Invisible Injuries - Podcast

RSL Active - Mindfulness & Breathwork 01 (20Jun24)

Andy Fermo

Mindful Meditation and Breath Work with Andy | Focus & Relaxation Techniques

Join Andy in this 30-minute online mindful meditation and breath work session by RSL Active. Learn techniques to increase focus, eliminate distractions, and achieve a state of deep relaxation. Practice purposeful breathing and visualization, all designed to help you calm your mind and enhance your concentration. Perfect for anyone looking to improve their mindfulness and productivity.

00:00 Welcome to Mindful Meditation
00:27 Understanding Mindfulness and Breath Work
01:07 Eliminating Distractions for Better Focus
02:37 Deep Breathing Exercise
05:55 Full Body Relaxation
08:46 Maintaining Focus and Relaxation
10:28 Practical Tips for Staying Focused
13:16 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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Andy Fermo:

Hello everyone and welcome to RSL Actives online mindful meditation and breath work session. I'm your host Andy and thanks for taking the time tonight to allow me to guide you for the next up to 30 minutes for this meditation. For the next 30 minutes. 30 minutes. There's going to be no distractions for you. You're allowing yourself to be in this moment to be able to do this meditation. Now like with all things in terms of when we're starting out, sometimes it's hard for us to be able to do this. have a, you know, a wandering mind or feel that we're not doing things right, especially when it comes to things like mindfulness and breath work, please know that the more that you do it, the easier it gets. When you notice if your mind is wandering, that's actually being mindful. So just bring it back to the breath and then I'll guide you through the rest of the meditation. All right, so let's hook in. Everyone benefits from increasing their focusing abilities. Every aspect of your life could use more focus so that you can complete tasks quickly and with high quality. First and most important thing to do that increases your focusing abilities is to eliminate any distractions. Live in a distraction filled world. Where many things are competing for our attention. So let's begin exploring how to eliminate distractions by allowing yourself to relax very deeply. In this, breathing is essential. Yet most of us do not notice we're breathing all day long. And some even for many years. We simply forget that we're breathing. When we decide to take several breaths on purpose, our bodies appreciate the extra oxygen that is supplied through the bloodstream to our entire system. Take 10 full and deep breaths, allowing for each breath to relax you with me. One, breathing deeply, allowing your belly to expand. And exhale, letting the air simply escape. 2. Take in a full breath of fresh air, and let it go, allowing yourself to feel very relaxed. 3. Make your breaths meaningful, and exhale, just letting the air go. 4. Focusing only on your breath and let it go, nothing else matters except breathing. Five. Fully focusing on this breath in, and when you let it go, 6. All of your focus is on your breath, letting all of your worries go when you exhale. 7. Breathe with passion, and exhale, letting that wave of relaxation to come over you. Eight. The only thing that matters is your breath. Focus on it. Let it come in, and let it go out. Nine. Expand your belly as much as you can as you breathe in. And exhale, letting your belly fall. And 10. Last one, so make it a really good one and completely full. And when you let it go, you feel so invigorated from this task. Allow your breath to return to a slower and normal flow now, and don't change anything about it. Simply internally watch your belly as it still rises and falls, but not as much as it was when you were fully breathing. When you inhale naturally, I wonder if you can imagine that you're able to breathe all the way into your toes. Feel as if when you breathe, the oxygen travels down to each one of your toes. And when you let this breath go, your entire legs become light and relaxed. Almost as if they are supported by clouds. Good. And now, imagine when you inhale. You're breathing all the way into each fingertip. Feel how your fingers feel when you're imagining your breath extends all the way to the tips. On the exhale, your entire arms relax completely so that they feel light as a feather. Now, with the power of your imagination, see the next breath you take going all the way up your body and into your head, relaxing your mouth. Eyes, nose and ears. And when you exhale, feel light and relaxed, like you're floating on water. Breathe in and feel the breath going to your forehead, relaxing away any worrisome facial expressions that you've carried throughout your life. Allow for the next breath to fill your entire head, relaxing your brain as well as your mind. Your head has never felt this relaxed before, and neither has your mind. Your mind is relaxed and gently open. Great. Now that your entire body and mind are relaxed, your I want you to feel how focused you are right now on this relief that you created in yourself. You are just now very focused on breathing and visualizing that your entire body loosened and it feels pleasant. This is the power of focus and how it changes everything you put it towards. So just let your mind drift and wander now. Don't even have to listen to these words too carefully. Deeply hear everything that I'm telling you, without having to try and listen at all. When it's time for you to focus, you must calm your body and brain first. Get comfortable, wherever you are, and do a simple breathing exercise and imagine the breath going into all areas of your body as well as your mind, relaxing you as you do so. After this task is complete, you find that you are noticeably more relaxed. Get a good understanding about where your focus needs to be. If you have to do some work on the computer, get everything off that you need first, like a glass of water, or a cup of coffee, and turn on or off whatever lights you need to. You want to eliminate any distractions, so that once you begin your task, you can be fully focused, and nothing will distract you. Take your mind elsewhere. Take care of anything that needs to be done, like chores or phone calls, before the beginning of the task. Our phones and other devices are very good at distracting us. So when you're ready to begin your task, put your devices on airplane mode or power them off So that no new notifications act as a lure, taking your attention away. If you're working on your computer, don't keep any tabs or windows open that are not specifically for the task you're working on. Visiting social media can be detrimental to your focus. These sites are designed to distract you. And they've got entire teams that formulate how their product can distract more and more people throughout their day. Successfully eliminating potential distractions can allow your focus to become precise as a laser. Making sure you've got everything you need and pressing any tasks completed before you begin is also extremely important. If something else alerts your mind that you need to do, either finish that task first, or set a date later in the day to do that thing, putting all worries aside. Now you can allow yourself to come back to the present moment, and aware of your surroundings, taking all the time you need. Find that you become better at eliminating distractions, allowing for your focus to move you forward in life each time that you listen to this session. This completes the session.