Open Out

Committed 1: What's height got to do with it? (Implicit Bias #1)

Bill Millar Episode 8

Why do more people die in hurricanes with female names? Why are so many male CEOs so tall? What's height got to do with being a CEO?  Why do bosses give lower performance appraisals to workers who are overweight? Why indeed. . . 

This is the first episode in our Committed series, where we are really trying to get to the down and dirty, the very practical parts of intentionally opening ourselves and our communities outward to welcome all - including those with vastly different cultural backgrounds. Each episode will provide you with tools, skills and understandings that can help you exercise those opening-outward muscles!

This is part 1 of a two-part series looking at Implicit or Unconscious Bias, the stereotypes and shortcuts all of our brains create to help us. Well, that's the brain's goal, but sometimes these are clearly not helpful. Fortunately many are easier to change than we might imagine.  Part 1 gives a brief intro to Unconscious Bias and part 2 will get into more specifics.

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