Western Sydney Health Check
Western Sydney Health Check
Domestic violence expert encourages people to act
Blacktown Hospital’s Dr Maria Nittis speaks candidly about domestic violence (DV) and the support available in this episode of Western Sydney Health Check.
Maria is the department head of the forensic medical unit, a service that documents the injuries of victims and helps them access legal and social support.
She reveals that DV is rising within Western Sydney during the COVID-19 pandemic, and can take many forms including physical, verbal, emotional or financial abuse and social isolation.
Maria says no-one in the health system will judge you for seeking help, and everyone has the right to feel safe in their own home.
Blacktown Hospital has a dedicated DV team who work with NSW Police to provide advice and support from specialised counsellors. The service can be contacted from Monday – Friday on 9881 7752.
24/7 domestic violence support is available by calling 1800 65 64 63 or 1800 RESPECT.