Red Letters & Whitetails Podcast

James 1:2-3 & What I Learned From my Dreadful 2022 Whitetail Season

Steven Season 1 Episode 2

Welcome to the Red Letters & Whitetails podcast! On episode 2, host Steven Crawford jumps into the New Testament and the Epistle of James to go over two of his favorite verses of the Bible- James 1: 2-3, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." We all go through trials every single day, and we can face them head on by leaning into God, or we can try to solve them ourselves and run away from God. After a deep dive into those verses and how we can apply them to our life, Steven goes into the story of his 2022 whitetail season, which was the most challenging of his life. Listen and hear why!