Life Coach Business Building Podcast, The Business Building Boutique

Ep 224 - Be Seen as a Successful Coach : Life Coach Business Building School Component 1

Debbie Shadid, Business Growth Coach for Life Coaches Season 3 Episode 224

What does it take to be recognized as a successful and professional coach?

In this episode, I'll walk you through the first essential component of the Life Coach Business Building School: being seen as a successful coach. We'll explore why it's crucial to establish your brand, refine your messaging, and truly embody the image of success as you market your coaching business.

Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, this episode has something for you!

Welcome to the Life Coach Business Building Podcast! Join me as I teach you simple (organic) strategies to gain more paid clients in your life coaching business. Plus, I’ll share strategies for designing your offer, pricing your coaching, and selling your coaching offers, I have it all covered. My goal is to inspire you to take simple, consistent action to grow your coaching business. So, if you're ready to be a well-respected life coach with paid clients, this podcast is for you!

Episode details:

01:33 The Importance of a Niche

03:02 Building a Professional Brand Image

07:37 Crafting a Compelling Marketing Message

14:39 Creating a Professional Website

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Hey there. I'm so glad you're here today. We're going to talk about the four essential components to go from just being a coach to also a profitable entrepreneur. If you listen to last week's episode, I promise that over the next four weeks we're going to go really take a deep dive into each one of the essential components so that you know what you are missing so that you know what you need to do.

All right. If you do not have Each of these four components, you will not be able to create a profitable business. And if you do create a profitable business, you won't be able to sustain it. So we're going to start with the first key component where we talk about being seen as a successful coach.

Now I have to tell you, as soon as I presented this to my clients, the very first thing somebody said is, I'm not a successful coach. And I said, okay, Here's the deal. I'm not asking you to lie or tell a story about what kind of coach you are. What I'm saying is, is that we're going to talk about the image that you create, that you set up for yourself when you start your business.

And by the way, if you've already started a business and you don't have the results that you want, I can tell you, you are missing one of these components. And it could very likely be this very, First component that we're going to talk about today. So to be seen as a successful coach, that is all about your brand image.

We're going to talk about your niche, your brand image. We're talking about your marketing message and your website. All four of those pieces are really key. to being seen as a successful coach. All right, let's start first with your niche. It really is the cornerstone of your business and so you need to have complete clarity on your niche.

Now my recommendation is that your niche is you, that you are now the best version of who you once were. Okay? So you know your person inside and out. This is going to make your marketing so much easier. If you guys imagine that you are going to be successful for years to come. If you are picking a niche that you don't know well, that you can't, you know, come up with a new story about every single day, it's going to be difficult for you to market.

You know, when I talk about being in business, my God, I've been in business 25 years. I know everything about where you are. So it's not hard for me to teach or communicate with you. So think about your niche. If you want to become a well known expert, then you have to know your niche.

So without a niche, you guys, you will be just like everyone else. You'll be very average. I want you to be an authority. That is the first way that you are seen as a successful coach, is you show up as an authority, all right? If you do not have a niche, your marketing is very Average. It's very unengaging.

Your chances of becoming memorable are pretty darn low. So, If you want faster success and if you want to be seen as a professional entrepreneur, you have to pick a niche. All right, so what is being seen all about? As I mentioned to you, there's no lying involved. I am not saying that you go out and tell people that you've had all kinds of clients when you haven't.

What I am saying is that when you have a professional brand image and you know how to talk about yourself, people will assume that you are a professional. They will assume that you have had clients. All right. And let me also tell you if you have been working in your business and you've been coaching people even for free through your certification, then you have had clients.

That is not a lie either. You have been coaching people. Those people are actually clients whether they have paid you or not. So we want to give the impression of success. Success is attractive. I mean, let's be honest. When you walk into a, you know, a boutique that looks beautifully done, you first imagine like, wow, these guys are really good.

When you walk into someplace that's just a bunch of basic racks, it doesn't quite send off the same impression. So that's what we want to do when we think about you being seen as a professional. So we want to talk about your personal identity and your brand presence. Both of those matter. When we think about you scrolling through social media, The very first thing you do is you stop because of what you have seen.

It has nothing to do with the words on social media. It is literally what your eyes see is what causes you to stop. So we want to make sure that you have a strong brand presence and a memorable brand presence. The harsh reality is you guys, people are inundated with ads. So many ads. I tried to look up some research on this and I can't even find anything that is current But it has got to be hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of ads every single day If not ads we could say social media posts over and over and over If you were able to gauge how long you're on social media every day, , even if it's not for very long, the amount of posts that you look at, I don't know, I don't know how we could even count them, but it is a lot.

So the reality is if you don't have a professional image, you are going to get overlooked. So your brand image. We want to talk about building that professional brand image from your future successful self. In the Life Coach Business Building School, Thais Glenn, our Mindset, and my coach both really think a lot about who you are.

When you are already successful. We talk about that when it comes to your coaching, to how you serve your clients, to your pricing, to your offers, all of it including that brand image. So how do you want to define yourself from that point of view? When we think about brand image, of course, we're talking about the brand.

Colors and fonts and logos, but we're also talking about you. You're the brand. You are the face of the brand. A lot of times people will tell me, I hate getting my picture taken. Do I have to even put my picture out there? Yes, you have to put your picture out there. I would not hire a coach if I didn't know what they look like.

I mean, that's just the reality of it. You guys, people need to see that you are the person behind the brand. Okay. People size you up. It's just the God's honest truth. They do. They size you up and they decide whether they can trust you by what they see. So what your pictures look like are important. Now I've mentioned before, you can take your pictures with your iPhones.

You need to have good lighting, but you can do that yourself. Get yourself presentable. Make your Zoom background look beautiful. Eliminate any clutter. clean it up, turn on extra lights, face a window, whatever you need to do to get bright light and then start taking some pictures because that matters too.

I want to mention the other part of having a beautiful brand presence is you having an identity shift. You have to be feeling like you are a successful coach. You have to show up as that. When you do that, you guys will look more confident in your photos. When you have thoughts of like I'm starting something really amazing and I am the best coach to coach these people in this niche.

You guys will basically stand up a little bit taller. You'll hold your shoulders back. It will make a difference. When you're on consultations, all of that matters. All of that is brand presence. Alright, so, you want to be seen as a successful coach? Or guess what? Your business will not thrive. So the second part of being seen as a successful coach is talking about your business with confidence.

Now I can tell you that when I talk to somebody like during one of our open coaching sessions or on a consultation call, I'll say, tell me about what it is you want to do. Who do you want to coach? Tell me your story. They will start to tell me. If I have lots of time to listen, it might take 10 minutes for them to tell me about their coaching. They go all around telling a story that you're like, okay, get to the punchline. Who do you coach? And what do you coach him around? This is essential for you to be able to really take that and to put it into one sentence.

If you think about your website, you guys, we're Your website copy is part of your marketing message. You're either going to speak it or you're going to put it in writing your website. If it is not the very first line of your website that is compelling, nobody stops.

They don't even scroll down on the rest of your page to even see what it is that you do. The same way with your Instagram bio, all of that is learning how to talk about your business, how to talk about your coaching, the services you provide with confidence. So you have got to nail this down. Nobody sticks around if you are babbling and going on and on about your business, all right?

The same would apply when you go to a networking event. You guys know there's like these speed dating things or speed networking. You have 30 seconds to say your one liner and that is it. So we have to get that part figured out. I want you to remember that you need to have a main marketing message that really is like the cornerstone of your business.

Right now we're building the entire foundation of your business through this step of being seen as a successful coach. And when you think about the marketing message, You want to tap into the emotions that people are experiencing. Now I want to mention to you, you have to go way back to where you once were so you can remember how miserable you felt.

I can remember when I started working in my online business, which was 25 years ago. You guys, I literally was working seven days a week. I was working until two or three o'clock in the morning. Oh my gosh, it was miserable. And I was so insecure. Was what I was putting out into the world even worthy of anyone looking at it?

I have so worried about making mistakes. I was so worried about saying the wrong thing. I kept thinking, am I doing it right? So I know how you feel. I know all the feelings of, you know, getting started in your business that you are experiencing. So for your niche client, where were they? Like where were you?

Because that's where they are. So where were you? at some point. And how did you feel? Then you want to imagine going through the journey of getting to where you are now. You will take your clients through an emotional journey. My job when I talk to you about your business is to let you know that I really understand the struggle.

I know you don't want to be on social media. I know you just want to get clients. I know you're passionate about what you're doing. I know you feel overwhelmed. Okay. Then I also know as I go on the journey that like I can inspire you to believe in what is possible.

Like I can tap into this lifestyle that you are going to build with this business, this boutique lifestyle. I can talk about that. All that is available to you. I can share testimonial and stories that will inspire you. All right. So I have to help you see that it's possible when you use our simple steps.

Okay. So can you guys see, I'm taking you through a journey of emotions. That is what you will do when you think about your marketing message and in your marketing message, you are essentially selling them from the very first moment. So you're going to increase emotions. from a place of love, not from scarcity, not from fear.

Nobody wants to buy out of fear. They want to buy because they think that you get them. All right. So remember again, you need to go to where they once were to really tap back into that pain, to be able to communicate clearly.

I also want to mention that writing is a skill that has to be learned. When we talk about you being seen as a successful coach, Writing your message is, I mean, that's super important.

Every caption that you write, there is a method to writing a caption. We actually have a three step, formula for writing any caption, for writing any email that really helps you. And I will also say every word matters. So your messages need to be short just like your brand needs to be spot on professional your messages need to be short So any extra words can be eliminated and also you guys 

 paid ads will be the answer someday, but not right now You need to make sure that people get you. Do not use any coach speak. Even the things that seem so simple to you, like talking about imposter syndrome,or talking about narcissism.

Even that, you guys. I know that that is something that's all talked about on the internet, but That might not be something that somebody completely understands or self love. When we hear the word self love, so many of us are like, Oh yeah, I gotta go get a manicure, get a massage. It's like, no, self love is so much more than that.

But that's code to speak. That's kind of insider language. You have to speak in a way that they completely understand. That they completely, see themselves in. So, you know, when somebody steps on a scale, what is it that they say? They're like, crap, another pound. That might be what they're saying. Oh crap.

I gained some weight this weekend. Now if you want to talk about self love or body love, then that's probably the way you need to approach it. How often do you step on the scale after a weekend and beat yourself up because Oh crap, you gained a pound. That's simple language. That's the way you talk to him.

So, Practicing your messaging and then practicing how you talk about your business is so, so, so important. I'll just tell you, for me, it took a long time for me to be able to explain all that we offer in our programs. I mean, we offer a lot. So I finally had to get it boiled down to, like, work with me. I'm going to teach you, tell you, and show you what to do to learn how to build a profitable coaching business.

Right? So teach, tell, and show. I had to take this very big message and boil it down to that and then I practiced it until that felt really comfortable for me to say. You guys will hear me say that all the time. I teach, I tell, and I show coaches how to build profitable businesses. Alright, one more reminder.

Everywhere you go, you want to remember that you are making a first impression and you only have one chance to make a first impression. So, let's be real, what impression are you making? I hope it's a good one. Alright, the next part of being seen as a successful coach is having a website that is quality, okay?

That looks like a professional built it. Now, I am all about doing the DIY approach and that is what the Life Coach Business Building School is all about. We teach you how to DIY your business, do it yourself, ok? But, unless you know what a professional coaching website has on it, unless you understand the design elements, the spacing, again, the breathing room, I'll call it, where you don't have things crowded together where you know how to utilize color and fonts and photos in your website.

If you don't know how to do that, your website is not going to make a good first impression either. All right. Your website is your storefront. If we think about your boutique business and you're the boutique, yeah, your website is that it's what they walk into first. So again, if you don't have a professional looking website.

Even if you don't have traffic going to it, you guys, you have somebody checking you out. This is the difference between you and all of the other average people out there is you have a professional website. And I want to tell you, I just literally today renewed my Squarespace website. 272 to basically have for an entire year a website that is equal to my storefront.

Do y'all know what it costs to have a retail storefront? It is so inexpensive to do this, even if you have to get some help. Now, in the Life Coach Business Building School, we provide you with templates. Not only do we provide you with the website template, we teach you how to create the brand. We have a template for writing your marketing message, including every page of your website.

But honestly, it all matters. Okay. So make sure that you have the professional technology where you have your page hooked up to a calendar. Again, we teach you the technology, but to a scheduling calendar where you have, uh, you know, the images on your website sized properly so they're clear. You want to make sure that your mobile view of your website is really good because that's the first place probably people are going to be visiting you.

So. Can you see when we think about you being seen as a successful coach, what are you missing? If you think about it, you guys, you are now as a coach, the marketer, the website builder, the branding person, you're the director of every area of your business. Plus you are an amazing coach. And I want to assure you as I wrap this video, session up that all of this is really pretty easy.

It's just that you don't know how to do it. And chances are you have taken courses, you have bought programs, you have bought templates, but none of it is connected together. In the coach to profitable entrepreneur framework. Every single step is connected together. So, when you do your professional brand, we teach you how to utilize it through every single piece of your marketing.

We teach you about getting your photos taken. We teach you about your Zoom. We teach you about the technology. We teach you how to write that marketing message and then use it in everything that you do. We teach you what it takes to become a profitable entrepreneur. That actually is what's been missing for you.

That's why we have the four essential components. And if y'all have seen anything that we're creating right now, it's a puzzle and it's puzzle pieces that go together for puzzle pieces. You cannot have a puzzle that's finished with one missing piece. So I want to encourage you when you think about being seen as a successful coach, Go through those pieces to recap that.

That's going to be niche, having your niche. That's going to be a professional brand, including you. All right. That's going to be your logos, your fonts, all of that. That's going to be your marketing message. We call it your money making marketing message, and that is going to be your professional website.

Those are the key pieces that will help you be seen as a successful coach. That's only the first element if you're missing one of those things you guys go back and get those taken care of Otherwise, make sure you join us in the life coach business building school this month.

We have founder pricing Also stick with us the next three weeks. We're going to cover each one of the other essential components of Where we help you go from being a coach to a profitable entrepreneur You guys have an amazing week. Make sure you stay connected with us If you are interested in joining us in the life coach business building school, i'll say it again This is the best month to join.

This is a proven program that hundreds of vip clients have been using for 80 to 90 percent more price wise than what the life coach business building school is this month. All right, you guys, I will see you very soon. Check us out on Instagram. We have all the details to the life coach business building school there.

Plus you can find out how you can attend one of our open coaching sessions or our live workshops where we will tell you all about it in person. And also check out the link that is in the show notes. You guys have an amazing week. We'll see you soon.