Chaos to Peace with Conny: Clearing Clutter & Organizing with a Spiritual Twist for Busy Solopreneurs Who Work from Home

204. PowHerFull Start-up Systems with Mia Frankl

Conny Graf / Mia Frankl Season 2 Episode 204

Mia Frankl, a teacher and healer, shares her transformation of trading turmoil for tranquility, illustrating the profound peace that arises when we simplify not just our closets, but the very core of our lives.

For the rising female entrepreneur, Mia offers in this conversation a treasure trove of wisdom on forging a business steeped in simplicity and intention. She maps out the cornerstones of creating, selling, serving, and repeating, and discusses the transformative power of collaboration—her "collaboratory"—where women unite to uplift and amplify each other's successes.

Join us for this episode to hear how you can "KISS" your business, keeping things super simple.

Find the full shownotes here

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to my podcast from Chaos to Peace with Connie. I am Connie Graf and your host, and I will explore with you how a few minutes a day can keep the chaos away, and with chaos we're talking about the physical, digital, social, financial, mental, emotional and spiritual clutter that can accumulate in our life and business. In every episode, I want to make you aware how clutter is so much more than you think, how it affects your finances and how clearing your clutter leads to more time, more money and more peace. Let's go. Well, hello, my friend. Welcome to the podcast. I am Connie Graf, your host. Thank you so much for allowing me back into your ears Today.

Speaker 1:

I welcome Mia Frankel as a guest. Mia is a teacher and healer and helps clients who are just starting out with their business and want to build it the right way right away. Mia and I, we talk about her journey from chaos to peace, clearing the clutter in her life and business, and then how to kiss your business and with kiss we are meaning keeping it super simple how spending a little bit of time now to get ready for later means you will be ready for later now, and everything is a system. So why would your business be any different. Okay, without further ado, let's jump into this conversation with Mia Frankel. Welcome, mia, I'm excited you're a guest on my podcast. How are you today?

Speaker 2:

Well, Connie, I'm just, you know, so thrilled to be here and thank you for the opportunity the last time we had it. It was such beautiful conversation, so I'm, you know, looking forward to just going deeper into it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I love most about my podcast. In a way, I meet all these amazing people, have these great conversations. Often the preach ad is already really amazing, so I do have an international audience. So I always ask first, where in the world are you located? And then also tell us one thing about you that is surprising or quirky or anything that has nothing to do with what we're talking about afterwards.

Speaker 2:

So I am on the west coast of Canada, you are listeners, so on Vancouver Island, which we like to call, is just across the pond from the mainland Continent of North America but from near Vancouver, canada. And one quirky, weird thing I love collecting glasses, like glassware so, and made of glass. I have a few plastic or ceramic pieces, but, yeah, I so none of my glasses really match and I just like thrift store or sometimes as a restaurant, as a souvenir or other places. I just like the shape, the feel, the weight, all of it. I like to collect glasses.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's fun. You're the first one that collects glasses. Okay, yeah, so you and I we're gonna geek out on clearing clutter in our minds and physical spaces and everywhere and anywhere. But you said to me or I read it, I forgot one or the other you said that this is a process that cleanses us back to our original self. So what do you mean with that? When we're clearing the clutter and, as my listeners know, with clutter I mean so much more than just a physical space and you say it cleanses us back to our original self? Very interested in that.

Speaker 2:

So I'm really tapping into the energy of source, of our origin, of when we came to life, in the womb, and the simplicity of that. And so listeners like I've had a baby and I, you know, tried to be this minimalist mom, simplifying the experience and because our basic needs are our true needs love, shelter, food, comfort, these sorts of things, right, and so this is where we come from, and if you're not hanging out with people who are 90 years and older, start going, find them, because you will. You will experience that same energy from them at the other end. And you know, we're living in the, in the middle of those two spectrums, attached to so many things that we didn't need at the beginning and that we won't need at the end. So you know, just kind of remembering that, and it doesn't mean, you know, go and get rid of everything or things like that we can have joy, but it's for me it's a very descriptive and kind of visible way of describing what can otherwise feel daunting or obscure.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so when when I understand you're right and it's similar to what I'm saying is I always say, like clearing clutter is self-love, and it's self-love because we're making our life easier, we're reducing the stress around us and everything. So that's basic. I love it how you say that that's really beautiful and also like I so I'm. I'm reading a lot and listening a lot to Michael Singer, who is into spirituality, and he says, as humans, we actually don't really have needs in a way other than these bodily needs, like air, of course, food and shelter, you know, and anything beyond that is is is just a need because we're distracted and because we're not connected to source. And that reminds me when you say that it takes us back to our original self. That's what reminds this to me.

Speaker 1:

Now I can't speak English that is what reminds me off right, so that we actually don't really need all this stuff, and this is what you're saying, like we come with nothing or very little.

Speaker 2:

We need very little when we're little and when we're older we need very little yeah, yeah, and like, when there's less distraction there's more clarity, and when there's more clarity there's more authenticity, and then the things that you do have are far more intentional, be them physical things or emotional, or thought processes, belief systems. So then you really get to know who you are in a basic state and from there you can build forward to that, like I don't know that my life will change dramatically when I am making more money than I'm making now. I will just have a bit more freedom than I have now, and that has a great sense of peace to it for me. And that's like the decluttering and, you know, the making a choice that is bigger than perhaps the instant gratification that you think you're getting in that moment. And so it's being with the cluttering.

Speaker 2:

Like you know, a Christmas is here now and we're out, we're shopping, we're collecting things. In my home we do advent calendars and we fill them with little, you know, cute little things. It's not just a chocolate calendar and so I'm trying to find things that are a bit more useful than just an item to be on one of the 25 J's type of thing. So finding new ways to connect with the energy around us and thinking, even just starting to think about it is a helpful way to again like, remove that distraction, remove I love the word the stickiness of what we've collected over time, just coming back to true or through yourself, deeper self.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the word that I'm thinking constantly. When you're talking deeper, because so many people complain that oh, there's so much going on and I have no time for this and I have no time for that, and then they're just staying shallow with everything. But you do have some control to get rid of certain things and then can go deeper with the things that you intentionally keep right. And again, we're not just talking about physical stuff, we're talking about thoughts, emotions, energy, social environment, right. And when we're going deeper, then in my eyes time slows down and we don't feel that time just flies by by us. It's almost like because you're going deeper, you're experiencing it more fully and because of it you're not thinking like your life is just flying by you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you've slowed things down. Yeah, so you're more present, like you're kind of more weighted in your body almost and I have a teenager in the house and phones are a big toy these days in generations younger than us and losing the ability to kind of just sit still and be and needing this constant stimulation. It distracts you from, like we've already said, like knowing yourself, but also from just the simplicity of being and being content with that. So you're kind of feeding the ego and the oxytocins of the adrenaline to get a hit of what we may perceive as happiness. But dopamine, like looking for that dopamine. Hit right when you can create your own dopamine in simplicity and in reduction, and it's also it is ironically, instantly gratifying to get rid of stuff. Like in the physical sense, right, clear up space. And like my brain constantly running as to how could I rearrange this room, how could I create more space, how could I make the living room more spacious than it is and my husband and I talk about, because we've got two stories, just over 600 square foot each, and there's four people living there, so it can feel a bit tight, but it's always like, well, what can we get rid of or what can we reduce in size, like we could have a smaller house, we could have a smaller bookshelf, we could make these things smaller to create more space in there.

Speaker 2:

And I was, and I'm still recovering because, like these, things don't have to come to an end, you just increase your awareness as you go. And so I was that woman who chalk or blocked her calendar to the point where then I'd burn out and I'd be canceling or flaking out. I'm a recovering flake, okay, and I'm still tempted sometimes, but I've now restructured by making new choice, like you say, to align myself more so that I can enjoy and I can. It kind of fully absorbs some of the lovely pleasures that are available, without giving up on my dreams, without giving up on my ambition, but not from a pressurized state at all. And that again, the word peace, like that really dropped in relaxed way of living, is so wonderful and I find it is complimented with the physical removal of things. You just. If only we could do that with weight loss. It's take 10 pounds off and bring it to the donation bin. It'd be great.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, no. But what I love about what you're saying is, yes, yes, we can reduce, we can think, what else can we let go of? And at the same time, you're collecting glasses, right? So and I always talk to it's like I don't have a minimalistic home. It's not about that, right? This would just be, in my eyes, the other extreme of the equation, right, when you're having having, then nothing, or well, not nothing. But I know I read about people who have under 100 items in total, and there we don't wanna get over 100 items, and I mean, if they have fun with that, then fine, but if that becomes your new rule, then that's probably not very healthy either. So you just said you were the one that over-scheduled yourself and all that. I also read that you were over-planning, over-doing and everything, and then one day you figured it out that it doesn't have to be that way. So take us through this process. What happened? Because so many people are in your boat and they always wish they could change.

Speaker 2:

So something changed that you or something happened that you changed, let's say, like that so I wanna be the voice of not have, of a person who didn't experience like a big life of venture. Okay, I didn't have something that kind of forced me to make a hard decision. I think what happened was it was a slow percolating and coming to surrender to the giving up the idea that the so-called hustle was the way to achieve what I wanted. It wasn't, and I realized in hindsight that came from a scarcity mindset where.

Speaker 1:

If I'm not going all the time, then I'm not gonna get what I want and I'll never have the dream life that I want.

Speaker 2:

And it's like whoa dude, you're missing the dream life that you have now because you're so obsessed with the scarcity of chasing the future right, and so you create your future one day at a time, and somewhere we're still in 2023, somewhere in 2022, I just got this hit that to make my life work, I had to change the approach so that I could enjoy my life, like I just said, as I was continuing to create it, and a quote that may kind of help articulate this by Jim Rohn is to be ambitious and content in values.

Speaker 2:

Be ambitious and content, and that they don't have to exist without each other. It's not a one or the other, and now, like I still get stressed out, I still overwork sometimes because it's a continual practice, but to set the reality of my life, as I have a full-time job, I have a five-year-old, I have a stepdaughter, I have a healthy marriage, I have a healthy social life and family relationships, I have a podcast, I have two Facebook groups, I have coaching programs, I do a lot and I still have a clean house, and laundry is usually folded once a week and put away, and so these things have just kind of come into a flow around each other rather than being in competition, and it's like building a fitness, a fitness level. So I love using the example of your first burpee to when you can do even 50 burpees say it is realistic to do 50 burpees?

Speaker 2:

it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I call it like. When I have my clutter-clearing clients, I always say, like you have to exercise your decluttering muscle first, and it's with anything like we can't just like switch over a lever and all of a sudden we're perfect. And this is what I like about you too. When you say, well, I still get stressed out, Well, of course, I mean you would be very weird person.

Speaker 2:

Or like a mom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's more about. I think, at the same journey, like it's more about are we aware of it, that we're becoming stressed out, and then how long does it take until we're getting back to where we were or back to our intention? Maybe not to where we were before because we wanna make progress, but just back to our intention, how we wanna handle it? And I love how you say, like you have all these things in your life now, because I wanted to including your coaching programs, your Facebook group. You have a podcast too, and as I, as you know, I have a podcast, otherwise you wouldn't be here. But the podcast is a lot of work. I mean it's kind of like a lot of work is always relative to, but I mean it is work, it's not. It doesn't just rain from the sky. So talk us through this. Were you when you were all stressed and everything? Did you have all these things already? Or did you even have less? Like I know of people that had less and were stressed and now have more and are less stressed.

Speaker 1:

So yeah.

Speaker 2:

I love it I love it.

Speaker 1:

I figured.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, connie. And it blows my mind because, like, I find myself saying the kind of the ironic, like make you wanna gag thing of I'm doing, I'm busier than ever and I'm more relaxed than ever, you know, and it sounds so like girl, please. Like, what BS are you selling, right? Yeah, but the energy has completely shifted again, that scarcity energy of chasing versus that, that balanced energy of being able to move the pieces intentionally and not without, like a little bit of frenetic energy. I have a tendency to get hyper and move into that survival energy, but by letting go of control, moving into just flow.

Speaker 2:

Like you guys, I'm Capricorn type A like, oh my gosh, everything on a list. They make a list and the first thing on it is make a list so I can check it off. Right, like that's my dopamine right there. Like I'm having gone to holding underwear and socks, which now just feels pointless, I just stuff them in the drawer. And that's crazy to me because I never, you know, I wanted things so neat and tidy, but when I'm 98, it's really not gonna matter.

Speaker 2:

And so a few little shifts to smooth out how things go have allowed me to hold more, you know, to just hold more in it and I was totally. I had like very few clients. I was working as an online business manager and while Don Matleave and you know just trying to really hammer things out but it's a very busy job in that role, working right beside the CEO and helping them manage all the things and so then I was stressed out because I had this external pressure too and these other kinds of responsibilities and personalities to hold, and it's just like how much longer can I sustain this, you know, like how much longer can I really do this? And then just by spending some time getting to know myself a bit more and yeah, the irony of slow down to speed up is a real thing, you know it is a real thing but it's now knowing my limits and pacing myself.

Speaker 2:

I'm young, like I'm just 42 next month. I'm still very young, I have a lot of time and I want to enjoy that time. And you know, just do a lot of things but not all at once. And so I think one of my sayings is there's time for everything but not at the same time. And that's how you declutter time for everything but not at the same time. Like you're not putting your kid to bed, we'll cook and supper while folding laundry, you know.

Speaker 1:

Or like mucking stalls while cooking, supper while walking the jog, yeah, yeah, it's just like when people are in this craziness or I often call it frenzy, they really can't see how slowing down helps you speed up. But it's the same like the I think it's the Zen monks or some meditation gurus. They always say like if you feel like you have no time to meditate for 15 minutes, you need to meditate for an hour, or something along that line. That saying goes. I probably put you to it completely. That's pretty spot on yeah, yeah so now.

Speaker 1:

You touched on it already a bit. So you're now having a coaching practice next to your busy life. You have otherwise already and I know you help and I read that on your website. You help others create a business with intention and ease and you use a lot of the word kiss, which you say keep it super simple. I always I use the word kiss too. I think originally it was keep it simple stupid and I thought that was silly. So I always said keep it simple, sister. But you say keep it simple, keep it simple or keep it super simple, so that's awesome. So tell us a bit about the super simple, intentional business.

Speaker 2:

So there's a I'm a teacher and a healer right At the end of the day. So call it a coach, whatever label, but to me it's a teacher and a healer. So it's part of you know, caring for your heart and meeting somebody at that place for them. Because we're all different, we all kind of need our own little systems that are going to work for us. And the other part of it is running.

Speaker 2:

So cliche, it sounds so cheesy. Like I could have written commercial jingles, I swear. But running you run your business so that it doesn't run you. And I was getting run over by my business. So as a result of that like I you know I recreated especially for the new female business owner, when you're brand new out there and the wolves are lurking just ready to pounce and like, get their clutches in you and say you need this and you need this and you gotta do that. All this noise coming at you. At the end of the day, all we're doing is gaining confidence in ourselves, which is the self-love and authenticity right which is part of our greater healing journey. And the business is a great playground to practice that on, because it really tests your ego and your sense of worth right, because you make it so much about you. At least I did, I think we all start out that way.

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, that's great.

Speaker 2:

So we want to come in and declutter and stay true to the vision in our heart and what I've found, based on the clients that I've worked with, is business is really simple. You're creating something, then you're selling it, then you're serving or delivering on it and then you're repeating and you're just doing these four steps. It's like a high intensity interval training boot camp, right? You're just doing these four steps over and over and you want to intentionally get better at them and when you can find your rhythm in that at the beginning, like that blank canvas, that new entrepreneur to me is just so delicious and so underserved, because a lot of online coaches are wanting certain revenue levels are promising. You know, 10k days, maybe. You're not ready for that yet. You just want to get started.

Speaker 2:

We simplify all of the influences out there and you create your own path. You start leading yourself from day one with intention and you know just like there's no reason that you need to grow to a business to a point where you have like 50 team members. You can do it with a small team of even I mean, maybe even five. You know like you don't have to become a global empire to have a high grossing business and it's like it's all this line of decluttering all of this. You know, just start where you are and kind of keep it that way, so then you can add, you can expand from it without getting more complicated.

Speaker 1:

And that's what everybody thinks. They need a huge team, and that alone sounds overwhelming. I know of several solopreneurs who are up to 300,000 in revenue per year and they don't even have a assistant because they have good systems. But and you talk a lot about systems too, but I don't know how it is for you, but when I talk about systems and processes, people start rolling their eyes. Or and I read a funny, a funny sentence on your website everything is a system. Why should your business be any different? And it's so true, right, but most people roll their eyes, especially the new ones, because they come out of their job and thinking, finally, I got rid of all this, these rules and systems, and can just do whatever I want to do. But I always say, like, have you noticed that if you have to hold a in front of you, that you're actually not doing anything because you have no system and no structure in place? So tell us a little bit about your systems and your structures.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so remember type A I control exactly that's why, but I think that's why you're on Gaffer-Core and my one of my girlfriends, who's been in my life for 30 years and counting, she loves to tease me still from 30 years ago, or, like you, do not deviate from the plan or me, I will lose her poop. There's, there's elements of that that are still true, and it's it's easy to do what needs to do if you know what to do. So not to word, salad it. But if you're creating, we're going to go basics, create, sell, serve, repeat. So creating what. Where are you put it? What is your offer? How? What does it look like? Is it an orange? Is it french fries? Is it a pair of socks? And how do I buy it? Right? So, in the online world, a landing page that's descriptive, with a pay now button and preferably, some follow on emails.

Speaker 2:

That is a system. That is a very simple system that can be created if you sit down for a couple of hours and put it together. Now you have a very tangible product that you've also set up as an assistant, because it is sending extra emails after purchase to check in with that client, whatever the product is, whatever the arrangements are. So does that make life easier, right? Does that make it more repetitive. Does that help you reach more people and you can sell more than one of them at once? If you have this easy system in place, and then the selling is just having an idea around what you have to offer and clearly articulating it to the result that it provides. Right, and that is your selling, your marketing system, the ins and outs of that. So we could get lost for days, but that could be as simple as showing up on social media speaking to that result and making the offer, or networking, or you know, the list goes on, but the the core of it is telling people about it, not really how, but the what.

Speaker 2:

What are you telling? And then you can apply it in a variety of ways without over complicating it. And then the serving the serving of it, right. Or is this a digital product that is delivered, or do they need to schedule one on one time? Is it an in person? Is it a physical product that needs to be shipped to them? How are you going to get your business in a system to make that part of it easier for you? Right? And then we're repeating how did that work? How did that flow? Where was there a glitch or a gap? Or you know, what do I want to add on? How did those emails work? And we go back and go through it again. I mean, honey, when you get home from the grocery store, do you know where you're going to put your ice cream?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't buy ice cream.

Speaker 2:

The one person.

Speaker 1:

Your milk.

Speaker 2:

I don't drink milk either.

Speaker 1:

You're lost with me, but I eat chocolate.

Speaker 2:

We have, like we have these things in place. I'm going to assume that most of us have an underwear drawer. I'm going to assume that most of us have a room with the bed and modern plumbing. The bathroom is the bathroom for those needs, right? So we build these pillars in our business. How much easier is it going to be to log in and see these different areas for you to manage, versus being on the hamster wheel of blending them or, you know, not knowing what they are individually, not knowing how they're threaded together as a collective. So that's that sort of thing.

Speaker 1:

I love it really me because, like you just said, a lot of coaches or even programs, they, they are much more sophisticated, they go in like much crazier and it's often too much for people that are just starting out, like like you just said. And the other thing is also a lot of people who have systems and structure are constraining them and and and putting them in a box and they don't want to be so boxed in. But what they're not understanding is that this actually liberates you, it actually gives you more freedom, it gives you more time, it gives you makes your life easier. It's it's the other counterintuitive thing. Like we just said, with the slowing down you can speed up. You have the systems in place and you're working on it over time that they become like you use the word flow a lot they just become automatic right. The more it frees up your energy, your mental energy, your time and everything. It's yeah. So I love, I love you, love your, your version. You just say it different, but you basically say the same thing that I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right, which is why we get along so good yeah exactly, exactly.

Speaker 1:

But but also I love that you say it different, because some people need to hear it the way you say it and other people need to hear the way I say it, or some people may need to hear both of us until until they're understanding it. And that has nothing to do with intelligence, it's just because it's often counterintuitive. It literally is. I also want to touch on something else, because you guys found something else on your website the movement of collaborative runner. I can't breathe in France. A collaboration partners, yeah, and that's the other thing is to is like oftentimes, and when I started and I'm I age myself because I started in my business in 1998. Some people were not even born that that are listening to my podcast. So yeah, it's a long time ago and and it was kind of Lonely in a way, because we didn't have social media, we didn't have the internet. You couldn't just connect with people like this. But what I love about now is nobody really has to do that alone anymore. So tell me a little bit about your movement of collaboration.

Speaker 2:

I can't collaborate or you're saying it, perfect, so I made up the word. As far as I know, I think so too.

Speaker 1:

I've never read it. I read all kinds of preneurs word, but not that one.

Speaker 2:

It's part laboratory, part collaboration, part bra for women, whether you like them or not. I love taking mine off at the end of the day, but it just plays into the feminine energy and it has to do with creating support and creating abundance. It's operating in abundance. So one of my favorite quotes and I can't reference it because it was just a very beautiful meme that I found on the internet says you can't compete with me, I want us all to win. You can't compete with me, I want us all to win. And so in the collaborator. The idea here is we're building our businesses for ourselves, but we're doing it together. So Connie has people in her audience who are looking for me. I have people in my audience who are looking for Connie, and removing myself from the equation means demoting my ego and allowing the service to be the service and to help everybody get to where they're going by drawing resources together and by offering more than just me.

Speaker 2:

I am not the KFC secret sauce, one and only possible way for someone to evolve and grow a successful business. I am one of many and I am grounded in my worth and in my confidence and in my skills that I can share the stage and I want to share the stage, and more so I want to put others on that stage, because what is the point otherwise? Who am I as a healer and a teacher if I'm doing it all for me? Look at me, look at me. It's ridiculous, and what I find, too, is it's such an incredibly different magic that comes out when we're co-creating, when we're exchanging with each other. It's very activating for me. I could not talk like this for an hour by myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, try doing a solo episode talking to the computer screen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I need that other person to really help lead and engage and interact with, and so in the collaboration, that's what we're doing, and so I have an idea out right now which is it's just a landing page off my website, but it's the powerful directory where I'm inviting women to come in with their photo, their bio and a link to a freebie or a current offer. But then we can all email out to our email lists and help pass each other around. Just pass each other around the spaces and the internet, so that it's not just me trying one of me to go to the masses. It's a bunch of us going to, even like the small ponds that we have. So I'll hand it back to you.

Speaker 2:

But I just want to take that deeper into a fable called stone soup, and in stone soup a traveling person comes to town and is asking if they can do entertainment in exchange for food or shelter. Everybody is turning them down, and then they find a stone and get an idea and start asking the town if somebody has a large soup pot. Oh, I have one. Well, let me borrow it. What are you doing? I'm making soup. And so then they fill it with water and put the stone in. Now he's cooking and somebody comes over. What are you doing? Oh, I'm making soup, but it needs a little pepper. I have a little pepper, put it in, and everybody starts contributing the little bits that they have, and what do they end up with?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, beautiful soup.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful soup that they all eat, but they could not have produced on their own Right. And so then, like you said, that community of having somebody brainstorm, troubleshoot, figure out, get creative inspiration with and leverage each other because Facebook, Instagram is noisy. So what I don't want? I don't want to burden myself with the amount of so-called work it would take to be seen on top of everybody else out there, Right? So I want to find other ways to get myself around, to get myself visible. That isn't all on my shoulders. And if I'm doing that, who else wants to play along then? Why can't we do it together?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love it and you know, I do believe truly that this is where the world is heading.

Speaker 1:

So I'm very much into astrology and when you know a little bit about astrology and I think you don't even need to know about astrology there's so much talk out there how we are at the brink of transitioning into a different world it has a lot to do, or you can explain it why, with astrology and I do believe we're coming away from this hierarchy and one is on the top.

Speaker 1:

It is the guru or the heroine or the hero or whatever and we're all looking up and doing what they're saying we're coming to everybody is at the same level and what you just were describing with this stone soup which reminds me I heard this story once before, a long time ago, because when you said stone soup, I'm thought I heard about that stone soup, but I don't remember the story anymore. And so I totally believe we're getting there and I love that you created this word and that you created this community, because, again, we don't need to do it alone and we don't have to be competition and we're so much better off. The whole world would be so much better off. We probably wouldn't have people starving and people without shelter. If we would just stop doing the competition stuff, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I mean as a business owner and as a new business owner. It is lonely and scary, so you are vulnerable and insecure at the beginning, and so where better to be than with others who will celebrate with you and who will help you create what's on your heart and help bring clarity to you so that you're working on your business with others and it doesn't cost right? So right now in my Facebook group, I'm blowing it open for 2024. Like, let's everybody just get in here, because it's the behind the scenes. You can take your guard down. You can pardon me, but I'm like immature sometimes. You can fart in the collaboratory. You know, you don't have to be perfect, you don't have to be polished, you can. It's safe space to breathe and to like talk about what's really going on versus the show that we sometimes see on Facebook. And that's the healing piece, where it just again declutters and brings ease to the whole journey and can help you drop in, can help you relax and build that safety and calm.

Speaker 1:

The result yeah, and since we're at that topic, so talk a little bit. How can people find this Facebook group? How can people find your website? Where should they go If they wanted to be part of this collaborator movement?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so on Facebook it's powerful Inc, so P-O-W-H-E-R-F-U-L-L-I-N-C or Mia Frankel, but like the URL is powerful Inc and the Facebook group is facebookcom slash powerful startups, so I left the URL on an earlier rendition of it and it should be a public group now so you can search for that or just come find me on Facebook. Mia Frankel and we're looking to show notes.

Speaker 1:

I will, for sure put these in the show notes.

Speaker 2:

And come on in, because this a lot of these women I met as a result of my podcast and it created this environment for us to do exactly what I've talked about and like what's fun for me. We have coffee, I give homework, I give journaling, I come up with little challenges, so we're in there to work, we're in there to be accountable and we're in there to have fun Like there's yeah, I like to do like dancing coffee. I usually start with a song, so we do like a little shake your booty before we get chattin' away and just connect and really genuine and heartfelt, and I'm a little protective over it, but the world needs that and we all need to be in there. So it's no longer mine, it belongs to all of us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you let it loose. Let it loose, baby, let it loose. This is really beautiful. I could talk with you forever, but we wanna be a bit mindful of your time, my time, the audience's time. So, before we wrap up, did you wanna say any last words? Or did I not ask something that you really feel like from your heart that has to come out, or any last words?

Speaker 2:

It's such a beautiful conversation and I, like I love how aligned we are and it's a great opportunity to just remind people of you know they're finding their true purpose and allowing themselves to pursue it and knowing that they don't have to do it alone, Because we want to engage with each other. You know we want to be there and to witness that. It's a beautiful thing when you see somebody start to really shine and gain that momentum. So you know, if you're feeling isolated, well, sister, it's cause you chose that. Yeah, so knock it off, you don't have to be a hero.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Show them some tough love. So thanks so much for your time, Mia, and for your wisdom and the last words. So my audience, if you want to be in there, get your butt in, Get your butt in there doors open. Thanks so much, Mia.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

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