Red Letters & Whitetails Podcast

Mark 8:34-38 & The Michigan Doe Problem with Matt Campbell

Steven Season 1 Episode 11

Welcome to the Red Letters & Whitetails Podcast! On episode 11, host Steven Crawford jumps into the Gospel of Mark, where he does a deep dive into Mark 8:34-38. This is a well known verse where Jesus declares, "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever wants loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it." As true, bold Christians we must deny ourselves and our own selfish desires each day, and take up our cross and follow Jesus. It's easy to get caught up spending all of our energy seeking pleasure and our own selfish and worldly desires, but remember whatever we gain or achieve on the earth is only temporary. We have to be willing to make our pursuit of God more important than the pursuit of pleasure and worldly success. Live for Jesus now, and you will know what it truly means to live life to the fullest and have peace that you will have eternal life with Christ. 

After a discussion around the Letters in Red, Steven is joined by Matt Campbell; an avid deer hunter from Mid-Michigan to discuss the issues around Michigan's doe management problem, and herd management in general. Back in September, an article written by Chad Stewart was widely circulated in Michigan that called for Michigan hunters to harvest more anterless deer this upcoming season. Matt and Steven dive into this article and the harvest report numbers from years past and discuss ways we could potentially change the narrative and shift the culture a tad here in Michigan. This conversation was a lot of fun and you don't want to miss it!