French Made Easy

134 - 15 Household Chores Expressions in French

March 12, 2024 Mathilde Kien
134 - 15 Household Chores Expressions in French
French Made Easy
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French Made Easy
134 - 15 Household Chores Expressions in French
Mar 12, 2024
Mathilde Kien

Ready to talk about keeping your home tidy in French? In this episode, you'll learn 15 handy expressions for household chores. 🏠✨

📝 Cheat Sheet & Transcript: Click here to download the cheat sheet and transcript for this episode.

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📔✨ Are you a complete beginner in French? Get the '50 Essential French Words for Beginners' guide – your quick-start guide to building your French vocabulary. This guide features 50 key everyday words, from greetings to useful adjectives, plus audio guides and practical examples. Download it Now 💛 

Want to boost your French conversation skills for travel? Download my brand new 'Travel Dialogues for Beginners' — with audio! 🎧 Click Here to Get Your Free Dialogues! 💬

Show Notes Transcript

Ready to talk about keeping your home tidy in French? In this episode, you'll learn 15 handy expressions for household chores. 🏠✨

📝 Cheat Sheet & Transcript: Click here to download the cheat sheet and transcript for this episode.

🗝✨  FME Exercise Library:  Unlock your free Exercise Library and get 100+ beginner-friendly exercises from the French Made Easy podcast lessons to help you practice and improve your French skills! Click here to access the FREE Library! 🔓

📔✨ Are you a complete beginner in French? Get the '50 Essential French Words for Beginners' guide – your quick-start guide to building your French vocabulary. This guide features 50 key everyday words, from greetings to useful adjectives, plus audio guides and practical examples. Download it Now 💛 

Want to boost your French conversation skills for travel? Download my brand new 'Travel Dialogues for Beginners' — with audio! 🎧 Click Here to Get Your Free Dialogues! 💬

Hello everyone! Bonjour à tous! Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast. This is episode number 134, numéro 134!

Today, we're talking about chores. Household chores. Sexy topic. We'll learn 15 expressions to talk about common tasks at home, such as ‘to clean’, ‘to do the laundry’, ‘to take out the trash’, etc.

Before we start, as always, if you're new to the podcast, please make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet handy, so you can see the spelling of the words while you listen. And when you finish this episode, you can head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to download your lesson's exercises and practice what you've learned today. You'll find all the download links in the episode notes.

Let’s get into it, we have 15 expressions, plus example sentences! Make sure you repeat after me so you can  practice your pronunciation as well. :)

  1. Nettoyer (to clean) 🧼 - "Je nettoie la cuisine tous les soirs." (I clean the kitchen every evening.)
  2. Balayer (to sweep) 🧹 - "Il balaie le sol chaque matin." (He sweeps the floor every morning.)
  3. Faire la vaisselle (to do the dishes) 🍽️ - "On fait la vaisselle après le dîner." (We do the dishes after dinner.)
  4. Faire la lessive (to do the laundry) 👕 - "Elle fait la lessive le weekend." (She does the laundry on the weekend.)
  5. Ranger (to tidy up) 📚 - "Je range ma chambre avant de partir." (I tidy up my room before leaving.)
  6. Sortir les poubelles (to take out the trash) 🗑️ - "Est-ce que tu peux sortir les poubelles, s'il te plaît?" (Can you take out the trash, please?)
  7. Faire le lit (to make the bed) 🛏️ - "Il fait son lit chaque matin." (He makes his bed every morning.)
  8. Cuisiner (to cook) 🍳 - "Nous cuisinons ensemble le dimanche." (We cook together on Sundays.)
  9. Arroser les plantes (to water the plants) 💧🌱 - "N'oublie pas d'arroser les plantes." (Don't forget to water the plants.)
  10. Passer l'aspirateur (to vacuum) - "Je passe l'aspirateur dans le salon." (I vacuum the living room.)
  11. Essuyer (to wipe) - "Elle essuie la table après le repas." (She wipes the table after the meal.)
  12. Débarrasser la table (to clear the table) - "Les enfants débarrassent la table." (The children clear the table.)
  13. Changer les draps (to change the bed sheets) - "On change les draps tous les samedis." (We change the bed sheets every Saturday.)
  14. Aérer la pièce (to air out the room) - "J'ouvre les fenêtres chaque matin pour aérer la pièce." (I open the windows every morning to air out the room.)
  15. Vider le lave-vaisselle (to unload the dishwasher) - "Est-ce que tu peux vider le lave-vaisselle, s'il te plaît?" (Can you unload the dishwasher, please?)

Cool, now let’s do a quick recap’ of the expressions:

  1. Nettoyer (to clean) 🧼
  2. Balayer (to sweep) 🧹
  3. Faire la vaisselle (to do the dishes) 🍽️
  4. Faire la lessive (to do the laundry) 👕
  5. Ranger (to tidy up)
  6. Sortir les poubelles (to take out the trash) 🗑️
  7. Faire le lit (to make the bed)
  8. Cuisiner (to cook) 🍳
  9. Arroser les plantes (to water the plants) 💧🌱
  10. Passer l'aspirateur (to vacuum)
  11. Essuyer (to wipe) 🧽
  12. Débarrasser la table (to clear the table)
  13. Changer les draps (to change the bed sheets) 🛏️
  14. Aérer la pièce (to air out the room) 💨
  15. Vider le lave-vaisselle (to unload the dishwasher)

Et voilà! That’s the end of today’s episode! Hopefully you’ve enjoyed it. Don’t forget to head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to download your exercises. All the links are in the episode notes. I’ll chat with you next week! À bientôt.