Two for the Road: Movies with Matt and Adam

147: Straw Dogs (1971) and The Strangers (2008)

Text Matt & Adam!

We're back! Our theme for this show is "home invasions" and we start out with an oldie but goodie, Sam Penkenpah's "Straw Dogs" (1971). Dustin Hoffman said he did it for the money, but he and co-star Susan George were both wonderful in their roles. Not for the squeamish. "The Strangers" (2008) is a film that we liked more than most critics (29:19). While the film has it's moments and some good creep value,  approach with caution.

Next up, two small films from the late, great Philip Seymour Hoffman, "Owning Mahoney" (2003) and "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead" (2007)

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Uno, uno, dos. Welcome to Tooth for the Road, movies with Matt and Adam. I'm Matt. And I'm Adam. We, it's been a while, Matt. A couple months, I think. It's been a while. Yeah, these movies were going to be our Halloween show. That's right. That's how long ago it was. Oh, my God. Now it's our Christmas show. Yeah, maybe. I guess it is. Pretty much. Yeah, we're both leaving. Yeah, so yeah, there was a long lag between shows, probably gonna be another bit of a lag between shows, maybe not, depending on how much free time you think will... I think I'll be fine. Yeah, I got nothing to do in Florida. Okay, well, I think you might. I won't have anything to do when I'm in Florida, either. So, maybe it'll work out. Yeah. All right, but our, yeah, so our theme for this week, oh, we didn't even, yeah, the Movie Pairing Podcast, occasionally, every now and then, we'll pick a theme, recommend a movie to the other guy he has not seen based on the theme, watch and discuss. And we have a 25 year age difference, so we bring a different set of movies to the show. Yes, we do. So, theme this week is, we're gonna do like a Halloween show, but like, you're not a real big horror guy at all. And I was trying to think like what is actually scary? Yeah, home invasion is actually scary. That would be scary to me in real life That would be one of the scariest thing right because because in both of these movies It's just these people are surrounded right and they don't know where they're coming from. So, you know So yeah, like the village the village the townsfolk turn it on you That's way scarier than a demon right? Oh my god. Just can you imagine that living in that town? Hmm like that. I don't yeah like so our first movie was 1971's Straw Dogs And we'll start with the town yeah the town was giving up have you ever seen um The one with Wicker man mm-hmm It remind me of Wicker man We make you walk into town And everyone looks at you like you're an obvious outsider And like it seems like they all know something that you don't know. Mm-hmm. I love that vibe in a movie Wasn't that from around the same period? Yeah, the 70s. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, probably some of the same actors probably Guys, you never seen before never seen again unless you see a British movie from the early 70s and there they are Yeah, just bunch of dirtball Brits So this is Sam Peckinpah, right which I didn't realize until the end oh really yeah that makes sense this whole I mean gonna be kind of all over the place yeah like a little out of the habit here but this whole movie it felt like you had moments were like it felt a lot like a student film mm-hmm like felt like someone got really excited about quick cuts yeah yeah the editing and that's not always been one of Peckinpah's, you know, best traits is editing. He's got some weird editing and this movie had some weird editing. Plus it was, you know, a little long and could have been edited more. What is Sam, what is old Peckinpah known for? Well we saw Wild Bunch. The Getaway was another one. Sort of like, you know, death scenes and violence and you know he's got a movie called the bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia you know which is you know that guy carrying a head around his hand so you know but that's what he's known for I mean he's just I mean I think you know the Wild Bunch is maybe the best Western ever it's right up there. It's got to have one of the highest death counts. Yeah. Was it I was like when they invented like the blood packets or something. Yeah that's he was one of the first to use it. It was the first to use it. He's like, give me all of these. We're gonna need them. Yeah, so this is pretty, yeah. That's weird that you didn't know it also. Yeah, yeah. At the end I was like, it started to feel familiar and I was like, who directed this? And I looked at him and I was like, oh, okay. We know him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then all the cuts kind of made sense and I was just like, okay. Yeah, I Didn't know where straw dogs came from. I still don't I'll read it to you. All right, the title comes from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu or whatever that he pronounces nailed it. Yeah, who wrote heaven and earth are not humane and Regard the people as straw dogs Okay, no straw dogs were used as ceremonial objects for religious sacrifices in ancient China So that's what people are just sacrificed and in Peckinpah's movie. They usually are they usually are That's interesting. Like if you gave me a million guesses, I never would have said Oh probably from Comment right? Yeah So this movie is based on a book. Yeah, which makes me like there's certain parts of this movie that I was like Why did they need to do that? And I'm guessing they were just being faithful to the book Like what? Well, like the pedophile character didn't really need to exist. The only thing, he wasn't needed until the very end when, you know, Dustin Hoffman hits him with a car, and who's a good guy, takes him up to the house, tries to call, you know, help the doctor. So, I mean, they could have had another reason for them. Yeah, those guys could have just gotten pissed off for some other reason. He could have hit one of them with a car. I don't know, it just seemed like maybe they were going for some sort of ironic thing that Dustin Hoffman is protecting the worst person in this town, who is actually the only one who's, well, that's not true, he's not the only one who committed a crime, who just did this terrible thing. There's worse people in this town, or people just as bad as him. Right. And so I guess that the irony is there. And maybe like in the book, it was sort of fleshed out a little bit more. But this it kind of seemed like it was to like the scene with the pedophile and the girl. Yeah, I thought was interesting. Yeah. But then it was like over and we didn't need that. We didn't need that character either. The girl, the girl. The only thing I can think of, she was just pointing out that, you know, she was flirting with Dustin Hoffman, who was unlike any man in that town. Which basically, you know, I don't want anybody here except the pedophile. Well, it seemed like she just wanted attention. Yeah. Yeah, she was trying to get attention. So this movie starts with a bang. I mean, it starts like, I was like, wait, did I miss something? It just, it's like, boom, here they are, just hanging out and like, we meet pretty much everyone in the first scene. Pretty much everybody. Yeah. I never thought of that, that's, yeah. He's like, OK, here's the cast. Yeah, right. Yeah. And like like it does a really good job of like it's like, OK, premise set, like really quickly you realize Doesn't Hoffman's this fish out of water. Not only is he American, he's this like nebbish astrophysicist foot and a half shorter than every other man in this town. Right. Everybody's a giant. He's got this girl with him who I guess is his wife. Yeah, that's the backstory we needed. How did those two meet? Yeah, they never did talk about that. Student, maybe? There was not a lot between them. In the first scene, you just get a sense that she's a bit of a wild card. I thought she played that part very well. Susan George played it very well. She was kind of flirty, but it wasn't going to take it too far, but maybe she would. Yeah, and that opening scene where her old boyfriend is actually just right in her face. You know and she's Acting like she she's she's pissed off, but she likes the attention. Yes She's you know, it's come here go away come here go away kind of thing, you know And you could tell in that in that first scene. It's like what's she up to? Right and you get also get the sense that she's attracted to that dude because he's very different from her. That's right He's a man then when Hoffman goes in to buy some cigarettes and again we meet the rest of the town Mm-hmm, and they're just a bunch of drunk Dickheads essentially. Right. I got a little note about that scene. Okay. Okay. In the scene when David first enters the local pub, Peckinpah was unhappy with the other actors reaction to the stranger entering their world. Eventually he decided to do one take when Hoffman entered the scene without his trousers on. He got his reaction. These are the shots in the final scene. film. Underwear or just full-on letting it fly? I don't know. Who knows? The old Peck and Paw touch. Another thing I like about this movie, so then they get away from that and we realize they have this vacation home that they're fixing up out in the country. It was her father's home. And they left America because it was too violent? That's right. So another thing, another great touch is these guys fixing up his house, like his relationship with them is kind of how I feel when someone comes over and they're like fixing something in my house. Yeah I kind of feel like I'm not really a man. No I don't know, I have no idea what this person is doing. Yeah or like you know if you like or like when a mechanic is talking about my car I'm I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm not a man, I'm a little boy, I don't know how to do this. But it's just fitting that those are the guys that eventually take advantage of the situation. Yeah, I didn't do a lot this past year, in the last 12 months, but the thing I'm most proud about is I fixed our two sinks, one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen. One in the kitchen leaked forever, drip, drip, drip, drip, drove me crazy. And if you got it just right, they handle it. But anyways, I think I've retired from fixing things. I don't like it. Did you feel manly after those things were fixed? I did. Walk around with your shirt off, beating your chest? I was strutting. I was doing the Denzel walk. Denzel walk. So then we meet. So we've got a pedophile. The whole town knows about it, but they're like, just stay away from him. we have a sheriff or whatever, what do they call him? Constable? Constable. Is that what he was? I think so, with his arm in a sling. Major, they called him Major. Why does he have his arm in a sling? Because he broke his arm while filming. Oh, did Peckinpah throw him out a window? He said he had his arm in a sling that wasn't written in the script. McKenna had broken it while having a wild party with a couple escorts arranged by Peckinpah. I'm learning that I need to be on a Peckinpah set. Yeah, you want to make a movie with him. So he's like, hey constable, go blow off some steam. Here's a couple of escorts. Just don't break any bones. Because it's never addressed. Never addressed. At first I thought he only had one arm. The first time I saw him. And then all of a sudden he's got it in a sling. you know I'm gonna cuz I thought maybe he was a major in the art in the World War two lost his arm and now he's the most respected guy but everybody hates him yeah because he's the only person that represents a law right so we meet him Dustin Hoffman he's his cat goes missing her cat was not his cat that is a great distinction yeah her cat yeah so her cat goes missing and you know she wants him to go confront these guys because they're acting weird and they're eyeballing her all the time you know it's so there's a scene where she brings them out all beer and like a saucer full of milk mm-hmm I guess that's supposed to be like I know you guys are doing something with my cat kind of thing I I thought that's what it was or she was or she was just saying you know I didn't know you know I thought at first I thought she was saying I'm just gonna let these guys think I don't know about the cat yeah they killed the cat uh-huh okay I think you're you sound a little more reasonable on that yeah he's reasonable he gets pissed off at Dustin Hoffman gets pissed off nobody in this movie has a reasonable reaction to anything except for perhaps the constable yeah like Dustin Hoffman flies off the handle this movie 35 times just like just yelling at his wife just like Dang, man, I think this is the only time he's ever been violent in a movie, I'm trying to think. He said he just did it for the money anyways. Wow. Yeah. That's a dickhead thing to say. He was broke when they made The Graduate. Yeah, but even if you're doing it for the money, don't say you're doing it for the money. That's what he said. That's a diss to everyone involved, right? Because it was so different from anything he's ever, ever did and never done since, I think. It's not like highbrow enough for him? Probably. That's why he's yelling. He had to act. You know, that's what I kept thinking. He's, oh boy, he's going full Pacino in this one. You know, just screaming and yelling over nothing. No, his reactions were not very well calibrated. So the cat's dead. They're pretty well sure these guys did it. I find it hanging in their closet. Yeah, not just dead, right? Hanging in their closet. The guys invite Dustin Hoffman out shooting? and he says yes for some reason? Trying to prove he's a man? Yeah, I was like, why even go out? What's the point here? And so then... You do that today, they're taking it out to kill you! Right. So then, the one guy, her ex-boyfriend comes back, and she's like, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes. Yeah. Right? I mean, that's how I read it. She's getting raped. Well, she's like no and then she's kissing him and she says like hold me or something right like mm-hmm kiss me hold me so I was just kind of skipping like I'll skip through a rape scene. I don't really need just awful but so it seemed Consensual although maybe it didn't start that way right is that a fair assessment of the situation then his buddy slips in and he's like room for one more yeah and you know the guy's shaking him up no and then so that dude must be the scariest dude of the whole crew right nobody wants to mess with no but you never really get a sense of why you just realize like no one's messing with this dude yeah there's always the craziest dude in your posse but I mean there's like levels of like not messing with a dude when the The dude's raping a woman in front of you. But I guess maybe you're like, well, he just kind of raped her too. So maybe he just felt like, well. Yeah, that was a brutal scene. It was, in fact, I read that the video version was twice rejected by the British Board of Film Classification in 1999 after distributors refused to cut forcible stripping and any signs. I guess ripping someone's clothes off. Yeah, yeah. any signs that Susan George was enjoying the rape. Well, that was the whole thing, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. She had that side to her. Like the first one, not the second one. Right, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it was like, you know, being ravaged. Right, that's what she wanted. So you got all the research today, Matt. Yeah, it's an interesting film, I mean. It is. And then, speaking of interesting, so that happens, she keeps it a secret, Yeah, the guy's slapping her around, she doesn't have any marks on it, he's clueless. Then they go to this weird church performance party, where again, the entire town is there. Yeah. And this thing is, the way that Peckinpah filmed it, it just felt like a nightmare. You're right in these people's faces, all these quick cuts. The Susan George is flashing back to what had happens. Maybe this earlier that day. I don't know like the time Yeah, we don't even know the timeline in there We mentioned earlier the little girl. She comes on the Hoffman which you know makes Susan George kind of pissed off He's like she's already upset because she's seen the the rapist right and his buddy the whole crew the whole crew So then the little girl gets kind of rejected from Hoffman. She finds attention with the pedophile they walk off some snitch goes and tells everyone and the whole town kind of goes crazy yeah there's this really long scene where like I don't know how much whiskey they drink in this scene but like they're at the bar and they're just saying more whiskey and they're just shoveling nobody ever seemed drunk either as much as they drank in a short period of time they seemed like loose but not like fall down drunk, not as much as they were drinking, jeez. And so they're trying to find the pedophile because they know the girl's missing. We find out the pedophile accidentally kills the girl. Right. Right. They kiss, and then he tries to do more. She kind of pushes him away. And then someone walks, there's no way, so he grabs her, and then accidentally chokes her out, I guess? That's what it seemed. OK. Accidental. So she's dead, he's wandering around, he gets hit by a car, and take him back to Hoffman's house. The wife is like, how about we don't bring the pedophile into our house? And Hoffman's like, I hit him, it's my responsibility. And the wife's like, you don't understand. You can just leave him on the road. Nobody's gonna pick him up. This dude doesn't have rights. Only his brother would pick him up. So yeah, he brings him in, the angry mob finds out that he's there, and then we get this final standoff. Yeah, one of the guys is a rat catcher, that's his job. Catches them and breeds them. Yeah. Yeah, that guy felt a little bit, a little bit too clockwork orange for my taste. Yeah, definitely. That was definitely early 70s. Let's put this weird cat in and, you know, yeah, he didn't belong in it. No, he's a bit of a goofball. Yeah. So these guys are like banging on the doors. This house must have had 800 windows. Yeah. He's just breaking windows, but they can't get in. There's metal bars everywhere. Yeah, so they're in the house. The pedophile's in the house. They put him in the bathroom. And Dustin Hoffman decides to take charge. Yeah, he goes Rambo. So, was he mixing chemicals on the stove or is that just water? I thought it was some sort of chemical. I thought it was too. I thought he was going to light it on fire or something. But yeah, I thought he's gonna like I thought he's gonna go full nerd MacGyver, right? Right, he only does that one thing. Yeah, those water hot water on a couple of them Yeah, maybe if it was chemicals, they didn't really react Well, one guy had a kind of a pitted face. Oh, maybe it's an acid or something. Yeah, but didn't we slow him down? Guy shot his foot off didn't slow him down. It's true And so yeah, just these guys slowly come in and Doesn't Hoffman's taking each one of them out kind of miraculously almost like accidentally and He gets them all. No, his wife takes care of the last one. Oh, that's right to some guy. I also Forgot about him. Yeah, you know What's this guy been doing? Yeah, I've been hanging back Watching the car. Yeah, he gets shot, right? Yeah, and she shoots him. Yeah, he's like do it do it and she's hesitating Yeah, yeah again, what's up with this chick? I feel like she just failed the marriage test several times in this movie Yeah kills him and then Dustin Hoffman drives the pedophile to town, right? Oh, that's what I was like. What was the last line? Yeah, it was like I don't know my way home That's okay. Either neither do I yeah Dustin Hoffman's a changed man. Yep Yeah, I was that the last 25 minutes of this movie Non-stop, and it's full peck and paw It's yelling glass-breaking violence Weird shit going on guys riding tricycles I mean the next day. Yeah, how do you explain that? What does that look like? The cops up there dead, right There's four or five other guys dead. One guy's got his foot shot off. He's probably dead by now. The city's going to be crawling with rats because the rat catchers are dead. Rat catchers are dead. Everybody's dead. And Susan George is just kind of tidying up the place. Yeah, I was wondering about what's going to happen next. How do these people get out of this? You know, self-defense, right? It goes a long way. They killed a cop. They're not going to get... yeah. Well, they didn't kill the cop. No. The hoodlums. Yeah, the hoodlums did, yeah, accidentally again. So what did you think? Did you like it? I loved it. You're right, you know, the first hour and a half is, if you think about it, it's set up everything. I mean, we've already discussed we didn't need a couple characters, but everything else is set up just perfectly. Yeah Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of tension building of like how long can this go without Dustin Hoffman? Getting hurt or yeah out or something. Mm-hmm. And then what's that once the rape happens and then it's just like You need anything to know about that I know but the film just becomes completely insane after that Yeah, right starting with that party and then going into the final scene at the house. It's just nuts Yeah, it's so calm before that and then it's just like boom Yeah, I liked it too. I guess the only thing I didn't really like about it was when they went out shooting with him. Yeah, they could have come up with a better way to get him. You know, drinking at the pub. Anything. That would have made more sense. Let's get the puppy drunk. Or tell him to go find something that doesn't exist and he'd drive around in circles and he's lost. And it's like, fuck those guys. But yeah, that was kind of a weird thing. But other than that, yeah, it was really good. I did like the Dustin Hoffman performance, even though it was a little bit unhinged at times, even when he was just like, just him and his wife and just freaking out on her. And I thought she was great too. No, she did a great job. She did a really nice job in this. Yeah, I think it's a great movie. I mean, it's, I mean, not great, great, but it's very entertaining. They remade it. I've read that. With James Marsden. I don't know who that is. Kate Bosworth, Alexander Skarsgård. I guess would be the heavy. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I'm not gonna check that out anytime soon, but I had no idea they made a remake of this. Yeah. Why? And they used the same poster. Mm-hmm. It's a great poster. Yeah. So yeah, just a close-up shot of Hoffman's broken glasses on his face still I thought Hoffman was was I think this is one of his best performances because it's so unlike him You know Yeah, was it nominated for anything? Oh Best music. Huh? What really? I don't even remember the music. Yeah, I don't either Interesting. And Peckinpah won the Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award, Best Director. Good for him. Yeah, probably didn't even make the mantle. All right, Matt, you want to get some scores? Anything else? Nope. Want to say about Hold Straw Dogs? Just a second. I have a feeling the critics did not like this one, but we'll see. So what do you think for IMDb? Let's see how many people have seen, have waited. 64,000 mid-70s. 7.5. I almost got it. 7.4. Okay. I think that's right. Yeah. Yeah, the movie was about two hours. Could have been an hour 40 maybe, but anyway. Going over to Rotten Tomatoes. We have 45 critics reviews. I will say 81. Yeah, 82. You're on it. This is a totally different poster with like a tiger coming out of fire. Oh, my God. It's very weird. And the audience is exactly the same, 82. Okay. This is the Critter's Consensus, a violent, provocative meditation on manhood. Straw Dogs is viscerally impactful and decidedly not for the squeamish. Yes. Yeah, you can fast forward through the rape scene, you don't need to see that. And you can probably fast forward through the first five minutes of the guys attacking the house. Yeah. Yeah, just they're banging on some doors, they're breaking some glass, and they're yelling. Yeah, I think I would, yeah, anytime that you like are watching a movie and you identify with Dustin Hoffman as like this weak male character, it's not a good feeling. Yeah. Not a good feeling. Alright, Matt, anything else to say about Straw Dogs? Nope. All right, we'll take a break and we'll come back with The Strangers. The first thing I remember knowing was a lonesome whistle blowing and a youngin's dream of growing up to ride. On a freight train leaving town, not knowing where I'm bound, and no one could change my mind but... All right, we're back next home invasion movie of the week is the strangers 2008 Not exactly an all-star cast not exactly a well-known director that live Tyler Who's I? Mean, what's her? What's her biggest thing? Was it the Lord of the Rings movies Lord of the Rings? Yeah, I Know that's true But she didn't do much Those are movies that I don't remember at all. Oh, she was in Armageddon. But I mean, I know her from Erisman's videos. That was back in the day when the lead actor, what's his name, Scott Speedman. He's messing up for, he's been on Grey's Anatomy for the last five years. Yeah, this guy is like, he's like a handsome, nice TV guy, you know? Like, this guy's, you need a fit man to be a dad or run with a gun, he could do it, you know, like. FBI agent? Yeah. Perfect. FBI agent, you know, a wisecracking lawyer, you know. Yeah. He could do it all. And this was directed by this dude named Brian Bertino. who is mostly known for the series. These films went on to become, like there's gonna be a series, right? There was a sequel to this and there's gonna be a third one. Because the budget, nine million, took in 82. Wow. So, you get to make another one when you do that. Yeah, they bring the brink strike the next time. So I got the sense when we were talking in between before we just started again that this movie didn't do it for you? No, actually, I thought it was really done very well. I mean, it's not my cup of tea. Yeah. I got a couple beefs with it, but I thought it was really done well because it's almost like Jaws where you don't really see the monster. No, never. You know, until late, late in the movie. Right. You know, I mean, we never really see these monsters. Not really. Not really. At the end, there's a little bit of, But, you know, it was creepy. Yeah, and I like that. I like that we never see them. They don't really, they barely interact with each other. I just like that you kind of get the vibe that these people could be anywhere. Right. Or they are anywhere, they are anywhere. And also, so we get like a little bit of a backstory about our couple. Yeah. And I guess, I mean, you need that, right? It can't just be like, who are these people? Why do I care about them whether they live or die? Mm-hmm And so I do like that. We got a little you know, they got to act a little bit in the right There is a wedding reception Yeah, he takes her outside Asked her to marry him then even dropped to his knee right? That's probably why she turned him down. It must be it Yes, she rejects him and we don't we don't really see that and later she says something like it's just too soon, right? or I'm not ready. Yeah, because the first thing we see them is arriving at his house and she's crying. And then the back story is they were at this wedding reception. That happened. And, you know, he's got the whole house all decked out with roses and, you know, he's very confident. Yeah, very confident. Thought it was going to happen. Yeah. And they're getting back from this wedding at 4 a.m. Is it that late? Well, I thought they said at some point and they referenced it being really late. And I was just like, whoa, have I been doing weddings wrong? Are people partying that late at a wedding? I didn't realize the time. I thought it was early. Because the thing went on for a while. Yeah. The siege. The siege. But then it was, you know. Morning. Morning. Yeah. So it could have been. Yeah. So, get back, you know, and they're doing that there. He's eating ice cream right out of the bin. And she's like, you know, she's trying to, she's like, can we talk about it? And he's like, no, it's like, because where do you go from there, right? It's like, well, let me think about it. Let me think about what I'm going to do here. You know? Yeah. And he, she's out of cigarettes. So he offers to go get some, maybe it wasn't that late then. Yeah. And this is after that woman knocked on the door. Yeah. I had a problem with that. Him leaving. Yeah, it was pretty weird it's like somebody not we Gloria and I were house sitting up here in Crescent and a woman started knocking on their door like three o'clock and really yes screaming Just having a mental episode. No, she was just you know, I don't know what she was doing I didn't answer it, but I was on the other side of it. It's just they're going And I just saw her walk down Crescent But it scared me. Yeah. Yeah. They come back? Anything unexpected like that. Right. Yeah. If anyone knocks on my door now, I don't like it. You know what I mean? Like, announce yourself before you come by. I mean, it could have been one of those things where this guy has this woman, knock on the door, answer, we open it, and all of a sudden he's in there. Yeah, that's true. Something like that. Or, you know, whatever. But it's just some crazy person. Yeah. So you're saying he should have just been like, come with me, or... Yes. Or I'm gonna give you cigarettes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Should smoke anyway, right? The one thing I've hated about you, so it wasn't that late. I Swear, it was I thought they said it was like 4 a.m. At some point. I don't know. I Guess you could drive to the all-night Gas station. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. All right. Well, we're clear on the timeline So as he's doing that, he's calling his buddy and he's saying like hey, man, you got to come get me didn't work out Sorry, I'll explain later, give her the car and get out of here. Because they are like this vacation home. It's filmed in, I think, South Carolina, but it appears to me to be more like New England. No? No, I thought it was either North or South Carolina. Okay, alright. Maybe I don't know my southern locales like I thought I did. Makes sense with the people. So, we get the knock on the door, he leaves, then we hear more knocking. And we just sort of had this the vibe is that there is terror outside and sort of Yeah, it's unseen. Well when he answered the door the first time when she knocked she's she's twisted the light bulb So it's dark. Yeah, and we never see we don't see her face. Yeah Yeah, that's done. That's done. Well, yeah, you know and then as soon as she leaves He screws the thing back in and her voice is just like yeah, it's Tam right here. Mm-hmm, right What is that? Yeah, somebody knocks on my door like that, I go looking for the gun right now. Right. I'm not waiting. So I'm not clear on the series of events, I don't remember exactly the order in which they happened, but basically, his friend comes by. No, no, no, he's out getting cigarettes. She calls him and says, you need to come home, because the person's knocking on the door again. Yeah, you know and he said how far are you whatever and then we have some terror He finally gets back more terror so French is up Yeah, they're inside the house. They've been terrorized because these people are just kind of like mosquitoes. They come in they do little things They're just scared out of people and that's what that's that was my beef with the movie Is that like when they're outside like when she's outside in the car? It almost feels like these people are a little bit supernatural. Yes. And like how fast they can move and what they can do and like their strength and some things. It just seemed like a little bit unreal. They were in the right place at the right time. Yeah. Yeah, that was, yeah. It almost felt like if you survived and you were telling the story, you would exaggerate it and that's kind of what we saw, this exaggerated version of them moving like that or something. Right. It's kind of like the vibe I got. Yeah, it just felt like they could have gotten away early. Yeah, you know. So they do eventually hold themselves up in the closet with a shotgun. Right. Which is a great move. Right. Right, back is up against the wall. There's one way in, one way out. Even if they don't have guns, they have like a hatchet or something. So, they come at you. Guess what? Shotgun wins. Yep. And they make a rookie mistake. Got spooked. Yep. Shot their buddy. Yeah, I mean that was another one of my bees his He's when he's outside. He says hey, you know, it's me, but when he's inside he doesn't say any right, right? I was thinking the same thing. Like are you being quiet because You don't know if there's something bad in there. I don't want them to know you're there or you know, I mean, right You know, I think I would have said, you know Hey I'm here. I'm here. I'm here to pick you up And so the mistake they make is then they abandon their position. If they had stayed there all night, they would have been totally fine. Yeah. Rookie mistake. Rookie. Won't do that again. So, yeah, I mean, there's just like I said, there's not a lot to say about like the the horror aspect of this. It's just kind of it's well done. Very well done. But it's kind of like the genre, you know, genre stuff. It's good. It works. The creepy masks are very important. And it's also like we get a little bit of like the scent, like the dynamic between the three. It seems like one of them doesn't want to be there. Right. Like not the one who knocks, but the other female mask. It seems like she just wasn't into it as much. Am I? Well, I don't know. You might be right, because remember the last line of the film? Yeah It'll be easier next time. Yeah So maybe they're initiating this person. Yeah, that's interesting It's interesting how like that little bit kind of gives you a little bit more of a backstory right about who these people might be Yeah, and this is supposedly based on some a true event Which I can see that Yeah, and then so they eventually get them and they They tie him up wake them up, it's morning, our young lovers have this kind of last moment together. And our three killers kill them both. They say, like, why are you doing this? And their answer is, you are home. That's it. Totally senseless. Yeah, well, they don't kill her. Well, we think they do. Yeah, we think they do. And then we see these two, thank God for the Mormons. Wait a minute, wait a minute, the phone rings first. And this is the but their buddy's phone, which they never. It was laying there right next to him, but they wouldn't look at him. So they didn't see it because they could have had a telephone. It starts ringing. So she crawls over there to answer it and then. It's nine one one and the guy shows back up and he could stab her again or something. I don't know. Oh, he took the phone. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, you said the first scene is them at a boy, and the first scene is a little kid calling the cops, right? Or the first scene we get is like a 911 call saying there's blood everywhere. There's a woman, I thought. Oh, was it a woman? I think it was. I thought it was one of those Mormon kids. Oh, it could have been. I don't know. Someone hysterical, for sure. Yeah, and then we already mentioned the ending is kind of, there's a little bow on it. These three just get in a pickup truck and go on their way. And they pass these two kids handing out religious flyers, and they stop. The guy says, are you a sinner? She says, sometimes, hands are one. And then they get back in the truck, and that's when she says, it'll be easier next time. And then the boys, they're just walking, they're pushing their bikes, because they're out, I don't know why they're there. There doesn't seem to be anybody else living there. Yeah, I guess that that's why I thought it was like this like a vacation area. It was the Wheatland What's this vacation area? I guess of South Carolina or whatever somewhere in the south where? Most of those houses are just abandoned. Yeah empty at that time, right? No, they're out giving their leaf and they find them People yeah, and then they go in the house look around Doors open. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and then They find her She wakes up Screams, that's it. Do you think she did her own screams? Liv Tyler? Yeah. They were pretty good. Do they got scream, stunt screams? Sure they do. Really? I remember in, what was that movie, the John Travolta movie. Blowout? Yeah, Blowout. He was recording screams. Okay, fair point. Yeah, I guess I didn't think about it, Which makes me think that I thought that they were real, right? So I wasn't like, oh, come on. I think they were I didn't notice anything weird, but Yeah, she's got an interesting career. She did this weird TV show called the leftovers. It was like an HBO thing She did there's Lord of the Ring movies, which were like, I don't know three of the biggest movies of all time, right? He says this, you know, it's just like it's very odd Choices, I don't think she's worked in a while No, I don't think so either. Yeah, I think she's like 2019 was her last thing I think Let's go. Oh, she did add Astra, which is a turd of a movie turd Turd Oh turd. Oh, she did. Oh, she did 10 episodes of 9-1-1 Lone Star in 2020 okay that thing. Yeah, whatever that was Yeah, interesting. Yeah, I always wonder if it's is it by choice or is it? You know, the town is just done with you. Done with you live. And we don't really have any other actors in the movie except the ones that played, but they don't really do anything. No, you'd never say like, oh yeah, I really loved Yeah, Dollface. Yeah, Dollface, she was killing it. Yeah. Yeah, Gemma Ward, but I mean, she's wearing a mask the whole time. Yeah. All right, well, I'm I was struggling a little bit to find a home invasion movie that would match up with straw dogs I wasn't sure if you would like this at all. Mm-hmm because it is so It's just one thing is it's that one thing pretty well, but I thought if nothing else, yeah It's like I enjoyed it. I thought it was well done. Hey, there's you know, the story has Big holes in it, but, but everybody was fine that Tyler was good to me she had good screens that's a lot of tension you know a lot of creepiness did you think they're going to survive I thought she would as I thought that was who was calling on the phone that wasn't her in the beginning yet yet yet yet she's young I don't know where I am the woman that dispatches and where are you I don't know what Street. I don't know. Yeah, that's what I thought was a kid. Hmm kids Don't know where they are. Okay, you might be right. Oh It's a cult favorite but not a favorite favorite. Oh so I'm gonna go six two So, okay. This is interesting. Mm-hmm. I think this is probably one of the lowest most seen movies lowest rated six one Which is higher than first I was thinking 141,000 people left a review on this movie. Oh I know why it was on Netflix for a while. Oh okay. This is a perfect Netflix movie. You're scrolling around, you're clicking on something, you're like oh I'll check this out. Yeah. And when it's done you're like oh good. Yeah. Low effort. That was worth the time. It's short enough that it doesn't bother you. Yeah you don't even drive into the theater right all right so that was IMDb rotten tomatoes not as kind well 43 49 again 164 reviews from critics only 49 that's surprising because you've heard critic knows it's like you know I'm not judging this against the Godfather I'm writing it against other horror movies and the audience 250 thousand people left reviews that's insane yeah quarter of a million people are leaving a review for this movie at Rotten Tomatoes only 48 Wow I guess we liked it more than everybody else I guess so here's the consensus the strangers has a handful of genuinely scary moments but they're not enough to elevate the end results above standard slasher fare hmm yeah I don't think I've ever seen a slasher movie oh really never seen it really it's just I don't know if you've never seen Halloween I've never seen a lot of stuff I'm not trying to say I'm just surprised yeah I don't know I might like it I mean I don't think so all right next we are doing a pivot and we are going to be saluting Philip Zimmerman Hoffman right we don't need a reason why no and with owning Mahoney and till the before before the devil knows you're dead all right sounds good all right let's get out of here Bye. Peace. I am a revolution! I'm coming to get you! Ready or not, here I come! It's, it's, it's, it's fun!