Two for the Road: Movies with Matt and Adam

145: The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973) and Straight Time (1978)

Text Matt & Adam!

In and out of jail is the latest theme. Robert Mitchum, a show favorite, once again does not disappoint in "The Friends of Eddie Coyle" (1973). Mitchum is supported by a stellar cast and a tight script.  "Straight Time" (1978) is a little known Dustin Hoffman movie with him.a different kind of role -  a man  fresh out of prison who soon realizes that the deck is stacked against him. Any film that has M. Emmett Walsh, Harry Dean Stanton and Gary Busey in it has to be good, right? 

Next, Asian romance with "In the Mood for Love" (2000) and Past Lives (2023)

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Uno, uno, dos. Welcome to Two for the Road Movies with Matt and Adam. I'm Matt. I'm Adam. We are a movie pairing podcast every week or so. We'll pick a theme, recommend a movie to the other guy based on the theme that he has not seen, watch and discuss. And we have a 25 year age difference. So we come with a completely different set of movies. And sometimes we break the rules I just said. Yeah, yeah. like this week. Every now and then I'm like, Matt, just pick a couple I haven't seen, because I haven't seen anything. And our theme this week was in and out of jail, in and out of jail, I think. Yeah. Yeah. I think that pretty much sums it up. I would agree. Yeah. So and we're starting out with the friends of Eddie Coyle. Robert Mitchum. 1973 I think. 74 maybe. You know sometimes we have it pulled up. 73. Why would I ever doubt you Matt? I don't think I can remember his movie years. What's your name? I don't have any clue. I can tell you the last 20 films of Robert Mitchum. Right. I think this is our fifth Mitchum movie. Is it fifth? I only counted three. I have Cape Fear, Cape Fear, Out of the Past, Night of the Hunter, and did we watch Farewell My Lovely? Maybe we didn't. It kind of takes place in the 40s. I think that was maybe on like your long list. Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so it's this is our fourth for the yeah he's always good yeah yeah I have no Mitcham complaints over here so far good old Bob you call him Bobby Mitch Bobby Mitch yeah yeah and he plays kind of a down-and-out character kind of a you know a low-life not a big big-time crook you know he's just sort of scraping Yeah, I saw, I was just kind of like Googling this movie to kind of see like what I was getting myself into and Some review was like if the Godfather is an opera, this is a cheap beer. Oh my god Which is like kind of a mixed metaphor, but that kind of works. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah I like that. This was just it's like a very street level Look at crime in the Massachusetts area. Yeah, right Boston area, I guess. Yep, and there's not much hope? No. It's early 70s in America, 1973 or mid 70s, I don't know, early mid 70s and this is, this movie had definitely had the feel for that. The whole, the place, the area, like... The color palette? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, the clothing, you know, it's just so bad. What a vibe. Yeah, yeah. Every character in this movie, they're like, okay, either I'm going to jail or I'm gonna die, so I better get mine while I can. Right, exactly. Yeah, we, I think it's kind of a misnomer too, because he doesn't really seem to have any friends. Well, I think it's a little wink, like with friends like these, kind of thing, right? Who needs enemies? Because he has lots of people that he talks to. He's got a lot of conversation partners. He makes the rounds. He makes it around, you know, and then he's always trying to hustle up something. He's trying to stay out of jail. He's trying to talk to the cops, you know, maybe be an informant. He did this thing in New Hampshire. Yeah, right, for somebody. And he stood up. He stood up, but he's gonna go to jail. He doesn't want to go to jail, so he's trying to stay out. So he's trying to do something for Uncle. So he's stuck between uncle and the man. Yeah. And I think it's a bad place to be, especially when you're kind of a nobody. Right. Tough, but not bright. Yeah. Right. And it's probably a typical gangster. I mean, you see Donnie Brasco, you find out, these guys are breaking into parking meters and shit just to make money. Well, that's what I liked about this like this guy's not like some criminal mastermind We're like he doesn't like have the ultimate scheme to get out on top It's like he just drove a truck or something got caught and now he just I don't want to go to jail Yeah, you know and just why won't anybody help me? Okay, it's kind of fun to watch you make the rounds talk to people and you know, that's a whole movie yeah, yeah pretty much yeah he runs into Peter Boyle who runs a little bar yeah Peter Boyle who I know as the father everybody loves Raymond and Frankenstein Frankenstein or young Frankenstein young Frankenstein yeah great actor do you know you know who his best friend was Peter Boyle's best friend yeah or one of them Tommy Chong I have no idea John Lennon John Lennon's best friend is Peter Peter Boyle was the best man at his wedding. John Lennon the musician? Yes. Okay, what? I think I read that somewhere. There's no way that Peter Boyle's best friend is John Lennon. How would they even intersect? I don't know. They were good friends. Oh, Lennon was the best man at Boyle's wedding. That's even more shocking actually because then it's like you got John Lennon to show up to your right right oh my god that's amazing it is it is it's how did this happen yeah so that well I mean so this must have been like before this movie right or we're assuming I would think so it doesn't say what year or anything yeah I guess I'll have to dive into that a little more but That's incredible. Yeah, it was yeah Wow, yeah, so so peter boyle just uh hanging around doing some bit parts and just kicking it with the beatles. Yep He had a good career Long, I mean he lasted up until he died. So They all do yeah 2006 so He was around. Uh He was a taxi driver um Yeah, he usually played he generally did not play the leading Man. He's got a look. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like... Yeah, very working class. He's large. Yes. But not classically handsome. No. One would say. Yeah. He made a good Frankenstein. Yeah. He was perfect for Frankenstein. So, Peter Boyle got married in 1977. Uh-huh. And it lasted until 2006. When he died. Yeah. That is the that's the Lennon blessing. Yeah gonna give you a 29-year marriage Yeah, Boyle He was in the candidate, which is a really good Robert Redford movie. He played a his campaign manager But he was he was a medium cool We saw did we about the Chicago? Yeah, it's about the Chicago riots Oh, we watched it for the show. Okay. Yeah. Who'd he play in that? Oh, gun clinic manager, so a small part. But he had a movie called Joe that was in 1970 that was, he plays a far-right factory worker. He's probably perfect for that. But it was good. It was probably one of the few leading roles he ever had. You say a far-right factory worker? Yeah, like a factory that makes far-right assholes. Oh, you just yeah, he was a far-right Politically leaning factory work in what year? 1970 as a centrist nowadays. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah pretty much Now that's a left-leaning Democrat, yeah. Yeah. Anyways enough of that's our deep dive on Peter Boyle. Yeah but uh yeah, he's a Interesting guy, but there's a couple guys in Alex Rocco was in this He played Moe Green and love him. Yeah. Yeah, he's always good. He's always really hyper. Yeah. Yeah, but I'm Moe Green Same guy right every movie he's on screen you're like, oh, yeah He actually Was arrested or he used to be in a gang member. No, Boston Winter Hill gang he got pulled into the because of a murder he was... He had to take a back ticket? He actually accidentally... he I don't know after an alleged personal incident triggered the Boston Irish gang war. So he accidentally triggered the Boston Irish gang war? Yeah so but he ended up running back to he ran to Hollywood and end up there And straighten out his life so but he is always good He's probably those dudes that was just like in bars talking to people. They're like I Need to put you in a movie you're getting in something I don't know what it is you're getting in something you ever see people like that you could you you want to walk out that? You should be in film. Yeah, we both grew up with people like that. Yeah, yeah Many of them deceased yes Yeah, so anyways Here's the movie here's old Eddie Coyle running around trying to stay out of jail trying to make a living at the same time Talking to all sorts of gun dealers, and you know and stuff like that had you seen this before no when were you in? Oh, I was in all the way. I just Mitchum shows up. I'm generally in How about you? Yeah? I mean the first scene the first scene is Mitchum talking to this young gunrunner right who by the way is is holding his own in the scene with Mitchum. Right, very good. I was impressed by that cat. And Mitchum's like, you're talking guns and there's a little bit of casual racism for the day, that was what they did. And Mitchum's like, look at my knuckles. Like I have extra knuckles. Yeah, Stephen Keats, I think, I believe is his name. Known for Death Wish, I guess, Black Sunday. You know, but yeah, I had 91 credits. Yeah, he was good. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Anytime you get Mitch, I'm sitting in a diner or someplace and he's talking to somebody and, you know, that's describing how his knuckles were. And he got what was his nickname? Eddie Fingers. Eddie Fingers. And he got some young ex hippie turned gunrunner. Just like, right. Like, I don't give a two flips about you, old man. You know, I'm here. Yeah. Yeah, that was good. It was good back and forth. Mm-hmm and then From then also we get that he's in he's a he's in Dillon's Dylan's Peter Boyle. We see like that dive Dylan's talking to this Fed. Yep. This yeah, that's also great a Richard Jordan. Yeah, he's really he's he like a very He's a he's a guy that I had a really good career, but he shows up in movies all the time He was in the secret to my success. Yeah, he was It was the Howard Prescott or whatever his name was. Yeah, Richard Jordan. Everybody in his movie was good. It's just that Joe Santos, who was in the Rockford Files, plays one of the bank robbers. The guy with the mustache? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, we have all these different narratives happening, right? We got Mitchum, who's ... And I love the way they talk in this movie, right? He's going up to New Hampshire about this thing, but he stood up. And so, yeah, and Dylan's like, yeah, you stood up, but you know, you gotta face uncle or whatever, you gotta go do your thing. Then we got the Fed, who is uncle, who's like, he's trying to like work a deal with him. The guys. Then we have the man, the man up there, who's like, I guess some mob boss, who's like, never seen in this movie at all, which was obviously the right choice. Yep, yeah. So he's swimming against the tide. All the time. He's got a lot going against him. And how long of a period does the movie take place? Only a few days, right? It seems like. I would say, well, okay, so how many, so they rob, what, three banks? Maybe two or three weeks? Yeah, I think that's, yeah, the bank robbery will tell you. Because they're not doing them every other day. Kind of feels spaced out a little bit. But, I mean, that's the thing. It's hard to know how time passes in a movie like this because every day feels the same for every character. Yeah, yeah. They're just doing the same thing over and over again. Everybody's trying to eke out a living or, you know, get by. Trying to get by. And so, all this is happening. Got the Gunrunner, we got the Fed, we got Mitchum, then we got this wildcard Dylan. Peter Boyle. Who's the person who gave of Mitchum the job, the New Hampshire job, to drive a truck full of, what was it that was stolen? I can't even remember. It was booze, right? Booze, I think it was, yeah. That still happened? Anyway. And so, we see this opening scene where Boyle is talking to the Fed, and it's like, hmm, what's going on here? Kind of foreshadowing. And the Fed gives him 20 bucks. Like, he's an informant. Once a week, he comes and talks to them for 20 bucks. You own a bar! Right He's playing both sides. Yeah, that was very frustrating 20 bucks is really gonna buy you all 20 bucks a week, right? but like the way everyone talked in this movie was like so It was like two clicks off from like how people actually talk. Mm-hmm Like it wasn't even like realistic but it was like they created a vibe. Yep, which I appreciated Yeah it's a the guy who wrote it the novelist he's not a novel right yeah George Higgins yeah he only has two film critics credits writing film credits this movie and killing them softly which was made 13 years after he died but he still got credit for the screenplay because this was a ripoff of that because that was a ripoff of this yeah I guess that's when you said that cuz I didn't look that I look that deeply into it this movie definitely has those vibes right like down to like the end execution see it's very similar yeah it's very similar very similar yeah so he only gets two writing credits and both are movies that I love yeah yeah yeah there I would say they're very similar yeah I would say like probably some of the I say this is probably the decades it's one of 70s Best crime movies and I would say kill him softly is probably one of the top five. Yeah movies of the 2000 Yeah, teens or anything like that things with 2014. It came out me something like that. What's it that late? I think I don't know No, no, I don't know. It was after Obama 2010. I think yeah, the other guy his co-writer Paul Monash wrote mostly for TV But he was also a producer and produced a couple good movies Slaughterhouse 5 which is the Kurt Vonnegut movie Yeah, not a huge fan because I love the book. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and he and Carrie Which was Stephen King's first? Yeah, the Palmer. Yeah, interesting. Yeah It's a weird mix yeah So anyway to get like just to kind of run down the plot we kind of talked about a little bit Mitchum shot you out of jail. He's he's dealing with this gun runner. He's getting all these guns the gun runners like sort of this like reluctant, I guess you call him careful. He's a careful gun runner. He's getting mixed up with Mitchum. Then Mitchum gets involved with this fed and was like, what if I get you a guy that sells machine guns? Because Mitchum doesn't like machine guns. He doesn't mind the 32s and all that stuff, but he doesn't like machine guns. Yeah, doesn't really say why. Maybe just too reckless. Too reckless, I think, yeah. Why would anybody need a machine gun? You're gonna kill him in you put the barrel right in his mouth right kill him like a man. Yeah, yeah, so the feds interested There's an implication that if he gets this guy who sells machine guns, then he can get off on his two-year Bid and there everyone's like it's like you're gonna do eight months. You know like what do you worry? Well my kids you know and all that stuff they read about me Yeah, so I should have thought of that right this guy so he doesn't want to go in so he eventually dimes on this machine gun dealer and The feds there's this great scene where the feds are pulling in the machine goes there Yeah, the buyer pulls up and buyers like you're gonna sell it or not He's like I'm gonna sit here for three hours And so all the cars that were here when I pulled in are gone So I know that none of them are feds essentially bars like a horse shit. We're coming back Yeah, and they leave and the guy gets spooked because the feds do start to swoop in they bust him It turns out that wasn't enough right? Yeah, he said yeah, you know, I'm not gonna get you get you off So the feds like I called my guy up up in New Hampshire. He said that's a good start That's right, right And so Mitchum's kind of going back and forth like do I dime out? of the bank robbers it was yeah yeah the bank robbers and so he decides he's going to but it's too late Peter Boyle Peter Boyle already did it Peter Boyle did it but but they blame him they blame Mitchum and the man the gang boss blames Mitchum so they contract Peter Boyle to kill Mitchum Right, they got paid for both and So they do have this kind of elaborate scenario where they take Mitch amount to a Bruins game. Yeah Lot of hockey in this movie get him drunk Yes, but hockey is perfect for this movie. You know, it's just like kind of winter. I Don't know fall late fall winter stuff And I love that Mitch was like Bobby. Oh, yeah Yeah, he's all drunk. He's drunk, the crowd is drunk. They're going crazy about the hockey fight and the juxtaposition of street violence. They're up in the cheap seats. Televised violence, the crowd loving it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just kind of showing the 70s were just out of control. They execute him, next day, Peter Boyle's talking to the Fed, and that's it. Yep. That's the end of the movie. Yep. It was a good movie. Yeah. It was great so the director Any thoughts on I thought it looked good. I thought it looked perfect for that time and era You know, I don't I don't know a lot about directing to be honest. I mean, I'm almost like yeah look good Not one second of a wasted scene maybe once I make cuts of hockey players, right fine by that point you're like You know what's gonna happen Mitchum's drunk. This kid shows up. You're like, okay And Once he once you see him that drunk in the kitchens up you're like, uh, this is not good No, but I didn't think it was gonna go down the way it went down. I thought something would happen And he would be saved at the end. But no, this was this was his fate Well, the director was Peter Yates Whose most famous his most famous film is is Bullet So Steve McQueen I was I've heard of it. Yeah. Yeah, Steve McQueen actually picked it hand-picked him to direct it because Peter Yates at one time was a race car driver and that The most famous scene in bullet is one of the most famous car chase scenes in you and I don't like car chasing So it's like but yeah He'd be hand-picked him to to do it just because he was a race car driver at one time He also directed another one of our films breaking away Which is about bike with bike racing. Well, these are three very different movies, right? Right, right What was your favorite scene? I? liked it any Any scene Mitchum was in? Just you know, it's glued But I like the scene where the guys took him to took the a machine guns seller to some back area, you know, and they wanted to do it. He just wasn't having any of that. Yeah. Well, see, that was like so important, right? Because that shows that the gun dealer is savvy. Right. And so that plays later in that train station parking lot where he's like, I'm chilling. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because in that scene, he's buying the machine guns It looked like some army people. Yeah, which was probably happening a lot at that time But he didn't trust him He thought they were trying to get but they'd seemed really kind of goofy these Army people they didn't they weren't serious. Yeah, I get the vibe that they just didn't know what they were doing They didn't know what they're doing. So he was very cautious I like that see because it said a lot about him and then later on when they when you know, the Radicals were gonna buy them Whatever they were They were gonna buy the machine guns. He was very cautious. So he was a cautious guy What about you I like this well, yeah, so I think my favorite scene is when He goes to meet the bank robber in the trailer and he brings him groceries. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and I like that because like Mitchum is seeing The life he could have mm-hmm if you wanted it, right and at first, you know he sees this guy, I forget his name, Rocco or whatever. So he sees him with like, he's dating this stewardess. And he's free. He doesn't have three kids running out the door. Doesn't have a fat Irish wife like Mitchum does. He's got this beautiful girl just like cooking for him and bringing him a beer and he's just like, yeah, come on in, it's a life. He's kind of chatting and at first you kind of think that Mitchum prefers that, but it's pretty clear that he's like, no, I'm getting home to my wife. Yeah, yeah. Like, I prefer that. They had a pretty cool relationship, him and his wife. Yeah, she was funny. Yeah. A little goose in the morning, a little afternoon delight. Yeah. Oh, it's Robert, it's morning. I like when he was there at the trailer. I forget, he says, how much do I owe you? I can't remember, what, $1,500? And the stewardess says, that's a lot of money for me. Right. I've never paid for anything in my life. I'm a pretty girl. Right, right. Right. But yeah, that was my favorite scene, I think, because it just showed these kind of worlds colliding and their actual relationship, and you got a sense that these guys went way back, and that he would never double-cross them, or if he was going to, it would be a real big decision, which he eventually tried to, but he was still too late. Should have been quicker. Yeah, I guess when we used the term friends, I guess that was for everybody in this film. Nobody was real friends with anybody. No. Gunrunner had no friends. The Fed doesn't have any friends. The Fed's own cohorts aren't even his friends. Pete, Peter Boyle doesn't have any friends. Just a lot of people he knows and yeah. Hi, Matt. This is a loaded cast. Who gets your Ned Beatty award? Who just burned it down? I'm going to say, I liked Richard Jordan. The Fed. Mm-hmm. Yeah, cuz he was playing he was playing everybody and you did a really good job. How about you? Yeah, I had the gunrunner or the Fed. I mean he the one I think was fine like both of them Yeah, I mean both of them playing off of Mitchum, right? I mean the answer would be Mitchum, but it's like obviously Like who was the person that did the most with the least? and I Think either one of them Yeah, they all had those like those conversations where they're like kind of squaring off in the ring, you know Yeah, kind of Bob and a weave in each other a little bit I would maybe lean towards a gunner just because he was the first person we see Yeah, I just feel I kind of feel like he set the tone. Yep, but there's no bad choice there and you know, it really the Bank robberies were kind of interesting too. We didn't talk about that. Yeah. Yeah, I mean it was interesting the way they did it They would actually kidnap a bank manager before he went to work, hold his family hostage, take the guy to work, make sure everybody cooperated, steal all the money, give us half an hour, we'll kill the wife, and then they're gone. I feel like that would work today. Yeah, I would think so. Not trying to give anyone an idea about robbing a bank. And then one of the stupid bank tellers or assistant managers decides to hit the button And he gets on the chest and that's what ruins it all. Yep. They probably wouldn't have been caught. Mm-hmm Not for a while. Anyway, yeah, what would make you do that? I never understood this They're making thousands of dollars in especially in 1973 Why do they have to drop so many banks and so in like two weeks or whatever? I don't know. Maybe you're on a streak, you know, you got that momentum behind. So yeah, you're like Let's just do it real quick and then we can kind of get then we move on to the next total location, right? Right and plus if you're due two or three and get away completely scot-free you kind of feel like you're untouchable Yeah, that's true. Yes, but but if you're the dude who's reaching for the alarm, that's I'm saying. Why would you do that? Why what's your motivation like that? I'm gonna be a hero. I think it's I think it's never been easier to rob a bank then 2023 America, right? Nobody's gonna be the hero. You can walk into a store and walk out with shit Like Robin Biggs. I was gonna press the alarm button. Hell no Yeah, they'll probably help you load it up Yeah, I'll run these bags out if I can if I can keep a stack All right. Um, all right Dame watch. There's no dames in this movie Actually, I have a name. I have something That I just found out this week through Twitter or X whatever. We're calling it these days Let's call if you ever heard of the Bechdel test for movie for movies the Bechdel test. No, no Is this 2023 appropriate, or is this 1973 appropriate? No, it is. It's both. All right. Yeah. The tests are, there's three things. One, that at least two women are featured. Okay. Doesn't pass the test. Nope. Two, that these women talk to each other. Nope. And three, that they discuss something other than a man. No, so does this make a movie better according to this test? I I don't think it I don't see any difference It's just some interesting thing that people came out I saw a top 10, you know list of movies that were that didn't pass the effect Bell test It was just interesting. I've never heard of that before but it you know, and there's very few movies That's the opposite that there isn't a man in a movie or two men in a movie. Yeah, because I mean, yeah, but there's It's the patriarchy. Yeah, there is a lot of movies. You know I wish I could remember what the list was like okay? What? There's a there's a theme. There's a there's a dame in the bank robbery right crew suddenly for some reason Well, that's what it would be today woman somebody would be a lesbian Yeah, somebody would be you know I don't know black, of course, you know, not in 1973 and outside of Boston it wouldn't be in real life. I'm saying like, in 1973, the whole crew would be black or the whole crew would be white. It's not going to be like... And this ain't a woman about dames. I mean a movie about dames. No. It's the Friends of Eddie Coyle. It's not like the past loves of Eddie Coyle. He settled down with his chubby Irish wife and he's really happy. Right. It's actually endearing to him, right? Right. Yeah. He has a really good relationship with his wife. He just, and he wants to stay home. He doesn't want to go to jail. He actually gets offered women at the end. He's like, nope, I'd rather just go home. Right. Oh, yeah. Right before they shoot him. Yeah. He remains true to his wife. So, yeah, it means nothing, but it's just, everything's changed today. All right. Let's keep it. Let's do the Bechdel. Bechdel. Bechdel. Yeah, B E C H D E L. All right, let's do the Bechdel test from now on. All right. We'll see if it holds up Okay, I'm guessing we will not like it not in our next Alright Do we hate the kid? There's no kids. No kids. He's got a couple of rugrats that scamper out. They seem nice enough they're fine and Plot holes didn't see any nothing bothered me. No, there's music. Nothing is one thing that bothered me Okay, I'm gonna call this the Columbo This is the One more thing yeah, there's one more thing To think ones about the movie ones about you ones about ones directed towards you Matt okay killing him in a moving car Yes, I don't know Why do that that was kind of stupid? Like the dudes passed out why do it while you're moving down the highway, and you shoot a gun in a car that's gonna hurt your ears the person driving this young kid is probably gonna lurch a little bit right right right so that bothered me and then uh this is just for you for future recommendations can we watch a movie where Mitchum lives I mean he does die and everything doesn't he I want to root for this guy all right well I'll put I'll figure out one yeah yeah and then Oh, soundtrack, this soundtrack reminded me of like the in-between songs of like Fat Albert. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. Yeah, it had a, it had almost a TV movie feel to it, to me. A little bit. From that era. Yeah. Not today, but from that era, you know, it wasn't glitzy, it wasn't anything. It was, you know, it was, that area in Massachusetts and that was basically the movie that we're looking at. We're looking at this depressed area, but to me I kept thinking, this is kind of a mid-70s TV movie, but better. Yeah, totally, and I was struggling with a recast, I'm like, okay, we're going to recast Mitchum. I'm like, who are like the tallest? Because he's a tall dude, right? He's imposing, that's why he kind of gets to do what he does a little bit, right? I think Russell Crowe is the only. Okay, that is a good call. Russell Crowe could do it. You nailed it, that's it. Yeah, Russell Crowe. You can see him trying to weasel his way out of big guy, but kind of. I don't want Gladiator Crowe. No. I want Nice Guys Crowe. Nice Guys Crowe. No, I think he is the closest thing to Mitchum that we have. I think that's right. Today guys that he can play pretty much anything. And if he was across the table from me I'd give him my lunch money. Either one. If Mitchum did the same thing. Well Mitchum looks like a crocodile. I've said before. Right. Right. And that's obviously scary because his eyes are like too far apart but he doesn't seem like dumb. Yeah. And Crow also has that vibe where like if Crow turned it on I'd be like OK. OK. Take it Pro. Whatever. Crow. Yeah, that's what I was saying. I immediately when I saw that, I immediately thought of Russell Crowe. The other people, there's all sorts of I mean, nobody has a big enough part to. I mean, we can always find a weasel like Peter Boyle, but right. But I think Mitchum is really hard to recast for. And I think Russell Crowe fits the bill. I think that is the only answer. I met you want to get scores. Sure. IMDB, we got 12,000 people checking in. This is a really popular movie on, with my- Movie nerds. Movie nerds that I read every day that fill my ex, you know. I'm gonna go seven, four. I think it's right, really? I think it's right there. Now, okay, I think this- Yeah, I think it's even better, but I think that- Yeah, I would go seven, six, maybe seven, seven on this. Oh, I agree with you. I think it's I think it's this is a wonderful low budget film There's no point in this movie Where you're like? Oh, let me check Twitter Or like let me pause it and go I think I watched this all in one turn Yeah, it's cuz it's not that long for one thing. But yeah, I never got bored. I just wanted to see what was happening What would you know who's gonna screw who and all that stuff? so kind of the poster is fantastic yeah it's just fantastic yeah it's Robert Mitchum surrounded by a bunch of thugs with guns I'm at and we always do check in on Rotten Tomatoes the toilet bowl of the internet so we have 41 critics reviews I'm gonna go 90 98 see critics love this yeah audience only just about a thousand people 88 87 yeah good yeah this is really an underrated film you know I kept like I said I thought I'd seen it I kept seeing it on my Twitter everybody's posting about it I haven't seen this I'm glad I did this is one of those movies that growing up was like a Dennis Miller reference and I'm like what is he talking about now I get it yeah all right this is the consensus the friends of Eddie Coyle sees Robert Mitchum in transformative late career mode in a gritty incredible character study and he always that he's always that great gritty of course this is transformative I think this is Mitchum His mission being Mitchum It's good as he can be I'm at sad sack. Look sad sack. You want to take a break and come back and talk about straight time. Yep We are back second movie of the week is 1978 straight time starring Your boy old dusty. That's the mob man this is a I I don't think a lot of people have seen this. I don't think it's not a real famous Dustin Hoffman film. I've never heard of it. But it has a killer cast. Yeah. And everything about it, I really liked it. Both this week, just I would say like, two straight up classics, fantastic casts, hardly a minute that wasn't engaging, you know? Like just just great entertaining movies. Yeah, it was one of our better weeks. I'll say yeah well, you know, sometimes you have a stinker, but that's okay because You know, we're recommending shit that maybe we haven't seen but heard is good or saw a long time ago. We're watching with fresh eyes 14 year old out of like that, but 43 year old Adam does it? yeah, this is a I Saw this when it first came out loved it You know, and I didn't really know who a lot of these people at that time, you know, I was 23 years old and I Didn't know who Harry Dean Stanton was. I'd seen him. I didn't know who M.M. at Walls was. I'd seen him You know Gary Busey, you know, I remember him from the surfing movie that he was in, you know, that kind of stuff, but It's it's even better today than when I saw it back then because I know who these people are I know they just rock every time they get in on the screen Yeah And Dustin Hoffman is really good at this. I Mean, I think it's probably my favorite Hoffman. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he's great I'm trying to like what else like it's not that he's better than graduate. I liked it more than Ranzo Rizzo Mm-hmm more than I'm trying to go something that's been Hoffman like Lenny have you ever seen that Lenny? Lenny Lenny did he did Lenny Bruce? I never saw that. It's pretty good. I don't know. Wag the dog? You know, something later like that. Maybe someone will come to me and be like Oh, that's the one I really like. I'm not a huge Hoffman head to begin with. Tootsie? I don't know. I never saw that. Kramer vs. Kramer? Maybe he's great in that. That's about divorce, right? I don't want to watch a movie about divorce. I'm a child of divorce. I lived it! I'm not willing to watch about it. I'm not that big a fan of Rayman. I don't know. I mean, it was okay. I think you're supposed to be... It's like yada yada yada autism. Be charmed by these interactions of these two movie stars. But this is like that hardcore Dustin Hoffa where he gets to, you know, throw shit around and break things. He started off directing this yes But he couldn't get a good shot in like a couple days of shooting Or he couldn't get a shot that he was satisfied with live with that right and like they yanked him They're like dude He's still credited in one of the director's which was surprised me and the other guy who took over Lulu Grossbard the Belgian guy This guy's not working out get Lulu Only has seven credits directing credits to his name. Yeah, so So, very fortunate this movie is good as it is, because the directors probably didn't know what they were doing. Can you imagine how many times Hoffman yelled at Ulu? Was this Ulu's last movie? It was one of them. And Hoffman, from what I understand, is not that easy to work with. I can see that. Yeah. I can see that. Yeah. But yeah, he was, well, he directed a movie called Georgia, which I liked, and True Confessions, which I liked. I mean, it's not great, it's a De Niro movie. So he directed some, but he only had seven credits, so. So again, this could have been a disaster, and it turned out not to be the complete opposite of a disaster. It's really good Yeah, I just imagine that you know Hoffman is over Lulu's shoulder looking at the dailies like You know kind of letting him have it. Yeah, how'd you get that shot? Yeah, I couldn't get that shot at that. Yeah So the the person who wrote it Edward Bunker who actually appears in the movie Is based on his novel because he was a career criminal and he wrote this book about getting out and He He appeared in the movie. He met he is he's the guy Destin Hoffman there Max met in the bar to Get some work. You know, he's kind of got a mustache older guy, you know, okay But he's most famous for playing Mr. Blue in Reservoir Dogs. Oh, okay. Because Tarantino loves this movie. Yeah. Yeah. It shows, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I would love to hear what he says about this movie. You know, because it's right up his alley. He could do it. If it was a remake. Yeah, but why? Why remake? Why? Yeah. He wouldn't do it anyways. But you could have said, you know, So just think if he'd been around in 1978 and he took over. He got Hoffman yelling at Tarantino. Right, right, right. Yeah. So there was three writers involved. One of them was Alvin Sargent, who actually wrote one of my favorite movies, Ordinary People. And the other guy was Jeffrey Boehm, who also, he's most famous for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. So they know what they're doing. Yeah, yeah. Again, that works because there's a good script, they don't really have a director, or they have somebody stepping in, you know? It's just amazing that this thing is as good as it is. It is. Good script, great cast. Yeah, I was gonna say, who's the casting director? Because that person deserves like a gold star. Right, oh, and Michael Mann was an uncredited writer. Now that guy. Bring in that Mann kid, see if you can punch it up a bit. Right, right. So yeah, so when were you in? I was in right away because you know it again. It was 1978 had that feel to it You know it's very kind of Matter of fact it's gritty. It's you know it's this guy's just getting out of jail, and you know that You can you just know that it's not gonna end well, and you want to know how and why and what happens Like he's getting out with other people which you never see that right, right? Like well prisoners two through three or two three four whatever you're all out right and Everyone else like their families there and he's just like jumps in the back of this truck and I'm like, okay. Yeah. Yeah And then he's just walking around somebody's giving him a ride. Somebody gave him a ride, you know, it's like, okay Yeah, so I was just waiting outside the prison Yeah, that's true. There was first uber Yeah, and it's this this maximum looking prison and you know these other people are getting out They're saying hello to their families, and he got nobody Yeah, he just jumps in the back of a truck. Yeah, I'll give you a ride He's got us in the back. Yeah, my dog rides up right right and They just walking around bites a hot dog for 65 cents and I was in when he met his parole officer the next day the great am am at walls Yeah, who that scene was great Yeah, like it's great, but like also there's this progression. There's like both of those characters have this progression, right? Like we first see Dustin and come Dustin and he seems so repentant. Right. And we see Emmett Walsh and he seems like by the book. Right. And then slowly we realize neither of those things are true. Right. Like Hoppins trying to play the straight and narrow. Emmett Walsh slowly becomes a dick. Right. And a big dick. Yeah. And Hoffman who yeah at first is acting like yeah I want to do this but then he becomes a little... I don't know what the word is but you can slowly see him reacting to M.M. at Walsh like you know you're a dick. Yeah. Why do I have to do that? Yeah. I'm not gonna do that. Right. I didn't do anything. He throws him back in jail. So he so so Dustin Hoffman goes and hooks up with his buddy Gary Busey look life lesson it's always a mistake to get out of jail and go directly to a Busey never want to get a hang out with a Busey no parole no we don't go parole to a Busey don't do that right so he heads up with Gary Busey great cameo by Kathy Bates wonderful like did she Foreshadowing, is she the one who stole the show? I don't know. She did a lot with the little. So, and she's basically like, don't hang out with my husband, he's doing so well. He's a riveter. Right, he's doing wonderful. It's a skill, right? I'm a riveter? Like, what are you making now being a riveter? 60 an hour? And 10 minutes later, he's shooting heroin. Yes. And there's him in Max's apartment. Yeah, narrator voice. Things went a little too far. Yeah, so he's shooting heroin and even then like Hoffman's like, what are you doing? What are you doing? Like he's trying to close the blinds. He's not on board, but he's not stopping him. So it's like he's kind of toeing that line. M.M. at Wall shows up. Finds the The matchbooks. Yeah. Yeah. It's a lot to cook the heroin. Yeah, that's just great move there, Max. Yeah, also like circumstantial, your honor. Right, right. Like not admissible. so takes him to get tested for like a week and then on the way out and then takes him out he's like you wouldn't believe that Emma Walsh is like wouldn't believe the week I had. He has no clue. And he's complaining the whole time so Hoffman just like loses it right because Emma Walsh is like who's the person who's the person who's the person like just and you realize you're going back to jail if you don't tell me who this person is right right because Emma Walsh has become an unbearable dickhead oh we've got to say that he cuffs him in his own apartment right right and we haven't talked about in the around this time he meets this woman at a employment agency asked her out some reason she says okay yeah Teresa Russell he was very attractive not a bad looking dame right yeah she had a really strange career. Do you want to do Dame Watch right now Matt? Yeah this was her second film. You can tell yeah she was raw mm-hmm but she had that she had a look of like kind of like innocent kind of fresh off the bus right but also like maybe you have a dark side right like maybe you're wearing a thong right now but she was I looked at her I am BD list of movies that she was in I recognize a few of them almost all of them have really horrible scores she was yeah I am BD score oh yeah yeah she's Queens of the fives and sixes right she is I mean she was in Kurt Ken Russell's movie called whore which is Just awful was she the titular whore. Yes. No That's a tough. That's a tough. Look Ken Russell's terrible. Anyways, was she like this will make my Gonna be whore right? That's not good. I saw her. What did I see her in lately? Well, she was a little I thought she was like doing some stuff on TV like an order Now she's on TV. Yeah, you know she was in something that anyways I can't remember what it was that but oh yeah she was in that and I was surprised anyways she was great in this mm-hmm very good again raw but good oh I remember it was a law and order criminal attempt I remember you're like oh a lot of order season five I recognize I go that's Teresa Russell what she's doing in there but she was really good she just psycho yeah yeah so well after that yes mostly mostly now she's in you know TV movies or TV shows let it be a wise grandma but yeah I guess she didn't make very good choices but she was good in this she held her own for sure she did she had that kind of two sides to her the innocent like I just came from you know Ohio to oh yeah I want to hang out with this criminal not ask him what's going on yeah one hand it's like I just came from Ohio to the hands I just came from Cleveland right right yeah and uh you know Max keeps borrowing her car and coming home at four o'clock in the morning what's going on maybe this will get better so anyways he meets her and then you know he's supposed to meet her for dinner oh I like that scene where he does meet her for dinner and he doesn't have enough money to pay for it. I can cover the tax. Prices change in six years, buddy. So yeah, they kind of have a thing going. He's... So he takes this literal turn on the freeway where he starts attacking his parole officer, you know, knocks his hands off the steering wheel, pulls him flat on the road, grabs him, tables a turn, handcuffs him to a fence, pulls down his pants, you know, like, you know, you embarrass me, I'm embarrassing you kind of thing and life on the lam. My favorite scene. That's your favorite scene? Yeah, that's my favorite scene. That turns everything up about 10 notches. I will say, I did not expect that. Right, and then MMMWalsh never comes back. No. You know, we don't see him anymore. It's the last we see him. Because Max is on the lam. Yeah. After that, this is where his decision is, I'm not going back to prison because no matter what I do. I'm gonna go back to prison and then Boom, we're in the underworld, right? Like suddenly max knows gotta get a gun knows the all these people in this bar. He knows this whole network, right? yeah, and to me, I'm like as I'm watching like wait a minute like did I miss a scene like and This was kind of like one things that like at the end. I was like, I don't know. This is what's one thing Mm-hmm and I didn't know how to read it. So there's two ways right so one way you read it as well Maybe some little left out. It's kind of a sudden jump Mm-hmm the other way to read it is like oh as the audience you've been played the whole time this guy was a scumbag from Day one he is a scumbag. He was gonna go back to prison no matter what no matter what mm at Walsh did He was gonna end up back in prison because that's what he knows right this guy's a hood He was he wasn't a guy that made one mistake. Yeah, he's like he's not gonna work in a factory. Yeah He's Gary Busey, you know, to the max, you know. Busey's pretending to settle down, but ... He's extra Busey. Yeah, yeah. So that happens, goes on the road, life, new underworld life, gets a gun, starts doing some stick-up jobs, starts looking for something bigger, and still coming home to his girl, right? And she's like, where were you? He's like, I was doing a thing. Same old thing. Whatever. Then he hooks up with Harry Dean Stanton, and they got a tip on a poker game. Right. And Dean seems kind of retired at the time. He's doing pools or something. I don't know what he's doing. No, he's like doing like body shop work or something. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He owns something. Yeah, yeah. He actually owns a business, but he's a hood, too. He doesn't like it. It's the action, it's not even the money. I've told you that before, you know, the drug smugglers used to tell me. It ain't the money after a while, it's that excitement. And there's this great scene where he's, where like Harry Dean Stanton's wife is like barbecuing the most well done burgers you've ever seen in your life. Can I have something else? Crunch, delicious burger. You know, it's the 70s, They didn't know how to work the flame back then and then and one of my favorite parts is like so him He's like, I'll get a meet get us a beer So she brings him beers and she comes back and she hands him guitar say play that song. Yeah That's like such a night she's trying to be really nice but you can tell that That's exact wrong thing for this dude, right and he's just like I don't ever want to play this fucking song again in my life I want to put a bullet in my head. Can we please go Robert Pope? And that's what happened. Yeah, well they try That somebody doesn't show up the guy with the guns I guess yeah So can we talk about this plan for a second? Mm-hmm your plan is You pull up and you wait for your shotgun to pull up. You don't get your shotgun ahead of time Yeah, that was Not a good plan. Mm-hmm. I don't know why that the plan And they're sitting out there and they're all sudden people are leaving shotgun hasn't showed up I'm not robbing a poker game without a shotgun. It's unprofessional And then they see everybody leave and they're pissed Harry Dean stands are really pissed, you know So and hopping loses on the guy when he does show up beats him up a little bit Here you see and sees back and cool it off hoppin Do you was leaving pulls off the road sees a pawn shop with a shotgun in the window? Mm-hmm breaks into the next-door building to get to it and that's you know, okay This dude has just click click click up to another level. He's done this before. Yeah, so now he's like Crazy, right? Gets the gun. Yeah, that's pretty much when he He gets hyper crazy after that. He's not he's not gonna stop. He's just gonna you know, he's gonna either die at a shootout sometime or Go back to prison at some time, but he's probably gonna die in a shootout the way. He's acting right Guess the gun goes back to his wife. She's like. Oh, what have you been doing? He's like I was doing a thing You're covered in soot and sweat As a thing yeah this guy think for a guy So then he Well, I'm you know hooks up backs up with Harry Dean Stanton. They rob a bank. Mm-hmm Great bank robbing scene. Very professional. Yeah. Max did what he was supposed to do. They're counting down and, you know. Little dilly dally. Yeah, little dilly. Little dilly dally. Yeah. And so, and then they get in the car, they're driving away, they, you know, they, you know, get on their truck. And, you know, he, Hoffman's like, well, because of me, we got an extra eight grand. You know, like, you should be thanking me that I took that extra time. But, Herod and Stanton's like, nah, it's unprofessional. We have a time, that's why I keep time. That's why we keep time. I love the fact that Harry Dean Stanton was so professional. Yeah. And this is why he didn't get caught. Right, yeah. And this is why he has his own business. Right, right. He knows what to do. He's not a, you know, somebody who takes chances. Exactly. So then Hoffman and his girl are shopping for diamonds. He starts scoping out this joint, realizes, oh, we can kind of break into this place. It's easy to get in and get out. out, there's a tin of windows, gets Harry Dean Stanton involved, he's like, yeah, I'm in. They get a driver, driver backs out, so they bring in Busey. You never wanna get a Busey. No, like. He's a home professional. You have a beer with Busey, you don't rely on Busey. No. Like, it's obvious. Even his wife wouldn't trust him. But yeah, and that's the whole thing, but Hoffman kept making mistakes, bad decisions. He's just a bad decision away from getting shot or going back to prison, That's that's pretty much his life pretty much one bad decision after another because he can't control himself You know Harry Dean Stanton is the consummate criminal his character He knows what they're capable of doing We have to have rules you know but He goes against his own judgment because he wants the juice and he wants the juice like your friends used to smuggle Yeah old square grouper. Yeah Yeah, exactly. So one last hit one last job of course It goes awry Yes, because of Max's obsession Getting everything you wanted everything takes way too long. Mm-hmm. The alarms going off I did like in that scene like I've I've never actually thought through robbing a jewelry store. I don't know if you have that, but I was like, oh yeah, you have to smash all that glass, and then you have to grab stuff that's sitting in broken glass. I never thought about that before. Didn't they do that in Reservoir Dogs? You never see the robbery in Reservoir Dogs. Oh, that's right, that's true, yeah. In Reservoir Dogs, you see the running away, which is very much like this, which I'm sure Tarantino like took a nod to, but like, they're wearing these like big, thick, like whatever, like gardening gloves, and like, I'm like, oh yeah, you'd have to do, again, I just, it makes sense, I just never thought of it. So they're picking through, you see all this broken glass, and it's just like, you know, this guy's like just kind of struggling to find stuff, huh? It's time consuming. It's time consuming. He's just not reaching in and grabbing everything, because you have to pick everything out. Right, they say smash or grab, but really it's smash, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick Through the through the fence. Okay, right. Yeah bolts Changes clothes has his stash grabs a girl grabs the car They're out We're leaving. Yeah a little unthinkable got to take a little care take a little care of business. Mm-hmm, and that is killing Gary Busey Yeah, cuz he knows right? Oh, yeah. He's the He's a link. He's a loose end. He's the missing link in two, in more ways than one. This is another thing that kind of bothered me. So he tells his girl, stay here, I gotta go get some money. He walks like two driveways up, you know, has this conversation with Busey, shoots him, gets back in the car, and goes like, did you get the money? He's like, oh yeah, yeah. Did you not hear the gunshot? Was the radio too loud? What was going on? Yeah, that's true. Two blocks is nothing for gunshots. It wasn't even two blocks. It was like a block. It's like two driveways. Anyways, then they're on the road they She figures out what happens. They hear a news report. She throws up, but she's still in She's just smoking like a chimney at this point Stop at a rest stop. He decides it's time to part ways Let's her know that she's getting on a bus and he's hitting the road. Mm-hmm That's it. And then we get this montage at the end where we get this sort of revelation that This dude didn't have one mug shot. Yeah. He's had mug shots. Ever since he was a teenager. It was basically true probably for this guy who wrote it, Edward Bunker. You know, the same thing. And he finally cleaned up his act, you know, and had a pretty good career in the Hollywoods. But yeah, it's like this wasn't his first rodeo. And when he was getting out, when he got out of jail, that wasn't his first rodeo either. He's a career criminal, nothing you can do. Yep. All right, Matt, a couple questions. Do we hate the kid? No kids. There's a kid. Busey had a kid. Oh, yeah, the kid. That was his son, too. It's his real kid. Yeah, his real kid. It's a good kid. Oh, he was good. I liked him. It was great. You're right. No, he wasn't obnoxious. A young Jake Busey. He was a young Busey, that's for sure. We like him. He was fun. Yeah. I'm glad you said something about Kathy Bates. I thought she was wonderful. Yeah, so who do you think stole it? I don't know it's so hard for me. I mean show me a movie where the answer is not M.M. at Walsh. I was going to say that. I mean, Candy Beats is great. Yeah, but yeah and you know Harry Dean Stanton was Harry Dean Stanton but I think M.M. at Walsh had more to work with with his role just being a dick or going back and forth being a complainer and I read that they think, people say this is the role that got him on the radar for Blood Simple. Which is about seven or eight years later, yeah. But yeah, I was talking to my friend Ted yesterday whose mother used to date M.M. at Walsh. Okay, whoa, okay. Because he's from Swanton. Yeah. And he says, yeah, M.M. at Walsh asked my mother to marry him. She turned him down. Good, good move. What year was this? I had to be in the 50s. Oh, the 50s? I would think 60s, maybe, 60s. Damn, how old is, Emma Walsh is past? No, he's still alive. Damn. Yeah, he's gotta be in his 80s. Okay. I would think. He looked 80 since he was 40. Yeah, I don't know, but this, you know what? I think maybe 60s okay yeah well well what a life they could have had yeah but so this is before your friend was born correct this is high school kind of thing okay okay he's born in 35 he's still alive yes he's 88 yeah okay yeah well pretty wild well old Ted could have been a junior all right the soundtrack to me did not fit the movie a little too poppy and yeah it should have been more like the Harry Dean Stanton movie Paris Texas okay yeah yeah been more like that very sparse sparse but this is like like a guitar It's like a little bit too like guitar kind of is like between like cowboy twang and then was like disco or something It's like it's like too much pop. I was like, this does not fit the vibe. Yeah, that's true I didn't even really think about it because I didn't I didn't I Didn't even register the soundtrack. I have a possible recast for Hoffman's character. Okay Shy LaBouf. Oh, yeah. He's a nut Yeah On the shorter side Looks good with a mustache. Yeah, you gotta have that cheesy mustache. Yeah, 70s Yeah, late 70s mustache. Can be charming but also can be a nut. Right. Wearing like leather jacket. Oh, yeah You know, even if you said it nowadays same thing. Yeah, same thing. Yeah, that's a good idea All right, Matt, any other comments here about Straight Time? No, I think. An un... An underseen classic. I think so. Like I say, I liked it better this time. You know, than I saw it when I was in my 20s. Have you seen the poster for this? It's a poster of the back of, I guess presumably Hoffman's head with the dame like hugging him. It evokes no emotions that this movie actually does. I'll look at it. I don't wanna see the, I wanna guess the number first. All right, guess the number under 10,000 people check it 7-6 7-4 a little low should be higher. I put this right with you. Yeah, I think 7 6 7 7 Yeah, it's a terrible poster It's like it makes you think that like it's a story of redemption. Yeah, but it's actually the opposite. Please God. Don't let him get What What? I don't know. It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't. That's terrible. It's a terrible poster, but apparently it worked. All right, we're turning our attention to Rotten Tomatoes. We only have 12 reviews from the critics. I'll go 90. 83. A little low. I would agree. I'll say 83 on the... I'll go 85 on the other one. 82. to the audience. Okay, I'm gonna give you a bad review. A bad, bad review. This is from the Washington Post. They are authentic, gripping elements in the firm. An overwhelming, starry performance could have unified those elements emotionally. So they were not buying Dustin Hoffman's performance. This is, yeah, again, from the Washington Post. And yet, this is your favorite one that you've seen. I mean, yeah. I'm a movie critic, but I think it's the best. Like, I mean, what else do you want from Dustin Hoffman? And I know there's only two bad reviews, but the other one that just says there's hardly a minute that convinces or a scene that really works, which is just completely fucking wrong. Like, come on. That's like, get the fuck out of here. That's a terrible review. Yeah, well, again, it's underseen, right? Right. There's not even like a critic's consensus. It's so underseen. I mean, this is the exact perfect movie for our show. Right, hardly anybody's probably seen it. I mean, I don't know anybody that's seen it except you now. And next week, we're gonna see movies that a bunch of people have seen. So, anything else to say about this? No. Okay, so next week, our topic is Asian, I say next week, it might be next month. because I'm taking a little vacation. So next show our topic is Asian romance. Something I know a little bit about. So we're gonna do In the Mood for Love. And from this year, 2023, Past Lives from South Korea. Now In the Mood for Love is another one of those movies that shows up on my Twitter feed every day and I've never seen it. I've never seen it. So I'm looking forward to seeing it. That's not Chinese. That's Hong Kong. I believe or Taiwan Hmm. I don't know the actors have hyphens in their names which makes me think that they are from Hong Kong or Taiwan and not China, but oh, yeah. Yeah, I don't 100% know Anyway, we'll figure that out between now and then Yeah writer writer This is what, 2000? Yep, 2000. Hong Kong movies in the late 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. They were really putting out some good film. So, I'm looking forward to it. Alright, you ready to get out of here? Yep. Peace! Bye. He's a philistine. What's a philistine? It's a guy who doesn't care about books or interesting films and things. Then I'm a philistine. No, you're interested in books and things. No, I'm a philistine. You've been shitting in my yard. I have not. You want me to hold the chicken, huh? I want you to hold it between your knees. So, Jane, what you do here in effect is a count of owners. I am a revolutionary. I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen. I'm as bad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore! It's fun.