Imagine Yourself Podcast

Stop Talking Yourself out of Following Your Dreams (w/Coach Jackie Prewitt)

Imagine Yourself Podcast Season 5 Episode 15

No, it’s probably not laziness or making excuses. Usually, we believe we are making the best decision possible when we talk ourselves out of our dreams. To be fair, there absolutely are times when common sense needs to prevail; but often our reasoning needs to be reexamined. Sometimes it’s fear, doubt, overthinking or other self-limiting belief that squashes our big goal before we can even get started. Or, maybe we’re waiting to have it all “figured out” before we begin!  


In this episode,  Business and Mindset Coach, Jackie Prewitt talks about taking what she calls “messy action” and embracing imperfection along the way. Jackie shares her journey from being on the shy side and afraid to move forward to someone who is proactive and confident. The road wasn’t a smooth straight path for her and typically isn’t for anyone. She says so many of us give up along the way because we don’t pick ourselves back up from failure and remember that we have done and can do hard things. We can also grab onto God to help pull us through. 


Whether you’re just in the “discovering your passion” stage, needing to find the motivation to begin or get some encouragement to keep going -- we think Jackie’s nonjudgmental, fun approach will have you dreaming big dreams again. It sure was a kick in the pants for us! (in a good way, of course!) Click play for some tips that will not only make you think, but want to act, too!

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Imagine Yourself is hosted by Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach. Lanée is a TV writer and producer, motivational speaker and podcaster. Sandy is a radio personality, voiceover artist and podcaster. They come to you from the Detroit Metro area and invite guests from all over the world to help encourage you in your health, career, faith journey and more!

Sandy Kovach  [00:00:00]:

Have you ever had a vision, a dream, a goal, something on your heart that you wanted to follow, but you talked yourself out of it? Most of us have had that experience at at one time or another. But if it's something that is still bugging you, something that you really think you wanna do, why are you not pursuing it? Do Do you think you lack the confidence to do it? Maybe you feel like your schedule won't allow it. Maybe you think you're the wrong age. Maybe you're just overwhelmed, and wouldn't know where to begin. Honestly, we have felt that way too. And so we got a business and mind said coach, to talk us through some of the ways we can get our dreams going. This is Imagine Yourself, where we help you imagine of your next chapter of life with grace, gratitude, courage and faith

Lanée Blaise [00:00:49]:

Hello, everybody. Welcome to Imagine Yourself. I'm Lanee, Here with Sandy, and our next guest that we have is someone that I saw her speak, And everything she said hit me right in the heart, had me thinking that I should just bottle her up and let her say these wonderful things to me Every morning as I stand before the mirror and start my day, and so I said, hey, Sandy. Let's go ahead and have her come speak with us. And so today, we have Jackie Pruitt. She's a business coach, a speaker, and an income mentor. So today, we would like to welcome Jackie Prewitt to Imagine Yourself to help bless and benefit all of us.

Lanée Blaise [00:01:36]:

So thank you for coming to the show.

Jackie Prewitt [00:01:38]:

Of Oh my gosh. That's so nice. You are no wonder you're a podcaster because your voice is amazing. I wanna bottle that up and take it with me wherever I go. Lanee, thank you so much. And Sandy, thank you so much for having me. I'm super I'm super honored to get to be on this with you guys and just chat with you a little bit.

Sandy Kovach  [00:01:58]:

Yeah. We're we're looking for some good ideas here, and I I'm I'm gonna start with kind of a broad question. Sure. Feel you know, take it where you want. And I will just say this. Many of us in whatever situation in life we're in, we have big dreams. We wanna do something maybe that we're not currently doing, but we talk ourselves out of it, like, in a minute. Why do we do that?

Jackie Prewitt [00:02:20]:

Oh, gosh. Isn't that, like, the $1,000,000 question? When it boils down to it, why we talk ourselves out of it, I I really Truly believe it's just because we have these self limitations on ourself. We have spent so many years of our lives, however old we are. Basically, subtract maybe, like, 7 years from that, and we have spent that many years of our lives just, like, doubting ourselves, letting fear creep in, letting, you know, just the enemy Tell us that we're not good enough, that who are we to try that, like, you would never be good at that. You're not gonna be successful at that. That's for the other people, and I just think we've had so many years of believing that, Not even realizing those thoughts are there, and so it's so easy to just discount an idea, to discount a passion, and just kind of stick with what's comfortable.

Sandy Kovach  [00:03:09]:

Stick with what's comfortable. Sometimes that's fine in certain portions of our life, but, Like, you might find yourself you've raised your kids, and now you have this time that you might wanna pursue it. Or your kids are in school now, and and now you might have this time or you're retired, and now you have this time. What steps can we take to get that motivation going?

Jackie Prewitt [00:03:28]:

You know, honestly, I talk with a lot of people that they love the idea of doing something else Or of adding something to their plate or of following something. But I don't know about you, but a lot of people struggle because they don't even feel like they have any Outside passions. Right? They spent so many years being a mom or, you know, fill in the blank, and they have, like, kind of not even recognized some of these things That they would actually like to do because they've pushed it down for so many years. So one thing that I think is really beneficial for anybody is to practice. It's all a muscle. Right? So practice taking messy action. So often, you ask, like, why do people not take action when they have an idea? It's because, you know, of all the things I just shared, but also because they are perfectionists.

Jackie Prewitt [00:04:19]:

They want it to be perfect before they do it. And so If you can practice taking messy action even on the smallest thing I'm trying to think of a good example, but even, you know, If you're driving and you're like, you know what? I should go visit my mom and say hi. Like, an idea will pop in your brain like that, and that, in my opinion, is God. Right? Just Giving you a little idea, giving you a little thing to go do, and what you could do so easily is like, oh, yeah. I probably should you know what? She's probably busy or, you know, actually, I should probably wanna go visit her. I should bring her some flowers, and I should do this and this and this, and I don't really have time for that right now, so I'll go visit her next time. And it's because we're trying to make that visit perfect, and instead just go freaking do it. And so that those little things that pop in your brain, if you can start Practicing, taking messy action on them, you're gonna start realizing like, oh my god.

Jackie Prewitt [00:05:10]:

It was so amazing. We got to just connect for 5 minute. And then when you start to get ideas about, like, maybe doing a business or about starting a craft, you know, show or whatever these ideas that pop in your brain are, You're going to have built that muscle of taking messy action, and you will be able to start being like, okay. I'm just gonna go do it. Let's see how it turns out.

Lanée Blaise [00:05:30]:

See, that reminds me of when you did speak with us at that engagement, which was called queen for a day, which I loved it. And you talked about how sometimes you need to just act Because acting brings clarity. And you talked about a situation with barre classes The truth did it, and that kind of speaks to me like the messy action type of thing too.

Jackie Prewitt [00:05:53]:

Oh my gosh. You know, it's so funny. Even just Yesterday, I was driving, and I swear, like, if we start driving with music off, books off, and all of the things off, and you just drive in silence, I swear we would all be so much smarter and more, like, have more things in our lives that give us happiness because there's so much that comes to our brains. Anyways, Tangent. But yesterday, I was driving, and I was thinking about I am somebody that really does take action on almost anything. I Luckily, not luckily, but fortunately, I have learned how to take that messy action, not let overthinking get to me, all these things. And I was just thinking to myself, I wonder what it was that was one of the turning points in my life where that started to become the way I am because I didn't grow up that way. I grew up super shy, wallflower, afraid to make waves, afraid to do anything wrong.

Jackie Prewitt [00:06:45]:

My mom's a perfectionist, so I just grew up in that environment. It's so funny you mentioned bar class. I think that was one of the very first turning points in my life when I did something that scared me So freaking much, I was afraid of public speaking and being a bar instructor and not like a bar, like a drinking bar, you know, like a workout bar. Becoming a bar instructor was so out of my comfort zone. So freaking scary. I remember calling my husband in the middle of the night When I was in, like, auditions in Colorado and just bawling on the phone, I can't do this. I can't like, I don't wanna cry thinking about it. It's so easy to forget That we can do hard things. And if you look back on your life, Lanee, Sandy, the your listeners, We've all done really hard things in our past.

Jackie Prewitt [00:07:35]:

And I I tell people often, build a resume of hard things. Build a resume of things that you've done that scared you because you look back and you're like, man, I did that. I survived. And not only did I survive, I freaking thrived. I Maybe I'd I wasn't as great as I thought I should be, but I lived, and it was a stepping stone to whatever. You know? And so I've already forgotten your question

Lanée Blaise [00:08:01]:

No. It's perfect. I just really wanted you to show Everybody how you did indeed do hard things, and how you did start messy, and you did have the crying parts, But now you're on the other side of it because now you do even more things. I mean, it's so funny to say that that's how I first met you when you were Giving a a public speaking talk, and that was one of the things that it scared you so much years before before the bar instruction.

Jackie Prewitt [00:08:31]:

Right? It is so cool, and it's like, I think one of the biggest gifts outside of being alive that God gives us is that he gives us These ideas, these you know, he would not put something in your brain, in your heart that he that wasn't meant for you. You know, obviously, thinking of little things like when you think of your mom and go visiting her, but bigger things too. When when you see somebody that inspires you that, like, It's just like, man, that person is freaking cool. Like, Mel Robbins is my person. Like, oh my gosh. I look up to her Because that is my potential. What she does, how she lives out her life, how she has created such an incredible Many businesses for herself with what she does, that is my potential. That is why I look up to her.

Jackie Prewitt [00:09:17]:

And so I think so many times Going back to me sharing, like, a lot of times people don't really know what they wanna do. You know, maybe they're finally an empty nester, and they're like, okay, but I have no skills, or okay, but I really don't even know what I Like, you know, one of the the first things they can do is just who do you look up to? Who do you like to follow if you're on social media? Who do you like to? Whose books do you like to read? Who are those people? Because they are always a reflection of of your potential.

Sandy Kovach  [00:09:42]:

That's very interesting. I had never thought of it that way. It's a good place to start. And, I ran across this quote just today. You don't need to have all the answers before you start. You just need to be willing to take the first step. So once you figure out .. Let's say we get that far. We can talk ourselves out of it because you might say

Sandy Kovach  [00:10:07]:

If I do this, then I'll have to change my schedule, and I'll have to So I I don't know how it's gonna work in my life, and sometimes we just have to say it'll work itself out.

Jackie Prewitt [00:10:15]:

Right? It will. And that's literally what Stops almost everybody just because and and, again, you recognize, like, even those little things. Like, well, Howell looked into my schedule. Those are all We're creating those obstacles in our brain because it's really just our ego. Right? Our ego stops us because it it wants to keep us comfortable because the ego fears the unknown. Therefore, we fear the unknown. Right? And so, and I'm I'm sure you guys have heard this before, but my favorite Metaphor for, the ego. I don't think it's metaphor.

Jackie Prewitt [00:10:46]:

it's an anacronym for ego. Have you heard it? Edging God out. Like, I Freaking love that. So anytime that I worry, for instance, you know, like, I I'm putting on event in a couple weeks from when this podcast airs and something I've never before. I'm super out of my comfort zone. I'm super nervous. If I thought too far ahead of the stuff that I'm in, I will totally talk myself out of it. So I have a little Post it note on my my my mirror that says stay in the step you're in.

Jackie Prewitt [00:11:16]:

Stay in the step you're in. So if you get this idea or if you finally, like, you know what? This is something that I wanna try. So So many times we put the pressure on ourselves to be like, well, I don't know. I mean, is it really what I want, or maybe is it just because of the the the the the all these things right? And you're like, you don't have to be right. Just go try, and just stay in that step you're in. Whatever that step is, just do it, and let it be fun. That's the other thing I have in my mirror. Let it be fun.

Jackie Prewitt [00:11:40]:

Those 2 things I have to visually see every single day.

Lanée Blaise [00:11:43]:

I like to let it be fun one also. That is that's not one to, you know, disregard. That is also, We are on this Earth for a designated short period of time. Please make sure that we incorporate let it be fun Into into the equation for what we do as our work, as our passion, as our hobbies, as our things to do with friends, things to do with strangers. Yeah. That'd be fun.

Jackie Prewitt [00:12:09]:

Parenting, everything. Like, oh, man. Sometimes we just take ourselves way too seriously, And if we stopped doing that and just kinda let it let us fall we can follow the fun, follow the joy, follow the The ideas not knowing where it's gonna lead us, but knowing that it's gonna lead us down a road that we wouldn't have had that idea or that thought if God didn't place it there. So

Sandy Kovach  [00:12:35]:

Yeah. Amen. And he gives us certain gifts and talents. And also, a lot of times, God operates out of our weakness. Our weakness is made perfect in His strength. Our strength is made perfect in his weakness. Every time I try to quote a bible verse on a podcast, not that I I haven't read it, I just screw it up.

Sandy Kovach  [00:12:53]:

It's the sandy translation. But, yeah, God uses the things that we cannot do by ourselves. We need to be relying on Him.

Jackie Prewitt [00:13:02]:

The the one that I love is and I'll mess it up too because I I mean, quotes are my love language, Sandy said when you pulled out a quote, I'm like, oh, we're gonna get along really well. But I always mess them up too. But God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. Mhmm. Freaking love that.

Lanée Blaise [00:13:19]:


Jackie Prewitt [00:13:20]:

So good to remember.

Lanée Blaise [00:13:21]:

And that helps us to not talk ourselves out of these big things. That Helps us, like you said, look back at our resume. We think of a resume that we're gonna present to a potential employer Of all the great things that we did showcasing it, but you're saying that sometimes we need to make sure that we have that resume of past things to show to ourselves And prove that we are indeed gonna be okay and because we have been okay before. I just think that's that's another big one too because There's things you could say, oh, I'm too old for this, or I'm too young for this, or I'm too busy for this. And sometimes we do have to make sure we put boundaries Around our time and our calendars and our schedules. But other times, you know deep in your heart that if you have just enough faith to step out And then be okay to stay on that step. Like you said, Jackie, stay on that step instead of thinking of 5, 15 steps ahead, Then that is a way to ease into your passion because you said that you're trying to one of your goals is to make sure that women, Let's say they are working a job and maybe they want a side job or maybe they've been a stay at home mom and they're ready to do something new. You encourage that For the benefit of their insides life, but also for financial gain too.

Lanée Blaise [00:14:45]:

Can you tell us a little about How you encourage women in that way

Jackie Prewitt [00:14:50]:

also. Yeah. I mean, I feel like it's so intertwined. Again, like, Any human can get in their own way. You know? Let's be clear. But I think women specifically can forget their power, Can forget who they are, what their gifts are, especially moms, but, again, anybody. We've spent so many years Being the, you know, maybe the caretaker, and maybe the person that's trying to make it perfect for other people, maybe we're people pleasers. That's how I was raised.

Jackie Prewitt [00:15:19]:

I've been a people please recovering people pleaser quite a number of years now, but, you know, I just think so many of us live in these Self limiting beliefs, and it keeps us from our true potential. And I think, like, 90%, you know, I'm throwing out a stat that's not real, but, like, I swear it's real. 90% of humans never live up to their potential because they stop themselves with overthinking or for making it perfect or fear. All of these things that really are all tied to the ego, and that's my biggest passion is to help people, but specifically working moms, You know, because they are just in a class of their own, trying to make sure everything's running right. They have no time left over for themselves or for even putting themselves first. How dare they think that they could try To add some extra household income or add a hobby even to their life to just make them to help them, you know, find some personal happiness. I just have such a passion for helping women not only envision it for themselves, but then actually take action. Just give it a shot.

Jackie Prewitt [00:16:26]:

It's so fun. It's so fun to watch women, especially, like, surprise themselves and prove themselves wrong. It's my favorite thing.

Sandy Kovach  [00:16:34]:

I love that. Prove themselves wrong. So if, somebody wanted to get in touch with you and find out about how you could help guide them or at least give them some ideas, where would we find you?

Jackie Prewitt [00:16:44]:

Yeah. A 100%. So, you know, I have I'm on Instagram. That's my favorite platform. Of course, there's other social media platforms too, but I'm on Instagram at Jax J a x p r e w. And then, of course, I also have a website at Slash start here, and those are some ways that you can kind of work with me, but really, I just love developing relationships with people online. I know that social media gets a really bad rap, but I think it is one of the most important tools that you can use if you use it correctly. You literally, especially on Instagram, you get to curate your what you see every day.

Jackie Prewitt [00:17:22]:

You know? So make it happy. Make it something that's Firing. Follow people that motivate you. You don't need the others negativity. You know, we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with, and I think social media is Absolutely included in that.

Sandy Kovach  [00:17:36]:

We are the average of the algorithm then

Jackie Prewitt [00:17:40]:

we use for ourselves. But that's true. Read it wisely.

Sandy Kovach  [00:17:45]:

Yeah. Like, you follow certain hashtags and

Jackie Prewitt [00:17:48]:

100%. You know, whichever again, I am I don't know about joy and, like, you know, Finding the happiness and letting it be fun. So wherever it is that you have the joy.

Lanée Blaise [00:17:58]:

And part of it too is really I even like the fact that your website, Jackie, the slash after says start here. Because this aspect with social media too and using it properly for yourself, using it in a way that does truly benefit you. My favorite is is actually LinkedIn, And it's because of when I did decide to take the leap and go ahead past all of the Little inside scary inside that said you can't do it and do writing and public speaking and even podcasting as my career, I relied upon LinkedIn to try to genuinely meet people who I thought would be a good fit for me in the industry, but also to really get to know them as people, and it has just been Delightful. So much so that there are screenwriters and and folks that I've met in person. My daughter's like, Mom, don't go meeting folks, you know, at first. I'm like, we went to a restaurant. It was another lady. You know? She even had red hair like me.

Lanée Blaise [00:19:05]:

My daughter's like, yeah. Just watch of that. But so, of course, I'll watch that. Right? But it is there is something to be said about being willing to I don't even wanna Call it networking because networking can have, like, a bad rap that you're just using people. So I don't know. You have to think of some creative word to say That really means getting out of your comfort zone, reaching out to people with like minded interests, whether those are creative or passion filled or Career field interest and really doing a win win advantage where they help you to get to the next step, and you help them just like Even someone reaching out to you, Jackie, that may be a big deal for some of the people listening now that they're like, you know, well, what if she's too busy, or what if she doesn't even back or what if she thinks I'm you know? But we really do encourage people to when you feel like you need help and you're ready for that next step and you do want an Income mentor, you know, or even you want to see what you do put out there on your Instagram to encourage. And so I just I don't know. For some of the folks who are maybe a little more shy, a little more reserved, when done well, it can be a great benefit.

Jackie Prewitt [00:20:17]:

And, again, I love that, Lene, so much. And, again, it just goes back to letting it be fun. See, in the US in the beginning, like, how peep why people stop themselves so often. And if I can get scientific for a second, because this actually really helped me understand why people do this, including me. So we have our brain, obviously, and we have this gut feeling. Right? We've all heard, like, oh, follow your gut, like gut feeling, yada yada. Your gut feeling actually comes from a very specific part of your brain. It doesn't come from, like, your heart or where our stomach.

Jackie Prewitt [00:20:48]:

It actually comes from a part of your brain It has zero capacity for language. 0. So that part of your brain can't form language associated with that feeling, And so that's why so many people overthink because they have this gut feeling, but because they can't put words to this of feeling. They then need to go find reasons to either validate that feeling or invalidate that feeling, and hence the hence the pro and con list. Hence Hence all of those things, and therefore, they overthink. So if I could share one of my favorite tips for helping people if they Are struggling with a decision. Okay? So let's say it's a decision. Let's make it simple here, but, like, this literally could go for business, For a relationship, for whatever.

Jackie Prewitt [00:21:36]:

I'm gonna use my son as an example. He's a hockey player. Actually, he's 11, but he retired himself. But Last year, he was playing hockey, and he had to decide which team he wanted to play on. And so he was like, I don't know. Like, I really you know, this team, I have my friends on that team, but then this team, I think so you started vacillating between the 2, and I'm like, okay. Here's what we're gonna do. You take out a coin.

Jackie Prewitt [00:21:57]:

So if your listeners are dealing with a Trying to struggling through with making a decision. Take out a coin, whether it's a quarter, a penny. I don't care. Got heads and tails. For my son, I was like, assign heads to team a, So Assign tails to team b. Okay? And so he did. So take a moment if you're listening and do that. And then we flip it And we have it on our hand, and we're still covering it.

Jackie Prewitt [00:22:21]:

So I said to him I said, Jackson, what do you want it to be? And he immediately answered. And And I was like, that's it. That's your answer. You don't need to see it. We're looking for the coin to validate our decision, but we don't need the coin. We just need to listen to what's inside. So if If anyone's ever dealing with trying to make a decision on something, that literally works every time. Except maybe after a while, then you're like, I don't know what I'm thinking because you've done it so many times.

Sandy Kovach  [00:22:46]:

Wow. I like that.

Lanée Blaise [00:22:48]:

I love that idea. And I do love the fact that at the end of it all, you don't even necessarily have to see what the coin says. You don't. Yeah. But you keep it going.

Jackie Prewitt [00:22:57]:

Right? Already know.

Sandy Kovach  [00:22:59]:

Yeah. Because that's your unfiltered of decision. You're you were asking your son to make the decision. You were asking what he hopes the decision is, and that would be the case with us doing it too. So, yeah, the flip a coin method without even, seeing if it's heads or tails. I love that. You have, So many good ideas in helping get people to a place where they have a little bit more courage to step about it. And I know when, like, for instance, people follow you on Instagram, they can see some of your videos.

Sandy Kovach  [00:23:30]:

You've given a few tips, and I hope to hear a few more, but if you would have to say, like, what is the biggest one, or if you're already given the biggest one of, like, if somebody could just do one thing to turn it around. So I

Jackie Prewitt [00:23:42]:

think it depends on where somebody is in their process. There are people that are sitting here, and they're just like, this sounds all great and good, but, like, I don't even have any Skills maybe, or I don't have really any passions, or I don't even know what I'd wanna do. They're just kinda feeling stuck or maybe a little bit lost, but they don't even know. And I think for them, the most important thing in the 1st step, say in the step you're in, the just the very first step is to look at Who they are inspired by? Who motivates them? Who do they kinda follow? You know, whether it's on social media or in real life or an email, newsletters, whatever the case Maybe what is that? Who is that person? Because that will be your 1st clue as to, like, what you enjoy, what you like, you know, what inspires you. Because then, of course, that is, like we said before, or kind of a reflection of your potential. Right? So there are those people. Now the 2nd people, the 2nd type of people are the people that are they already have an idea. They already have something that's kinda pulling at them that they wanna try or do or follow, but they're overthinking.

Jackie Prewitt [00:24:43]:

Right? They're getting in their own way. They're stopping themselves, and the best step that they can do is to just decide. Because what is the worst thing is when you sit on a fence. Like, you're not meant to sit on a fence. None of us are, and we're not squirrels. Right? I guess squirrels are the people that can sit on a fence. We aren't, so we're not meant to be there. So Just decide.

Jackie Prewitt [00:25:06]:

And, again, use that coin trick if you need to, but decide and then go just take that next step. Just that 1 step. Don't get ahead of yourself. Don't think what that 1 step means for the rest of your life. So many times, like I mentioned, we worry about that 1st step because like, well, what if it's not right? What if it's not perfect? What if you can release the pressure from yourself to have it all figured out before you start, That's a big skill. You know? Again, that goes back to taking messy action, practicing that. If you can practice not having it all figured out before you start, You are going to be successful in anything you do. I mean, you look at any of the people that are doing massive things in this world, Grant Cardone, Mel Robbins, and, you know, any of these people.

Jackie Prewitt [00:25:49]:

They all have one thing in common. The thing that they have in common over anything else is that they Decided something before they knew how. How gets in our way all the time. And if they if you can just decide and then go take that next step without getting too far ahead, You're there. You're

Lanée Blaise [00:26:07]:

golden. Wonderful advice. Wonderful advice. So for those who are interested, I think Let's let's do a little promotion of what Jackie Prewitt's got going on soon, because I really think people I know that there's a master class, a virtual summit. You take it away. Tell everybody what they might want to check you out on.

Jackie Prewitt [00:26:28]:

So the best thing to do if you wanna learn about, I'm having a one day summit and bringing basically 10 to 15 experts together to kinda help talk about this exact topic that we're talking about. How to reignite your life, to get out of your own way, to unstick yourself, and to follow things that you actually Have this God given gift to do, and you're just too afraid to do it. So that's kinda what the summit's on about. It's on November 1st. So the best place to find out about it is to go to my Instagram, JAxPRew, and you can message me there. I'd love to learn from you learn who you are, what your background is, And then, of course, I also do online coaching if you are somebody that has a business and is kinda just looking for a kick start or You feel a little bit stuck in your business. You're not hitting the goals that you want, and you just feel like you're kind of on this hamster I think I I my coaching is very different than most coaching because I really focus on loving the process and Recognizing that the person you're becoming through the steps that you're taking to whatever goals you have is the most important thing. That's the only thing that's permanent.

Jackie Prewitt [00:27:39]:

The losses aren't permanent. The wins aren't permanent. It's the who you're becoming that's permanent. So that's what I try to focus on in my coaching.

Sandy Kovach  [00:27:47]:

Wow. That is, as Lenay would say, a drop the mic moment for sure. It's the journey that we're focusing on instead of the goal, and, oh, we cast that aside so easily, don't we?

Jackie Prewitt [00:27:58]:

We sure do. We sure do. And I just I'm so honored that I can I get to chat with the 2 of you? I mean, you guys Let's talk about taking action. You guys have done it. Like, I know I've I know I've already spoken with Lene about this. I asked you, Lene. I was like, so how did you just Get out there and decide to put yourself out there and start talking to these, you know, these people that, you know, are screenwriters and I mean, most people would be very intimidated by Somebody in Hollywood, and you you did it. Right? And, Sandy, I don't know your backstory, but, like, I know that both of you guys have done The actions that scared you and have gotten clear from those actions.

Jackie Prewitt [00:28:37]:

And now you're living in this life that probably 2 years ago, you would have never believed.

Lanée Blaise [00:28:43]:

Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Because Sandy's got her background in radio, does voice over work. When you go to certain pharmacies, in stores, you will hear and even the movie theater, my son was like, is that Sandy? So you will hear her voice coming through the, You know, the speakers along with the podcast and that was Sandy said, hey, Lanee. Would you be interested in cohosting a podcast with me? And all I had to do was say yes. And all I had to do was a little research and take the meeting with Sandy. That's another thing I always say.

Lanée Blaise [00:29:15]:

Take the meeting Unless the person's crazy or dangerous

Sandy Kovach  [00:29:19]:

Which wasn't it at least then. Now I don't know.

Lanée Blaise [00:29:24]:

Super Super safe. Take the meeting. Step out. Give it a try. Because the other part is If I really didn't like it or if Sandy did not like me in the room, we could have said, you know what? We tried it, and it's a no go. You're allowed to say, this is actually I tried this direction, and I think I'm gonna pass because it's not either not what I thought it was going to be. I'm not who I am or who I wanted to be in it.

Lanée Blaise [00:29:51]:

You're allowed to do that too. And we just had an episode on overthinking also, which is How appropriate. Yeah. Yeah. You know? About, you know, making sure that you don't overthink things,

Jackie Prewitt [00:30:03]:

To tune in. I need to tune in to that one. That sounds awesome.

Lanée Blaise [00:30:06]:

Oh, yeah.

Lanée Blaise [00:30:06]:

It speaks right to what you're saying. And even even with what you're saying as far as you have a place for people to come find you directly So you don't have to overthink it, and you keep it real. And most people really want that and are yearning for that, so I love it.

Jackie Prewitt [00:30:24]:

We all just want connection at the end of the day. Right? And, of course, if we were really being honest with ourselves, we wanted to know exactly what would happen When we took x step or y step or what happens in our life, but, you know, that's not part of the plan. We get to see what happens when we take steps. And, Lene, to your point, it's okay if you're like, you know what? This isn't for me. That's why we say action breeds clarity. You're never gonna know. Like, we know this we say it all the time. You're never gonna know unless you try.

Jackie Prewitt [00:30:54]:

But, my gosh, if that's not the truth, I don't know what is. You just gotta go take that step, see where it leads.

Sandy Kovach  [00:31:01]:

a different place for sure. And trust God.

Jackie Prewitt [00:31:05]:

Yeah. Because he does know. He knows it all.

Lanée Blaise [00:31:08]:

Yeah. He's think of yourself as a action hero or Tom Cruise or, I don't know. The the person who wrote the script is God. God already knows what's gonna happen, not only in that movie, but in the sequel. You know? But the actor or the the character doesn't know what's gonna happen. Sometimes they just have to take that leap and take that motorcycle and jump off the cliff and land on top of the Railroad, train and and make it Yeah. And save everybody.

Jackie Prewitt [00:31:38]:

Seriously. Yeah. I mean and if you think about it, It would be the most boring movie or book ever if somebody just sat behind a desk or behind their kids or whatever And never did anything that scared them. How freaking boring of a of a movie that'd be. Be your own superhero in your own of Story.

Sandy Kovach  [00:32:02]:

Be your own Tom Cruise

Jackie Prewitt [00:32:03]:

Yeah. Exactly. Wait. Let's think of a woman. Being your own well, who's the who's wonder woman? I love her. Oh, Gal Gadot?

Lanée Blaise [00:32:12]:

Or yeah. Yeah.

Jackie Prewitt [00:32:13]:

Yeah. Yeah. She's in be her

Lanée Blaise [00:32:14]:

Yeah. Be one of your own Gal Gadot. Be your own Wonder Woman, be your own. There's there yeah. There's plenty of women to choose from because there's Angela Bassett and Viola Davis. There's Scarlett Johansson. Yeah.

Lanée Blaise [00:32:28]:

All those would be fierce. Your own version of it. Oh, Jackie, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for talking with us today, for giving tips, for giving advice, for being real, For helping us think bigger. Yeah. I guess, it's that time to say goodbye. So I like to end with Imagine yourself really sitting down with yourself, closing your eyes even, making yourself of the superhero of your own life story, relying on faith, stepping out, doing it afraid, all these great things, And just build up that resume of courage and strength and know that You've done it before.

Lanée Blaise [00:33:16]:

You can do it again. And that the ladies at Imagine Yourself and Jackie Pruitt are rooting for you.

Sandy Kovach  [00:33:23]:

We are. Let us know how it's going. Hit us up at imagine yourself or at one of our Our social media platforms, you can find all the links in the show notes or on our website. If you can give us a rating or review, we would really love that too. It helps with us to shape the podcast and also helps other people find us. Speaking of finding people, we'll also make sure to drop Jackie Prewitt's links in the show notes as well if you wanna reach out to her. Thanks for taking the time to listen. We really hope it was useful for you, and here's to you following your dreams.