Better Together hosted by Sisterhood

BTS 02: Bishop David & Pastor Kathie Thomas

Toni Lagaras Season 1

We loved connecting with Bishop David and Pastor Kathie Thomas, our spiritual Dad and Mom. We talk about all the things (well maybe not ALL the things - this podcast Is only 30 minutes long). "We've found since we were birthed in a move of God, birthed in revival, we've never been able to be satisfied with just plain church." 

They have so much to share. They've been the leaders of Victory Christian Center for over 40 years (we're one church with eight locations) and they've been married for 48 years, there's so much wisdom packed into these 44 minutes. They share about things like giving God your yes and what that looks like, marriage, endurance, and what to do when you feel isolated. They open up about when they wanted to quit and what made them stay. 

There are so many nuggets of hope and encouragement In this podcast and we just know it will strengthen your faith while making you laugh and cry all at the same time. Get ready to love them as much as we do! #wearebettertogether