Invisible Injuries - Podcast

Trigger Tamer Toolkit - Mindfulness 02 - Dropping the suitcases of worries and regrets

Andy Fermo Season 5

Trigger Tamer Toolkit - Meditation 02
Strength & Anxiety - Dropping the suitcases of worries and regrets

"Dropping the suitcases of worries and regrets" guides the listener through a meditation practice to reduce anxiety by visualizing letting go of worries about the future and regrets about the past. 

It emphasizes living in the present moment, learning from the past, and accepting the uncertainty of the future to promote relaxation and well-being.

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Dropping the suitcases of worries and regrets. So, to help you reduce anxiety, start by taking a moment to relax your body. Soften any unnecessary tension in your belly and your shoulders. And find a posture that feels both relaxed and alert. Now close your eyes or look downwards and take a soft gaze. Rest your hands in an easy, effortless way. Take a few moments to scan your awareness. Through the sensations of your body, and wherever possible, soften and release obvious areas of physical tension. Aware of your body, your body breathing, your chest rising and falling with each breath. I am breathing in, I am breathing out. And now imagine standing in the street, outside of your house with two heavy suitcases. And know that one of those suitcases is full of worries about the future. And the other suitcase, know that it's full of regrets about the past. Take a moment standing there in the street, holding these two heavy suitcases, and reflect about each one. Reflect about the future, how it will come on its own accord whenever it comes. And that most of what we worry about will never happen. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. Standing out there in the street. Reflect about the past. The other heavy suitcase. Consider how the past can't be changed. All we can do in the present is to learn from it. Put in whatever corrections make sense. Become more skillful. Become a better person and move on. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. Standing there in the street, feeling the weight of these suitcases, and absorbing the wisdom of your own reflections right now, make a conscious decision. Do you want to drop the suitcase of worry about the future? And if so, simply drop it. Just simply drop it. Then, standing there in the street, with the other suitcase, so heavy about the past, make a conscious decision. Do you want to drop it? And if so, just drop it. Just drop it. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. As soon as you've dropped the two suitcases, walk back into your home. And take your seat right where you are, and plop down, so relaxed, like someone coming home from a big long trip, dropping suitcases and just relaxing, rested in the present, just breathing, resting in the natural well being of the parasympathetic nervous system, resting in the fundamental well being of awareness itself. Awareness, which does not worry or regret. Resting as if this is meaningful for you. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. Allow yourself to simply rest. Feeling a sense of peace. Of joy. Of well being. A natural happiness. Always your true home. without carrying heavy suitcases of worries about the future, or full of regrets about the past. Simply rest here, in your body, right now, with total relaxation throughout your mind and your body. I am breathing in, I am breathing out. That completes the session.