Church Sound Podcast
Discussions and topics relevant to the house of worship sound community. Mixing techniques, IEM setup, building teamwork, and more. Between the technical aspects and the human aspects -- that's where church audio techs live. Hosted by James Attaway (james@attawayaudio.com) and Gary Zandstra.
Church Sound Podcast
113. Broadcast Dynamic Range
In Episode 113, the hosts continue their series on broadcast mixing by discussing dynamic range. They discuss the goal of attaining a balanced and consistent mix across not only for the broadcast, but the various devices it’s played on. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.
Check out James Attaway’s worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.
Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.
Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.