
Ep. 24 - 2017 SPCC Summer Work Crew John Ordway and Scott Clasen

September 24, 2017 StoneCast Episode 24
“If the shoe fits!” Today, we are joined by the St. Paul Curling Club’s manager, Scott Clasen. We are also joined by John Ordway / AKA Eric’s dad / AKA the-guy-with-the-wicked-northern-accent. We discuss the enormous amount of construction that’s going on over the summer (2:20); and have a conversation about cost-effective LED light bulbs (3:25). Learn about the annual chair project (4:47) and be sure to tell Scott if someone is abusing the chairs – he’ll be “PO’ed” and he will shame the culprit to the Tuesday work crew. Hear about how Eric’s family and his dad’s fake son Brian tied for first in the golf tournament and are trying to cheat their taxes with the money they won (13:45). We also talk about Tab Benoit’s blues music (16:50); Scott tells us about the US Curling Association’s Members’ Assembly (22:23); and John’s vision for an awesome real estate development project (18:16).