El Cafecito Travel Talks
El Cafecito Travel Talks
#36 Racecation
Pau Amos an American who retired early from his university career found a way to combined his two passions, travelling and competing in triathlons "Racecation"
Paul shared with us from his new home in Cuenca Ecuador how he was able to combine his passion for competition and exploring the world at the same time.
His words of advice for us it’s not to be afraid to do something that will put you out of our comfort zone.
Guest: Paul Amos Email: paul.amos.wharton@gmail.com
Host: Tony Lloyd
Editor: Tony Lloyd
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Location: El Cafecito Hostel Cuenca Ecuador www.cafecito.net
Questions or comments: elcafecitotraveltalks@gmail.com
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Soundtrack: So Easy Artist: Jahzzar Album: Traveller’s Guide