The 1926 Podcast
Gifted by area businessman Henry Stambaugh, the doors to Stambaugh Auditorium opened in 1926 to become a place of enjoyment, entertainment, and education for the people of Youngstown and surrounding areas.These are the stories, performances, and conversations of artists and supporters of this historic landmark, this is the 1926 podcast.
The 1926 Podcast
Respecting the Violin, Music Theory, and Peter and the Wolf
Stambaugh Auditorium
Dr. Kivie Cahn-Lipman of the YSU Dana School of Music joins the podcast to discuss his journey of selecting an instrument, Music Theory, and the upcoming Dana Ensemble Children's Concert on May 1, 2022!
Tickets for the Children's Concert: https://www.stambaughauditorium.com/events/ysu-dana-ensemble-childrens-concert/
Acronym on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5fgMr6BLlqxwR4SxhmUlg8
Makaris on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1WgHjfTzbqHMrNWabkjwTi/discography
Le Strange Viols: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2LX7OjmbEMMPhJQZMm6K6K/discography/all