Let's Talk Sped Law

Season 1, Episode 1: Intro to Let's Talk Sped Law!

Let's Talk Sped Law Season 1 Episode 1

Our first podcast post!

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Speaker 1:

Hi everyone and welcome to our podcast, Let's talk sped law. Let's Talk Sped Law is a podcast exclusively dedicated to parents of children with disabilities and professionals to empower parents to learn more about their child's special education rights. My name is Jeff forte and I'm your host of let's talk sped law. If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to check out our website www.letstalkspedlaw.com as well as like us on Facebook. So this is our first podcast and in the podcasts to come we're going to be inviting parents of children with disabilities, other lawyers and advocates as well as professionals within the field to have candid discussions about what are the current issues of the day that parents should be facing and should be knowing about relating to special education law. Very excited here to share with you the launch of this podcast and invite you to follow us as we continue to build out this exciting new opportunity for parents of children with disabilities. Thank you so much for listening and stay tuned for more podcasts to come with professionals from across the state as well as across our country. Thanks so much.