Vermont Catch-up (Ketchup)

190: Vineyard Shenanigans, War of 1812 Theme Song, and a Civilized Scumbag

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On this week’s show:

  • Happy Brother’s Day
  • Its hot AF
  • Phil Scott hates bees
  • Howard Dean, Miro Weinberger rule out runs for governor of Vermont 
  • Trend? The olds are retiring
  • Tenant protections fail
  • UVM halts construction of housing
  • Vt. officials say $1M Lake Carmi aeration system made water quality 
  • VT Search and Rescues are rising
  • The Circus Smirkus guy has a memoir
  • Does Burlington ha ve too many cannabis shops?

(59:47) Break music: Fattie B - "Too Complex" 

  • Dozens of layoffs at former Vermont Teddy Bear distribution center due to 
  •  Dude jumps off 89 overpass, lives
  • North hero - Grand Isle bridge stuck up
  • The Harlem Wizards?
  • The “Play Every Town Project”
  •  Alleys project underway
  • Once Off-Limits, Burlington's Rock Point Is Gradually Welcoming the Public 
  •  Castleton library gets an elevator
  •  How many fire trucks does Castleton need?
  •  Whatchu know ‘bout Castleton, VT?
  • VT’s first black restaurant owner is honored

(1:47:39)  Break music: Watercoat - "With or Without" 

  • Scumbag Map 
  • Iowa Woman Fraud
  •  Milton man arrested for voyeurism
  •  Rutland man tries to escape probation office
  • Random punching
  •  Burlington robbery at gunpoint
  •  Would be pipe-bomber gets 6 years
  • Burlington man accused of assaulting police officer 
  •  We got a biter!
  •  A civilized scumbag - Hartland break-in
  • Invasive  beetles on Burlington beach

Thanks for listening!

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Outro Music by B-Complex

Hey, what's up Vermont on this week show we talk about shenanigans in the vineyard the war of 1812 theme song Clowning for miners that people in mines not young minors Matt number one Jane a civilized scumbag and so much more Kick back, relax and put us in your ears Like VPR with a couple of beers Get caught up Welcome to Vermont Ketchup with Matt. I'm Matt And i am Adam We are A Weekly Rundown Of Everything Happening In The Green Mountain State Happy National Brothers Day Is that like the Catholic brothers? Im not familiar with tha music Who are the catholic brothers Well, before they become priests or I think it's just like being a dental hygienist instead of the dentist. There are brothers in the Catholic Church and... Aren'they monks? Yeah How does friar fit into all this thing No they're not monks And the reason is because my brother went to Essex Catholic High School and it was brothers who taught them. And only one time I ever went anywhere and saw a play wa sbecause he took us church kids To go Essex Catholic High School when I watch, um... West Side Story. Yeah! Is that the uh.. The jets and the sharks? The Puerto Ricans It is right?! Yeah it is That's what its Most people say that Jets and Sharks but But yeah And there weren't molesters They were just the nicest people and my brother did well going to a public school, high school. Wait I thought it was Catholic School? It is! It's like public... Oh did i say public?! No sorry private oh okay Yeah so why'd he go there an you didn't Was in all boys school He was at all boy schools And um My brothers almost 7 years older than me So by the time I was ready to go to high school, my mom of course wanted me To get a Catholic High School. But guess what? That wasn'the really shitty Part in Newark that just was going further downhill every day So...I won! Got the public high school that is one block And park away from it My home so you think i'm gonna take busses and go through all that just to get to school, nah. But it's better than going with kids in your neighborhood? Uh yeah sort of... well depends if you have them Yeah I couldn't- nevermind Matt Brothers! Well i wanted confirm monks A monk is a man who was member religious order and lives at the monastery You can be Buddhist or Catholic That kind all the monks know There's no... there is not like a Muslim monk. I don'think so Or Jewish monk Yeah, monks are either like Portuguese Italian or Chinese Like they really skip over They can be monks It is interesting A brother in the Catholic Church Is man who has vowed to poverty celibacy and obedience like any priest who is a member of religious congregation, like Holy Cross. So what separates... He's actually A priest But what separates the brother from the father? Yeah Is it the molesting Brothers don't molest That was What Glow said Right Like that Isn' It Yeah What is The difference between brothers and fathers If they're both going through This same thing how come you don't call this one that or that, that one is father seems higher on the it does. On the patriarchy? Yeah like I never know but nothing brothers give mass today You're right a father is an ordained priest A brother who has taken The vows of religious order But he's not Ordained Why no just get your license Or whatever One step further I mean they are out in the world a little bit, you know? Can Catholic brother become priest A brother who is also priest seeks like John to be friend and apostle of Lord at service of church If brother information discerns call for priesthood Ok this i quite confusing Is this being ordained? And who orders to ordain you, another father Bishop Cardinal somebody above Bobby usually a bishop How often these days do you think someone fails like the ordinance application that poppy take anybody used Do You remember my old roommate my old landlord, whose brother was a brother. Remember that story? He was the oldest And the nunnery also lived there Wait where were we Up here in Vermont Yeah Vermont I had A guy that i rented room from and he came from this family and Barry I believe, and his oldest brother was picked out of his family to become back then somebody in the religious order and they made him a brother. He went monastery when he was like 12 Oh man! Who's picked him? Well the Catholic Church or somebody asked The family back then It is big honor To have your kid Either nun Or priest especially priest Yeah So So, he ended up going and living in a monastery in Maine I believe where they make wine and do all sorts of shit. But yeah they had nunnery too And there was supposedly according to my roommate there were some shenanigans going on Between the brothers or nuns? Yeah mostly fellatio What were those shenanigans Mostly fellation In the Vineyard. That should be name of a book! So is that in the Lady Charlie series? You know, I don't know if i believe that story because he was great storyteller but it was funny It's like hearing that story with like 20-24 lens Is super creepy Like so what happened well The group old men came to my house they picked out one on My children and took him Back then, back in the 50s or 40's or whatever it was. That wa a big honor Yeah my family went the opposite they chose The devil Your mother is about closest thing to devil No her mother Her mother that right My brother into occult But yeah, my youngest or I only have a few uncles. But it was mostly girls so as nine kids they waited till the very last one he was boy they sent him to seminary that's why i still have letters from him to my mom and all that, because you could see the handwriting. You could see that he was educated and all the rest of them were not because like calligraphy or kind Oh yeah Yeah That's why I can never believe in religious order Be a doctor before according My handwriting That should they shou do is go write something Okay You should be a doctor. Matt puts like... That's like brain surgery much easier than cursive But I don't know, isn' it creepy that they pick out the kids? Like knowing what we know about the history of intense men Well you may not have known this at the time but my old roommate he was gay and said his brother was gay But it didn't stop him from messing with the nuns. Well, fellatio in the vineyard was not gender specific Right That's true But it waas between a nun and her brother Oh well Do we know that? The gay brother Yeah Well according to his friend An ex-former roommate When you're young maybe your like You know Not totally aware of like your sexuality Maybe you're like, I'll just try this Maybe he's like. Oh really? Like this Yeah We all have brother yeah One left and three I only have Al. You have an older brother, and i've an older brother Yeah but we had two older brothers And a younger brother But you know what? We were pretty close Your oldest or youngest Well my oldest brothers are very close The one in the middle Were not that close In later years We were close when were young, and then we kind of drifted apart. But later on became closer but yeah I don't know In seven years that's quite a gap to it is almost i mean its not quit but yeah growing up It was like you know He was already in college and your middle school OK with him Yeah Well he College age And your middleschool I entered first grade and he was in eighth. And of course, he was gone by the time i reached second because were In tthe same school Right Yeah You know my oldest brother's five years older than So it wasn'that bad All right so Vermont stuff Yep Happy National Brother Day Get yourself a vineyard S o yeah Super hot Y'all survived The heat T e crazy heat wave We had Yeah, I don't know. It wasn' that bad 90 degrees on Wednesday? It was but the breeze was really nice As long as you were in a shade it's okay Yeah but not shades everywhere That is true And did have to turn air conditioner on where am staying Oh! That i right Because for one thing dogs they get overheated But...I gets overheated But last night I turned it off because the breeze was so great. Yeah, last night was great We put our AC in and turned in on Doesn't work anymore It's been two years Cool Thanks GE Makes your quality work So don' t know if we have to buy a new one or what Yeah let these be warm Moving onto Matt Why does Phil Scott hate the bees? I don't know, but i didn' t know until now that he did He's anti-bee So Glo they tried to pass a law that would limit the use of pesticides especially some that kill birds and bees And Phil Scott vetoed it saying you would be too costly To dairy farmers It is always The Buck But there are only like eight dairy farmers left right? Yeah There are not many Yeah, there really isn't. It'so sad I mean what Charlotte has none left Guess the last one just went out of business You hear that all the time And well One of The bigger ones they were They're pretty big But yeah Donno Pesticides Republican Scott coming through Right? Like every now and then you'r Oh yeah That S right That s right He is a republican he hates environment and loves Big Business Right, forgot about that. That is like his core... Like that's like his North Star and yeah there he is It just a shame that there isn't another way to find an alternative And then maybe kick little money To farms who are using The alternative right? Yeah but then you gotta pay somebody Who going actually go inspect it or do anything Just trust them carte blanche I don't know. The honor system? You don' trust dairy farmers that you're saying, Glow There's been...I'm sure a few shady ones Oh im sure Im sure its like directly proportional to the amount of cows they have right Guessing more cows Probably That sucks If you see any dead birds and bees just know thats Phil Scott fault Quickly staying in politics I don't know how much time you want to spend on this, Matt. But Howard Dean and Moreau both said they are not running for governor Gee... Big surprise i wish more would run l wish he would too ll see him polling at 1% for six months He'd probably get 25 but really think people just vote party line That's true But what is his party? Is it He started out as a progressive, now he's democrat. Is real estate party? Yeah real estate I think... What was the lieutenant governor name Wow The guy with the pony tail That is quite question What is his name He has weird name Zellwinger or something Zuckerman Yes Zeckerman Where did you get first one 40% of vote against Scott Really? That's pretty good. Well, it was a party line but there are more Democrats in the state than Republicans so people crossed that party line and didn't vote for him You probably did I voted for Scott twice And i'm glad l did What is Zuckerman first name Yeah What was Zuckerman first name Nobody ever seems to say Lieutenant Governor John No Timothy That would be... Aloysius! I don't know. We'll never know David? David Zuckerman And i got Mark Zuckerberg and David Zuckerman Lieutenant Governor of Vermont Yeah, he did. He's lieutenant governor right now? Yep Oh wow How many terms Two I think this is his second Okay Thought so His big thing these last couple of years has been focusing on books that are banned and bringing them around the state and bringing them to the schools But they're banned everywhere They aren't banned here No So it's all just a show. Yeah, that' fine but like yeah what is his signature? Aside from having ponytail and being farmer I don'think he has ponytail anymore He cut is But Wouldn´ t recommend tha You should keep Now we can pick him out He tall though Yeah Tall an thin Got farmers hands Guessing doesn'' use bag bomb Yes Is real man Hey, bag bomb was from pussies. I'm just joking Never used it but probably would Used this morning Oh my feet That's great Does it tingle? No It is kind of like greasy stuff Well its Vaseline pretty much mixed with lanolin And it does have some menthol, I think. Because there is just a cool feel to it Yeah Cause' if put something on my skin It wanted to be very like... Cooling Yeah! Really feel like that's doing something You putted on your feet and then your sock over? Yes Yeah you'd have too otherwise Walking around Like yeah What do you mean Had little bowl of this No no I rub it on my feet, and then put my socks on And wear those around the house for a while After awhile...I don't need it So you need the socks But It works What does that do? My feet are so dry Now they're not dry Or still little dried Always gonna be little dried If we use something They get really dried Especially left foot Not good for odor Good to drive Right Probably If it kills the wetness, it probably kills some odor too. But he doesn't want to kill the wetness... He wants to maintain that wettness? Well I think there's a difference between...wetskin and sweating Right That is probably true Yeah All right We are like all over Bag bomb You went from Howard Dean not running To Matt dry feet In like two and half minutes Amazing All right, what else is happening in some local politics? We got another old Senator Quinton. I don't know how old this guy is he doesn´t look that ol but been around for a while Yeah Brian Campion Bennington State senator won the re-election Good Yes Like ,I don' t know thi guy no disrespect to him at all But get him out of there like How many terms have you been on ther 14 years or whatever That'seven terms Are they every two year They think so Yeah That too many But he was the chair of the Vermont Senate Education Committee. So yeah, get him out of there! What have they done? Shit... He was touting his record on chemicals right PFAS PFAS chemicals Oh yeah The polyfluorochyl substances so that's why kids are studying in Macy Yeah oh is that what they found That its why their shutting down all these places because they found these chemicals which probably ultimately a good thing but he also led the Senate's confirmation of Zoe Sanders Scott contentious pick for education secretary and he voted for her but Her nomination was rejected. But you know what I look at t amount Of people that have heard are not going to run For reelection in this state it is And it's good. Yes, there are some other women I think that Yeah only got put on here because we just lump her in here with this but yeah some other woman was like okay i'm not gonna run either One up at the Northeast Kingdom Yeah This session was really rough for people They couldn't agree on shit It could get much done There were Just like The United States You know US Congress People putting shit and bills that shouldn't be there and they're arguing all this stuff, you know. So I guess these people had enough and good if you've been there 14 years get out of there 10 years max Yeah And thi s guy He's he is the director Of public policy at The Elizabeth Coleman Center for Tthe Advancement Public Action Oof Put that on a business card At Bennington College so as it goes keep working For college age and he didn't rule out more work in montpelier it's a common interest yet uh... actually his decision opens up the fifth seat in the thirty member of vermont senate so only thirty members earlier this year long-time democratic dick maza resign jane kitchell from caledonia addict mccormick and bobby star they're all democrats Cool, get them out. There's no Republicans left to quit! But hey they could shake up Montpelier with maybe a Republican or two getting elected I don't know Younger people Yeah younger and somebody with new way of looking at things Because we've been doing this show for years now God how often do we talk about how bad Montpelier is? Oh iDo I'm very interested in it. Gloria doesn't know shit Gloria hasn' t paid attention and Adam pretends Yeah, well let's get some fresh blood in there man Like come on Someone with some fresh ideas Someone who knows how the internet works It is important And one more This kind of a political story The Tenet Protection failed to gain traction in the State House. Again, no one up there is a renter so they don't care about renters I mean like you know Phil Scott is not be or bird so he doesn´t care that bees and birds are dying it's all local how does this affect you personally and So, they... so part of this is I agree with right? So they said that's okay. In Burlington the locally approved just cause standards prohibit evictions for no cause Right Yeah Can't just kick someone out Righ Okay That sounds reasonable And they still allow a landlord to evict tenant because They haven' paid rent That s reasonable How long That's not in here, I'm curious about that. That is what i want to know Is it a month? A month also seems kind of tight It should be two months or three months probably There are laws on the city that says the tenant has give 2-month notice before they leave So there should then have been more than Well if you kick someone out You're basically making them homeless Right You're right, because in two months what are they going to do and how are they gonna find a place especially around here? Right we always hear about it. Yeah so yeah you'r getting kicked out in two months oh by the way you gonna need first rent last rent deposit and good luck finding your place Yeah I mean like So what is that like come up with three or four thousand dollars And then also finding places In 2 monts Like most people That's not why people can't Do that Also A landlord Can still kick someone out If they have violated their lease Which also makes sense That should be shorter, right? Yeah. I mean that could be... Depends on what it is You know if it'serious If you're selling drugs in somebody house You should able to kick them out right now Can yo prove man Well our old friend Keisha She has been a supporter of tenants rights Before she met her husband and remains one Right Yeah, right. As she said from her million dollar house in Charlotte But she emphasized the risk that a no-cause eviction ban would make landlords opt not to rent tenants with Section 8 vouchers or others who need second chance They don't rent to Section Voucher anyway You're so full of shit How many Section8 vouchers does your husband rent? What percentage is his total property Is it big percentage He's got 160 units So is it less? Is it less than 10% ? Got 160 units. Wow! That's why they have that million dollar house in Charlotte That was why she could afford to do nothing except be a part-time legislator Just people like her just irritate me I may have compromised myself, but stop bringing up It essentially your attitude Who needs morals when I have this view? So yeah, they got nothing done. Cool And pretty sure she voted against it right so If she's gonna vote against it then who is going to vote for her You know what...I've been reading alot about squatters People who moved into homes Not in Vermont but other states And they have trouble getting them out of there Oh yes! Squatter rights It'a big thing some states Are you kidding? Yeah, yeah. Still?! Yeah! It is weird right like... It's like the old west Well the old west I just shoot you Like that They don't pay rent they don'y anything it is weird And cops can throw them out Nothing to be done But clearly live here and now these people come in Hire somebody pack their bags Oh, are you suggesting vigilante justice? I think somebody did that recently. They hired somebody to get rid of the people they did but the people got arrested and you know but yeah i don't ge tha We don' have here l've never read anything And maybe it does happen But well there was a story down in God This is during The pandemic so Have no idea what year It was let'say Is 21 There were some stories Down south somewhere like maybe around like Manchester or Bennington where some family was renting out a house on their property and people moved in and they just never moved out, they couldn't get them out because they had all these protections I can remember the details. Google it if you're listening Imagine being that big of scumbag Yeah...I don´' care It must be such free lifestyle Sounds free to me. Just to be a scumbag, man Because they don'think they're scum bags They think that life's been so hard Exactly We told you the story of our friends down there in Bennington Maybe it was what I'm thinking It could have been And they were an older couple charm, you know. You couldn't imagine these people doing what they did They did that for... What? They weren´the first time It was You know it wasn ´the first time they Did i think But see then everyone passes down The Passes Buckdown So Is tha What No Wrong term Never mind Buck Pat but so in other words Yeah Former Person I mean person who has them now is of course wanting to get rid of them so that they're going to say how wonderful and sweet and, you know. And just because they want To get rid Of him No Could be If someone'squatting on my property Can I make the surrounding area like unlivable? Can i just like start dumping feces Like why not Just play really loud heavy metal music all the time Right Nothing they can do about it Who are They gonna call The cops You know You could play the War of 1812 like at 5 in the morning when they're probably sleeping What is- Is that a song? Yes Yeah How does that go Is it coming to you Big cymbals Yeah It's an American song or British song I don't know who wrote i That was important Because Like, I thought like Tchaikovsky What?! yeah What's he got to do with it? He doesn't have any skin in the game. I don' t know That song is called The War of 1812 Yep It was one of my favorite wars Oh, you like that war Well because The Brits came back thinking we'll get them And it was like nope Shorter than last time There were only 1 year Yeah Not a world from 1912-1913 Right This Is A World From 1918 Wrapped up than one year Wow I think Tchaikovsky wrote it, or did the first version of it.—I don't even think that's what was called though...—Oh come on! Am l wrong? The War Of 1812 Because the first thing tha comes up is a band called Arrogant Worms My fir- my firs band wa Three Dead Trolls And A Baggie Okay. Wait, wait come on hold on hold Music Let me start by googling music and see if it comes up Here it is the 1812 Overture It's always an overture Sorry but you were right You win the prize Matt, it is... how do you say his name? But that's not- I think this is gonna have a long ramp. Yeah yeah It builds up to him But its not about the war No The piece commemorates Russian successful defense against the French invasion of by Napoleon in 1812 That wasn't our war Oh, shit. So Napoleon's over there doing some shenanigans... Well not shenanigans we know what that is But here He got his own venue But here the Brits are like oh maybe they're distracted by Napoleon and they just look over here and were like no It kind of crazy to think all this stuff it happening at the same time 1812 it sounded lik a whole world was in war Yeah but yet 100 years away from tha I know But I mean, we had a war going on here. Well Yeah It wasn't much of one You know The Russians are What war? War of 1812 We've been talking about the one the song's about So Remember this Tenants rights Somehow We got on Tchaikovsky All right Speaking Of housing UVM is planning is halting their plans to build housing near Centennial Woods. This is for GLOW Yeah, they said it's going to be unaffordable for students It was always gonna So what the real reason I wonder? Well they said everything Is going up Yeah but What the real reason There like Its not like They must have figured out We thought we're gonna make a profit of X percent Now really making y percent so its not worth for us, right? Yeah. You know who knows maybe South Burlington the review board won't let them I doubt that yeah pretty much because rubber stamp everything it's already been approved like they had like builders in place right they were ready to...I mean they were advertising this then he decided nah actually well i guess is south burlington or burlington That's in South Burlington, isn't it? The double tree. Isn´there even another town that also... Don' tell me Colchester Are we touching Colchester I don'' know They signed an agreement with AAM-15 management to build the 100 million dollar complex You know, I'm so happy because this looks like they're just going to pretty much eat up Centennial Woods. And then you're gonna have so much more foot traffic and it's gonna ruin them... It is gonna ruin them!...I am happy This is great news Umm.. can a burst your bubble? Okay They are still going build Oh no Eventually Like they come back and say oh there will be 5 stories Actually if we make 10 stories it'll be more cost-effective. I mean, there are... Yeah yeah i know what you're saying Something's gonna happen But in the meantime GLOW wins out Yeah that a win for the rabbits and stuff right? There is lot of wildlife There ars lotta deer Yeah It' great love that used to walk ther ealot We will see wha happens but doesn't do anything help housing problems Nope Oh, maybe people just stop having kids. That's it I did not have a chance to read this late Karmie aeration system is making the water quality worse seems opposite of what was Yeah think the state tried to do something and didn't work And now, it cost a million dollars. Down the drain... Did they know it was experimental? Or were they like we got this aeration system I'm not sure One of the people in Franklin Vermont One select board member up there Remembers coming to lake decades ago With his late wife just swim fish and boat Gradually, it got to the point we could only swim early in the summer. Then you didn't want to swim in because there was so much growth coming out of algae So... It was depleting oxygen at bottom and bringing phosphorus on surface Which I guess is not what you want Well that's just another state boondoggle Oh! Boondoggle? We've got a proper boondoggle. Senator Boondoggle, you have the floor! That's it? It continues to be like the boondoggles They're looking at other next steps Lake Karmie is this like beautiful jewel of the state that we should all know about I had no idea Never heard it I hope i've ever been to Franklin. Never been to Franklin County Hmm, maybe check it out just in case something's there Let''s go up there and smell the algae There is Lake Garvey Franklin we're famous for our algae Um Speaking of wildlife Vermont search and rescues are rising So a lot people are heading out getting lost Some good people gotta go get them. It's probably all the newcomers Not no farmer up there Its some tech bro who just went to REI, got all decked out and he is like Yeah I'm gonna get connected with the wilderness And hes probably using his phone To getting him around in woods or something Well that what this story i about No kidding This guy Drew Clymer who is a rescuer. He's mountain rescuer named Climber That actually his name? C-L Y M E R That nominal determinism Right, he does it with this computer They call him up and And if figures out the coordinates Every 20 minutes they talk You know, he tells them which way to go and they finally get down in the parking lot where they want to Go or whatever. It's kind of cool when this guys phone rings Do you think? He like what how many curse words do you think him utters before fix it up Jerks Jersey So climber stays into parking lot Your saying right with his laptop and then giving them signals on their phone I think he's home or in his office doing it, but he gets them to the parking lot. Yeah yeah But you know they talk on their phone and He follows their progress That is even cooler Yea And then i thought It would have To be a little closer So they used Get 17-20 calls A year Since 2020 that number has shot up into The 40s Whoa Doubled Or more More idiots Well we are getting dumber in this country. We're depending on stuff when all these gadgets, all these electronics everybody just assumes they're gonna have cell coverage and we become morons And they can'tell east from west you know? They would need their phone or something to do that but they can look well where's the sun Yeah That kind of stuff and don't offer them a penny if the price is something like 10.99 What? What do you mean The generation doesn´t understand that A penny, I'm just avoiding you giving me 99 cents You know what i am talking about It's it back in the old days everybody did tha kind of stuff But you can not to now because kids Well yes they can That right Because they are jus going put exactly wha see on their hand so they don't have to understand, but other places that don' t have that kind of sophisticated computer stuff Yeah they look at me like So what am I doing with this? Oh you mean like the price is 10.05 Wait what are you saying No! You know whats i'm saying That's why thought he was saying If it gets $1099 and if give him 11 dollars Okay wait a minute The opposite Yeah. What you said was right! No, no this is really how you pay look Former cashier experience This is how it really goes down Let'say its $10 and 8 cents And Glow gives them a 10 dollar bill and dime God You are messing people up That easy that easy one But they're going haywire They're like why do I have to deal with this Because you just want 2 cents back versus 92 cents back Exactly I get what you're putting down So these lost hikers But they also go up there and get people who are hurt Legitimately hurt They don't jus do... These people, these hikers who are lost They use their phone Is there a special number for this? How did they reach out to them Hopefully, they know it. They Google it? They Google... What do I call them?! Yeah right! Like as if every single spot in Vermont has coverage So In their defense like the hikers' offense Not every trail is super marked very clearly Well There are some trails that could probably use a zhuzhing To make them little bit more clear Well maybe you should volunteer to do the Zhujing Now Im one who needs this Zhujing I can't do the judging! Climber said that at Killington, it is easy as taking a lift up and then ducking A few ropes. That's what happened to group of 23 rescued in January Oh they're just like oh these ropes? Let us go around them You know who violated policy and ignored signs Yeah 23 people In one day?! Yeah, they were a group I guess. They could just eat each other if they were really lost right? What were their ages Oh...I bet it's yeah Okay what do you think i have the number in my head what did you think the average age of them is 23 cause this exact same number no that was gonna say 19 even younger yeah but twenty three sounds right twenty three twenty throug year olds yes and he said What skiers like those don't realize, said Climber is that once they duck the ropes They are stuck in a back bowl miles from the nearest access road And they just don'realize that mile from road it's jus like i was 200 years ago Cold and dark and nobody around Yeah you know where going guess what? You start walking circles Right Mmm...and panic Then you realized oh I've seen this tree before Pfff Then freak out closely. Panic right Oh yeah I've been lost in the woods. It'scary Yeah Hey, yeah Almost was We got lost in the woods one time when? Was a kid this guy is like oh You know this path and he said give me my brother and some other guys And we realized that gone into circles like twice My brother you see those old Rambo knives No further pulled on knife out of the sky really yeah Yeah Like mean probably 10 some are brothers probably 13 It was pretty tense, and then cooler heads prevailed. And then we realized were not far at all from a house! Oh Vermont doesn't charge for rescues? Aw man I'missing some revenue Most people rescued by the Stowe Mountain Agency make donation afterwards Yeah most This guy Climber should get to determine how dumb these people were Like, oh you ducked ropes? That's a thousand dollars each person. You know you just kind of got lost because the trail wasn't super marked Okay maybe that was on the house Dont cheat them all at same Well here is one back in February The East Berk Volunteer Fire Brigade suffered mechanical failures after trying to free vehicle stuck in over 3 feet snow up by abandoned radar base Who was going through an abandoned radar base I don't know. Many community members took to their keyboards to push for charging the trio, but they didn' t it was three people You know a lot of people like To go oh sorry No as you say again probably 23 years old A lot Of people like Go those abandoned sites Check them out Take photos Video Do if for The hits For likes All right we're moving on Circus Smirkis to be exact. This dude, Rob Merman again that's a circus name right he works at the local aquarium it was like yeah who is in your circus well we got Dave Freakazoid like he is there Jeff Lion Tamer um yeah so this guy joined this circus when he was a kid, he actually ran away to join the circus. I know one of your dreams as child running away was i had plans never followed through never follow through you have like map and money saved did you go that fax pack? how far were your plan only in that next block well it'start so this dude and his memoir said like he ran away joined the circus which I guess you could do in the 60s and then you kind of circused around Europe. He, listen this um...He was clowning in The mining towns Of Wales Just think about what that means Wow So Guess God it waas Welsh miners Love a good clown Interesting It's part of their baggage. They get clowns to come in and entertain them while they're mining At the end of the day when that clown comes by, it really takes edge off Mule wrangling above Arctic Circle with Sweden Circus Scott That guy has an interesting life Mule wrangling? Yeah. Writing with the Magyans in the Hungarian state Circus, entertaining royalty and Copenhagen's famous circus building by the Tivoli and in The Circus Palaces of Russia Yes circuses were I think still pretty big In Europe Did America just make a joke Of it like do we fast foodize the circus. Does it have more dignity in the old country? I don't know, yeah Yeah Don' really know the difference Me neither Like do they have elephants still and things like that like those animals that you normally we would always think of back in Barnum and Bailey days Oh yeah they used to come into town riding their elephants horses If go through a Russian Circus and I don't see a bear on the unicycle, i'll be very disappointed. When's the last time you were at circus? Oh my god! Don' even know if ever have been Circus Smirkus Back in...1998 Something like that Were you impressed ? Very No one Really didn''think was going to like it Just went with family With kids And It was WOW Kids right It's only, yeah it is only kids. But the gymnastics and acrobats and you know all that stuff is just amazing! And I think there a story or something? There something that keeps your attention Like Circus Olay has animals right if never had animals Maybe they have horses That always seems kind of interesting what I've seen of them. It's like much more, it gets a grander and like it was the human body is the thing that they push to the limits? Yeah I went to a circus at Shelburne Farms once. They had this New York...I can't remember the name of it But yeah, they used to come out every couple years When went once is was alright Do they have anymore? No! Circuses exist The way that think about them exists Just like you know Marine lands and things like tha Because animals Animal rights people have won ou For one thing And who runs away to join the circus now? It doesn't seem like a good starting point. Like it doesn' t seem like you could I mean, in this guy's day maybe he is just really good that He could go all around The world just on Just being clown or mule wrangler Yeah Had his own act for years You know with A dog Oh right The way they said Then Dog was Straight man They wouldn'' work Other way No Dogs telling Joke Dog's just looking like, what? But yeah this might be an interesting read. I mean this guy has quite a life He was taught how to clown by Marceau How does he teach Oh yes everything is written down but he also found himself appointed dean of Ringling Brothers in Barnum & Bailey Clown College it for your resume. Yeah, so where were you a Dean? Ringling Brothers! It sounds like an old insult like look at this guy what are you the dean of A clown college?! So I guess they have this quote from Marcel Marceau who rarely do get quotes from he said...I guess there's um there was moment where he was, he appeared in front of a crowd and put his fingers to his lips and hushed the entire crowd because they knew He wa s about To speak which you never hear. And this is what Circus i loved In t e whole world Like music It explains nothing Rather it touches your heart by The risks circus people take not only through physical movements but By T poetr They give with their soul Wow Damn. When you save it all up, it comes out like that The last thing he ever said Was he put on his tombstone? It's too long for a tombstone Give me the highlights You know where you get got to name Circus Smirkus From his mother Circus Smurkis, get a real job! We're going to bank. That's what she called him? Yeah you ever heard of something shmuckin' like that Something rhymes with somethin'? No circus... well yeah that I know Job schmob and that kind of thing Oh okay She is making fun the circus She is saying it was buncha hooey Because he told his mom he wanted to join a circus. And she said you should become banker? Sorry, they're not giving me the whole story anymore Oh yeah that's fine Moving on Last thing we'll end with question Does Burlington have too many cannabis shops Glo how many do you think Burlington has 17 Close 12 Okay. And two more are moving in How many do you think exist in the state? 112 81 A little off Because some towns don't allow them Every town had a right to vote on whether or not they allowed them So we got 10 of them downtown Burlington There's ten?! I saw the story and they have a little map. That is probably too many Even our old friend James Pepper says so James Pepper of the Cannabis Control Board? The one who approves them He says even the state's cannabis control board says it is problematic We do have this unnatural distribution of where they are located Yeah, that all like when three blocks from each other downtown That´' like Moreau saying I don't know things probably to much development in Berlin Yeah, I don't know how. Well you know what? The strong will survive just like any other business Is there that many people smoking weed down there So here's a question like liquor stores everything is the same price no matter where you go Correct Is that the case with the Wii? Really?! Everybody's buying their own pop from different places for one thing. I don'think it gets regulated that way, that would be a real problem Why wouldn'y ibe problem because they couldn'? Can keep track of probably Aren'' there also alot strains so this place wouldn have app Yeah, that's why you couldn't say. Can you imagine like making a list of estate License list like the way we but there are different kinds There are different kinds Of weed or booze Different levels Vodka I don' t know maybe they do reggae Do you get to vibe when and you walk downtown, well who walks downtown anymore? But like would you get the vibe like oh it's kind of trashy because there are all these weed stores I don't go...I hardly ever got downtown but when it happens to me then even notice them Yeah You know something Hey! There is one on Church Street And didn' t know that We walked by probably Yeah I know where Sears is, because i'm a member of their dispensary Their medical... C-E.R.-S Series You know And that's right on College College Street Yeah Well the other one they're talking about The one that has been around for years It was always something else Oh Burn The Burn Gallery Yeah. So, but you know they who knows I don't know how much how they could be making a lot of money the tax is so incredible on it It's popular product it Is Ivan even been in one Of the stores You Know like dispensary? I don't have to pay the tax, it'stronger. They got some stuff called Daywrecker Sour or Dayender Sour Is that your day ender? Day ender You ever ended your day before you get started Yeah...I don' tdo that very often That is 10am time and this thing But i just think what will happen like any other business The strong will survive You know, I just hope the dispensary survives because their business has gotten way down. But you know when you weigh out paying $50 a year to get your card and every time you buy weed 20% tax... Oh it adds up very quickly Plus there'stuff that i can get at the dispensary than in stores because its too strong So they do still have that level. Now, they're talking about changing that but right now That's one reason to stay with the dispensary Well see what happens You say it'll be 14 soon and see what is in a couple years? Maybe little chop down All right time for break so we got some new music from Burlington zone DJ rapper extraordinaire fatty B The song is too complex How does one become a rapper? How did you become rapper ? I listened to lot of rap in high school. A lot people at my school were constantly playing it wherever i was And now,you know ,i just started writing little bit here and there when When l was younger and continue constantly work on It'something that try use words play around music Something really enjoyable listen too Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to my channel and follow me on Twitter. We'll be too complex Let's welcome the return of the hip-hop freaks Getting mad up on a mic with their words we spit Taking poetry until they break it down Trying to give you one example, come on! They might roar like lion king And I'lbe fine but ain't got wings Everybody talk about this style Like RangaRappa Rapstar and Glass But noone ever sings Kinda like Ray McCann Got them for my indices command Yeah, too complex but it's too complex Not one style cause we're too complex Too complex but its' to compleX So yes What next? Journalist I put my pen through the page like a journalist So you hit rewind just in case you missed it Tryin' to tell your mama that ya been there Once again friend, Mr. Fanny represent She'so old she got the scent and I'm fermenting Someday soon her mother will stop the ranting Just like a flare like Bobby Bantam Not bad style like Sebastian Bach Got more time than The Flame got clocks Go more game than Carolina Top And i've gotta mor soul then my Luka got blocks Cause im large and hardy gorge Skin of this regard they give their brain de yarch At da repertoire I'm a little bit of storm, but the middle of four Give me seven million Much too complex Oh we be too complex Much to complex Much muchtoocompleX baby muchtoocomplex oh We Be Too Complex musttoocomplex Check it out ToComPLEX MuchTooCompLEX Not one style cuz were TOOCOMPLEXT TOOCOMPLEX MUCHTOECOMPLEX So yeah What's next? Too complex, much too complex. Not one style cuz we're too complex TOO COMPLEX! Much to complex so yeah What' s Next We are back Alright I forgot mention this at the top Probably add it in beginning but there is a new feature if you wanna text us directly It is on show description just click that link and can test use directly All right, we are kicking things off with the Matt's old business. Yeah my teddy bear distribution center This is a very confusing story because I don't really know who is who and because the company has sold off their parts The pajama gram There was you know they sold it to somebody else Pajama jeans Yeah, and then they... Some other part was owned by another company. And I guess they can't… l wonder if this is that big building down there at the Teddy Bear Company they said it can get a lease for? That's why their closing it 30 people losing jobs Yeah Thought to Teddy Bear Company built tha but my guess not My guess say There are It an off-site kind of thing Got too big You know so they had to rent something. But yeah, the old story... You know they say they can't come up with a lease so that's why we have closed it That is lot of people out at work in one time So I don´t understand They can pay their lease? No! They cannot agree on Well what is going nothing for how many years The person will find something because there are not other places That's what they said, you know? Fiddlehead part 2. Yeah... I'm serious! Clearly drinking it but Oh sorry fiddle head Always get mixed up with the other one we don't like i like fiddlehead switchbacks Switchback not a sponsor of the show No no never will be Nahh..I don' think so So Matt are bummed out about this or just dont care Not really I mean, i don't really probably know anybody that'still there. Maybe maybe if left it'll be 30 years holy shit next year oh my gosh man 30 years? Wow! That you think about that wow Man well think about We've been together 18 going on 2018? Seems like 30. Yeah, for both of us Matt couldn't believe the 30 years but he had no trouble taking that 18 number Totally got that one So I have a question Oh go ahead The new owner was unable to negotiate lease for warehouse prompting its sudden closure They're gonna move it out-of state is what they are doing You know, the business is still gonna exist but they're going to move it somewhere else. But they can't call it Vermont Teddy Bear anymore I know How many American flags are made in China? No...I don' think its Vermont Teddy Bear It's the pajama gram part of their business that somebody else bought It was an investment firm, Lionel Capital. They bought that from Vermont Teddy Bear Vermont Teddy Bear still exists But this is... Pajamagram was a great business idea Because it could be It ranges from like Something your grandmother could give to little kid All the way upto A stripper Let's get down I know the person who came with that idea and I don'think she still works there, but you know. On to bigger better things? Yeah because she was really good at what she did She came up with that idea and they probably fired her What does the pajama jeans company do That sounds like they make tiny jeans for teddy bears No...I think they make pajamas that look like jeans Okay, outside of Jay Leno. Who's that for? Why not! I see young people in the stores all the time wearing pajamas right Maybe you have done that before That is how you met me Remember The produce aisle she was walking with her pajamas You could spot my blocks away Yeah but...I don't know I really don't know that company. And the i4u, which is another part of their company but no idea what that was That sounds like they just don' t... They did have a flower company too But it's called Calix and remember what Calix Yeah What kind name? Is there c-a l y x The first thing they did wrong Was give us Thank you For Kailis It looks Kyla Or say Carrie or is it? There's too many of those names that you could just like mess up in your head. I do What would you name it, Vermont Flower Company um uh no we gotta come did pretty good well okay yeah You know sounds need to flower it up a little bit, you know? Yeah okay. I mean my idea has flower in the title and what more do you want but... A calyx is referred to as the outermost whorl of flower that's found at base many flower species is comprised leaf like structures and protects flowers when its developing yeah but you don't wanna name your brand after something than nobody knows Like no one knows what this means It might not exist anymore because of that. I mean, pajama gram you kind of figure out? That's easy! Yeah they did a good job that was a nice product. Like you say, it could go from men to women to children yeah I still have I said, just write something and told the person on the phone. You write what you think he would want to hear Alright moving on So these people who just laid off might wanna do this guy did Dude jumps of the 89 overpass in Williston Young guy 22 year old Was it trying kill himself? Let's examine other possibilities He tripped I'm sure it's guarded where you know he with a fence. Oh, we think that he had to like climb Yeah exactly had like almost be climbing backwards To get up and around it yeah wonder what my man obviously was A suicide attempt Im surprised He lived Wow What was It? Like 10 feet off the ground I don't know. Like, we've all driven under overpasses but like obviously we're driving under them and not usually looking out from an overpass But this guy lived He said he has minor injuries What? Was this like you know trying to get into a fraternity or something Yeah let me prove The baby squirrel is crossing the road You gotta ge in the club Yeah, I don't know. Maybe he just jumped and landed on his feet so maybe he's just... Unfortunately it is a three-sentence story we do not know anything Or maybe this guy is Spiderman? Not very good Spiderman Well.. He lived That was true Maybe thought that wasn´ts him If you jump off the overpass You are lucky if you did no run over by car It sounds like there aren' t any cars When did thing happen How high does than be 30ft Maybe it's not that high. I mean trucks go by with no problem, couldn't go through but don' t know how much clearance it has If jumped off a truck would hurt myself 25 feet maybe What is the most you can fall from and live? This guy was testing this out That what am thinking He might be practicing for Circus Smirkus And he slipped Is this his reel tape Alright, well hopefully he's fine. Had a little... North here to Grand Isle the drawbridge got stuck So how do you get home? In an upright position for awhile Well it was an hour 430 in the afternoon though Oh dear Cause I'm sure there are lots of people now up there only a couple years old, too. Oh that's right! Is that the thing where they shifted over there? And I said to Matt... It still may be shifted over there We haven't been up here in awhile And you said oh no They're gonna tear this one down once The other one and i'm thinking myself maybe they should keep it If he had kept Sometimes use backup bridge Yeah Opened backup bridge Would yo feel comfortable driving on Backup bridge? I don't know, like a wave. Once maybe Well it should be for like bicyclists or hike you know some that kind of mode of transportation They have the bike ferry Bike ferry Oh no The bike ferry up in That takes you from Colchester over to Yeah island Yes yes yeah at the very ver y northern tip of north, uh... Come on. Colchester? No The bike path No What's What is that town The very tip Of the new North End That was what I was looking for Remember There were even like A cabin and a hutch there And they sold stuff like, you know food like you know kind of just candy bars and remember it was and then he just recently closed down I think so too yeah they relied on the bike path for business. And that stopped right? For what reason can't remember... You think they died I think so too, because it was just they enjoyed doing it. It's been there years It was definitely part of the old history at Burlington that most people don't know about unless you're an explorer like me Get your little badge for tha Thank you Can have in pink Sure Alright moving on Um, man. Have you ever heard of the Harlem Wizards? No There's another team from Harlem I can't remember their name But that we should why not get them Like is this like just like the B-minus version of The Globetrotters Like yeah It was weird So GLOW This is what happened in Barrie Students and teachers teachers, the Twinfield Teachers Union and staff played a basketball game against the Harlem Wizards. As like fundraiser who are lot like the Harlem Globetrotters but why are there two fake basketball teams from Harlem? Well these guys... I don't mean guys bu this team Are they not guy's ? Well, they might be women. Harlem Globetrotters has women now I think Oh right! They're woke Yeah they're wok Anyways These guys just play benefit games With the Harlem Globetrotters? Yeah That's what they used to do right No they were playing very competitive games against The Washington General Assembly It was okay So this guy who is inducted in like The Vermont Hall of Fame He says my love for basketball came when I grew up watching a crew like this, wonder who he's referring to. Yeah yeah Yeah i don't know uh You know why this is? Im trying to read the history of it but The history Of the Vermont or They just Don´T pick any other city Be Brooklyn wizards Or something Like Dont be Harlem Right Because you think All because Are Harlem Globetrotters Yea Yeah, I could see that. l was wondering if you meant that because it's in Harlem and... Eh! You know? It is like Newark Everybody all of a sudden changed all their names to New Jersey something Like on Newark College Of Engineering On High Street came NJ InstituteOfTechnology on Martin Luther King Boulevard There are no women on this team. Everyone on this team is a black dude, which it's fine I don't care about that They didn'y go as woke as the Globetrotters Oh they got different units They have Broadway unit King Arthur Unit Roadrunner Uni And they played against celebrities like NBA players Like John Havlicek, Dave Cowan. Those guys are Boston Celtics so well All right we got Mr Bounce We got Lunatic Livewire Space Jam A-Train and Broadway That's on the Broadway unit Yeah looks like they play teachers a lot Harlem Wizards take on teachers in Governor Mifflin School District of Pennsylvania I just love these guys are like you know what? We just hate teachers, let's go dunk on some teachers. I guess it is mainly for fundraising They've got bad names Springs Jumping Jack Fresh Prince Come on Let me think of something better Give me some pizazz Like the Round Mound or Rebound Yeah These guys could be The Savannah Bananas Of fake basketball But they Need som marketing I love the Savannah Bananas. They're funny, yeah they are a hoot Alright moving on Glo have you heard of the Play Every Town project? No Guess what it's meant to do Something like what you did where You wrote that one thing That got performed over there in Wadesfield At the...I can't remember their name Nonono this is The Musician Oh nevermind then His goal is to, he's a piano guy. Judging by this picture of him at the piano He has goals to play I think concert in every town in Vermont Okay that great Moving on From that To our Alley Project We talked about this couple weeks ago They made quite progress They're actually doing something. So this is the alley glow that you were very familiar with in Waterbury? Oh, yes! You're right Look at all this progress They did all of that in a couple of months They spent 3 years planning this thing Can you imagine You know how much the price of those bricks have gone up in all those years Of like just sitting around and talking about it That's a good point If you're gonna if you'r e gonna buy bricks, and your on the fence buy them now Yeah gotta do it now. Buy those bricks So they are going to call is Jack Alley I'll tell you why Because people jack off here? Probably not Yeah, probably a better reason than they had. I think we just discovered what it's gonna become! The new name honors community member Jack Carter an original owner of the Stowe Street Emporium Oh i love that place She actually buys stuff from there Most stores she just goes in Doesn't buy anything They got the greatest cards They have just a cool, I mean like just great stuff. He's dead Oh what happened? Yeah he passed away in 2021 He was known as the mayor of Stowe Street Okay Quite the honor All right Good But they're making progress After three years doing nothing Yep Three years at committees Meetings It's insane. And now they're stuck, they can't figure out what kind of sculpture they want Oh boy How much is Sitting on it? You know just finish this and then Have it happen organically where We got a statue buncha kids jacking off back there So the first proposed design was a gateway spanning the Stowe Street entry that was shelved after raising concerns about accessibility for emergency vehicles yeah okay I see okay the revised design was an 18-foot tall steel arc with hanging mirrored movable dome what which i'm having trouble imagining which prompted questions from the development review board in April. The board scrutinized details about the mirror, the materials and installation complexities So I guess if you have a good sculpture design idea and you're like''I don't know where to put it'' Consider Jack's Alley They need something To tie this whole thing together A rug. A sculpture of a rug Hi Matt, we're moving over to Burlington's Rock Point which is the... I don't even know what that is Oh!I know it very well We used to walk dogs there What Is It? Well, it's part of the Episcopal Church. It is like right after you passed a high school that no longer is or empty There was another driveway and will take you but according to back then You had stop at the office there Passed and get card saying I stopped in just let you know And from there on always carry this car And they had a small parking lot where you could park and stuff like that. And then it was amazing! I mean, it was just out of this world You don't even feel like your in Burlington anymore It's jus... Yeah its' just like think peninsula out on the lake When you walk our there And actually has been saved from development by the Vermont Land Trust Which we donate to They have a lot of cliffs and stuff like that, so it's pretty cool to walk out there. It is really cool! Wasn'there train trestle near there too? You cross the train trestle to get here right Yeah and also other school Rock Point I think Rock Point School Yeah Rock Point School you come across this building And as you can see its really small school but yeah its kinda coole So what going on with this It was once off-limits, but now they've opened it up. Oh really? So even if... They're gradually welcoming the public What happened because I thought is it because nobody was stopping like to get that little pass oh my gosh you kidding me Is tha't Much of the property Nobody was close to the public until five years ago, although college students had nevertheless made jumping from rock points cliff a rite of passage. Not only have people died on the cliffs but getting to them have meant trampling them on rare plants so... The diocese worked with Lake Champlain Land Trust and other partners who conserve nearly 100 acres and upgrade trails with boardwalks kiosks and fencing. So they've actually made it a destination, but they're trying to control it with boardwalks and things like that so people aren't stepping on all the plants Wow! So It's gonna be A lot different than what I remember Two dollars... walkers are now welcome And encouraged To give $2 donation for day pass Okay Encouraged Things have changed Yeah Strong army Well, they shouldn't make it $2. Maybe they can like Venmo or something No one walks around with two dollar bills You're right Make it five Actually probably get better off making ten I'm just saying Gloria and me were walking down the street one day And a woman says spare change And Gloria says who in hell carries change these days? That's low, yelling at a homeless. She should ask you for 20 Oh! I have one of those But am not going to give it to ya Have dime Who carries change these days? Was the woman like I'm trying to make my request reasonable so that i get more return on when, if ask for too much Of actually gonna get nothing is tha't what you said moving on castleton Castleton library After four years and a million dollars later They're getting an elevator how does it Who's gonna use the f-word How does an elevator cost a million dollars? Why were they forced to do it because Well, they didn't have they couldn' get people up to the top or this is not handicapped accessible for years The main building. Yeah They just build assessment ramps when that be cheaper Yeah Oh like other commercials you see on TV where there's just flap down like this little seat and it goes up the stairs? No, no. I'm not talking about like that chair That flies up the stairs You're gonna have one day Just ramps that go all around Yeah And then if doesn't work make a little bit steeper So we really got to get If you really want That main floor You gotta huff But $1 million Seems like alot Sure does And you ever notice there's only one elevator company? It always Otis. You're right, I guess no one ever franchised it Oh it was just one like we all jus accept Otis as the monopoly of elevators There is more than 1 but yeah that when you see the most Just One Its on every elevator Yo look down at tha bar usually has otus If don't see OTUS get nervous Yeah what does this Like wow I didn't know Samsung made elevators. But yeah, so they're building this elevator They're very happy about it And now people who want to check out books Who are probably mostly in wheelchairs anyway Can access the library$400000 of the project was given by the late Denise E Nangle So hopefully that's the Denise E. Mangle elevator Wanted someday to go up to the library and check out a book but She was in wheelchair Wheel into library, look at books on second floor And then turn around everyday She said one day Best Elevator Company Mitsubishi? Come on! How fast is it Shoot me right up to the top. Schindler? I'm not getting on that list! It's a gas chamber Otis, Hyundai Okay yeah these are all Asian elevators What is ThyssenKrupp That Nazi one So anyway Which i think United States has probably most of the business Alright moving on Castleton is also a big week for Castleton, by the way. Let's just think about like if you're in Castleton You must be like just over the moon An elevator and new fire truck? A pumper It called mini pumper Cab mini pumper What it called Mini pump Ford F-550 Big truck Wait Yeah, I want to see a picture of this. It's like A pickup truck it sounds like It costs 471 thousand dollars Half the price as an elevator That is ridiculous You think about it Elevators don't even have hose Yeah But this raises question Okay The pump can move 1500 gallons Of water per minute Wow. Which sounds like a lot Out of this truck? This Ford F-550 Yeah, I'd like to picture this thing It's rated to pump 1200 gallons per minute for 20 years period Not consecutively but So it is supposed last twenty year The truck it also rigged To allow firefighters arrive on scene ready with their gear on Because you don't want a bunch of dudes jumping into your yard and then getting dressed. They do it! I know, but you want to be ready go right? You know what the other like fire trucks here Oh we'll Do is get A mirror check This guy's tight his boots Like no But so Your question is how many fire trucks this castle doesn' Yeah How many did they need I guess they needed a pumper because they look different. Oh, the pumper is different if we think it's to be different It''s currently parked in Jack alley So they're trying to reduce their firetruck fleet from seven two five That' s pretty good i think for Castleton That probably how many Burlington has Maybe there's a lot of fires in Kazakhstan? I don't know. It is very hot town, it is one of those things where you are like that too many and your house on fire You're like this not enough! Reduce the fleet from 7 to 5 This will help with that The bottom line The bottom line we can afford this We can purchase thi truck without borrowing money And by the time we need to replace or refurbish engine number three, We'll have the money in the bank do that. It sounds pretty smart down there in Castleton In a globe This is your brick theory He says fire trucks aren't getting any cheaper Gotta buy them now That's right The price for this one Is about double what it would have been A few years ago See Tell him Tell You know everything exploded after covid Do you notice that? Yeah, because we're all dumb and willing to pay it That's it People are like why are eggs so expensive? It is because you keep buying eggs You moron Change the menu Right If you don't like paying for this stuff Change your menus There other stuff that can buy That cheaper Yeah Or just do not buy Like remember when did no dry for two weeks And oil was negative 1 cent a gallon Righ Just stop paying Stop buying Stuff Stop consuming And will easier To consume Right Mm-hmm, and that's Adams lesson in economics. Wow we needed that yeah clearly Well verse on the topic all right close so this brings me to what you know about Castleton Vermont Used to have a college called Castleton College and I think it closed as of now right well I think it's now called Vermont State University. It is part of Vermont State University with Linden and... Well,I can see that That is probably this way You know You could just have like one copy room instead Of here One there Do you know what What do Copy room Are we going to college as hard when We are making copies Have done with a copier I need to see your student ID. They're learning stuff there, Glow! It's higher education All right so Castleton Glow What do you think is the population of Castleton Vermont? i will say higher than expected 3250 Also higher than you expected 4458 That a lot I was thinking like sub-2, but there's only 1800 people and they just got an elevator. What if it was because of the school? Maybe it attracted people to live there or work there Seven miles from the New York border Castleton settled in 1770 Chartered by 1761 Land was granted by Governor Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire. What a villain that name is, right? Benning Wentworth It's like you sound evil Let' see what else is notable In 1775 Ethan Allen and his boys met in Castleton with Benedict Arnold to plan their next day attack on Fort Ticonderoga I didn't know Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold crossed paths. Oh yeah, is that a well-known thing? Benedict was an officer in the army there And he became...a turncoat Great The first medical school is Vermont Was it Castleton Really! That's what you don' t know It wa called Castleton Medical College That name Yeah Not like Calyx Bening Wentworth, super genius Some notable people A couple of state senators Edwin Drake Oil driller And credited with starting the US oil industry Wow It all started with Edwin Drake Born... Oh, he's born in Greenville New York. But I guess he lived in Castle oh they're claiming why claim him it stopped Are we praising this man for starting the oil industry like not a great thing? But you grew up on family farms around New York State and Castleton Vermont when they left at 19 We also Freemason Seneca oil That was his business all starts there Doc Maynard Founder of a little town you might have heard of called Seattle. So, You're Welcome Seattle We can thank Castleton for that one Amos Pollard Didn'turn out well Pulitzer Prize winning writer Ron Powers No One Cares About Crazy People We also had Patrick Villers Farrow artist, brother of Mia Farrow. And that's all we got on Castles in Vermont! Anything else Matt? He was the son of Marino Sullivan?! Who is Marino Sullivan?? Yeah, Matt said it like as if we all know. I was just playing and keeping quiet like She was Jane in Tarzan Which one? Which version The Johnny Wells Miller ones We're going back What was Tarzan wearing on that one Loincloth That boy They used to swim It almost looked like they were naked, or she was naked when she'swimming in the river with all of a sudden The alligators come and Johnny Wells mother kills it with the knife Yeah. She wasn't always then number one Jane In my book I thought her sorry naked They rest he just filled in imagination right? That is right All right So, last thing. The first black restaurant in Vermont is getting recognized with a sculpture in West Rutland or Rutland Proper What do you think the first black owned restaurant ever occurred Glow? 2012 Yeah That's Okay I'll go back as far as 2000 Surprisingly 1963. No shit, wow! That's cool They immediately became the best restaurant in Florida Yeah it was opened 1963 to 1994 It was called... Royals Hearthside And they operated until Ernie death in 1994 Good run 30 year runs So Yeah, the monument is a 12th piece on the Rutland Sculpture Trail. I guess they got something called the Rutland Sculpture Trail down there and Oh it's in Rutland They've go them downtown There are bunch of sculptures everywhere So, I mean...I'm guessing 1963 Vermont. Your food has to be fire for people to like you know like- Swarm! To..To Be Like You Know? Cause I am sure if it would have been a black owned restaurant Ehhhhh Just taste the eggs Right Yeah i can't imagine what that was like If your food is so good and overcomes racism That's pretty good Yea Last 30 years Yeah I don't know. It was just down-home cooking, right? That's what survived in Vermont You're not cooking Thai food In 1963 This dude never went to Thailand either Yeah Some of these stories If i'm the publisher or editor of WCAX Could you get a hold an old menu and put link on it That'd be cool Very cool Hmm, you know just like give me that little extra thing that makes this a little bit more interesting because it's big deal early I mean if so 1963 That was not great time for black folks in America Yeah so yeah curious what kind of food is wasn't but Because we eventually forgave the Italians because pizza right? It is like the country tolerates people because they bring us delicious food. Seems to be the way America does things Here's a dinner menu on eBay Okay, what do you got? That was the new computer man Somewhere Maybe not Oh well I googled it oh here it is They don't have the menu I thought it said menu. Anyways, let'see if i can find one real quick oh yeah there they are on ebay um these are old this looks very old timey but im pulling up here dinner menu prime rib what is this let' see they have chicken wings how would you have prices on this bad boy Okay, I can get down with that. Chicken wings though... That became wasn't a thing until the 70s right? Yeah this is 78 but it'still pretty ahead of its time But they have prime rib turf and surf That 1650 for 78 that quite bit How much surf or turf you're getting with them so mini fillet and lobster tail yeah it looks like it just said like almost like steakhouse Yeah, seems this dude knows his audience Chateaubriand which you never see in the menu anymore I don't even know what that is Don' t even need to think of having had Chateau-briand Haven''seen since the 70's but Main lobster market price Squad It most terrible sounding fish Right Anyway, yeah. Hors d'oeuvres were a combination of crab meat and lobster for cocktail for 450? Wow! Oh they even had escargot One of my favorite dishes Really?! Alright are we ready to have our break Yep The music is from the Vermont band called Watercoat The song is With or Without The band is called Watercoat, and the song is With or Without. And so you want me to breathe all those tender words It's all been baked into time I wanna jump right through the window In my sleep that night Even in my dreams You are just out of reach Then split this scene I just want to kick it with you One time Feel your heart next to mine We're back Alright, it's time for America favorite segment where we run down the worst people in Vermont The no goodniks The sleazeballs Hudlums Matt Dee It is time for Scumbag map Alright our scumbag map first finds us Burlington via Iowa. Yeah, the state's favorite crime embezzlement lma woods 75 year old has been in bezeling from her dead mother for 30 years Wow didn't get that much money 328000 over 30 years yeah so much no 10 well it serves Social Security right? Is that what i was Yeah. So you're like, somebody that age was not making that much money in social security back then You're just under $11000 a year Actually that's pretty damn good Back then 11 thousand dollars but yeah But worth going to jail for? No no But they've raised it over the years You know, you get a little cost of living way now you do so at one time she was probably getting six thousand dollars A year to live on yeah So how did this work her mom's dead but she made it seem like? She was still alive. Yeah Probably more than you think Yeah, oh yeah. A lot of people matter of fact what people stealing old People's mail or that kind Of stuff and taking their identity Hey when I die how does the government know? Good question They have to be notified don'they But what if no one notifies them Then you can steal their money Yeah i dont know Yeah why What makes The check stop Have To tell them Stop sending They Check I think so. What if i don'tell him and just like, well guess you probably cashed the check that's the crime Yeah If you just pile them up on your desk You say Well they kept coming told somebody nobody would do anything So but here are some checks What she did tell someone and they kept coming then thats just temptation Right yeah right Uh huh Yeah She was making $679 a month in 94 In ninety four Yeah, but that's not... I mean it is more than it now. It isn't like she will buy a Corvette and make her life easier That could be her defense She was honoring wishes Be successful with tha defense So yeah Ended up $1280 What do you mean? It went from $679 over, you know the cost of living. So this is how we realized how much Social Security changed over 30 years right? It basically doubled Right Yeah but when your so low Right right No I'm not yet But yeah this woman got away with it for thirty year She's 75 She will almost certainly die in jail Are you kidding?! They say she has to spend some time between 18 and 24 months In jail Are you serious? They'll let her out before that. Maybe she won't die in jail, maybe she's... Unless she is in Iowa If it was Burlington then She'd be let go Definitely Sarah George said No big deal It was a little fraud Yeah so cool And then Like this woman Probably gonna to fine Right Go the jail for year You come out Certainly you can't pay this money back. And you just live the rest of your life, meagerly I'm sure this woman now herself is on social security They can take that away from her She still needs that to live So maybe it's not bad Yeah she gets free room and board You gotta play the long game if you're gonna be fraudulent Do give up two years for 300 grand A lot of people would take that deal today, in a heartbeat. Alright so we have... We're going to Milton and we have 53 year old was charged with So he had cameras in his home Kids were coming into his house? I don't understand why kids were coming That's what didn get me Why are minors at this dude house Is it children friends Probably Yeah, probably. It's very unclear why that is happening but anyway this dude has gone back Here is what caught my eye I think we need a different word for voyeur Because voyeur sounds fancy Uh-huh Like oh what does Glo do? Well she was voyeurer Oh really! Where did she go to school for that Did she study in Europe with the masters You know like it sound too nice Right Window peeper Peapers yeah peepers Yeah, but this guy's not a window peeper. He said he was recording it like yeah He spoke looking on his phone as alive on his phone So here Got us bathroom wired with cameras and It is watching it honest phone live streaming The minor reported the concealed surveillance device wasn't Live-streaming to mr.. Heath phone and the minor in minors friend had used the bathroom where the device was installed. How do they know that? Oh, I don't know i mean they maybe this guy's pretty brazen with it like the fact that Vermont businessman reported this business magazine and didn' see in any other papers for my business bag or disguise journalism one of those guys have Burma Businessman is part part of the chamber. His name is Jason Heath, Jason's a name that doesn't exist anymore No one is being born naming their kid Jason There was time there were lot Yeah in 40 years Jason gonna go the way though Benning Wentworth There will be no more Mark it down Alright moving on I like this man charged with trying to escape probation office Come on man, you're already here for a reason. Can't catch me? Wes Rutlandman is charged with the felony after allegedly trying to escape when he learned his furlough was being interrupted Interrupted I love that Excuse me Mr Thornton we're going have interrupt your furlough What are you gonna interrupt it with Jail time Ad cops You go into jail We're interrupting it with handcuffs, strip search and a really uncomfortable experience. So his most recent conviction was on cocaine charges And he'serving 3 to 18 months Yeah When the corrections officers tried to put Thornton in wrist restraints He pushed away out of the room and fled towards western exits of the building. He did not get far, was wrestled to the floor and placed... How do you fuck up your...? You're already good at due time now you've gotta more Right just because he tried run 15 feet Right Dummy Yeah Thornton while in custody they noticed his leg was bleeding They had a leg wound He attributed it to a dog bite. Do they have, like German shepherds at this place? Or is this before... I was gonna say wait was it before or has the dog bit him like 3 hours ago Yeah It's before Yeah They said he had flight risk And then also had 6 failures appear in court Maybe just lazy...or Go with directions Not good with directions Your Honor, I don't have MapQuest. You can all turn around when i try to go downtown Well...I think he's going back to jail Alright moving on Burlington So Glo you've heard about this but nationwide there is like this epidemic of just people randomly punching other people in the face For strangers as they walk by? Really?! They got Steve Buscemi the other day Oh! I thought i saw that in my little down here, that usually ignore. The problem is you know, Mishimi's what he did at 60s What happened? Because you listen to music Right right This guy a 41 year old guy punched an 82 year old man on college street Knocked him out Are you serious Come out. I mean, come on the victim who has not been publicly identified was taken to the hospital with injuries to his face done really extend these injuries i want To know how he fell like you can hit someone You have a fall YoU cAn dIe Hold Like that is pretty rough And this guy looks like A random facepalcher Oh my gosh and The top it all off Judge Elizabeth Novotny Release McConnell On conditions He avoid THE DOWNTOWN BURLINGTON AREA Oh, are you fucking kidding that night and not engage in violent behavior and go to schedule court arrangement? Yeah this guy's not gonna get it What is wrong with I mean.I'm a liberal Democrat but what going on in Chittenden County specifically Burlington Is crazy so one of this guy had the pinky promise not do again Yeah, they got him under that He pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge. He punched an old man in the face and sent him the hospital How's that? Misdemeanor And released by... Oh McConnell pleaded no guilty To misdemeanor We did show up Monday morning for court It was released By Judge Nevaeh Do you know this person No but it is kind of like heaven spelled backwards Uh, Spiro on conditions including that he not engage in violent behavior. What the fuck? Yeah Oh do you promise not to punch anybody else Unbelievable He's had criminal history in New Hampshire and has dozens of run-ins with laws since arriving In Vermont Are you serious What is wrong with these judges Repeat offender, she or he did not pay attention to all this other history? I have a plot twist. Judge Nava Sparrow appointed by Phil Scott Republican doesn't say here but just so you know that's is there is it Is there like there no room at the end for the jail that said they can put people in This guy's a violent person. But this happens, this happens alot in this town Where violent people get let go for no reason Or because they promise to do something How many times have we had on the show Some guys been arrested or had 70 run-ins with the law Oh there was that famous scofflaw who I think he just has like 1300th arrest to run away or something. Okay, so there's nothing this old man could have said that justifies being punched in the face right? Like we're just taking tha- No no Just making sure This is just a random Well yeah We think it is random but don't know what the old man said But talk about being little chicken shit though you know Go ahead and pick on some very hefty athletic You know, ready to kill you if he needs to look right? That's not going happen. No it goes and picks on an easy victim Yeah take a swing at Chocolate Thunder that guy Chocolate Thunder is not person He is company I'm sure Okay so yeah So this guy was okay So he was caught, taken to it in front of a judge released that day and then later showed up in court and was again released by the judge. A different juge I guess they don'talk to each other huh? Well maybe they do because they had same conclusion let this guy go Oh boy Also appointed Scott Just saying Surprising Interesting. No one of the cops don't give a shit It must be frustrating to be cop, like we got this guy And then couple hours later there he is Do you follow him? Is that gonna provoke him He's gonna punch someone else if feels threatened What do even now Cause this dude probably just walking around crazy I mean not sane person We just let them go If this guy does something worse, I hope they put a couple of mics in front of these judges' faces. Yeah that's the thing about it you never see judges have to go before reporters No they never have justify their decisions There is something wrong with that It is like even therapists have had therapists In order for stability Who will judge? The judge Yep. Alright, sticking in Burlington we had an armed robbery in downtown Burlington early Sunday morning corner of Main and South Union two people were robbed by four suspects two of the four suspects showed guns seems like that was just take my wallet see ya But that's all you get Was it a drug robbery? what was it? Well, they reported to the police so probably not. No you're probably not you're right dude they sold my coke! It's happened yeah I mean if its 1245 on a Sunday or early early Sunday morning probably young people just wrong place wrong time coming back from the bars going up of the hill and maybe they just looked kind of wobbly South Union's the one right by oh that school, Edmonds? Yeah I think so. Oh yeah right there it was a place you wouldn't expect to get robbed but Oh, okay. Maybe it is the place you're supposed to get robbed? I don't know... It's Main Street Now it Is! It looks like the Well based on this Ghetto That right they'll gett out They need a rest Suspects have already been released Um Have never been robbed at gunpoint Or well guess where not gunpoint They just show them guns But like Think Idk Probably be like Here my cash Can jus keep cards Because As soon as u leave Im gonna cancel them And U can use em Then I have to get new cards like we just let me keep up with you know, like yeah You can't plead with a robber like that. Mm-hmm No You don' t...I got robbed when in California and III Didn''think Just had cash in my pocket and jus handed it him He didn ''ask for wallet Okay Maybe need keep My cash separate Just though Yeah So If Can Keep Uh Card To Get On The Train Yeah Yeah, he said okay. That's nice Oh... a polite boy Yeah Looking out for you Yeah He wants you to get home Yeah Scared the shit out of me Maybe we just discovered maybe that was like Sarah George' origin story Maybe she got robbed but the person was very nice So shes like You know what? Robbers can be nic Criminals are actually kind Alright Moving on Speaking of unkind criminals, a man accused of pipe bomb possession has been sentenced to prison. I guess that's what it takes takes go jail in Vermont Just the pipe bomb Federal prosecutors say Anabal Castro pleaded guilty To drug conspiracy and pipe bomb posession And will serve six years in Prison So my guess is They were looking for drugs Found the pipebom And the pipe bomb is straight up out of a ACME cartoon. It's about 10 inches, contains 650 BB pellets and had the words bye-bye written on it." I'd let him go just for that! Oh gosh... Yeah Boy Bye bye Yeah Does this person imagine like they someone discovers a pipe bomb and they read his message right before it blows up. Is that like, that's his perfect scenario? I think so! How do you know how pipe bombs work like to light if fuse on me when i don't have no idea Like we've watched So many of those criminals It has To Do with the way There is No fuse Not going Google Pipe Bombs You know Yeah They had The If His Handled Because You Have Be Very Careful With Them But After He just Pick Something Up Hey Look At that pipe it's got written on it or maybe its now they use phones to like you know I can just set up my bike bomb remotely nice all right yeah is convenient a couple more scumbags Burlington man accused of assaulting police jus happened 1 30am on Tuesday morning this cost we're not Probably not expecting that. Burlington officer spotted a suspected stolen car idling near the Fletcher Free Library, so that's our little spot You're just fucking moron! You steal your car and you'e sitting there idling at 1 30 in the morning What are playing some Facebook game? Yeah right But Nicholas Walls Officer tried to stop The driver but Walls jumped out of T he Car and ran off You might catch me in the car, but you won't catch me if I'm running. Unless they do caught him with Walls and tried to take him into custody Walls punched and injured when more officers arrived at home Walls was taken into custody on charges of simple assault on a law enforcement officer And resisting arrest Walls wa s released Into the public later that night See? No no just kidding He's held On bail Yeah If you punch A cop Your staying Punch An old man uh... i hope you get an elevator ride but uh... use are searching for a bike theft suspect I suspect fought and bit the owner. The victim was treated for a bite wound Where's Hadley? Do you know, Hadley Road Yeah Is that up on White Street No i'm thinking Hadle road is when we're going on Route 7 back home And everything On the right It actually now South Burlington it really weird And that side of the street is called Shelburne Road and across the street is called Shelburne Street. Makes no sense, but anyway It's one of those small streets that Goes you know your turn right on I'm pretty sure Oh yeah Right? Yeah That before You know like Its right across from Scarf Avenue Yeah Yep And it's before you turn on Proctor Avenue to go up to Rice High School, right? Right. I never think of that as South Burlington It is its weird and going split a streets name where one side Is Roe the other one So rice in Burlington or south Burlington South Burlington What and thats the other thing You Go On South Street Here In Burlington, a really very beautiful nice street blah you come to another intersection Holt Road Everything forward that's only one two three houses Facing Rice High School. That South Burlington as soon as you make that left your back in Burlington It is insane All right last comeback of the week finally we find A scumbag with a little decorum. Little civilization, little class I even hesitate to call this person Scumbag i would like to refer them as the traveler Traveler It's near and well maybe if you break into somebody house an empty house Oh one of those squatter things? Well They were out town The homeowner's run out of town. This person squatted at some point while they were there So in Heartland, uh Heartland Homebreaking has community members puzzled and please asking for the publics help Uh sometime between May 9th and May 16 someone broke into a home on Route 5 A homeworker is out town The suspect made him meal slept in bed And left without taking anything Sounds like Goldilocks That what I'm saying It was Goldilocks Goldilocks Law Yeah He just goldiloxed it Alright, we're gonna let you go because you fall under the Goldilocks law So in that story does she end up getting eaten by the bears? I can't remember how that ended It was probably European version. Yeah Yeah it gets actually pretty Have you ever given any of those children's books what were considered childrens' book back in their day They are all they aren Hansel and Gretl boiled to death Dark dark You know european kids stay on line and that's all I'm saying. Well, look at me right? Do you stay in line We get too much so much you try to make us stay in line So wonder if this person only stayed one day Isn't it cool Yeah It is cool Let see Its only coo because they didn' take anything Yea its not because they broke yeah supposed to take anything. Yeah, so it's funny like actually I don't know i think would still feel kind of violated if knew some weirdo slept in my bed Of course you would yeah wouldn' t like but someone broke into my house had one meal and If knew Like a camera And they slept on the floor Didn''take anything Took shower an left I'd probably be more cool with that than if some stranger asked me, can i come into your house eat a meal take A shower and sleep on you for the hell no. But they did it is fine like don't ask ahead of time just do It yeah because you can change IT's already in the past Yeah Or they did The thing that like Probably all of us do at like Airbnb's, we're like you leave it cleaner than when you got there. You know what I mean? Like... That our pet sits We always leave the place cleaner than when left Maybe this guy fixed a couple things maybe the table was wobbly and he was able to solve some problems i'm thinking about fixing in sink back where actually In The Bathroom Think I think i've done stuff like that before and also, how long these people were back before they realized? You know like did he because they were kind of weak. It seems lik they don't really know when did He make the bed or was the bet even made When They left couch Or Did you wash The sheets And you Know put them Back on Yeah Do Wash His Dishes Yes Yeah A lot Of questions None That We Don No Maybe this guy is just Like a drifter With the heart of gold, and he's just like you know what I just got to get from town town. You know it was tough on these streets but i am gonna take advantage in someone else house that they're gone for a week yeah He couldn't have worried Good way until they come back Killed their daughter or something Could've gotten really dark But this guy is trying eat some fish sticks Killed his dog They have dog? Let make all up Yeah, the dog was killed but he made his bed. Okay look how about this Glo? If this family goes on vacation for a week and leaves their dog don'they deserve to be punished Exactly! That's what I wa thinking What if they left her cat Cats are independent You can have multiple litter pans And this brings us to our last story. Hundreds of invasive beetles, speaking of being invasive have washed up on Burlington Beach the hundreds Of Asiatic lady beetles I don'think that doesn' t sound good To me Well i was just about The say That why does The word asiatic Sound negative Because unfortunately everything that's come from there has become like a real problem here but wait of course you mean except for the people okay i got the flu the beetles chinese food we love chinese food no that' s not bringing out the worst in me. So, Glow Asiatic lady bugs or lady beetles they look like lady bugs They don'they? I may have saved one of these things Uh oh They do look a little more hornier than Why are the hornier What you mean horny You mean like having horns Or you meaning going to vineyard More crustier Than our Ladybugs that ar cute These are kind of like a brownish, but also some appendages that I can't quite figure out. It looks like little crabs maybe? Ooh they're out competing with other lady beetles that occur naturally That's why we don' really like them so much because we want the native ones Of course So these might replace our lady beetle Oh no! Can take that I can'take it anymore! Go down to the beach and start stopping some lady beetles The person theorized that the reason so many washed up at North Beach was because poor flying skills Flying? And chubby bodies Were pummeled by the strong rain which killed many Wait Are we missing something Where'd they come from though They were in air Female beetles can lay 1 to 3,000 eggs within their lifetime. How long is their lifetime? Two days Asiatic ladybeetles I wonder how many eggs female babies are born with Because that's it You're not going to grow any eggss That what you have And i'm just wondering if there a difference Or is there like kind of a close average, you know of how many eggs are baby girls born with? Okay. So typically they live between 30 and 90 days but Under ideal conditions they can live up to three years Our little old lady bugs out here Lady beetles Oh those different these guys Shit see that's not good They're probably out living all these other ones What's a ladybug lifespan? Living at the beach. Kind of mellow, isn't it Ladybug lifespan is one to two years Because everyone saves them Like if you see ladybugs You're like oh no here lady bug Let me help you Not your wife She texted some years ago saying Is it okay with I kill all the ladyburg in hallway Did she say No Yes That's one time I was like,-"I'm not being a people pleaser." -"Well she is not used to vermin. What are they? Totally sterile?! Well she is from pretty big city and you don't really see lot of... There are roaches but like Not Florida roaches But that okay right No! They get dealt with There isn' t discussion Should kill this Roach It pretty much just Extreme prejudice You ever seen the Terminator I like that. Alright Gloves, sorry about your ladybugs and ladybeetles Hopefully the ladybugs went out but it's not looking so good Alright y'all ready to get outta here? Peace! Bye of its orbit. This, of course is a situation we hope will never happen If this suddenly becomes reality however only the president will have access to his This button is the most dangerous button in ze world You mean THIS button? Oh I'm sorry[created using whisperjav 0.7]