Bulletproof Veteran Podcast

Special Episode: Discussing the PACT Act

We break with our regularly scheduled program to discuss the recent events surrounding the PACT Act.  I discuss some of the basic elements of the Act and also what occurred that stopped it from reaching the President's desk.  I talk about the good, bad, and ugly of the bill, but most importantly the misinformation that is being used as an excuse for the bill stalling in the Senate after passing with 84 votes in June.  We go over the "changes" to the bill that prompted more than 20 senators to change their votes.  The PACT Act will be voted on again this evening (sometime after 5pm ET).  It is not too late to have your voices heard...go to congress.gov to read the text of the bill (HR 3967).  Look into section 805 of the bill for the appropriations issues that are being used to justify the actions of these elected officials.