's why this shit's out of order. Alright, Matt, you posted this one. I'll let you run with the defecation story. Oh, this is a great story. My new favorite newspaper, the Newport Dispatch. They actually have stories. Danielle Durek, you're doing God's work here. Yep. Okay, let me get it up here. Takes, not that. Okay, Vermont State Police have arrested two individuals in connection with a series of deaths and other incidents that occurred in Barton. Alexis Pelletier, no fixed address in the Burlington area. I would like to change this phrase, Daniel, in the future stories. Please call this from parts unknown. Oh, yeah. That's a great little wrestling term. And then Jamie Hoban, no fixed address. From parts unknown. The Barton area were issued citations. The events began at 5.30 in the morning, when troopers received a report of a firearm stolen from a vehicle belonging to Ryun King. Ryun. Ryun King. If you spell Ryun with a U, I have no time for you. No, I'm not even going to talk to you. R-Y-U-N. How do you spell your name? R-Y-U-N? No, I don't want to talk to you. Ryon? Ryon. Maybe he's Vietnamese or something. You know what? I'm guessing the name beginning with R is not Vietnamese. Okay. I'll just... Okay. I'm speaking linguistically. They don't have R's? Oh, that's right. That's why they can't say rice. Oh my god. Never mind. I'm so mad. This is a defecation story. Okay, we're gonna keep going. Anyways, and then about 627, a report was received of an abandoned vehicle on Hazen Notch Road in Lowell. The vehicle was later reported stolen by Linda Palmer of Barton. Throughout the day, additional reports were received of vehicle break-ins and thefts in the area. At approximately 5.20 in the afternoon, troopers located and detained Holben and Pelletier after receiving reports of suspicious individuals in Lowell Village. So they stole a gun, they buried a gun, they stole a bicycle... They buried that, too? No, they entered a vehicle, shit in it, pissed in it. I guess they didn't like the person, huh? Um, I would assume so. Or they just wanted their privacy. They wanted what? Privacy. They didn't want to shit on the side of the road, so they used a car instead. That was nice of them. These people were just all over the place, shittin' and stealin' and buryin' You know, I'm stealin', you know I'm shittin', you know I'm stealin' Yeah, they stole a window breaker tool from someone else Oh, this old bike was recovered Troopers continue to search for the firearm Yeah, so These guys had just had quite a day Busy day in part There should be a movie about this Yeah Shit in the car. Yeah, was it both? Was it one? Oh, a couple of things are repeated, so I need to clean this up a bit. Going down to J, up to J, gunfire incident. I just love this guy's picture. Vermont man is doing courts after he fired a gun near another man. Not at. Just near. Near. What could that be? I don't know what that means. Like a foot or 20 feet. Well, he's got a pistol in a reckless manner. Whip it out. If I'm looking at Matt and I fire over here, that's probably intimidating to Matt, right? I'm not aiming at him, but I'm still like... You're shooting a gun. I'm shooting a gun. And looking at me. Yeah, yeah. Well, you just described a tear away. Is that what a tear away does? You have a definition? A person who behaved in a wild or reckless manner. And you said the word reckless. Okay. So if I'm being a tear away and pointing a gun away from Matt, but close enough that he's concerned, You should be arrested. I should be arrested. Yeah. And this triggered a shelter in place for residents in J. And so please finally get this guy. Benjamin Zev. Yep. So this guy, okay, Danny Gosling was traveling on North J Road around 1 30 p.m. when a man shot a pistol in a reckless manner near him. See again, Channel 3 doesn'tell us what's going on. They give us a lot of stories, but not a lot of story. That's where they're at. Alright, moving on. St. John's Bay, man. Matt, you're old stomping grounds. A man's arrested for allegedly chasing neighbor and shooting at him with a BB gun. It's just hijinks. Just throwing the BB gun. It's fine. Not a pellet gun. No. It can be dangerous. It can. What's the difference? Pellets are bigger. BBs, that can hurt too, though. I had a friend of mine, his son lost his eye. Really? His twin brother shot him in the eye. Damn, that's real Cain and Abel shit. Yeah. He didn't do it on purpose. Well, still, he didn't stand over him, say, Am I my brother's keeper and blast him? His baseball career was over. Oh, man. Can't see out of that eye. Does he have a patch? I don't know. This is a long time ago. I hope he does. But I mean, what happened? Did they actually have to take the eye out, or was it just... Yeah, they had to give him a... Put a fake eye. What was the fake eye technology a long time ago? Well, we're talking the 90s, so it's not that... It'still the same, I think. It'still the same. It just goes around and around. It's wobbly. I used to have a dean in high school that had a fake eye. You called your high school people deans? I'm sorry, go ahead. Yeah, he was the dean of boys. And if you got in trouble, that's who you went to see. And you didn't know which eye he was looking at you with. It's just so weird. You couldn'tell which was the real one. I prefer neither. Yeah, dean of boys Anyway, so st. J. Please arrested a man for allegedly chasing down his neighbor 545 p.m. On a Monday hot. I mean just come home from work. Have you had like dinner yet? You're shooting someone he's being shot at by neighbor with what he believed to be a BB gun Please say he the man escaped his home and was being chased by four in his jeep while still being shot at No reason why? Nothing. Channel 3. Thanks, Channel 3. Maybe there's no reason, but see this photo of this guy? He doesn't look crazy. He looks like maybe he just reached his limit. Had a bad day. Yeah. It's 5.40 and I've had a really bad day. And I have a BB gun. Yeah. I'm a 48-year-old with a BB gun. I'm gonna pump this up. Pump it up. All right, Montpelier Police Log. Oh, our favorite. So some of these don't even make any sense, Glo. A dog attacked by another dog? Yeah. Are the cops getting involved in that? Are these dog cops? It could. It depends on the owners, yeah, and how bad it was. And they, yeah. Was there any dog put in custody? They put the handcuffs on him? These don't fit! Here's one. A tractor trailer was backing down Berlin street. That's just traffic. How the hell can people do that? Backing down Berlin? That's a really steep road. That's the one that goes straight up the hill. Okay, well... I think. Alright, well, I don't know. Is that a crime? It probably will. Well, I went down there. You're not on the mic, though. I don't know, I forgot what I was gonna say. A vehicle ran out of gas. Why are we calling the police on this? Is that the reason? He ran out of gas? No, no, these are separate things. At Hubbard Park, a piece of jewelry was found. What, that's new. It's a police log. A main street, a road cone was in the middle of the roadway. Call the cops. Are you kidding me? I guess I gotta justify their salary. A male exposed himself to others on Berry Street. Unclear if it was unwanted. A bottle was thrown at a vehicle on State Street. Probably unwanted. A family was living in their car on Granite Street. They're probably going through it. Let them alone, man. Like this guy's probably out trying to apply for jobs, trying to feed his family. like let him be on River Street a vehicle broke down yes you're not on mic a person was riding an ATV at high speeds on Cummings Street oh my god I hate when they do that's my failure yep moving on Newport Man faces federal gun charges. So Newport Man stole a bunch of guns. Tucker Jacobs. Tucker Jacobs stole a bunch of guns from a gun shop. Rights Sports Supply. Did we talk about this last week, maybe? I think we talked about it, but they hadn't arrested anybody. Yeah, they got him. Yeah. Oh, this is the guy that had the plastic bag. Yeah, yeah. And it was like, how tough is that plastic bag that like you had all those guns in there that's a real question for this gentleman he looks like a tweaker like when you're yeah when you're like mugshot is shirtless yeah yes that's a bad sign yeah if you're living if you're living the shirtless life in April in Vermont that's a tell that's a tell all right in Rutland County they we had a would-be ATM heist east East Wallingford, where? We almost did a What You Know About East Wallingford, but there's no Wikipedia page on East Wallingford. Wallingford is on Route 7, between Rutland and Bennington. It's that town we stop in every once in a while. I think there's a couple of stores that we go to there. One's an art place. Right on Route 7, right south of Rutland. Hmm, yes, it's got that really thick stone building that has a lot of cool stuff for your home inside, but obviously very expensive. And the building itself is gorgeous. It's like the walls are like two feet thick stone, back from the 1700s maybe. Yeah. Well, this guy drove his truck into a Jiffy Mart. I didn't know Jiffy Marts made it north of the Mason-Nixon line. Yeah, there's Jiffy Marts here in Burlington. There's Jiffy Marts in Burlington? There's one in South Burlington, isn'there? Where? I don't know. What was your slang for convenience store growing up? We had 7-Elevens. But they're not all 7-Elevens, but what would you call them collectively? Because we would call them Jiffy Marts or 7-Eleven, and then my dad has some racist comments about it. Yeah, I just googled Jiffy Mart. Chester, Vermont, Claremont, New Hampshire, Morrisville, Vermont, Barry, Vermont, Warren, Vermont, New Hampshire, all sorts of places. I didn't know. Jiffy Mart in South Burlington. Really? Right. By Kennedy. Okay. What did you call convenience stores growing up, Gloria? We didn't have those. No, we didn't. Okay. You had to walk around. You didn't have cars. I mean, you had cars, but you couldn't park. So you don't dare. Anyway, but yeah, we didn't have convenience stores. In your 20s, were you like, I'm going to run over to the convenience store? No, I go across the street to Johnny's. Okay, but let'say you're not in New Jersey for once. Let'say you're somewhere else, and you're like, I just need to pull over and find a gas station? Bathroom, okay. Yeah, we didn't have any 7-Elevens on the island that I grew up. We had a, what are they called? They had this, they always have that smelly, you walk in and you can always tell it's this. 7-Eleven? Yeah, no, it's not a 7-Eleven, no, it's a different kind. But it's kind of a lower rent 7-Eleven. But they always, it has a certain smell to it. And every one I've ever been in, I can't remember the name of them. I kinda like that smell. Yeah, I mean. You do? Well, it's like nostalgic. It's like, it reminds me of like, riding around my dad's pickup truck, I'm like, oh, let's get out and like he's getting beer and I get like a snack, you know, yeah And what did he call him? Well, I mean, it's definitely racist he would call them I think there's anything more than just this one, but it's definitely Haji Mart. Oh Haji Indians, it's what he thought Indian people were Yeah, we didn't have any Indian people on the island in 1960s. And neither did we in our little enclave. Well I guess y'all weren't as diverse as Titusville, Florida in the 80s. Wait a minute, I take that back. There was, we had one Indian in my graduate. By himself. We called him chief. So what was the one Indian up to? Actually he was a star soccer player. Oh. He was really good. Yeah. Where is he now? I don't know. He's probably pretty good-looking, too. I don't see a lot of ugly Indians, if I'm being honest. Men can be a little, at times, but yeah. But women, normally, yeah. They really, or they fix themselves up to make themselves beautiful. Even though they're not. Shhh! That's what we just did there. No, no, I just... Um, anyway. No, no, I don'think they're not good-looking. I think you're just joking. Anyway, East Wallingford, this guy tried to steal an ATM, drove his truck into a convenience store. He tried to take the whole ATM machine? Yeah, you know, like, that's where the money is, right? So how do you, I mean, it's nailed down somehow, right? So what's he using a truck to bang into it, to loosen it up from the ground? It happened at the Jiffy Mart in East Wallingford. Vermont State Police say the suspect was captured on surveillance camera, driving his pickup truck through the front door of the store. There was no immediate word if they were successful. I'm guessing not. I mean, I don't know, like, what do you, like, do you drive through it, like, put some kind of chain and just rip it out? I think that's what they normally do. They have this plan where they knock down the door and hook the chain to it and pull it out. How much money is in the ATM at any given time? The one that we got? No, no. We had one. This is a big story. At the, um... Waterfront. Waterfront Information Center. Somebody one Sunday night, I believe it was, they broke into the bathroom next door and then they went through the wall to get into the Welcome Center. Now, that's a lot of work. And they stole the ATM. And the guy who owns the ATM made a mistake of telling my employee that there was $16,000 in that. and she told channel 3 we got all sorts of hot water about that $16,000 was in that machine so there's a lot of money in them if you can get them out so you're saying that we should we say Matt we should we should do this out maybe some ATMs disappear all right so hopefully they know who they're looking forward, we'll grab this guy. Glow, you have a choice. You can only pick one. Bald eagles or great blue herons? If I had to choose between the two? Yes, live or die. No, I can't do that. It's like Sophie's choice. Well, she chose. She made a decision, yeah. Sophie's not wobbling like you are. Oh, as if it was easy for her. Well, she chose. Okay, what is a great blue heron doing up here anyway? Isn'that a little out of place? Well, apparently they're being eaten by bald eagles. Oh, really? Wow. Because we brought the bald eagle back from... But we don't have the original prey, so it's going to go after something else. What's the original prey? I don't know. Hairy eagles? Probably wasn't a blue heron. So you didn't answer my question. Okay, all right. I'll go with the heron. I agree. Bald eagles are dumb. Yeah, they really are. They're trash birds. Okay, the bald eagles are not killing the bald eagles. I didn't read the story. But they're bullying and harassing them out of their territories in Vermont. They're like on social media telling them they're fat and stuff like that? Yes, that's my story from the garden. The bigger bird beats out the little bird out of her home. Which is life. A lot of bird bullies going on. So it's like the fat person gets more. Well, let's not call bald eagles fat. They're just. Yeah. Yeah, they're bullish. They're muscular. So, Glo, are you okay with bald eagles existing? If we have to let blue herons suffer? I don't know. Yeah, I wouldn't want that job. The job of deciding what birds live or die? Yeah. I would love that job. Die, die. Both of them. You are very popular with the birds. So anyway. I don't like birds. Birds don't like me. Oh, how do you know that? Oh, I can tell. Oh, yeah. The way they look at me. They all look, they look at everybody like that when they're talking about it. Sky rats, I don't need them. So today there are 45 bald eagle breeding pairs, or couples. I'm going to, from now on, refer to couples as breeding pairs. Like Saturday night, I've got to go have dinner with my wife with this other breeding pair. Is it the same one you went out with once before? It's the one that came to our house. Oh, yeah, that's right. They're okay for a breeding pair, but I don't know. I don't know who you're talking about. You've never met them. How come you know Matt? Well, I just remember they had... Matt listens to me. They came over for dinner one night or something. Is he the one who puts his wife down? No. I don't even know who you're talking about. You said there's a couple that you know, his wife was up on stage and he was making fun of her next to his son. Yeah, not even his son, other people. I don't ever hang out with that guy and even at church, we sit three feet away from each other and we don't speak. I think he's come to an assessment about me, which is also negative. So yeah, we are. Yeah. Hey, fine. So what's going on with the blue herons here, Matt? Um, they're getting harassed, but they're only dropping. Yeah, the nests, the nests are dropping. Yeah, they are. Oh, that's the problem. I'm no bird expert, but I'm pretty sure the nests are important. Am I right? Yeah. Well, they've reported back in 2015, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife reported that bald eagles were a potential threat to the great blue heron population. Yeah, they're not very nice. What if we just like get bald eagles to like have a taste of skunk or something, you know, like eat something that we don't really want. Yeah, why are they attacking another bird? Yeah, attack a land mammal. It's like humans, you know? They're going after the same thing. Fish. Oh, is that what's happening? They're eating all the fish? I think that's what it is. Hey, the fish are mine, not yours. Bald eagles eat fish? God, what an undignified bird. What else is supposed to eat? Rabbits? Steak. Filet mignon. I don't know. I expect a bald eagle to like, I expect like a silver cover to come up when they eat, you know, like something fancy, not just like lake fish. They are the symbol of this country, right? Might as well, you know, make sure the symbol is realistic, which is what it is. They're brutish and dumb and they eat a bunch of fish. The bald eagles defend their territory like territorial gangs. Oh, the bloods. If you're in their neighborhood, you automatically have a layer of protection. Okay. Yeah, there's only 12 nests. It was in 2019. There was 410 in 2011. In 2019, there was only 12. Yeah, I'm kind of over bald eagles. It's just this is stupid animals. It shouldn't be our, you know, should be a raven or some smart bird. Yeah, crows, ravens or crows. Yeah, we should be ravens or crows. Not owls. Owls are morons. Yeah. You know. So, anyways. I'm pro crow. Anti-bird, pro crow. Okay. We know where you stand. Yeah. I like ravens, too. Yeah? Ravens are smart. I like a smart bird. Yeah. I like a bird that brings me trinkets. Argo, this last one is just for you. This is for you to go, ooh, ah, these pets. These are the winners of 7 Days Best of the Beasts Pet Photo Contest. I will leave a link in the show notes so anyone listening can follow along to Glow's comments. What do you think about Marshmallow down there? Marshmallow? So I have to keep going and going? Oh, is that the one? Marshmallow was a runner-up. He's got something on his head. Yeah, that's a French bulldog. And that's, looks like a yogurt container or something that he ate and put on his head. That one? No, that's a runner up. Oh, okay. Don't put things on your dog's heads. It'stupid. Don't shame your dogs. Oh, that first one'so pretty. This, uh... With the daisies. Kona? What do you mean, first one? Oh, I'm sorry, that's the second one. Oh, daisy. With the daisies. Yeah, that's a good-looking dog. That's a good-looking dog. He's got a tongue sticking out. The cat. This cat looks like he's had one too many. Shanty. Leave me alone. I want to be alone. This cat looks like me at my bachelor party night. Little wing. Tomo. Man, I should have sent in a picture of Ignatius and Cornelius in their bed, in their bunk bed. That's a great picture. I don'think you win anything though. No. But you can get your picture. We got a pig in here. Really? Pig with a cape. Yeah, you're not scrolling down fast enough. I know. What is this? It's like a bison? A yak? What is this thing? It's, oh, that's a Scottish cow. That's a, those horns are like that? Yeah. They're not very friendly either. I used to live in an old farmhouse in Charlotte back in the 90s. and this guy had a herd of Scottish cows. That Scottish cow was pretty close to the devil, I would say. And then Lulu, a porcupine, a hedgehog, Slim Shady, the M&M reference. I'm sure Gloria got that. What? Huh? Slim Shady. So do you like the pig's glow? Who's your favorite animal? I don't get what Slim Shady is. Slim Shady is a rapper. Don't worry about it. Oh, I see. Look at the animal pictures. Don't get distracted by that. What do you like? Who do you like? Oh, it's too hard again. Okay, I like the two cats sitting in their one little tiny bed. And they look almost like identical twins. Oliver and Zoe? Is that Oliver and Zoe? Yeah. The third. And it's not Zoe, it's Zooey. Sorry. That's it? Alright, cool. Y'all ready to get out of here? Yep. Alright, peace! Bye. Bye bye. This, of course, is a situation we hope will eventually become a reality. However, only the President will have the access to this button. This button is the most dangerous button in the world. You mean this button? What have you done? Oh, I'm sorry.