The School Of The Forest Podcast

School Of The Forest Podcast Episode Four; The Science And Anthropology Behind Friction Fire With Richard Zinck

Christopher Russell

In this episode, I'm joined by Richard Zinck to talk about his research into making fire by friction. Most modern practitioners of this skill learn to intuit certain aspects and nuances of the friction fire process, but Richard is using a scientific approach to create equations that can make predictions about what will work, and what won't, as well as using that data to try to make educated guesses about the way ancient hominids created fire. We talk about his research, and how this information can help people learning to make fire by friction, as well as provide some insight into the bigger learning opportunities for young people who participate in this skill.

As we mentioned at the end of the podcast, we're looking for people to help us collect that data, so if you're someone who practices friction fire regularly, or are just starting to learn, get in touch with us, or join our social network at We'll be keeping an eye out for you.

Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human by Richard Wrangham
Our Social Media Site, where you can participate in Richard's study
The School Of The Forest Website