Into the Pray
Into the Pray
Abortion's Tiny Little Doses of Arsenic (feat. Dave Brennan)
In this week's episode of Into the Pray, we deliberately expose ourselves to another dose of abortion's abhorrent arsenic.
Since last week's episode, we sat back and watched Amazing Grace, the 2006 film adaptation of William Wilberforce's long-term campaign towards the eventual abolition of the slave trade in Great Britain.
The film opens with this text:
"By the late 18th century, over 11 million African men, women and children had been taken from Africa to be used as slaves in the West Indies and the American colonies. The slave trade was considered acceptable by all but a few. Of these, even fewer were brave enough to speak against it."
It was William Wilberforce who said (of slavery) to Prime Minister, William Pitt,
"It's like arsenic: each new tiny dose doubles its effect."
Let's keep this very simple:- unless the Lord reveals to our hearts by His Spirit what He sees and feels about abortion (and, most fundamentally, about the Church and the world), then we will waste our time on this planet in varying degrees of apathy and prayerlessness.
Rather, let us pray every day that we will see the 'wonderful things' of His heart and His word, (Psalm 119: 18) and that we can be in genuine faith for social reform as part of our "Work for Reformers".
Thanks again to Dave Brennan for joining us.
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