Vermont Catch-up (Ketchup)

197: Burlington Burial Oops, Pricey Trees in Montpelier, and Attempted Supermarket Sweep in Berlin

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On this week’s show:

  • Happy National Lottery Day
  • Law enforcement uses roadblock to find jurors 
  • Man shot by police in Burke charged w/ attempted aggravated murder o
  • Saint albans woman deported rather quickly
  • Burlington trying to fix old pipes
  • 1st leg of Burlington’s Champlain Parkway set to open this summ
  • Higher Ground says Burton pulled plug on South End move 
  • UVM Staff Union Asks University to Reinstate Mental Health Positions 
  • Burial Mix-Up at  Burlington's Lakeview Cemetery  

(52:15) Break music: Trevor Robinson - The Last Pay Phone on Earth 

  • Goddard College Campus Is Back on the Market |
  • 251 club celebrates 70 years
  •  Fairfax town-wide garage sale
  •  Library / Police Station in Rutland?
  •  European tree technology comes to Montpelier
  •  Thai Kitchen in Milton
  • Burlington City Council to discuss police oversight 
  • Creemee Confidential: What It Takes to Create Vermont's Dessert

(1:31:04)  Break music: The Owl Stars - Hit Em for Me 

  • Scumbag Map 
  •  Man hospitalized after shot by pellet gun in Brattleboro
  • Elusive fugitive captured in Burlington 
  • Former Vermont trooper stripped of certification 
  • Burglars caught on camera at state park
  •  Woman assaults, robs seniors on Church Street
  • Police try to ID woman involved in SUV theft, car break-ins 
  •  Man pulls a Supermarket Sweep in Berlin

Thanks for listening!

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Outro Music by B-Complex

Hey Vermont, it's time to get caught up. You never know how to get brought-up on them Every single town in the Green Mountain State Is covered and smothered like a Waffle House plate Kick back relax and put us in your ears Like VPR with couple of beers Get Caught Up Welcome To Vermont Ketchup With Matt I'm Mat Low And Im Adam Everything going down in the Green Mountain State. Happy National Lottery Day! Anyone a lottery player? I do it once in awhile, but not much anymore What's your what you're like is It like 600 million or something But yeah Who wants to win 60 million dollars Sixty million What would you even Do with it. Like, but after taxes you're at 30 million right? And now you're a$30 millionaire Yeah really Can't even do anything with that It's like yeah Sounds like A bunch of chores Now 300 million I can make some moves Yeah Anyway we want Glow no lottery fan i assume Correct When I was a kid, the lottery was you pick out the eel in the tank and whoever gets The shortest eel has to kill T he chicken. Right? Something like that Yeah Imagine what it Was like for Selective service For being drafted Because that Wasn't A lottery Worst Lottery Yes Yeah Because You didn' Know What your number was, I mean that day every young you know senior in high school or... Wait wait how does it work? They pick the numbers. It's like on TV Everybody had a number every date had A number like my brother was born on June 12th Okay So June 12 they did a lot as they picked June twelfths and they would pick up all You keep holding ball Yeah yeah That is what Is this ball Yeah Are you serious I think so, yeah. No yeah i'm doing that it's like there is a you know Number your number Is 12 how many would they pick? 365 Wait wait Don't get It like You know every well every date Of the year had A number from 1 to 365 Okay if If someone was born on june twelfth And your number is 12, you're gonna be drafted. It's a lower the lower the number I don't understand so it was not allottery yeah it still let they pick the number They do every day? No no they Do once year Okay every year When draft was being up until early 70 So like these are people getting this Year and how many people every made needed Anybody who was 18, any male or 19 you know whatever the draft age is. My brother had a really low number so he ended up joining the army instead of getting drafted I think his number was right around 12 So it's not lottery if lower numbers worse then it isn't chance It just... There are 365 balls in the machine and there are 365 dates So January 1st, you pick out a ball. 320 so that's your number anybody born on January first That your number 320 So your not gonna get drafted You want to high number Wait Wow this sounds really crazy like Yo get lottery number But they pick later No no Every Okay I'missing Maybe i am stupid You know what I'm saying, Gloria? Do you understand it She's not listening. She is a patriot You are checking her email Like... she says oh! Amazon package No it just every day Every date Birthdate of that year Would have number assigned to By picking out Of ball or something 1 through 365 Or 366 whatever the thing So if am August 8th Then my dates is whatever ball comes out. It's like bingo! You never know what number they're gonna call Its weird that it would be like that Its not in order Why? Because its makes you can't fix But who... but seems like your telling me they do two separate lotteries one to give everyone their number and then one actually pick the numbers Is that right No no Okay everybody has there only 1 There's, okay... Let me just say there are 365 balls in this thing. One for each day of the year? Each one for one day of the year And there is 360 balls in this machine But it isn'two lotteries It has 1 lottery The other machine ha s numbers listed 1 through 6, 365. So first of all you pick out whatever your date is July 30th that was my birthday right so then the next number is it tells you where you are as far As the draft if You get a low number Oh then Your high Your My numbers 5 That means like yeah Bye bye I'll get drafted But If my number is, but they only go to 300? They go further. They got all thousands of a thousand There's only 365 days out Of the year But there seems like that other numbers about people not numbered No Everybody has everybody That was born on June 12th Has that number Okay For that year Only So Yes Beginning Every Year How do you ever Explain this To people It sounds complicated I think Thats where it is Maybe maybe Wrong People are shorter in The 60 and 70 than Im You know Once once Once you get a number, that's your number until you... I don't know what the ages were like 18 to 21 or something. So anyways That is the worst kind of lottery That is worse lottery Yeah actually never knew exactly how that worked But it was It wasn'a lots more prescriptive There wasn'' so much chance Well all ball thing might be but for me this metaphor That's what it was. It was like bingo, you know? In a sense that... You don't really get to say what your number is But John Fogerty was right Senators' sons are not- Oh yeah! There were always ways out I mean look at Donald Trump You know Bone spurs What He had bone spur Yeah Bones Jeez Sometimes your feet hurt This guy got his face blown off by a mine, he'still in there. This guy has the guys... His feet hurt Right yeah The rich Yeah we won't I mean What do you have to say that hasn' t already been said about that right? Alright lottery Hey did yall ever read this short story The Lottery No You never heard of it Short Story Of A Lottery Nope Remember if vaguely It''s like Is this a small town in New England that they have A lottery and they stone somebody to death? Yes. What?! Wait, so if you win the lottery... No! You actually lose it Oh okay And then oh so So you're one who gets stoned That right Yeah It describes The fictional small American community That observes annual tradition known as As Lottery Which is intended To ensure good harvest and purge the town of bad omens. The lottery, its preparations and execution are all described in detail though it's not revealed until the end that what actually happens to the person selected by a random lottery for selecting members is stoned death other townspeople." She said... I thought you'd be for that Yeah So we think Glob bring in back It kind reminds me They hunger games Yes It's quite a story that like all, well at least in my era like the 90s All high school kids are required to read And we just read it and were like Huh? That' s the thing Like no one ever Maybe if I went to better school They would be Let us think about what this means Right The human condition No. This happened Okay What is your next story They just had you read i Yeah Thats too bad What do you think, Glo? Good idea. Bad omens... I don't know Lottery?! What are you talking about It seems like a rabbit hole You were my witch! My grandmother was Well documented The thing that's funny about this story is that it's not that the person chosen gets killed, its that everyone in town kills them. So they all have skin to the game so speak You have participate whether you like or no I mean do you want me next lottery? Well yeah To save their own necks They'll stone this other person That human nature isn't Oh yes unfortunately I mean if you believe that this actually makes your community thrive Sacrificing one person And what if it happens to be somebody? Of like a doctor or you know, and me so. It's not like you're getting rid of the scourge That stuff is not like this selective service for the rich people get off I'm just saying, maybe that doctor has got to go. If you believe in omens and shamanism and stuff then you're like find another doctor this guy's gotta'go he bad juju up in town Well the Aztecs did us shit all the time didn'they? Sacrifice human sacrifice for good crops Yeah but god it was crazy Yeah, you're right. The crazy part is that everybody participates I love that part Really? That's the parts that creeps me out because it means we are all cowards Well that what i'm saying It should be everyone 0 to 100 If you think this war Is worth fighting for Send your 3 year old Well, three is maybe too young. Anyway... Three's too young but like A little fussy but like You know? Like I'm saying Maybe not three But what was it 18 and 21 It should be 15 to 55 It should more people who are Hey if you think that is worth us Fucking killing Vietnamese people for no reason you should also be willing to step up. You should be part of the townspeople wanting throw that rock at this doctor." I remember turning 18 and having the... Or 16, i think it was yeah guess they made you do away when your sixteen so they'd have even your eighteen So just go get my card Yeah by then It had stopped They stopped The draft I think around 1970, yeah. You know maybe 71 72 i didn'turn 18 till 73 okay so we didn' t have our lottery my brother did he had a like say he had really low number So ended up medic in the army That's good for him right? Yeah He became nurse Got long career Moving on This is a weird story. Glo, you ever been called for jury duty? Have you ever been stopped on the highway for jury duty No How would they even know who you are I guess by the license plate And then they track it down and if anybody skips out on jury dut Now there stopping ya Is that it I don't know how this works. They were stopping... It's a roadblock in front of the courthouse So they would ask, Are you St Albans resident? And if you said yes They sort-of asked you to go into the court house At that moment?! Yes! To sign be on jury duty What?? They couldn' find Because this is sheriff Dont thay normally mail these out Yeah Yeah, but they can't get anybody because it's the sheriff. It should be the trial should be moved probably yeah guy who kicked that? Yeah yeah well yea that is me Yea so what what happened is a you know they ask You to go in and and people are furious about you know Oh either way like there There no The people Who got stopped Are really pissed off About I They're going What right do They have To Do That How many people are like, I thought you had a breathalyzer. Oh sure Jimmy! Sure i'm good we'll do that Might be little drunk but can still sign Also on the prosecutor for Addison County is that cool? Yeah right around 3pm they stopped every car that passed and pulled in 16 people to join the selection pool That's crazy this was like way It only took them 25 minutes to do it next is tire spikes yeah this is nuts that thi sis how they did and then they're gonna see the jury like this and assume that they don't have any sort of biases against whole process system yeah well one person Andy Julo newly appointed state senator for Grand Isle was among those stopped and directed to enter the courthouse. He said he was returning to his office for a conference call with the governor To brief on The flooding of large devastated area And get called in for this shit So what happened? Would they like, your car You had it get out Of your call right over here I guess They had A place where you go In Tthe court house Wow Isn'that getting Fascist sort Like It's pretty close Pretty close I mean, what if you're going home to your child before the pets? i mean the dog Um Okay Guess guess prove it Prove It But in that time You would have been Home And just saying That's what The fascist Would say Where is Your papers Yeah We'll get To that In a second All right Yeah This Is Crazy Who came up with this Tha was Th new Sheriff Was A sheriff Yeah, like this is the new sheriff's idea. Maybe I like the old Sheriff Okay? This is in North Hero and it''' the Franklin County Sheriffs But The North Hero Police are T he ones who did thi Oh we need a jury drag him off the street. What? So crazy! Moving on, man shot by police in Burke charged with attempted aggravated murder of three troopers Wow Yeah big gunshot a gunfight over it Burke When when was this about three days ago four days ago Yeah, they were contacted by Rhode Island police and this man was heading north. And he had guns and he wasn't supposed to have them so they tried To stop him but then ran They actually were going use the spikes Because they thought that it was heading towards a border But turned around They didn't use them but spikes never work. Spikes never worked, they ended up running him off the road Especially when he turned Oh! He didn´t know he turned Damn it We should have put him in front of that street Yeah we should have been if not after Brandon Sackle Of Hopkinton Rhode Island Faces a total 17 charges so He got shot a few times in critical condition, but they say he's gonna live. Fortunately the cops didn't get shot One of them couldn' t get out of car because when they ran him off road You couldn''g it out I think was secretly happy about that Ah damn! Im stuck Want everyone to know im stuck I'm stuck. Carry on the gunfight without me, iIm stuck! I will not be shooting today, i'm stuck or being shot at. It turns on the radio Oh well it's the Beatles minute 1 to 17 It is a Beatles break Yeah so Cool and they got him How many people were shot? How many troopers were shot? Three troopers involved. Yeah, none of them were shot Okay they're all fine Yeah I love these Trooper pictures It's like Every Trooper picture Like they look like Troopers You know There is a loook You ever see guy you are lik That guy What do you Are the bassist for rock band No They aren'troops Nope These two guys They'r troops And that it fin I want my troopers to look stupid. They never smile in their picture, do they? No... They never smile when you see them! They used to hang out at the rest area all the time ther were just friendliest people Well.. To Hugh Yeah The other troopers are probably like yucking it up Oh yeah i don't get that Trooper sense of humor Sorry Pretty sure its minimal But yea I mean, do you want footage of you laughing with the trooper after it's more incriminating? No. Troopers should be essentially police robots right i mean like that pretty much just they're used a lot in this state I go speaking of where your papers a Honduras woman in st. Albans was deported rather quickly so this is terrible story yeah this isn't Brandon woman she has two children her name how many Honduras 29 years old. She came to us with her two children, she had threats against your life in her home country when she crossed the border Her family members were kidnapped and held ransom She was hit kidnapped and held ransom So he managed To escape And after reaching law enforcement authorities in Texas He was permitted by federal immigration authorities used to travel to Vermont. You figure like, oh that's kind of the textbook definition Of seeking asylum It is Like she came here fleeing violent crime And the Texas federal authorities were like Yeah you can go She had been wearing ankle monitor During her three month stay in Vermont Why? What America because we believe immigrants are violent criminals where they might run away somewhere else. There's that too so then she went to do a check-in at the st Albans ice field office voluntarily went to Do it check in So she was like, okay I'm here These ar ethe conditions of me being here I need to go in here and talk to these, i'm guessing fucking dickheads. And you know whatever they're gonna ask me a bunch of questions imma answer them so she was she and her children were detained despite the agents knowing She was In t he process Of applying for asylum So like oh You're applying fo asylum Okay It's Improcess you've been here three months, get in the fucking van. We're putting you on a plane." Put her on the plane next day? Yep! Wow... Her and her kids So is that The last we've heard of Well there's That was last WE have heard There are lot Of people fighting to ge back And ICE isn't saying anything Yeah You'll be surprised by this Next sentence but Ice did not initially respond to multiple requests for comment. Wow, they're the worst They are Yeah It's like they are the worst people it was like Are you a... Couldn't make it as cop but your racist? Come join ICE! We love you over here yeah so Spokesperson for ICE Boston Field Office declined to publicly weigh in on the specifics of Mahia'situation, but pointed to federal immigration law. But they said the person entered into country without authorization it is a violation federal law but this person was allowed and those who do say maybe subject administrative arrest again allowed got ankle bracelet from who you think? You think she made herself like So what do you think this is, Matt? Is this just rogue assholes just like... Fuck it. That's what its sounds like to me Because you got the people in Texas who say okay We'll give you a sign Invisible people of Texas which we always say Yeah yeah And then they come up here You know they're bored or something I don't know where are they I just know that...I've met some of these people at the airport and none of them were They're all very unfriendly Ice is a good name for them because they have no emotion But ironically not very cool So we'll see what happens. Hopefully this person gets brought back but like Jesus Christ Her and two small children So much energy goes into that, and yet how much other stuff that's much more important goes by the wayside or ignored on purpose. Right? What was this person doing that was just existing to find a better life probably working some job That no one else in St Albans wants to do. Right? But she's, I assume contributing to the economy doing her thing but there is this crazy narrative that these immigrants are getting benefits that you American citizens are not getting That is always behind So we need them all out of here and then You All your senior citizens who aren't getting these benefits now good luck Now you gets go work at the farms That's just like what you wanted, like it doesn't make any sense. You're bagging groceries now at the market 32 No it is not even bagging groceries You are going to be cutting carcasses doing the shit jobs that Americans refuse because we are too good for them Or its'too hard Yeah It''s Too Hard Moving on Barlington Cheery show today Say what? Cherry show Oh, do you want to say something nice? I don't know. Any good news you have any good news this year No Kind of cheery like What are we talking about Matt said it was not a very cheery show so Do you have some good news We can break it up Maybe get some iced coffee Okay Of course half asleep Couldn' t sleep last night That's why your half asleep now Sorry, Gloria is going to go day trade. That's fine yeah close over there barista-ing it is fine Yeah okay maybe not a cheery show I don't know No just maybe its the subject matter We do have some good stories later Is this your birthday and picking some pipes? Unless you are trying to get somewhere Well They didn' t even bring up ledge road on thing Yeah, they've been on there for two months at least. So I don't understand when i see construction have no idea what it means have no idea what they're doing They put a sign that says road closed love if they said like here's what we're doing right Here are the four things were doing and cross them off as you finish so can see some progress Oh! They really working hard over there, these fellas. But usually when you drive by they're not No So Yeah always seem Well because I was walking on a ledger road lot with dogs and it's always in the same hall And then that few days later they moved to another hall And then A few days later They move back To The other hole. What are you guys doing? Second hole, we just realized we got that first hole totally wrong! We gotta revisit our holes I have no idea what they're doing It's like Like always think about like Korean and Chinese construction where it is lik They built an entire apartment complex in five days Is not ideal That is also Not Like what do You want But It can't be, we've been working on a road for 65 days. Right? There has to be some in between and which I think is Europe! Do what the Europeans do and pick your Europe Like you like the Italians or Spaniards You like Norwegians whatever it is Because seems much better than what were doing Just find that Is this just corruption I don't know. Like i said, have any idea what they're doing here you know the downtown area you replace everything because there are a lot of new people down there supposedly If they had contract that said within 30 days and every day after that your losing 10% it'd be done in 28 days Right? I mean... Probably, but...I don't know. Yeah i dont know either It's like the public utility version of going to a mechanic where you're like yeah! You're just lik ei dont what your doing Like can explain it so im trusting you That kind how its feel with these guys Im jusy fix the pipes Yeah, I don't know. How many times have we said that? Because we don' know! What's wrong with the pipes?! They're old for one thing And now they are going to be new but what does that mean They are made of copper Some are made out of wood. But that was some years ago... That was a Pine Street thing, the real old one Well the one on Main Street they're fixing is sewer but during that work old water and waste water pipes are falling apart due to their age so they have fix them which makes sense do it all at once maybe thats why they'r taking long because there doing everything in onc I don't know I want to ask these guys next time. How long are you going to be here? They don't know, they know they don' tknow There'several different companies Yeah There is Dirt Tech There is one from Quebec Because You walk by their truck Their all speaking French Let me get started All right Im not gonna get you started on that Just saying like just mentioned Europe but like Europeans in Europe I don't want like Europeans here. Right, right Have you been downtown lately? No Notice much downtown and they have a couple things blocked off but Yeah like what is it is It Is that labor Is A could be How do they help fill all these jobs But Never seems Like anyone's doing That the frustrating part Like when you drive by it's like, but no one is ever doing anything. Like how can it be a labor problem? Is that more like... Is there like regulations problem where they're are we got to wait now for this person come down here and check this thing out I mean thats major concern maybe thats It was on weekend Saturday some code enforcement or somebody in those cars with the lights She was going up and down the ledge putting cones in front of things that should have been done by the people. I'm sure there's regulations, you know? It is hard to get anything built in this town so... What do you think she was making on a Saturday Putting cones onto the street 45 an hour probably Good for her Good for her, yeah good for her right? Christmas is coming right. Look at the kids Alright moving on I don't even know You know what talk about this Don' care What which one Burlington Champlain Parkway Oh yeah that's what they call it now That whatever southern connector Yeah the old southern connector Burlington Champlain Parkway sounds better. Well, I associate it with like New Jersey parkways... Garden State Parkway It's not a parkway at all so Fewer shootings for sure Huh? Shootings Oh you just drive very fast Oh, New Jersey Parkway. I feel like New Jersey Street......I just associate with people shooting me! So this is going by Co-op? Yeah It's gonna go by what...? The co op That city market some people know it You say COOP and a lot of People won't even know what you're talking about You're right. Appreciate the correction? No, no I always say the co-op because that's what it is and then i would always have to then explain oh city market Always have you say these simpletons Alright well that good right this gonna make traffic better Been sitting there for what 50 years Yeah Yeah. Well, yeah maybe it's not gonna matter much because everything just keeps more and more apartments so you're not getting a road in fast enough for the amount of people that you continuously say they need housing they need housing and yet there is nobody to hire I know you're gonna tell me they all work from home That's a lot of people working from home. I think that the problem with housing is not that......I think the problem with housing Is that people are unwilling to let housing developments be built in their neighborhood Yeah, okay That- It was Rama Like it wasn't just NIMBY crowd more than anything else that don't want apartment buildings, yeah. Can you blame them? I mean can you like imagine putting one of those massive apartment buildings there at the top on that nice big piece property That's all edged in bushes so you can see it Right Hey! That is a lot space man Why do we put...I mean I'm not saying that i want it because love that house, but yeah they're no going to put there because the neighborhood is pretty pricey Well think that effect trickling down all over the state you're gonna get people who are suing potential developments based on was a 260 Act 260 or whatever So a lot of it's getting gummed up. I think that the supply-demand thing is kind of, we're past that? Like now is more just like yeah It was jus the handful Of wealthy assholes who are Just going to sue until developments near them get killed Or stalled Like The one on Spear Street That waas A long Long battle Yeah No, it's too bad they lost that one. One house is now what 250? Something like that Oh more than that I think three and 300s And that for the affordable housing no i was talking about The number Yeah yeah You know but they are They're packed It'll just like beginning of a slum Just give 100 years not even forget I get it. They'll be falling apart 100 years? The sun's going to be exploded by then Like all the people Alright, moving on Higher Ground This is an update Wait this is a new one This came out thi afternoon Higher Ground was moving over Right Neighbors didn't want they sued. The Supreme Court said Higher Ground can do it, they gave him permission They said that the noise level and all that stuff was within whatever And just this afternoon Burton Said no we're not gonna to i Why? Well they didn't say This is jus out this afternoon so who knows So Burt- It's gonna be part of Burton Burton's campus, they call it. Higher ground was gonna move over there where they have a lot more room and now Burton says no after all the money and stuff that higher ground put in How could you do that? I mean Sure It has to be settled in court And then that means years wasted There goes your You don't have profit because you're not. No, no like what Matt'saying is like this has already been they've already done everything you're saying so High Ground was trying to move because they were bought by Burton and then Burton was fighting the neighborhood I don'think they wer ebought By Burton i thought there were going To Be partners Okay Yeah And Then The state Supreme Court said okay high ground can move where We want them Move and Then Burt Said suddenly today Never mind No, never mind. Oh my gosh! I'm guessing some resident gave them more money than they thought they could get from a high ground? Is there anything other than money?! Is there any other reason why thay would do this?? Well...unless it was PR thing Really you think Burton cares about goodwill that much It's 145 of the neighbors signed this petition, they were in you know. That is about how many there are! Yeah there isn'that many more A national brand I mean it is not like... Maybe maybe you're right That just seems If that was your move tha would have been your move months ago right? Years ago Right Thats why its so infuriating for higher ground It's like, what the hell? I mean it was in court long enough to get to the Supreme Court. So in Vermont... Very weird That doesn't make any sense Well guess we'll know at some point I guess so. All right, we're skipping this one Um all right um UVM staff union has asked UVm to reinstate mental health positions This is a story that y'all don't know this that i cut from our show couple weeks ago But uh... We can talk about it! don't care. We can, so yeah UVM fired like 10 or 12 people and I guess like six of them they're calling this story is calling them frontline mental health staff and they just bummed out that students are gonna have less access to these services which is true So now the union wants them to be reinstated. Survey says, not a fucking chance! I mean it's not going to happen? No The union might take this labor award and they might say like Oh maybe they deserve some extra compensation because they were terminated so suddenly But i don't even think that protection I think everything was... They followed the contract and just- The contract ran out, they said okay. Well well i just think that at UVM if you're a member of the union you can get fired anytime for any reason That's kind part it like You can also quit anytime for anything But uh..I don'thing tha Im not saying they shouldn have Uh....i believe in their cause but Idont'think there would be anyone to stand on I think they just, this is more PR for the union than it is anything else. Yeah look at the fight we're having for your people that's nice but how do you? Don'think they'l get anything and will never hear about never again Can go back to sleep now I don't know. Glow burial mix-up? Burial, you mean they got the wrong person in the wrong casket People Yeah This is a weird story Yeah The first few paragraphs didn' quite understand it So apparently They say there's that burial site where guy They say let call him Daniel Yeah, his family didn't want his real name being used. So he was... there's a plot there Uh wait so Daniels' family purchased both plots when you die in 2019 Oh! He is in there But then they buried two other people next to Daniel And that spot wa supposed be for somebody else For someone else So now, the one family wants the other two dug up and that family does not want them to be dug up. Wow! Even grave sites are becoming territorial They've always been like this This is my land unless I'm in Portugal, then i have to share it with somebody In a few years. Who cares? Correct me if y'all think differently but like who actually cares where you're As im saying this Im going to back off because starting sound like autistic Maybe start sounding unfeeling in a way that I don't want to be, but like me as dead person. Right? That's what they all put it that way is how you wanna phrase is Okay If if pu myself into position of the people well the two dead people right It about that its 2 Yeah yeah so im at position and my Two bodies The brothers are buried in the wrong spot that somebody else had already reserved I gotta have a little compassion for the other family say well okay then let's you know lets dig up whatever and then you know we'll put them somewhere else but there is none of tha here. So, i think two brother are ashes right? Right Easy Dig Up Yeah Vacuum Cleaner Get the claw machine! Just get them out, right? Oh wow. I didn't realize that At that point you're right Who cares Might as well just have a third one then It's not very crowded There is nothing else but asses Just put them in between If you are super religious Don' t ya think your God knows what is going on over here like your all-knowing God doesn't realize it like oh there's people in the plot i don' know also could they just be a let say Daniel wanted his lady next to him or his dude I think that is the case. They can just put another one there? Just have Neapolitan kind of spread, you know we got three people here now It's a party. More the merrier! Yeah, right? Bring your pineapples I find that concept of burial kind of weird anyways That is weird Unless you were in country like Portugal where people actually still go to the cemetery Right On religious basis There are lot Or just cultural Cultural That's a cultural thing, but not interfaith. It was just cultural things in this country You know my dad is buried somewhere he died almost 60 years ago I've been to his grave once Yeah Also My parents are in the mausoleum thing you know at the sliding drawers It's like a car catalogue. Yeah, I just went once First of all it is known to not be A very safe area so that is the other thing People shooting all over the street Dude in that mausoleum Look at that mausoleums get stabbed But its jus...I don't know Its amazing me people still gets buried It's amazing that the people still, yeah you're right like I don't know like. Do you think these people are aiming for some cash? A settlement we'll move these two dead brothers if you give us 20 Gs Doesn' t sound it to me Just sounds they want this people dug up They could have just done it and no one would ever know But wait a minute Dugup It's just a matter of taking off that lid and it saves you in little urn. Isn'that what we saw with your photo? No, no! If you look at the picture there is A stone on top Of their plot So they are buried I went to funeral about month ago And they had The remains The woman They also have remains her husband In another container who died couple years ago. They also had remains of their dog and all three of them were in these little containers and they just put it in this hole, filled the lid on And that was So they had to wait for the next person Unless The other two were already there I don't know That whole was air when I think that's more the case. But- Look at this picture, Thomas and Timothy look like they've well established their claim to this plot i think Daniel how he got here but seems like maybe he is that one needs too could be I don't know. Just saying like, i just think somebody should have compassion for the whoever's in a wrong should have compassion for the other family and say okay let us we'll find A spot under another tree or something you know No sure there is plenty of places available out there still pretty big area burial plot 1181 Yeah But they said that the city chose to honor Daniel's family ownership of the plot. The one Maybe he has a family member who is more vocal with her grievances Yeah, good thing That's usually how that works. Well, we'll see what happens like I mean just if they're cremated like literally how much space are they taking? They're in urns How is this an urrn He said he needed to sign They called the guys father or something They needed some paperwork so the city could dig up their son her sons earns and rebury them She refused then hung it off Well, I mean... how did you introduce the conversation? Did you say like hey i'm so and son. You dig up your Son or did you build into it That's part of the problem The caretaker called her an asked to come into cemetery but would not give any details That is how start out a conversation Are building horror movie Like come to the cemetery, no details. Come alone like what the hell? That's not cool so he didn't want provide details on foam but eventually relented and explained the burial mix up and that is when you said she needed science paperwork that is when said No it wasn' handled very well I feel like anyone can do anything if asked in right way this was not the right way. All right, we're losing glue we're gonna take a break all right um al of you who are big fans o Noah Cajon and his stick season song let me introduce yo to Trevor Robinson A true folk hero from Rockingham Vermont The song is The Last Payphone on Earth I let the distance crackle before i say you know,i'm sorry this time hello your old stomping grounds maybe not but in cotterd college campus is back on give this fucking thing away. So the person backed out of purchase, let'say the shady unknown purchaser backed out of their purchase right? Yeah we don't even know who they were or anything We don'y know anything about it It is 3 point 4 million for 200 acres and all The buildings and property seems like steel I does seem like a steel Well T he group that wants i cooperation Vermont They want to put affordable housing on and plus keep the buildings in use like the radio station and things like that so it's a win-win as far I'm concerned you know It is never gonna be college again i was surprised Mamet or Guzman didn't......I mean, couple of those guys? maybe Mamet doesn´t have much money than he does but Guzman doing alright The Goose Juice He has his own television show What show ? Wednesday Oh, it's not his own well but he is one of the stars of it you know so Yeah buts hes no Gomez Adams. He isn't THE star No But HE IS A STAR It' s NOT called Gomez I donno just figured like these dudes could 3 point 4 million a ton for us common folk couple these Hollywood B-listers you know? William...William H. Macy, Guzman Mehmet yeah he's got to throw in 1 point one change I don't know Cindy Lopper Cindy Lopper like she probably doing better than all of them well i guess the people that cooperation Vermont have the money it just the board trustees ignored them so there must be some bad blood or I wonder what it is. Are they going to be shamed if someone buys it and keeps It open in a way that like, why couldn't y'all do this? We did this pretty easily versus someone who comes And just boulders everything who's like we're gonna make From Monty Disney Land You know what mean Yeah They gotta head start on Because just looking at this picture, that's a very unique building. Of course we can't look up close to see how much decay and not having maintenance I mean even looking at the doors down on the bottom you can see well maybe it is rotted wood down there So i don' know where am going with this You are eyeballing rotten wood from here That Gloria How about We were walking down the street the other day when you noticed some rotten of somebody that we know their house right over here. Oh, yeah Yeah Sounds very I don't want to mention their name but I know it's not me because we have the same building, so but i feel fine. But...I hope someone cool comes in does something cool with this sounds like this group is a cool group sounds like the other group was they're just mysterious which always makes us feel shady This groups are locals yeah you know? The person charge runs what does she work You ever think about cracking open the piggy bank a little and saving the gutter? Yeah, when we spoke of it last time and how cheap it went for. And I was thinking damn you know that's not tha- Not that wish had known because would just put me in turmoil like really should I know, not with you know it's in back and forth so i'm glad didn't know about but yeah but have been on that campus and no at least dorm spaces like to see those got those buildings being torn down they're nothing walk out But these other ones are more historical the other the woman The board member from cooperation Vermont who spearheading this she is the general manager of the Marshfield Village store. So she's a local, not this mysterious who are they? You know what do they want to with it and nobody saying anything I will keep my eye on it see what happens but see if the price goes down 3 point is feels low man Yeah, it does. Because of land? It's... yeah well it is also because hard work and its out there in the middle of nothing for now I mean so For now that thing like You did a hard work or playing field Oh! Its' playing field Playing field Goddard isn't playing Yeah Why have been saying you said harding Yes So you said hardware But we're not No We are factual Yeah Were arenot sure but just wanted to make sur You know, it's because what is that land worth? What could somebody do with it. So if I'm in Goddard College and want to drive to the dead center of Montpelier how long does than take me 20 minutes Okay 15-20 minutes Yeah Fifteen twenty Now they have all those lights too Oh dude Spoken like a true person who lived over there All those lights could add an extra 45 seconds. Yeah, but it's not far right? I mean like you're not far from stuff Oh yeah! Yeah i can see that Somebody putting in a 80 unit housing or something Not even than much Because people would drive Although if you've ever driven on Route 2 out of Snowstorm We probably don't want to do that very much, yeah. Unless you're the custodial staff and that becomes tough Alright moving on Glow are you familiar with the 251 club I assume? No Matt are you familiar with 251 Club i assumed Of course You go every single country store Every town So I guess not every town has a country store. So do you get like, A little punch card or something? How does it work how to keep track of this just honor system which is bad things every time It's on the system yeah Okay i had the same question Well how did they prove And they say Its up To You Decide Ho Yo Find Your own Journey Every 251 Of these Towns and Township In Hamlets Or everything Whoever They all are But Th The The club itself expects you to spend money at every place. Patronize a local business Well, that's good There is not 251 breweries though What else are you gonna do and buy in? That what I'm saying if they all have breweries It would be like Oh East Hardwick They have brewery Okay i'll go check it out After the country store You can always find something To buy there but not You know, I mean really what you got to think that some of these towns don't have anything right? Yeah. Yeah so you can buy anything there but we're gonna knock on the door like a lot more What are the smallest towns in Vermont There'some that are not even towns, right? They're so small they're not even there. Forget what they call it is listed with Burlington Jesus sorry internet failing my guess is somewhere either Northeast kingdom or writing tha was ripped in Tunbridge area, there'some pretty small towns in that area. Mithosa-Matchia Somerset or Northeast Kingdom Glastonbury That is where near Bennington because that is where the people The Glasstonbury mountain There were Is where like 50 people have disappeared Right Yeah They claim it's haunted, so that is near Bennington. Averill Ferdinand Wow! Where is that? I want to make sure if still in Vermont Victory Oh yeah that one over there That the Northeast Kingdom That south east of St Johnsbury Granby Same thing Yeah Stratton Yeah, that's down in near Killington isn't it? Or Stratton. We're Stratten Mountain but that is near Route 7 No I don' think so Lemington Flemington Lemingtown Leamingtown Never heard of i Me neither These towns Got a lot work to do on the C-51 club That for sure Adamant not an app Hold on, it's a pretty small town. Or what about St George? Admin is not even on this list or St George at all I mean i don't even know what there Is other than the sign saying Welcome to st george Just you know another The next farm But if you look At the address of rocky ridge golf course It listed as saint georges You know admin has not come up On one these lists Bigger than we thought. No, I think it's just... It is part of Calais It must be somehow grouped in a way that We're not thinking Because if you look at the list Vermont towns fewer than 1000 residents And Adam is not on here Yeah there has got to Be another terminology for Well Man! The small town Just give me something To do Maidstone? That sounds cool sounding town. Oh, that's where the same sister used to live! Yeah that is up there in the Northeast Kingdom Is there a sword and rock I can pull out? It is right on the border of New Hampshire over There are like... how many people live here do they say Matt 208 This isn't super accurate Matts says Jacksonville Vermont I've never heard of a lot of these towns, and i've looked at that map A lot. You gotta go check out Jacksonville Vermont and figure out what's the scummiest thing we could do in Jacksonville Vermont It was also Brownington We were just talking about it Up there Northeast Kingdom by Newport That is the first African American teacher moved here I can't remember. See, Brownington is near the top of this list because it has so many people Twinkle something or what was that person's name? Twinkle Yeah That was some famous person The African American guy Don' want to say twinkle No You're not far off Alexander Twilight. His cousin, Bob Twinkle His friends called him twinkle Hey! Twinkle Alright moving on Speaking of small towns or I guess big town comparatively Fairfax Glow you'll be interested to know is turning into a giant garage sale this weekend So, Matt... Stay tired town. From 9 to 2 PM the entire town is becoming garbage city I probably should stay home It's all growth We're pet sitting anyway so we have Not a lot to do, but... So you don't want to go up and just rummage through A town's worth of people unwanted things? Sure. Normally I would say yeah But i know better Because even over here the south end Of Burlington had that It wasnt even Yard sale day Kinda thing And it was free from the start and I caught the tail end of it. And all of a sudden, everybody was following me because they turned around and there's like loads people just going through all this free stuff—I feel like Burlington is not gonna have as much good stuff As Fairfax If you get something that deep Like An extra layer Oh my mom just died and now I have like all this stuff. And they're too dumb to know what to do with it, so they're just going give it you? Your words not mine! No...I jus think that's where the real junk is The real good junk in Fairfax Well let go then Why am gonna leave You've talked me into telling its a good job Guys have good time Yeah, I'm not gonna go obviously because whatever but like i just feel like that's where if this is the first time they'really doing the whole city you get the first layer wave of putting it all out there even people who are on edge but now im ok and ill dig this stuff out holy shit a civil war rifle or whatever you know like all this Nazi stuff. And next year it'll be if they do it next year, It will pick through stuff Yeah yeah This is first year done Like that's gotta Be the first Year So If your listening and got a day to kill Go pick through all the uh Nazi memorabilia in Fairfax Um Rutland Is thinking about moving their library and their City Hall into the same building with their police office. Sounds reasonable? Doesn't it?! Well... A little weird! Yeah They have different doors Isn'it gonna be a little crowded in there if you're going to I guess they are not even bother bringing books, what's the point There is not many people in Rutland Library Well Yeah, that's probably going to be true on every library. I don't even know where it is or how big it... Well they want to build one They're looking at moving into the Asa Bloomer building Oh!I thought they were gonna go in the Rutland Civic Center They wanted create something called a Rutland Civic Center oh so its like one stop thing Library you goto I feel like the Rutland Civic Center is where, like The junkyard dog is fighting Hacksaw Jim Duggan Right? Right. A little wrasslin'...I don't know But it makes sense! You know...why have different buildings for everybody If you have enough space if you have enough parking for all these entities why not It's one of those things that sounds weird and then actually It makes a lot of sense. Just in maintenance, you know? You don't have to send the crew to three different places and get one I think City Hall and Police Station or City Hall & Library those both make sense naturally but if it's Library&Police Station people go like oh that sounds weird But if your kids are going into the library the safest place for them to be is next to the police station, right? I think. You also have cops come over and do... Searches They read a storybook every Thursday or something you know like Yeah Or just searches Backpack searches Scared straight Alright 8 year old give me that backpack Y'all ever seen man die from heroin overdose Uh yeah it'd cool Yeah, the library has been looking for a new home since 2009. What? So I am curious where is it currently It's like Gypsy walking on the streets with these... Where are they now?! The library is just like Gypsy walking in the streets of Berlin Want to book Anyone with a card gets to turn. They were gonna go to the College of St Joseph campus in 2020, but it fell apart That deal Where is the Rutland Library? Yeah The historic library building on Court Street built in 1880s To serve as courthouse and post office has 26,000 square feet split among several floors. Wow! The first floor is 23 thousand square feet Didn'this one just get an elevator or something? Did we jus talk about that I'm thinking of a different My name's Brandon Brandon Okay Anyways i don' t know l trust the mayor of Rutland to figure this out He seems like pretty even keeled dude The mayor of Rutland is one of our guys. We like him next week's Yeah, but so far he is fine It didn'take us long to shift on the new Burlington Mayor did it one week yet I'm still not a fan No All right moving On glow New tree New European tree technology Is being used in Montpelier Tree technology This is interesting, actually. So yeah... how? It's hard to explain maybe Matt tree expert can jump in but like so apparently the way that they do trees now trees have 20 square feet to work with but their growth is being stunted So they're trying to change it by adding layers of permeable fabric and stone and soil to create 200 square feet for each tree. You grow so that all sounds good, right? It's costing The Montpelier Tree Board contributed $18000 To plant two trees Wow! Two Amazing I'm just saying like that is a lot money but also I'm like, if i was a Montpelier citizen and be like how much are y'all spending per child? It says an estimated 4800 more expensive than typical tree planting. So that's added on but... That is alot! Yeah yeah How much..I mean feel like I could plant a tree for A lot cheaper. Like, watch YouTube videos Figure it out like Agia tree If you can do that Like i think there's dudes in Montpelier who know how to do this For Alot Cheaper Who could Do It well Oh of course You know Its$1000 Tree Yeah Exactly How big are the trees That they are paying for, yeah a $9000. Is it just two feet or is it you know 10 feet at least? Well I think these are the 200 square foot root systems they're trying to allow for sometimes the trees like that... Oh yeah It's not like fully grown tree Yeah but 9 thousand dollars Guess decades ago Dutch Elm disease wiped out the massive trees shading the city's downtown. That was the problem, all of all these trees were same So they decided now to build using Freeman maple and red oak that took root this year so they're not that big also more tolerant rolled salt and grow fast Tree experts say six Stockholm Trees are already sprouting faster than standard greenery They have 6 trees Yeah, they said that they have done six trees with this Stockholm method. Well it's good! I imagine it was kind of downtown Montpelier It was beautiful at one time with all those elm trees Probably There are always some old photos tha you see They're kind like crowning the street The canopy Seems... boy, we're in the wrong business.$9000 a tree just seems insane to me Well the ones I'm thinking that could possibly cost that much are the ones you see in big trucks and they have and you know they're coming with their enormous root ball which is so That pretty much being close not adult but much bigger than jus putting couple seeds into ground That's for sure They said this one was rooted last year So it can't be that big. No, but yeah That's what I was picturing when we first started talking about this was this big truck showing up with a big bulbous Thing on the end and throwing into ground but think its different Let buy Goddard College turn into tree farm Flipped his whole thing Who is gonna take care of books? Okay Don't worry about the trees. Books will take care of themselves! We'll find some little old lady who'l dazzle from us for a while She's been dazzling somewhere, we might have news reports Yeah she wil take 5% but that fine What are you baking into the cost of doing business? So anyway it is interesting that Montpelier is seeing this new technology so if you're strolling on streets in Montpelier and see a little sapling with 200 square feet of space you know what I'm saying? That's just how the Swedes do it. Like you said earlier, that is Europe doing it! Look let us look at how Europe does All right we're going up to Milton they got new Thai restaurant Hey...I don't have much say about this except for good for them like Milton needs something I will check this place out and then you looked interesting. Okay, some things i've never seen before like on a tight You know the usual but yeah III love that like One of my favorite things about Thai people is that their names are 8000 letters long And only one syllable This business partners Charlie Susskin Pie Boone and Witt Fakkakets. Yeah, when I read the story it says Adam's gonna take care of these names It just...I love their like all- All the letters If you meet someone from Thailand typically they're like They'll take three of them and be like Just call me that Like this guy is probably going to call Charlie Well Witt will probably jus call him wit But if they had different names Whatever whatever. They know, they know we have trouble with so many letters So it's all takeout right? Um yeah They have no dine in options It is all take out They hope to add a beer garden with an outdoor seating to restaurant creating A space for customers enjoy their meals and relax studying We think about it All the time And we'd love to build a nice sit-down restaurant out in the yard, maybe an Asian market. I haven't had beer joint... What's that Thai beer? Is it Tiger...? Oh uh.. what is it called with the elephant on top of this..? Never had Thai beers before Me neither Is it on the light side? Yeah, I mean it's like a Budweiser. It is not like super heavy thing Singha And never think about ordering beer and you know Vietnamese or Thai restaurant Oh really Yeah, you have a nice singha the spicy dish. You're sitting outside something pretty good day Not even in mexican restaurant I always order margarita me too Yeah those They'r all way too late That's why you need to throw lime in there because ther eis hardly any taste To begin with you probably wouldn't like these beers then oh Oh know that I mean, it's a given. Well at which one? Definitely patronize this place fairly soon Yeah Always like to try the new places Go up there and get some food one day And come home All right Matt Burlington police oversight Thank you Do this on here Yes It was something that wa s voted down in The last election But now there's a new version of it showing up that is going to be put on the ballot. A little bit of change, but you know I don't want To see the progressives... Listen i'm not big fan cops But l don'want them controlled by progressive with some board Why are progressive and democrats uniting to subvert the will of the people? If they were like, hey we want police oversight if the citizenry was like actually don't want that Well I mean it is different in a sense right now The only one who has anything with hiring and firing cops is Police Chief That's his say So they wanted another new charter change proposal more incidents that could result in suspension or firing will be reviewed by a city police commission and if they disagree with the chief's decision, the case would then go to an independent panel. So yeah let set up board just setup A panel Setup another board so when Burlington cop inevitably shoots some black kid for no reason who is actually responsible? Right now it is the police chief They want to make it so that goes before this board and if they disagree with whatever the police chief is, they send it to this panel. And who knows? The independent panel whoever thats They would have ability and experience in policing matters I don't know... Is there a big problem here at Burlington I don't know. It's always weird with Murad, but also like...I don' see the mayor in here anymore We have more problems with police in St Alvin than Burlington or some of these smaller towns where there are sheriffs who are you know rogue and they do not give a shit But yeah..i'm just afraid it is becoming very political and I think that's the last thing the police need. Like i said, im not a big fan of them but you know...I don't want to see some panelist comes down just becomes this hammer Im guessing they're not going have any power 3 months from now we'll be like oh! This board doesn' t have anything how can they do nothing? They come up with these ideas What was the one they had a couple of years ago about dogs? They were going to start up board about dog rules in this town. And they were looking for people to volunteer Half the city is anti-leash and half is leash I never heard anything like that afterwards Nope. Let'start a committee to start the panel Alright, we'll move on to something that all of us can agree about Creamies are delicious So Matt you put up this story here About how they're made How they had buy this stuff Yeah I never knew how they were You thought it was done by themselves But there is actually company Where isn't Kingdom Creamery in Vermont? Yeah, Kingdom Creamery in Vermont. East Hardwick Most of the Vermont creamy shops use base from Kingdom Creamry or Massachusetts hood according to the director food and safety So they're all same pretty much Well that's my question so if I go Palmer Lane an they have like a orange vanilla twist creamy If we got Massachusetts am gonna get exact same taste because they have the same base? I think it depends on what they put in it. Yeah, so In other words They may start out and maybe the same flavor but may not be The same You know what mean They started out being this Same base And how you doctor It up is Up to You and Maybe one person's better at doctoring that than Then yeah they all different like do One end of cookie love On route seven Same thing, same face? They order three of the Kingdom Creamery's bases. Chocolate maple and vanilla The last of which he uses for cookie loves homemade coffee flavor So hes doing all sorts stuff You know his putting coffee blah And the maple has to have a certain amount real maples To be called maples I just wonder what are they actually putting in there Thats my question and like what, I don't expect that they're putting in orange peels or something very natural. Like i'm sure it's a mix of something but like you know what mean? Yeah actually kind of disappointed because each and every one these shops came up with their own recipes start from scratch You get the cream you get the mint yeah well And then realizes They are really all same except may add little more maple syrup than other guy That is about Well, I would say like they're all starting with like dough. Right? Like everyone gets their dough from the same place but what do you mix in the dough You know that kind of thing They are all... Or they'd start with flour or something Like it's kinda how i rationalize my little The ice cream base combines milk wit at least 5% butterfat content Some ar more than that Yeah some were 14%. But they have to have these five For the maple flavor, they have to use real maple stuff like that so. I don't know... Palmer Lane still your number one? Yeah but i mean like They dont vary their flavors very much do they They change them every week, but actually before this story my wife and I went to and my son went Village Scoop yesterday. Was it opening day by chance? No Now i think they've just been open It's been hot And We got a couple of scoops Of like hard ice cream When was eating that This is actually cheaper Better More quantity They have good ice cream there So why would anyone go I was like, oh this is closer. Why are we going to Palmer Lane? We should come here! It was really good and yeah... Yeah we liked that place Like two fist-sized scoops for like four bucks Whoa Didn't go there on opening day last year or something where you got free ice cream Or ending day Ending Day Close ending And they were giving out free ice cream That's why it wasnt Wait a minute That right Were already past mid July Thats incredible I keep thinking we're still back in June somewhere, but years more than half over. Yes it is all we are is dusting the way But yeah so anyway was eating there and like as like a wonder what they must think they do their creamery but where did they get all this stuff What makes how Do They make sea salt caramel and Is that different than other places or Or are they just like, dumping in a mix from Mr. Ice Cream or something? Well that's why I think it is the latter and that really is disappointing And rather have each and every one of them You seem to be able to pick out your favorites But if they're all at the same base Now you're wondering What made me want one from Bristol over Jericho Yeah, and maybe my favorite is tinted by like the presentation or something else you know Like if I did like a blind taste test taste test Maybe i wouldn't actually pick the one that. That think it's my favorite exactly What your go-to ice cream? Um...I think Did like to see salt caramel that kind of thing Thinks thats mature man Are you talking flavor yeah Oh yeah, what about you? I don't know. Chocolate mint Chocolate mint?! Yeah No it's not common No! That is no common chocolate mint Yeah Mint chocolate chip Is that common Yeah Think so That is common Yeaaahh Alright It isn' t in my household This really good How about you Matt I like, was it maple? Walnut. Maple walnut But to be honest i've been disappointed at a few places that have that but and never order is the peppermint one with little candies in That's too much Oh!I don't like that one But like when you get, you're like I made a bad choice. Well my favorite ice cream we can't get that's licorice Oh well What do you want to go back 1945? Yeah! It is great Just gonna have make your own Hey all the kids got their favourite licorice ice cream And the boys won in war Hitler has been defeated Alright y'all ready for break The music is from from Underhill, Vermont. This is The Owl Stars with Hit'em for Me Sure thing, you better be saying goodbye Fare thee well I will tell What do you think? And we're back Alright it's time for America favorite segment where We run down the worst people all over Vermont The Ne'er-do wells Sots SOT Okay, I won't believe you. Matt? That's a wino Time for the Scumbag Map Scumbag map takes us to Brattleboro Police say man was shot by pellet gun while driving his vehicle in Brattleboro on Tuesdays He wa s just driving down Bird Street and some juvenile Shot with pelllet gun Wow Hold on, I lost a list so... That's fine. The driver was taken to Broward Hospital and later airlifted to hospital in Massachusetts for further treatment For pellet gun? To catch him in the eye?? Could be The pellet guns were seized by police and they say there is no danger Not anymore! There was before This little scumbag.. Junior Scumbag He's just aiming at moving cars? What a dick. That is the kind of guy that would gravitate to shooting something more like, you know... We don't have an age on this kid Do you think he is more in the 12 year old range or 17 year old range 14 I think it was fourteen Also, I'm assuming it's a male. Oh we don't know right? These days... Lot of angry juvenile women and girls down there you never know These crystals and ashes just run all over the place You never know Yeah So uh We'll see what happens with that but damn good luck to bro who got shot in the face It mean whatever as soon was ahead if he is his car like what else is exposed It's gotta be his face. Because it wouldn't go through a door No I don' think they could go through window He probably had his window down Yeah, he is probably cruising Probably got the arm out Got the arms out Has some good time tunes on A little radar love Having best day of life And POW! Some kid shoots him in head Not goo way to get out Speaking about Nazi not goo way for you An elusive fugitive was captured In Burlington This dude, if this dude was like your software salesman you'd be like I love this guy. He looks like an energetic fun guy and he's energetic i guess um people who police have called extremely dangerous after he eluded them several times has been caught they must hate this guys Extremely dangerous? Is it killing people Uh He tried...wasn't he, didn'y he try to run over a cop or something? Yeah. Yeah First dragged the Colchester cop with this stolen car Oh yeah Then Hit A car and fled Central Vermont Few days later It was seen everywhere And then led police on The multi county chase in This stolen truck So I He's not so close Your point like Like shooting at people Didn''t kill someone In like Bank robbery he's just kind of reckless when he wants to get away maybe I'm painting it too politely and you know we had that guy last year yeah who fled in whatever every mode transportation. That was kinda a hero, didn't seem like dangerous person this guy is dangerous i think this guys gets backed into the corner and make some bad decisions I feel like i'm this guy's attorney, look at this guy! This guy could be your best friend. He could Be your neighbor he could Selling stuff yeah this Guy and look At the sky Yeah II Feel Like You got a good smile Well Yeah Smile for The camera Yeah Obviously Here they Scumbag Rupert Do Is These gonna go to jail And I am sure The entire State Of vermont Law Enforcement is Fucking Finally We've Got this guy. So I'm sure he was probably happy they got him before he killed somebody? Oh, also He was embarrassing them all over the state Speaking of Vermont state troopers We have one stripped Of certification Which is hard to do It's hard Imagine it' s hard To get fired in Vermont If you're a member of the government or law enforcement, Zachary Gauthier from Wethersfield. His big crime? He pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor charges in January including violating an abuse prevention order false reports of law enforcement and violating conditions for release also he punched a family dog Well that is... And then lied about it You should be on the noose for that one. On the news or... Or a noose? Nouse, Noose Nope Which one I still don't know what you're saying but He should he should Should The Nighttime News Or He Should Hanging From News New Se The Ladder Okay Well good That's kind of what Thought You Meant Sounds Like It Had Uh Little Violence Problem So Authorities Said he punched a family dog and then lied about it in court. How do they Is it the dog's word against like, It was like obviously terrible situation but is the dogs sitting next to him? Did this man punch you did you provoke him I mean what What? It's just the dogs. This guy is obviously a scumbag He probably didn't lie about punching his wife, but The dog Okay so let us try to break this down He violated an abuse prevention order Which means Probably what don' go near your partner False reports To law enforcement So he is saying Maybe she doing something That him That not true I mean And then violating conditions of release. So again, we're letting you go just don't go near this one person Yeah and these little boys who think they're men and they You know they are just abusive And if you start abusing the family dog Your in big trouble Especially if Hanging Judge Gloria is on his case It's not even like his girlfriend dog or whatever It's the family dog, like did this guy grow up with this dog and now he is going to punch it? I can't imagine punching any dog let alone a Dog that like i've spent anytime with Like on the couch Like right This guys watched football game with his Dogs Well He gonna punch Is That fucked Up How big This His Does We don Don Know Yeah Could be A little tiny Dogs Could Be Big dogs Yeah Probably wouldn do To A big dog like a bunch of PETA or Fartwild. No, because this dude is the real bitch All right we got burly suspect burglary suspects caught on camera at Vermont State Park They out here stealing in Waterbury police say pair burgers were caught on camera At Arranger station two men broke into the station and left with us safe What are you going to get at a ranger station in the middle of Waterbury? Maybe 200 something dollars. And to carry that thing out and then happen To open it, unless your safe cracker Who the hell is safe cracker these days I mean is there such thing as A safe cracker these days These guys probably have guns Yeah, they say one of the men involved has visible possibly identifying tattoo and they also have DNA So they're not that These guys are not really Forward-looking You know They're stealing something than probably doesn't have a lot money in it DNA these guys aren at bar like Make our big our big get and then we go on to next thing. We can leave this life behind What do you want to hit, man? The Waterbury State Park safe. I'll leave my DNA all over the place and don't forget to show your really nice tattoos! Hey if you have forearm tattoos make sure wear a short-sleeved shirt Done man Geniuses Yeah Awesome Alright we got couple of lady crimes Glo We dont get ladies in scumbag mount but ladiess can also be scum bags No kidding As well know. This is a woman accused of assaulting, robbing two seniors appears in court on Church Street during the day time He said 97 year old man was walking on church street and gave $20 to this woman after she asked for help not long after she approached him again he was using the walker She grabbed that wallet out his pocket Oh boy He begged for his wallet back after she ran off saying there was no money in it. She did bring it back, then she reached into his other pocket and took the actual cash out of and walked away." Nice! So here he is helping someone... Imagine this guy just slowly moving and he's like, this woman is gross. She is essentially The Flash with how fat she has and she just zipping around him grabbing stuff out of his pocket He was like helpless A few days later police say Phillips approached a 72-year old man on Church Street ATM He wasn't knocked to the ground when shes taking that money She took that money ran eventually rushed in Winooski Yeah They let her go On the... And just told her she couldn't go back to Church Street. Oh right, that's gonna do it Well no she was arrested on Church Street later that day Yeah exactly Cool She seems like a great person To be jus chillin' around Church Streets You got as history of mental ill health issue What? Really Yeah, I'm sure she's not feeling any more mentally un-ill or ill or more desperate at this moment after that just went down. So good for her! Let see what happens... Letter to Luce Give it the old Sarah George Alright Police tried identify a woman involved in an SUV theft and break ends St Albans Police are seeking the public help for identifying woman they say was involved in string of car break ins How many make a string? Three, four. What's the string- I would say three Yeah two is just Two Yeah two is trist Threes the string Twos fling Fenton County Sheriff Office released A photo of woman they say was involved in Stealing Ford Explorer And breaking into ten vehicles On Route 11 Jeez Crowd Steal over $5000 dollars In items There are only 500 bucks Of vehicle actually It isn'that crazy That's actually a lot. I don't keep $500 worth of stuff in my car, do you? No not anymore Oh yeah that right! There is this new Kia theft thing There is what A new KIA They are stealing Kias again Let them steal all the kias on the land If you're listening to this and you think about stealing a car, can I recommend the Kia? Steal the Kia! Apparently it's easy. No Yeah no But it is just before they graduate into their next one Um...I don't know like 500 bucks It' s laptop A couple pairs of sunglasses You know what mean Not that crazy It's a cell phone, you know? I don't know why anybody would keep A laptop in their car. Yeah...I also agree with you But there are people who leave their cars running When they go inside to like Go into the gas station No that is crazy People do it all of time What great way To steal cars Filled and then able You should have got full tank We hit road Yeah, it was that woman from Meals on Wheels who got her car stolen. Oh when was that? A couple weeks ago I think we talked about in a week or two but have no idea don't remember stuff so they go this woman good for her good for them not good For he No They're looking Or didn' get Her now there as try to help him er and they've pretty Good picture over yeah That's This is from Unless she's not from around here, somebody will know her. I'm going to say this is from today so they'll get her and last story My favorite story of the week St Johnsbury man went into the Berlin mall And lost his mother loving mind He filled a shopping cart full with stuff and ran out he pulled up supermarket sweep Did you grab some turkeys? I wish we had video of him like, first of all did he run out? Did you walk out calmly. Like what's in the cart Was obviously suspicious was a grossly homeless person wearing ragged clothing and smelling like day old feces or is this just regular dude No, I saw this reported somewhere else. And a picture of him in handcuffs in the car and he just looked like an homeless person with his big shopping cart full of stuff Is it necessary stuff? Like toothbrushes... Yeah! Not toothbrush Stuff that could sell Oh okay not for us He's not working to fill out his tent. It's not dove soap, a couple of things with flaws some tooth maids stuff he can readily sell Okay so like electronics Right right So he ran from coals with the shopping cart full stolen items causing cars to swerve This guy was like once I hit t He was like i'm free Well they were chasing him out o this door Yeah And tried To flee from officers when hwas taken into custody So, you know what? You never get that. Another poorly planned escape Yeah I mean i think one thing we've seen with the crimes today They're not really thought out That well It's almost like The people committing the crimes are both uneducated and extremely desperate Right Yeah That makes for a very dangerous crowd Does But luckily this guy did not have Or if he had a weapon, he chose not to use it. So... He was the guy that just went into store and saw chance and took it! And you know what's that big deal? Is gonna go jail To get fed I know but like But If this dude is like Agent Yes This guy was homeless Now as his homeless agent Hey man You're going do pretty dumb thing but let's do it as smart as possible. Let get you cleaned up a little bit, let go in there one time we're gonna steal your shirt You can steal the shirts easily walk out no one is going to notice No ones gonna care Come our and put on that shirts nice buttoned-up Now your gonna got in there A little cleaned of Your just putting some stuff into cart And your jus walking calm Calmly Just like every heist movie Gotta act like u done before Act likyou belong Yeah Yeah, I mean that's just. And don't steal everything and when they look at you dont run like jus be cool bro yeah never works out tha way They're not geniuses They're no criminal masterminds and they probably dont talk it out with their friends beforehand They are probably just like Fuck i'm doing this Like who knows maybe he is a drug addict or mabe hes hungry I mean, there's all kinds of reasons why he might do something so impetuous. Yeah and he is not in it for the money He is into feeding a habit or something Or mentally ill Either one It almost to that point where we should be cheering these non-violent crimes Like you know could have been worse You're not really harming anyone stealing from Coles I don'think like yeah, rather you steal from Kohl's and steal these other people SUVs Is that the classiest store we have at this point? Kohls Yeah If it is Yeah really i think the only thing left in our mall JC Penney and Kohl are the last two left. This guy was Berlin I know. And Berlin, it's a mall that the stairs are only one side and the other side is glass so its like half of the mall Anyway yeah thats what you can see Kohl´S being top notch in Berlin Especially Wal-Mart down at one end then another No Macyís You don't want to steal from Walmart, the people who work at Walmart might be more dangerous than police. They can move very quickly though I bet Why is that Gloria? Alright let'stop it for now because we are marrying good people at Walmart Are you ready get out of here Peace! Bye will be blown out of its orbit. This, of course is a situation we hope that suddenly becomes the reality however only the president will have access to this button This button is THE MOST DANGEROUS BUTTON IN ZE WORLD You mean THIS button?[created using whisperjav 0.7]