French Made Easy

138 - 20 Common Adjectives (Part III)

April 29, 2024 Mathilde Kien
138 - 20 Common Adjectives (Part III)
French Made Easy
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French Made Easy
138 - 20 Common Adjectives (Part III)
Apr 29, 2024
Mathilde Kien

In this episode, you'll learn 20 common French adjectives. 🤓 Tune in to part I (episode 98) and part II (episode 99) to learn even more adjectives!

👉 Head over to for episode cheat sheet, transcript, and resources!

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Want to boost your French conversation skills for travel? Download my brand new 'Travel Dialogues for Beginners' — with audio! 🎧 Click Here to Get Your Free Dialogues! 💬

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, you'll learn 20 common French adjectives. 🤓 Tune in to part I (episode 98) and part II (episode 99) to learn even more adjectives!

👉 Head over to for episode cheat sheet, transcript, and resources!

🗝✨  FME Exercise Library:  Unlock your free Exercise Library and get 100+ beginner-friendly exercises from the French Made Easy podcast lessons to help you practice and improve your French skills! Click here to access the FREE Library! 🔓

Want to boost your French conversation skills for travel? Download my brand new 'Travel Dialogues for Beginners' — with audio! 🎧 Click Here to Get Your Free Dialogues! 💬

138 - 20 Common Adjectives (Part III)

Hello everyone, bonjour à tous! Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast. This is episode 138, numéro 138!
Today we are going back to our Common French Adjectives series, where I share with you, well, common adjectives, and their opposite. So I'll give you some adjectives, their masculine and feminine forms, and I'll also give you their opposites, also in their masculine and their feminine forms. And if you want to learn even more adjectives, then go back to episode 98 and 99 of the podcast.
As usual, if you're new to the podcast, welcome! Make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet in front of you during the lesson, so you can listen to the words and see how they are written. And when you finish this lesson, you can head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to download your lesson's exercises and practice what you've learned today. You'll find all the download links in the episode notes.
First, to give you a quick reminder, adjectives are words that describe or give more information about a noun, (or a pronoun, because a pronoun replaces a noun.) For example, ‘the table is big’ big is an adjective. It gives more information about the noun ‘table.’ Now what’s important is that, in French, adjectives can change their form to match the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun (or pronoun) that they describe.
So that’s why I thought that would be more helpful for you to learn the adjectives in both their masculine and their feminine form. And sometimes the masculine and the feminine forms of the adjectives are the same, but sometimes they are different! But make sure you are checking the cheat sheet while you listen because sometimes even if they are pronounced the same, they can be spelled differently.
Alright, let’s get started. Repeat after me to practice your pronunciation! I’ll say the masculine form of the adjective first.

  1. rapide, rapide (fast)
  2. ≠lent, lente (slow)
  3. doux, douce (soft, gentle)
  4. ≠ dur, dure (hard)
  5. sec, sèche (dry)
  6. ≠ mouillé, mouillée (wet)
  7. clair, claire (bright, clear)
  8. ≠ sombre, sombre (dark)
  9. large, large (wide)
  10. ≠ étroit, étroite (narrow)
  11. silencieux, silencieuse (quiet)
  12. ≠ bruyant, bruyante (noisy)
  13. intelligent, intelligente (intelligent)
  14. ≠ stupide, stupide (stupid)
  15. intéressant, intéressante (interesting)
  16. ≠ ennuyeux, ennuyeuse (boring)
  17. courageux, courageuse (brave)
  18. ≠ peureux, peureuse (fearful
  19. sain, saine (healthy)
  20. ≠ malsain, malsaine (unhealthy)

Et voilà, that’s it for this episode! I hope you enjoyed it. Now you can go and practice those adjectives inside the French Made Easy Exercises Library! It’s free, and the links are in the episode notes, on your podcast platform.
À la semaine prochaine! Bye.