Memory Lane Mayhem: Celebrity News, Car Negotiations, and Ice Cream Escapades

June 21, 2023 3dimesreviews Episode 34
Memory Lane Mayhem: Celebrity News, Car Negotiations, and Ice Cream Escapades
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Memory Lane Mayhem: Celebrity News, Car Negotiations, and Ice Cream Escapades
Jun 21, 2023 Episode 34

Ever wondered how to measure things using a BB and why anyone would need a mini-warehouse attached to their house? Join us for a fun-filled conversation as we explore these questions and take a trip down memory lane with Bill O'Reilly and the pre-TMZ celebrity news show, 'Inside Edition'. We'll also reveal the truth behind my crooked nose and give you the lowdown on a hilarious YouTube show called 'Three Dimes'.

We'll share personal anecdotes about the world of car sales and negotiating, including an entertaining tale of a protection package negotiation, featuring some expert advice from a friend on speakerphone. Hear about my neighbor's mortgage payment, my wife's Volkswagen Atlas, and the challenges of creating a backyard ice-skating rink. We'll also marvel at the wonders of the Zamboni and discuss the importance of teaching our children about money.

Finally, indulge in a bit of nostalgia with us as we reminisce about Dairy Queen, hot fudge, and the death stare you get when you ask for a concrete mixer. We'll cover the magic of fast food and ice cream, discuss our experiences with installing wood floors, and debate the pros and cons of supporting zoos. So, don't miss out on this engaging and entertaining discussion that's guaranteed to make you laugh and maybe even learn a thing or two!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered how to measure things using a BB and why anyone would need a mini-warehouse attached to their house? Join us for a fun-filled conversation as we explore these questions and take a trip down memory lane with Bill O'Reilly and the pre-TMZ celebrity news show, 'Inside Edition'. We'll also reveal the truth behind my crooked nose and give you the lowdown on a hilarious YouTube show called 'Three Dimes'.

We'll share personal anecdotes about the world of car sales and negotiating, including an entertaining tale of a protection package negotiation, featuring some expert advice from a friend on speakerphone. Hear about my neighbor's mortgage payment, my wife's Volkswagen Atlas, and the challenges of creating a backyard ice-skating rink. We'll also marvel at the wonders of the Zamboni and discuss the importance of teaching our children about money.

Finally, indulge in a bit of nostalgia with us as we reminisce about Dairy Queen, hot fudge, and the death stare you get when you ask for a concrete mixer. We'll cover the magic of fast food and ice cream, discuss our experiences with installing wood floors, and debate the pros and cons of supporting zoos. So, don't miss out on this engaging and entertaining discussion that's guaranteed to make you laugh and maybe even learn a thing or two!

Speaker 1:

Okay, guys, you're there live, fuck it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, do it live. I can't read what the thing says. The fucking thing is Shit. we'll do it live dude, you sounded exactly like him and we're back with.

Speaker 1:

That was beautiful. That was exactly like a little one-eyed little.

Speaker 2:

They should buy, did they should write a documentary up about Bill O'Reilly That's his name. The guy did that, yeah, it he started on the show called inside edition.

Speaker 1:

You remember inside edition was that did Tony.

Speaker 2:

Do you know what?

Speaker 3:

that is. I know what it is. I've never watched it. What's the?

Speaker 2:

new one now that it's got. That's everyone watches the Celebrity show.

Speaker 1:

TMZ, tmz.

Speaker 2:

It's like the pre TMZ, pre internet. Way you learned about celebrities was on inside edition.

Speaker 3:

I learned.

Speaker 2:

I learned on the soup it was. That was another one, but it was like a TV version of the I'm the end cap star magazines that are at all the grocery stores. Right, it's a TV show and he was just that. And then Fox News was like we want to have a news channel And we can't imagine ourselves having anyone better hosted than that man who's doing that show. So they hired him as the Fox News anchor and then he had a bunch of other shit happen to him But he's like what I don't recall, because they haven't done it goddamn Documentary on him yet, so I can't even watch it on TV.

Speaker 3:

That's your shit together Should.

Speaker 2:

I fall. Should I pull it on the internet now? come on, i'm busy watching this new YouTube show called three dimes, and Why can I get my chemistry?

Speaker 1:

It's your nose is always that crooked. What the fuck man.

Speaker 2:

Come on dude, i'm just fucking with you.

Speaker 1:

You know I, you know I'm frozen. Yeah, i know you are. You know, i don't even I'm not even I'm a man trilliquist.

Speaker 2:

I tell you a man, listen to me, talk, no animation.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you're back. You know how I center the camera on my face.

Speaker 2:

No, I know that I use the BB.

Speaker 1:

I Figured that was a measure it teamed in on the measure it from here to there, from there to there.

Speaker 2:

The Victor. What do you use? Kevin Hart's or eggplants? What's your universal measurement? Kevin Hart's. One Kevin Hart's is good enough for me Somebody gonna greet the audience, for goodness sake.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, whoever's out there, thanks for watching. You know what We always appreciate you. if you missed it, we had tic-tones about 15 minutes ago. It was great.

Speaker 1:

It was one of my favorite ones so far, maybe it's already been scrubbed from the internet by the YouTube guys, so you gotta catch it live and I think I think we're gonna do that in the beginning, just because They do scrub it and they do stop us from putting it up live. So we'll just do that in the beginning every time. Plus, i guess it's hyped up, although Tony, not so much.

Speaker 3:

He's just full day.

Speaker 2:

He's yawning like a little like a fucking about your 40 year, hey, lock, or whatever you were talking about when we didn't think we were alive.

Speaker 3:

Joking about my 40%.

Speaker 2:

Mortgage payment.

Speaker 3:

I got yeah well, my neighbor was my wonder, and I had to sign paperwork with a dude named Vin, was that?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, dude, speaking of that, you know how, when you go by a car and you sign the deal with their salesman and you're like, alright, i'll take this car for this amount of money, you know, make sure you wash it for me. And then they take you into the back room or you do the financing and it's like Svetlana.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Russian who barely speaks any English. Yeah, like all you need to do is sign here and then she tries to sell you the extra insurance and the Protection program and the other things I got raped on that $500 for two oil changes if I recall they were like are you sure you want to have your wife come in your Wanoch? you just do this.

Speaker 1:

This is a group decision, family choice. I feel like the women would the. Your wife would be the one that makes the decision too quickly And you'd be the one that would be the one to negotiate a cheaper price or I don't ever out of this stupid.

Speaker 2:

I don't ever extra little deals. They feel I don't ever buy the extra deals ever.

Speaker 1:

They're bullshit. I, i won't now I had to. oh you know what? It wasn't even oil changes, it was car washes. I got two car washes for $3,500 on the van. No, the the, as I said, be worth it on the hand The, the blue car I sold my brother for more $500. Is that it HHR right?

Speaker 3:

HHR already for you only took it so weird that I know.

Speaker 1:

I Took. I got two car washes because every time I go in there They give me fucking dirty looks and like I Think This takes so much time. I'm like fuck this, i'm done. I don't give a fuck, hmm, and I try to get out of 3,500 extra dollars, but I paid it Last last time I bought a car was, uh, well, actually it was two cars ago.

Speaker 3:

But uh, the car my wife drives It's a Volkswagen Atlas. That's right. And I've never dealt with the Germans before on stuff and I know they can be a little pushy. So when I was sitting down with the finance manager, i happen to have a very, very good friend, who, who lives about an hour and a half away, who is or was in the car industry as a finance manager slash.

Speaker 2:

So sell you the under store manager right, so I.

Speaker 3:

So while the dude's doing his his spiel about why I should buy this and why I should buy that and how much it is, i Have my friend on speakerphone with me and he's doing the negotiating What through me, like he's telling me what to say on Speaker phone in front of the guy, in front of the guy and and he's like you know you want to buy this.

Speaker 3:

Uh, whatever package, protection package or whatever door dings, dens and scratches. And My boy, matt's like how much is he selling it to you for? I'm like, yeah, how much is it? and he goes It's a twenty three hundred dollars. He's like, telling me, give him five. He goes, here's the deal. He goes, they pay $750 for it. He goes there. Everything that they make above that's profit. They're allowed to sell it as low as like $975. He's like, tell me I'll give him nine, fifty. He goes, don't, don't pay over a thousand for it.

Speaker 3:

And the dude's like fuck he's like He's like alright, man, you can have it at a grand. I'm like cool, thank you, i'll take it. And we did that with every aspect of writing this thing up. Yeah, it's funny because I talked to my boy, matt, on the phone like an hour and a half ago, like right before you guys got here. I was on the phone with him and He told me he's gonna pull a favor Pretty quickly from me for saving me all that money He's already caught just recently called it in on yeah Yeah he's trying to build an underground basketball hoop.

Speaker 3:

Untouched attached to the side of his house underneath the ground.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's gonna have like half.

Speaker 3:

Teen foot ceilings half down, half out, but like basically a mini warehouse attached to the side of his house like a, like a silo, sticking out the side, kind of Oh no, it would be like. It was like seven feet above ground, seven feet below ground. You.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry. I'm trying to to share this podcast to multiple places and see if we can get more listeners.

Speaker 2:

So you go.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to go on, you keep going I got like six places show that, so I see if you can get more listeners. So and he's trying to tell me, i gotta come hook them up with all the flooring for free. I don't even know how to do that kind of.

Speaker 2:

I Imagine it comes in like pallet sized already connected sections and you place it in?

Speaker 3:

no, it's. It's a certain process of a wood floor You have to install, which I don't you put on like that quarter inch thick layer Polyurethane clear coat? well, there's there's like a whole sleeper system that needs to take place, where you got to build like Certain layers of subfloor. So how do you think they're not just bouncing it on the?

Speaker 2:

ground. How do you think they move them in and out of like when they?

Speaker 3:

never cared to watch.

Speaker 2:

Change over and shit, because the bucks go on like four different courts throughout the year. Yeah, switch them back and forth and shit. And they have other events there that don't have basketball courts.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure it's all just palletized.

Speaker 2:

I gotta imagine it's like four by four sections or some shit, something like that.

Speaker 3:

I know, i know, when they bring in hockey, they bring in bags of ice.

Speaker 2:

Really, how does that work? I don't believe so. I didn't hear anything. You're saying it's hydronic cooling with tubes underneath the ice Sheet that can freeze it and like that makes way more sense.

Speaker 3:

And dumping bags ice from quick trip, fill it with water.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for a little water on it. You ever watch the Zamboni go by like we go to a pettit ice for Free. Skate around the the ring. You get to go around the ice rink, right, but they, they shut it down to you to push everybody off. And the Zamboni's come out and run. Zamboni, you know how that shit works. No, that's just pretty crazy. They pour a little bit of hot water on it and a little Little squeegee on the back to just squeegee it to, leaving just a little water behind, and all the water fills in all the cracks.

Speaker 2:

Ah, and it's hot water, so there's all kinds of opportunities for it to change temperature real quickly.

Speaker 1:

I like it.

Speaker 2:

I like it, it's cold, and then it freezes over.

Speaker 1:

That's cool, tony, do you think you could outrun a Zambon, zamboni, zamboni? No, not on the ice, you know if it was on the road? Yeah, i Think they go like have you watched the new dumb and dumber? Could you out skate?

Speaker 2:

I think they go like 30 or 40 miles. Yeah, you could probably crank one up pretty quick. They got big diesel engines in them and I think they're diesel.

Speaker 3:

I can out skate one for sure, i'm white on my feet.

Speaker 1:

You can ice skate? Yeah, oh my god, i want to see this.

Speaker 3:

I mean, i have it, i have to stretch out.

Speaker 1:

So you can't, i took about it.

Speaker 2:

Can't I skate? I took about a 10 year break and I was able to get jumped right back into it, yeah. but I heard like a son of a bitch, oh yeah, stay. now was I skating with my kid? I Wasn't like competitive ice skating, i was just going around in a circle trying to stay vertical.

Speaker 1:

Where did you ice skate? I was gonna say did you? find it's a great, it's a West Alice treasure. Yeah Well, did you find like a saying, did you find like a frozen pond somewhere and you know, fucking can't?

Speaker 3:

be skate, not frozen pond, that's how people get hurt.

Speaker 1:

Skate over all those fucking hills and fucking, however, the shit. That ice hasn't been Zamboni. Yeah, I know I was what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

So when I was a kid, in the back of my house We had we lived on the our backyard butted up to a circle neighborhood, so There was like these spaces of like just lawn. They were probably like the circles, lots weird shaped corner of their lot. You're right, but no one went over there ever. And I noticed one year that it kind of like when it would Snow and then rain and then snow and melt and snow and melt and snow and be cold, it would form almost a fucking Like perfect ice. Yeah, so I noticed this one year. So the next year I Spent time making sure that I could start collecting water in a more purposeful manner to go to these sections And we had set up basically a backyard ice skating rink. It was fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Do you ever see those people at?

Speaker 2:

hockey for like two years when I was a kid. It was fantastic.

Speaker 1:

You ever, you never seen someone in their backyard like kind of dig a hole out, like obviously a flat hole, and then put a tarp. Yeah, there's, one collect the water, wait for the winter time to come and then have it all.

Speaker 2:

There's one on any. There's one on 84 Street, just right by my house, basically. It's like to my neighborhood to two of my neighbors.

Speaker 3:

Do that. They have like a little wall. Yeah Well, they build that fucking same.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they build a wall, so they build it just up on the ground. Now I'm talking about these fucking people are so crazy.

Speaker 2:

They dig into the ground. Oh, I've seen the ones like Tony's talk about where like it's like a miniature pool, but it's only six inches.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, eight inches tall, you don't need to be.

Speaker 1:

and then there's a special tarp for my one neighbor's fucking huge so how to Talking about getting it clean and being easy, easier to skate on, how do they?

Speaker 3:

Well, they buy many Zamboni.

Speaker 2:

I mean it wouldn't be that hard to replicate the conditions that a Zamboni creates by.

Speaker 3:

They got to keep adding water.

Speaker 2:

You pretty much keep add water for the most part. So you got it like you, chris.

Speaker 1:

You said it's kind of like putting on Self-levelers. You got to put hot water on so doesn't freeze fast enough. So to get to the, you know hot water freezes faster.

Speaker 2:

You put hot water on her so that it freezes faster.

Speaker 1:

That makes no fucking sense.

Speaker 3:

I know it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

Science guy never fucking told me that you want to know do you want to know why, jay?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, chemical reaction. Well, because the molecules of hot are Moving around faster, so there's space and motion that's allows Transduction of heat. Have you ever done the thing where you take the boiling water outside in the freezing air and throwing the air And it turns to snow? Oh, no man, you got.

Speaker 3:

When it's really cold near windshields. I see you're supposed to hit it with a pot of hot water. I'm an.

Speaker 1:

I'm a hobbit. When it comes to winter, i'm inside.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna fuck his whole life up, tony, no, tony.

Speaker 1:

I'm not stupid, you dickhead.

Speaker 3:

He lives. He's got a parking garage like I'm gonna go boil water? Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 1:

microwave it Yeah, probably the best way to get one cup of water hot is the microwave Man.

Speaker 2:

What a fucking feet is that that science? I can't fucking answer right there, It's just fucking.

Speaker 1:

How does that?

Speaker 2:

crisping sleeve work with the fucking hot pockets, That's. I Thought you weren't supposed to put aluminum foil in there but it's not foil.

Speaker 3:

It's a foil like substance.

Speaker 1:

Do you ever?

Speaker 2:

get the. Have you ever gotten like a pizza that's microwaved and it comes? you got to flip the box inverse on its side there, and Then it has this sheet of that. No, oh dude, you like a microwave dijorno or some shit, or even a l'inquisition.

Speaker 1:

That's pizza. I don't buy pre-made pizza. Try this once.

Speaker 2:

You throw it on, that's it. You got to take the box and open it up in a way that the top Becomes your plate and on that plate is that crisping sleeve Foil, like substance you're talking about. If your pizza's round and it's off-centered a little bit from the crisping round Thing, if you don't leave it on there, the ends that are off of that little fucking non-aluminum shit Get rock hard like they way over cook. It's an anti-cooking sleeve, i think.

Speaker 1:

So I okay now you guys, would you? would you go immediately to the microwave because it's more convenient, or did you go to the oven like Water? I'm just saying in general. So, like I say, if you're gonna cook some Pretzels, you know like just some frozen pretzels sure to get sure you get it the grocery store And you're gonna put some cheese squeeze cheese on it.

Speaker 3:

I usually buy my pretzels and sticks.

Speaker 2:

Of course you say I'm see saying, of course you do the soft pretzels.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i'm a freezer, yeah, the ones my kids and you put a little water on the top and you sprinkle some salt on that shit.

Speaker 3:

I can't microwave those Oh well you're my way.

Speaker 1:

I gotta go oven, Okay but here's the thing It's a totally different taste if you microwave it. It's marvelous soft chewy. So if it's often, then it's like it's got a crispy.

Speaker 2:

I have these in my freezer. I have them right now go home again. There was a night, it might have been a night after podcasting recently where I was like cat.

Speaker 1:

What kind of cheese do you use?

Speaker 2:

them like the chip queso.

Speaker 1:

The squeezey thing you push on the top, i go with.

Speaker 2:

I go with the gat glass jar of like awesome old Dutch cheese.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I mean shit.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you got, you got, dude. You got to use the like the plastic cheese. That's what you use.

Speaker 3:

Yes, you know if you go to quick from the quick Yes, No here's a quick hack for you guys All cheese. I use quick trip, but you can really use any gas station that serves hot dogs and nachos. If you fill up one of their drink cups full of nacho cheese, they only charge you for the drink.

Speaker 1:

I don't, that's disgusting because they don't know.

Speaker 2:

You put the top.

Speaker 3:

Put a straw that you.

Speaker 1:

Ridiculous you like. Why is your orange soda so solid? wise your soda so thick.

Speaker 2:

You go up there You're sucking hard as fuck on their little quick trip straw.

Speaker 1:

So you basically took the whole bag that they put it to the cheese into your cup.

Speaker 3:

You take your mouth off the strong and cheese.

Speaker 1:

Dude, i want you to do this story. I want you to take a fucking hidden camera. We are getting cameras, man. I mean, there'd be so much fun hidden camera in there. Go get that fucking cheese, put it on the thing and see if they notice it.

Speaker 3:

The fucking see, we got it. The cop is Steaming Top you top it with all those free jalapenos they got up there you tell them don't touch it, it's hot.

Speaker 2:

Or you just go up there, lit off and all and be like I couldn't find any little cups. You guys are out of little rambit kid cuffs when I go to the colors by my house And definitely worth it.

Speaker 1:

Man for a cup of soda, but there's a couple of cheese, or I mean a glass.

Speaker 3:

So not that long ago I bought like a little pint of ice cream at colors by my house.

Speaker 1:

And by yourself all sad.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I asked for a side. Well, you bought custard sir. Saying for people that aren't from the Midwest carry on, they don't want to say custard. They think I'm buying like the inside of it.

Speaker 3:

Don't know who the fuck buys a pint of custard, but I asked for a side of Hot fudge because I'm like long. I take it home the kids are gonna eat colons off it. I'm gonna make myself a little hot fudge Sunday, you know. They filled up. Who did who's that? Oh, that's wingstop bro. Wow, that was a really gargling one. They Uh they filled up one of the small water cups full of hot fudge.

Speaker 2:

And gave it to me and I'm like Jesus Christ.

Speaker 3:

Look at my receipt. I'm like they probably charged me fucking $10. Cause that's like a $3 jar at the store, yeah, and they charged me 80 cents for it And I'm like well, perfect, i don't buy half fudge anymore. I go to fuck cul-a-vers, i go through the drive-through just to get a side of hot fudge. Can I get a side? of hot fudge They gave it to me and uh, cul-a-vers has the little paper drink cups for uh like if you, if you asked for a water cup they give you that They would give you this.

Speaker 1:

So it's one size smaller than the cup that they sell. How many times have you done this? Just one, twice, and they've. It was always the same cup. Yeah, really, i think I got the same guy.

Speaker 3:

Wow, that's just his deal.

Speaker 1:

Then the, the, hmm, he just doesn't know.

Speaker 3:

If I have a real bad day at work what else are they going to do?

Speaker 2:

Go around the counter and get one of them little catch up things and fill it for you. That'd probably be enough for one?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you would, but a whole pint.

Speaker 1:

I think they'd give you like a little bit in a cup or something You have, you have more fudge than you do ice cream.

Speaker 3:

I bring it home, I repackage it and sell it.

Speaker 2:

They probably they probably buy their fudge in a keg, just like a bar buys their beer in a keg, though It probably comes on the dolly.

Speaker 1:

It's a big pump, a giant cylinder of fudge. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

There's a there's a big stainless vat behind the fucking place.

Speaker 2:

I guess we're going to go there tonight? We're going there, sure, what do you think about magic? What's that magic coding? The magic coding that? you, what are you?

Speaker 1:

with magic Mike and get your camera. You're you're like so close to your face.

Speaker 2:

Let him. let him do what he's doing. man, It's in zoom, I don't look, i don't adjust stuff.

Speaker 1:

I want to see your more of your, your, your attributes, like this Yeah, that's how Tony is like a primus music video.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you know what I was into the Mike, j into the Mike.

Speaker 3:

This is the only time you've ever looked bigger than me.

Speaker 1:

I can't in the mic.

Speaker 3:

Get away from the camera like that, do you look like you're on drugs? So what's that?

Speaker 2:

stuff called. You know I'm talking about the, the fucking coding It goes on soft and gets hard when it's the magic show, magic show.

Speaker 3:

Dairy queen. Dairy queen used to dip. Oh yeah, Their whole their whole what is that? frozen yogurt? I don't know what they're doing Soft.

Speaker 2:

Soft, soft serve, yeah, they they dip it Soft serve ice cream, They hold it upside down until it dries and they go what about that death stare they give you when they give you a concrete mixer.

Speaker 1:

They're like wait, do that again. I can't do it. I can't do it.

Speaker 3:

I haven't been to dairy queen since I was like 13 years Oh dude, take your kid.

Speaker 2:

Dairy queen, my kids loves DQ.

Speaker 1:

I was there on.

Speaker 2:

April. You get lunch and everything. now Most of them.

Speaker 1:

I was there in April 6th for my wife's birthday. She loves the dairy queen ice cream cakes And that was what I got her was the dairy cream.

Speaker 2:

Damn. And he showed up at her office like a creepy ass door dash dude and got her dinner, or lunch.

Speaker 1:

Who told you that?

Speaker 2:

You did on the podcast. You fool, don't you watch this thing? Don't forget to watch.

Speaker 3:

Don't be like Jay. If you would publish, you would have known that you brought that up. You got no listeners. We haven't released anything in two months.

Speaker 1:

You know people, i know, that's what I'm saying. is that, like, sometimes these things come around in a circle to come right back to me. They're like how did you hear that You told me, or did someone else tell you? And you know, usually if I told you, i don't remember. That's my problem. Zanny, zanny, that's what I call it.

Speaker 3:

So any any. So last time I went to Dairy Queen my brother was telling me oh, dude, you should hit up Dairy Queen for lunch. And you got diarrhea.

Speaker 2:

They do like a good little lunch, special boxes and stuff for like five or six bucks.

Speaker 3:

I'm like all right, cool, So I'm working. I was working in the Alice and I went to that one over at Greenfield. Real pile of shit, do they? and I'm like I'll take the hot dog lunch special and I literally watch the guy throw the hot dog in a microwave from the package, just threw it in the microwave, didn't put it on anything. I'm like you know what? Fuck Dairy Queen Like I don't want a microwaved hot dog for lunch.

Speaker 1:

That's how. That's how they always do.

Speaker 3:

No man. So you take your glizzies and you put them on a hot grill.

Speaker 2:

You're talking about. You're more of a. What's the place called the A and W guy?

Speaker 3:

I don't really go there either.

Speaker 2:

You're not about the corner store hot dog and ice cream giant. What's? that's not your, they're dealing.

Speaker 3:

What the fuck are you doing? Just keep talking.

Speaker 2:

I'm alive on some other platform.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the podcast platform.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead. There's something wrong with you mentally. There's no time. That's what I tell myself a lot but go ahead, tony, you, you made me lose my train of thought.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're even talking about ice cream now. You're talking about ice cream.

Speaker 2:

I want to walk it out Tony's walking off the set. He's done.

Speaker 3:

He's telling me I gotta pay you $12.15 dick 15. I gotta pay you 1150, 15 that.

Speaker 1:

No, you actually owe me a 750 for the three years I've been paying for this podcast.

Speaker 3:

It's like you don't want to know that charge for rent.

Speaker 2:

Jay's like finding out that you had a. Jay's like finding out you owe a child support on a kid, you didn't know.

Speaker 1:

After a decade.

Speaker 2:

You know, sir, not only is this your kid, here's your invoice You know I found out he had another kid.

Speaker 1:

This podcast.

Speaker 2:

He's silent.

Speaker 3:

So anyway, I don't really fuck with Dairy Queen.

Speaker 1:

I don't really.

Speaker 2:

I don't really do a and W I go with the fryer foods fried chicken tenders, fried fries. You got to get a good ice cream, good sauce serve.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you where I did try the other day. This is a local West Alice treat.

Speaker 2:

Sammies. Oh yeah, sammies, they moved. I was devastated, i was like they're gone. But then they were, that in the new spot. Watch it three times. What was that little technique you just did there, jay?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I have no idea what I'm even doing right now. I just this is the first time I've ever even tried it.

Speaker 2:

Do? you must have found a gap. I really cheap gift card in one of them, corner store gift card dispenser.

Speaker 3:

I don't know some word broadcasting.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But no, I go. I go to places. If I'm going to a place for a dog, they better. I better be able to get at least a grilled or a fried Polish at that's what I fuck with anywhere I go dog house, any of them little hot dog restaurants. I don't need no microwave, fucking glizzy. You can keep it, you? why you call him glissie. now I'm a bit. Everybody calls him glissie.

Speaker 2:

Never heard it.

Speaker 3:

Everybody never heard it. You look it up if you want. What's a glissie? My kids call them dog?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a trick. Is that the one that's breaded? No, it's just a regular hot dog. Why do you just call hot dog then?

Speaker 2:

It's their name. Does the answer of any food.

Speaker 3:

They serve a Spanish hamburger. That's it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Why don't you?

Speaker 1:

want to call it.

Speaker 2:

Spanish Spanish hamburger sloppy jails.

Speaker 1:

That's all they do.

Speaker 2:

They just got boiling chili back there and basically look at my hands No French fries or nothing.

Speaker 3:

I don't think so. I don't think foods are a thing. I think they just go with the custard.

Speaker 2:

You guys want to hear this alert I got. Yeah you know Bill Belichick, coach of the page of the new Patriots.

Speaker 3:

No, I thought you're talking Bill Bellamy My stand up heroes for the 90s from from MTV Bill Bellamy All right, give me some music, jay Are you sure?

Speaker 2:

Yep. This just in a report. All right, turn it down Three times reports. Bill Belichick just wanted to fuck the jets when he traded the. Steelers during the draft. Belichick just did it to fuck the jets. He sold low because he knew the Steelers were going to take the kid the jets wanted.

Speaker 1:

Oh it's dramatic.

Speaker 2:

According to the Washington.

Speaker 1:

Post as reported to you by three dimes I know, i did hear that story and that was because they're in the same division and they're getting Aaron Rodgers, which he's he's nervous about, but in Roger's socks, fucking Rogers. Now I'm sorry Packer fans in everyone in Wisconsin. I don't like Aaron Rodgers. I think Brett Farr was the only quarterback that really mattered, and maybe Barstow, but Tony has nothing to think about that because he doesn't know anything about this.

Speaker 3:

But all I want to ask is what?

Speaker 1:

I'm talking about.

Speaker 3:

Improve, or did it get worse when far Ray left? And this and this Aaron Rogers kid took over the Packers do better.

Speaker 2:

Aaron Rogers Their first year they weren't very good.

Speaker 1:

How about this? Aaron Rogers won one Super Bowl. Brett Favre won one Super Bowl.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so they both sound like a couple of losers.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and Aaron Rogers went to one Super Bowl and Brett Favre went to two Super Bowls.

Speaker 3:

So, and then this is like, this is like the Jordan LeBron argument, right, i guess?

Speaker 1:

you could say but Bart Starr, bart Starr, he won the first two Super Bowls, and before there were Super Bowls he won Was it five, four or five championships in a row.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but they probably didn't let black people play back then.

Speaker 1:

Things were a little easier. I think it was What was the first year of the Super Bowl 66. No, i was way before that. I'm stupid. 50s, 40s, you're, you're our football. I know I'm not There's no sports on this show. There's no sports on this show because no one has any.

Speaker 2:

We just released breaking news on sports. on this show We do everything. Well, that was on this show. This show does everything.

Speaker 1:

Did you hear that Jordy Nelson This is this was tweeted Jordy Nelson, That's not a real name. Jordy Nelson coming out of retirement to play for the Jets.

Speaker 2:

The fucking J? Did you hear that?

Speaker 1:

I know, but did you see the tweet Come?

Speaker 3:

on? Yeah, I saw it. Is that? is that their real name? or is that short for something? Jordy name, Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Jordy, nelson Jordy. So here's the thing He's a white boy from Kansas, aaron Jones. Aaron Jones went to the New York Jets. Okay, he took six Packers with him. Aaron Rogers, aaron Rogers. What did I say, aaron Jones, did I?

Speaker 2:

say Aaron.

Speaker 1:

Did I really say Aaron Jones?

Speaker 2:

I do find it.

Speaker 1:

Aaron Jones is actually is the player from the Packers.

Speaker 2:

I think it's funny that he was always bitching in the when he was a Packer about how he had no wide receivers and then his two wide receivers he's taken have been from the Packers.

Speaker 1:

And they, they suck, washed up and one's never going to mount anything.

Speaker 2:

Super Bowl one was in 67, j, 67.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so I said 65.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was a piece of the 56.

Speaker 1:

Did I say I don't know if I care, i don't fuck care, i'm a sports, sports fucking enthusiast, but I do know a little bit about it And I know that it costs money and I lose a lot. My son, like I said we talked about this last time spent $600 on a soccer game. Actually it was $735.

Speaker 3:

I finally found out the full total, he's still running charges.

Speaker 2:

There was some backlog charges.

Speaker 1:

I went through the. I went through Apple, i went through the company that has the game won't give me money back. I told this company. they were like you can't do anything. You got to go through Apple, we can't help you out. And I said Hey, you know what? You help out your customers first. Okay, i'm a customer and I'm a person that plays your game. That's who you help out. You don't fucking, you know. and they never, never applied me and cared at all.

Speaker 3:

I did this audulently Did you. Is that a word? Did you ever see that, uh, that viral video with the big fat dude sitting at the table and his wife's bitch Natum that he spent $1,200 on fishing stuff? No, and he's like. The wife was like do you think everybody's spending $1,200 on fishing gear? Sure, and the guy like fucking goes ballistic and he's turning red veins popping out of his neck He's going to walk their fucking serious.

Speaker 3:

They do like. I could just see you having that conversation about this soccer game with your kid Like is it okay that you spend $700 on this phone game?

Speaker 1:

I did tell him I did. He's seven years old and I did tell him the first job you have, you're paying me my money back. You know what he told me?

Speaker 3:

That's such an old school with new ski trick, i know. but you know you never pay.

Speaker 1:

I know, but he told me. He told me he's like dad. Now that I have a job, can I buy a little bit more stuff on there? Fucking bullshit dude.

Speaker 2:

These kids are not a good payment plan.

Speaker 1:

He's on a payment plan that he thinks he could add more credit. I'm like I didn't even up your, your credit limit.

Speaker 3:

Limit limit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i didn't up your credit limit, yet What are you fucking talking about? Usually, i start paying something to get your credit limit up. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And unfortunately, the first four years are all interest. Everybody tells that No, i'm just telling me Are you giving them a variable rate or are you compounding it?

Speaker 1:

No, i'm going to do the first year a zero APR, but everything compounds after that first year, because I know he can't pay me back. If not paid off in full.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's not paid off full.

Speaker 1:

And then it goes to a 35% 35?.

Speaker 3:

That's better than what I'm getting out of my house.

Speaker 2:

The Lincoln status will get you there.

Speaker 1:

So I'm out of that money and that's prime, i'm prime, plus 35. So I don't even know what you're talking about. I tuned you out when you said 40% for your mortgage.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so speaking of high interest mortgage, loans.

Speaker 1:

Every house that I looked at went for like 30 or $40,000 more than it was.

Speaker 3:

So you just got to pay more than what other people are willing to pay.

Speaker 1:

I just got to go look at fucking cheaper houses, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I encourage you to buy within your means and accept that you're not going to get nearly anything.

Speaker 3:

You actually want in your house. That's what I did, you're going to have to give it up and just start looking a West house.

Speaker 1:

You know, what's fucking crazy is, every fucking place we looked at and all the houses that we kind of found have no basement Right. Who doesn't have?

Speaker 3:

a basement. Lots of people, people in cheap ass houses.

Speaker 1:

This is all of New Berlin. These are not cheap houses. These are the three to $400,000 houses.

Speaker 2:

That's not a base. I don't know finding these houses, because they're 112,000 dollar houses that are being sold for 300,000.

Speaker 1:

The last house I looked at was over to 2200 square with no basement 200, 200, 2200 square feet over. It has four bedrooms, two and a half baths, one floor, no fucking basement, And there's another one that didn't have a base before. that too as well. You know, I don't know. I did this like they fucking mocking Florida.

Speaker 3:

You know I'm not trying to, i'm not trying to start no shit right now. but if you find some place with a crawl space, that's all the basement your family needs You dick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, man, you didn't get Chris laughing on that one.

Speaker 3:

Something's tough. How something's easy. man, You just go in, you grossly overpay for something and you move the fucking.

Speaker 1:

I remember when Tony was house hunting when he was like, oh my God, guess what, jay? They told me I could get a $2 million house. But I was like, wait, i should probably look what I really can spend and then like a million five. And he's like giving me these hand movements like this And he's like I should probably make sure I can. I'm in my limit and not over budget.

Speaker 3:

No they, they did. This is what he did. He's trying to fucking. They did approve me for way more than a million dollars. Two million, i just said it, it wasn't two million. It was way over a million And I'm like yeah, two million. Are you guys thinking why would you give me that kind?

Speaker 1:

of money. I just like him, like he, just he just comes out to me Jay, jay, out of nowhere. Out of nowhere, jay, i got a proof for two million.

Speaker 3:

No, I was, I was in, I was in an hour and 10 minute conversation with you that you didn't listen to anything And that's all you took home, Because when he starts talking about we start talking money, then I'll start listening, like that's all. I care about. Jay turns on, wouldn't you get here?

Speaker 1:

Oh man, we've been here all day. Yeah, i'm working and you're behind me talking. I'm like, shut up, tony, i'm on your dollar right now and you're making, you're making me slow down. But then you said two million. I turned on a look that I'd be like what Two million? Yeah, can you buy me one house?

Speaker 3:

It's pretty crazy, i'll pay you, i'll approve you for.

Speaker 1:

I'll pay you some interest on that. Stop yawning. You're making me want to get on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i didn't use but like 60% of what they approved me to use for buying a house because I didn't need a big, although your house was uh, how long have you had?

Speaker 1:

for seven or eight years. So your house is way more than it was when you bought it. It's probably a hundred thousand dollars more than it was.

Speaker 2:

More than that.

Speaker 1:

See, no, that's different though. So you got approved for, like you know, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

But that's what I get you. But look at what his neighborhood's doing, like he's got literal bums.

Speaker 2:

No, they got moved, they got moved out, they got evicted. They got evicted How There's a literal tense city in his backyard.

Speaker 1:

Yours watch that. You already see that documentary 10 city.

Speaker 3:

No, i didn't but it sounds awesome. How did?

Speaker 1:

you know, it was even a. Thing.

Speaker 3:

City's an old school term. They were for bomb colonies.

Speaker 2:

They were living underneath the state's longest consecutive bike trail.

Speaker 3:

It's. It's funny, cause I was just in your neighborhood and I was looking for them balls.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they moved out.

Speaker 1:

It's like I got a little time. They're under the bridge.

Speaker 2:

There by VJ is a 92nd inch slinger, but they were under the bike path bridge.

Speaker 3:

I took. I took my kid to the zoo yesterday, Oh yeah Yeah, And I drove. I drove by that bridge to see if they wanted to get in on my zoo pass.

Speaker 2:

Sure You could fit in the car, man They go did you take them on an estimate there?

Speaker 1:

They want some tile done somewhere. We did stop at a job site on our way there and hippopotamus spot. They wanted some.

Speaker 2:

A, you guys needed this old drywall. I ripped out yesterday, it was it was so.

Speaker 3:

The zoo was so amazing yesterday. It's a good zoo.

Speaker 1:

Why was it amazing? It's the same thing every time, the hundred times ago. No, they changed it up a lot, so how?

Speaker 2:

they do all kinds of different special things.

Speaker 1:

They got dinosaurs, sometimes they got that is like always the same thing, And they changed the stupid dragons when it's not died dinosaur season Wednesday.

Speaker 3:

Wednesday early afternoon you get to the zoo, i know in there front row parking. Yeah, it's nothing, but these foolish ass 20 something year old moms walking around. That's why you liked it, walking around this fucking zoo with six month old babies Like they still got feeling while they're walking They still got the zipper covers over there Fucking new boys like little ass babies and they're pulling them up to fucking animals Like look Riley, look Riley, it's the monkeys and it's like you're fucking kid and that's an array of hardly alive hardly alive, But no, honestly the zoo or not pro life.

Speaker 2:

The zoo was something that. The zoo was something that Katie took Claire to a lot when they went, because it was right there. You paid one subscription or whatever 180 bucks for a family pass. You had it all year long. You could go there and walk around. They had food, their drinks, their music. Their people would go there, get out of the house. You just push this kid in the stroller, they're happy.

Speaker 3:

But, yeah, putting their kids up to the window and shit, I'm like that's a little ass baby to be here Like this kid.

Speaker 1:

I don't you ever watch those, those, those shorts, those shorts where a kid goes up to the window and the tiger jumps at him and the kid freaks out, or something like that? I always wanted that to happen, but those, those animals are full, are so decrepit and so caged. All they do is walk back and forth, back and forth.

Speaker 3:

I think it's a new opportunity to get out of that motherfuckers. going to happen soon, anytime.

Speaker 1:

It's so bad though It's like the polar bear. Every time I see the polar bear and I don't got the polar bear.

Speaker 3:

There's a brown bear in there. now, you bet it, did you say.

Speaker 1:

No, no, the polar bear. I always get it in there by water. When I see the polar bear, all he does is walk back and forth, back and forth This 20 foot pathway, back and forth.

Speaker 2:

I like how they put the lions up on the back hill and then they put a little mode and then they put the guzzles and the lions food in the front, one that they can't get to like their teasing them.

Speaker 1:

It's brutal, make some feel wild. I just don't. I mean, i feel like supporting the zoo is a bad thing because you gotta fuck off, Jay.

Speaker 2:

I love animals God damn cats in a fucking closet for like six months.

Speaker 1:

That was for their health. No, they're healthy. What do you think?

Speaker 3:

the zoo is.

Speaker 1:

That's not for that.

Speaker 3:

They're out catching fucking wild animals A full wild animals. They're not. They're not like Oh look at this lion, he's thriving in Africa. Let's put him in a cage. They're taking a fucked up ones that nobody wants.

Speaker 1:

Hey, that's what they want. They want you to believe that There wasn't shot off.

Speaker 2:

There's zero percent chance I'd ever see a koala in my life.

Speaker 1:

You shouldn't see a koala. You don't live in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Japan. Where do they have? Where do they have?

Speaker 3:

koala. I thought you were going to say Florida. Yeah, you want to see the good koalas, you gotta go to Florida.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying, man, you got to have zoos.

Speaker 1:

No, you don't. There's not, there's no need for them, no. I spent over half with the giant Pacific octopus There's a, there's preservations that they should make more of, not zoos. We're not you. Okay, yeah, yeah, done, i'm done.

Speaker 3:

Every animal in that zoo, except the peacocks, would be dead without that zoo.

Speaker 2:

You think the peacocks would survive?

Speaker 3:

Yeah they're, they're survived. They were scaring little kids and eating.

Speaker 2:

What did you call them Slossies? What are they, glissie?

Speaker 3:

Glissie. What is the Glissie? Google it. It's a fucking hot dog.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you did say that before. Yeah, glissies, they saw it, this house in the zoo.

Speaker 2:

A glissie. It has surpassed all moral, moral boundaries. once every thousand years, a man is born with a glissie.

Speaker 3:

G L I Z Z Y.

Speaker 2:

This is a comparative glisser, superative glissie from North English Shiny glistening slang, slippery glossy. What are you? How do you spell?

Speaker 1:

How do you spell it?

Speaker 3:

To Z's.

Speaker 1:

Are you sure you spell?

Speaker 2:

it Meaning a Glock is originated from a Glock, a small handgun Ridely recognized slang term for glocks, with use spreading beyond hip hop community to become a popular slang slang gang slang term among gang enthusiasts and social media.

Speaker 1:

Someone told you the wrong the wrong word.

Speaker 2:

Another word for hot dog in DC Oh there we go Was good, oh, he's got it. Slang term from hot dog in June 2020.

Speaker 1:

All right, i believe you know It's on the internet only because that last. only because that last sentence, only because the last sentence. But you listen to us on three times. This is our Tuesday podcast. We'll be back in your ears on Thursday. If you're listening live right now, stay tuned because we're not going anywhere. We're just going to take a little break. Actually, we're not taking a break, we're just going to be right back.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for clearing that up, Jay Yep.

Speaker 1:

That was that bad A little bit Okay.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know what It'll be fine, your turn next time. Don't worry, you're not going to put it on the internet anyway.

Speaker 2:

There's also a vegan food company called glissies. That's a fucking bold move. Hey, fucking hot dogs. My screen right now is a hot dog with a face on it And this word that says glissies, vegan food company. That's creepy looking. Yeah, it is, we'll be back. We're fucking right here still. No, i mean, i hit the button already. Huh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a record. You guys going to start giving me my rent?

Speaker 2:

Your rent money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, rent money.

Speaker 2:

You need that rent money for the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man $15 a month. That's all you need to pay. That's it. That's a pretty good deal. It's fucking cheap. Both of you And you haven't paid me yet. It's been I haven't been invoiced 2436. It's been 48 weeks, 48 months, months, excuse me, so times that by 15. Let's do this. Okay, let's do the math real quick Here. Let's see this 42 times 15. 48.

Speaker 2:

48. Well, 45, 720.

Speaker 1:

Actually, it's not as much as I thought it would be. You guys owe me $720 each, yep. No, no, no, yeah each, because 15 each in total. Yeah, so I need $1400 and some dollars from bitches. Well, you know what You return on, your return on therapy, because this is what this is, this is man therapy. This is us talking on the phone, but being together and hanging out. Okay, so, $15 a month. Can you handle that? Tony, tell it on the podcast right now. Can you handle that? I knew you were being sued, you being fucked in the ass and you're also being raped and you just got robbed, but can you handle the $15 a month?

Speaker 3:

I cannot All right.

Speaker 1:

You gotta wait till.

Speaker 3:

I refinance.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, i'll just keep the bill.

Speaker 3:

I gotta get out of this heel lock.

Speaker 1:

I'll keep the bill ready for your ass.

Speaker 3:

He lock. Yeah, they got me on a 40% loan on my house.

Speaker 2:

You have a 40% loan on top of your home.

Speaker 3:

A home equity loan 40% interest Yeah 40% my ass. That's all I could get.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty brutal.

Speaker 3:

We going on the internet now.

Speaker 1:

You don't want to.

Speaker 3:

I'm asking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, look at notifications. What is this, oh?

Speaker 2:

What's up, i got the thing. Where does your wife think the tick came from?

Speaker 1:

Before it came to the podcast, i was playing soccer and football with the children outside, so it's your fault, you drugged it.

Speaker 2:

She blamed me right away. Yeah, she blamed me for the cats that live in your bathroom too.

Speaker 1:

They don't live there anymore. but yeah, Who lives in the?

Speaker 2:

bathroom now. Did you re-home them?

Speaker 1:

after your rehab No, they are great, they're healthy. They don't have any fucking warms. They don't have any warms.

Speaker 3:

Warms? Have they given each other herpes yet? You can't really see their lips, so maybe It's interesting that you're, are they boy boy girl, girl, girl girl? So do they scissor.

Speaker 1:

Well, i mean yeah, probably. That's the only way they can do it right Nice.

Speaker 2:

Pussy scissor.

Speaker 1:

Pussy scissor in. Okay, so you know what the thing about it is. I had a boy cat for many years. Cats don't do what dogs do. They don't hump your leg, no, they piss on your face.

Speaker 3:

We know that but they don't know that. I never knew that You had a black cat that used to piss on your face. What was his name? R Kelly. Do you think another?

Speaker 1:

fucking R Kelly thing on TV. My wife was watching. What is it?

Speaker 3:

The survivors.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i watch, i watch Um what is it Surviving?

Speaker 1:

R Kelly, i'm sick of seeing that shit. They can't hear. They can't hear us on live. Just let you guys know that I don't know, you know all them.

Speaker 3:

Women are survivors, r Kelly.

Speaker 1:

Whatever Abuse them.

Speaker 2:

Okay, mainly when they were kids, so they want to talk about it on TV now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Get their closure. He's already in jail. He's he's got charges that are even sentenced, yet, Like he's got no sentence for some charges, He's. He's. He's not getting out of jail No.

Speaker 3:

So I like that. They asked Dave Chappelle if he wanted to be part of the documentary surviving R Kelly. And he said wait because he made a song 25 years ago called I want to piss on you.

Speaker 1:

Everyone knows that, chris. You don't know that? Yeah, but why would he want?

Speaker 2:

to be on that. That's what he said. Yeah, like, what am I going to do? I don't know anything.

Speaker 3:

I don't know about him.

Speaker 2:

It's just a headline that he was playing off on his TV show. Right, I mean yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh good start for this podcast. I'm pretty sure you can't hear what we're saying. Hey, even if you could, nobody's listening anyway, i know, but I'm I'm pretty sure you can't. Let me see, let me see, real quick. Let me see, let me see, Let me see, let me see, let me see, oh, that hurt. Okay, you can, nice, you can, you can hear everything.

Speaker 2:

That's the last time I did it. You couldn't. You didn't hit the buttons The right. I know, but I'm kidding you not. Well, that's great.

Speaker 1:

Who knows what we're saying?

Speaker 2:

That is what's called untethered uncensored I should probably TV internet radio show.

Speaker 1:

But here's the problem. I can't stop the goddamn timer. You can do whatever you want. I can on this? If I hit the button, it will fucking stop the recording.

Speaker 3:

And we know how you get under pressure with buttons.

Speaker 1:

I have to wait till the 30 seconds are over.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to do anything You don't want to do. Jay, usually that's not true. Take control of your life.

Speaker 3:

I try to.

Speaker 2:

I wonder what we, what we have in store for you people today.

Speaker 1:

You'll find out in about 20 seconds, apparently you know we're all going to find out in about 20 seconds, because I don't know the fuck we're even talking about. Yeah, yeah, sure I just nine seconds Six.

Bill O'Reilly and Celebrity News
Car Buying and Basketball Hoop Building
Ice Skating, Zambonis, and Microwave Cooking
Fast Food and Ice Cream Musings
Retired Player, Soccer, House Hunting
Zoo Animals and Real Estate Financing
Dave Chappelle and Surviving R Kelly