The Bradley Jay "BradCast."

Is Lack Of Face To Face Contact Making You Physically And Mentally Sick?

Bradley Jay

I believe that face-to-face connection is considerably more significant than mechanical connection provided by Zoom, phone, text, or meme, in that order, because there is more connection going on when the persons are physically present. In-person there is much more sensory input, including the nuances provided by:

1.     Subconscious facial expressions like a smile, widening of the eyes, and even changes pupil size.

2.     A touch of the hand, elbow, or shoulder, or even the handshake

3.     Pheromonic output.

4.     The nuances of speech. You can subconsciously glean a lot from changes in vocal output, pitch, breathing etc.

5.      The immediate accountability provided by face-to-face contact keeps connection and communication on track. Any step in an unproductive direction can be detected and adjusted immediately. Not so much with mechanical communication.

6.     In current terms, face-to-face connection has way more bandwidth than a text or a meme.