Jesus, Me, & Anxiety
Kassi Russell knows what it's like to walk with Jesus and still be tossed around by panic attacks and anxiety disorders at the same time. In a raw, no judgment zone, she discusses the ongoing journey of thriving in an anxiety-ridden world.
Jesus, Me, & Anxiety
#14 Freedom to Trust
Kassi Russell
I have trust issues and honestly quite a few people I know do as well. It's easy to have trust issues, because people are always disappointing us (even the ones we're supposed to be able to trust the most). One of the hardest things to do is separate how we trust people vs how we trust God. In this episdoe I talk about what God's teaching me about how to for real trust Him in the middle of my panic/anxiety. Also, box breathing is my new thing and I'm doing it everywhere! If you haven't heard about it, take a listen and try it. You won't be disappointed!