Red Letters & Whitetails Podcast

My wife and I were baptized!! 2 Corinthians 5:17 & Early October Forecast and Tactics!

Steven Season 1 Episode 8

Welcome to the Red Letters & Whitetails podcast! On episode 8, host Steven Crawford shares the big news and his life!! Kaely and Steven were baptized on October 1st, and after Steven shares his experience he dives in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." When Kaely and Steven were baptized, they became new creations in Christ; their old selves have passed away, and they are now reborn in the image of Christ!

After diving into that verse, Steven turns his attention to the whitetail woods now that it's October!! He discusses the cold front coming in the first full weekend of October; deer are going to be on their feet with temperatures dropping 25+ degrees and drastic wind direction changes! With the huge temperature drop, this would be the weekend to squeeze in a morning hunt to see if you catch that buck heading back to his bedroom a little bit later than usual. Also, be focused on corn and acorns!! Deer will be on the feed this weekend after this crazy warm front.