Trying to Fit: Beginner's Fitness Podcast

Pre-PLAN Your Success- Set Up for Success Part-2 | S2: EP-05

Gladimir Simeon Season 2 Episode 5

Today's episode is getting unstuck in the planning phase. Procrastination can look like planning if we spend too much time creating the perfect plan. If you've been planning to start for a long time but have not taken action, this is the episode for you. Consider these four things before you start planning. That way, you will be able to move from planning to action. 



Glad Health & Fitness, Inc.:


WellAvec Virtual Group Coaching Program:


Mingo Fit On-site Group Fitness Classes:



10 Mistakes to Avoid When Losing Weight- Gladimir Simeon


About Trying to Fit Podcast with Gladimir Simeon:


Trying to Fit with Gladimir “Coach Glad” Simeon is a health and fitness podcast for beginners who need guidance, motivation, and actions to get fit.  Coach Glad discusses real challenges that keep people from getting healthy.  No gimmicks, shortcuts, or overnight success.  


Season 1 was during the pandemic, and he chose to try to motivate people through some of the most challenging times of their lives. In Season 2, he aims to bring a fresh view towards health and fitness. 


About Gladimir “Coach Glad” Simeon: 


Hello. I’m Gladimir Simeon. I am an Exercise Physiologist and Wellness Coach.  I got my Exercise Science and Health Promotion degree from Florida Atlantic University. I’ve been helping people get healthy by developing lifestyle habits since 2010. 


I’m passionate about helping others get healthy because I’ve had a scare with high blood pressure in my 20s.  It was terrifying.  I made the decision to get in shape and lost over 40 lbs. Since then, I plan on impacting the lives of others around me to make better decisions about their health.



Speaker 1:

Motivational fitness coaching for beginners. Are you stuck in the planning phase? Consider these four things to move from planning into action. You're listening to Try To Fit, a motivational fitness podcast helping beginners to get fit through the proper mindset, planning and actions. I'm your host, gladimir Coach Gladsemian. I'm an exercise physiologist and wellness coach with the philosophy to keep fitness practical so that it's easy to start and maintain. We're here to build your faith, get inspired to get healthier and overcome anything keeping you from getting fit. Are you ready to put in work? Let's get started. Welcome to Try To Fit, season 2, episode 5. I'm your host, coach Glad. I want to thank you so much for joining me today.

Speaker 1:

Today, we're going to be talking about procrastination, more specifically, procrastination during the planning phase. I don't want you to get stuck in the planning phase. Procrastination is a real thing and you think that you're planning because you're taking time and you're spending time trying to craft the perfect plan, but all you're really doing is procrastinating and you're not taking any action towards your goal. I don't want you to get stuck there. So today I'm going to give you a four-set process to move from planning into action. I want you to consider these four things when you're starting your planning stage, so this happens before the planning stage. This is why I call it the pre-plan, and is a four-step process to make sure that you move from pre-plan to your plan, into action, versus just jumping straight into action, jumping straight into planning and never really taking any action. Sometimes the planning stage can become overwhelming if you're spending too much time in it trying to craft the perfect plan. It can become a bit overwhelming. So when you're planning, you're not going to be able to do anything. So trying to craft the perfect plan, it can become a bit overwhelming. So with this pre-plan, this is going to allow you to break the planning process down into phases so that you can easily move from one phase to the next.

Speaker 1:

The first part of this pre-plan we break it down into four steps and the acronym is plan P-L-A-N, and the P portion is the path you want to choose, how you're going to get to your goal you talked about in strategy figuring out your vision, figuring out your goal, where you want to be, how do you want to look, how do you want to feel. But how are you going to get there? And I want you to decide on that. For example, if your goal is to get in shape. How are you going to get in shape? What are you going to choose? What mode of exercise? How are you going to get to your goal? You're just like taking a vacation. You know where you want to go, you know your destination, but how are you going to get there? Are you going to take the train? Are you going to fly? Are you going to drive? Figure that part out. That is the P portion, the path portion.

Speaker 1:

Next is the L portion, and this is a very important portion. It is staying laser focused. I want you to stay laser focused and choose just one goal. If you're trying to get in shape, let's say your goal is to decrease body fat, or you're trying to lose weight, or you're trying to whatever it is just choose one goal. You have a finite focus, time and energy. You have other responsibilities. If you choose too many goals at once, there is a possibility you can get overwhelmed and you're going to burn yourself out and not continue. You need all the the the energy, you need all the focus and you need to concentrate your time Chasing just one goal and this is going to help you to achieve that goal. Once you get that goal. Once you you master that, then you can commit to something else. But initially start with just one goal.

Speaker 1:

Next we have the a portion, and this is a head. Why do I call this ahead? This is About three steps, no more than three steps before you take any action. So this is the steps ahead of action, and you want to limit it to just three, otherwise there's a chance you can get overwhelmed. So let's use the example of your. You want to get in shape and you think joining a bootcamp is the best way for you think it's going to be fun and you can see yourself being there and really enjoying it. Before your first class, before that action step, there's at least three steps that you need to take to make sure that you get to your first class. Number one it may be finding a bootcamp in your area. Number two, figuring out a schedule, a schedule, the class, that that works best for you. And then number three, calling or scheduling your first class. Those three steps right there will help you to Get from just a planning stage into taking action. So I call that the a head stage, the third step in the process.

Speaker 1:

Then we have the fourth and I think, probably the most important step is the end part, is the narrative. What is a narrative? This is the story that you're telling yourself. What story are you telling yourself? Why do you want to achieve this goal and who do you have to be for you to accomplish this goal? What is the narrative that you're telling yourself? Are you going to quit once you start? Do you? Do you want to be that person? Why should you continue? Is this goal important to you? How important is the goal to you? What are you willing to sacrifice? Are you passionate About your goal?

Speaker 1:

If you're passionate, how passionate? What's gonna make you feel most fulfilled? Is it? Is it actually the goal that you're chasing or is it the feeling? So, if your goal is to lose weight, is it? Is it their number on the scale, or is it the feeling of being somebody that that pushed through adversity and got to a goal? You got healthier? Is it a look? Is it the boost in and status, or the praise that you're going to get from People saying that you're someone that stuck with a goal and pursued it? Is it? Is it all or nothing with you? Is it? Are you going to be fulfilled if you Only achieve 80% of your goal, 90% of your goal, 99%. These are things that you want to think about it. Do you consider those things failure if you don't get a hundred percent of your goal? But let's say that you got 80% and but you became a better person. You inspired your, your, your family, your friends to also get in shape. Do you Consider that a failure or is it a success? Are you more fulfilled now that you were able to inspire others to pursue their own goals, to chase their own dreams?

Speaker 1:

You, you really need to figure out the narrative. What are you telling yourself so that you have a really strong why? And you need a strong why? Because when adversity comes, when difficulty comes, if you don't have a strong enough, why you won't continue? That's just a gist of it, because adversity reveals the true narrative. What do you are you telling yourself? It's going to reveal the truth, because if you stop and you don't continue, then you were. You were telling yourself a narrative you really didn't believe. You told yourself that this is your goal, this is, this is the time that you're going to actually do it. You're gonna pursue it and you're going to chase it until you get it. But you didn't. Let's talk about. This quote Is from the science digest, 1949.

Speaker 1:

Don't procrastinate. Putting off an unpleasant task until tomorrow Simply gives you more time for your imagination to make a mountain out of a possible molehill. More time for anxiety to sap your self-confidence. Confidence do it now, brother. Do it now. That's a good word. Right there, planning can look light procrastination.

Speaker 1:

If you take too much time planning and You're not taking enough time to just focus on starting and Moving into action, you Shouldn't spend too much time Planning. You want to plan, you want to have a plan. But if you spend too much time planning, you're never Going to take action. Your plan is never going to become perfect. It's never going to be perfect enough. You need enough planning just to get started. And let's say that you do create the perfect plan, the perfect plan. Nobody has ever Created a plan more perfect in the plan that you have. You have this perfect plan and at the first sign of adversity you quit.

Speaker 1:

Now, how important was that plan? You spend all that time planning, but the the second difficulty happened, the second, something got in the way. You stopped. So what? What is more important? Is it the actual plan or the actual person? I Want you to avoid Procrastinating during the plan and sage plan enough to get started. I want you to be More confident in yourself than in the plan. Be more confident in your ability to make adjustments. If something gets in your way, you'll figure out how to go around it. Be confident in your ability to fight when times get hard. When Adversity comes, when difficulty comes, you're gonna stand there and you're gonna fight for what you believe in, cuz I'll tell you the truth it's up to you to make it happen. It's not gonna happen any other way.

Speaker 1:

If you stick to that four-step Pre-plan framework, where you choose a path, you choose just one goal, you establish what you need to get started and Then you figure out your why. Why are you even starting? If you do that four-step process, you'll be able to move from planning to actual action. So Do something. Do this simple exercise pull out a sheet of paper and write your P down, your, your path. What path are you gonna take to your goal? Write your L down. What is your laser focus, what is the one thing you're gonna focus on? Write your a down. What are you? What are the three steps you're gonna do ahead of the actual step? What are you gonna do to get yourself ready to take action. And then the end part think about your why, think about your narrative. You do those four things, you'll be able to make it happen because, honestly, it's up to you. Only you can save yourself. The Calvary is not coming to help. You have to save yourself.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of saving yourself, one of my favorite movies growing up is Home Alone, the first one. I really loved that movie. It came out in 1990. That was a little little kid when that movie came out. It is. For those that don't know it, macaulay Culkin played Kevin McAllister in this movie. The plot of the story is that Kevin McAllister defends his house from a home invasion from two robbers after his family leaves him by accident. Of course, when they go on a family vacation, they forget him and you like. Well, how can that happen? It's a very, very large family and he got he. They left them on their way rushing to the airport and then they're on the plane and they didn't realize that they left Kevin until they got to their destination. But what I love most about this story is that Kevin McAllister defeated two grown man, two thieves, and defended his home. And the great thing about this movie because it was in the early 90s.

Speaker 1:

Every movie had a movie montage where the hero of the story decides to take action. They overcome their fear and do what is called crossing the threshold. They overcome their fear and they step into their purpose. So and it's usually this three-stage movie montage where it has seen cuts where the the hero draws up a plan, they, they gather their resources and they begin to either take a defense or they begin training to defeat the villain and home alone, kevin is a hero and he begins to draw a plan, he gathers his resources and he starts building booby traps all around his house and these, these robbers fall into these booby traps and he eventually beats them. I love this movie.

Speaker 1:

And you may not, but and you're probably like well, what does that have to do with what we're talking about? That's fiction. That can, that can never happen in real life. Well, you would be surprised on what you're able to accomplish if you believed in yourself. Don't limit yourself. This world is already doing a good job of that. If you believe in yourself and you begin to take action, you will be shocked at who you become. Thank you so much for watching. Trying to fit. I'm your host, gladiator coach glad simian, I pray that you were inspired to take action today. Don't think, don't forget, sorry, don't forget to follow me on all of your favorite platforms. Join me next episode, where we're actually going to be discussing the planning phase or planning your actions. And if no one has told you yet today, I love you. God bless you and be unstoppable.

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