Red Letters & Whitetails Podcast

Proverbs 13:20 & Summer Whitetail Prep with David Droge

Steven Season 1 Episode 3

On episode 3, host Steven Crawford is joined by good friend and fellow Christian David Droge. We jump to the Old Testament in this episode- The first half of the podcast they go into a deep discussion that revolves around Proverbs 13:20, "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." We can probably all look back at our lives at some point and remember a time when we were hanging around the wrong group of people that eventually affected our lives in a negative way. David and I discuss how to constantly be paying attention to the people you are spending a lot of time with, and if they have you turning toward God, or running away from him.
The second half of the podcast David tells the story behind his Michigan buck kill last year in early November. After his story, we discuss summer preparations that we are doing to get ready for the upcoming whitetail season including food plot prep, trail cam preparations, and a little discussion around mock scrapes!