French Made Easy

133 - How to Conjugate ‘Devoir’ (To Have To) in French [Future Tense]

February 27, 2024
133 - How to Conjugate ‘Devoir’ (To Have To) in French [Future Tense]
French Made Easy
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French Made Easy
133 - How to Conjugate ‘Devoir’ (To Have To) in French [Future Tense]
Feb 27, 2024

Confused about conjugating ‘devoir’ (to have to) in the future tense? In this episode, I’ll break down the future tense conjugation of ‘devoir’ (to have to).

📝 Cheat Sheet & Transcript: Click here to download the cheat sheet and transcript for this episode. It's free!

 🗝✨  FME Exercise Library:  Unlock your free Exercise Library and get 100+ beginner-friendly exercises from the French Made Easy podcast lessons to help you practice and improve your French skills! Click here to access the FREE Library! 🔓

📓⚡️ Struggling with French verb conjugations? Get the '25 Essential French Verbs for Beginners' guide – your key to mastering everyday French verbs. This guide features the top 25 verbs essential for basic French, complete with clear, easy-to-follow conjugation tables. Get Your Free Guide Now! 🖤 

Want to boost your French conversation skills for travel? Download my brand new 'Travel Dialogues for Beginners' — with audio! 🎧 Click Here to Get Your Free Dialogues! 💬

Show Notes Transcript

Confused about conjugating ‘devoir’ (to have to) in the future tense? In this episode, I’ll break down the future tense conjugation of ‘devoir’ (to have to).

📝 Cheat Sheet & Transcript: Click here to download the cheat sheet and transcript for this episode. It's free!

 🗝✨  FME Exercise Library:  Unlock your free Exercise Library and get 100+ beginner-friendly exercises from the French Made Easy podcast lessons to help you practice and improve your French skills! Click here to access the FREE Library! 🔓

📓⚡️ Struggling with French verb conjugations? Get the '25 Essential French Verbs for Beginners' guide – your key to mastering everyday French verbs. This guide features the top 25 verbs essential for basic French, complete with clear, easy-to-follow conjugation tables. Get Your Free Guide Now! 🖤 

Want to boost your French conversation skills for travel? Download my brand new 'Travel Dialogues for Beginners' — with audio! 🎧 Click Here to Get Your Free Dialogues! 💬

Hello everyone, bonjour à tous! 🧡 Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast. This is episode number 133, numéro 133! 

Alright so, we haven’t done any conjugation in ages, so it’s time to get back into it! We're continuing our series on French verbs conjugated in the future tense, and today we're focusing on the verb "devoir". 

"Devoir" means "to have to" in English. If you're not yet familiar with the verb "devoir" yet in the present tense, then I suggest you go back and listen to episode number 38 first. It's really important to understand the present tense before studying the future tense. 

Ok so, as always, if this is your first time on the podcast, welcome, make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet ready so you can follow along. After finishing the lesson, you can head over to the French Made Easy library to download your lesson’s exercises and practice what you learned today. It's all free and you can find all the links in the episode notes on your podcast platform. 

Now, let's dive into the simple future tense of "devoir". Please repeat after me so you can practice your pronunciation at the same time/ 

  • je devrai (I will have to)
  • tu devras (you will have to)
  • il devra (he will have to)
  • elle devra (she will have to)
  • on devra (we will have to)
  • nous devrons (we will have to)
  • vous devrez (you will have to, plural or singular formal)
  • ils devront (they, masculine, will have to)
  • elles devront (they, feminine, will have to)

Excellent. Now let's see some example sentences with the verb "devoir" conjugated in the future tense. Again, repeat after me:

  • Après le travail, je devrai appeler ma grand-mère pour son anniversaire. (After work, I will have to call my grandmother for her birthday.)
  • Tu devras faire tes devoirs avant d’aller jouer. 📚 (You will have to do your homework before going to play.) 📚
  • Il devra choisir entre ces deux offres d'emploi. 💼 (He will have to choose between these two job offers.)
  • Elle devra étudier davantage si elle veut réussir son examen. 📚 (She will have to study more if she wants to pass her exam.)
  • On devra réserver les billets à l'avance. 🎟️ (We will have to book the tickets in advance.)
  • Nous devrons nous lever tôt pour le vol de demain. ✈️ (We will have to get up early for tomorrow’s flight.)
  • Vous devrez remplir tous les documents avant votre rendez-vous. 📄 (You will have to fill out all the documents before your appointment.)
  • Ils devront décider avant la fin de la journée. ⏳ (They will have to decide before the end of the day.)
  • Elles devront attendre la prochaine saison pour voir la suite de leur série préférée. 📺 (They will have to wait until the next season to see the continuation of their favorite series.)

Before we finish this episode, let's review the c

  • il devra
  • elle devra
  • on devra
  • nous devrons
  • vous devrez
  • ils devront
  • elles devront

And that's it for today! I hope this little conjugation lesson was helpful. Don't forget to go to the FME Exercise Library for more practice. The link is in the episode notes. I'll talk to you in the next episode. À bientôt! 💖