Life Coach Business Building Podcast, The Business Building Boutique

Ep 225 - ​​Become a Well-Known Coach: Life Coach Business Building School Component 2

Debbie Shadid, Business Growth Coach for Life Coaches Season 3 Episode 225

Why is it important to become well-known coach? 

In this episode, we dive into the second essential component of becoming a profitable entrepreneur: becoming a well-known coach. I’ll be sharing wihth you some best practices for creating a buzz on your launches, getting people into your email list, attending networking events, and consistently showing up on social media. I also emphasize building trust with your audience, creating an effective offer, and setting prices that reflect your value and confidence. 

So if you’re ready to be to the go-to person in your niche, the be sure to join me on in this episode to understand how these strategies can help you gain visibility and become a well-known coach. 

Welcome to the Life Coach Business Building Podcast! Join me as I teach you simple (organic) strategies to gain more paid clients in your life coaching business. Plus, I’ll share strategies for designing your offer, pricing your coaching, and selling your coaching offers, I have it all covered. My goal is to inspire you to take simple, consistent action to grow your coaching business. So, if you're ready to be a well-respected life coach with paid clients, this podcast is for you!

Episode details:

00:38 Let People Know About Your Coaching Business

01:45 Best Practices for Social Media Announcements

05:56 Building Know, Like, and Trust

10:56 Creating a Memorable Offer

13:22 Pricing Your Coaching Services

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Hi ladies, how are you? I'm so glad you're here. Today we're going to talk about the second essential component to going from being a coach to a profitable entrepreneur. If you were not able to join us last week, we talked about being seen as a successful coach. And also the week before that we talked all about the Life Coach Business Building School.

So I am glad you're here today. We're going to talk about. Becoming a well known coach. How amazing does that sound? This is the second essential component to our coach to profitable entrepreneur framework, Which we actually take you through in the Life Coach Business Building School.

Alright, the first part of this, becoming a well known coach, is telling the world that you are a coach. I know that sounds simple, but have you actually announced your coaching business? So many people are like, well, who would I announce it to? But let's just imagine. that you are actually going to have a grand opening event.

Okay. You're going to actually unveil your coaching business. And I want to tell you it's never too late to do that. In fact, a lot of times we'll have people come work with us in our VIP coaching experience and they've been in business for a long time and they realize that they actually never announced their business to everyone.

They never actually told people like in their own world, And I want to say in your own world. I'm talking about your friends, your family, your neighbors, like, you know, people that you actually know, they've never actually gone out and told people. They also realize that they haven't gone on social media and made the announcement official.

So have you done that? That's what we're going to talk about in today's podcast, telling the world that you are a coach. So best practices. Let's talk about that. 

You want to announce your business on social media. You want to have a series of announcements that tells a lot about your business. You want to email everyone on your list.

about being a coach. Okay, you want to share in any communities that you're a part of. You want to invite people into your, you know, zoom room for coffee so you can get to know people. You want to go to networking events and you want to encourage people to share the good news about you being a coach.

You know, you want to imagine that you're literally creating excitement, creating a buzz around your business as you talk about it. So, you have your professional brand, you have your marketing message figured out, you know your niche inside and out, you have a professional website, that was all a part of being seen as a successful coach.

If you have done all of that, or when you do all of that, then why would you not want people to come check you out? I think the reason why a lot of you guys are not announcing your business, why a lot of you are not Like, you know, telling everybody what you do, it's because you're not comfortable. You know, truth be told, you're not confident in what you say.

You're not sure about your niche. You've still got too many questions. This is why we want you to get clarity on those things so that you can in fact, start telling people nobody can refer you until they know what you do. All right, let's talk about the very first thing that I mentioned, which was social media.

So what would it look like to have a series of announcements on social media? Well, I'm going to ask you, what would that look like for you? This is going to be dependent on your niche.I was speaking with a client today who was involved in lots of different coaching programs.

And I'll tell you, when we help people design their offer, They are able to actually take all of those different coaching programs and integrate them into one signature process. But if you have been a part of a lot of coaching programs and that is all part of your signature process, then there's a lot to explain on social media.

There's a lot to start to sort of unpack about who you are as you tell the world that you're a coach. You're gonna get to decide how you want to do that. I recommend that you go live. I recommend that you learn how to just get on social media and get it done. We're doing this 30 days of social media challenge with our clients right now and I'm like, look, you might as well start right now being live on social media and telling people what you do.

Because right now you don't have a big following and right now is the safest time to do it. When nobody is watching you, Start getting practiced doing it. Okay, and I want to tell you as a reminder Nothing that you put out into the world is there forever when it's on social media. All you have to do is delete it, but Remember, you know how to talk about your business You know how to present a professional brand if you've done that first foundational phase You're in good shape.

You can go out and talk about your business Decide what your announcements are going to look like what you're going to invite people to do Right invite them to have a conversation invite them to have a consultation Invite them to come for a complimentary coaching session All of those are ways that you become well known.

I'll tell you guys when I started my business, when I started helping coaches only in my business, I actually did tons of free coaching because my schedule was open. I had basically closed down my old niche and I was going to give free coaching to people until I had a full client roster of paid clients.

So I was becoming well known as somebody who would help people for free. That actually really helps me in my business. So what do you want to become well known for? Alright, when we think about email, you have to think about your first email that you're going to send to people. What would you include in that message?

What should that email say? Again, you have to kind of know what you're offering. 

But remember, part of becoming well known is building know, Like and trust. So people are not going to buy you from the first, you know, from the first time that they hear from you. Maybe they will, but probably not. I had somebody asked me the other day, she had been on social media four times.

She said, I'm not getting any action and I have a group program that I need to fill. And I said, okay, well if you were talking to me about being on social media for 90 days and you didn't fill your group program, Then we could have a conversation, but four times is not enough. So you have to become well known by being in the same place consistently.

And I don't mean one place, I mean multiple places. So when you think about email, what's the first email going to say? How are you going to grow your email list? Right? What are you going to offer to get people to give you their email list? If you can imagine what your client might need the most from you and you could give away your best thing, whatever that thing is, that's what you should be offering to give people in exchange for an email address so you can begin to grow your email list.

Then once you grow your email list, As soon as you get the very first email address, you need to be communicating with them regularly. So you're going to decide on the technology that you need to use to continually communicate with people. Again, we're talking about creating a buzz around your business.

We want people to be seeing you everywhere as if you are already successful. right? Already successful with a professional brand and now you are just marketing all over the place. Now, I also want to tell you that it does not have to be hard because you can take one piece of content, let's say one email, and you can use it for an entire week of content on social media.

Now, your curb appeal to your social media also needs to look good. So make sure that your bio is written in a way that makes sense. You're going to use that main marketing message that you wrote, right? When you were doing your foundational step in your business, you're going to use that main marketing message to now write your coaching bio in your Instagram bio, let's say, or wherever you are on social media.

And then you're going to use your professional brand. to make sure that you look good on social media, to make sure that your curb appeal all the way around on social media matches your website and it matches your brand image everywhere that they interact with you. All right, on social media, you want to offer them something that they can exchange their email address for.

I always say you have to sell your freebie, okay? So you want to be on there talking about your freebie, talking about why they want to follow you. You also might find yourself thinking that your social media doesn't work and maybe you already think social media doesn't work and I can tell you probably your social media did not work.

Because you weren't saying something that was memorable, you weren't saying in a concise way, and you were not there enough times consistently to ever become known, let alone well known. 

I want you to ask yourself, what do you need to know about somebody to trust them? What do you need to know about me to trust me to be your coach. What do you need to know about me to like me? What do you need to know about me to know me? All of those things are important. Those are questions that you have to answer for yourself. 

I want you to reference coaches that you have hired or coaches that you admire online. Think about how you answer those questions.

The know, like, and trust. How did they create know, like, and trust for you so that you can do it in your own business too? Now, I will tell you probably the reason why you are not well known, even if you have your marketing message and you have your professional brand, is that you have a lot of questions about how do I do the social media, right?

Am I saying the right thing? Does my video sound okay? Those are all problems that people have. I'll just tell you that buying an Instagram course will not solve that problem for you. Yes, you will learn how to do the technology, but remember. Each one of the elements that I'm going to teach you about in these four weeks builds on the other.

So you've got to know how to communicate effectively in a simple, concise way. We teach our clients how to talk on social media in three steps. Okay. I'll just tell you, it's a hook, a supporting story, and a call to action. I'd have to explain that to you in more detail, but you want to have a focus. format for your social media marketing.

Alright, now what is your offer going to be? That's also part of becoming well known. You guys have heard me talk so much about building your boutique style coaching business. That is what I help people do. We offer our VIP coaching experience. That in itself says what it is you get. It's our hand holding experience.

Now you can join us in the life coach business building course. Now, I don't want you to spend tons of time on your offer name. I would rather have you spend time on creating an offer that gets your clients results, but eventually you will have a name that explains what it is that you do. When you go to work on your offer that delivers the results your clients want, that solves the pain points.

Right? That gets the rainbow results that they want. Then you will know better how to communicate about it. That's when you can become well known for your offer. So think about some offers that you know. Think about some coaching from the biggest name coaches that you know. Think about their offer. How did it become a well known offer?

I'm going to guess it's because they communicated about it in a very concise way, and it solved problems. It solved a very specific problem. So your offer is not going to be, your memorable offer, is not going to be six weeks for a certain price. In fact, those are the details that nobody really cares about, okay?

They do care about it when you have a conversation with them, but not in the beginning. Mostly they wanna know that your offer is going to solve their problem. All right? So the very best offers deliver the results that you have already talked about in your marketing message. Are you guys with me? 

I'm talking about building your business layer by layer. So the first layer, as I mentioned, is that being seen as a successful coach. The second one is becoming a well known coach, okay? So you're going to do that by putting yourself out there. By having an offer. That is well mapped out, that you can share the details to, that you can communicate effectively that will solve your client's problem, okay? Your offer has to be something that you can comfortably talk about and that you can comfortably sell.

Alright, the fourth part of becoming well known is you have to have pricing. That will be a price that you can sell. Okay? Your price is not for your client. You don't go looking around to see what anyone else is selling their coaching at 3, 000 for six months is not the answer of what you should sell your coaching at. You sell your coaching at a price that is profitable to you. 

That's a whole nother layer of business. I know there's so many pieces to putting together a profitable business, but you've got to know what you would need to earn to have an offer that you can comfortably sell because you know the price is best for you first.

And when the price is best for you, it will be best for your client. Now, are you guys with me on this? If I was selling something at 500 and I thought I'll never be able to sell enough clients to be able to make the living that I need to make because I was selling it at 500 because I thought people would buy it, I would not be able to sell it very well.

I would resent everyone that I talked to. And they would see when I was talking to him about it, that I didn't feel good about my offer. The same goes true for if it was really high price. If it was 10, 000 and I was trying to sell something for 10, 000 that I didn't feel good about, I would not be able to sell it.

So you've got to find a price that you feel an integrity with. That will also help you become a well known coach. All right? When you sell an offer, That is priced to sell that you feel good about and you love your offer Because you know it delivers the result that you sell those two things hand in hand will help you become well known for your offer For the value that you deliver for your offer.

I want to make one more note about pricing You guys know that there are coaches who sell coaching for like 30, 000 and I've paid that too by the way for coaching. You know the difference between those coaches and a coach that sells the same thing essentially for 10, 000 is the 30, 000 coach believes that their offer is worth that much The 10, 000 coach believes that their offer is worth that much money.

It's a level of confidence that they have, that they show up with when they talk to you about their coaching. That is how you become a well known coach. You communicate effectively. You show up with confidence. You are consistently putting yourself out there on social media, through email, through networking.

We're going to talk in the next Essential Components video. It's all about making a life coach marketing plan so that you can market consistently. Marketing is the ATM to your business and if you don't market consistently, you're not going to have any clients. So we're going to talk about that, but what I have shared with you today is the key to becoming a well known coach.

 It's about putting yourself out there. It's about telling everyone, you know, everywhere you go. Do not leave. a business where somebody says, Hey, how was your day? And not say, well, it was great. I was coaching clients today. Do not meet with a friend for lunch and have them say, how are you?

And not say, I'm amazing. My business is going great. You guys are the mouthpiece to your business, even in person and online. So get to talking about your business. So you too can become a well known coach. All right, you guys. That is it. That is the second essential component to becoming a profitable entrepreneur.

So I cannot wait to have you join me in the life coach business building school. If you guys have any questions at all, make sure you attend one of our workshops, connect with us on Instagram, and we will see you in the life coach business building school until next time. Have an amazing day. Bye bye.