Invisible Injuries - Podcast

Trigger Tamer Toolkit - Mindfulness 04 - 5min standing meditation

Andy Fermo Season 5

Trigger Tamer Toolkit - Mindfulness 05
Presence, Acceptance & Joy - 5 minute standing meditation

"5min standing meditation" provides a detailed guide on five-minute standing meditation, emphasising on focusing on breathing and being present in the moment. 

It suggests using an object for balance and guiding the practitioner through steps to calm the mind and recharge energy.

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Five minute standing meditation. Standing meditation is one of the most powerful ways to get our minds to slow down. Think of what our bodies are used to doing when we're simply standing. We're usually standing in line, looking at something, having an alert conversation, but we very rarely stand and do nothing. Standing brings our bodies and minds into alertness. In this way, standing meditation is one of the quickest ways to bring ourselves back into the present. It's an excellent method to recharge your battery. If you've never done standing meditation before, don't do it for more than five minutes at a time. This can get longer once you become familiar with it. So find a broomstick, a walking stick, a mop, or something that you can use to make sure that you don't lose your balance. You could even use the back of a chair. Holding the top of your broom, stick or chair, place your feet hip width apart. Look straight ahead, close your eyes halfway, but not all the way, and take a soft gaze. Tune into your breathing for a few moments. Feel the lifting and falling of your belly. Pay attention to your lower stomach. Focus simply on the feeling of having your feet on the ground and of breathing. If you find it hard to focus, you can silently or quietly repeat. I am breathing in. I know I'm breathing in. Breathing out. I know I'm breathing out. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. Allow any emotions to be in the room with you, but don't focus on them. When your mind wanders into thoughts and stories, gently and kindly bring it back to focusing on your breathing. And on the feeling and experiencing of your body, standing still. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. I am breathing in, I am breathing out. I am breathing in, I am breathing out. As we round off this five minute standing meditation, I ask you to join me in taking two big sighs with me, relax, just let go. Be gentle with yourself as you return to real life. You've slowed down more than you might think. This completes the session.