Red Letters & Whitetails Podcast

Good Friday Episode & Don't tie your identity and value to Deer Hunting with Matt Lehr

Steven Season 1 Episode 12

Welcome to the Red Letters & Whitetails Podcast! One episode 12, host Steven Crawford jumps into 1 Peter 2:23-25. These verses tie together great with "Good Friday"; the day that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. Christians love to talk about the resurrection, and rightly so, as it is the greatest ending of the greatest true story every told. However, we don't talk enough about Good Friday and everything Jesus endured for us that day as he was mocked, betrayed, beaten, and ultimately crucified. Steven does a deep dive into Good Friday and why such an awful day just under 2,000 years ago is now deemed as "Good."

After that, Steven is joined by Matt Lehr, the podcast host of the "Mobile Hunters Dojo" and avid whitetail hunter. They discuss the trap a lot of passionate hunters fall into, which is an identity crisis, when we tend to tie or identity and value to our success in the whitetail woods. Matt also shares his story on tagging a 200+ public land buck this past fall in Illinois; a true monarch of a whitetail!

This is an episode you don't want to miss!!