I'm Glad You Exist

Crafting Chills - The Outwaters

John Liot / Nyxx Nocturna Season 1 Episode 16

We're keeping the finger on the pulse of contemporary horror this week! We watched The Outwaters, "it's the 2023 Blair Witch!", is it though? I guess, kinda?! What it definitely is is a found footage movie that's generated a lot of hype and we were certainly on the train too! 

We conclude Nightmare Fuel by also dipping back into Found Footage, how serendipitous! 

Follow Nyxx on IG @nyxx_nocturna and myself @johnliot

IGYE also has it's own IG now, so do follow that too @imglad.youexist

Episode artwork by the incredibly talented, Freya Steele (@fv_steele)

Intro theme song by Sam Delanoe