Life Coach Business Building Podcast, The Business Building Boutique

Ep 226: Creating a Life Coach Marketing Plan: Life Coach Business Building School Component 3

Debbie Shadid, Business Growth Coach for Life Coaches Season 3 Episode 226

Marketing is the ATM for your business. 

If you’ve been tuning into the podcast or joining my workshops, you would know that this is one of my go-to principles. And in this episode, we are diving deeper into this because this is actually the third essential component of the Life Coach Business School: Create a Life Coach Marketing Plan. 

We’ll explore the power of organic marketing, the importance of defining and establishing your niche, and the need for consistent marketing practices. I’ll also discuss effective networking strategies and how to leverage various platforms like social media, email, and in-person events. Plus, I’ll share practical tips for building a repeatable and effective marketing plan to help your coaching business grow sustainably.

Tune in and discover how you can become a well-known coach through smart and strategic marketing!

Welcome to the Life Coach Business Building Podcast! Join me as I teach you simple (organic) strategies to gain more paid clients in your life coaching business. Plus, I’ll share strategies for designing your offer, pricing your coaching, and selling your coaching offers, I have it all covered. My goal is to inspire you to take simple, consistent action to grow your coaching business. So, if you're ready to be a well-respected life coach with paid clients, this podcast is for you!

Episode details:

00:47 Creating Your Marketing Plan

02:03 The Importance of Consistency

03:15 Why Networking and In-Person Events Work 

05:36 Utilizing Various Marketing Channels

11:31 Marketing Ideas and Tips 

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Welcome to the podcast. Today we're going to talk about making a life coach marketing plan. This is the third essential component to going from being a coach to a profitable entrepreneur. This is the framework that we use in the Life Coach Business Building School. Now, if you've been following along, The first essential component is about being seen as a successful coach.

The second essential component is about becoming a well known coach. And this is the third essential component, which is about making a life coach marketing plan. Now, all of the marketing that we teach inside of the life coach business building school is free marketing, what we call organic marketing.

And that is the marketing that I want you to focus on as you grow your business too. When we think about making a marketing plan, there are some things that you need to have in place. The first thing is you've got to have that niche nailed down. You've got to be seen as an authority in your niche and you are seen as an authority when you know what you're talking about.

All right. I talked about having that message and about announcing your business and about, you know, showing up on social media and doing regular email marketing. All of those are steps to becoming well known about having your professional brand. Each of these layer on top of each other.

So one builds on the other. So to create a marketing plan, you have to know how to talk about your business to have a niche. that you know well, you'll need to be able to identify categories that you will be, creating content around. So your niche client will have, let's say four to six or seven key things that will be common themes that you'll be talking about all the time.

So You will select your content categories that you will always talk about so you can become well known for those ideas. Then you're going to select the places that you will do your marketing consistently. This is a key word, consistent marketing. What will your free marketing include? Maybe would be social media.

And I think you'd be crazy to not be on social media. Will you get clients? off of social media. I'm not sure, but why would you not be there? It's free. Email list building. This is essential and you should be sending at the bare minimum one email a week if not a daily email. Yes, at some point you'll get to where you will send a lot of emails.

Now let me talk briefly about social media and about email marketing and about you feeling like you're. by being in their inbox or on social media too many times. You cannot bug them enough with social media. We're not in charge of the algorithm, so we didn't even know if the posts are going to be shown with email marketing.

We don't know who's going to open up your email on any given day. So if you're not in their box enough, you actually might not get seen talking about your business. I mentioned that in the last podcast, where we talk about becoming well known. You have to talk about your business everywhere. That actually is part of your marketing plan.

Networking. Now networking again, is talking about your business, but it's also attending networking events. It's also networking online, networking with other coaches. Collaborating with other people, yeah, I want to make sure that you're not just networking to meet people and tell them about your business, but I also want to make sure that you are a connector, that you are connecting other coaches with clients.

So if you have a consultation call with somebody or you meet somebody and they tell you what's happening with them, I want you to be able to refer somebody else because there's nothing better than getting a referral from somebody else. You want to be referring back and forth. Create a network of coaches that can support you and you can support them.

All right, directory listings online. If you ask Google where you can list your coaching business, there are many places you can list your coaching business for free online. Now you do have to know how to write your bio. It's one of the things that we teach in the school, but you want to be in many directory listings online.

Because you want Google to be able to find you as well, we also include in free marketing, virtual and in person events. And I want to emphasize in person because so often when we become coaches in this online space, we might always do zoom sessions. But I want to make sure that you are also doing in person sessions.

Now I don't mean in person coaching sessions, but in person trainings, workshops, coaching, group coaching, because you guys in person. is still really a great way to build your business. We had a client today who is a, binge eating coach. And she was talking about going to gyms and doing workshops that is in person networking.

And she said herself that in person networking actually creates Much better results in person trainings in person coaching workshops Then she gets doing zoom meetings. And of course that makes sense, right? personal connection really increases your chances of Actually being connected with people, you know when you connect with somebody personal you can read their body language You can answer more questions.

They are they tend to ask more questions. So again, don't forget about in person meeting in your local market. Blogging or vlogging. If you're somebody who says, I love to write, then let's use that as part of your marketing plan. Podcasting. Someday, you might want to do podcasting or YouTube. Webinar. A webinar is slightly different than a workshop.

A webinar is more of an actual selling platform. All of those are free ways to market your business. So you're going to decide your content categories. You're going to decide where you're going to market regularly, every single week, and maybe every single day. What places you're going to do that. And you want to be in multiple places.

So that you can be found in multiple places. Another place that is not necessarily free but low cost is your website. So your website is part of your marketing plan. And sending people to your website is part of your marketing plan, right? Growing your email list is part of that as well. So, daily consistency.

being very clear in your messaging. If you know your message and if you have written it, like we talked about in the be seen as a successful coach component. If you've done that, then you want to continue to say the same thing over and over. You will only become well known if people can remember what you do.

Okay. You might get bored with what you're saying, but they're not going to get bored with what you're saying. All right. then you don't want to be clever and make sure that you're not doing anything that is kind of coach related language or insider language because that won't land well either. Now chances are you have some problems with planning right now because you're not sure if you're doing some of the things right and I will tell you all four of the essential components that we're going to teach you in this training series.

are all necessary. They are four puzzle pieces that fit together. If you have one and not the other, you will not create a sustainable business. So buying an Instagram course will not be the answer to learning how to market. Because if you learn Instagram, you still have to learn how to do the graphics.

You still have to learn how to write the captions. You still have to learn how to Do the video. There's many parts to going on Instagram. It's not just the technology. So chances are you've got some problems with your marketing. You need to identify what those are. What don't you know so that you can make your marketing plan?

All right. Make sure that if you have questions, you get those answered because chances are you're avoiding your marketing because you don't have a plan. I will tell you what it looks like when you don't have a plan in your business. You are today. If this is you, you're probably scrolling Instagram.

You're thinking, what should I do? What's a good idea for a post? That is not the way you have a successful business. What I found when years back when I was doing this and just getting started is that if I didn't have a plan, it was so easy to put off my marketing. You don't have consistent marketing.

You will not have consistent revenue. Now, One of the beautiful things about making a plan is that if you make a plan for like, let's say, 12 weeks, and it includes weekly emails and daily social media and maybe a couple of workshops and whatever it is that's best for you, you will actually be able to To repeat that content.

One of the key ways that we help you build your boutique business and lifestyle is we help you with your marketing plan, repeat the content. So in your marketing plan that you create. You repeat content. You take one email and you turn it into seven social media posts. You do one workshop and you turn that into a month of content.

Listen, if you have already recorded a program, which is kind of out of order, by the way, you've already created a course, then take that course and break it down into your content for 12 weeks and then repeat that cycle. 

Nobody is going to remember what you did. Three months ago in your marketing. Okay.

And if they do, then congratulations, that means you're talking about the same thing enough. So to set your marketing plan for your life coach business, you have to have those content categories. You have to set up the schedule. You have to know how to use the technology. You have to decide what technology you are going to use.

In one of our most popular podcasts, We talk about the pieces of technology that professional coaches need to have to utilize in their coaching business. This is a required part of becoming a successful coach. You have to know the technology. Then once you decide, the content, the schedule, the types of marketing you're going to do.

I want to encourage you to create formats for each one of those pieces of marketing. So when we do social media inside the Life Coach Business Building School, we have a three step formula for creating any social media post story or real so that it's very easy. You know, okay, step one is to do this.

Step two is to do this. Step three is this. That will help you create every post when you write your weekly email. You want to say, what's going to be the format of my email? I will tell you, it also makes it so much easier when you're looking for inspiration out there because You will find posts or you will find emails that actually will inspire you based on the format that you want to do in your life coach marketing plan.

So if you have questions about doing it right, if you're not sure about what you need to, do on a reel, then get the help you need. All right, 

to become a profitable entrepreneur you've got to have that successful business set up. You got to have a professional brand. You got to know who you are as the person behind the brand.

You've got to be able to talk about your business. You've got to have an offer that delivers the result that your coaching promises. You got to have a price that you love, okay? You got to have a website that is part of your drive by curb appeal. You got to have social media. All of that together, combined.

will help you be able to create a life coach marketing plan that is repeatable, that is consistent, and that helps you continue to be seen as a professional. 

If you do not market your business, you will not have clients. If you are not your number one broadcaster, you will not have clients. If you do not ask customers for testimonials and for feedback and for kind words, You won't have business.

If you don't capture anything that could be shared about a client when they, you know, on a Facebook post, say how much they enjoyed working with you. If you don't capture those things and reshare them, you won't be able to do effective marketing. 

All right, guys, that is the third essential component. Make your life coach marketing plan, make it a repeatable plan and put it in place.

I'll just tell you, this is not a big project. Inside of the Life Coach Business Building School and in our VIP coaching experience, we make a plan in one hour. All right? So sit down, make your plan, select your categories, and then the biggest job that you have to do is to do the marketing. If you want to be a profitable entrepreneur, if you want to make a difference in the world, if you want to have coaching clients, then marketing is your job.

All right, learn to love marketing because you love to coach And then you can have a successful business. All right, you guys, I hope this series is helpful for you. Next week, we're going to talk about building and enjoying your boutique style coaching business. All right, we'll see you then.

Have an amazing week. Bye bye.