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Console Crossovers and Gaming Titans: Microsoft's Strategy of Xbox games going to PS5 and Nintendo Switch.

February 10, 2024 Mike Sampson and Mr. Amazing
Console Crossovers and Gaming Titans: Microsoft's Strategy of Xbox games going to PS5 and Nintendo Switch.
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Console Crossovers and Gaming Titans: Microsoft's Strategy of Xbox games going to PS5 and Nintendo Switch.
Feb 10, 2024
Mike Sampson and Mr. Amazing

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Will Xbox exclusives make a daring leap onto PS5 and  Nintendo Switch consoles? That's the electrifying question Mike Sampson and Mr. Amazing tackle head-on as we dissect the swirling rumors and the implications of such moves. Our spirited exchange scrutinizes the possibility of Game Pass expanding its horizon beyond the green pastures of Xbox, while we also explore Microsoft's transition from hardware to a more service-based gaming empire. 

Finally, we throw punches in the fighting game community, celebrating the charged anticipation for titles  for EVO like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8. Mike's strategy for assembling the ultimate team, cheekily dubbed "Mike's Angels,"

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Will Xbox exclusives make a daring leap onto PS5 and  Nintendo Switch consoles? That's the electrifying question Mike Sampson and Mr. Amazing tackle head-on as we dissect the swirling rumors and the implications of such moves. Our spirited exchange scrutinizes the possibility of Game Pass expanding its horizon beyond the green pastures of Xbox, while we also explore Microsoft's transition from hardware to a more service-based gaming empire. 

Finally, we throw punches in the fighting game community, celebrating the charged anticipation for titles  for EVO like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8. Mike's strategy for assembling the ultimate team, cheekily dubbed "Mike's Angels,"

Speaker 1:

Let's do this. Welcome everybody to another episode of the Game of Traffic show. I'm your host, mike Sansom, chillin' in my co-house. Simply amazing how you doing today. Everybody get up for Mr Amazing on today's Game of Traffic show. Yo, we'll get straight to the point. Mr Amazing, what everybody's been talking about for the past several days what, mr Amazing, can you tell us? Or should I start it off?

Speaker 2:

Well, how long did you continue? But we get rumors that we're getting Xbox's clues on the PlayStation 5 and possibly on the Switch. Damn, I don't see it though, but go ahead, Mike.

Speaker 1:

Mr Amazing I know you don't see it but, like I said, reported games Starfield, high Five, rush, gears of War, indiana Jones possibly going, and etc. Sea of Thieves. But recently, probably about two hours ago, nate DeHate, who recently reported these rumors of Xbox's clues to going to the PlayStation Switch, has stated that Starfield would not be coming to the PlayStation 5.

Speaker 2:

Really, that was a big one. That was the one that started all these rumors.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but according to him, his information was incorrect and he stated that Starfield would not be going to the PlayStation 5. At this time, so you're going to talk about all those other games on Starfield.

Speaker 2:

In fact, Starfield would be the game. That's the one that first wants to go Because people wanted that to be on PlayStation 5. So why is he saying that?

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't have his personal phone, though, so I can't really ask him why. But my question is why? What's the sources that he has now?

Speaker 2:

Because it was such a solid rumor that it was going, and now it's a solid rumor that it's not Okay. So I just don't see. So does that mean? Everything we've been hearing is just it's just what's for ratings? I mean, was it? For clicks For clicks, clickbait, I mean.

Speaker 1:

BuzzFoolsPente has answered it in a tweet. I'll just paraphrase it. He said next week Xbox will have a busy event to discuss these matters dealing with the Xbox brand.

Speaker 2:

This is okay. What do you think?

Speaker 1:

that means he didn't deny any of these games are coming to PlayStation or Nintendo Switch.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so that's what you're saying. All right, I'm going to take it with a grid of salt. I'm going to go with this. I think what we're going to get is certain exclusive games. I don't think all of them are going to come to PlayStation. Certain games might come and in exchange, I think you're going to get Game Pass access on, maybe on the older systems, like maybe not on a PS5, but you might get on the PS4. What the hell?

Speaker 1:

is he got? There with sense you might get on the PS4, but you get on the Switch. Let me ask you a question no, no, no, no, no. It's give or take. No, no, no, no. You brought my back, I brought your back. Give or take, go ahead, no, no, please. I'll give you one minute to recant that statement. This was stupid. This is one of the top stupid statements you made. This is the first for you 2024. This is a stupid statement and take.

Speaker 2:

So you tell them you can't see Game Pass on a possible Switch.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, we'll see you next week. So you telling me these guys are gonna allow and Microsoft's gonna allow I mean, it helps their revenue, but Microsoft's gonna allow their exclusives to come to these consoles and don't demand something else.

Speaker 1:

They made the money for their consumers.

Speaker 2:

Once again, Michael, but still I'm giving up exclusives and I might get and, yes, I get my revenue off of that but don't, don't have or something too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a share of the profits for the game. So on the system.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I get that, but I but remember Xbox. See a bigger picture. What do they want to do? They would have run the world with their goddamn game. Pass Me and you both said it several times different podcast, different shows. So I don't think my ideas from stretch. I think you're gonna see it on these consoles eventually, give or take, it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. What happens, guess what? What? You gonna buy my goddamn goddamn game to you know what you know this gets. You know what this gets?

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is Also the yes but it's also okay, go ahead, go ahead please.

Speaker 2:

The first rumor is this, which I definitely believe. I actually, if you do. There's the rumor that Microsoft is no gonna make consoles, but it makes strictly games. There's also that rumor.

Speaker 1:

That's probably not true. I don't see that. Okay, this I think, and I said this before Kiddies who don't know and I said before what was to be free on computers. What you see, when you got PC word Word was free. And then Microsoft side, we're gonna charge your scripts in fee each month to get those services. So Microsoft also makes computers as well, and it also also no. I think that those Like the operating system is more is more important to Microsoft. Then it go to the puse they make Also make the surface tablet as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what we're doing, yes so they're not.

Speaker 1:

They're taking the same playbook Okay, they're using for their computer hardware. Okay, for the, the console. Basically they don't have game pass. They still gonna have the Xbox, mostly streaming kids. Microsoft is already Late of everybody in the physical media, so there's no physical demo. We make a little physical disc with Xbox exclusives Because I warm up. So they're not gonna sell Xbox, xbox games anymore. Why cuz they got a game pass. They're not getting no money off of this. So Microsoft is doing what Microsoft has done before. There's what I make sure you they don't care if you have your word or excel on HP ASA or a type of PC or knows they get, they're getting the money for it. Hey, it's even better when you buy the hardware, the Microsoft surface and the computers. So they're doing the same. They're doing the same approach.

Speaker 2:

So then now go back to what you say right now. So explain this approach to me. So now for what you just told me put it into the game version. So what are they doing to the game? So what do you see they're gonna do with the?

Speaker 1:

same thing. They don't. They won't, like I said, I just stated to you yeah, they still gonna make the console, but most likely will not be any physical disc. Okay, it will be a streaming and we stream it and downloading the next console they do. When they do make one okay, and have to game pass cloud service like a seven four Downloading games, streaming, blah, blah, blah. Okay, they'll still have made some exclusive games only to themselves, but they also put other games on different platforms so that they make more money.

Speaker 1:

Microsoft bought Activision and Resurrect for 70 billion dollars. They didn't make their money back. How many layers? Or they made several thousand thousand people laid off. They got make the money. Microsoft's a business. What I always say these got PlayStation, xbox, the tender war, is it? They're not your friends. We're friends by partnerships Only. It is a business relationship we have with these companies. Can you see people on Twitter and YouTube ready to burn the Xbox's? My thing is like you still got your Xbox key. With the key to having Xbox one right now, you can still play those old Xbox games. Yes, so yo you these, these Xboxes. I will keep them because you still pay Xbox, old Xbox 360 game, xbox original OG games. You know Xbox one games. The Xbox X is worth the experience.

Speaker 2:

No, I keep that, yeah, no, I agree with that. Are you disappointed, though, that you can't play? That means that they're going away from the this drive.

Speaker 1:

It's expected.

Speaker 2:

It's expected but if by going over this drive that means you can't, play those games anymore.

Speaker 1:

That's what I just say. I said that's why it's very important. I think the Xbox X is the is very important and it's a key to playing older games.

Speaker 2:

So are you saying we should all run away to X right now because most of our X's out? That's it. We won't have access to it, basically, yeah. So, guys, if the Xbox market goes up, give it to Michael man. He's telling us fans to go out and buy one.

Speaker 1:

I just tell people to do that.

Speaker 2:

I'm just so, I think.

Speaker 1:

I think it's a good idea and I think recently GameStop has an Xbox and PS5 and sell for the this one for 50 bucks off both of them. Both of them so. So that's why I look at the Xbox brand. But let me ask you a question, major. Do you think what happened to the Xbox brand, mr Mason, to cause the downfall?

Speaker 2:

honestly, I Can take what I can do about generation. I think this generation's games they don't have.

Speaker 1:

Going on, forever going on, for I think now is more notable.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no I think we were no more no more.

Speaker 1:

No, it was not one Xbox one.

Speaker 2:

It was notable. But Xbox had other things, like they had the. What, no, no, what did Xbox have over the PlayStation 5? We knew it was gonna play the online. The online Xbox was, for, superior to me than the PlayStation. I'm gonna cut the Nintendo this word. It's always loses, so I might be kind of tell you they're. Online was so much better their interface, their connection, 360, where you could.

Speaker 1:

I just agree with Xbox one and the correct was sloppy. It's my interface sloppy you can say that, but overall I was I said 360 might even say that, but the previous, the previous two, was a pretty soon. Is it cool in this year?

Speaker 2:

No, you can give that position five. Well, they came up. Yeah, I just also feel like the plate plate. Excuse me, xbox, this is me speaking. This is not speaking for Michael, like I just yeah, she's not speaking, michael, you know. I find it's a little bit better. I feel like they gave. What is lead to death.

Speaker 1:

Giving you the highlights of Microsoft like their highlights to me, what would it is? What are you having to stand up?

Speaker 2:

Yes, that was one of it, the avatar. Then we go to games. I thought the front was the games. Beyond, I feel like there is clues. Is we did not compare to what Sony's is cool to have to do because Microsoft their biggest clues is obviously is Halo right, gizmo or right? We're gonna give you this a Gizmo or we're gonna say what else do we say Michael? So my old ones, I think.

Speaker 1:

I think it's forza, forza, yes, but forza. So I feel like this is now the king of. Of course, absolutely hands down this is just a dethrone Grinch, right yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it's one is one I can't, I can't, I think what is right now? What oh my god. Okay, this camera is right now, but anyway, yo that's not a halo already. I feel like their exclusives were a solid, very solid, but then they're number one exclusive Halo or this gen took a hit, it's, it's got a better it's gotten better, but it took a hit when it came out. It was not supposed to be released, like on that version, so that hurt the brand.

Speaker 1:

Michael, it did hurt the brand, but I Let you, I'll let you change my thing is if, if PlayStation did that with uncharted is a social game, unchartered was the back.

Speaker 2:

Let you catch. This is what exactly was that's happening. They're biggest game did not meet the criteria of Blockbuster game, as was expected. All right, so you? Know that and then your next exclusive, your biggest exclusive is we've yet to see a freaking trailer.

Speaker 1:

But okay, okay, okay, let's just cut it out. You say, okay, games, let's just games my number one games.

Speaker 2:

So games? My number one and number two is I also feel like I mean We'll stop that, we don't. We'll take it step by step.

Speaker 1:

I said gazing, I'll just break it down this way. I think what damage the Xbox brand it started with mr Mavericks Introducing Xbox one, okay, reveal told my TV, sports etc. Bigger, more anti-brand than a gaming brand. Yes, good to have some of the features of your TV and blah, blah blah, but the focus is gaming. This is the gaming system. Yeah, you want to tell what the games, what you do, what kind of services you provide.

Speaker 3:

The game every other second.

Speaker 1:

Well, I didn't let me finish or that, that and that was beginning to downfall the pricing If when the E3 that year is a hundred dollars more because they want to include the connect.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, you're right connect.

Speaker 1:

Well, what happened to me around?

Speaker 2:

I think they're gonna come back. You could have kept it. You think it was promising, come on. You had to connect, you had to connect. The connect, honestly, was not fight, was not perfect, but it could have been fine too, like I think you know, when it was trying to capture this was seeing anything.

Speaker 1:

I think that have potential, potential where tomorrow that little boy that never came, the little boys that never came about, stop it.

Speaker 2:

I think they made a new connect and they worked on it. Now, with the new technology, they can hit a home run, I think, I think. But I just they did, just got turned off and went away from it. You know, I stand by that, I stand by that. I think the connect can't make another run.

Speaker 3:

I think it's gonna get on the wrong.

Speaker 2:

sticking by that, I'm sticking by it and you had it, so I'm surprised you feel that way. I came with the system.

Speaker 1:

I know, and I'm the choice, that to have it With the system was promising. Okay. Another thing and we agree with it exclusive games.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you're all right that I definitely agree with you.

Speaker 1:

They start this current generation slow. I was selling them. I'm about to say three to one. The new IP Red form. I was excited about a flop, starfield mixed reviews and overall the expert brand has never outsold of PS, of a PlayStation console period in the story and and that's data- but the 360 race was closed.

Speaker 1:

It was closed. I this is always said though the PlayStation 3. I sold them, but you see, sony's plan was to get those exclusive games best in the last two or three years of their console. You see what the plan was doing and it kept that playing going to PS4 and to a PS5 dough. The first parties have been slow, but then the second party, third party, school students have picked up.

Speaker 2:

Instead of buying studios, they're by IPs, yeah, but do you think the PlayStation 2? I mean, I'm simply too, but the PlayStation 3 had the big job, because it's how successful position to us.

Speaker 3:

So people are not oh no, so I'm getting this regardless. Okay, what it is, it was even give Xbox a chance.

Speaker 1:

What happens? Place in three when it is okay, came out a year later and what's the price of 600 bucks? Yeah, what it's only guess second job.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Game. I knew better. Never gave you games on that crap.

Speaker 3:

Dammit I've heard, now it's a pretty little family.

Speaker 1:

I never got it back. Never got it back, damn it. So yeah, I mean like those. That's my breakdown over yes.

Speaker 2:

I agree with. I do agree with you saying I'm not mad at that, but um, my thing is do you think it's over for Microsoft? I think that's it.

Speaker 1:

They can never make a comeback.

Speaker 2:

I think they're done.

Speaker 1:

I think what my thing is is Microsoft, do this good for competition, for the game industry.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm I.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, everybody push it when Nintendo push it. No, it's a PlayStation and Microsoft's think about doing like a connect advice until about the week came out.

Speaker 2:

Yes, what about it?

Speaker 3:

First rumble.

Speaker 2:

Nintendo. Everybody's got a wrong way after that. You know, like you just said, the whole.

Speaker 1:

Rumbles in the good.

Speaker 2:

With the remote list, you know different ways to hold the play game without just a standard Xbox.

Speaker 1:

But the go, xbox live, xbox live, you know. Yeah, avatars members, we have a charge. Sony never had avatar. I still think Xbox to the case, to the, can still continue to have a son of a stand.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why it was so bad. Yo, dude, I was by. I think I was Spend on my house. I'm like yo the ABC's is sounds good oh the NBA jerseys yeah the fall season. I was gonna fall off it. I was. I was actually spending one. I'm like yo. This is a perfect live purchase. I don't. Why get rid of this even even the tender.

Speaker 1:

When you know the amiibo's, the Nintendo, those are cool too. The telepathy, they come in mute. They had a little act, a little figures, little figures. Xbox never had anything like that. But Like I said, it's, it's competition, good for the industry, I agree. I agree, I don't know what's gonna happen afterwards when this happens. We'll see what Phil Spencer says when we go from there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so next week or coming up, we're gonna see what he says and then might give me a prediction, so we can talk about it. What your prediction is.

Speaker 1:

Yes, sir. Well, I would think Phil Spencer to make the announcement another individuals making that forgot his name, okay, but he's from Microsoft, not from Xbox. Okay, and there's some rumors that they won't be calling it Xbox game pass to be called Microsoft pass, game of game pass, but always said where's game pass on every PC, npc. So my prediction that they're gonna confirm that they're going multi platform and what they still have, but we still gonna console the console business, just like you know, they're gonna put it everywhere in my back. Did it call any yes and call us? Yo keep putting on Turbograf 16, what?

Speaker 2:

that you gonna be able to get past it not game pass.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell them games, not game, oh game, okay games. Don't put your games on there. I disagree.

Speaker 2:

Michael Great. Michael says yes, I say no, but, I, I don't think that's gonna happen. I think, I think that's gonna be the bulk. Actually, I think that I don't think that's gonna be the hot room.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I think you're gonna get some games. We're not. Okay, let's make a bet on it.

Speaker 2:

Let's go. What's the bet?

Speaker 1:

To rate a three to my little collection. Okay. You will go higher than that.

Speaker 2:

What's the higher one? Okay?

Speaker 1:

what we'll get, so can we both for play. Oh, but I'm gonna go get your hell divers. You Wait for my, yours gonna come next. I need help, I'm trying to try to play with you. Yeah we need like we get four people, three police, three people, but I'm more high about it.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna make one of many people high about it. So what the so to radio? You won't go, just go higher, let's give it to you. So you said we'll do a rise in Roman. I Get a safe morning, I could buy dog with you and I have to pay rise in rows. I'm like, oh, shoot Everybody, I Will be getting my two-minute collection, one to three, I'll give you two, I'll give you two weeks. Afterwards, you know say, come on, god gave birthdays. That is the other. That's what some money on her side of stand. I'm a sight, mr Mason, our next top, mr Mason, evil, the main thing. Do I have to take over or will you tell the people what games becoming well?

Speaker 2:

I know for sure. Two games. May I for two games. Well, I will stir strike in second eight. We don't know if you're there. Yes but now that you should the rest.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry. Well, mr Mason, as he said, third strike, who should you find a third strike? And what else? Take it a? Okay, yes, he's correct about that. So Street fire six will be on it. Guilty to get strive king of fire 15. Street fire with a classic game. Well, street fire three. A third strike will be the classic game, okay, taking eight and under the night birth to you.

Speaker 2:

Show me that the other day. It's my first time seen that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so, like I said, get a chance for us to dip into the games because probably Probably next couple weeks we could talk about taking eight until I got mine now.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you got you, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh good, I'll be jazz. We tell the fellas yo they don't find you, you're right.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm gonna start tying my game.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I got five like my, my, I always put like griefing of characters are called Mike and Mike's angels. So and I picked one male guy, the big, the guy who's, like you know, be people. Are we all mess with the mess of my girls? You come for you. So those are the game. This makes me think.

Speaker 2:

Second, they prove you away because my play the first time I work and the word yes, this miss makes it doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

He works in a law office.

Speaker 2:

So I'm gonna have work. Can't, can't take word time. When we played it, I was blown away. Then I paid it here, blown away even more. I was gonna get it. Remember, I wasn't gonna get it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm trying to get Mr May the picture. I wasn't gonna get it.

Speaker 2:

I was like dad after I fell off a second so does like this is too good to pass over. So then now I do have it, so I'm hyped about that. Obviously, street fire say something about. And then now we do know what the release of it coming we're in this month. That's news. You know what game we forgot which?

Speaker 1:

one more combat.

Speaker 2:

The other day. Exactly, but I was like more comics is a forgotten game, though like yes, we find ourselves. Second is our back. No one's on my work on back.

Speaker 1:

I think more combat people. This I don't Remember. People have separate things about motor combat. I can't remember what I mean. Glitches, I don't know. Not. You fire hater history by favor. Hates on ten ways on our motor combat. He always been saying that for how long mr Mason I can, I can count his opinion. He has been saying so.

Speaker 1:

I'll, but I said probably a couple weeks will talk about cuz we I think we have all those games Basically my son have a game chapter has. So we good to go and we give our opinion about in a couple weeks.

Speaker 2:

My classic in the third. The third strike is I love that. That's my favorite street fighter. I think I have, but I'm curious to play the one. You just got the other thing.

Speaker 1:

Under night, in the birth to After playing these couple, the oldest games will give what we think about them. Definitely this is a three new ones and, you know, compared to the old ones as well, but, mr, Mason, yes, you know how I disappointed well. My game's on there.

Speaker 2:

What game is this? You know?

Speaker 1:

what game this is, but.

Speaker 2:

Dinner Alive, no Soul Calibur.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Not Soul Calibur. No, it's not gonna come back 11.

Speaker 1:

You know what talk about. It's amazing. I don't know what is that the classic, the classic getters should be on there, mr Maison.

Speaker 2:

Let's have a go at this Pre-Station. All-stars yes, where in the place is All-Stars? They ain't no real finding game, damn it.

Speaker 1:

I am highly upset. Mr Maison, the place in All-Star community is gonna pick it this up. We will not participate in the Evo. What?

Speaker 2:

was the last time Soul Calibur dropped the game. I have you here. We didn't play it, no, we barely played it.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy. We barely played that game. It was hot. Couple years we played it was hot. It's not a full-on Wait.

Speaker 2:

I might have it too. Is it the one that we don't? No, this is what I don't know. It's the one that we yodel, and that's way back.

Speaker 1:

Do I have yodel? I might have that. That was last. I think that's when we were into the one. Afterwards my guy gang got me. I gave him $15 for straight up garbage. So this is what happened here, so you know, the finance Really Shoot. I still got Jump Force. Oh, wow, I didn't like Jump Force that much, though we barely played it, but I still got the other one before Jump Force.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I forgot the skull. Yeah, I still got that one. Oh, wow, you got them then, yeah, I still got them.

Speaker 1:

So you know what I'm saying We'll see, we'll see. But I think, mr B, I'm gonna get Joe to a bizarre cause. You liked that crap. It was $9. I said get this fighting game. This is why I'm gonna play this fool, cause I watched the anime. So I thought I'd get it, but some models were on my beat.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it does look a damn. Japanese model show.

Speaker 1:

What's that movie that comes out? Which one? The movie with Ben Stiller.

Speaker 2:

Zoolander yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Freak out of here.

Speaker 1:

So Evo's hair? No, I wish we all could go. Honestly, if we all get together, fellas, we should all go there Till.

Speaker 3:

Stanley and Gell and Gene. You go to.

Speaker 1:

Los Angeles. Yeah, I'd be cool. Is it gonna be at the Spare?

Speaker 2:

Where At the Spare. That's what they call it. I think it's more responsive.

Speaker 1:

It's like if you have some hotel some place over there. So yes, mr Amazing Evo, july of this year.

Speaker 2:

Alright, We'll see man.

Speaker 1:

We'll see. Alright, mr Amazing, guess what's next? Madden NFL Ville game Cause the Subo's coming up has predicted a correct Subo winning with a percentage of 65% accuracy For this year. For this year's Subo, they predict the cheats will beat the 49 to score 30 to 28. Wow, they're gonna give you a score. Yes, I think they played a game on the computer.

Speaker 2:

So they run like a trial.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, whatever the outcome is that's interesting.

Speaker 2:

I believe it. I actually agree with them, cause you know you can't bet against Patrick Mahomes. Yes, and I might be the chief fan.

Speaker 1:

Yes, cause, as basic as our tournament, patrick Mahomes is 17-1. Was it true? Was it true, mr?

Speaker 2:

Amazing. He got some wins 17-1. What's been happening lately?

Speaker 1:

Josh Allen began busy. Yeah, but who's playing it? Rock Purdy in the 49.

Speaker 2:

You're the better team, right.

Speaker 1:

You're the Super Bowl, right, rock Purdy.

Speaker 2:

Josh Allen's never been to.

Speaker 1:

Super Bowl Rock Purdy. So I'm just saying Yo, we're all gotta say over our record. Yo, it's 11-20 for you, right, 11-20.

Speaker 2:

You're not 20, right? Not gonna get that big jump boy? Yeah, we'll see, we ain't over till it's over. Oh, you got five more games left.

Speaker 1:

Five more wins, 25 is over. Alright, mr Amazing, let's go to our trail of the week. It's our favorite for a favorite homeboy who's who's um, I want to say sidekick Knuckles. What I call him is bodyguard, I don't know what to call him I wouldn't say. Wouldn't say Sonic's other friend.

Speaker 2:

Sonic's cool me. He's like the Vegeta to Sonic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we'll put it like that.

Speaker 2:

He's like the Vegeta to Sonic.

Speaker 1:

Alright, everybody Sit back. Listen Yo Knuckles premiering. On that that I would say Pee God. What's the other one with Pee Paramount?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, it's not going to do it. It's going straight to Paramount. It's a seven with a seven four. I forgot my episode, but we'll, we'll let you know, oh the series yes, oh, I didn't realize that. Alright, alright, see you later I.

Speaker 2:

Not turning our living room into some kind of gladiator fighting pit.

Speaker 3:

What is Ozzy doing here? You will be challenging his greatest enemy. This is not a place about. Oh, I will begin my quest. Come weed. Most people think I'm a joke. I do not make jokes, I Make warriors. Without his little friends, he's vulnerable. He's the key to all my newest creation Bring me.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, this lane is reserved. You can take my power.

Speaker 3:

Do I look like I need your power talking about? Oh hey, this power, the whole reason we're here. I made a promise to protect this planet. I am ready. I think today is gonna be a beautiful day, oh.

Speaker 1:

Mr Mason, what you think about it oh.

Speaker 2:

Not good. Definitely must watch. I mean we get more of Lucas. Was debuted in Sonic 2, right.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, he's not like too.

Speaker 2:

So now he gets his own spin off. He gets a six-part series. So I think that's a good look for him and I think it looks interesting and I can't wait to see it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, comes out April 26. That's correct. I'm paramount plus. Do you green light or red? Light oh yo, I also green light as well. Very excited. Who's the active playing knuckles? My boy, elvis.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm surprised you're gonna do that, I'm actually you got away with that character.

Speaker 1:

I think, yeah, I feel, I feel. I feel the energy, I feel the energy of the character.

Speaker 2:

People get in like they're headed on marriage.

Speaker 1:

People need to get over this, so hopefully, don't go back.

Speaker 2:

I you got a hedgehog.

Speaker 1:

Hi, mr Mason, gamer, traffic green light. This trailer, yo knuckles, come into paramount plus April 22nd. Check it out. Sorry, 26 by bad. Thank you, mr May, that's what you hear.

Speaker 2:

That's what we hear Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Our next stop, mr Mason, is our shimmy care topic, ask. According to game beat report, us customer consumers spent 57 billion on video games in 2023. According to a new report for entertainment software association, the figure includes game content, dlc, michael trans, actions and description in hardware and accessories. Mr Mason, not as much as it did during the call. Kobe was made 60 million, 60 billion plus 57. Not close, but not not number one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah dude, you talk about a we got work and then people still working, still putting these Timing. This is amazing to me.

Speaker 1:

Yes, these figures reinforce position of video game industry as being a growing Engine for the United States economy. Absolutely according to the ES president, stanley Lewis.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy. When games first came out, people looking at it like alright, another fad. And Look at what has become. This is crazy. That people's life, you look, are Based on games, producing games, creating games, game contents, shows, game shows and now it's running a big portion of the American economy. That's not just the American economy, just because the world wide economy, I would say that's what you agree.

Speaker 1:

Hardware still hardware sells health. Steady accounted for 6.6 billion, or 11.5% of all US consumers spent on real games. Meanwhile, gaming accessories grew 4% to 2.6 billion. Wow, accounting for 4.5% of consumers spending total. Okay, let's play to the game. Should be care a lot a little.

Speaker 2:

Game show. I got a car. I actually a lot, because if it was a game it's gonna be going on, so I gotta see I got a lot.

Speaker 1:

It just proved game is drawing for us in society or wall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course I agree with you with that one.

Speaker 1:

Because consoles not dead, mr Mason, let's go to our gangsta waste of the week. Mr Mason, I picked this one out, I know you. You was unable to pick one out because you understand it? Oh, don't know, it is. Microsoft is our gangsta.

Speaker 2:

and when still based on their move to possibly go on yes. You're right, you're right, you're right. You know what? I'm gonna go gangsta.

Speaker 1:

What you going go when story you go when stuff yep, it is proof that they lost the console war. I saw my PlayStation shirt on saying we won. Come my place in the hat, we won. I'm just gonna have all the stuff on, but I just think it just like this show, this Microsoft, it's a true. What's a 20 dollar company? Well, I think the number one company in the world. Yeah, you guys can come up with school. So you guys can do this and that, improve this. You guys can have a talent. Yeah, they're wankers straight off.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna opposite you. I'm going gangsta. Reason, going gangsta for what I met your earlier today.

Speaker 3:

I'm looking at is there?

Speaker 2:

like you know what I'm gonna give you my games? Guess what? You gonna make money for me? You make money for me. I brought all these studios you, you're gonna be, they're gonna make money for me on your systems. So I can look at that way.

Speaker 1:

So I Think the gangsta's on that part. What's what's put on that, hi, mr Mason. Hi, what's the shower the week, mr Mason?

Speaker 2:

shout out of the week. I mean Shout out the we live. I must say I birthed a man, guy, gay. We have a birthday coming up and I'm gonna say to the Super Bowl winner we don't know, that is yet though.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'll give a shout out to yes, the red damn redemption to. Okay, mr Mason, they're number seven Old-time selling game and they sell over 61 million copies worldwide since launch. Wow, it's sis. Oh, it's just behind. Mario Kart 8 deluxe was sold over 69 million.

Speaker 2:

Rockstar has two games on there. Yeah, wow, wow.

Speaker 1:

Grand Theft Auto has sold over a hundred and ninety five million. Wow. Minecraft 300 million. Wow, there's a corner venture beat.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's a good shot on actually yeah, and you guys deserve the roster. You deserve that yo. Can we work for you?

Speaker 1:

Give us a little shot of Rob star Word up. All right, and you also want to say mr Mason?

Speaker 2:

Not bad. I think we good until you know, afterwards we get more details on you know. Yeah, full-sponsored.

Speaker 1:

And know something we need to touch my power world. That the big game. We'll talk about it next episode. That's the biggest game, or the multiplayer game. Oh, pokemon, ripoff Cuz why first? Sorry, I mean my things. Oh, I miss mazes. This is a game of traffic. Show yo what we out you.

Future of Xbox and Game Pass
Microsoft's Gaming Industry Analysis
Discussing Game Titles and Super Bowl Winner
Gangsta Gaming Talk and Shout Outs