I Am African by Verastic

EP 8: The Mountain Is Smaller Than It Looks

Vera Ezimora Season 1 Episode 8

Have you ever faced a mountain in your life that you thought was just going to take you out? Yeah, me, too. Sometimes, I sit back and remember when life was much simpler. Like when my biggest problem in life was that I did not own a cell phone. I wished for one so badly. Funny enough, at some point, I owned not just one, but two cell phones. Then I got tired of having two cell phones, and I switched back to one.

Recently, my mountain was the end of my marriage and consequently, the divorce that came from it. I remember when it seemed like divorce was a two-headed cobra with wings on the body of a lion. Complicated. Un-figureoutable. 

But guess what? It's done! The mountain was smaller than it looked. The mountain is always smaller than it looks.  And I not only survived but came out better and stronger --- and with experience. Now I can help someone else figure it out.

Let's connect: