NCFM Today
THE podcast about Family Medicine in the Old North State, from the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians.
NCFM Today
NCFM Today - Season 2 - Episode 7 - Long Haul COVID - What Is It, What to Look For
This month's podcast focuses on Long COVID with a discussion of how some patients are having symptoms for months after first testing positive for COVID-19. We first talk to Dr. John M. Baratta with the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the UNC School of Medicine. Dr. Baratta is founder and co-director of the COVID Recovery Clinic at UNC, which was opened in February to specifically address long-term COVID cases. Dr. Baratta discusses symptoms of long COVID as well as some of the testing and treatment regimens they are trying at UNC. Later we talk to NCAFP Past President Dr. Conrad Flick who still has some symptoms from his COVID diagnosis early last December. Dr. Flick discusses the long-term impact COVID has had on him, particularly how it has impacted his fitness regimen. Finally, we provide a few quick updates from the NCAFP.