Red Letters & Whitetails Podcast

Matthew 10:34-39 & The Importance of Summer Glassing

Steven Season 1 Episode 4

Welcome to the Red Letters & Whitetails podcast! On episode 4, host Steven Crawford jumps into the Gospel according to Matthew, where does a deep dive into Matthew 10:34-39. It is in these verses where Jesus declares that he did not come to bring peace, but rather division. Jesus was so bold in his faith that he knew that his teachings and sermons would bring division and cause an uproar during his time. As Gods children, our faith is constantly being tested, and we can either turn away from God, or be bold in our faith even knowing that our boldness will likely cause division within our own families, friend groups, and other relationships in our life.
After a deep dive into those verses and how we can apply them to our life, Steven discusses the importance of summer glassing and how it can help you pattern your target buck(s) for this upcoming fall. By taking multiple nights to glass, you can not only pattern bucks to figure out where they are bedding, but also figure out where the doe bedding is located using your binoculars and maps. We all know come November, doe bedding = bucks. Summer glassing can be absolutely vital for fall success. LISTEN AND LEARN MORE!