Mutts Monthly by The Groomers Spotlight

Mutts Monthly Extra - Focus on Creative Grooming and it's safety

The Groomers Spotlight Season 2 Episode 7

Stuart and Julie chat to Animal Welfare Consultant Jody Gordon and Vet Bolu Eso. 

Stuart, Bolu and Jody were the welfare team on Pooch Perfect UK.  Stuart is one of only a few groomers in the UK to have completed the NAPCG Creative Grooming qualifications and is now the examiner for them in Europe. Having creatively groomed high profile dogs in the UK and had to explain the practice on many a media outlet, he is no stranger to the attention, good and bad, that this medium  can bring.

Join them for a frank discussion on all things creative. We investigate what the term means, why it's required within the industry, its safety and its dangers. 

Sit back, relax and enjoy this controversial topic being discussed by 4 qualified pet professionals.