Life Coach Business Building Podcast, The Business Building Boutique

Ep 229 -What To Do When You Join The Wrong Coaching Program

Debbie Shadid, Business Growth Coach for Life Coaches Season 3 Episode 229

What do you do when you realize that you joined the wrong coaching program?

In this episode, I share my insights on how to make the most out of any program, even if it feels like the wrong fit. I also delve into key takeaways from my recent mastermind experience and discuss strategies for maximizing the fourth quarter. We explore the significance of community, connection, and thinking outside the box.

Don't miss out on this episode packed with actionable insights to help you achieve your goals. Tune in to gain valuable strategies and inspiration to finish the year strong!

Welcome to the Life Coach Business Building Podcast! Join me as I teach you simple (organic) strategies to gain more paid clients in your life coaching business. Plus, I’ll share strategies for designing your offer, pricing your coaching, and selling your coaching offers. My goal is to inspire you to take simple, consistent action to grow your coaching business. So, if you're ready to be a well-respected life coach with paid clients, this podcast is for you!

Episode details:

  • 00:23 Key Takeaways from the Mastermind
  • 05:14 Thinking Outside the Box
  • 08:04 Adjusting to Market Changes
  • 12:59 Fourth Quarter Strategies
  • 14:37 Making the Best of a Wrong Program

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Hey, welcome to today's podcast. Let me just tell you, give you fair warning. This is going to be a podcast about three or four different things, but don't you worry, I will tie it together at the end. I just got back from my mastermind and I want to share with you a couple of key takeaways. Then I'm going to talk about the fourth quarter, and then I want to talk about what you do when you join the wrong program.

All right, so stick with me to the end. The mastermind, let me tell you about that. There are two key takeaways that I had and the first one was just that people want community people really are desperate to be in connection with each other and they will pay big money for this this mastermind that I'm a part of people were paying to renew in this mastermind.

25, 30, 000 to be part of this mastermind. People have money to spend. I'm telling you, don't believe anyone who says people are not spending money on coaching because I witnessed it. A lot of people were joining, rejoining this mastermind or joining for the first time. Okay. But they were joining because they want a connection.

The other thing is you as the coach. You get to set the tone for a big group. If you have a big group, okay, this guy has this year, a hundred coaches in this group. I shouldn't say coaches because actually, there's only two coaches that I know of a hundred people, a hundred clients are part of this program.

And next year he plans on having multiple times that and nobody thought it was a big group. Like some of you guys are like, Oh, I don't want to be even in a group. I want private coaching. The people that were in this group, they love it that there's a hundred people. Do you know why they love it? It's because this guy set the stage for that.

He talks about the fact that he's brought so many people together and there's so many connections and so many Ways you can get support from each other and how you can do deals together. He talks about the value of a good group. So it's up to you to set the stage for what it is you create. I will tell you the people that were there, I think that they were paying, to be inspired.

Right. They loved the energy of inspiration to be, out of their year, going to a mastermind and out of their week. When I say that, going to their coaching to the group coaching that we have, they were going there to get refueled, recharge, right? To move out of their offices.

setting to move out of their current life, right? Whatever's happening in your business to be able to take an hour or the two times we got together this year to be able to connect with people. They wanted support from each other. They were there to achieve bigger goals. You guys, I was in this room with people who make more money than really anybody that I know. there was people who were talking about their goals. This young guy said his goal for this year was 750 million and he beat his goal. It was probably about August that he did that. So he needed to adjust his goal to be a billion dollars. Yes. So the interesting thing about that is these people.

look like ordinary people, right? In the coaching world, we often go to events and we're all dressed up, right? We're all in our Sunday best at this event. The event that I went to was actually on the beach. I literally had brought with me my suits and my scarves and heels and all that to be dressed up and.

The main day of the event, I had to wear my workout clothes because that's how casual the event was. So it's so interesting. You forget that there are so many people who have so much money. Look, just average, right? They've just gotten shorts and t shirts. Okay. You forget that. And we judge people. So I want you to set aside any judgment you have about who you think your niche client should be and what they should look like.

Because let me tell you, There's a lot of people with a lot of money in this world. and you can't judge a book by its cover. So another interesting thing about the people that were there is that this guy's niche is not, a type of business because there was people in real estate, investment people, manufacturing, Financial planners, two coaches, but all these other people in businesses, what brought them together was not their business, like their niche.

And it wasn't men or women, old, young, what brought them together, the niche was the drive to accomplish more, the drive to optimize their businesses. And also interesting, this guy has made a business out of optimizing family and relationships. health and money. So wealth and your business, health and relationships.

So he's all about all of those things together. You make your business so it can almost be a self managing company. So you can spend time in your relationships and then you optimize your health so that you can be better in your business and better in your relationships. So you can make a niche out of anything.

All right. There was people there that were, again, um, This guy who does yoga all the way up to, you know, some top financial planner, a guy who does projects for HUD in Washington, DC. So it's so amazing what you can create really anything you want to create. You can do it. So people want community.

That's a key takeaway. And also I'll just tell you people have money to spend. All right. The second key takeaway is about thinking outside of the box. Anything is possible. We are so conditioned to do what it is that's happening in our industry. So like we have a certain way that we do our marketing as coaches and one of the guys, actually a gold medalist, That was their speaking.

He was sharing a couple of stories. I'm going to share two with you that I think will really make a difference for how you think about your business and how to think outside the box when it comes to your marketing. So one is about Michael Phelps. It was about him working to win a gold medal you know, he dove into the water, his goggles filled up with water and through the race.

His goggles just kept filling up with water until they were finally completely full of water. And he could not see anything. He was literally blinded by the water that was in his goggles. And he thought, okay, I don't know what to do. I don't even know where I'm swimming. And then he decided, you know what?

I'm going to go all in anyway. And I'm going to swim as fast as I can. If I run into something, I run into something, but you know what happened? Blinded. Didn't know where he was going. He broke his own record. So that's an example again. Sometimes you don't know where you're going but his Determination right?

He just went into his mind and he decided to keep going anyway, and he focused on being a winner Okay, the next story I want to share with you is also a sports story because again, this guy was a gold medalist. So those were the analogies. It was about Tiger Woods at a golf tournament in 1999, and he hit a ball and it went behind a boulder.

You guys, this one's incredible. And he went over there to look to see what he could do. And the official was with him. There was no way to swing his club and get the ball. I guess I'm not a golfer, but you could pick up and move the ball. So he sat there for a long time thinking about it. And then he said, wait a minute, is that boulder an impediment?

And the guy said, well, I guess so. Like, is that something that we should move out of the way? that's a rule in the book. Apparently you can do that. And the guy said, well, yeah. So he literally called the crowd in. to come and move this one ton boulder out of the way. And these guys came, started trying to move it.

They couldn't get it. He called more people. These guys moved the boulder while he stood there and watched him so he could hit his ball without having to pick it up and lose a stroke. That is thinking outside of the box. You guys, you guys can go on YouTube and you can see that story. That is crazy, but that's what we have to do in our business.

So what are all the ways that we are letting things, I don't know, letting things fail or, or we're giving up on things because we did it one way and it didn't work and, and we just didn't Okay. Onto the next thing, right? We're only thinking about email marketing. We're only thinking about social media.

We are thinking about such few ways to grow our business. How can you think out of the box? I had an opportunity to talk with the other coach who was there and we each got to bring somebody with us. So there's four total coaches that we sat down and we're all life coaches. We sat down and talked about business.

One of the ladies, very, very successful. we were talking about how the market has ebbs and flows and about adjusting. This is thinking outside of the box, you guys, about adjusting to the cycles of life and the cycles of business. If you listen to a lot of people in the coaching world right now, they talk about.

Coaching is if there's some problems and I'm like, I don't know what the problem is, you know, They talk about the economy or the presidential election or it's that time I all of that is nonsense to me because there are always people who want to buy something and Essentially this coach who has made millions and millions and millions over 14 15 years.

I don't a long time She just set up, you know, it's just the way business flow is right? You just look at what's happening and then you make adjustments So she's made adjustments to her offer. She's made adjustments in her marketing. And she said, then you just have to be curious about how you approach your marketing.

She said, what I concluded though, is that I have lost my edge on urgency. And we kind of all agreed that we're depending on technology. We're depending on, you know, for you, it might be your weekly email. You're depending on that to do the job where it used to be that when we didn't have automation on things, you know, we didn't have social media that we could depend on.

We didn't have newsletter, you know, email marketing that we could depend on. We used to have to get kind of scrappy and figure out how do we connect with people. We would do the extra follow up. You know, I was thinking about you guys and what's the extra thing you can do. Every person who joins your email list, you know what you could do?

You could send them a personal email that is going above and beyond. And I can tell you for sure that if you started sending every person that joined your email list, a personal email or a loom video, like, welcome, I'm so glad you're here. It means so much to me that you connected with me. Tell me what it is you want Learn from me or tell me what you brought, you know, what brought you to me.

If you did something like that in this world where I just shared the problem about people wanting connection and community. Do you know what somebody would think if you reached out to them and said, Hey, I just want to connect with you. I appreciate you.

That would be phenomenal, you guys, but that's what the four of us kind of discovered is that one of the things that we've changed in our marketing is we've allowed automation to be the thing that should create, our results. And so we have to put in the extra effort. We're leaving people behind.

And so are you because you're not doing the extra effort. So we all agreed that we would take more time. To do the extra things in our business. And I want to challenge you to do that too. One other note, we also kind of all decided that it takes people a little bit longer to make a decision. And I think that's because, the coaching field is growing, but here's the deal, it's not a problem.

Right? If somebody connects in your world and starts following you, it's unrealistic to think that there'll be a customer tomorrow. Now, maybe you'll get lucky and they will. What's more realistic is for you to say, I'm going to love that person for the next six months. I'm going to give, give, give. And then I'm going to ask him to work with me, right?

I'm going to give, give, give and ask again, like it's not a problem. Provide ways for people to connect with you, provide ways for people to get to know you. I mean, on social media, that means you have to bemore open and, um, you know, show who you are. You have to, um, me and my walk and talk.

People love that. Tell more about who you are. Be more consistent with that. That's how you provide that extra connection. Okay. Couple other things I just want to mention. The problem is never the problem. It's how you think about the problem. That is a quote that somebody said that I wrote down and I was like, okay, that is so good, right?

The problem is never the problem. If you don't sign anybody up for your workshop, And you think that's a problem. It's not a problem. It's how you're thinking about it. We should be thinking again outside the box. Like how are we going to do this thing outside of the box? Okay, another thing I want to mention those of you who have experienced this.

I'm not making light of this, but I'm quoting somebody. He said, don't grow cancer. So if you've had cancer, I'm not making light of it. Okay. and I don't know another word to substitute right here, but Don't grow the wrong things. I guess that's a better way of saying it, right? Stop focusing on what is not working.

So often we spend. So much time and effort on something that is not moving the needle. Anyway, I know I'm guilty of that, right? What we need to do and especially going into fourth quarter is eliminate the things that are not working. Okay, so cut out what is not working. Don't focus on that. What you focus on grows.

Okay. The problems get bigger instead of smaller. So eliminate what's not working so that you can focus in on something that could work. Last thing I want to tell you about is fourth quarter. And then I'm going to talk to you about what to do if you join the wrong program. Okay. Fourth quarter, here it is.

You guys, I want you to borrow this belief of mine. This has helped me in my business. For over two decades, the fourth quarter of the year is always my best quarter, and that goes against what anybody says. People say fourth quarter of the year. People are focused on the holidays are spending money on Christmas.

They're not going to do anything with self development. I just decided that was wrong. And I want you to decide it's wrong. And I prove it wrong every single year. Okay. So you need to decide how you're going to double down on your marketing, how you're going to reach people, how you're going to tell people that right now is the best time.

If you are a coach who's looking to grow your business, I can guarantee you that you need to work with me right now and you need to this next quarter getting your business in better shape than 1st is going to come and you want to be ready for people to buy coaching. I could sell you over and over on why you need to work with me right now.

You have to do that for your clients too. You have to figure out why they have to buy from you right now. And why it has to be fourth quarter and why the fourth quarter is the best time. Okay. So decide on your goal, figure out what money making activity you're going to do every single day first.

Probably that's something to do with marketing release what's not working. I just told you about that. Cut out what's not working. And figure out how you're going to finish strong. Do not give up. Not one day. You got 90 days in this last quarter. Do not give up one day and decide not to go all in.

Okay. Last thing, what do you do when you have bought the wrong coaching program? I hear this a lot. People say to me, Oh my gosh, I've already spent so much money and I didn't get what I wanted. Well, you know what you do, you decide to make the best of it. So this mastermind that I'm talking to you about is actually the single biggest investment that I've ever made in coaching.

And it was a year long program. And when I buy a coaching program like this, I only work with one coach for the year. So my commitment that I made was big. And right away I knew, Oh, I'm in the wrong place. And I could have been mad about that or it could have been like, what's wrong with you? Why'd you do this?

How could you not see? Instead, I decided I'm going to get everything I can get from this. So I put on rose colored glasses and I started looking for new ways to do things. I was exposed in this mastermind to not any coaches, but to people that were making millions. to people who are in the HUD housing business, you know, in D.

C. to real estate people, to financial planners, to manufacturers. But I took from them anything I could take, anything that I could learn. So, I learned a lot. To see different ways that people were doing things. I learned to see how people who were making that kind of money. What were they thinking? And how is it not a big deal to them?

Right? I learned to watch how they made fast decisions. Confident decisions. How they let things go. How they were balancing. Work and life. how they weren't letting things, stress them out, how they were hiring what we call now gold medalists, right? The best of the best to go to work for them.

So I decided. That I have gotten everything I needed and I've actually documented all the wins from this mastermind So every time I meet with them I write down everything that I heard that a new awareness that I had a new way of thinking that Was created from this mastermind and I can tell you the biggest win out of this is that I now have a multi million dollar business That would have never happened if I would have been in any other mastermind besides this mastermind.

So I want to encourage you, you get to reframe or put a frame around anything that's going on. Okay. So reframe what it is that you think was the wrong thing that you bought because you learned something. I guarantee you that does not help you in thinking that you've wasted money. All right. Those are investments that have brought you to where you are and it's bound to happen again.

All right. It's just the cost of doing business. So I hope I've encouraged you. I hope you are taking away today. People want community. They want to be in groups. They have money to spend. In fact, lots of money to spend, right? You need to think outside of the box, whatever that is for your marketing. You need to do a little bit extra.

And that's okay. That's just what's happening right now in the marketplace. So do the extra things. It's no big deal, right? Give people the time and space to make decisions, to say yes to you. Remember the problem is never the problem. Don't focus on the things that are not working and then make that commitment for the next 90 days to make this the very best 90 days you've ever had in your business.

All right, you guys, I'll see you soon. Thanks. Bye bye.