Invisible Injuries - Podcast

Trigger Tamer Toolkit - Breathing 04 - Help me sleep

Andy Fermo Season 5

Trigger Tamer Toolkit - Breathing 04
Help me sleep

"Help me sleep"  guides the listener through breathing exercises using shapes like a triangle and a square to help relax the body and prepare for sleep. 

It includes breathing prompts and relaxation techniques to aid in falling asleep.

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Three Minute Help Me Sleep. This session is designed to help you prepare for sleep. Tonight we'll be using two shapes, the triangle and the square, with a sigh as we need it. So take a comfortable lying position and let your shoulders relax, let your jaw relax, let your back relax and feel the weight of your body connecting with the ground or the mattress. So let's begin. With a triangle. In, two, three. Out, two, three. Pause, two, three. In, two, three. Out, two, three. Pause, two, three. In, two, three. Out, two, three. Pause. Two. Three. We're now going to transition to the shape of a square, where the count is for three. So with me, in, two, three. 3, Pause 2, 3 Out 2, 3 Pause 2, 3 In 2, 3 Pause 2, 3 Out 2, 3 Pause 2, 3 Ssssss Sssssss Let's switch back to a triangle. In, two, three. Out, two, three. Pause, two, three. In, two, three. Out, two, three. Pause, two, three. In, two, three. Out, two, three, pause, two, three, pause. Let's finish off by going back to a square, with me, in 2, 3, pause 2, 3, out 2, 3, pause 2, 3. Now let's round off the session with two big sighs. With me. This completes the session.