Pushing the Limits: Freedom of Expression, Pandemic Debates, and Daily Life Chaos

June 19, 2023 3dimesreviews Episode 32
Pushing the Limits: Freedom of Expression, Pandemic Debates, and Daily Life Chaos
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Pushing the Limits: Freedom of Expression, Pandemic Debates, and Daily Life Chaos
Jun 19, 2023 Episode 32
Ever wondered how far you could push the limits of freedom of expression on the internet and still get away with it? Today's episode tackles this intriguing question and explores the potential loopholes that might emerge as the digital landscape changes. Brace yourselves for an entertaining and thought-provoking ride as we dive into random topics and tangents!

Join us as we chat about Tony's physical transformation, shoe storage chaos, and our obsession with clean socks. Discover the art of wearing fresh socks daily and why it might be necessary to buy a new pair every time you come home. Laugh along with us as we share Tony's hilarious story of forgetting his car keys and the importance of routines in our daily lives.

As we navigate through these amusing discussions, we also touch on the impact of the pandemic on society, personal choice, and freedom of expression. We explore how people are choosing to stay connected via the internet and the ongoing debate surrounding masks and social distancing measures. Don't miss out on this engaging episode packed with laughs and valuable insights!
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Ever wondered how far you could push the limits of freedom of expression on the internet and still get away with it? Today's episode tackles this intriguing question and explores the potential loopholes that might emerge as the digital landscape changes. Brace yourselves for an entertaining and thought-provoking ride as we dive into random topics and tangents!

Join us as we chat about Tony's physical transformation, shoe storage chaos, and our obsession with clean socks. Discover the art of wearing fresh socks daily and why it might be necessary to buy a new pair every time you come home. Laugh along with us as we share Tony's hilarious story of forgetting his car keys and the importance of routines in our daily lives.

As we navigate through these amusing discussions, we also touch on the impact of the pandemic on society, personal choice, and freedom of expression. We explore how people are choosing to stay connected via the internet and the ongoing debate surrounding masks and social distancing measures. Don't miss out on this engaging episode packed with laughs and valuable insights!
Speaker 1:

I don't know. That's the thing we have to ponder. Having a bunch of gang members make me air tight until I die. I think I'd rather be trapped in a car Not ideal, no.

Speaker 3:

You don't want that, i don't know.

Speaker 1:

You don't want that, tony, that's why I don't do stuff that'll get me put in jail.

Speaker 3:

What do you consider doing that? That's the main fear. See all the fear.

Speaker 2:

The whole dare program could have just been like look Tony, get caught doing this shit, this crime and drugs thing. You're going to get made airtight by gang members in jail until you die.

Speaker 1:

That's why I won't do drugs. That's somehow I won't do anything that'll get me put in jail.

Speaker 2:

One hit of the pots is going to make you turn into Yeah. Everybody knows We're doing 10 minutes of back behind the scenes.

Speaker 3:

shit, everybody knows, i'm just going to let it go. I hit live when I feel like it.

Speaker 1:

Pot is a gateway drug. It's a gateway to Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 2:

To no airtightness.

Speaker 3:

Why is this chair more flexible than usual?

Speaker 2:

Maybe you're getting taller.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's because you put you know back when you were thin. You didn't have the weight behind you to push it back. Dude, i get, and now that you're getting chunky, I think you're getting 10 pounds for sure, i think you're getting taller.

Speaker 3:

You think I look fatter than I did. Really You guys do. I don't think you look fatter.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know that you looked fatter before. Look at those titties I've been dropping the elbows, Stop it you're making me hard. I've been dropping the elbows. I'm on a new belt loop and the work belt. Look at it.

Speaker 3:

look at it, There's some def. Is there a def? I just need to do some of that fat A def I don't know, def, what were you just?

Speaker 1:

were you having a seizure?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

He's, he is crunching all muscles. This is turned into a from a went from taking You. Fuck so hard You fired it.

Speaker 3:

It's cool.

Speaker 2:

That could dimes dad bods.

Speaker 3:

Dimes, dad, moms. Let's all start the show with their shirts off.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we could do a shirtless show. I bet we'd get views.

Speaker 3:

We just did it.

Speaker 2:

Like didn't even say anything about it, just one, one time we go live.

Speaker 3:

Nothing, everything is totally normal.

Speaker 2:

No one says anything. No one says anything.

Speaker 3:

How do you feel today, tony Great, i'm a little cold, but no, I was in that I'm doing spectacular.

Speaker 2:

We'd have to do it in the summer, when it's like 99,000 degrees in here, like it's been.

Speaker 3:

I think we should do that. I think it's a good idea. You know, what we should do, too, is have little little stickers in our nipples Not to let too much skin Tastle pasties, something that makes us not get kicked off. Count me in I don't think we can show our nipples.

Speaker 1:

No, I think guys can.

Speaker 3:

Yours maybe not, cause you really have definition in your boobies.

Speaker 1:

I think I could get away with it. It all depends on what I identify as.

Speaker 2:

This is true. It is your choice. It's your choice If it's offensive for the internet or not do you think?

Speaker 1:

do you think that there's a tick tocker, like some broad with some really nice fake tits, that tries going topless and identifying as a man?

Speaker 3:

Ooh, that's a good question To boost your angle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's an interesting angle.

Speaker 3:

I mean, i don't think you can get around that loophole, but that is.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how you couldn't. I don't know why you couldn't Why.

Speaker 3:

I don't know why you couldn't, and this time of age.

Speaker 2:

I think it would be fucking offensive If they didn't let you get away with it, it would be the most unwalk thing of the century. Of course, only if they them were choosing.

Speaker 1:

No, it would be she him Not choosing.

Speaker 2:

but she became that, not for the videos or the likes, but because that's how they she him was most comfortable.

Speaker 3:

He, him would have to have something posted the whole time with the shirt off saying I am a man. Why? Because you're you don't have to.

Speaker 2:

We're there, you're a man too, and you don't have to do that I just. I don't know what the rule is on that one. What would be?

Speaker 3:

you would you think of the weirdest shit, but they make sense. That's a good one, because Dude did my shit, just leak.

Speaker 1:

You're what Did you pre-jack?

Speaker 2:

He was taking his shirt off.

Speaker 1:

Did you just try to suck the cum out of your sweatpants? Get some of your soda Some wee bit, don't rub your cum on my soda cup.

Speaker 3:

No, this is how you get rid of stains. You white soda.

Speaker 2:

You're gotta be. Now it's seltzer water. Is it soda or seltzer? I mean, isn't that kind of the same thing? I'm just clear Soda, soda water and sugar. You just rubbed on your pants. Yeah, I know. I think he had some brandy in there too. I can't see the stain. Yeah, because your whole ride's right now. Now you full cummed, not just pre-combed in your own pants.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it feels kind of refreshing a little bit. You are the MacGyver of laundry. I'll guarantee you guys, in about 25 minutes from now you won't see that little circle, that I had there.

Speaker 2:

It was only water before.

Speaker 3:

No, it was oil from my smoke in my pocket.

Speaker 2:

You think you dissolved all of the oil.

Speaker 3:

I smelled it. It smelled like this You dissolved them all.

Speaker 1:

I tasted it. It tasted salty.

Speaker 3:

Well, we'll see in 15, 20 minutes, that's all God knows are your good sweats. No, these are the ones I do enjoy wearing And I don't want to do that.

Speaker 2:

That's like my top two thirds of the pile Top third of the pile.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this goes on top of the pile. This is the the cherry.

Speaker 1:

They are in heavy rotation.

Speaker 3:

Dude, you know, i just can't put shit away, okay.

Speaker 2:

I don't like Tracy. Did you put my good pants at the bottom?

Speaker 3:

of the pile again. Do I have to really jump in there? Do I have to really dig through this shit, God?

Speaker 1:

my old CDs been going crazy lately Oh man, i got none of that dude, i got none of that.

Speaker 3:

You don't have a need I needed.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I forced. I don't care about routines.

Speaker 3:

She just gave me some of your mind and just throw it at me and just like, maybe it's not always grass is greener man.

Speaker 2:

Why, i don't know. Do you ever forget to say your alarm, do you?

Speaker 3:

ever forget to say your alarm, jay. It's always on, though. See fucking all CDs. Yeah, but I get snoozed, do you ever? Okay, do you want?

Speaker 2:

to know what I did to this fucking recently, this morning, who's? this morning I woke up and I'm like hold on, hit life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's get live.

Speaker 2:

Let's get going. This is silly. So I wake up this morning and I'm leaving the house and I can't find my keys. It's not going to go live for three minutes and 22 seconds.

Speaker 3:

No, it is live, they can hear it.

Speaker 2:

I can stop it. Oh, you just don't want to turn off the timer. It doesn't matter. There you go, boom.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you've never had this happen. Boom Jay on tech.

Speaker 2:

You with your OCD's Ness, had never had this happen. I bet I was working on the car yesterday. I woke up this morning looking for my keys. So I'm like God damn, can't find the key. Okay, where's the spare key? She goes in her purse, gives me the spare key. I go outside to put something in the trunk maybe, or unlock the doors, put the car seat in. That's what it was. The doors won't unlock. I'm like shit, i must have left the light on or something. The car battery is dead. So I go into the car to go to try to start it and stick my key in And then, guess what? I left the key in the car. I left my key in the car overnight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i rarely take my keys out of my car.

Speaker 2:

Well, right, Okay. So if you didn't have it in the car then you'd be like, what the fuck? I'm saying for those of you at home just tuning in live on Facebook and YouTube. We were talking about Tony's said his obsessive compulsive is going crazy, And I say that I have like none of those features of obsessive, compulsive.

Speaker 3:

I don't, i really don't believe that because you care, on a notebook There's nothing in it Like a fucking crazy person And he races like that goddamn movie.

Speaker 1:

Memento dude, it's gone.

Speaker 2:

Super crazy I write in fucking of disappearing in.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't matter. I feel like there's some obsessive, obsessive, compulsive in you somewhere.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing in this It has to be let out.

Speaker 3:

I think you might like women menopause. You might have to wait 10 years.

Speaker 2:

Wait until I'm in the midlife crisis. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so my obsessive compulsive disorder. It's just, and I know, to somebody who has actual old CD, this is fucking nothing. But so last week, last Thursday, i hurt my back.

Speaker 2:

That's something that always happens, and it's not.

Speaker 1:

It's not like there's a muscle pulled. It's getting better every day. It's not the end of the world, it's. It's no big deal.

Speaker 3:

But do you ever get it where you move a certain weight and just a huge shock.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, roll over in bed.

Speaker 1:

So so anytime roll over in bed, any anytime this muscle gets stretched out, i get a spasm. So oh yeah, that was a worse. Picking up things off the floor are difficult unless I get down on my knees to do it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you're used to that though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. I lay floors for a living. I spend most of my adult life on my knees.

Speaker 3:

So what are we picking up? So off the floor. That causes spasm in your back.

Speaker 1:

So I had a lot of things going on this weekend and over the last four, four and a half days I've worn probably five different pairs of shoes for different things I was doing. Wait, hmm, you have you actually do things in your house with, i have like paying someone to do it 25 different pairs of shoes.

Speaker 3:

You cut your own grass.

Speaker 1:

Hell no.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so that's out of there Do you clean your own house. No, that's out of there. Do you do any landscaping?

Speaker 2:

Don't you do a lot of these things barefoot.

Speaker 1:

No, I do almost nothing barefoot.

Speaker 2:

That's a bad life choice.

Speaker 1:

So you know, i get home from work, i kick off my work shoes, i put on. I got a pair of slides, i put on my slides.

Speaker 2:

You're wearing shoes in the house, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I like how calm. I like how calm slides. What do you call them? I'm not slides sandals flippers.

Speaker 2:

Well, the only flippers, handles. I said flip, so you were in sandals in the house where it's slides sandals in the house, the Adidas ones with the little lobbies. Yeah, jesus Christ, you're poor feet man.

Speaker 1:

So then, then I leave.

Speaker 2:

You don't ever walk out in the lawn with no shoes on Not usually. I've got to go. What is wrong with you?

Speaker 3:

No, I can't. I can't walk on grass barefoot.

Speaker 2:

What is wrong with you? Freaks me out.

Speaker 3:

I'm out Freaks me out, especially crabgrass as the word. finally, that freaks me out. I don't like. I don't like being barefoot and grass Jesus you guys, you get me, i don't mind being barefoot anywhere.

Speaker 1:

The thing is is I got these like four little metal slivers in the bottom of my feet that were in there for like five years and I couldn't get them out till finally, one day I used a fucking toenail clipper and shredded your foot open and yeah, I basically cut big divots in the bottom of my foot to fucking make them way better than you know?

Speaker 2:

And why don't you have one of your Korean lady lit?

Speaker 1:

Nobody can get them out. They try to do the little much. They don't have one of those things.

Speaker 2:

It's like a magnifying glass. They were embedded.

Speaker 1:

They were embedded so far, these like little metal shavings, and I could feel that they were like infected in there for fucking like two years and I could not get them out. So I pick and choose where I go barefoot now. But you know, then Friday we we went to the camper So I put on my my camper shoes The ones that I don't give a fuck if they get all dirty and shitty at the camper. But then it rained all night on Friday and Saturday so them shoes got soaked So I had to wear different shoes. So I just I've been.

Speaker 1:

And then we went out all these problems. We went out Saturday night and seen a comedian and went to a nice dinner, so I put on like nicer shoes for that. And then yesterday we went to a really nice brunch for Mother's Day and spent the day by my mom. So I wore dress shoes yesterday. So I've been through a whole bunch of shoes, all right. So I have these little shoe stacking contraptions from IKEA, where you put your shoe down and this thing sits over the top of it and it holds the other shoe on top of it. It's kind of a space saver. You know what stacks them up like a, like a, instead of putting two shoes next to each other. One goes inside of it and one goes on top of it.

Speaker 2:

So, now that you got one of these, where do you put your CD spindle with 360 CDs? It's still in there Same spot.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They're right next to each other. Yeah That, it's wall mounted. So you're telling me, this thing has like a bunch of pieces of wood and you just put shoes in there and then the piece of wood and then you put shoes in there and then she put no. there It's hard to explain them Finlandians, man, they know their shit.

Speaker 1:

They're pretty fucking awesome and you could get a lot of shoes in a small space because go up and not out. Okay. So with my back fucked up, I haven't been able to like put them away. I'm like I'll just wait till next week My back will be feeling better. It won't be a big deal. I don't kind of crawl around in my closet like fucking idiot, But I can't stand looking in your own closet. No one else is gonna see five or six pairs of shoes.

Speaker 2:

I'm already mentally justified leaving it. It's only you that knows it's there and you still can't let it go.

Speaker 1:

It's driving me fucking nuts. I thought about it.

Speaker 2:

Why don't you have your kid 20 times away for you then, like a kid dad doesn't want to bend over.

Speaker 1:

put my fucking shoes away because I've been teaching my kid. He's got to do the shit for himself, and I lead by example.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

I can't make him put away all his shit and then be like Hey, get in here and put away my shit.

Speaker 2:

It's different now. You turn it into an auxiliary learning.

Speaker 1:

Are you kidding me? I don't let my kid know I'm hurt.

Speaker 2:

One day.

Speaker 1:

He's going to jump on me like a lion on a gazelle And I don't want him to know when I'm weak. I hope he does it when I'm playing fucking weak and I beat his ass. Okay, all right.

Speaker 3:

So what I do is when I come to the house, i just kick my shoes off into a cubby, and when I need those shoes again, i just grab a mother cubby.

Speaker 2:

We have a horrendous basket of shoes is horrendous.

Speaker 1:

It's in the white cabinet. It's horrible.

Speaker 3:

You open?

Speaker 2:

the door and it's just fucking shoes stacked up and I go in there, get shoes. 45 shoes came out. Push them all back in there.

Speaker 3:

So we're like every morning.

Speaker 2:

Every morning the kid puts on one shoe, goes dad, can you help me find my other shoe? And I said, no, you're gonna have to do it.

Speaker 3:

How do you live?

Speaker 2:

like that. It's the polish shoes.

Speaker 3:

I mean that makes sense because I don't waste time putting shoes away to polish shoes to find another fucking shoe. But I do put my shoes away in a way where I can grab the second one. I don't have to just walk out the house with just one shoe, And I've done that before I don't have a bunch of shoes. I have the round to get the mail.

Speaker 1:

Of course I mean who doesn't just one timberland and one slipper.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand how you have so many different shoe options and you don't choose bare shoe as like because we all have is the ultimate option. They don't get wet.

Speaker 1:

They don't do shit barefoot and a walk.

Speaker 3:

I told you about socks many times before. I'd never take my socks outside the house. That ruins the socks. If I take my socks, I wear them outside the house.

Speaker 2:

So do you slip into a nice new pair of socks every time you come home? Usually, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I don't buy that I have. You should see the sock collection I have. It's pretty outrageous. I have one entire dresser full with socks and then I have like the bottom one where I haven't touched yet And I got like I mean a shopping store.

Speaker 2:

How often do you go to the store to buy socks?

Speaker 3:

Well, every time we go to the store, i'll get a pair of socks that I like. Usually, i always like at least one pair of six. I'll say I need this Puma usually, but yeah, I'll do it.

Speaker 2:

How much does a pair of socks cost? Like six bucks.

Speaker 3:

Not that bad.

Speaker 2:

Six bucks for a pair 50 cents a pair. Yeah right.

Speaker 3:

Dude, that's not true at all. Okay, fine, a dollar a pair.

Speaker 2:

Whatever They're, not even a dollar, i'm fine with that.

Speaker 3:

I'm fine with that.

Speaker 2:

You know you got a problem when you're trying to justify it down to half a dollar.

Speaker 3:

I go to someone's house, They want me to take my shoes off because they don't want to walk me walking in the house with shoes on And I take my socks off. They're like wow, or our shoes off. They're like wow, you got some nice looking socks. They're fucking clean, No holes. The fucking bottoms of the fucking shiny.

Speaker 2:

How often are you going to people's houses?

Speaker 3:

Estimates- This one last desk by winning the guys like he's handing me these little buns to put on my shoes. I tell them don't worry, i got fucking new socks I wore today just for you. Take my shoes off, walk through the house, fucking, slide around with new fucking socks I had boobies for you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I would have said, sir, no. thank you on your estimate.

Speaker 1:

No, thank you. Shoe booty guy.

Speaker 2:

No, thank you, i don't want to deal with you on all my work shoes. That's a cancel right there.

Speaker 3:

He's asking for an estimate price. I have to tie a knot Yeah.

Speaker 1:

See never have to tie, i never have to tie them. Every house I walk into for an estimate. No matter, no matter how fucking crack house it is The first thing I do like. There's houses I walk into and I take my shoes off and I can just see the shit on their kitchen floor Like these socks are going to be sticky when I'm done with this estimate, so you fuck your socks off.

Speaker 3:

Why do you have to take your shoes off?

Speaker 1:

because it's showing them that when they hire my company, you're going to do whatever you can do their house.

Speaker 3:

You can do whatever you can do to maintain their clad, whatever they have left, whatever the house is.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so I don't tie any of my work shoes And I always, i always, have on relatively nice, clean socks, like the one time you're going to need to get away though. You're like I buy. I buy my new socks not based on how they fit me, but based on how they look. If they're starting like, if they get washed with blue jeans and they start getting that little like blue hue to them from like other calls bleeding into them, They're done.

Speaker 2:

You got fuck with them anymore. You got to throw them away.

Speaker 1:

I got to have on like nice looking socks because I take off. You got to get over 500 estimates a year for my business in people's houses Like I can't go in there looking fucking.

Speaker 3:

He has a box of estimate. socks, tony, i've seen them. They're called my Monday through Fridays, okay, he knew he replenished those things every single month He has to have a new pair of socks My favorite is when I go with these like little builders and stuff.

Speaker 1:

They have what's called contract or walkthroughs and that's where they have every trade that's going to be involved in a job. Come to the job site at once before they get the job to look at it so we can all accurately bid it right in there. Well, it's funny when you see like the plumber and the electrician and HVAC guy and the fucking mini blinds guy and everybody comes to this fucking place at once and you see them all like fucking sitting there, fat asses, in the lobby trying to untie these big ass, big ass leather work boots they got on and I swear to God how many times I see dudes pull these fucking big, humongous boots off and they like have a whole tall sticking out of them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, i would imagine most of those people aren't involved in the actual decision making as far as if they're doing the job. This is after the job is sealed.

Speaker 3:

No, no, this is this is got to be this is pre sealed job. This has got to be the professional. This has got to be the man man of the man. This has got to be the guy that's getting the job, the one that comes there to do that. That's the professional.

Speaker 1:

If I'm a consumer, i'm like I'm not hiring this plumber to make sure my faucets don't leak when he can't even wear socks without holes in them.

Speaker 3:

Well, that too. But if you go into an estimate, you walk in there, you're talking dumb, you're looking scrubby, you're not going to get the job, especially if you're trying to get it for more than what the other six days they've already gotten.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i've been in. Two times in my life. I've been on an estimate and for some, some reason or another and it's only one thing I take off my socks in their house and throw them in their garbage and then put my shoes back on. With no socks, they go on for the rest of my day.

Speaker 3:

That is. That's disrespectful to both showing them that their house is full of shit.

Speaker 1:

Both times I was walking through these houses and I stepped in their fucking dogs. Piss in my socks, you like in carpet, and then it just turns into a fucking stamper of piss of me walking through the house. You So, yeah, i had to throw them away. Would you in their?

Speaker 3:

house, would you ever? I mean, there's been times where I've not wearing socks with shoes that regularly, but I have what you, i can't do that. How would you feel if someone came into your house with an estimate and didn't have any socks? Yeah, like Chris said, bare, bare, feeding bare foot in Well.

Speaker 1:

I would assume that was intentional and I I my head wouldn't go to. They. Didn't have laundry done, my head would immediately go to all this person's crazy. These shoes might be so awesome. Sox might fuck them up.

Speaker 3:

That's what you'd invent. dude A shoe with built in socks.

Speaker 2:

That'd be they are, they are lined with a sock.

Speaker 3:

Wait, dude, again. Ventriloquist time They Chris ventriloquist time.

Speaker 2:

I can't do it again today. I can't. Oh, why did my, why did my box off, fuck?

Speaker 3:

Why did only do it for you, like it was doing it for me a couple of times?

Speaker 2:

I don't know what to tell you about that.

Speaker 3:

All right, let's get off this sock topic, because you know what I'm just make. it's making me anxious.

Speaker 2:

So I got another letter in the mail. guys, jay, you need to know about this. I can't show you your frozen.

Speaker 3:

You're still frozen. Give it to me.

Speaker 2:

This is a letter that has come in the mail and yes, don't show, i just doesn't fucking wait, which one Mine in the middle. I guess it's okay to cover it up.

Speaker 3:

No nobody knows, no one saw it. I asked you to show it.

Speaker 2:

Doesn't matter. Oh, you are so paused I don't care. So this letter came in the mail again. Tony, I want you to open up this letter. Maybe Jay can open up this letter. This this letter comes to me about once every month. It's from Maddie Oh and my wife has decided that she's going to find Maddie Oh and tell her how inappropriate it is that she's writing a married man handwritten letters. Maddie.

Speaker 1:

Maddie, oh, what from Merrill Park? has her address on here? Wait, wait, wait, wait, it's a handwritten letter.

Speaker 2:

It's a love letter, isn't it? And?

Speaker 1:

Maddie, oh, asking you, judging by the address in my you didn't open it. My dealings through the city. I know Maddie Oh lives in a really bad neighborhood.

Speaker 2:

Why is this? because there's a neighborhood on it, yeah, okay. Well, this woman has been writing me letters like once a month. How does she know you? I don't have any idea, can I?

Speaker 3:

read the letter. Sure, is it from the blog I'm pretty certain.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to know about every part, about what's in there, because it's the same fucking letter, handwritten letter. So that was sealed, written to me.

Speaker 1:

That was sealed, maddie. Oh, from six, six, we don't need to go all into it.

Speaker 2:

Everything All right. That's not when I'm trying to really actually get this person. All right, all right.

Speaker 1:

My dearest Christopher. What the fuck love for God and neighbor is my reason for writing. I hope everyone is doing well and you left that bitch wife ears. It's definitely not what it's in the best of spiritual. That isn't what it says as one of.

Speaker 3:

Jehovah's Witnesses Every month.

Speaker 2:

The same woman's writing me a handwritten letter.

Speaker 1:

dude, This is okay, bible reading is a command underlined.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to tell you right now Her handwriting is. it looks written.

Speaker 2:

It looks typed amazing, it's phenomenal, it's amazing.

Speaker 3:

Every single month.

Speaker 1:

I've brought him in here before six days of her week writing letters.

Speaker 2:

Could you imagine how many letters she's writing out Sure?

Speaker 3:

It doesn't matter That handwriting is amazing Yeah can you?

Speaker 1:

and I mean the cool thing about it is do you want me to pass her name to you? Org These J W's scan it now Just have QR code.

Speaker 3:

Everyone right now online can scan that fucking code. That's the handwriting.

Speaker 2:

So why, when? Okay, how was I Okay? Couple questions, jay, because I feel like you might be the closest thing I got to the inside track. How did she get my name, jay? that could have something to do with me. How did she get my name I?

Speaker 3:

fucking know clue.

Speaker 2:

Why does she continue to write over and over and over, nearly every month to me every time? Why does she not realize that I'm a married man?

Speaker 3:

But they don't. Tony smelling the memo smells like Jesus.

Speaker 2:

What the fuck is this? I'm just half joking, but she's like, I'm writing her this bitch. I write in my man Fucking handwritten notes. Does she know who she's?

Speaker 1:

dealing with. I may have requested information in your name a couple different places.

Speaker 2:

How many times did I sign up to win a car? Yeah, it was actually the Jehovah Witness.

Speaker 3:

Roll-a-decks. I'll tell you what, though, her handwriting is. It's phenomenal handwriting.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually show some of it without the top immaculate area there, because it doesn't matter at this point, immaculate. But it's like phenomenally written Like does she ever fuck up? and have to be like, oh, better rewrite this for that.

Speaker 3:

Her underlining must was a little bit problem.

Speaker 2:

Dramatic, okay, secondly. Secondly, i got another piece of mail.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you should send her back a letter that just says like Merry Christmas.

Speaker 2:

I heard it was your birthday. I.

Speaker 1:

Hope you had a wonderful mother's day.

Speaker 3:

Dude, that's it, dude That's great, that's great.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna have my wife writer a handwritten homemade birthday card and just be like I heard from a little bird.

Speaker 1:

You should write it on the back of her letter or just be like holy Jesus, it's your birthday. Just write it on the back of her letter and say sorry, i didn't have any loosely paper of my own.

Speaker 3:

Here's our biggest fan catching a big bass nice, today, it's not that big, he's just really tiny.

Speaker 1:

Okay, chris, what right? so this other one you need to teach your brother about camera angles, cuz he looks like a weird What?

Speaker 2:

do you think of that address, tony? What do you think of that address? Why are people sending me mail from right around the corner, from here, though, that's across the parking lot, what? this is another one that comes. It looks handwritten, except for it's time for it not. And It's looks handwritten, though, and I get one of those every month same day, do you?

Speaker 3:

sign up for shit. You don't even like look at you, just sign shit or like Logging in this one glass guy.

Speaker 1:

No, this is uh. Oh, we buy your houses. Guy, yeah, Dave Jones.

Speaker 2:

So this one, jay's, handwritten to Yeah, definitely not.

Speaker 3:

I thought you'd fall, for I can't pay you cash your house, but look at this From like fucking across the parking lot He's trying to tell you your house is shit, as is like your house is a piece of shit.

Speaker 1:

Well, he probably seen it don't have to repair it or even clean it up.

Speaker 3:

So this is that's, that's just respect, so can we, can we disconnect one of these cameras?

Speaker 1:

Do they have like battery and good Wi-Fi where we can just walk across the parking lot? Yeah, show it. Yeah, and ask them not to send you Yeah letters.

Speaker 3:

Oh, this is right in our this is No fucking way.

Speaker 2:

And something to me every okay across the parking lot.

Speaker 3:

So it's not in this, not in in this area, right here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right there across the street, that's not in a parking lot, it's okay fine, whenever the second building to this parking lot.

Speaker 1:

Are they still open? I don't know. I'm sure they're in their writing letters, dude.

Speaker 3:

Postcards. Oh my god, we have to you.

Speaker 2:

Don't, don't show the address of the fucking podcast.

Speaker 3:

Oh sorry.

Speaker 2:

You're such an idiot. It's just us watching, i know, it doesn't matter, but I'm just saying we got to do that though. All right, can we do?

Speaker 3:

that, yeah, go for it, let's go. Let's go. right now I'll ruin my camera.

Speaker 1:

I really know if they asked me to spell your last name. I'm telling on a dragon over the old. Yeah, it's like spelling your last name, so plus he's a lot of them What else we got guys? So you ever noticed, the only people still wearing ronavirus masks are just really, really fat people.

Speaker 2:

No, you haven't noticed that. No, i do notice people when they're wearing them. I'm like what, for why? like what? What in your brain has got you going to the point like this is normal now.

Speaker 3:

I actually was at the doctor's office today with my son and they finally rest. They finally rescinded, lifted the Restrictions in the mask and date and and at the doctor's office.

Speaker 2:

It kind of makes sense because, like everyone who goes in there sick, yeah, you want to catch their six or you might be six.

Speaker 3:

So nobody fucking knows, of course, but you know it sucks like talking through a putt plexiglass I mean, but they're still asking you the questionnaire like Have you yeah?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you've been sick?

Speaker 3:

No, have you ever been? No, i'm sorry, Excuse me. Have you been recently exposed to COVID in the last couple days, or have you been out of the Con?

Speaker 1:

I mean we're almost four years in quit content Me if I said yes, what would you do?

Speaker 3:

tell me to leave or put a mask on I say yes, I go in there.

Speaker 1:

Covid is fuck and I'm like COVID. I've never heard of it. What is that?

Speaker 3:

I just had sex with someone taking a COVID, fuckin COVID tests why they were having fun. He was positive and I would use that. Does that count as Being?

Speaker 1:

positive. I don't know. I just say that I don't even know what COVID is on any of these tests. Well, I'm in there. I can't smell shit ever.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Water and I don't know, and I'm just like no man, i'm good.

Speaker 3:

Is there a problem if I can't really taste my food in the last couple days or that I can't smell anything in this entire building?

Speaker 2:

the random where where of the mask is a weird thing because he never saw it before.

Speaker 1:

No, it's just quite a bit noticing tons of people at masks and they're all. It's like the 300 plus club really and I guess I didn't notice that and I'm also noticing that they're wearing them below their nose, so they're. They're wearing them when they don't have to, but also incorrectly, which really bothers me, because if you're wearing it, i assume that there's like an issue where you really need to be wearing it.

Speaker 2:

It's like being on a also not wearing it right on purpose, like being on a football field playing football and then wearing your cup like over your shoulder.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's gonna protect your nuts and I just don't get it. And especially I'm like these people are so fucking big that are wearing it. It's like they don't give a fuck about anything they put in their body.

Speaker 2:

You still see COVID, you still see to the ones where these people driving in their car all by themselves.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, with a mask on.

Speaker 1:

With a mask on, i don't get it.

Speaker 2:

It's a weird thing what we went through there, dude. It fucked with some people clearly because fuck.

Speaker 3:

And I think that the aftermath is happening now. I feel like it's been a year to whatever it's been and now people are getting the traumatic.

Speaker 2:

It's 2023 man, this was 2019. It doesn't matter.

Speaker 3:

It's still the traumatic events of that time. I've not hit anybody until now. I think people are starting to fucking see psychiatric fucking.

Speaker 2:

You know, i just some people turn into major introverts and now can't communicate with society for sure It made people crazy.

Speaker 3:

Well, we introverted for a while, sort of.

Speaker 2:

We had to, though I was three, reached out on the old internets. We had to, though That was your choice.

Speaker 1:

We had to do something. I think you have a fuck about any of this since day one. Yeah, and those were the if COVID's gonna kill me, i'm gonna. I mean, you don't really get to pick when you die, like if, when it's your time you die, and if COVID's gonna be the thing that was set to take me out, that's what it is, what about I wasn't gonna fucking hide in my basement. What about?

Speaker 3:

a gang rape on you with a bunch of Mexicans. Would that be worse?

Speaker 1:

I've always dreamed of that. Actually, i didn't hear that.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking I'm glad of that.

Speaker 1:

I don't think, i don't think. When it comes to me getting gang raped, race would take too big of it.

Speaker 2:

You're not And they're sure you're not caring what race it is that rapes is It doesn't happen. I guess Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, i spend most of my life trying to avoid being raped.

Speaker 3:

Okay, what nationality? if you had a choice to be raped by one, which nationality would you want to be raised? Chinese.

Speaker 1:

That's not even a question Statistically the smallest sticks.

Speaker 2:

You're playing the odds, playing the best odds you can get. I know. comment.

Speaker 1:

Like if a whole dojo came at me I'd be like, hi guys, bring it on.

Speaker 3:

This will be over quick and painless My name for the kicked you in the safe first, yeah, okay. Go Chris.

Speaker 2:

Say it.

Speaker 1:

It's sure the fucking gonna be a group of Samoans like I don't have the structure to deal with that. And with that see you next week. All right, we'll see you next week. Video will reset and be right back.

Rambling and Off-Topic Chat
Random Topics and Tangents
Shoe Storage and Sock Obsession
Estimates and Handwritten Letters
COVID Restrictions and Mask Usage
Inappropriate Conversation About Nationality and Rape