Real Happy Mom

I'm taking a break

Toni-Ann Mayembe

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Check out these episodes: 
[207] From Overwhelmed to Resilient: Tackling the 3 P's of Burnout
[191] 7 Ways to Prevent Burnout This Year
[113] Are You Burned Out?! Tips for Work-Life Balance to Prevent Burnout with Katie Kahvo
[91] Strategies for Managing and Preventing Burnout From Your Career with Dr Nicole Perrotte

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So today is a little different. I just wanted to sit down and chat with you because I have an announcement to make. So for weeks now, I have been feeling. Just really, really bad. I caught up one of my friends and just told her, like, I just feel sucky. Those are my exact words. I feel sucky. I feel like I am not showing up as my best. At work. I am a struggling. At home, I'm struggling. Um, with my job in the Navy, I'm struggling. We're real happy mom. I'm just struggling everywhere. Like I just feel like I am just like constantly dragging myself. Um, I haven't been showing up my best in. Pretty much every area of my life, I feel. Like, I've just been doing a very mediocre job. And I don't feel good about it because that's not how I roll. I don't typically. Operate from a mediocre. Type of level. I tend to. Try to give my best whenever I can, wherever I can. And I haven't. And I know that I know for months now, I haven't. And so one of my friends who knows me very well, who I talked to often, she like immediately knew exactly what was going on. And she was like Tony. And I know the reason why you feel like that. I know exactly why. She's like Tony and you are burnt out. And at first, when she sent it, I was like, nah, I'm all right. I ain't burnt out. I just need to go and pray and meditate and fast for a little bit and figure out what's going on with me. And she was like, you can do all that, but I'm telling you. You're burnt out. And it like hit me like a ton of breaks. I was like, she's right. She pretty much like. She read me so well, she pretty much told me, like, you've been dealing with this situation. For months now. You've been struggling for months because this one area is literally dragging you down and sucking the life out of you. So you can't show up. Your best in other areas of your life, because you've earned a literally being like sucked in drag down. By one particular situation in your life. And that's why you feel like that. And she is a hundred percent right. I have been dealing with something for. It really took effect in October, but things had been brewing months before that. So. It's pretty much going on a year. Now that things have just been brewing. And then finally came to a head and October. And. I pretty much gotten to a point where yeah. I'm in this situation that I. I really don't like, and the only way for me to. Show up better? Not only here on real happy mom, but also at home. And I work and went my family. I have to get myself into a better situation. And I'll be honest with you. I've been struggling. With content creation for the podcast. I have been struggling with direction for this podcast. I've been struggling with. What am I going to do next for real happy mom, as a whole. And so I've realized that it's time for me to take a break from your happy mom. Get some things in order and then come back. Really really strong. So I'm telling you all of this. Because one. I want you to know that if you are struggling and you're just feeling. Like you got national and up your best. It's hard for you to. You know, give your best each day. Take a look and see if there's something going on that may be causing you to be in this burnout, state, this like low grade burnout state. It's making you feel like. You can't show up. Well, because that's exactly what's going on with me. It's not like I'm burnt out where I'm like, how was before, where I just felt like I couldn't get out the bed. I was just. In, just so down and I just couldn't do anything, right. And so I need some time. From the podcast to one, get some things in order. Um, typically during the summertime things to slow down anyway. So I was planning on taking a break, but I'm taking a lot sooner. But definitely the month of may and then. Throughout the month of June. I will be taking some time to get some things in order for myself so that I can show up better here. Now. If you still want to hear from me, you still going to be in the loop of the things that are going on with real happy mom, definitely sign up for my email list. I have a pre before you is the Sunday prep checklist. That is going to help you with setting your week up for a nice strong foundation. So you're actually excited about Mondays. So, um, definitely get that freebie, get on my email so you can hear from me. And know the things that are going on during the summertime, because there's a few things going on. Um, I am revamping the real happy mom website. Oh, my goodness. This has been a project for me that I've been wanting to do for a long time. Revamping the website. So I'll be announcing when the website is actually live. Or I should say the new refreshed website is live. And then in the month of June, I will be apart of the supermom summit. It happened in June 17th through 21st. And then the real happy mom free bundle is happening in July. That's July 17th. Three of the 24th. So all of these things are going to be happening and I'll be letting you know. Via email, but you have to be on an email list to know about it. So make sure you sign up so you can know about that. And I can send you all the links. I will pop in time to time to put out some announcements here on the podcast, but for the most part. There will be no new episodes for sure. Throughout the month of may. And possibly the whole month of June, too. So. I'm looking to come back in July. Um, I need this time so that I can get some things in order. Like I said, because I really need to do something differently. Um, In my life so I can get that situation. I've been talking about. Together, so I can show up and give you some of my past here. So, if you are dealing with burnout, I have some episodes for you. I want you to check out. So episode 2 0 7. Um, I talked to ova about the three piece of burnout. So definitely check that one out. 1 91, I talk about seven ways to prevent burnout. And, um, this is one that I've actually had to refer back to from our own self. Because this whole. Um, period of time that I'm in has been really, um, testing me. And I want you to know that there's ways to prevent things so that you don't get into that state. The next episode is one 13. Um, preventing burnout. And then also having work-life balance and that's Katie. Who is given all of those great tips. And then the last one is episode 91. We're talking about preventing burnout from your career, which is a huge one. So definitely check out those episodes of you are. Dealing with burnout at all, or you feel like you might be burned out or you just have a lot going on in your van. Like me, you're just feeling kind of blah. So check those out. Now, like I said, I'll be back again. Um, in the summertime. Who is the somewhere episodes and definitely be coming back in with some more nightspots. So stay tuned. Take care of yourself and definitely get on the email list so we can stay in touch until then take care. And with lots of love.

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